Medicine      30.10.2021

Often the spiritual cause of material poverty. What is Poverty? Esoteric causes of poverty. Who is a poor person? The only source of income

Greetings to all readers working on themselves!)) It's time to talk about such a very unpleasant phenomenon as Poverty. I read a lot on the Internet about the causes of poverty before writing this article. I don’t want to criticize anyone, but, unfortunately, as in most cases, I found on dozens of sites more water than the essence and meaning that can really be applied in life and get the desired result.

We will look at poverty from an esoteric perspective. T Also, we will be interested in the answer to the question - what does the poverty of a spiritual person mean? It seems to be all so Spiritual, but a beggar - why would it? Also, we will look at what needs to be done first to defeat poverty and break out of the vicious circle? Although, of course, we will not cover all the issues in one article)

Spiritual, talented, but a beggar is a person with karmic tails in the material sphere. As they say - "the debt is yours!" No matter how worthy and spiritual a person is, if he is constantly in financial need, this indicates that he has internal weaknesses, negative qualities and an incorrect attitude towards money (erroneous beliefs) that do not allow him to be financially independent and successful.

When the inner core, positive beliefs of a person regarding money and material things are formed correctly, he develops his own perfectly and easily manages any money, enjoying life. And in this case, the material is a support for the spiritual, its amplifier.

And whoever says that it is impossible to be both a highly spiritual and a rich person overnight is simply ignorant in this matter. Such people, as a rule, have developed exorbitant pride in relation to money and material things. These people have a lot to think about

What is Poverty? Is it a vice or not a vice?

- this is a philosophy of life, a system of ideas, prejudices and views on oneself and one's destiny, driving a person into a lot of ridiculous limits of restrictions that are, first of all, in a person's head and his subconscious. That is, poverty is a flawed worldview, and only by changing this worldview can we change our life and the surrounding reality.

Poverty is an indicator

  1. Irresponsibility of a person in relation to money and material, an indicator of an incorrect, not built relationship, the result of erroneous ideas about money and more. It often happens that a person does not have adequate beliefs about money and how to build his life in the material world. It's just that no one taught him.
  2. Sins accumulated in the past, when there were serious violations of the Spiritual Laws in this area. Respectively, in his present work, restrictions, prohibitions that block the entry of money into a person's life.

Is poverty a vice or not? - this is a vice, the spiritual weakness of a person, ignorance or sinfulness in the monetary and material spheres. Because poverty is most often based on other vices. Because if a person seems to be strong and worthy, but poor, and he is not able to provide himself and his family with a comfortable existence, this means that there are black holes in his Soul, weak places (evil, ignorance), where monetary energy is dumped his fate.

These are unclosed karmic tails, debts, often drawn from past incarnations of a person (crimes of various kinds: deceit, theft, betrayal on the basis of money, etc.). These sins are always based on the corresponding negative qualities and beliefs of a person, such as greed, worship of the golden calf, infidelity, deceit, etc.

Poverty can be called a spiritual disease, like alcoholism or smoking, but with other, often even more sad consequences that cannot be downplayed by justifying oneself with phrases like “that money is not the main thing for me”, etc. But when, due to endless need and poverty, a family breaks up, when “a love boat breaks into everyday life” and you lose your closest and beloved people, it comes to understanding that money and material well-being also have great importance in life.

So don't make excuses for poverty and failure - that's the worst thing you can do for yourself and your family!

This spiritual disease - poverty, oddly enough, can be infected! Often this is what happens. The attitudes and beliefs of the poor, the poor and the eternally needy, a person subconsciously adopts from his the poor parents, absorbs them from the environment in which he grows up, but getting rid of these false ideas, from a beggarly way of thinking and way of life is not at all easy. And in order to go from a poor and limited person to a successful and rich person, you need to transform all your negative beliefs and form positive, strong, working ideas about money and about success. That. the core of a successful and financially free man! Moreover, these transformations must occur not only in your head, but first of all in yours, which determines by 80 percent or more what you get in life.

The right questions to ask yourself in this situation are: why do the Higher Forces not allow money into my life? When and what did I do wrong? What beliefs do I need to change about life and money? What should I apologize for before God and those who suffered from my wrong actions?

In subsequent articles, we will look at algorithms and techniques on how to deal with issues of lack of money and how to get out of debt pits. And now let's talk about how to start solving the problem of poverty.

How to beat poverty? Where to start?

1. First of all, you need to stop justifying poverty. As long as you justify this vice, you have no chance.

What do we have to do? It is best to write down all your excuses in a column, such as “my parents were poor and the same fate was prepared for me”, “this is normal, not everyone should be lucky”, “happiness is not in money”, “money is not the main thing”, etc. P.

Next, you need to debunk every excuse, replacing it with a positive program. For example:“I must not repeat the sad fate of my needy parents, I must rise above and teach my children success”, “Poverty is an indicator of weakness, there is nothing normal in it, and I have everything to overcome it - knowledge, desire, opportunities ”, “yes, happiness is not in money, but with the help of money you can create the necessary conditions for happiness and make loved ones happy”, “that's right, money is not the main thing, but if there is none, then the main thing is also, as a rule, or not achievable , or is rapidly destroyed”, etc.

