Medicine      03/28/2022

In the 16th century the desire to get out. Spur on history. Final stage of the war

inviolability of autocracy

The events of the first Russian revolution include ...

All-Russian October political strike

By the beginning of the XX century. refers to the concept...


In 1606–1607 There was an uprising led by...

I. Bolotnikova

The service people who made up the standing army in the 16th century were called ...


The system of local government, according to which the princely administration was maintained at the expense of the local population during the period of service, was called ...


Naryshkin baroque

During the February Revolution...

Nicholas II abdicated

The reason for the announcement of the policy of "red terror" was (o) ...

attempt on V.I. Lenin

Russia withdrew from the First World War by signing _____________ peace with Germany in March 1918.


According to the Constitution of 1918, the highest body of state power in Russia was ...

All-Russian Congress of Soviets

For the domestic policy of the USSR in 1945-1953. was typical...

resumption of repressive policies

One of the results of the foreign policy of the USSR in the 1930s. was the introduction Soviet troops V …

the Baltics

The second front was opened in __________.


The radical direction of the social movement included the party ...

Alexander III went down in history as...


The last Russian autocrat, Nicholas II, ascended the throne in ______.

In 1670, the largest popular uprising began under the leadership of ...

S. Razina

The first Zemsky Sobor in the Russian state was convened in ____.

Lesson years - years during which (-axis) ...

search term for fugitive peasants

The order of distribution of official places depending on the origin and official position of the ancestors was called ...


Detour by the prince and squad of subject lands to collect tribute in Kievan Rus was called...


One of the reasons for feudal fragmentation was (-axis, -is) ...

natural economy

The founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes was ...

Daniel Alexandrovich

In ancient Russian literature, the description of the life and deeds of Christian saints was called ...

The reign of Nicholas I began in ______.

In 1809, on the instructions of Alexander I, the draft of the transformations “Introduction to the Code of State Laws” prepared ...

MM. Speransky

For two years (1764–1765), Catherine II worked on compiling _________ for the deputies of the Legislative Commission.


The construction of the city of St. Petersburg began in May _____.

Dissidents in the USSR were called ...

people who did not share the dominant ideology


E.T. Gaidar as head of the Russian government in December 1992 was replaced by ...

V.S. Chernomyrdin

A certain democratization of Soviet society after the 20th Congress of the CPSU manifested itself in ...

expansion of the rights of the union republics


"History of Russian Goverment"


The science that studies the measures of length, area, volume, weight used in the past in their historical development is called ...


The circle of Westerners included ...

T.N. Granovsky and K.D. Kavelin

In 1695–1696 Peter I undertook ...

Azov campaigns

In April 1785, he was admitted ...

Complaint letter to cities

In 1810, Alexander I established the highest legislative body of the Russian Empire ...

State Council

One of the leaders of the Cadets was ...

P.N. Milyukov

In 1883 the first Russian Marxist group was formed...

"Emancipation of labor"

Zemstvo reform was carried out in _____ year.

Strengthening Russian finances at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. associated with the name...

S.Yu. Witte

The beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market dates back to the ____ century.

The first all-Russian Sudebnik was adopted in ____.

In 1598, the royal dynasty of Rurikovich ended with the death of ...

Fedor Ivanovich

In the XVI century. the desire to reach the shores of the Baltic Sea forced Ivan IV to start _______ war.


Under M.S. Gorbachev, a course was proclaimed for ...

acceleration of the socio-economic development of the country

During the leadership of the country N.S. Khrushchev eliminated...

line ministries

The economic reform of 1965 provided for ...

restoration of line ministries

In 1979–1989 The USSR participated in hostilities on the territory of ...


Cathedral of the Kyiv Metropolitan in the XI-XIII centuries. There was a ___________ cathedral.


An image or pattern made of pieces of stone, marble, ceramics, smalt, attached to a layer of cement or mastic, is called ...


A poetic work of ancient Russian literature of the late XIV - early XV centuries, dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, is called ...


The battle on the Kalka River took place in ____.

