Children's books      03/28/2022

Psychophysiological aspects of reading skill and the process of mastering it. Reading Psychological aspects of reading

Currently, reading is considered as one of the highest intellectual functions, as a purposeful activity that can change views, deepen understanding, recreate experience, influence behavior, improve personality.

Reading is difficult mental process and above all the process of semantic perception writing, her understanding. The complexity of this process is primarily due to its heterogeneity: on the one hand, reading is a process of direct sensory cognition, and on the other, it is an indirect reflection of reality. Reading cannot be viewed as a simple act; it is a complex activity that includes such higher mental functions as semantic perception and attention, memory and thinking
Reading is also considered as one of the types of written speech, which is a process that is in many respects the opposite of the process of writing. Writing, like oral utterance, by special means turns a folded thought into an expanded speech. The letter begins with a motive forcing the subject to formulate a statement in written speech, continues in the emergence of a general scheme, plan of the statement, or idea, which is formed in inner speech and does not yet have a pronounced verbal character. Carrying out a generative function, inner speech turns a folded idea into a system of written speech. At the same time, writing has much in common with the process of reading. Like writing, reading is an analytic-synthetic process, including sound analysis and synthesis of elements of speech, although this element of reading can be eliminated in many cases. Analytical-synthetic reading manifests itself especially clearly in the early stages of its development in a child who analyzes letters, translates them into sounds, combines them into syllables, and synthesizes a word from syllables. At the later stages of the formation of reading, this process is of a different, more complex nature. An experienced reader, as studies of eye movement have shown, does not analyze and synthesize all the elements of a word, he only grasps a limited set of letters that carry basic information (most often the root part of a word), and restores the meaning of the whole word using this set of sound-letters. In order to achieve a correct understanding of the word perceived while reading, the reader often returns to the written word and compares the “hypothesis” that has arisen with the real word. When reading fairly familiar words, most consolidated in past experience (last name, first name, city in which a person lives, common names of objects, etc.), such a process of comparing the hypothesis with the actually written word, i.e. a return to letter-by-letter analysis becomes redundant, and the reader recognizes the word immediately. Here, in all likelihood, successive perception replaces simultaneous perception. If the written word is more complex in its structure (for example, a shipwreck, an omen, etc.), or an already distinguished complex of letters does not yet give grounds for an unambiguous reading of the word (cf.: an order can be read as an arrangement, etc.), then the reader returns to the read word, checks the initially arisen hypothesis with the real spelling and only then decodes the meaning of the word.
This reading strategy, which consists of running ahead (anticipation) and going back (comparison, control), is provided by a complex act of eye movement. It is known that the restriction of the freedom of eye movement back and forth in the text disrupts the process of reading at all stages of its development (T.G. Egorov, 1952, etc.). Eye movements as a necessary component of the reading process have already been studied in the works of the authors early period(A.V. Troshin, K. Miller and others). Scientists have established that during reading there is a regular change of pauses and eye movements and that the optical perception of readable signs occurs at the moment of fixing the eye, and not its movement. They also found that the unit of reading is a word, not a letter.
This direction was further developed in the works of T.G. Egorova, L.I. Rumyantseva (1953) and others, who studied in detail eye movements during reading and paid special attention to the study of regressive eye movements and their significance for reading. It was found that the inability of the eye to return back along the line

