Personal growth      11/18/2020

Which letter is always stressed. Abstract of the lesson on teaching literacy “Vowel Y. III. Exercise for the development of auditory-motor coordination

To convey a stressed vowel O after w, h, w, w a letter is written yo in the following cases:

1. In verb endings -you, -you, -you, -you, for example: lying, cutting, baking, crushing .

2. In verbs imperfect form on − to sing and verbal nouns − yawning, for example: demarcate, uproot, migrate, obscure; demarcation, uprooting, obscuring; in passive participles − vanished, for example: torn, splintered, splintered .

3. In verbal nouns −yovka, for example: overnight stay(from spend the night), uprooting, migration, demarcation, retouching(from retouch), peeling(from peel).

4. In noun suffix −er, for example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend, trainer, massager .

5. In suffixes passive participles and verbal adjectives −yonn And −yon, for example: tense(And tense), burnt, baked, softened, detached, simplified; laden, burnt, baked, learned, stewed, waxed; the same in words derived from such participles and adjectives, for example: tension, detachment, simplicity, learning, tense, detached, simplified, tension, burnt, stew, condensed milk .

6. In place of the fugitive O in the verbal forms of the past tense husband. kind: burned and prefixes ( burned, burned, burned, burned, burned and etc.; the same in participles: set fire to and etc.; cf. ignite, ignite), −person (read, learned and others, cf. read, studied), walked and prefixes ( came, left and others, cf. went, came, left). At the same time, writing verb forms with a root burned contrasted with writing single-root nouns with a letter O : burn, arson, burn(see § 18, paragraph 5).

7. In those roots of Russian words, where percussive sound O corresponds in other cognate words or forms to a vowel (stressed or unstressed) transmitted by a letter e. The following is a list of basic words with such roots (in parentheses are the same-root words or forms with the letter e after w, h, w, w ).

Roots with a combination same :

  • chewed (chew),
  • gutter (gutter, gutter, gutter),
  • yellow (yellow, yellowish, yellowing, yolk),
  • acorn (acorns, stomach‘little acorn’, acorn),
  • bile, gall(cf. options bile, bile; bile, bile),
  • wives, wifey, wifey, newlywed (wife, zhenin, woman, feminine, marries, marry),
  • perch (pole, pole, pole),
  • millstone (millstone, millstone),
  • hard, hardness (tough, harsh),
  • overarm (fathom And fathom),
  • heavy (harder, get heavier, obsolete. harder).

Roots with a combination what :

  • twine (tow, tow),
  • evening (evening, evening),
  • liver, liver (liver),
  • honour, honour (honor),
  • bees, bee (bee, beekeeper),
  • account, counter, offset, report, accounting, counter, counting, credit, accounting, counting, even, odd, even (count, count, count, set off, take into account, deduction, accounts, accountant, odd),
  • chobots (chebotar),
  • bangs, bangs, bangs(pl.) ( brow, petition, ochelie),
  • canoe (canoes, shuttle),
  • strike out, strike out, strike out, strike out, cross out, underline(cf. option scribble; cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline),
  • black (black, blacken, black, blackness, blackish),
  • callous, callousness (callous, callous),
  • damn, damn, damn (devils, devils, devils, devils, devils, devils),
  • dash (devil, devil, devil, devil, devil),
  • combed, combed, combed, combed, combed, combed, combed, hairstyle, comb, comb, comb (scratch, scratch, comb, comb),
  • clear, clear, distinct (rosary),
  • tap dance (checket).

Roots with a combination what :

  • cheap, cheap (cheap, cheap, cheaper, cheaper),
  • bag (kosheva),
  • purse (purse, purse),
  • millet, millet (millet),
  • lattice, lattice(pl.), lattice(option: lattice; sieve, sieve),
  • silk, silk (silk, silky),
  • whisper, whisper (whisper, whisper, whisper),
  • wool, longhair, shorthair (wool, woolen, woolen).
  • Roots with a combination more :
  • dandy (dapper, dapper, flaunt, flaunt),
  • cheeks, cheek, slap, cheek (cheek, cheeky),
  • tickle (tickle, tickle),
  • slit, slit (slit, slit),
  • click, click (click, click),
  • lye, lye (alkali, alkaline),
  • puppy (whelp, puppy),
  • brush (bristle).

8. In the preposition n. pronounswhat: about what, on what, as well as in wordshow much, no matter what, moreover; in a word more .

9. In some borrowed words, where the letter yo is transmitted under stress special, different from Russian O, the vowel of the source language, e.g. prime minister's wives, Schönbrunn, Schönberg .

In place of unstressed vowels

In a number of words foreign origin afterf, h, w in an unstressed position, a letter is writtenO .

List of basic words: jonathan, jockey, juggler, majordomo, majoritarian, banjo, harmonica; chonguri, lecho, poncho, rancho, capriccio(cf. option capriccio); chauvinism, chocolate, highway, driver ; proper names, for example: Scotland, Jaurès, Chopin, Shostakovich, Boccaccio. Derivatives from words of foreign origin with stress are also written O after hissing (see § 18, item 7) and forms of such words where the vowel after hissing is unstressed, for example: shock(from shock), torchon(from torchon), choker(from choker), ramrod(pl. from ramrod).