Remember! Justification Programs poverty This her powerful protection, and until you bring down this protection, as a rule, nothing will change in your life in better side and poverty will be your only reality.

2. Further, of course, you need to study this area and work on yourself: get the right knowledge about money, pull out negative and limiting beliefs from your subconscious, replacing them with positive ones, find out (in work with or) your karmic tails, prohibitions and restrictions, and clear them, study the basic laws of Money, Success, Welfare and realize them in your life.

All this we will consider in detail in subsequent articles about Money.

3. Finally, in this article, I give you another very useful practical task to increase motivation and sobriety:

A) Describe in all colors what will happen to your life, how you will feel if you remain poor, impoverished, dependent and weak in 5, 10, 20, 40 years.

IN) Draw on paper, in your workbook how your life, attitude towards yourself, self-perception, relationships with loved ones will change, if you still manage to overcome poverty, become stronger, more successful, having achieved absolute financial freedom. How will your life change in this case? Describe what will leave your life and what will enter it then?

Have you ever thought why no money or are they not enough, although you work hard, invest in your education and personal growth, try to think positively?

Today we offer a look at financial difficulties and their solution from the point of view of psychology and spirituality.

We will consider the spiritual vow of poverty and other similar oaths, and how they work.

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To put it briefly: the world is abundant, it has enough goods and resources for everyone.

Modern reality provides you with any opportunities for earning and realizing. If something goes wrong, it is not external “enemies” that prevent it, but internal reasons.

You have little money - which means that the subconscious mind protects you from a larger amount.

It believes that wealth will be dangerous for you in some way, or it will destroy your basic life values.

This is called money vows.

Signs that you have a vow of poverty and the like:

  • you work in full force but there is not enough money to meet your needs;
  • there is enough money, but it is hard, you do not like or exhaust your work;
  • when money comes to you, it quickly "leaks like sand through your fingers";
  • if your financial situation improves, troubles immediately occur, unforeseen expenses and other events that delay your material resource;
  • if you have more money than relatives and friends, you are embarrassed, you feel guilty and, perhaps, you begin to solve the problems of others, “save” someone, and so on.

If you find one or more of the listed items, carefully study this material.

We will consider the types of money vows and their manifestation, look for ways to release.

The most common money block. His idea is the rejection of material wealth for the sake of spiritual quest.

Examples:“Money is soulless. I give up wealth for the sake of closeness to God”, “All rich people are immoral and sinful”, “Only being poor, I lead a life pleasing to God”

Origin history:“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matt. 19:23]

Eat various options interpretation of this famous biblical saying.

For example, that people on the way to money commit sins and crimes; that excess money leads to vicious behavior (revelry, gluttony, vanity).

Also, there is an opinion among spiritual people that money has “low vibrations” and closes the perception of high spheres.

You and your entourage have little money, not enough.

As an option: they became smaller after you took up spiritual practices. At this moment, the vow of poverty manifested itself especially strongly.

Additionally, these beliefs can be supported by your environment and family: “poor, but proud”, “all the rich are thieves”, “but we are spiritually richer”, condemn more successful people, expensive shopping.

It is clear why there is no money - how can one own it if it is sinful, immoral and hinders the spiritual path?

New look and release: Crimes and excesses are not a characteristic of money as such, but simply the choice and behavior of people.

Although wealth can increase human vices, poverty also copes with this no worse. Let us recall the criminal statistics in the marginalized strata of society.

Poor people, in fact, are also not very busy with spiritual quests - they are tormented by thoughts of how to get money for survival every day.

The very word “wealth” contains the root “God”, i.e. material wealth is a gift from God for you and your life.

It turns out that the phrase of Christ indicated in the previous paragraph does not expose wealth in general, but an excessive obsession with money.

IN modern world Of course, it is possible to have financial freedom and be a spiritual person - you just need to cancel the vow of poverty and form a new way of thinking about this.

This paragraph applies in particular to those whose work or additional activity associated with serving people - a teacher, doctor, psychologist, healer and others.

You are aware of the high social and moral value of your work, but the pay (and, therefore, your standard of living) leaves much to be desired.

Examples:“We need to help people for free”, “If I have money, I lose my spiritual gifts”, “Healing people for money is a sin, God will punish me”, “I choose high service to people, not money”

Origin history: The origins are in the priestly traditions of ancient civilizations.

Let's look at an example ancient egypt. Those who are fond of past lives must have "remembered" themselves there in one of the incarnations.

Priests - servants of the gods, were one of the most influential and enlightened people, performed the functions of teachers and healers-healers.

At the same time, they did not live on their own, but in a community. That is, money and offerings for labor were received not personally by the “worker”, but by the temple.

He, in turn, guaranteed the priest safety and everything necessary for life.

The temples were rich, and the clergy really could afford not to think about the "despicable metal", focusing on improving their knowledge and spiritual abilities.

At the same time, the respect of the priests in society was very high.