significantly slows down the reading process, increases the number of errors, but even greater difficulties arise when the eye moves forward along the line, since these movements provide the so-called "anticipatory reading" or "prediction zone". These authors also believe that reading occurs at the moment of fixations of the eye (the "recognition zone") and that the unit of reading is the word, and the letters serve as landmarks in it. The eye perceives in the process of fluent reading not all letters, but only some of them, bearing most information about the word. These letters are called dominant.
Thus, these authors come to the conclusion that eye movements are one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of reading, but only a condition. As for the direct structure of the reading process, it is characterized by the interaction of at least two levels - sensorimotor and semantic, which are in a complex unity. The sensorimotor level, in turn, consists of several closely interconnected links: a) sound-letter analysis, b) retention of the received information, c) semantic guesses arising on the basis of this information, d) comparison, i.e. control of emerging hypotheses with this material. The sensorimotor level provides, as it were, the "technique" of reading - the speed of perception and its accuracy. The semantic level, based on data from the sensorimotor level, leads to an understanding of the meaning and meaning of information. The complex interaction, the unity of these levels, provides reading both from the side of the speed and accuracy of the perception of signs, and from the side of an adequate understanding of the meaning that these signs carry. In the formation of reading in children, the visual perception of alphabetic characters - separately or in a word - is necessarily accompanied by pronunciation aloud, i.e. the translation of a visual lexeme into its sound and kinesthetic counterpart. Accurate, error-free perception is the main condition for the correct understanding of what is being read.
From the very beginning, reading is subordinated to its main task - the understanding of the written message. Therefore, the development of reading comprehension in the process of formation of reading in children goes in close connection with the development of the process of perception. At the very beginning of the formation of reading, understanding does not go together, but after perception; it is possible only on the basis of a long analysis and synthesis of readable words. Gradually, as the reading skill develops and automates, understanding begins to outpace the process of perception, and it manifests itself in the emergence of semantic guesses, guessing the meaning within individual words. At the later stages of reading formation, the task of understanding read messages is already solved by grasping the meaning of whole words and sentences. Here, reading is based on the anticipation of further thought, which no longer refers to a word or phrase, but to a whole paragraph or even to the entire text. In an adult, anticipatory reading reaches complete perfection. The act of reading here takes place in a complete and inseparable unity of the processes of perception and understanding of what is read. The process of perception by this time is automated and provides the conditions for a quick and correct understanding of what is being read. Understanding, in turn, begins to strongly influence perception, affecting its speed and accuracy.
Understanding a word or phrase when reading is provided not only by the accuracy of perception, but also by the influence of the context. This condition, which plays a certain role in reading, was mentioned in the works of some authors (A.V. Troshin, T.G. Egorov, etc.). This issue was also studied in the studies of A.N. Sokolov, in which the significant role of context in the understanding of a word, phrase, paragraph when reading was experimentally shown. Studies directly aimed at studying the question of the influence of the context of a word on the reading process, its speed and accuracy, were carried out by J. Morton. Based on a large amount of experimental material, the author concludes that a quick and adequate understanding in the process of reading occurs due to a higher degree of context of words.

A high degree of context of words and the full use of contextual guesses lead, in turn, to an increase in reading speed, a decrease in the number of fixations (i.e., the volume and angle of coverage of the material by the eye increase), to an increase in the accuracy of perception, which is reflected in a decrease in regressive movements eye. J. Morton suggests that there is a reading potential that is not fully used by inexperienced readers and that is associated with knowledge of the statistical properties of the language, with the probability of a word. Increasing the likelihood of a stimulus word can make it more comprehensible, and this will lead to an increase in reading speed without loss of comprehension.
In modern psychological literature, a distinction is made between "external" and "internal" contexts. "External" is built on the basis of the influence of the entire read text, and "internal" - on the basis of the read paragraph, sentence.
Such a complex mental process cannot be carried out on the basis of the work of any one area of ​​the brain, or the so-called reading center, as was previously thought. Modern neuropsychology considers the joint work of several parts of the brain (posterior frontal, lower parietal, temporal, occipital regions of the cortex of the left hemisphere) as the brain basis for the implementation of the reading process, each of which makes its own specific contribution. For the implementation of the reading process, the preservation and interaction of visual, acoustic and kinesthetic analyzers is necessary, the joint work of which is the psychophysiological basis of the reading process (FOOTNOTE: Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity / Ed. LA Leontiev. M., 1974).
Already this brief analysis allows us to draw a conclusion about the extreme complexity of the psychological structure of the reading process and its connection with the brain. The normal reading process includes at least four interacting components: sound-letter analysis and synthesis, information retention, semantic guesswork, and the process of comparing reading "hypotheses" with written words. All these processes, however, can be carried out only if there is a complex movement of the eyes, on the one hand, and if the motives of activity are preserved, on the other. Given the complexity of the structure of the reading process and the necessary conditions, it is easy to imagine all the variety of pictures of reading disorders in brain diseases.
The clinic has long identified some varieties of alexia. Some of them are associated with aphasic disorders, including difficulties in transcoding letters into sounds, others are caused by certain disorders. higher forms perception and behaviour. Therefore, the process of reading can be disturbed at different levels, and the psychological structure of reading disorders in lesions of different localization can be profoundly different. Based qualitative analysis reading disorders in alexia (in adults and children), developed by A.R. Luria and his students identified and described several forms of verbal and non-verbal (gnostic) alexia. Each form of alexia is based on a factor, the violation of which leads to reading defects. Alexia and are divided into different forms depending on the different factors underlying them. In the clinic of alexia, there are several forms of non-speech reading disorders:

  1. optical alexia that occurs when the parieto-occipital and occipital regions of the left hemisphere of the brain are damaged; two types of optical alexia are known - literal and verbal;
  2. opto-mnestic alexia, remotely associated with speech disorders;
  3. optical-spatial alexia, which is based on defects in spatial perception.
Speech forms of alexia occur in syndromes of the same-name forms of aphasia. With the defeat of the temporal parts of the dominant hemisphere, two forms of alexia arise - sensory and acoustic-mnestic. And lesions of the lower parietal and posterior frontal parts of the left hemisphere of the brain also lead to two forms of motor alexia - afferent and efferent, respectively.
So far, we have described those forms of alexia in which the first link in the complex structure of reading is violated - the link that provides sound-letter analysis. In one case, it is disturbed due to defects in optical perception, in the other - due to a violation acoustic analysis and synthesis, in the third case, the sound-letter analysis during reading turns out to be defective due to the pathology of the dynamics of speech processes, in the fourth - due to defects in the kinesthetic link.
We have also described a specific form of alexia, which arises on the basis of a violation of the volume of perception and auditory-speech memory, i.e. another link, semantic, in the structure of reading. This form of alexia reveals itself in the syndrome of acoustic-mnestic aphasia. In all these cases, activity is not disturbed in terms of its purposefulness, control functions (in terms of the need for it), semantic guesses (if they can arise) are adequate, i.e. reading as a behavioral act is here undisturbed. The data of our study showed that reading can be disturbed even when the sound-letter link in its structure remains intact, but the links that ensure the emergence of adequate semantic guesses and control turn out to be broken. Such a violation of reading could often be caused by damage to the frontal systems of the brain, which, as you know, provide motivation, general organization, programming and regulation of the course of mental processes.
With this form of alexia, the performing side of reading remains intact, it turns out to be more disturbed. high level reading - the level of understanding. The central defect here may be either instability of attention, or a violation of purposefulness in behavior, etc. With this form of alexia, "guessing reading" also often occurs. However, its nature differs sharply from the above-described forms of "guessing" reading. Guessing words does not arise due to defects in perception, but due to instability of attention or due to inertia of the attitude, etc. Guessing does not correspond to the general meaning of what is being read, however, the patient does not catch the discrepancy between the meaning of the word he guessed and the meaning of the text. He continues formal reading, or reads in terms of the attitude he has created, without revealing the need to control his actions.
And finally, reading may be disturbed even if all the links of its complex structure are preserved, but if essential condition reading - eye movements. It is known that the act of reading can proceed only with the translational movement of the eye through the text - a fixed eye cannot read, as many studies in the field of visual perception and, in particular, reading have shown. Therefore, eye movement disorders, which often occur in connection with damage to the occipital lobes of the brain, necessarily lead to impaired reading. When restoring reading in these cases, one should follow the path of compensating for defects in gaze movement, creating conditions for consistent eye movement along the line using external means that promote the progressive movement of the eye along the line and throughout the text. These are

