Esoterics      06/13/2020

A motive is that which induces for the sake of it. Activity as a form of human social existence

Human activity has the following main characteristics: motive, purpose, subject, structure and means. The motive of activity is that which induces it, for the sake of which it is carried out. The motive is usually a specific need, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of this activity.

The motives of human activity can be very different: organic, functional, material, social, spiritual. Organic motives are aimed at satisfying the natural needs of the organism (in humans, at creating conditions that are most conducive to this). Such motives are associated with the growth, self-preservation and development of the organism. This is the production of food, housing, clothing, etc. Functional motives are satisfied with the help of various cultural forms of activity, such as games and sports. Material motives induce a person to activity aimed at creating household items, various things and tools, directly in the form of products that serve natural needs. Social motives give rise to various activities aimed at taking a certain place in society, gaining recognition and respect from the surrounding people. Spiritual motives underlie those activities that are associated with self-improvement of a person. The type of activity is usually determined by its dominant motive (dominant because any human activity polymotivated, i.e. driven by several different motives).

The motivation of activity in the course of its development does not remain unchanged. So, for example, in labor or creative activity over time, other motives may appear, and the former fade into the background. Sometimes an action, previously included in the activity, can stand out from it and acquire an independent status, turn into an activity with its own motive. In this case, we note the birth of a new activity.

With age, as a person develops, a change in the motivation of his activity occurs. If a person changes as a person, then the motives of his activity are transformed. The progressive development of man is characterized by the movement of motives towards their ever greater spiritualization (from organic to material, from material to social, from social to creative, from creative to moral).

The goal of an activity is its product. It can be a real physical object created by a person, certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the course of activity, creative result(thought, idea, theory, work of art).

The purpose of an activity is not equivalent to its motive, although sometimes the motive and purpose of an activity may coincide with each other. Different kinds activities that have the same goal (end result) can be motivated and supported by different motives. On the contrary, a number of activities with different ultimate goals may be based on the same motives. For example, reading a book for a person can act as a means of satisfying material (demonstrate knowledge and get a well-paid job for this), social (show off knowledge in a circle of important people, achieve their location), spiritual (expand your horizons, climb more high level moral development) needs. Such different types activities, such as the acquisition of fashionable, prestigious things, reading literature, taking care of appearance, the development of the ability to behave, may ultimately pursue the same goal: to achieve at all costs someone's favor.

The object of activity is that with which it directly deals. So, for example, the subject of cognitive activity is any kind of information, the subject learning activities- knowledge, skills and abilities labor activity- created material product.

Every activity has a certain structure. It usually identifies actions and operations as the main components of the activity. action called a part of the activity that has a completely independent, human-conscious goal. For example, an action included in the structure of cognitive activity can be called receiving a book, reading it; the actions that are part of the labor activity can be considered familiarity with the task, the search for the necessary tools and materials, the development of the project, the technology for manufacturing the item, etc.; actions associated with creativity are the formulation of the idea, its phased implementation in the product of creative work.

Operation name the way in which the action is carried out. How many different ways to perform an action, so many different operations can be distinguished. The nature of the operation depends on the conditions for performing the action, on the skills and abilities available to the person, on the available tools and means for performing the action. Different people, for example, remember information and write differently. This means that they carry out the action of writing a text or memorizing material using various operations. Operations preferred by a person characterize his individual style of activity.

As means of implementation activities for a person are those tools that he uses, performing certain actions and operations. The development of the means of activity leads to its improvement, as a result of which the activity becomes more productive and of high quality.

Every human activity has external and internal components. Internal include anatomical and physiological structures and processes involved in the management of activities by the central nervous system, and psychological processes and states included in the regulation of activity. External components include a variety of movements , Related practical implementation activities.

The ratio of internal and external components of activity is not constant. With the development and transformation of activity, a systematic transition of external components to internal ones is carried out. It is accompanied by their internalization and automation. If there are any difficulties in the activity, when it is restored, associated with violations of the internal components, a reverse transition occurs - exteriorization: the reduced, automated components of the activity unfold, appear outside, the internal ones again become external, consciously controlled.

