Medicine      15.10.2020

Zyuganov gave Zhirinovsky the right honey. Zyuganov gave Zhirinovsky the right honey Relations with the authorities

At the opening ceremony, one could taste honey from the personal apiary of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and receive the book "At Zyuganov's Apiary" with the author's autograph.

Beekeepers need help

Gennady Zyuganov said that he studied beekeeping with early years, first at the grandfather, then at the father. At the age of 11, he cut down his first wooden beehive. Today, there are 30 families of bees in Zyuganov's apiary in the Oryol region. “They overwintered well, there are flowering gardens nearby,” he said. - In general, the most brilliant creations of the Almighty are women, flowers and a bee. A woman endured everyone under her heart, flowers give new fruits, and a bee is the main ecologist of the planet.

Zyuganov recalled that beekeeping has always flourished in Rus' and not a single holiday was complete without honey. Now everything is sad with beekeeping: the state does not support beekeepers, bees are dying, and a special law has not even been adopted to protect this branch of agriculture.

“Similar laws have already been adopted in 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. But there are a lot of opponents. It is important to know that if we fail to adopt such a law and fail to harmonize our relations with nature, then a very sad fate awaits us all, worse than any terrorism and any war,” the leader of the Communist Party is sure.

Profitable occupation

Then the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky took the floor. “I grew up in a poor family, so buying some honey for us was a celebration. My mother was a little fond of beekeeping, and I just learned from her that this is a profitable business,” said Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Gennady Zyuganov immediately reacted to this statement, promising to present a bee colony to his colleague in the deputy corps. But Zhirinovsky refused such a gift and asked Zyuganov for natural honey.

“Recently, I read statistics that a lot of honey is sold in the country, but a very large percentage of fake, from 30 to 70 percent,” he said.

When everyone came forward, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation conducted an introductory tour. The exhibition featured old and modern technologies used in the collection of honey, a chessboard made of honeycombs, old and new photographs of the industrial production of honey, personal photographs of Gennady Zyuganov. The director of the beekeeping institute from the Ryazan region presented Zyuganov with his product.

How to choose the right honey

“The first and main advice is that honey should be taken from a conscientious beekeeper,” Zyuganov said. May honey, sweet clover, clover, buckwheat and blended honey were presented at the exhibition. According to the leader of the Communist Party, he does not have any particular passion for any one variety. Buckwheat - it is more tart, and May - more delicate honey and is preferred by women.

PHOTO: Igor Samokhvalov

Zyuganov shared another secret miraculous property honey: “Now many are overcome by allergies. And start swallowing pills. And if you take one teaspoon in the morning and in the evening from January 1, then you will receive a unique vaccination before flowering. To collect a kilogram of honey, you need to fly around 5 million flowers. You will be vaccinated against all kinds of plants.”

In conclusion, he presented the LDPR leader with several jars of natural honey and a signed book. Treated Gennady Andreevich and journalists. All visitors of the exhibition had the opportunity to taste several varieties of honey.

On his birthday, the main communist of Russia published a book about beekeeping and a little about life. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" read it first and now knows how to live to a hundred years.

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Those who are not so familiar with the private life of a politician will probably exclaim: “How, is he also a beekeeper?”. Yes, a beekeeper, and proud of it. Gennady Andreevich adopted science from his grandfather and father.

“Everyone in our family was engaged in beekeeping: father, grandfather, father-in-law, and all our relatives. the rest will follow, "- so said my father, a village teacher Andrei Mikhailovich Zyuganov. During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded an artillery crew, was seriously wounded in the battles near Sevastopol, miraculously survived and, in fact, lost his leg. As a result of numerous operations, he remained disabled, I could hardly walk, and therefore from the very childhood I helped him in everything.

And we had a large farm: a garden, a kitchen garden, a hundred rabbits and three dozen bee colonies. My maternal grandfather once saw how I work, smiled and said: "You will definitely become a big person." I carried frames with honeycombs, cleaned beehives, guarded and caught bee swarms, and this is in addition to school and sports. In order to do everything, I got up before dawn. My mother told me that I was born between four and five in the morning. Apparently, therefore, waking up at this time is not difficult for me. Today I get up very early and immediately get down to business. I think this habit has helped me a lot in life.”


There is a belief: bees subtly feel people who are good and who are not very good. Here and in the book of Gennady Zyuganov it is said.

“They say that in the old days, the bride's family, before agreeing to marriage, tested the groom: he was placed under a tree where there was a nest of bees. If the swarm did not react to him and did not sting, they gave the green light to the wedding. Indeed, the bees immediately recognize what kind of guest has come to them. And only a smart, kind and knowledgeable owner can tame them. And definitely clean. If a person enters the apiary who has not washed or, God forbid, visited the stable, they will attack the poor fellow and drive him out of their territory. Bees demand respect for themselves - that's what you should know very well.

Even the mood and colors in the clothes of the beekeeper must match the mood of the bees.

And they really do not like drunk people and will never let a person drunk, and even aggressive.

But “the apiary is never boring. Everything is interesting there, even just watching the life of a bee colony. The buzzing of a bee soothes, and when you see how this little hardworking beauty performs a sacred act on a flower, you feel all the harmony of nature and truly relax your soul.”