the main forms of reading impairment in local lesions of the cerebral cortex, each of which has its own structure, depending on the central defect, and the corresponding method of restorative learning.
Before proceeding to the analysis of each of the forms of alexia and methods for overcoming them, in order to have a deeper understanding of alexia, we will dwell on only one common and most important characteristic of all forms of alexia, concerning the violation of semantics, understanding in alexia and its dependence on different parameters. We use the experimental material obtained by us in a joint study with I.M. Ulanovskaya. In this study, data were obtained on the unequal degree of comprehension impairment in different forms of alexia and at different linguistic levels - words, sentences, text. Thus, patients with acoustic-mnestic alexia understand much worse what is read at all levels (words, sentences, texts) compared to groups of patients with motor forms of alexia. Data have also been obtained on the different influence of the context on the understanding of messages when reading in different forms of alexia: with motor forms of alexia, patients understand the text better than the sentence. All forms of alexia are characterized by a significantly better understanding of the word compared to the understanding of sentences and texts.
The study of the role of context in understanding showed that the context has a different effect on the ability of patients with alexia to understand the subject content of the message being read. In afferent and efferent motor forms of reading impairment, for a full understanding, the external and internal contexts of what is being read are equally important. Therefore, the understanding of texts in patients in these groups is more intact than the understanding of sentences based on the use of an exclusively internal context and associated mainly with an understanding of the factual side of the material being read. This conclusion is confirmed by the text comprehension strategy typical for patients with motor forms of alexia. In acoustic-mnestic alexia, the context has a negative effect on understanding. For patients in this group, the volume of what is read, inversely proportional to the level of context, is the most important for understanding. This experimental fact confirms the author’s position that acoustic-mnestic alexia, as well as the corresponding form of aphasia, is based on a narrowing of the volume of incoming information, leading to a primary violation of the actual process of understanding written speech and expressed in the negative influence of the main means of understanding (external and internal contexts) on the ability of patients with acoustic-mnestic alexia to understand the subject content of a written speech message. In general, the data of our study allow us to consider alexia as a complex systemic reading disorder, covering various links and levels in the structure of the reading process. Differences in the psychological structure of oral speech and reading can lead aphasia and alexia to structurally different disorders when they occur. complex forms. Aphasia and alexia in these cases may not coincide, and in alexia, as leading disorders, there are those that, in the corresponding form of aphasia, occupy a subordinate position.
Only two brief fragments of the study described here are presented to show the role of these data for reading recovery in various forms of alexia. These data indicate that with alexia it is necessary to start work from the level of the word, since in all forms of alexia the word is understood better when reading. In the later stages of recovery in motor forms of alexia, it is more useful to work on understanding and
reading sentences through the text, which cannot be done with acoustic-mnestic alexia. With optical forms of alexia, it is also more important to rely on semantics, on word understanding, in order to restore the reading of letters through understanding the meaning of words.
In order to effectively restore the reading process in various forms of alexia, special methods are needed that would take into account, in addition, a higher, arbitrary level of reading realization in comparison with oral speech, on the one hand, and the degree of rudeness of the reading disorder and the central mechanism (factor), on the other.
As for the material on which training should be carried out, at the beginning of training it must meet the requirements of high frequency of vocabulary, simplicity of grammatical structures, frequency of the topic of the text and its verbal composition. In the future, to improve reading, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of all components of verbal material that prevent "guessing reading".

When reading, that is, determining the meaning of what is printed on the page, a number of specific processes are involved. When we read, our eyes constantly make rapid movements, jumping from one sign to another. These fast movements are called saccades, and each one lasts about 15 milliseconds. After each saccade, our eyes stop at one point for about 250 milliseconds before starting another saccade. It is at this time, when our eyes are still, that we can be aware of information.