The appearance of the first audiovisual documents dates back to the _____ century.

cognitive function historical knowledge lies in…

identifying patterns of historical development

One of the methods of historical knowledge is ...


Soviet historians in the study and coverage of history generally adhered to the ________ approach.


One of the reasons for the failures of the Soviet troops in the first months of the war was ...

destruction commanders Red Army during the period of repression

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was transformed into the Council of Ministers of the USSR in St.

During the NEP period, the country was abolished ...

universal labor service

To the foreign policy events of the 1930s. applies...

admission of the USSR to the League of Nations

labor service

F.E. Dzerzhinsky in December 1917 headed ...

In December 1916, the murder of G. Rasputin took part ...

V.M. Purishkevich

One of the tasks facing the Provisional Government was (o) ...

preparation for the convocation of the Constituent Assembly

The political views of Nicholas II were formed under the influence of ...

K.P. Pobedonostseva

The expression "Bloody Sunday" refers to the events of _____.

January 1905

Alexander II came to the throne in _______.

According to his political views, Alexander III was ...


One of the functions of historical knowledge is...


The Tale of Bygone Years refers to _________ historical sources.


One of the methods of historical knowledge is ...


The famous historian S.M. Solovyov considered the main force of the social process ...


After the signing of the Treaty of Georgievsk in 1783, Russia took under its protection ...

Eastern Georgia

TASK N 10 report an error

The leaders proposed to sign the conditions limiting autocratic power in 1730 ...

Anna Ioannovna

In 1802, Alexander I signed a decree on the establishment of the first eight ...


According to P.Ya. Chaadaev, the salvation of Russia consisted in ...

using European experience

The foreign policy of the USSR in the 1930s, aimed at creating a united anti-fascist front, was called the policy of ...

collective security

The chronological framework of the NEP was the period of _____.

During Battle of Kursk was carried out...

the final transfer of the strategic initiative into the hands of the Soviet command

characteristic feature economic development USSR in 1945–1953 was …

use in the national economy of the labor of prisoners

The heyday of Kievan Rus occurred during the reign of ...

Yaroslav the Wise

National assembly in Rus' in the X-XIV centuries. called...

Ivan Kalita received from the Mongol-Tatars the right ...

collection of tribute from the Russian principalities

One of the consequences of the Tatar-Mongol invasion was ...

the subsequent lag of Rus' from the advanced European countries

The offensive operation of the Southwestern Front of the Russian army under the command of General A.A. Brusilov began in ____ g.

The only representative of the socialist parties in the first composition of the Provisional Government, formed in March 1917, was ...

A.F. Kerensky

One of the measures of the policy of "war communism" was the introduction of ...

labor service

Most of the deputies of the Constituent Assembly, which opened on January 5, 1918, represented the party ...

To the events of the foreign policy of the USSR in the 1960s. applies...

signing of the treaty banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, space and under water

In 2000, he was elected President of Russia ...

V.V. Putin

To the social policy of N.S. Khrushchev is...

lowering the retirement age

The group of advisers to Ivan IV, an informal circle of reformers in the initial period of his reign, was called ...

Chosen Rada

Artistic style in Russian architecture of the 17th century. called...

Naryshkin baroque

Novgorod land was annexed to the Muscovite state during the reign of ...

The government in Russia in 1610 - 1613, formed after the overthrow of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, was called ...

Seven Boyars

The Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) ended with the signing of ________ peace.


The end of the first Russian revolution is connected with the events of _____.

The concept of ... is connected with the judicial reform of 1864.


The main changes in the economic life of Europe at the end of the XV - XVI centuries.

1) population growth;

2) the beginning of the introduction of scientific achievements into production;

3) the formation of book printing;

4) the formation of metallurgy;

5) changes in agriculture.

6) erosion of the traditional estate system.

Philosophers, writers and artists of the Renaissance

The highest flowering of Renaissance art came in the first quarter of the 16th century, which was called the "High Renaissance". The works of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Raphael Santi (1483-1520), Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Giorgione (1476-1510), Titian (1477-1576), Antonio Correggio (1489-1534) make up the golden fund European art.