Priestly and monastic vows were given in high emotional intensity and were accompanied by serious secret rituals.

They leave a certain energy imprint and continue to work unconsciously even now.

How can it manifest itself in your life: If you have a "service" job, you probably encounter the prejudice that in such professions "it is indecent to profit from people."

This is often supported and public opinion". It’s like you can’t get decent pay for your hard work.

As a result, you often recycle, do a lot of things for free at all, and it is difficult for you to ask for a pay increase - especially when interacting with clients personally.

Of course, you can work for some time on enthusiasm and heartburn, but without proper replenishment of resources, including financial ones, everything can lead to burnout and disappointment in the profession.

New look and release: You have chosen an activity related to serving people, preserving the “genetic” memory of respect in society and care from the Temple.

You are sincerely and ardently involved in your work and expect “out of habit” worthy recognition for your spiritual work, but alas…

Times have already changed, there is no community or church that would guarantee you safety.

Words about the “great and selfless feat” of your profession have turned into propaganda, which manipulators often use to ... yes, not pay you money.

New tasks for you as a spiritual person - on your own recognize the value of their work and its benefits to people and proudly receive decent payment for it.

By itself, useful, but within reasonable limits. However, religious fanaticism often led to severe forms of self-restraint.

Vows of austerity could leave a historical imprint in your subconscious.

Examples:“The body must suffer, then the Spirit will soar”, “I give up any worldly joys and pleasures for the sake of serving God”, “I need to give everything I have to the poor / church”

Origin history: The extreme form of the two previous spiritual vows is poverty and selfless service.

At all times there were religious hermits and entire mendicant orders who not only were not interested in finances, but also sought to get away from everything “worldly and mortal”.

They had no property and lived in extreme poverty. In addition, they "pacified the flesh" by uncomfortable living conditions (sleeping on boards, strict fasts, many hours of prayer, and even self-torture).

And of course, the ascetics took a vow of sexual abstinence and celibacy.

See also
You may date men who won't marry you for two spiritual reasons:

  • Or you are generally "forbidden to marry" - this is a vow of celibacy, the rejection of the family for the sake of "spiritual service."
  • Either you are “already married”, that is, marriage vows and vows from past lives continue to act on you.

How can it manifest itself in your life: Many spiritual practitioners bring these views into modern reality by adhering to severe dietary restrictions, control of bodily pleasures and sexuality, and other ascetic principles.

Often these people have problems with money.

Even if you don't hold this belief system now, vows of austerity from the past can still work.

In this case, it is as if comfort is “forbidden” to you. You feel uncomfortable if you find yourself in a luxurious environment. You find it difficult to spend money on yourself, especially on pleasure.

Perhaps you have the necessities of life, but only a minimum (poverty).

Also, people with austerity vows usually cannot get their apartment or other large property.

New look and release: If you notice signs of austerity vows in yourself, it’s just time to cancel them, as they are no longer relevant. All the experience that you wanted to get, you got a long time ago.

If you feel like life won't be sweet without some kind of "sublime overcoming," try changing your focus.

It is not so difficult to live in poverty and deny yourself everything, there is no longer a special feat.

Try to fight for a decent salary and an interesting realization in our highly competitive world, while maintaining moral and spiritual values ​​- in my opinion, this is a more worthy and interesting challenge.

These are all decisions to refuse money because they are associated with danger, death, arrests, the loss of friends and loved ones.

Examples: “Being rich is dangerous”, “I give up money for the sake of life/health/family”.

Origin history: Huge layers of troubles and suffering associated precisely with money. It could happen to you in other lifetimes if you believe in them.

But even without that, there are enough examples from the history of the family, the country, modern films and the media.

Each person has their own fear and is associated with a specific case.

For example, my clients recalled that in their family there was dispossession (the decision “It’s useless to earn money, they’ll take it anyway”), murder for money (“Having a lot of money is life-threatening”), squabbles and betrayal among loved ones (“Wealth destroys the family ").

As I wrote at the beginning, the subconscious mind protects you from danger - wealth.

If more funds appear than you are used to, unforeseen expenses immediately arise, or you quickly “lost” money for no reason.

Often even attempts to earn more money fail. For example, large projects and high-paying job offers fail, clients “leave” at the last moment.

New look and release: First you need to understand what not wealth is dangerous, but carelessness, distrust of one's intuition, unbuilt boundaries, which is why the above troubles happened.

A poor person is even less protected from the blows of fate than a wealthy one, that is, refusing money does not exactly guarantee security.

You should heal the described traumatic cases from your history and develop a healthier and more positive outlook on money.

Karmic "debts" manifest themselves in the material sphere as a loss of finances and real monetary debts (the so-called "retribution").

Examples:“I am indebted to ...”, “I always have to pay for such and such an act”, “I must be punished”

Origin history: Events from other incarnations or your real life history make you feel guilty - before God, society, a particular person.

Maybe you really did something wrong. Or perhaps you were simply imposed a sense of guilt (from a real case - “you were born and ruined your mother’s whole life and health, and now you are in eternal debt”).