Each action also has its own psychological structure: the purpose of the action, motives, operations and mental acts, the end result. According to the dominant mental act in their structure, emotional, mental, psychomotor, mnestic and volitional actions are distinguished. Work actions according to their goals are divided into indicative, performing, corrective and final.

Indicative actions- this is the definition of the purpose of the activity, conditions, means and ways to achieve it. Orientation actions are of two types: theoretical and practical.

Theoretical indicative actions are aimed at obtaining the information necessary for the activity, answering the questions: what to do? How to do? What conditions are necessary and how to create them? What funds are needed and where can I get them? In what sequence is it advisable to act in the process of activity. Based on the answers, a working hypothesis is developed that defines the goal, process and result of the activity.

Practical indicative actions are included in executive actions in order to assess the process of activity, its compliance common purpose. At the same time, at each stage of activity, answers are sought to the questions: how is it done? Is it in line with the intention? That does not work? Why doesn't it work? What needs to be done to make it better?

Executive actions always begin after a theoretical orientation and consist in the consistent implementation of the intended (designed or determined by technology) actions to achieve the overall goal of the activity. For successful performing activities need knowledge, skills, abilities, habits and abilities. Even so, they cannot be fully successful without corrective action.

Corrective Actions- this is the introduction of amendments, clarifications and changes in indicative and performing actions based on feedback about inaccuracies, errors, deviations and failures.
The more complex and responsible the activity, the better it should be. Feedback and the more corrective actions are required in the process of performing activities. Only under this condition can the final actions be successful.

Final steps come down to checking the quality of the performance of all actions on final stage activities based on their results. This is already an assessment of the achievement of the goal of the activity: has it been achieved what was planned? What means and costs? What lessons can be learned from this activity? How best to implement it in the future?

Any kind of activity is very difficult information process, in which all mental processes and personality traits are included and somehow used. And the success of the activity depends on how regularly the information of messages is carried out, how carefully the command information is developed and how the feedback functions.

Life in all its forms is associated with movement, and as it develops, motor activity acquires more and more perfect forms. The activity of plants is practically limited by the exchange of substances with the environment. Animal activity includes elementary forms of exploration of this environment and learning. Human activity is the most diverse. In addition to all kinds and forms characteristic of animals, it contains a special form called activity.

Activity can be defined as a specific type of human activity aimed at the knowledge and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself and the conditions of one's existence. In activity, a person creates objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms his abilities, preserves and improves nature, builds society, creates something that would not exist in nature without his activity. The creative nature of human activity is manifested in the fact that, thanks to it, he goes beyond his natural limitations, that is, surpasses his own genotypically conditioned capabilities. Thanks to the productive, creative nature of activity, man has created sign systems, tools for influencing himself and nature.

Consider the structure of activity in the form of the following diagram.


MOTIVES - what motivates a person to act

ACTIONS - relatively completed elements of activity aimed at achieving intermediate goals, subject to a common plan

GOALS to which the activity is directed












Human activity has the following main characteristics: motive, purpose, subject, structure and means.

motive activity is called that which induces it, for the sake of which it is carried out. The motive is usually the need of a person, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of this activity. The motives of human activity can be very diverse:






Organic motives are aimed at satisfying the natural needs of the body (production of food, housing, clothing, etc.).

Functional motives are satisfied with the help of various cultural forms of activity (sports).

Material motives induce a person to activities aimed at creating household items, various things and tools in the form of products that serve natural needs.

Social motives give rise to various activities aimed at taking a certain place in society, gaining recognition and respect from the surrounding people.

Spiritual motives underlie those activities that are associated with self-improvement of a person. The type of human activity is determined by its dominant motive (since any human activity is polymotivated, that is, it is motivated by several different motives).

As goals activity is its product, and the motives and goals may not coincide. Why a person acts in a certain way is often not the same as what he acts for. When we are dealing with activity in which there is no conscious goal, then there is no activity in the human sense of the word, but there is impulsive behavior which is directly driven by needs and emotions.

deed- an action, performing which a person realizes its significance for other people, i.e. its social meaning.