The most significant artists of this period include Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Lucas Cranach (1472-1553), Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538), Matthias Grunewald (1470-1528).

The first advances in mathematics and astronomy date back to the middle of the 15th century. and are connected in many respects with the names of G. Peyerbach (Purbach) and J. Müller (Regiomontan). Müller created new, more advanced astronomical tables (to replace the Alfonsian tables of the 13th century) - "Ephemerides" (published in 1492), which were used in their travels by Columbus, Vasco da Gama and other navigators. L. Pacioli, an Italian mathematician of the turn of the century, made a significant contribution to the development of algebra and geometry. In the 16th century The Italians N. Tartaglia and J. Cardano discovered new ways to solve equations of the third and fourth degree.

The most important scientific event of the 16th century. was the Copernican revolution in astronomy. The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, in his treatise On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres (1543), rejected the prevailing geocentric Ptolemaic-Aristotelian picture of the world and not only postulated rotation celestial bodies around the Sun, and the Earth still around its axis, but also for the first time showed in detail (geocentrism as a guess was born back in Ancient Greece) how, based on such a system, one can explain - much better than before - all the data of astronomical observations. In the 16th century the new system of the world, in general, did not receive support in the scientific community. Convincing evidence of the truth of the theory of Copernicus was given only by Galileo.

The main socio-political aspects of the teachings of Martin Luther

Martin Luther shared many of the religious beliefs and superstitions of his time. For him, for example, the omnipotence of the devil and the need to commit witches to the fire were obvious. He also recognized the religious value of alchemy. Like many contemplative theologians and laymen, Martin Luther drew his "mystical" inspiration from the Theologia deutsch, a book which he considered second only to the Bible and St. Augustine. Having studied many theological writings, Luther at a young age was influenced by the views of William of Ockham. However, contemporary Luther religious performances powerless to explain the rise of his creative genius. On the contrary, the personal spiritual experience of the reformer was the main reason why they were overturned. As in the case of Mahomet, Luther's biography will help us understand the origins of his religious work.

Characteristic features of European absolutism as a political regime

Enlightened absolutism is a policy pursued in the second half of the 18th century by a number of monarchical countries in Europe and aimed at eliminating the remnants of the medieval system in favor of capitalist relations.

The theory of "enlightened absolutism", whose founder is considered to be Thomas Hobbes, is completely imbued with the rationalist philosophy of the age of "enlightenment". Its essence lies in the idea of ​​a secular state, in the desire of absolutism to put the central power above all else. Until the 18th century, the state idea, which was expressed by absolutism, was understood in a narrow practical sense: the concept of the state was reduced to the totality of the rights of state power. Holding firmly to the views worked out by tradition, enlightened absolutism introduced at the same time a new understanding of the state, which already imposes obligations on state power, which enjoys rights. The consequence of this view, which was formed under the influence of the theory of the contractual origin of the state, was that theoretical limitation of absolute power, which caused a whole series of reforms in European countries, where, along with the desire for the "state benefit", concerns for the general welfare were put forward. The "enlightenment" literature of the 18th century, which set itself the task of a complete criticism of the old order, found ardent support in absolutism: the aspirations of philosophers and politicians agree that the reform should be carried out by the state and in the interests of the state. Therefore, a characteristic feature of enlightened absolutism is the union of monarchs and philosophers who wished to subordinate the state to pure reason.

August 25, 1530 in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow was born Grand Duke Moscow and All Rus' since 1533, the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, nicknamed the Terrible. He was the son of Grand Duke Vasily III and Princess Elena Glinskaya.

Ivan's youth fell on the years of boyar rule. The state under the young tsar was ruled by Princess Elena, Prince Ivan Ovchina-Obolensky-Telepnev, Belsky, Shuisky, Vorontsov, Glinsky. Ivan IV grew up in a struggle for power between warring boyar factions, accompanied by murders and violence.

On January 16, 1547, Ivan IV was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin (in 1561 he received the blessing of the Patriarch of Constantinople).