People also remembered the "indelible shame" (cases from samurai incarnations).

Add to this the pressure of the Christian ideology of "original sin", violation of the commandments - and you will understand that you can feel guilty about almost anything.

So this “guilt” has to be endlessly redeemed, in literally words are money.

How does it show up in your life? You feel guilty or embarrassed when you have more money or expensive things that friends and family don't have.

You are acutely involved in volunteering and charitable activities, often to the detriment of their well-being, health, family. In general, the “rescuer” complex is typical for you.

Also, the existence of a “need to atone for guilt” is indicated by monetary debts and other onerous obligations (for example, you cannot change a low-paying job for some moral reasons).

New look and release: Understand that what is happening to you is not an external punishment at will higher powers, and the decision on self-punishment.

Even if you really “remember” the deeds that terrify you, for example, violence towards people, try to see this as an agreement of your Souls (all participants in the situation received some kind of experience).

If necessary, perform your own ritual of repentance, mourning, atonement for that situation, and complete it.

Your current life and personality, in fact, has nothing to do with those events, you should not suffer anymore.

In addition, sometimes the feeling of guilt is generally imposed on you.

When considering the situations of clients, it often turns out that the person was simply shifted the responsibility for other people or circumstances completely beyond his control.

Try to understand what is happening, understand and forgive yourself.

Now you know about the main types of spiritual money vows that can interfere with your financial well-being.

Share in the comments what do you think - which of them are familiar to you?

If in this article you found signs of financial blocks from the past, do not be sad. This is a sign that it's time to say goodbye to them!

The challenge for the seekers of the new time is to harmonize the material and spiritual in your life, complete agreements that destroy you, treat yourself and money from a position of love and respect.

And do not build churches, but cover orphans

yes, add poverty!

Russian folk proverb

The problem of poverty is very acute in the modern world. No wonder the UN constantly reminds people and states of the need to fight poverty.

The number of people living below the poverty line is highest in developing countries: Africa, Asia, Latin America. But this does not mean that the rest have overcome this problem - in the US, UK, France and many other countries, the proportion of the poor is not declining. In Russia, as of 2011, more than 16% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Poverty is both a cause and a consequence of human rights violations. This duality of the problem does not allow to eliminate it completely. People whose rights are violated (victims of discrimination, oppression) are most often the poor. As a rule, it is difficult for them to find a job, get a quality education, medical services ... At the same time, it is extremely difficult for poor people to exercise their rights, because they do not have enough money for this. You can consider such a chain.

A poor person cannot get a quality education (in most countries of the world it is paid), and therefore cannot exercise his “socio-economic” right. This, in turn, deprives him of the opportunity to fully participate in public life, which means that his “civil and political” right is not realized, which in turn leads to the impossibility of his participation in political life country, which means - to influence their property status or change it. And there are many such closed chains in the life of a poor person, and he will get a chance to break them either with rare luck or with extremely extraordinary abilities.

Poverty is not always the result of total bad luck or lack of diligence and diligence. Most often, it is possible in socially disadvantaged societies, when there is inequality, discrimination, unequal access to resources, negative socio-cultural stereotypes, infringement of human rights and dignity.

In general, the reasons material poverty can be combined into the following groups :

economic (low wages, unemployment);

socio-medical (disability, old age, high level morbidity);

demographic (many children, a large number of dependents, incomplete families);

socio-economic (low level social guarantees);

educational (low level of education, qualifications);

political (military conflicts, migration, economic blockades);

regional geographic (uneven development of regions).

However, poverty depends not only on objective reasons, but also on the place of residence. A person who is considered poor in Europe, while maintaining the level of his income, can be quite rich in Central Africa. This is due to the fact that the general standard of living is different in different regions of the Earth, and the cost of the same type of goods and services also varies greatly.

And yet, material poverty is the result of the social model of society. The market economy initially involves the struggle for workplace, competition (in which the fittest survive), and therefore poverty is the result of such a policy. If there is a struggle, then there will certainly be a weaker player, or maybe just one who fell behind at the start (for example, his parents were also poor and he could not get an education).

social model Soviet Union also did not justify itself. The principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” led to the “legitimate” plunder of the country, since the needs of each person are endless, and often there may be no ability.

However, in history there was an example of a society in which there were no poor people. This is the model of the early caliphate. Of course, at that time there were rich people, but there were no beggars.

Due to what did this state function?

Prohibition of begging and begging. Islam forbids asking for money for life, a person must be able to earn it by permitted methods.

Usury prohibition. It is thanks to bank interest in Western countries that many find themselves below the poverty line, because they are forced to take ruinous loans from banks: for housing, cars, furniture ...

– obligatory annual tax. It is not paid by all strata of society, but only by those who have sufficient property for this. And if the poor do not pay it at all, then the rich pay the largest sums. Modern taxes, which both the poor and the rich have to pay (though it is the majority of the rich who find ways to evade paying them), drive many families into poverty. Since tax expenses are not returned by social guarantees to the population.

Voluntary charity- money, food, clothes and other things that can be donated to a person who is less wealthy than yourself.