But the most important thing is hard work and conscientiousness.

“Bees cannot be taken care of on a case-by-case basis.<>And if you take the matter responsibly, then the bees will return good for good.

Gennady Andreevich gives an example: when he and his father built a house, the bees ... helped them. First of all, by not biting

carpenters, although the apiary was two steps away. And that summer they worked better than usual and prepared so much honey that the family, having sold it, managed to pay for the construction without going into debt.

“And by the way, the best house in the village was built! - Gennady Zyuganov is proud.

And the father told his son about the construction of the bee hive.

There are worker bees, they always have a full hive, even if the weather is bad or there are few honey flowers.

There are guards, they protect the family even at the cost of their own lives.

“Bees generally have heroism genetically. The combat security bee is a kamikaze. She stings and dies protecting her family. When I learned this as a child, I was very upset and began to do everything so that through my fault the bees died as rarely as possible: you already wash your hands and rub your shirt with wax, propolis and lemon balm.<>

By the way, in ancient times, bees were used as a weapon: swarms of bees in clay pots were thrown into the besieged fortresses. So, for example, did the notorious Richard the Lionheart.

And there are lazy bees and even rogue bees who have no conscience, they encroach on someone else's property. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Maybe then analogies with the world of people arose in the head of the future communist?

“For many years I have been watching the life of bees and never cease to admire their titanic capacity for work, energy and the perfect form of organization of their society. A bee family is a whole state in which several tens of thousands of individuals live and work, like in a real city. Their whole life is completely subordinated to the interests of the family.


“Every time you are about to start a meal, bees are invisibly present next to you. Amazing Fact: Almost 80% of the food that gets on the table to a person is the result of the work of bees, pollinating most of the plants in the world. Therefore, taking care of the bee and beekeeping, we thereby provide ourselves with our daily bread.”

“80% of plants exist thanks to the work of the bee. An interesting fact: if you put an apiary in a wasteland, then after some time the herbage will improve in this area and honey plants will appear.

<>The bee is constantly working to ensure that our gardens, fields and vegetable gardens bear fruit. Without it, plants would lose their natural aroma and beneficial features. And what about productivity? I recently read about an experiment conducted by beekeepers in Uzbekistan. His results are amazing! The report said that after pollination by bees, the yield of plums increased 12 times, almonds - 16 times, cherries - 22, and sweet cherries - 26 times. At the same time, on the cherry tree, which was isolated with a net, only seven fruits grew, and on the trees that were not pollinated by bees, there was not a single fruit at all.

“Each bee colony can produce up to a hundred kilograms of honey a year, and for this, little workers have to fly around half a billion flowers. With its characteristics, the bee resembles an aircraft from science fiction films. The speed of its flight with a tiny size reaches 65 kilometers per hour, the number of wing beats per second is 440, and the carrying capacity is 300 times its own weight. It is calculated that during the honey collection period a strong bee colony covers a path equal to the distance from the Earth to the Moon. So it’s not for nothing that the expression “Work like a bee” exists!

“Bees are great mathematicians. In one historical book was described amazing case. IN early XVIII century, scientists have calculated: in order to build a hexagonal cell with the least material costs, it is necessary that high angle was 109° 26', and the small one was 70° 34'. But, when measurements were made in the honeycombs, it turned out that these angles are 109 ° 28 'and 70 ° 32 '. The difference is small, but for science, as you know, absolute accuracy is necessary. They began to look for the reason why the numbers are different, and it turned out that it was not the bees who made a mistake, but the mathematicians! It was all about the inaccuracies of the logarithmic tables. So bees three hundred years ago

“Man has borrowed many ideas from bees. The TV resembles the compound eye of a bee. Probes - devices for examining various materials - are like bee antennae. A bee cell is the most rational geometric shape of a vessel; its construction requires the least amount of material (1.3 g of wax per 100 bee cells). And in terms of structural strength and capacity, the cell has no equal. I read that the device of the Kalashnikov assault rifle - the best small arms in the world - uses the principle of operation of the stinging apparatus of a bee. Can you still remember famous phrase the legendary Mohammed Ali: "Flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee." Thanks to this tactical scheme, an outstanding boxer won an overwhelming number of fights and was recognized by several sports publications as the "Athlete of the Century".

“Honey bees fly so masterfully that I think they could give a master class to even the best pilots. In their tiny brain is the most perfect "navigator". Today, scientists are carefully studying bee flight techniques to use them to develop miniature flying spy robots and unmanned space exploration vehicles.”

“And if we talk about the language of communication of honey bees, then this language is very complex and it consists of sounds, gestures and smells. It's hard for us to imagine how receptive bees are to sounds. The buzzing of a bee is the sound of its working wings. An active, energetic bee buzzes the note "la" (frequency 435 vibrations per second). A tired bee buzzes the note "mi" (frequency 326 vibrations per second). 44 45 fluctuations not available human ear: The wavelength of a sound wave can be one hundred-thousandth of a millimeter.