Active participation of Ivan the Terrible in state activity began with the creation of the Chosen Rada (1549). In the years 1549-1560, he carried out reforms in the field of central and local government (the most important orders are being issued, the system of "feeding" is being eliminated), law (a national code is being drawn up - Sudebnik), the army (locality is limited, the foundations of the streltsy army are being created), etc. After the fall The elected council (1560) single-handedly pursued a line to strengthen autocratic power.
The internal policy of Ivan IV was directed against the separatism of the boyars, which resulted in the establishment in 1565 of the oprichnina. He dealt with political opponents by methods of disgrace, execution and exile.

characteristic feature social policy Ivan IV was the strengthening of serfdom (the abolition of St. George's Day and the introduction of reserved years).

From him massacres And mass repression his political opponents, and tens of thousands of peasants, serfs, townspeople perished. During one of the outbursts of anger in 1582, he inflicted mortal beatings on his son Ivan. The people received the nickname "Terrible", reflecting the idea of ​​him as a tyrant king.

Foreign policy was determined by the need to fight the successors of the Golden Horde and the desire to reach the shores of the Baltic Sea. Ivan IV conquered the Kazan (1552) and Astrakhan (1556) khanates, initiated the annexation of the Urals and Siberia to Rus', the transformation of the Russian state into a multinational one.

The military activity of Ivan IV was distinguished by the boldness of strategic plans and the decisiveness of their implementation. He participated in the Kazan campaigns of 1545-1552, in the campaign against Polotsk (1563), in the Livonian campaigns of 1572 and 1577. Having ensured the security of Rus' from the east (subordination of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates) and organizing its defense from the south (creating a system of notch lines on the invasion routes Crimean Tatars), Ivan IV concentrated his main efforts on the struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. However, this goal was not achieved. The Livonian War ended unsuccessfully due to difficult foreign policy conditions (struggle on 2 fronts - against a bloc of European states and Crimean Khanate) and the aggravation of the situation inside the country.

In strategy, Ivan IV was guided by the consistent defeat of the enemy, the advance and thorough preparation of the country and the army for war. In tactics, he proceeded from the need to defeat manpower in a field battle, but he attached great importance to the defense and siege of fortresses. In the struggle for fortresses, he widely used artillery and engineering equipment, in particular mine-explosive ones.

(Military Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S.B. Ivanov. Military Publishing. Moscow. In 8 volumes - 2004. ISBN 5-203 01875-8)

Being a "bookish" man, Grozny possessed an outstanding literary talent. He is the author of numerous works - letters to Andrei Kurbsky, European monarchs, subjects, monks of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery, theological treatises, etc. Correspondence with Kurbsky is an example of the genre " open letter”, intended not only for the addressee, but also for a wide range of readers.

It is assumed that the texts written by him had a significant impact on the compilation of a number of literary monuments of the middle of the 16th century.
Ivan IV also studied hymnography. He is known as the author of the text of the 4th stichera from the service to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the 7th stichera from the service to Metropolitan Peter.

Royal decrees played an important role in the organization of book printing; on his initiative, the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was carried out, and the murals of the Faceted Chamber were created.

Material prepared on the basis of information open sources

Russia sought to reach the Baltic even under Ivan III. Under him, at the beginning of the 16th century, Ivangorod became the main Russian port through which sea trade with Western Europe was carried out. Read about what events unfolded around trade in Ivangorod in the 16th century in this article. The text is taken from Mikhail Shumilov's book "The History of Trade and Customs Affairs in Russia in the 9th-17th Centuries".