Subject activity is what it directly deals with. So, for example, the subject of cognitive activity is any kind of information, the subject of educational activity is knowledge, skills, and the subject of labor activity is the created material product.

IN structure activities usually distinguish actions and operations as the main components. An action is a part of an activity that has an independent, conscious human goal.

The action has a structure similar to the activity: the goal is the motive, the method is the result. There are actions:

    sensory- actions to perceive the object;

    motor- motor actions;

    strong-willed- actions related to the manifestation of volitional efforts;


    mnemic- actions of memory;

    external subject- actions are aimed at changing the state or properties of the external world;

    mental- actions performed in the inner plane of consciousness.

As funds the implementation of activities for a person are those tools that he uses, performing certain actions and operations. The development of the means of activity leads to its improvement, as a result of which the activity becomes more productive and of high quality.

Every human activity has external and internal components. TO internal the components include anatomical and physiological structures and processes involved in the management of activity by the central nervous system, as well as psychological processes and conditions included in the regulation of activity. TO external components include a variety of movements associated with the practical implementation of activities.

The ratio of internal and external components of activity is not constant. With the development and transformation of activity, a systematic transition of external components to internal ones is carried out. He is accompanied by them interiorization And automation. In the event of any difficulties in the activity, during its restoration associated with violations of internal components, a reverse transition occurs - exteriorization: abbreviated, automated components of activity unfold, appear outside, internal again become external, consciously controlled.

Considering the problem of human activity, there are:

    sensorimotor processes;

    ideomotor processes;

    emotional-motor processes.

Sensorimotor processes- these are processes in which the connection between perception and movement is carried out. They distinguish four mental acts:

1) sensory moment of reaction - the process of perception;

2) the central moment of the reaction - more or less complex processes associated with the processing of the perceived, sometimes the difference, recognition, evaluation and choice;

3) the motor moment of the reaction - the processes that determine the beginning and course of movement;

4) sensory corrections of movement (feedback).

Ideomotor processes associate the idea of ​​movement with the execution of movement. The problem of the image and its role in the regulation of motor acts is the central problem in the psychology of correct human movements.

Emotional-motor processes- these are processes that connect the performance of movements with emotions, feelings, mental states experienced by a person.

Human activity has the following Main characteristics: 1) motive; 2) purpose; 3) subject; 4) structure; 5) funds.

motive An activity is what motivates a person to do it. The motive is usually specific need, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of this activity. The activity of the subject is always associated with some need. Being an expression of the subject's need for something, the need causes his search activity, which manifests the plasticity of activity, the connection of activity with the properties of objects that exist independently of it. This, in turn, presupposes the determinism of human activity by the external world and the objectification of a need, turning it into a specific motive for activity. In the future, the activity of the subject is no longer directed by the object itself, but by its image. Thus, a perceived need becomes motive of behavior.

As a target activity is an ideal representation of its (activity) future result, which determines the nature and methods of human actions. The result of an activity can be a real physical object created by a person, certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the course of an activity, a creative result.

The purpose is not brought into individual activity from the outside, but is formed by the individual himself.

This process inevitably includes the experience accumulated by mankind, which this individual learns in the process of training and education. Usually, in the process of activity, a person has not one, but a whole system of goals subordinate to each other.

The concepts of motive and purpose in the psychological analysis of activity have an important place. Unmotivated activity, as well as non-purposeful, simply cannot be. The motive and goal form a kind of vector of activity that determines its direction, as well as the amount of effort developed by the subject in its implementation. This vector organizes the whole system mental processes and states that are formed and unfold in the course of activity.

It is important to emphasize that on the basis of the same motive, different goals. If the motive encourages activity, then the goal "constructs" a specific activity, determining its characteristics and dynamics. The motive refers to the need that encourages activity, the goal - to the subject to which the activity is directed and which must be transformed into a product in the course of its implementation.

The subject of activity called what is directly involved. So, for example, the subject of cognitive activity is any kind of information, the subject of labor activity is the created material product.