“The vision of a bee is 150 times better than that of a human. At a distance of 1 cm, a bee is able to distinguish an object with a size of 8 microns. During the flight, due to the friction of air on the hairs on the body, the bee accumulates a positive electrical charge, and flowers usually have a negative charge. Thanks to this, the pollen from the flower literally flies to the body of the bee.<>Recently I was surprised to read that bees are able to recognize human faces.<>Maybe that's why bees sting their owner-beekeeper much less often.


“The bee is indeed a unique creation of nature. Six factories are concentrated in this tiny insect: a factory for the production of honey - the best product in the world; poison that does not cripple, but heals; royal jelly - the most powerful biostimulant of all existing; propolis - a universal antibiotic; pergi - bee bread, which contains all the amino acids; wax - at one time Russia

It is believed that radiation, which brings death to all living things, is not terrible for bees. They are one of those living organisms that are not subject to mutation even in the focus radiation contamination. <>The film group, filming a film about Hiroshima, flew around the radioactive contamination zone, and from the plane noticed a walking man - he survived where others died.

When they found this lucky man, it turned out he was a beekeeper. Since then, several research institutes have been opened in Japan to study the properties of bee products, and royal jelly in the form of dragees is now given in Japanese kindergartens. Perhaps this is also why the average life expectancy of the Japanese is the highest in the world - according to the World Health Organization, it is more than 83 years. The fact that honey is a source of longevity is also confirmed by sociological studies: among people over a hundred years old, there are many beekeepers and members of their families.”


It is known that human-friendly environment he creates first of all. But he also has a reliable assistant in this matter - a honey bee. Breeding bees for pollinating plants, producing marketable honey, and obtaining other api-products is one of the most important areas of agriculture, and amateur beekeeping is an exciting and rewarding activity. State Duma deputy G.A. told about his apiary. Zyuganov.

On July 4, 2016, a press conference was held at the TASS news agency on the topic “Food security. The bee is the main ecologist of the planet. Presentation of the book "At Zyuganov's Apiary".

Gennady Andreevich began his story about his recently published book by quoting himself: “I believe that the most brilliant creations of the Almighty are a woman, flowers and a bee. The woman gave life to humanity in this world. Flowers produce seeds that germinate into new fruits and plants. And the great ecologist - the bee - maintains the balance of forces in nature and feeds the entire planet.

A well-known politician for the first time told the general public about his long-standing and very serious hobby - beekeeping.

In our family, both father and grandfather, and all our relatives were engaged in beekeeping. It is not surprising that I spent my childhood in the village of Mymrino in the Oryol region with a shovel, a chopper and an apiary smoker in my hands, - Gennady Andreevich told with pleasure.

The history of state support for beekeeping in Rus' goes back many centuries. Already in the code of laws Ancient Rus' Yaroslav the Wise "Russian Truth" spoke about the need to preserve beekeeping and bees, as it was necessary to provide food for the population, the author of the book recalled. – Later, Catherine the Great exempted beekeepers from taxes by a special decree. In 1919, at the height civil war, IN AND. Lenin issued a special order to support beekeepers and beekeeping. And in subsequent years Soviet authority did a lot to make this industry successful. In 1921, the magazine "Beekeeping" began to be published, by the end of the 1930s there were 10 million bee colonies in the country, 100 thousand collective farms had their own apiaries. Therefore, the USSR ranked first in the world in honey production.

Over the past twenty years, approximately two-thirds of bee colonies have died, and their destruction continues. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has prepared a bill "On beekeeping" with the hope that it will help support this branch of the agrarian economy. This is all the more important since the production of most of the agricultural products in the pollination of which they participate depends on the well-being of bees: without bees, not a single plant is able to bear fruit. “So it’s not only about my favorite pastime, but also about the food program and national security", - said Gennady Zyuganov.

Ecology is, first of all, environmentally friendly products on the shelves, - said Oleg Lebedev, State Duma deputy, one of the authors of the bill "On beekeeping", who participated in the press conference. Today, instead of honey, large retail chains prefer cheap counterfeit made from sugar industry waste with the addition of chemical dyes and flavors. For the successful development of beekeeping, it is necessary to make significant amendments to the Forest, Land and Tax Codes, to the law on wildlife. The adoption of the law "On beekeeping" will contribute to the development of agriculture in Russia, Oleg Lebedev believes.

State Duma deputy Alexander Tarnaev, another co-author of the bill "On beekeeping", spoke in detail about the apiary in Spassky-Lutovinovo, where, together with Gennady Zyuganov, they breed bees.

Alexander Dyachenko

In May 2016, the collective veteran apiary of amateur beekeepers "Northern Kuchino", located in Balashikha, celebrated its 55th anniversary. A beginner beekeeper I.A. Sidorenko, a writer, a biker, who traveled around Europe on motorcycles with friends, turned out to be familiar with one of the members of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma, the same avid motorcycle tourist. Having learned about the publication of the book "At Zyuganov's Apiary", Ilya Anatolyevich not only got hold of this book, but also delivered several copies with the author's autograph to everyone, and one copy with congratulations from G.A. Zyuganov. The book is well illustrated, easy to read, contains useful recommendations, reflects the author's many years of experience with bees. Thank you, dear Gennady Andreevich!