Learn to Speak Properly


One-tribe one-tribe and one-tribe foreigner

An excerpt from the book by L. Demidenko "Speech errors"

A certain difficulty is the distinction between stressed [e] and [o] (in writing - e) after soft consonants: sky and palate, everything and everything, etc.

In many native Russian words, unstressed [e] under stress corresponds to [o]:
Wife - wives, village - villages, I'm taking - I'm taking.

In many cases, with the help of sounds [e] and [o], words or word forms are distinguished: piece of iron - piece of iron, expired year and bled, sky and palate, everything and everything, case (noun) and case (cattle), announced ( shouts as catechumen) and catechumen (decree), etc.

… According to " Orthoepic Dictionary » variant is the pronunciation

White and white;
Faded and faded;
Bile and bile;
Maneuver and maneuver;
pronominal and pronominal;
Crossed and crossed;
Trellised and Trellised…

Pronunciation midwife p and hopeless characterized as modern normative; obstetrician and hopeless - as acceptable, but outdated.

Only E should be pronounced in words:

being (being)
You cry;
Black ice;
to bear
Fishing line (genus case plural - wood)
Humble (adjective - humble appearance, but the sacrament is humble. For example, humble pride)
Bent, bent
Perfect (adjective - perfect beauty), but perfect (communion, for example, a feat accomplished by the people)

Only Yo should be pronounced in words

Charged (charged is allowed)
Crossbill (but crossbill)
Juniper (though juniper)
single tribe

As can be seen from the examples, the pronunciation norms for E and Yo in modern Russian literary language very contradictory.

This is reflected in the works of Russian classical and Soviet literature. When reading poetic texts, one cannot replace an outdated pronunciation with a modern one or replace the version used by the author with another, even more normative one.

So, in A. S. Pushkin's poem "Anchar" the words rhyme red-hot And Universe, so the modern pronunciation red-hot when reading this poem is unacceptable.

In the desert stunted and stingy,
On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
It stands alone in the entire universe ...

Tips, secrets, tricks

Record an excerpt from the book on a voice recorder or MP3 player and listen to it in any free minute. So you will quickly memorize all the words and will not make mistakes.

One day the letter E ran away into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew, and the trees swayed. The letter E became scared, and she hid under the spruce. The spruce also swayed from the wind, and two huge cones fell on the letter E from a spruce branch. They hit the letter painfully on the forehead, so much so that two bumps jumped on her head. And from this it turned into another letter - the letter Y. Here, it turns out, why the letter Y is always stressed and why she walks with bumps on her head.

2. Development of auditory attention.

Defectologist: Listen to the poem and memorize the words that contain the letter Y.

Where is the hedgehog?

Found under a birch

Curls - earrings.

Decided to give them


Yes, it's in the alphabet!


Recording words from a poem from memory.

Defectologist: Remember and name the words with the letter E from the poem. Write them down (writing on the board). Indicate the consonants that are softened by the vowel Y. In which words does the letter Y stand for two sounds?

4. Enrichment of the dictionary of actions. Selection of related action words (task 2. p. 14).

Defectologist: Change the words so that the letter Y appears in the resulting action words. Indicate the place and role of the letter Y. Sample: life - lives, stove - bakes.
SONG - ... LIFE - ... SHIRT


5. Physical minutes.

Defectologist: The hedgehog is so tired! He wants to do his favorite exercise. Let's try to do it with him.

Children recite a poem and perform movements (improvisation).

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,

Neck, skin on the abdomen.

And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:

Won't you rub my back?

6. Development logical thinking. Development sound analysis and synthesis at the word-combination level.
Defectologist: Take apples, pears and mushrooms from the needles of the hedgehog and read the riddles written on them.

Not caring about the weather, I come with gifts

He walks in a white sundress, I shine with bright lights,

And one of the days of May Smart, funny,

May gives her earrings. On New Year i'm the main one.

(Birch) (Yolka)

What is my name, tell me.

Often I hide in the rye, A modest wild flower,

And I'm called... (cornflower)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself On a bench at the gate

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog) Lena bitter tears ... (pouring)

Defectologist: What groups can guess words be divided into? (Words-objects and words-actions.) Make phrases from the guessed words, indicate the presence of the letter Y in them and, where possible, the consonant in front of it.

7. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis skills (task 3. p. 14).

Defectologist: Guess the crossword. Write in the cells the words-answers with the syllable -СЁ-.

With Yo
With E
With E


rural settlement

narrow tape

little pine

Defectologist: Help the hedgehog. Read the syllables that have fallen out of the words. Put them back in place - insert the missing syllables so that you get words (task 4, p. 14).


LA PO...T JI...


8. Development of language analysis and synthesis skills (task 5. pp. 14-15).

Defectologist: Fill in the missing letters in the words and read the sentences. Restore and write down the text. Indicate the place and role of the letter Y in the words.

It was brought by the wind. The boy dug a hole with a knife. Between the trunks of pine trees, poplar_k grows. Mitya decided to transplant the half_k. Now poplar_k will grow. Then Mitya poured water on the tree. There he transfers poplar_k.