Lack of salaries for civil servants. Work in the state apparatus was voluntary and unpaid, a person received earnings elsewhere - for example, from caravan trade.

Redistribution of public funds in favor of the poor, it was they who received the first right to state subsidies.

Gradual destruction of the slave trade- a large number of slaves were not freed at once (which would undoubtedly have given a big economic downturn - as during the period of the abolition of slavery in the United States), but received freedom gradually, over several years and decades. This made it possible for a smooth transition from a slave-owning economy to the use of wage labor and the employment and social structure of former slaves.

The result of such an economic plan was grandiose. For some time there was a period in the country when rich people would like to give alms, but they did not know to whom. There are no poor people left.

But with the gradual fading of religion, this, of course, the fairest economic model has also faded. And in the east, despotisms were established with the old vices of society - hunger, poverty, infringement of the rights of part of the population and the return of the slave trade.

Meanwhile, the poor materially are not always poor spiritually.

Of course, a rural teacher who educates students and does not slip into prostitution is richer in spirit than a model who is already changing her fourth boyfriend and not seeing life beyond the podium. A fitter at a factory, pulling the whole family and trying to educate his son, is more respected than an oligarch who buys his tenth yacht.

Only the poor in spirit can afford to fly on a private jet to meet hungry children, build golden bathrooms, hire a poor migrant for pennies, and make the hajj every year, knowing that his neighbor will not be able to afford it even once in his life. It is sad when Muslims, stubbornly obsessing over certain precepts of their religion, completely forget about the rest.

This is what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) warned about in a hadith when he asked his companions about a person who will be completely bankrupt on the Day of Judgment. It is impossible to become a true Muslim if you perform the commandments selectively, for show. After all, much of what, it would seem, has no price in this world, will turn out to be very difficult in the next life. Then good word will be much more valuable than a bank account in Switzerland.

The eradication of poverty is possible, it has been proven. But ... for this, it is first necessary to build a fair, highly moral, truly believing society. Without those rich in spirit, it is impossible to become rich materially, since such wealth will certainly pull you to the bottom.

Spiritual poverty is much more dangerous than material poverty, and if it did not exist, then poverty would have been eliminated long ago.

Take a closer look at yourself - how much money do you have on your personal account of spirituality?!

5 causes of poverty in humans, we will consider in today's article.

And the reason was a comment to one of the previous articles: “What a pity that because of money you have to suffer, strain and give them most of your time.”

Do you think it is possible to achieve financial well-being with such an attitude?

Again, I recognize the reflection of the postulate: poverty and wealth in the head, not in the wallet. Poverty and wealth are two strategies that you yourself choose in life. These are the two poles between which you move.

Therefore, I propose to consider causes leading to poverty. How do you program yourself, telling stories about poverty and wealth, believe in the existence of the secrets of wealth that someone is hiding from you.

Rich are not born!

There is such an expression “Rich people are not born - they become rich”, mark your reaction to it. Someone will be curious: how? And someone will grumble: again about these moneybags ...

Few people will catch that there is truth in this simple thought - in order for changes to occur, you need to become different, you need to act differently. Choose a different strategy of behavior and actions.

In real life it looks like this:

  1. Some women - she will plunge into the abyss of despair, because I have to work hard, do what I do not want. You will need to change yourself, but “I don’t want to do this, I’m already good and deserve wealth just like that.”
  2. Others will lead on a different path:“Let a man provide me with wealth, because this is his function, for the fact that I am so ...”
  3. And the third will lead to action: "What should I do so that I start doing it now."

It is easy to predict the results of who will become rich faster. I am not asking you to go to wealth. In my opinion, it is alien and incomprehensible to most Russians.
The word itself is reflected, as in a “distorting mirror”, by the idea that the rich are people who do not deny themselves anything. Women have their own picture - endless purchases and acquisitions, shopping with a Swiss bank gold card.

Between the two poles, wealth and poverty, there is a middle path - financial well-being. And in order to come to it, you need to know the psychology of poverty and wealth.

And those who deal with it will move to the level of financial well-being, and those who will not even delve into it will remain where they are now.

If you planning to change your financial program, then I recommend that you go through it and join our School of Financial Well-being. In it, we reveal the topic of how a financial program is created and how to change it. This modest investment will pay off, provided you really want to change.

The format of the article will not allow me to consider all the reasons, at the seminar we discussed the topic for more than 3 hours. However, regardless of the reasons, you are also interested in a strategy to get out of poverty. You will find the answers, of course, in the materials of the seminar. And now, consider

Causes of people's poverty

There are many reasons leading to poverty. Of course, this is the environment in which you lived and live. Your temperament and character, your personality psychology - all this we consider in the seminar. But, now let's focus on the most acute.

The first reason for poverty: Now is not the best time for change.

Women with a poverty mindset are looking for, waiting for better times. We are ready to generously give hours of life waiting for someone to appreciate their “goodness”, when someone appears who will take up the solution of her problems.
There are a lot of people who are waiting for

  • in some magical way, a free and large flow of money will come into their lives when they have special knowledge,
  • when a secret is revealed, when they have a money job,
  • the idea of ​​​​a special kind of earnings will dawn, in the end, when the time appears.