One of the reasons why the eyes move across the page is that the words we are interested in should be in the center of the field of view; this area we perceive most clearly. The identification and comprehension of printed or written words requires information processing at three levels. First you need to process information about straight and curved lines and use it to identify individual letters in a word. Having identified the letters, we must identify the entire word. But this is a very complex process, and it is unlikely that it occurs through a sequential transition from deciphering letters to forming a word from them. Most likely, this process is interactive, that is, the features of the whole word help to identify specific letters, and vice versa, individual letters help us to recognize the whole word.

One of the central concepts in the psychology of reading and word recognition is the internal vocabulary. Our internal dictionary contains all the information about the words we know, including their meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and the role they can play in a sentence. Every time we read a word, we refer to this dictionary, but how do we find the right word so quickly and correctly? One suggestion is that people can recognize a word directly from the set of printed letters. That is, having looked, for example, at the word "simple", we instantly correlate it with the desired word of the internal dictionary.

See also the articles "Dyslexia", " cognitive psychology”,“ Speech Development ”,“ Chomsky, Noam ”.

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Pedagogical Council 12/21/2017

« Psychological aspects reading"

The problem of understanding the meaning of the text is especially relevant now, when many schoolchildren who have grown up in the computer world are not able to penetrate not only the essence of the classical literary text, but simply correctly understand and reproduce the content of the task.

Reading -it is the ability to understand and reflect on a written text, to use it to achieve a certain goal, to learn something new, to develop, and also to participate in society.

The requirements for learning outcomes established by the new Federal State Educational Standards make it necessary to change the content of learning based on the principles of metasubjectivity as a condition for achieving High Quality education. The teacher today should become the creator of new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating students' own products in mastering knowledge.

Connecting linkall subjects is text , work with which allows you to achieve optimal results.

Reading and reading comprehension should be taught in school. And this is not only in the development of the alphabet by students, the technique of reading. A new concept appeared - semantic reading.

Semantic reading - a type of reading which is aimed at understanding the semantic content of the text by the reader.

For semantic understanding, it is not enough just to read the text. It is necessary to evaluate the information, respond to the content.

When working with a text, understanding begins even before reading it, unfolds in the course of reading and continues in reflection on what has been read.

From the point of view of psychologists, in the process aimed at understanding the text, mergeattention and memory, imagination and thinking, emotions and the will, interests and attitudes of the reader.Therefore, one of the main psychological tasks of teaching semantic reading is activation of mental processes student when working with text.

It is important to develop the ability of students to read texts with different levels understanding of the information contained in them:

    with an understanding of the main content (viewing reading);

    with a full understanding of the content (studying (analytical) reading);

    with the extraction of necessary significant information (search engine);

    critical understanding of information.

Today we need to educate a competent reader. One of the ways to develop reading literacy is a strategic approach to teaching meaningful reading.
Semantic reading is a meta-subject result of mastering educational program main general education, and is also a universal educational action. The components of semantic reading are included in the structure of all:

    into personalinclude reading motivation, learning motives, attitude towards oneself and school;

    into regulatoryuniversal learning activities - student acceptance learning task, arbitrary regulation of activity;

    into cognitiveuniversal learning activities - logical and abstract thinking, working memory, creative imagination, concentration of attention, vocabulary volume;

    into communicativeuniversal learning activities - the ability to organize and implement cooperation and cooperation with a teacher and peers, adequately convey information, display the subject content and conditions of activity in speech.

I suggest you now in the form of a game try to understand for yourself.

    The game is to collect proverbs (cut proverbs, according to words, phrases, are given to participants).

Divide the teachers into three teams and give the task.


Participants collect cut pictures (10 parts).

    "My memory"

Learn the verse using the pictogram. Participants are given a quatrain, where they must learn it with the help of a pictogram in 3 ways: 1. By ear; 2. Visually (icon); 3. Independent reading.