Chairman of the collective veteran apiary "Northern Kuchino"
Vladimir Kalabukhov


Unfortunately, I am not a beekeeper.
As a child, I was entrusted with a smoker, when the owner of the apiary took out the frames, but the adults did not check the protective mask, and there were holes in it and received a dozen
bites in the face, I forever acquired a phobia in the form of a panic fear of
This year has been declared the Year of the Environment. It would be nice to do something, but
remembering the year before last (the year of culture) is hard to believe.
As a beekeeper, I want to ask a question - Have you ever seen blue honey? -

Dmitry, Happy New Year, good health to you! No, I have not seen blue, but I do not exclude that such a thing is possible. In 2015, in our apiary, the first honey, when it crystallized (sat down), turned out to be almost completely white. From what plants - so far only assumptions - the white acacia bloomed well, which is abundant next to the apiary. In the same 2015, the caretaker of the apiary was stung in the eyeball through a hole in the mask by a bee, barely saving the eye. But if there is no allergy to the poison, then a few stings received sometimes a day are simply useful. Sincerely,

By a strange coincidence, in 2015 we also got almost white honey. And I heard about blue honey from my father, supposedly chicory
fields were sown around the apiary. Honey, according to him, was supplied to Moscow.
I can’t say whether this is true or not, but knowing that koumiss was delivered to Moscow by planes for those in power, I know for sure. Perhaps blue honey was also produced.

Dmitry, good health! Probably, someone got blue honey. We now have other concerns in the apiary - a 17-storey building has grown opposite the land plot with the apiary. When it is populated, our bees will not do well. I remember the film "Love in Russian" - how the beehives and bees burned. It was not possible to replace the site, although the administration had the opportunity. Sincerely,

The leader of the Communist Party appeared on this day in an unusual capacity. It is known that beekeeping is his old hobby. And so Gennady Andreevich decided to open the secrets of his favorite business on the pages of the book. The press conference was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation D.G. Novikov, communist deputies State Duma O.A. Lebedev, A.P. Tarnaev and A.A. Yushchenko, President of the Union "Beekeeping" O.K. Chupakhin. The press conference was conducted by journalist Vera Serebrovskaya, who participated in the work on the book.

G.A. Zyuganov: "It's not just about a hobby, it's about national security"

Addressing the media, Gennady Andreevich recalled that he had already presented the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "10 steps to a decent life." He stressed that her leading and main position is concern for the country and people. "Problems food security, - G.A. Zyuganov, many countries are concerned today. Every third or fourth piece of fresh bread and a glass of clean water are missing on the planet. And at the same time, the leading TV channels daily show stories about the appearance of counterfeit products. All markets are filled with it, and in general it turns into a big disaster. Over the past year, 40,000 people were poisoned by scorched vodka alone. This is three times more than died during the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan. Today we already have sausage without meat, chocolate without chocolate, dairy products without milk and honey without nectar.”

“In a hundred countries of the world,” continued the leader of the Communist Party, “experiments and studies were carried out, as a result of which honey took first place in terms of its nutritional qualities. Many countries have adopted programs that provide children in kindergartens and schools with this unique product. Last year we prepared our draft law on beekeeping and hoped that it would be adopted. But, unfortunately, this law was also voted down.”

“I want to remind you of the main motto of my book. I believe that the most brilliant creations of the Almighty are a woman, flowers and a bee. A woman gave life to humanity, flowers give seeds, and a great ecologist, a bee, maintains a balance in nature and feeds the entire planet,” Gennady Andreevich emphasized.

The leader of the Communist Party noted that even in Russkaya Pravda by Yaroslav the Wise, a whole section was devoted to the preservation of beekeeping and bees. If you look further, Catherine II issued a decree aimed at freeing beekeepers from all taxes and taxes. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in 1919, during the Civil War, issues a special order to support beekeepers and beekeeping. The Soviet country did everything to ensure that this industry developed successfully. In 1921, the journal "Beekeeping" began to appear. At the end of the thirties, we already had 10 million bee families, 100 thousand collective farms had apiaries. We occupied the first place in the world in beekeeping, which allowed us during the war to provide both the front and the rear, and children, and the wounded in hospitals. G.A. Zyuganov also stressed that if you take medical prescriptions from ancient times, then every second of them will contain bee products.

“We were concerned,” continued the leader of the Communist Party, “that in the last 20 years a mass death of bees has begun. Therefore, we prepared our law on beekeeping and hoped that it would be adopted. But you should know that if all the bees die, then 80% of the products will disappear from your table. Without bees, no plant can properly bear fruit. So it's not just about a hobby, it's about national security."

OK. Chupakhina: “Beekeepers have hope”

Then the President of the Union of beekeepers and beekeeping organizations of the country "Beekeeping" spoke OK. Chupakhin.

"IN Lately the State Duma, in the person of G.A., turned its face to us, beekeepers. Zyuganov. On behalf of the Russian beekeepers, I want to express my gratitude to Gennady Andreevich and all the deputies of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma for the attention and understanding that they showed not only to our Union, but also to many ordinary beekeepers, ”said Olga Kuzminichna.

“With the light hand of G.A. Zyuganov, - continued O.K. Chupakhin, - beekeepers finally believed that beekeeping in our country can be revived. Today, beekeeping is done by people over 60 years old. G.A. Zyuganov believes that it is necessary to revive schools throughout the country that will teach young people beekeeping. In his opinion, we should also take part in international events of beekeepers.”