Ivangorod became the main Russian port through which sea trade with Western Europe was carried out. In order to attract foreign and Russian merchants, Ivan III ordered to install scales here for weighing salt and wax. This was enough to reach the right bank of the Narova already at the beginning of the 16th century. frequent Scandinavian merchants - Danes and Swedes. After the normalization of political relations with the Hansa (1514), Ivangorod's trade relations with Revel and Luebeck became regular, and in the 1920s and 1930s with the Netherlands. Thus, the role of Ivangorod as a transshipment base in Russian-West European trade was strengthened. Russian merchants, heading to Livonia, had to first visit Ivangorod in order to obtain permission to trade with Narva, and those who wanted to go further to Revel (by sea) had to sail from the Ivangorod pier without stopping in Narva. At the same time, wax, flax, hemp, fish oil, blubber, furs, lard, etc. still prevailed among the selling goods. Among the imported goods, the first place was occupied by weapons and non-ferrous metals, gold and silver in the form of ingots and coins, sulfur, alum. Although the import of non-ferrous and precious metals increased markedly in the 1920s and 1930s, it nevertheless did not cover the needs of the Russian domestic market.
A peculiar role in trade with the West was played by the village of Narovskoye, located at the mouth of the Narova at the confluence of the Roson River. Its inhabitants (at the end of the 15th century there were 62 households in the village) were engaged not only in fishing and farming, but also kept inns for merchants, carried out pilotage, meeting and seeing off merchant ships. Closely connected with Ivangorod, the village of Narovskoe in the first half of the 16th century. in fact, it was the sea gate of Russia.

In an effort to establish itself on the shores of the Baltic Sea, in 1557 a seaport was built at the mouth of the Narova on the low right bank of the river, then the task of conquering the Livonian harbors came to the fore. At the very beginning of the Livonian War, Russian troops captured Narva, which for a time became the Russian sea gate in the West. In an effort to create exceptional conditions for "Narva navigation", Ivan IV "granted the merchants of Narva the widest privileges: the right to self-government, religion, the right to duty-free purchase of basic goods in the Russian markets."
Appearance of ships from distant countries in the Narva pier Western Europe threatened the Hanseatic cities with heavy losses. Therefore, the transfer of the city into the hands of Ivan IV was carefully hidden by the latter. The English, who by that time had a long relationship with Riga and Reval, knew nothing about the Narva trade until 1560. In 1560, the ships of the Muscovite Company visited Narva for the first time, “and since then the British have been in constant contact through this port with the most important trading cities of the Muscovite state, which loaned the ships that came to Narva with their goods. What benefits the company received from this trade can be concluded from the news of the trading trip of its agent Goodson, who in 1567 sailed to Narva with goods worth 11,000 pounds. erased; these goods consisted of cloth, karasei and salt; when selling them, the company received a 40% profit. The subjects of the French king traded quite actively in Narva: Normans (especially Rouenese), Bretons, La Rochelles, Parisians and Orleans, who came for wax, leather, lard, flax, hemp and other goods.

Interfering with Russia's maritime trade, the Reval pirates detained and seized merchant ships heading for Narva. Since the damage from these attacks was significant, the Moscow governors often turned to the Reval rat, complaining about the losses incurred by the Narva trade from those actions. No less dangerous were the robbery attacks of Swedish and Polish pirates. Fearing the military strengthening of Moscow with the help of England, the Polish king did his best to inspire the English queen with the idea of ​​the reprehensibility of trade with Ivan IV and threatened to seize ships bound for Narva. Knowing this, Goodson nevertheless urged the company's board to send 13 ships to Narva in the spring of 1570 for Russian goods, having previously armed them with firearms. Indeed, the English ships met 6 ships of Polish privateers and fought with them: one enemy ship left, the other was burned, "the remaining 4 were brought to Narva and 82 prisoners were handed over to the Moscow governor." The capture of Narva by the Swedes in 1581 actually disrupted the trade relations that had developed by that time along the Baltic Sea. This hit the interests of France especially hard, prompting her to seek relations with Russia by the northern sea route.
After the conclusion of the Tyavzinsky peace treaty with Sweden (1595), part of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland with the cities of Yam, Koporye, Ivangorod, recaptured from Sweden in 1590, as well as Oreshek, Korela and the Nevsky Estuary, passed to Russia. According to the terms " eternal peace”, merchants from other states were forbidden to moor to the Russian coast of the Gulf of Finland, at the mouths of the Luga and Neva rivers, as well as “look for piers ... along other rivers and places”. They received the right to freely come for trade only to Vyborg and Revel (Kolyvan). In Narva (Rugodiva) only Swedish and Russian subjects could trade, and only with special permission from the Swedish authorities - merchants from other European countries. In Ivangorod, Russian trade with subjects of the Swedish king and merchants from other countries was generally prohibited. Russian merchants also got the opportunity “without delay to travel to all places in Sveya, Finnish and Chyukhon land [Estland. - M.Sh.], where they themselves want to go, trade and trade with the custom, as it used to be from old times. At the same time, the free trade of Swedish merchants in Russia was envisaged. Other Europeans could freely come to Russia only with “patterned” goods, fit for “his royal majesty to the treasury”, but they also had to “announce and record” those goods in Reval or Vyborg. Thus, Sweden actually managed to establish a monopoly in the Baltic in trade intermediation between Russia and the countries of Western Europe.