2. The process of perception of a work of art.

1. The process of understanding. Text and subtext.

Comprehension is the decoding of a message and its "clarification", that is, embedding it in one's experience.

Two conditions are necessary for understanding.

1. Knowledge of the relevant range of concepts, grammatical rules of the language. First, the general idea of ​​the statement is perceived, and only then comes the decoding of words and phrases, and not vice versa. The process of understanding is very difficult.At the very first stages of message perception, hypotheses about its meaning arise, that is, there is a search for meaning, a choice from a number of alternatives. Perception begins with individual words and phrases only if the work is going badly.familiar language. In the usual case, when perception goes to mother tongue understanding individual words and phrases is an auxiliary process. The act of understanding is the decoding of the entire message as a whole, the consciousness of itconnectivity. It is always a search for context (speech, situational). FreedomThere are simply no elements of the utterance that differ from the context. Context giveswords and phrases in the utterance have a specific meaning.

2. Knowledge of basic semantic structures or deep syntactic structures that underlie each component of the utterance and express emotional or logical systems of relations. Completeunderstanding of each constituent part of the message can be ensuredonly through the transition from superficial grammatical structures Tounderlying, underlying, deep. Little to understand directlynew value of the message. It is also necessary to highlight the inner meaning, that is,to make a complex transition from text to subtext, to highlighting what is inthan the central, inner meaning of the message, so that I can understandtives behind the actions of the persons described in the text. For example, whoLas Chatsky "Carriage for me, carriage!" means his desire not only to leavefrom this house, but also in general the rejection of the society located in thishome. The internal meaning of the text may diverge from its external meaning.niem. You need to be able to abstract from external meaning and move on toinner level. Text can be read at various depths, andBecause of this, different people perceive the same text in different ways.

The process of this transition from the external meaning to the internal meaning of the message is an important and little developed branch of psychology.

Understanding the meaning of a complex message. Text and subtext

Understanding the text - understanding the inner meaning, subtext, motive behind the text. In the understanding of a literary work, this is the main one. There are several components that affect the process understanding:

1. Influence of meanings. The whole message consists of separate words and phrases only formally. It is not enough to understand the meaning of individual phrases in order to understand the meaning of the entire text. Phrases are not isolated, each subsequentcarries the meaning of the previous one. For example: Parents gave Mashadoll. She liked her very much.

2. Identification of "semantic nuclei". The process of the influence of meanings, the unification of elements that are far apart from each other is a special activity of a person decoding a message. It is especially difficult when dealing withlarge texts. The process of understanding the text is activesearch character. The more practice, the faster a person finds inthe text is the most important and necessary. In written text, this is helped by the rub.rication: headings, paragraphs, spacing, emphasis, etc.

3. Probabilistic approach to understanding the message. Composed phrases are easier to understand than subordinate ones. The difficulty also depends on the content of the text - what is the probability of one or another element of the text.There are phrases where the probability of this particular content is close to one. For example: Winter came and fell .... (snow). And there are phrases where the alternative is great. For example: I have a toothache, and I went ..... (to the doctor, to the pharmacy, to the clinic); We were at the zoo and saw there ... (elephant, lion, giraffe, tiger, ostrich); I went to the store to buy myself .... (shoes, book, bread). The lower the likelihood of associations caused bycontext, the more difficult it is to understand.

Even very simple statements can have the most extensive subtext. For example: It's already ten! (how fast time flies; we have to go, it's late; we're late). But at the same time, the subtext is not always there. For example:The sun shone brightly through the window.Always with subtext: expressions with a figurative meaning; comparisons; Byproverbs; fables. In order to properly understand these elements, it is necessary to abstractshirk from external meaning.

There is a subtext in any work of art. A superficial reading is almost always insufficient for understanding. But in this case, the transition to the subtext is much more difficult than in a fable or a proverb.