“Last night I flew in from Prague,” the speaker said. - For the first time, our Russian guys took part in the competition of young beekeepers. We didn't manage to take the prize. We took only 12th place out of 20 teams. But I think that for the first time and it's not bad. At least we now know how such contests are held. By the way, at the presentation of our team, the audience gave a standing ovation.”

“I am convinced that our law on beekeeping will still be adopted. We have hope that beekeeping will not die. Thank you, Gennady Andreevich,” O.K. Chupakhin.

O.A. Lebedev: "We will definitely achieve the adoption of our law"

The floor for the speech was given to the first secretary of the Tula Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma, co-author of the bill "On beekeeping" O.A. Lebedev.

“I represent the State Duma Committee on natural resources, nature management and ecology, who was very actively involved in the beekeeping topic in the 6th convocation,” said Oleg Alexandrovich. “We want to really have real honey on the shelves of grocery stores, and not the surrogate that we often meet.”

“We held parliamentary hearings in the State Duma, at which we seriously discussed the problems of beekeeping,” continued O.A. Lebedev. “Beekeepers came to us from all over the country. They raised specific problems related to the legislative regulation of the beekeeping industry. Thus, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the Forest, Tax, Family Codes, as well as to the laws on the development of agriculture, on the animal world, on the handling of pesticides and agrochemicals.”

“Based on all these wishes, we have developed a draft law on beekeeping. Since 1991, the number of bee colonies in the Russian Federation has almost halved (from 7 million to 3 million),” the communist deputy said.

“Bees today are a very important ecological element in our world. It is necessary to support domestic beekeepers, because their positions in the domestic and foreign markets are becoming weaker, - says O.A. Lebedev. - In the domestic market, large retail chains prefer cheap counterfeit, which is made from sugar industry waste with the addition of various chemical dyes and flavors. In the foreign market, unfortunately, our beekeepers have to compete with China, Argentina, Turkey and the United States, where beekeeping is seriously supported by the state.”

“As a result, in 2014 Russia exported less than one ton of honey. The above problems lead to a decrease in the economic attractiveness of beekeeping and the depletion of the personnel potential of the industry. Therefore, the adoption of the project federal law on beekeeping will allow us not only to ensure an increase in the production of bee products, but also lead to an increase in agricultural production, to strengthen the food security of Russia, and increase the competitiveness of our economy,” Oleg Aleksandrovich believes.

“Today we are conducting a dialogue and conciliation procedures with the Ministry of Agriculture and a number of other interested departments in order to find an acceptable version of the bill in the next convocation that would satisfy, first of all, our beekeepers. And we plan to continue this work,” O.A. Lebedev.

A.P. Tarnaev: “In the apiary, our leader opens up with all his heart”

Then the deputy of the State Duma, co-author of the draft law "On beekeeping" spoke A.P. Tarnaev.

“On Thursday I held my press conference in Nizhny Novgorod- said Alexander Petrovich. – I presented the book “At Zyuganov's apiary” to journalists. And I can tell you that it aroused great interest. Two packs of these books were taken apart by the participants of the press conference instantly. You have probably heard that Gennady Andreevich and I have a joint apiary. It is located in the Oryol region, in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. There we have 50 acres of land and a house in the basement of which beehives are stored in winter.

“In early August, we traditionally come with Gennady Andreevich to our apiary and participate in the collection of honey. When our leader enters the apiary, he opens up with all his heart. For him, these are obviously happy childhood memories. Everything would be fine, but only the media sometimes cover this good undertaking in a negative way. The same Karaulov, ”complained A.P. Tarnaev.

D.G. Novikov: “KPRF is a party of creators”

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation D.G. Novikov first, he spoke about the results of the XVI Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the next planned actions of the communists. He dwelled in detail on the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "Ten steps to a decent life."

“Our program is carefully calibrated, it meets the interests of the broad masses of the people and guarantees the growth of social justice in society,” said Dmitry Georgievich. - The program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, of course, is capable of leading the country out of economic crisis in which she found herself. Our program is capable of providing Russia with financial independence and independence in general.”

“Besides, this program is absolutely realistic. It names the sources of funding for solving existing problems, - Dmitry Georgievich emphasized. “Such a program can be implemented very quickly, because we have long developed the relevant bills, including the draft law on beekeeping.”

“The book we are presenting today is not election material. After reading this book, everyone will be convinced that the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is characterized by a state approach and a comprehensive view of the problems,” said D.G. Novikov.

“The issues of beekeeping in this book are covered not only from the position of a person who is passionate about his work, but also from the position of the problems that everyone faces today. agriculture. From the standpoint of the problems that stand in the field of forest protection. This question is considered throughout the complex environmental issues", - said D.G. Novikov.

“In general, Gennady Andreevich has three hobbies. These are sports, humor and beekeeping,” he continued. - These hobbies of the leader of our party characterize him in a big way, in a serious way. So, passion for sports is the ability to be collected and work energetically for a result. Behind the passion for humor lies the ability not to lose the presence of mind even in the most difficult, difficult situations. Passion for beekeeping highlights such a characteristic of our leader as a creative character.”