Yes, yes, I am faced with the fact that even after taking the first steps towards change, for example, by purchasing this or that course, they never go through it to the end or complete it on the first introductory video.
You start to bother, as if you need it, write letters, and from the other end they answer - I don’t have time now, but I will definitely ...

The harsh truth is:

If you want to get rid of the causes of poverty: You will never have a better time. It's either there now or it won't be. Opportunities are not stones, but the wind, in the language of metaphor. They can open for a limited time, and then disappear, slip away, fly away.
This reason is very well learned to use the rich for their own good.
While the poor are looking, waiting, hoping for an even better offer, the rich are seizing the opportunity now.

The second reason for poverty: Unwillingness to think about the financial future.

Try to tell a woman with the psychology of poverty that now is the time to think about where her five-year-old son will study, about a pension that will come sooner or later.

You will hear a thousand arguments about the fact that:

  • saving money is pointless, because her "mother saved and what happened to them"
  • you can’t rely on the state, it will “rob, rob”
  • I want to live now, not in retirement

And no facts will help convince that times have changed. There are other possibilities, not just the state. However, it is the poor who rely on him, not the rich.

Harsh truth:

The rich think about the future all the time. When purchasing this or that thing, you can often hear just other arguments, for example, such: “Yes, I buy a Lexus, but it loses much less in its value than Lada. It needs to be repaired less often, it has higher wear resistance, etc. When making consumer purchases, the rich approach them from the position of an investor, not a consumer.

And it’s for sure that a rich person will not go to a nearby communication salon for a cell phone, get a loan at crazy rates.
It is not difficult for the psychology of the poor to pay for such a toy with extra time. After all, most consumer loans are taken by poor people who do not even think about how much they will have to process. It turns out that the poor are willing to invest much more for their desire to own the thing now. Naturally, there is not enough money to invest in the future today, as they invested yesterday in overpayments on loans.

The Third Cause of Poverty: A Straw of Stability and Turbulent Streams of Change.

The poor want stability very much and hold on to it like a drowning man at straws. Fear of change, unstable times frighten the poor because their thinking is focused on loss. And this is an important cause of poverty.
They so cling to what they have, albeit not luxurious, but acquired by hard work, that any events associated with sharp jumps, whether it be the exchange rate or political events, frighten and cause panic.

You will not hear from the poor that crises are cool, great, you can profitably buy what you have planned for a long time.

Harsh truth:

Crises cleanse and give opportunities, chances. It depends only on you how you use the opening prospects.

My rich friends are waiting for crises, because it is in a crisis that you can buy what you want, but much cheaper.

For example housing. I bought myself an apartment in 1998, when the real estate market just stood still. Yes, and in this crisis, calculate for yourself how much more profitable you could buy an apartment if you had the money.
Two years ago, the standard price for a one-room apartment in Moscow was 5 million rubles and it was about 150 thousand dollars, and now you could pay less than 100 thousand dollars for it, here's a net profit of 50 thousand dollars, but you most likely , have already bought it on credit and will still pay your 50 thousand rubles to the available 150 thousand.

The fourth cause of poverty: Laziness, justified by convincing arguments.

Here I would note not physical laziness, because I think that people with the psychology of poverty do not have it. They are really hard workers. They can work a lot physically, do things for a long time that they don’t like, but feed now.

It is about laziness to think, to look for solutions, to think.

Let's look at the fact that people with the psychology of poverty are not too lazy to live badly, to waste time discussing a country that does not pay them decent social benefits. However, it is not too lazy to blame parents for not giving them the necessary qualities and financial education.
But they are too lazy to pay taxes, for high benefits, to master financial literacy themselves.

Harsh truth:

The rich are more lazy than the poor, but their thinking is sharpened to find those who will solve their problem, on their own, at the expense of their money. Yes, they will pay for their laziness, unlike the poor.

The poor are not accustomed to paying according to "their bills", they will look for "freebies", freebies, freebies. And at the same time scold those who give them this opportunity.

For example, now the Internet is full of free material, say the same books and films. Scolding the state and the system, the poor do not have a sense of gratitude for the fact that they have this opportunity to use a huge array of knowledge for free. But, as soon as the state adopts a copyright law, numerous freeloaders will be the first to rush in defense of the freebie.

The rich would rather hire a specialist to help solve their gaps in knowledge or skills than sit on resources and waste time learning for free.
For example, if he feels that he needs a specialist in support, goal achievement, the rich will hire a coach, and the poor will go to the resources in search of more information.

In principle, a more illustrative example, probably with domestic issues, is that a rich person will not wash his house himself, but will hire those who will do it for him.

Only the lazy find the cause not in themselves, but in the world around them. For example, in blaming the existence of money in the world, because of which you have to strain.
Don't stress. After all, it's your choice. Live without money, people live like that too. True, a special category.

The fifth cause of poverty, the main one: The mindset of poverty.