32. Khoroshkevich A.L. Russian state. . pp. 40 - 43, 61 - 62; Chepik G.S. Sentry Prinarovye. Brief historical outline. SPb., 1996. S. 8 - 10.
33. Kostochkin V.V. Russian military fortifications of the 16th century at the mouth of the Narova River // Brief messages about reports and field studies of the Institute of the History of Material Culture. M., 1953. No. 52. S. 26; Kazakova NA. Russian-Livonian and Russian-Hanseatic relations. S. 304.
34. Skrynnikov R.G. Russian history. IX - XVII centuries M., 1997. S. 286.
35. Klyuchevsky V.O. Stories of foreigners. . P. 223 - 224. The British also brought military goods to Narva, which the government of Queen Elizabeth did not allow to be exported from their country "to any other sovereign in the world" (Tolstoy Yu. The first forty years of relations between Russia and England. St. Petersburg, 1875 Appendix No. 33. P. 138)
36. Zhordania G. Essays on the history of Franco-Russian relations in the 15th and 1st half of XVII centuries Tbilisi, 1959. S. 5 - 6
37. Kordt V.A. Essay on relations between the Muscovite state and the Republic of the United Netherlands in 1631 // Collection of RIO. 1902. T. 116. S. 15 - 16.
38. Gomel I. The British in Russia in the XVI - XVII centuries. SPb., 1865. S. 83 - 84; Tolstoy Yu. The first forty years ... Applications No. 9. P. 31 - 32; No. 13. S. 32 - 33.
39. Tolstoy Yu. The first forty years ... Appendix No. 33. S. 138; Klyuchevsky V.O. Tales of foreigners ... S. 224; Gomel I. Englishmen in Russia... 43, 54, 105.
40. Zhordania G. Essays from history ... S. 7 - 10.
41. Shaskolsky IP Stolbovsky peace in 1617 and trade relations between Russia and the Swedish state. M.; L., 1964. S. 25 - 27, 213 - 214; Florya B.N. Russo-Polish relations... P. 61. Tyavzinsky peace treaty was not ratified by the Russian side until the conclusion in 1609 in Vyborg of a new agreement between Russia and Sweden.

"History of Russia before the Time of Troubles"

Task number 2

Formation of a single territory of the Russian
state ended mainly with ...

Answer options:

Vasily P
Basil I

Ivane ShS


Task number 1

The reasons for the rise of Moscow include

Answer options:

Lithuania's weakness

Profitable geographical position Next>

support of the Tver principality

Task number 2

The order control system began to take shape
to the board...

Answer options:

Ivana Sh
Basil I
Vasily P
+ Ivan IVNext

Task number 1

The defeat of Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh took place in

Answer options:

1382Next >

Task number 2

The first all-Russian Sudebnik was adopted in ___

Answer options:


Task number 1

The beginning of the rise of the Moscow principality in the XIV
V. associated with the name...