“In general, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party of creators. In addition, she knows how to fight and defend her point of view. All this allows us to confidently look into the future,” said D.G. Novikov.

"We confirm our slogan with real politics"

Then the participants of the press conference answered the journalists' questions. And although the main topic of discussion was ecology, it was impossible to get away from the pre-election agenda. Thus, the leader of the Communist Party criticized the promises and decisions of the United Russia congress.

“As for the congress. I am more and more amazed by United Russia. I don't know of a single party in the world that failed all indicators and declared that it must win. You will not find a single positive result lately, there are none,” G.A. Zyuganov.

He noted that the party in power should be responsible for the fact that GDP from plus 3.4% in 2012 was lowered to minus 3.7%. “If at least 3% were retained, and this could be easily done, we would have 88 trillion rubles in additional gross product, which means 35 trillion rubles in the budget,” the leader of the Communist Party emphasized.

He also believes that care for veterans and pensioners is not being sufficiently carried out now. For example, why “in the country, 72 out of 100 people live on 15,000 rubles a month, and why did gasoline prices rise when oil prices fell?”

“For many years I have been listening to what is happening in the Duma, how much time is wasted on empty talk. Quite often, those who have done nothing in their lives due to the fact that they do not have personal practice perform,” said Gennady Andreevich.

He recalled that the main slogan of the CPRF election program is “We are right! We can!". “The main thing is that we confirm this with real practice,” the communist leader emphasized.

So, he recalled that he has been working in the Communist Party faction for many years Nobel Laureate Zhores Alferov. “He was the first in the country to create a unique educational institution, where he combined the excellent physical and mathematical general education school with a world-class university classroom program, the latest achievements of science,” G.A. Zyuganov.

He also said that "First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Ivan Melnikov represented the interests of the country in the Council of Europe for 20 years, headed the committee on science and high technologies, the doors of the best laboratories in Europe were opened for him."

According to the leader of the Communist Party, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, who also works in the Communist faction, commanded three fleets - the Northern, Baltic and Black Sea.

“For 12 years, we have created a mini-football club that won the Cup of Russia among youth teams, and now two players from the mini-football club of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Ilya Bespaly and Alexander Davydov - went to the student world championship in Brazil as part of the Russian national team," shared G.A. Zyuganov.

According to the leader of the Communist Party, all this indicates that indeed “We are right! We can!"

Gennady Andreevich also said that the Communists plan to send documents for certification to the Central Election Commission in the afternoon, on Thursday, July 7th.

Ecology of the soul, ecology of thoughts and feelings

Returning to the topic of ecology, the communist deputy of the State Duma A.P. Tarnaev recalled the problems that exist in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. According to him, the city where the largest chemical production, is one of the ten most polluted in the world. At one time, Prime Minister Medvedev instructed to allocate funds to solve the environmental problems of Dzerzhinsk. However, 4 billion rubles turned out to be corny stolen, and nothing was done. This, in particular, was discussed at a visiting meeting of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology, held in Dzerzhinsk on the initiative of communist deputies.

Summing up the press conference, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov figuratively emphasized that "without the ecology of the soul, without the ecology of thoughts and feelings, it is impossible for mankind to get along with nature."

On July 4, a press conference was held at the TASS news agency by G.A. Zyuganov on the topic “Food security. The bee is the main ecologist of the planet. As part of the press conference, a presentation of the book "At Zyuganov's Apiary" was also held.

The leader of the Communist Party appeared on this day in an unusual capacity. It is known that beekeeping is his old hobby. And so Gennady Andreevich decided to open the secrets of his favorite business on the pages of the book. The press conference was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation D.G. Novikov, communist deputies of the State Duma O.A. Lebedev, A.P. Tarnaev and A.A. Yushchenko, President of the Union "Beekeeping" O.K. Chupakhin. The press conference was conducted by journalist Vera Serebrovskaya, who participated in the work on the book.

G.A. Zyuganov: "It's not just about a hobby, it's about national security"

Addressing the media, Gennady Andreevich recalled that he had already presented the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "10 steps to a decent life." He stressed that her leading and main position is concern for the country and people. “Problems of food security,” G.A. Zyuganov, - many countries are concerned today. Every third or fourth piece of fresh bread and a glass of clean water are missing on the planet. And at the same time, the leading TV channels daily show stories about the appearance of counterfeit products. All markets are filled with it, and in general it turns into a big disaster. Over the past year, 40,000 people were poisoned by scorched vodka alone. This is three times more than died during the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan. Today we already have sausage without meat, chocolate without chocolate, dairy products without milk and honey without nectar.”

“In a hundred countries of the world,” continued the leader of the Communist Party, “experiments and studies were carried out, as a result of which honey took first place in terms of its nutritional qualities. Many countries have adopted programs that provide children in kindergartens and schools with this unique product. Last year we prepared our draft law on beekeeping and hoped that it would be adopted. But, unfortunately, this law was also voted down.”

“I want to remind you of the main motto of my book. I believe that the most brilliant creations of the Almighty are a woman, flowers and a bee. A woman gave life to humanity, flowers give seeds, and a great ecologist - a bee maintains a balance in nature and feeds the entire planet,” Gennady Andreevich emphasized.