All the causes of poverty can be summarized into one, but a large one - the thinking of poverty. Yes, the information that we received from the outside world allows us to make our predictions. We do this through our sensory experience - sensations, perceptions, through acquired knowledge, through generalization of what we have learned.
We express all our generalizations through language, speech. Therefore, I so often catch my clients and participants in the training with phrases that reflect the psychology of poverty.

Harsh truth:

Your poverty mindset is holding you in its grip. There are a lot of misconceptions, false beliefs, stereotypes that literally keep you in the psychology of poverty.

For example, these:

“I am a teacher at an institute, head of a department, and our teachers cannot be rich. The state does not appreciate the work of teachers” is a very common belief.

We see here the desire for someone to take over the evaluation of labor smart people. There is always an opportunity for a teacher, no matter the institute or school, not to stay where they pay little, but to organize something of their own, open an additional source of income, if your work keeps you that way.

Or stereotypes like that ALL talented artists (writers) should be poor, hungry and suffering. There are thousands of other examples when talent and wealth were realized without interfering with each other, but on the contrary, complementing.

Or here is another favorite construction of the psychology of poor thinking: “even though I am poor, I am honest (kind, I don’t steal, I don’t take bribes, etc.). As if there are no rich who honestly created their wealth, including in our country. Not engaged good deeds, charity and becoming sponsors. On the contrary, the number of rich, per thousand people, will be higher among them, if you look at the statistics. After all, what can you take from the poor, right?

Choice of strategy - wealth or poverty

A person who has to suffer because of money will never risk changing jobs, will not accept a new idea to increase income, will hold on with all his might to illusory stability and preach the psychology of poverty, convincing himself and his loved ones that “a tit is better in hands than a crane.” in the sky".

Therefore, I can rightly say that the choice of poverty or wealth strategy is yours to make.
And you do it daily. Continuing to look for the answer to the question in the old thinking, you hardly notice how you are programming yourself for poverty. Those words, those conclusions that you make, pronounce and then you are left in the "cage of poverty"

For example, at the beginning of the article, I suggested that you take a seminar, for a symbolic price.
What choice did you make? And if you wrote out and paid the bill - congratulations, the little step is still done.
And if not, then it is not difficult to guess your excuses.

  • I don't even have that kind of money
  • I can't afford it now
  • Buy, don't buy, I can't do anything
  • ABOUT! I also like: “You must help for free!”

What makes such a conclusion? Or maybe you need to change your mindset?
You know, maybe you even know the feeling with which these words are pronounced: "It's too expensive, I can't afford it."
Such a phrase is uttered, as a rule, with an air of offended grandeur, they say, where can I go, but you must help us, you must share with us.

What others should do, such people most often know, but what they themselves should do, they prefer not to focus on.

Be afraid of your words!

They have the ability to execute. And turn into traits of your character.
It is typical for women to expect generosity from others, to dream that the sky will open their “bank” to them and shower them with golden rain. That is why they love all kinds of meditations, enjoy occasional incomes and are ready to spend time, energy on this activity, however, and money on such courses.

And the thought does not come to their mind that there is no money in heaven, they are simply not needed there. Money is an earthly object and you are right that you will not take it with you to another world.

So, stop comforting your poverty in this earthly life!

You need:

1. Start creating not wealth, but well-being. Yes, to master financial literacy, earn money worthy of you, be systematic and persistent, live on what you earned yesterday, and not on what you may earn tomorrow.

2. Count on your budget. And if it does not suit you, then strain and increase, using the slightest opportunity, a chance to change not only the place and source of income, but above all your thinking.

3. Answer yourself the question: How much money do I need to be happy?

And don't say that "money can't buy happiness." These concepts are interrelated. If you quarrel with your husband over money, where does your family happiness disappear to?

If the happiness of being rich scares you, then there are studies that show that the happiest people live in financial well-being. When you are not constrained by means and can realize your desires. When you know how to rejoice and enjoy the life that you can afford.

Create your financial well-being and enjoy life, here and now!

PS: By the way, what was discussed in the article.

5 815 3 Can poverty be the result psychological state human? Perhaps, and most often, it is the “psychological” disposition towards the poor and the corresponding way of thinking of a person that are the real reasons for the unsatisfactory state of personal finances. So, the psychology of wealth and poverty are the causes of poverty. Why is this happening?

Yes, you now say that the rich are already born in wealth: money surrounds them from childhood. Let's not argue with that. Let's just say that the wealth around him creates the man himself. If he is persistent, purposeful and independent, if he can set his thoughts on the right wave, he will succeed.

Poverty is not karma, you can get out of this state, but only if you yourself want it! Remember the story of Rockefeller, who rose from the very bottom of poverty. Now his name has become a household name, meaning a very rich man, and yet at the beginning of his journey he had nothing but himself: his mind, his character and thinking.

All our life problems, including poverty, we create for ourselves. To get rid of poverty, you need to get rid of the psychology of poverty. Your wrong thinking is programming you for poverty. You must change your way of thinking, only then will you change yourself and your life.