Dmitry Donskoy
+Ivan KalitaNext>

Simeon Proud
Ivan the Red

Task number 2

Novgorod land was attached to
Moscow state during the reign

Answer options:

Vasily Sh
+ Ivan ShSle

Vasily P
Ivan IV

Answer options:

Semyon Dezhnev
+Afanasy NikitinNext>

Epiphanius the Wise
Abraham Palitsyn

Task number 1

A work of ancient Russian literature,
dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo is called

Answer options:

+“The Legend of the Battle of Mamaev”Next>

"The Tale of Bygone Years"
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
"Russian Truth"

Task number 1

One of the most revered Russian
ascetics, saints and reverends,
who blessed the Moscow prince Dmitry
Ivanovich to the Battle of Kulikovo, is ...

Joseph Volotsky
Theodosius Pechersky
Seraphim of Sarov
+ Sergius of RadonezhNext

Task number 2

In 1485, a principality was attached to the Muscovite state.

Answer options:



Task number 1

In the Battle of Kulikovo, the Horde troops headed ...

Answer options:

Khan Tokhtamysh
Khan Batu
+ Temnik MamaiNext>

Khan Uzbek

Task number 1

The place of the Battle of Kulikovo is the confluence

Answer options:

Yaik and Dnieper
Gums and Acne
+Dona and NepryadvyNext>

Oka and Volga

Task number 2

Coat of arms with double-headed eagle as official
the symbol of Russia appeared when ...

Answer options:

Ivan I
Vasily P
Ivan IV
+ Ivane SHNext

Task number 2

The political theory "Moscow - the third Rome" was proposed by the Pskov monk Philotheus at the beginning of the ___ century.

Answer options:


Task number 1

Ivan Kalita received from the Mongol-Tatars the right ...

Collection of tribute from Russian principalitiesNext>

final unification of Russian trade with Lithuania

conclusion of an alliance with Tver

Task number 1

Moscow's most stubborn struggle for
Grand Duke's throne in the first third of the XIV century. became a principality.





Task number 2

The events that went down in history as "standing on the Ugra" occurred in the year.

Answer options:


Task number 2

The highest advisory body under the Grand Duke (Tsar), consisting of representatives of the feudal aristocracy, was called ...

Chosen Rada
by a secret committee
State Duma
+ Boyar DumaNext

Task number 1
From 1359 to 1389 he reigned in Moscow

Answer options:

Dmitry DonskoyNext>

Yury Dolgoruky
Ivan Kalita
Simeon the Proud

Task number 2
The result of the reign of Ivan III is

Answer options:

final centralization of the Russian state

Unification of most of the Russian lands around MoscowThe next legalization of serfdom
annexation of Siberia

Task number 2

The accession of Pskov to the Moscow State took place in ___.

Answer options:


Task number 1

The wooden walls of the Moscow Kremlin were replaced by stone ones...

Answer options:

Dmitry DonskoyNext>

Ivan Kalita
Yuri Dolgoruky
Ivan the Terrible

Task number 2

Monetary collection from peasants in the XV-XVH centuries. when leaving the feudal lord on St. George's Day is called ...

Answer options:


Task number 2

The highest rise of Russian icon art
associated with the work of the Russian artist XTV-XV
centuries, the author of the famous "Trinity" ...

+ Andrey Rublev
Simona Ushakova
Theophan the Greek

Task number 2

The title "Sovereign of All Rus'" was first adopted by

Answer options:
+ Ivan IIINext>

Ivan IV
Vasily P
Vasily Sh

Task number 1

A characteristic feature of the socio-economic
development of Russian lands in the XTV-XV centuries. was
strong growth...

debt slavery
+feudal landownership traveling>

the number of raznochintsy
urban population

Task number 1
In 1380 took place

Answer options:

Battle of KulikovoNext>

Battle on the Ice
battle on the river Vozha
Neva battle

Task number 1

In 1378 Russian army defeated the Horde

Answer options:



Task number 1

An image laid out on a tree with oil paints is called ...

+ iconography

stained glass windows

Task number 1

The founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes was

Alexander Mikhailovich
Ivan Danilovich
Yuri Danilovich
+ Daniil Alexandrovich

Task number 2

In 1471, in the battle of the Shelon River, the Moscow army was opposed ...