A poplar has grown between the pine trunks. The wind brought him there. Mitya decided to transplant the poplar. The boy dug a hole with a knife. There he moved the poplar. Then Mitya poured water on the tree. Now the poplar will grow.

Depending on the abilities of the children, the following text may also be used.

The early April sun woke up the forest. The breeze carries spring smells through the forest. He woke the Zhik. Snow and ice melted under its rays. It has young green grass. A spring breeze ran through the forest. Prickly _zhik got out into the forest clearing. Under the branches was warm, damp earth. He shook off the dry leaves and looked around. A starling sang on a birch nearby.

The early April sun woke up the forest. Ice and snow melted under its rays. A merry brook ran through the forest. He woke up the hedgehog. The spiny hedgehog climbed into the forest clearing. He shook off the dry leaves and looked around. Under the paws was warm, damp earth. It has young green grass. A starling sang on a birch nearby. The breeze carries spring smells through the forest.

III. Summary of the lesson

Defectologist: Give examples of softening the consonants of the vowel Ё. Name the words where the vowel Ё stands for two sounds.


Subject: Sound-letter analysis words. Letters R - L.

Goals and objectives: to introduce children to the letters R - L; to teach the correlation of sounds R - L with letters and symbols; develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, language analysis and synthesis; exercise in writing syllables, words, phrases and sentences with given letters; to form the skills of understanding and following two-step instructions; activate auditory attention and perception; recall of literary works.

Equipment: pictures depicting characters from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"; letters R - L (write on the board); image of the underwater kingdom; pictures of fish; sticks or matches for construction; manual "Wheels"; albums.

Lesson progress

I. Orgmoment

1. Consolidation of knowledge of marine animals and fish(h assignment 1. With. 15).

Defectologist: Look at the pictures and name them.

Images: shell, crab, turtle, hammerhead fish.

2. Acquaintance with the heroes of the lesson.

Defectologist: It is not by chance that we remembered the marine inhabitants. Today I suggest you go on a journey to the seabed, to visit the sea king. Think and tell me, in what fairy tales that you know, events take place on the sea or at its bottom? ("The Tale of the Golden Fish", "The Little Mermaid" ...)

Defectologistputs the image of the Little Mermaid on the board. Children remember her name, the name of the fairy tale, the author.

3. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson.

Defectologist: The Little Mermaid invites you to visit the underwater castle of her father - the underwater king - and see how the marine inhabitants live. But first you need to learn the letters of the lesson. Write down the name of the heroine of the lesson (writing on the board) and find in the word two consonants that denote voiced solid sounds similar in sound and formation. (Sounds of R-L.)


II. Main part

1. Development of logical thinking.

Defectologist: As soon as we agreed to visit the sea kingdom, there were immediately many friends of the little mermaid ready to show us the underwater kingdom. Who do you think could it be? (Turtles, dolphins, seahorses, sharks...) You know I don't really want to ride sharks, do you? Maybe we should refuse their help and choose from the remaining assistants?

write down (writing on the board) names of marine animals in order of increasing speed of their movement.

Words: turtles, seahorses, dolphins.

2. Correlation of letters R - L with symbols for their designation in writing.

3. Work on the development of syllabic analysis and synthesis (task 2. p. 15)

Defectologist: Here we are in front of the gates of the underwater castle. Near the gate are the guards-crayfish. The gate will open if we complete the task of the crayfish. Distribute the syllables to the guard crabs: write them down in two columns.

syllables: ar, ru, ro, ry, re, ir, lo, la, st, lu, li, ly, le.

4. Enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Pisces"

Defectologist: We ended up in the palace of the sea king. He is very!

glad to meet with us and invites you to inspect the property. Together with the royal retinue, we meet a lot of fish. Look at the pictures with the image of fish and select only those in the name of which there are letters R - L.

Images: eel, salmon, herring, pollock, saury, sardine, flounder, capelin.

5. Development of sound-letter analysis at the word level (task Z.s. 16).

Defectologist: While we were getting acquainted with the fish, the Little Mermaid rose to the surface and noticed the handsome prince. The girl wanted to meet him. But she was afraid that he would not like a girl who had a tail instead of legs. The mermaid remembered the evil sorceress - Black Cuttlefish - and hurried to her. Get ahead of the little mermaid, don't let her get into trouble - pick up the words for the schemes.

five names of animals.
five names of animals.
five names of birds.
five names.
five names.
- Five item names.

6. Fizminitka.

Defectologist: Lay out from sticks: fish, submarine, shark (improvisation).

7. Development of sound-letter analysis skills at the word level (task 4. p. 16).

Defectologist: We were in such a hurry, we tried so hard, but we were a little late. The mermaid received legs from the Black Cuttlefish, and in return she gave her beautiful voice. Everyone is confused, what to do? And then a friend of the Little Mermaid offered his help - a brave little crab. He wants to swim to the handsome prince and tell him everything. The crab believes that when he sees a wonderful girl, the prince will immediately fall in love with her.

Help the little crab. Read the words. Put the symbols of the letters R - L in the schemes of these words in the appropriate place.