Causes of poverty

You can work 24/7 and still be poor. Yes, you have what you think is a normal job. Yes, you do not make extra expenses. And still no money. What are the causes of poverty? What thoughts and actions prevent us from walking the path to wealth?

Self-pity and constant complaining

  1. Self pity

The one who constantly feels sorry for himself will never be rich. You can feel sorry for yourself and say that this is your fate and you can't fix anything. That you are not strong enough to succeed. That you are dissatisfied with your appearance, figure, age, nationality, and so on. But does all this matter if a person wants to succeed? No, it doesn't. Only you control your destiny, and it depends only on you what your life will be like.

In the process of working in one company, I noticed the following trend. 90% of senior positions in this company were occupied by citizens from the CIS countries who came to Russia without a penny. They came in search of a better life and income. At the same time, they were all from families of farmers and workers. But that's not all. The clients of our firm were Russian businessmen who left for the USA, England, Canada. A great example when people don't get in the way racial origin, nationality or low standard of living to achieve success and financial independence. For all these people, the only thought upon arrival was "Find better life”, “Earn and ensure a trouble-free future for your children.”

  1. Complaints about life

Dissatisfaction with your life, work, family is the first sign of a loser. If you are dissatisfied with something, then the situation needs to be corrected. And only you can fix it in order to become satisfied.

  1. Complaining about the success of others

Poor people constantly complain to themselves about the success of others. If someone succeeded, be happy for that person. And get on with your life, you can become successful at something else instead of wasting time and energy on self-pity.

Qualities to get rid of

In fact, laziness and passivity are the main companions of poverty. If you are not looking new job If you don't look for new jobs, don't come up with new business ideas, you'll never get out of poverty. A passive person will always be poor. On the way to wealth, you will meet many obstacles, which you can overcome only when you become active.

  1. chronic greed

Chronic greed is manifested not only in the manic desire to save on something, but also the constant search for even insignificant benefits (it is desirable that only you get the benefit, and the rest are left with nothing), the refusal to give gifts to others (even if they are relatives). people) and so on. Here you need to understand that economical and greedy are not the same thing. You can be frugal without being greedy.

Misperception of life

  1. Different understanding of success

The poor and the rich measure success differently. For the poor, success is measured in money, sometimes even a specific amount that needs to be spent urgently. The rich, on the other hand, have a completely different way of thinking: for them, money is an opportunity to implement new ideas, launch new business, and as a result - to earn even more.

  1. The poor want everything at once

This is the psychology of poverty in action. A person who gets a job in a good company dreams of big salary, and he will get it if he shows himself and waits for a while. But he wants everything at once, so he will jump from place to place, without gaining a foothold anywhere, although he could make himself an excellent career. The rich know that everything does not happen at once, any wealth does not appear immediately out of nowhere - it takes a long time to work on this.

  1. The poor do something they don't like

He has no options, because his unloved work depends on his existence. He may hate the bosses, he may not be satisfied with the salary, but he will sit in his place, because he receives money here too. But everything would be completely different if the work would be loved. Success can only be achieved by doing what you love.

  1. Fear of change and risk

You will remain trapped in the psychology of poverty if you are afraid of change. Rich people are not afraid of change, they use it as a new chance. The rich in life are always accompanied by risk, because without it no business is possible, and, accordingly, no wealth.

You probably also thought about why a person with 3 red diplomas will never get out of debt, and C students earn millions?! Everything is very simple. Wealth requires more than just intelligence. For the most part, tribalists understand this very well. Remember, they are more active, energetic, which is why they are not afraid of change and easily leave their comfort zone.

Relationships with others

  1. You all owe

The poor perceive the people around them as if they
everyone around should. A simple example: a person wants to receive a large salary, which would be enough for everything, but does not receive it, because the boss does not want to pay him more. But the boss does not owe him anything, since this person himself agreed to this work with such payment. The rich will never shift the responsibility for their well-being to another; they earn their own money.

  1. Ability to attract wealth

The rich do attract money. They do not spare money for charity, they do not refuse to act as a sponsor, they are happy to communicate with people, make new connections. The psychology of poverty, on the contrary, does not allow such behavior.

  1. There is safety in numbers

A poor person will not become rich if he is alone in difficult times. Success can only be achieved with the support of loved ones, relatives and friends, even if this support is moral, not material.

How are the rich different from the poor?

The rich differ from the poor in their way of thinking. If you can overcome the psychology of poverty in yourself, you will take a big step towards success. What is the mindset of rich people?

  • They recognize that daily habits have an impact on their financial success;
  • They believe in the American Dream, they believe in the idea of ​​endless possibilities;
  • They value existing relationships with their relatives, friends and acquaintances;
  • They love meeting new people, making new connections;
  • They are positive about the role of "savings" in achieving financial success;
  • They believe that only they determine their own life;
  • They prefer creativity to intelligence - new ideas are the basis of success;
  • They love their job, they do what they love;
  • They are sure that health is one of the foundations of success;
  • They are willing to take risks.

    Psychologist, family therapist, career coach. Member of the Federation of Consultant Psychologists of Russia and a member of the professional Guild of Psychotherapy and Training.