Analysis artwork includes:

1. superficial reading, highlighting the narrative of an external event;

2. highlighting hidden subtext, revealing the inner meaning of the events described;

3. identification and analysis of the motives for the actions of a person;

The depth of reading depends more on the emotional subtlety of a person than on the logic of informational intelligence.

2. The process of perception of a work of art.

Two sides of a work of art

Stages of perception of a work of art

1. The motives and the general attitude set the system of criteria for choosing a work. The choice is also influenced by personality and background factors. Evaluation criteria are more influenced by norms and values

given social group(this is especially true for people with a low level of intellectual development). The result of the first stage is the readiness of the recipient to contact with the work.

work (expectation and readiness for a certain activity).

3. Communicative stage - communication with a book, reading. Attitudes are important, the perception and evaluation of the book depend on them. If expectations are not met, even good work may not please the reader, go."

4. Evaluation of the work.

I. Direct perception of the work,

that is, the re-creation and experience of his images. Thought processes take place here, but they must obey the reconstruction of images and not suppress emotionality. Words have a conceptual meaning and figurative content. The writer selects the words so that the reader realizes the figurative content of the words. If the reader will rely only on the conceptual meaning of words, the work will not be artistic for him. Perception goes through

representation of the reader, that is, through the reflection of the text in his brain. Text images are created on the basis of the individual experience of the reader, that is, the reader's presentation of the text is always subjective. This can be seen in the illustrations depicting the same hero, but belonging to different artists. The measure of individuality in the reader's ideas also depends on the features of the work itself, on the author's intention.

Some authors define content more rigidly, giving detailed descriptions, others are less rigid, giving the reader room for fantasy. For example, A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy. With primary representations, by association, secondary, secondary representations or memories arise that contribute to morepersonal experience of the text. Perception also occurs through the emotional-volitional experiences of readers. Experiences can be of three types. The first are internal volitional actions and feelings for the heroes of the work. Usually the reader takes the point of view of the hero, his problems and concerns, and from these positions

looks at the events and people depicted in the work and recreated by him through the representation. As a result of such empathy, the reader comprehends the inner world of the hero, that is, the emotional-volitional processes here serve as a means of cognition. The second type is the reader's personal emotional-volitional reactions: the reader perceives the work from his own point of view, from the position of his tastes, views, worldview. The reader sympathizes with some characters, he hates others, and so on. The third type of reaction that is caused by perception through the work of the author's personality: he likes or dislikes, the reader is satisfied or not satisfied with his moral, ideological positions, etc. All three of these experiences co-exist and are interconnected. But the aesthetic experience and educational impact of the work on the reader is possible only when the reader is not completely absorbed by the experiences of the characters, but retains hispoint of view. Perception artwork begins with an entry into the text. It depends on the work (how the exposition is given) and on the reader (interest, temperament, patience, etc.). The entry is expressed in the fact that the reader ceases to perceive with reason, emotions are connected, the reader begins to comment on the text, tries to predict what will happen next.

When entering the text, the reader tries to find landmarks:

Orientation in

genre and general



Sets the mood for a certain attitude to the work and

way of perception.If it's a fable, then the reader tunes in

On allegory and allegory, if a parody- to absurdity

illogicality, surprise, if it is realistic

work - on truthfulness, on attempts to try on

Orientation in

volume of the work

A mood is created for a certain duration of work.


in time and



The area of ​​the reader's past experience is included in the work,

necessary forrecreating the images of the work.

Epoch, about the main character of the work and the events that took place

with him in a previous novel.

Orientation in

main operating

faces of the work

A necessary condition for the reader is to highlight the main character.

If this done wrong, the reader can either

tune in wrongon the perception of the work

will result in either a refusal to read,or negative emotions associated with reconfiguration.

Orientation in


main operating

persons of the work

For the reader to accept the hero's point of view, the author's sympathy is needed.