Defectologist: The crab has reached the prince's castle. But the steps are so high that he can't reach them. Help the crab climb the steps of the palace - write the words into the cells of the crosswords.






10. Development of language analysis skills (task 7, With. 17).

Defectologist: The little mermaid is free. The prince saw a beautiful girl and immediately fell in love with her. It's time to return to the palace.

All the inhabitants of the sea kingdom are happy about the release of the Little Mermaid. It's time to say goodbye to the ruler of the underwater world and his daughter. The tsar gives us a parting passage from his favorite fairy tale about the sea.

Insert the letters R - L into the words and read the passage from the fairy tale. What is the name of this fairy tale?

Live sta_ik with your sta_ear near my blue one.

Thirty _et and th_years _ovi_ he fished with a net.

Here he is, the first one, I will throw in the net.

P_ishe_ seine with one ooze.

He is the second _az I will throw_ a net.

Wrote a seine with that Moscow.

I’ll throw it into my aunt_ he’s a net.

Zootay _ybka got into the seine.

///. Summary of the lesson

Defectologist: Name first the words with the letter R, and then the words with the letter L in the middle of the word.


Topic: Sound-letter analysis of words. Letters M - N.

Goals and objectives: to introduce children to the letters M - H; learn to distinguish consonant sounds M - H from syllables, words, phrases and sentences, correlate sounds with letters and symbols; develop graphic writing skills, sound analysis and synthesis, syllabic analysis, language analysis; enrich the vocabulary of features; develop visual perception.

Equipment: letters M - H (writing on the board); symbols for writing sounds; pictures "GARDEN", ​​"FOOD", "GARDEN"; subject pictures depicting fruits, vegetables and berries; albums.

Lesson progress

/. Org moment

1. Development of graphic writing skills (the ability to draw a continuous line) (task 1.p. 17).

Defectologist: draw paths from one object to another without taking your hands off the sheet of paper.

2. Isolation of consonants M-N from the words of the previous task.

3. Formulate the topic of the lesson and write it on the board.

II. Main part

1. Comparison of letters by style. Correlation of letters with the sounds M - M "- N - N" and symbols for their designation in writing.

Acquaintance with the heroes of the lesson (task 2. p. 18).

Defectologist: Consider the presented pictures and determine from which fairy tale they came and what their names are. Images: Nastenka, Morozko, stepmother, Marfushka.

3. Development of sound analysis and synthesis at the syllable level (task 3. p. 18).

Defectologist: You guessed the heroes of the lesson and the name of the fairy tale from which they came so quickly that the characters of the fairy tale decided to attend our lesson and see how we learn to find consonants M - N in syllables, words, phrases and sentences.

Remember, the stepmother was very fond of giving Nastenka various assignments? The poor girl will not have time to cope with one job, and a new one is waiting for her. Go with Nastya for water, and scoop up clean cold water from the well - make up syllables with consonants M - N. Write them down and indicate the presence and place of the studied letters in the word.

syllables: we - us, am - an, mo - but, in - them, ym - yn.

Defectologist: Lots of work at stepmother's house. A hardworking girl manages to cope with all matters. Remember and write down (writing on the board) what did Nastenka do in the house. Indicate the presence and place of the letters of the lesson.

sweeps, carries water, feeds cattle, sets the table, washes the floor, dishes.

5. Activation of the dictionary of signs (task 4. p. 18).

Defectologist: The stepmother is dissatisfied: how much work she gave, and the stepdaughter did it. She decided to destroy Nastenka and asks the old man to take her daughter to the forest. The old man grieved for a long time, but did not argue. He took his beloved daughter to the forest and left her there. Match the signs to the words and write down only those that have the letters M - H.

Nastenka (what?) - ...

Stepmother (what?) - ...

Marfushka (what?) - ...

5. Development of visual perception (task 5. p. 18).

Defectologist: The poor thing sits under a pine tree and cries. He looks, and around the frost indulges - he draws patterns on pines and firs. Nastenka took a closer look and was able to discern various objects in the patterns. Look at the superimposed images and write down the names of objects with the letters M - N. Indicate the place of the letters in the words.

Overlay images: broom, scissors, hammer, light bulb, thread.

7. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis at the level of phrases (task 6. p. 19).

Defectologist: And here Morozko himself appeared. Nastenka told him her story. The old man took pity on the girl and invited her to his house. Much time has passed since then. It became sad for Nastenka to live without people in the ice palace. She asks Frost to go home. The old man does not want to let go of the girl, he is too used to her, he has become attached, as to his own daughter, but there is nothing to do. Make up phrases: match signs and actions to words - and Morozko will let Nastenka go.

Children select words-actions and words-signs to the nouns "sun", "frost", "wind".

8. Fizminitka.

Defectologist: The girl's way to her parents' house is far. While she gets there, let's do the exercises.

I'm not afraid of frost

I'm very close with him.

Frost will come to me

Touch your hands, touch your nose.

So, you must not yawn:

Jump, run and jump.