The leader of the Communist Party noted that even in Russkaya Pravda by Yaroslav the Wise, a whole section was devoted to the preservation of beekeeping and bees. If you look further, Catherine II issued a decree aimed at freeing beekeepers from all taxes and taxes. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in 1919, during the Civil War, issues a special order to support beekeepers and beekeeping. The Soviet country did everything to ensure that this industry developed successfully. In 1921, the journal "Beekeeping" began to appear. At the end of the thirties, we already had 10 million bee families, 100 thousand collective farms had apiaries. We occupied the first place in the world in beekeeping, which allowed us during the war to provide both the front and the rear, and children, and the wounded in hospitals. G.A. Zyuganov also stressed that if you take medical prescriptions from ancient times, then every second of them will contain bee products.

“We were concerned, - continued the leader of the Communist Party, - that in the last 20 years there has been a mass death of bees. Therefore, we prepared our law on beekeeping and hoped that it would be adopted. But you should know that if all the bees die, then 80% of the products will disappear from your table. Without bees, no plant can properly bear fruit. So it's not just about a hobby, it's about national security."

OK. Chupakhina: “Beekeepers have hope”

Then the President of the Union of beekeepers and beekeeping organizations of the country "Beekeeping" O.K. Chupakhin.

“Recently, the State Duma in the person of G.A. has turned its face to us, beekeepers. Zyuganov. On behalf of Russian beekeepers, I want to express my gratitude to Gennady Andreevich and all the deputies of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma for the attention and understanding that they showed not only to our Union, but also to many ordinary beekeepers,” said Olga Kuzminichna.

“With the light hand of G.A. Zyuganov, - continued O.K. Chupakhin, - beekeepers finally believed that beekeeping in our country can be revived. Today, beekeeping is done by people over 60 years old. G.A. Zyuganov believes that it is necessary to revive schools throughout the country that will teach young people beekeeping. In his opinion, we should also take part in international events of beekeepers.”

“Last night I flew in from Prague,” the speaker said. - For the first time, our Russian children took part in the competition of young beekeepers. We didn't manage to take the prize. We took only 12th place out of 20 teams. But I think that for the first time and it's not bad. At least we now know how such contests are held. By the way, at the presentation of our team, the audience gave a standing ovation.”

“I am convinced that our law on beekeeping will still be adopted. We have hope that beekeeping will not die. Thank you, Gennady Andreevich, ”O.K. Chupakhin.

O.A. Lebedev: "We will definitely achieve the adoption of our law"

The floor for the speech was given to the first secretary of the Tula Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma, co-author of the bill "On beekeeping" O.A. Lebedev.

“I represent the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology, which was very actively involved in beekeeping in the 6th convocation,” said Oleg Aleksandrovich. “We want to really have real honey on the shelves of grocery stores, and not the surrogate that we often meet.”

“We held parliamentary hearings in the State Duma, where we seriously discussed the problems of beekeeping,” continued O.A. Lebedev. - Beekeepers came to us from all over the country. They raised specific problems related to the legislative regulation of the beekeeping industry. Thus, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the Forest, Tax, Family Codes, as well as to the laws on the development of agriculture, on the animal world, on the handling of pesticides and agrochemicals.”

“Based on all these wishes, we have developed a draft law on beekeeping. Since 1991, the number of bee colonies in the Russian Federation has almost halved (from 7 million to 3 million),” said the communist deputy.

“Bees today are a very important ecological element in our world. It is necessary to support domestic beekeepers, because their positions in the domestic and foreign markets are becoming weaker, - O.A. Lebedev. - In the domestic market, large retail chains prefer cheap counterfeit, which is made from sugar industry waste with the addition of various chemical dyes and flavors. In the foreign market, unfortunately, our beekeepers have to compete with China, Argentina, Turkey and the United States, where beekeeping is seriously supported by the state.”

“As a result, in 2014 Russia exported less than one ton of honey. The above problems lead to a decrease in the economic attractiveness of beekeeping and the depletion of the personnel potential of the industry. Therefore, the adoption of the draft federal law on beekeeping will allow us not only to ensure an increase in the production of beekeeping products, but also lead to an increase in agricultural production, to strengthen food security in Russia, and increase the competitiveness of our economy,” Oleg Aleksandrovich believes.

“Today we are conducting a dialogue and conciliation procedures with the Ministry of Agriculture and a number of other interested departments in order to find an acceptable version of the bill in the next convocation that would satisfy, first of all, our beekeepers. And we plan to continue this work,” O.A. Lebedev.

A.P. Tarnaev: “In the apiary, our leader opens up with all his heart”

Then the deputy of the State Duma, co-author of the draft law "On beekeeping" A.P. Tarnaev.

“On Thursday, I held my press conference in Nizhny Novgorod,” said Alexander Petrovich. – I presented the book “At Zyuganov's apiary” to journalists. And I can tell you that it aroused great interest. Two packs of these books were taken apart by the participants of the press conference instantly. You have probably heard that Gennady Andreevich and I have a joint apiary. It is located in the Oryol region, in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. There we have 50 acres of land and a house in the basement of which beehives are stored in winter.