Emotionally positive description, contrast with negatively described hero, etc.

Orientation in

the action of the work

A prerequisite for entering the text is a definition

start of action,strings. If the reader does not identify correctly

tie, he maybe wrongpredict the plot. A

comparison and adjustment of your plot with the author's

evokes negative emotions.

Orientation in
figurative core of the work

At the beginning of the work, some figurative

hero characteristics,which then throughout

works are developed and concretized,

creating the thread of the story.

II. Understanding the ideological content of the work.

The idea is the main idea of ​​the work. It can be adjusted depending on the historical era. The reader may correctly identify it, but it may not be relevant to him.

III. Evaluation of the work after reading.

Three types of relationship to the book. The first is complete indifference, when the reader has nothing toyourself interesting anddid not find anything significant. (By the way, this can be facilitated by teachingliterature at school). The second type is the experience of the meaning of what is read forknowledge of reality: the reader learns a lot of new, interesting,expands horizons, enjoys. The third type - opening in the othertannom of personal meaning, emotional experiences.

9 factors that characterize the perception of a work of art.

1. cultural and historical factor: system social norms and values, artistic canons, stereotypes. The most influential is the immediate background - the subculture;

2. "group norms and values" - the values ​​of the referent (significant

for the reader) groups (prestige, fashion);

3. unique life situation(mood, well-being, availability of time, etc.).

Psychological effectiveness of art

The effectiveness of the psychological influence of art is determined by the emotional impact of artistic images. In the process of perception, the content and meaning of the work are recreated by the reader according to the guidelines given by the author, but the final result depends on the spiritual activity of the perceiver himself. Any form of contact with art is a kind of activity. And it is on its character that its effect depends - the presence, direction, quality and depth of the impact of the work on the personality. The semantic content of the work comes into contact with the meaning-generating structures of the personality and ultimately causes those changes in them, which are then perceived as the social effect of art. Ideological aspects are organically woven into the fabric of living, visible images and therefore affect the human consciousness imperceptibly, but deeply. What is experienced becomes part of inner world personality. A concrete-sensory image is remembered much better than a rational one. Emotional memory is stronger than rational memory. The specifics of the impact of art cannot be simplified. One person after

6. Elements of occurrence in the text.

7. What factors influence the perception of a work?

8. Psychological effectiveness of art.

Questions for the seminar

1. The process of understanding. Main stages.

2. The process of perception. Main stages.

3. Ability to read in children of different ages.

4. Elements of entry into the text (on the example of any work of art)

A correct understanding of the pathology of reading requires, first of all, knowledge of its psychological structure. Modern studies of the psychology of reading, its formation and development greatly facilitate the study of the mechanisms of the breakdown of reading and the identification of those forms that alexia acquires depending on the topic of brain damage.


Currently, reading is considered as one of the highest intellectual functions, as a purposeful activity that can change views, deepen understanding, recreate experience, influence behavior, improve personality.

Reading is a complex mental process and, above all, a process of semantic perception of written speech, its understanding. The complexity of this process is primarily due to its heterogeneity: on the one hand, reading is a process of direct sensory cognition, and on the other, it is an indirect reflection of reality. Reading cannot be viewed as a simple act; it is a complex activity that includes such higher mental functions as semantic perception and attention, memory and thinking

Reading is also considered as one of the types of written speech, which is a process that is in many respects the opposite of the process of writing. Writing, like oral utterance, by special means turns a folded thought into an expanded speech. The letter begins with a motive forcing the subject to formulate a statement in written speech, continues in the emergence of a general scheme, plan of the statement, or idea, which is formed in inner speech and does not yet have a pronounced verbal character. Carrying out a generative function, inner speech turns a folded idea into a system of written speech. At the same time, writing has much in common with the process of reading. Like writing, reading is an analytic-synthetic process, including sound analysis and synthesis of speech elements, although this element of reading can be eliminated in many cases.