9. Development of language analysis and synthesis skills (task 7. p. 19).

Defectologist: Here is the father's house. Nastenka brings many gifts. The girl does not remember the evil caused to her by her evil stepmother and sister. The people gathered around. Everyone is amazed: how Nastenka survived in the forest in winter, and even brought gifts. The girl told them about how her stepmother drove her out of the house, about Frost and about his kindness. The old stepmother felt ashamed. She asks everyone for forgiveness. Will we forgive her? Let him complete the task. Read Morozko's poem with your stepmother and complete the last line with a word with the letter H or M. Write down and indicate the place of the studied letters in the words.

Winds, storms, hurricanes! - Blow loudly in the clouds,

Blow what you have _eyes! Fly over the green

Whirlwinds, storms and bura_y Let pose_ka run in the fields

Play to (_ochi)! White (z_eyoy).

///. Summary of the lesson

Defectologist: Name words for Nastenka with her favorite letter, and then words for Morozko with his favorite letter.


Topic: Sound-letter analysis of words. Letters B - P.

Goals and objectives: introduce children to the letters B - P; exercise in writing the letters B - P; learn to distinguish consonant sounds B - P from syllables, words, phrases and sentences, correlate sounds with letters and symbols; to form the skills of sound-letter analysis of syllables, words, phrases and sentences; enrich the vocabulary of children with words with the letters B - P; develop visual attention and perception, logical thinking, articulatory motor skills, space-time representations. Equipment: letters B - P (write on the board); subject pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"; offer cards; albums.

Lesson progress

/. Orgmoment

Development of spatio-temporal relations(exercise 1. p. 19).

Defectologist: The names of the gnomes - the heroes of the lesson - coincide with the names of the days of the week. Read the names of the gnomes and put them in order (write in the cells the numbers corresponding to the serial number of each brother). Underline the names that contain the letters B - P.





Defectologist: Find among the names of the days of the week those that begin with the same letter. (Monday - Friday, Tuesday - Sunday, Wednesday- Saturday.)

2. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson through the selection of the first sounds in words.

Defectologist: Name the days of the week whose names correspond to the numbers 1 and 5. (Monday and Friday.) Name the first sounds in words. (P - P".) Name the paired consonant sounds according to the voicing for the selected sounds. (B - B".)

3. Correlation of sounds B - B "- P - P" with the letters B - P and symbols for their designation (task 2. p. 19).

4. Formulate the topic of the lesson and write it on the board.

II. Main part

1. Acquaintance with the heroes of the lesson through listening to the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs":

a) listening to an excerpt from a fairy tale;

b) a conversation about a fairy tale:

Do you remember the name of the heroine of the fairy tale?

Who was Snow White in the fairy tale?

What were the names of the rest of the characters in the story?

Who can you name among the good heroes, and who among the evil ones?

2. Development And sound analysis at the syllable level (task 3. p. 20).

Defectologist: Of course, you remember that Snow White had to work hard in the house of her father and evil stepmother. But the evil stepmother-sorceress did not like anything. She gave the order to the forester: take the girl into the forest and leave her to be eaten. wild animals. Soften the forester's heart - help the girl make syllables out of letters, maybe then he will let Snow White go?

Defectologistdraws the attention of children to the different font of the written letters.

3. Development of articulatory motor O riki and visual perception.

Defectologist: Try to guess what words Snow White is shouting. write them down (writing on the board) and indicate the presence and place of the letters B - P. (The speech therapist pronounces the words, skipping the sounds of the lesson, or pronounces them using silent articulation.)

(b) powder (P) powder (p) art

(p) enal (b) ereg (b) tree

(n) changes (n) pillow (n) cock

4. Accumulation of a dictionary for given letters.

Defectologist: The dwarves heard the scream and rushed to help. Soon they found a frightened girl in the forest, brought her to their house and invited her to stay. Snow White happily accepted their offer. Think and say what Snow White can do in the house of the gnomes. Write down words and phrases and indicate the place of the letters B - P.

Sample list of words and phrases: wash the floor, wash the dishes, darn the linen, cook dinner, bake pies, spin yarn, make the bed...

5. Psycho-gymnastics.

Defectologist: Picture little gnomes at work in the forest. And now Snow White is at work around the house. Here the kids were surprised at a meeting with a stranger. And now they were very happy about an unexpected acquaintance.

6. Development of sound analysis at the word level (task 4. p. 20).

Defectologist: Snow White lives well in the house of the gnomes. But the evil stepmother found out that Snow White is alive. She went to the house of the gnomes, taking the poisoned apples. The sorceress dreams of poisoning her stepdaughter. Save Snow White - insert the letters B - P into the words and read them.
Geard _eaton leo_ard _ison

_inguine wild_time antilo_a shim_anze

uyvol ka_an

7. Sounds oh sentence-level analysis. Development of language analysis (task 5. p.20).

Defectologist: Alas! No matter how we hurry, we did not manage to get ahead of the evil sorceress. Snow White managed to bite off a piece of the poisoned apple and fell unconscious. But don't cost much sadden. A prince rushes from a distant land to help the beautiful Snow White. Walk with the prince through the labyrinth and show him the way to the dwarfs' house.

In the corridors of the labyrinth, letters are scattered, collecting which the children make up a sentence.