“In early August, we traditionally come with Gennady Andreevich to our apiary and participate in the collection of honey. When our leader enters the apiary, he opens up with all his heart. For him, these are obviously happy childhood memories. Everything would be fine, but only the media sometimes cover this good undertaking in a negative way. The same Karaulov, ”complained A.P. Tarnaev.

D.G. Novikov: “KPRF is a party of creators”

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation D.G. Novikov first spoke about the results of the XVI Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the next planned actions of the communists. He dwelled in detail on the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "Ten steps to a decent life."

“Our program is carefully calibrated, it meets the interests of the broad masses of the people and guarantees the growth of social justice in society,” said Dmitry Georgievich. - The program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, of course, is capable of leading the country out of the economic crisis in which it found itself. Our program is capable of providing Russia with financial independence and independence in general.”

“Besides, this program is absolutely realistic. It names the sources of financing for solving existing problems, - Dmitry Georgievich emphasized. “Such a program can be implemented very quickly, because we have long developed the relevant bills, including the draft law on beekeeping.”

“The book we are presenting today is not election material. After reading this book, everyone will be convinced that the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is characterized by a state approach and a comprehensive view of the problems,” said D.G. Novikov.

“The issues of beekeeping in this book are covered not only from the position of a person who is passionate about his work, but also from the position of the problems that all agriculture faces today. From the standpoint of the problems that stand in the field of forest protection. This issue is considered through the whole range of environmental problems,” D.G. Novikov.

“In general, Gennady Andreevich has three hobbies. It's sports, humor and beekeeping,” he continued. - These hobbies of the leader of our party characterize him in a big way, in a serious way. So, passion for sports is the ability to be collected and work energetically for a result. Behind the passion for humor lies the ability not to lose the presence of mind even in the most difficult, difficult situations. Passion for beekeeping highlights such a characteristic of our leader as a creative character.”

“In general, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party of creators. In addition, she knows how to fight and defend her point of view. All this allows us to confidently look into the future,” said D.G. Novikov.

"We confirm our slogan with real politics"

Then the participants of the press conference answered the journalists' questions. And although the main topic of discussion was ecology, it was impossible to get away from the pre-election agenda. Thus, the leader of the Communist Party criticized the promises and decisions of the United Russia congress.

“As for the congress. I am more and more amazed by United Russia. I don't know of a single party in the world that failed all indicators and declared that it must win. You will not find a single positive result lately, there are none,” G.A. Zyuganov.

He noted that the party in power should be responsible for the fact that GDP from plus 3.4% in 2012 was lowered to minus 3.7%. “If at least 3% were retained, and this could be done easily, we would have 88 trillion rubles in additional gross product, which means 35 trillion rubles in the budget,” the leader of the Communist Party emphasized.

He also believes that care for veterans and pensioners is not being sufficiently carried out now. For example, why “in the country, 72 out of 100 people live on 15,000 rubles a month, and why did gasoline prices rise when oil prices fell?”

“For many years I have been listening to what is happening in the Duma, how much time is wasted on empty talk. Quite often, those who have done nothing in their lives due to the fact that they do not have personal practice speak,” Gennady Andreevich noted.

He recalled that the main slogan of the CPRF election program is “We are right! We can!". "The main thing is that we confirm this with real practice," the communist leader emphasized.

So, he recalled that the Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov has been working in the Communist Party faction for many years. “He was the first in the country to create a unique educational institution, where he combined an excellent physical and mathematical general education school with a world-class university class program, the latest achievements of science,” noted G.A. Zyuganov.

He also said that "First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Ivan Melnikov represented the interests of the country in the Council of Europe for 20 years, headed the committee on science and high technologies, the doors of the best laboratories in Europe were opened for him."

According to the leader of the Communist Party, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, who also works in the Communist faction, commanded three fleets - the Northern, Baltic and Black Sea.

“For 12 years, we have created a mini-football club that won the Cup of Russia among youth teams, and now two players from the mini-football club of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Ilya Bespaly and Alexander Davydov - went to the student world championship in Brazil as part of the Russian national team," shared G.A. Zyuganov.

According to the leader of the Communist Party, all this indicates that indeed “We are right! We can!"

Gennady Andreevich also said that the Communists plan to send documents for certification to the Central Election Commission in the afternoon, on Thursday, July 7th.

Ecology of the soul, ecology of thoughts and feelings

Returning to the topic of ecology, the communist deputy of the State Duma A.P. Tarnaev recalled the problems that exist in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. According to him, the city, where the largest chemical production is located, is among the ten most polluted in the world. At one time, Prime Minister Medvedev instructed to allocate funds to solve the environmental problems of Dzerzhinsk. However, 4 billion rubles turned out to be corny stolen, and nothing was done. This, in particular, was discussed at a visiting meeting of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology, held in Dzerzhinsk on the initiative of communist deputies.

Summing up the press conference, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov figuratively emphasized that "without the ecology of the soul, without the ecology of thoughts and feelings, it is impossible for mankind to get along with nature."

Ruslan Tkhagushev. Alexey Bragin. Photo by Sergey Sergeyev. Video by Alexey Shelyakov