The means of carrying out activities for a person are the tools that he uses when performing certain actions or operations.

Demo version of the exam 2017, 2018 - assignment No. 20.

“The motive of _________ (A) is what motivates it, for the sake of which it is carried out. A specific _________ (B) usually acts as an incentive, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of activities. This is a certain form of communication between living organisms and the outside world, necessary for the existence of _________ (C), social group, society as a whole.
_________ (D) needs are caused by the biological nature of man. These are the needs of people in everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. _________ (D) needs are related to the fact that a person belongs to society, occupies a certain place in it, participates in work activities and communication with other people. _________ (E) needs are associated with a person's knowledge of the world around him, his place in it and the meaning of his existence. Each of the groups of needs corresponds to a certain type of activity.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.
List of terms:
1) need
2) activity
3) nature
4) social
5) natural
6) genuine (reasonable)
7) individuality
8) individual
9) ideal (spiritual)


Unified State Examination in Social Studies Task 20 Insert terms and concepts according to the context Preparing for the Unified State Examination in Social Studies Unified State Examination Options in Social Studies Video lessons Analysis of the exam in social studies Useful tips, proven methodology, tips and technologies


Answer: 218549

Early version of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2017 - task No. 20.

Read the text below with a number of words missing.
Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.
“A person who actively explores and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is _________ (A). This is a person with his socially formed and individually expressed qualities: _________ (B), emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is due to the fact that the individual, together with other people _________ (C), cognizes and changes the world and himself. The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is at the same time a process of _________ (D).
Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social ties, a person's relationship to the world and with the world, to himself and with himself. It is characterized by _________ (D) develop, expand the scope
its activities and is open to all influences public life, every experience. This is a person who has his own position in life, who shows independence of thought, carries _________ (E) for his choice.
The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.
Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:
1) activity
2) intelligent
3) duty
4) everyday
5) responsibility
6) socialization
7) personality
8) aspiration
9) communication

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.


Human activity has the following main characteristics: motive, target, item, structure And facilities. The motive of an activity is that which induces it, for the sake of which it is carried out.. The motive is usually a specific need, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of this activity.

Motives of human activitycan be very different; organic, functional, material, social, spiritual.

organic motives are aimed at satisfying the natural needs of the organism (in humans, at creating conditions that are most conducive to this). Such motives are associated with the growth, self-preservation and development of the organism. This - production of food, housing, clothing and so on.

Functional motives are satisfied with the help of various cultural forms of activity, such as games and sports.

material motives induce a person to activity aimed at creating household items, various things and tools, directly in the form of products that serve natural needs.

Social motives give rise to various activities aimed at taking a certain place in society, gaining recognition and respect from the surrounding people.

Spiritual motives underlie those activities that are associated with self-improvement of a person.

Activity type is usually determined by its dominant motive (dominant because all human activity is polymotivated, i.e. driven by several different motives). (Nemov)

Motivation of activity in the course of its development does not remain unchanged. So, for example, other motives may appear in labor or creative activity over time, and the former fade into the background.

With age, as a person develops, there is a change in the motivation of his activity.. If a person changes as a person, then the motives of his activity are transformed. The progressive development of man is characterized by the movement of motives towards their ever greater spiritualization(from organic to material, from material to social, from social to creative, from creative to moral). (Nemov)

As activity goals its product stands. It can be a real physical object created by a person, certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the course of activity, a creative result (thought, idea, theory, work of art).

The purpose of an activity is not equivalent to its motive, although sometimes the motive and purpose of an activity may coincide with each other. Different activities that have the same goal (end result) may be motivated and supported by different motives. On the contrary, a number of activities with different ultimate goals may be based on the same motives. For example, reading a book for a person can act as a means of satisfying the material (demonstrate knowledge and get a well-paid job for it), social (show off knowledge in the circle of significant people, win their favor), spiritual (expand one's horizons, rise to a higher level of moral development). ) needs.

The subject of activity called what it directly deals with. So, for example, the subject of cognitive activity is any kind of information, the subject of educational activity is knowledge, skills, and the subject of labor activity is the created material product. (Nemov)