Letters in labyrinth: B. L, A, G, O, R, O, D, N, S, Y, P, R, I, N, C, C, 11, E, W, I, T, N, A, P, O, M, O, W, L, K, P, R, E, K, R, L, S, N, O, Y, B, E, L, O, C, N, E, F, K, E.

8. Development of language analysis.

Defectologist: The prince found his way to the dwarfs' house and reached his destination safely. He saw Snow White, but he doesn't know How wake her up. Help the prince - encrypt the sentences with the letters B - P according to the model.

Sample: Grandmother wrote a letter to her grandson.

1-1-0 1-0-0 1-0 0-0.

0 - absence of class letters in the syllable, 1- presence of letters classes. The number of digits corresponds to the number syllables in a syllable.

The postman brought a letter.

A bullfinch flew up to the mountain ash.

Popeye son cleaned minnows and perch.

Borya and Pasha are great friends.

8. Working with deformed text. Development of visual attention and perception (task 6.p.21).
Defectologist: Snow White awoke from her sleep; The happy prince put her on a horse and took her to his kingdom. The gnomes are touched by what happened. The kids wrote a letter to their friend. But why is it so difficult to read, what is the reason? Correct the errors in the letter of the dwarves and read it for Snow White"

Dear Snow White!

We are very glad that you are doing well, we will try not to be sad without you your dog guards our house Monday cleans the rooms Tuesday wakes us up in the morning Wednesday and Thursday take care of the animals Friday prepares lunch and dinner Saturday collects firewood for the fireplace, and Sunday watches in the garden we are doing well come visit us when you can we look forward to seeing you Loving gnomes

III. Summary of the lesson


Topic: Sound-letter analysis of words. Letters G - TO.

Goals And tasks: consolidate children's knowledge of consonant sounds; introduce children to the letters G - K; to consolidate the spelling skills of the studied letters in syllables, words, phrases and sentences; learn to highlight the letters G - K from syllables, words, phrases and sentences; to form the skills of working with generalizations, the skills of designing and reconstructing; to consolidate knowledge about temporary relationships; clarify the vocabulary of children on the topic: "Vegetables and fruits"; develop visual perception; consolidate knowledge of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"; develop coherent speech.

Equipment: letters G - K (writing on the board); subject pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale: "Puss in Boots"; cards in the form of pots with consonants and vowels; cards with words - the names of meals; matches and sticks for construction; the image of two rabbits with the letters G - K; albums.

Course progress.


1. Development of coherent speech. Consolidation of knowledge of the content of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".

Kar teens: three consecutive pictures to compose a story (sets of pictures equal to the number of children are used):

a) the cat informs the marquis about the approach of the king;
the marquis jumps into the water;

the marquis is pulled out of the water;

b) the cat came to the cannibal;
the ogre is talking to the cat;
the ogre turns into a mouse;

c) three sons are sitting near the mill, a cat and a donkey are standing nearby;

one brother takes the cat; the other brother takes the donkey.

Defectologist: Make up a story based on a series of pictures.

2. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson through the selection of the letters G - K.

Defectologist: Look, the cat is holding two letters in its paws - G and K. What can you say about the sounds that these letters represent? (Paired consonants G-G", K - K"; the difference lies in the fact that the letter G denotes a voiced sound G or G", and K denotes a deaf sound K or K".)

3. Formulate the topic of the lesson and write it on the board.

II. Main part

1. Vocabulary development. Selection of words-actions to words-objects.

Defectologist: The miller died and left the mill to the eldest son, the donkey to the middle, and the cat to the youngest. But the youngest son is upset - he does not know what to do with the inheritance. Think and say what a cat can help him with.

Approximate list of actions of a cat. A cat can: catch rats and mice, catch fish in a pond, purr in his ear, caress and amuse the owner, warm him in cold weather, clinging his warm fluffy side to the owner's legs, ... etc.

2. Getting to know the stylized image letters G-K(task 1.C.21).

Defectologist: Once the owner became very sad, and he asked the cat to cheer him up. And then the cat came up with the following idea: he took the letters G - K and drew them similar to any objects. Find all the letters G-K in the drawings of the cat.

3. Recording words-names of pictures indicating the place of the letters G - K in words.

4. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis skills.

Defectologist: The owner of the cat really did not like to work, and he really did not know how to do anything. Therefore, this person soon felt a strong sense of hunger. He called his pet and asked him to get some food. The cat was distinguished by great intelligence and, after thinking a little, soon brought a couple of partridges. Arrange the "partridges" in pots, so that the words come out of the syllables. Write the words by dividing them into syllables.

syllables: NO, KI, GI, SET, KA, RYA, SNE, RI, KU, CA.

Approximate list of words: legs, cinema, pouch, mesh, weight, bullfinches, chicken.

5. Development of temporary representations.

Defectologist: The cat prepared delicious dishes for its owner. But it is difficult for the animal to figure out when to serve what. Read the names of the meal times and the names of the parts of the day and put them in order.

Word cards: dinner, afternoon snack, lunch, breakfast; morning, afternoon, evening, noon.

6. Physical Minute.

Defectologist: The cat and his owner, having had a hearty lunch, decided to take a break. The cat offers an interesting game: to make figures and objects from sticks or matches. And then, after a little thought, turn one figure into another.

move four sticks to get three equal squares (try to go two solutions).

move four sticks so that you get five triangles.

move two sticks so that
there would be five equal squares.

shift five sticks so that you get two equal squares.

remove two sticks so that three squares remain.

7. Work on the development of logical thinking (tasks 2, p. 21.)

Defectologist: the younger brother heard that the king was looking for a suitable groom for his daughter. He sends him a cat with gifts. Think and tell me what could the cat send to the king as a gift for the princess? (A ring, a flower, a carriage, a bouquet of carnations, a horse, a necklace...) Help the cat deliver gifts to the king in the palace: guess the puzzles. Write down the word clues. Select G - K in them.

8. Work on the development of sound analysis skills at the level of phrases.

Defectologist: But the cat decided to act differently: he left the gifts at home, and he himself caught two fat rabbits and carried them to the king.

Defectologistputs on the board the images of two rabbits, on the chest of one the letter G is written, on the chest of the other - K.

Defectologist: Read the words (writing on the board) and divide them into two columns.

Words: chariot, wagon, hammock, sled, cart, cart, dog team, wagon, three horses.

Defectologist: What words can be combined into one group, why? What word is missing? Why?

9. Work on generalization.

Defectologist: The king was very pleased with the gifts from an unknown admirer of the princess. He wanted to get to know him. And so the royal retinue went to visit the Marquis of Carabas - this is how the cat introduced him. On the way, they met workers who were harvesting wheat in the field. The cunning cat managed to persuade the workers, teaching them how to answer the questions of the king. They agreed to help the cunning Cat and his owner, but with the condition: the Cat must solve riddles and write down riddles (writing on the board) indicating the place of the letters G - K in the words.

Rye is earing in the field ... They drowned, dried,

There you will find a flower in the rye

Bright blue and fluffy

Too bad it's not sweet. (Cornflower) They put it on the table. (Linen)

It's like a tiny call. (Lark)

10. Work on the development of sound analysis at the level of the phrase (task 3. p. 22).


There is a beautiful garden ahead. The royal retinue decided to make a halt. The king and his daughter admire trees and flowers, pick berries and fruits. Growers are on the way. They already know what to answer if the king asks them about the owner of this beautiful garden.

“Pick up” in the garden of the Marquis Carabas for each apple for a couple a pear so that you can read phrases like “adjective + noun”. Write down the phrases and write the letters of the lesson in the words.

11. Development of language analysis at the sentence level (task 4. p. 20).

Defectologist: While the guests were on their way, Puss in Boots met with the real owner of the palace - the Cannibal. The ogre, at the request of the Cat, turned into a small mouse, which began to quickly run across the floor. Help the Cat to catch the Cannibal Mouse: connect the parts of the sentences with arrows.

Kesha bought... ... sat on the gate.

Katya was feeding... ... a yellow canary.

A jackdaw and a magpie... ...we saw flamingos.

On a rowan branch... ...budgerigar.

In the zoo on the pond... ...grey pigeons.

In the cage, the bullfinches were flooded ... ... sat down.

12. Development of language analysis at the text level.

Defectologist: While the guests were admiring the garden, the cat coped with the Cannibal, and now the castle belongs to the Marquis of Carabas. The new owner invites everyone inside. Everyone admires the beautiful castle, its wealth and luxury. And the marquis quietly thanks the cat. Soon they played a magnificent wedding. The cat, the marquis and his wife stayed in the castle. The cat was given a huge medal, on which it was written: FOR GREAT MERITS: LOYALTY AND DEVOTION TO MY FRIEND! Let's remember together the journey that we made in the lesson together with the heroes of the fairy tale and write down short story (writing on the board) indicating in the words the presence and place of the letters of the lesson. Summary of the lesson

Defectologist: Read your stories and name the words with the letter G, then with the letter K.


Topic: Sound-letter analysis of words. Letters V - F.

Goals and objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge of consonant sounds; introduce the letters V - F; learn to distinguish consonants V - F from syllables, words, phrases, sentences, determine their position in syllables, words; develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, syllabic analysis and synthesis, language analysis and synthesis; develop attention, perception, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting the heroes of the lesson; stylized letters V - F; individual cards with a dotted image of objects - a plug, a telephone, a pair of shoes, a lantern, a vase, a gate, a briefcase; albums.

Once upon a letter E ran away into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew, and the trees swayed. The letter E became scared, and she hid under the spruce. The spruce also swayed from the wind, and two huge cones fell on the letter E from a spruce branch. They hit the letter painfully on the forehead, so much so that two bumps jumped on her head. And from this it turned into another letter - the letter Y. Here, it turns out, why the letter Y is always stressed and why she walks with bumps on her head.

2. Development of auditory attention.

Speech therapist: Listen to the poem and memorize the words that contain the letter Y.

Run away from friends Found under a birch

Carelessly. Curls - earrings.

Said: Decided to give them

Look! Boy Seryozhka

Hedgehog took cover Look.

In clothes. Where is the hedgehog?

Then rolled Guess?

A glomerulus Yes, he is in the alphabet!

By stitch ABCDEEGZZI...

3. Writing words from sti hotvo rhenium according to memory.
Speech therapist: Remember and name the words with the letter E from the poem. write them down (writing on the board). Indicate the consonants that are softened by the vowel Y. In which words,
Does the letter Y stand for two sounds?

4. Enrichment of the dictionary of actions. Selection of related action words (task 2. p. 14).

Speech therapist: Change the words so that the letter Y appears in the resulting action words. Indicate the place and role of the letter Y. Sample: life - lives, stove - bakes.
SONG - ... LIFE - ... ROLL


5. Physical minutes.

Speech therapist: The hedgehog is so tired! He wants to do his favorite exercise. Let's try to do it with him.

Children recite a poem and perform movements (improvisation).

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,
Neck, skin on the abdomen.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
- Won't you rub my back?

6. Development of logical thinking. Development of sound analysis and synthesis at the level of phrases.
Speech therapist: Take apples, pears and mushrooms from the needles of the hedgehog and read the riddles written on them.
Not caring about the weather, I come with gifts

He walks in a white sundress, I shine with bright lights,

And one of the days of May Smart, funny,

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Evseeva


Introduce children to new letter Yo;

To instill interest in books;

- Equipment:

Image of a hedgehog;

Image letters Yo;

Book by I. I. Akimushkin "Once upon a time there was a hedgehog" and an encyclopedia of the animal kingdom “All about animals. From A to Z". Translation by I. Gorelik. Ed. "Swallowtail" 2003

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, sit down!

And now let's say hello to the source of life on earth with the sun.

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello mother earth!

Hello my homeland!

And now let's talk a tongue twister!

Ta-ta-ta- we have cleanliness at home

Cho-cho-cho- put down your sewing

So-and-so-we began to play loto

At-at-at-we go for a walk

At-at-at- we take a scooter with us

So guys, let's start our class! Solve the riddle!

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest;

Many needles - many

And not a single thread.

Who is this? (Hedgehog).

A ball is rolling in the forest,

He has a prickly side

He hunts at night

For bugs and mice.

Think and say what sounds are? (vowels and consonants) . What sounds do we call vowels? (Sounds that stretch are sung, the air passes freely when they are pronounced). What color do we represent them?

Let's carry out a syllable-sound analysis of the word hedgehog.

How many syllables are there in a word? (hedgehog)

What sounds make up the first syllable? (yo)

Second syllable? (zhyk)

Which syllable is stressed? (for 1)

What sounds are heard at the beginning of the word hedgehog? Speak (yo)

Guys, these sounds are indicated by one letter Yo

Let's pronounce this letter. How is it pronounced? (stretches, so this letter, which? (vowel)

If letter e ahead, it means 2 sounds,

Pictures hedgehog, Christmas tree, and letter Yo.

What do you see in the picture? What does it look like letter Yo

What are similar letters E and Y?

The letter E rested,

How immediately upon her

A couple of chicks fluttered -

It turned out letter Yo.

Write the letter Y in the air.

Let's write four big letters Yo. Watch how I write the letter Y on a blackboard. First I write a long stick from top to bottom, then, starting from the top, three short sticks from left to right. And finally, I put over letter two dots. Guys remember there is such rule: If the word is letter then she is always shock and why listen to a fairy tale!

From this tale you will learn where they came from letters Yo at the top - two dots.

One day the letter E ran into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew the letter E is scared and she hid under the spruce. Spruce swayed from the wind, and on the letter E dropped two cones, from which bumps formed on E's head. From this she turned into another - letter Yo. After that case, letter Yo is always shock.

Did you like the story of the hedgehog? But it is not in vain that we often talking: a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson did you learn from this tale? (The letter ё is always stressed) .

And let's check! Read these words in unison, they have letter ё

(words printed on blackboard)

And now we work in notebooks. We carry out the task. You have red, blue and green pencils on the tables. What color will we color the square? Red why? Because vowel.

Fizminutka: Pinocchio

Getting to know new letter Yo.

Well done boys!

Let's say it three times and determine is it a vowel or a consonant?


(From two [Y '] and [O])

Here, look at him! (show Yo) and he also has property: make previous soft consonant!

And now let's look in the mirror how to pronounce the sound Yo.

Finger gymnastics.

- And now there will be a game: I will name the words, and you clap your hands only when the word begins with letters Yo.

Get ready! Started:

tree, blackberry, nimble, raccoon, ruff, spruce, hedgehog, bright, yule apple.

Well done! Now look at the picture and name the sound YO at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. The picture is posted.

Conclusion: Letter Yo does not always have two sounds, but only when it is at the beginning of words, after vowel or after a soft sign.

Here comes the end of our class. Let's repeat how letter did we meet today? ( "yo")

How many sounds does it have? ([th '], [o])

What is it letter, vowel or consonant? (vowel)

What else was interesting about letter? (makes the previous soft consonant, always stressed).

And who helped us in our work? (hedgehog) Let's thank him!

Oh yes, I almost forgot! Hedgehog at parting came up with the last riddle:

Where does EVERYTHING end? Guessed? (letter Yo)