Answer options:

+ NovgorodiansNext>

Task number 2

The system of local government, according to which
the princely administration was supported by
local population during the period of service,

+ feeding


Task number 2
"Standing on the Ugra River" led

Answer options:

new campaign of the Mongol-Tatars to Rus'
complete defeat of the Russian army
+ the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in RussiaNext comforting>

resumption of tribute payments to the Mongol-Tatars

Task number 1

Ivan Kalita's policy of strengthening the role of Moscow as the center of unification was continued by his son...

Ivan III the Great
Dmitry Donskoy
Vasily P Dark
+ Simeon the Proud

Task number 3

In 1240, after a long siege, the Mongol-Tatars took the city...

Answer options:



Task number 7

In honor of the capture of Kazan by Russian troops, Ivan IV ordered the construction of a _____________________ cathedral in Moscow.





Task number 9

The first European to make a sea voyage to India in 1498 was a Portuguese navigator...

Ferdinand Magellan
Christopher Columbus
+Vasco de GamaSl traveling>

Marco Polo

Task number 6

The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus' marked (a) ...

Battle of Kulikovo
+standing on the river UgraNext>

Battle on the Ice
battle on the river Kalka

Task number 7

In 1551, the Council of the Russian Church was convened, which received the name ...

Answer options:
+Hundred HeadsNext>


Task number 8

In the XVIIb. production appears for the first time in the Russian economy.

+ manufactory

Next >

Task number 9

John Calvin
+Martin LutherNext>

Jan Hus
Thomas Munzer

Task number 5

In Catholicism, full or partial forgiveness
sins that the church gave to the believer,



the inquisition


Task number 3

Reflection of aggression from the West in the XIII century. associated with
in the name of a prince...

Answer options:

Alexander NevskyNext>

Ivan Kalita
Vladimir Monomakh
Dmitry Donskoy

Task number 7

Livonian war ended in defeat

Answer options:


Task number 8

A new phenomenon in Russian culture of the XVII century.



Task number 7

In 1552, the _____ Khanate was annexed to Russia.

Answer options:



Task number 3

In the 50-60s. XIII century. took place in Rus'
numerous uprisings of Russian people,

Answer options:

crop failures and famine
+census and data collectionNext>

imposition of Catholicism

harassment towards the Russian Church

Task number 9

The culture of the Renaissance (Renaissance) originated in the second half of the XIV century in ...

Answer options:


Task number 3
The Battle of the Neva took place in

Answer options:



Task number 6

Restriction of the peasant transition from one
feudal lord to another (the right of St. George's day) as
the all-Russian measure was first contained in ...

Answer options:

"Cathedral Code"
+ Sudebnik 1497 Next >

"Russian Truth"
Sudebnik 1550

Task number 7

In 1556, the _______ Khanate was annexed to Russia.

Answer options:



Task number 3

In 1242, the battle of the Novgorod army with the cross-bearers took place on the ice of _________ lake

Answer options:



Task number 7

In 1565, Ivan the Terrible announced the division of the country into zemshchina and ...

seven boyars
+ oprichnina Next>


Task number 3

The economic dependence of Rus' on the Golden Horde consisted in ...

receiving a label
the existence of a polyud
+ payment of tributeNext>

payment of "tax"

Task number 3

The Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus' began in 1237 under the leadership of the Khan ...

Answer options:

Genghis Khan

Task number 7

Non-professional warriors united in
military formation on a voluntary basis,
are called...

+ MilitiasNext

Task number 3

Military-monastic Catholic order-state, in the XIII century. threatening Rus' on the western borders, was called ...

Teutonic Order
+Livonian OrderNext>

Order of the Sword
Order of Malta

Task number 7

Form state structure, with which
the power of the tsar is limited by Zemsky Sobors,
called a monarchy.


early feudal
+ consumptive-representativeC


Task number 3

System of political and economic domination
over the Russian lands of the rulers of the Golden Horde
states are called...

Answer options:

poll tax
+ Horde yokeNext>

Horde exit

Task number 7
Sudebnik 1550 confirmed

Answer options:

The right of transition of peasants on St. George's DayNext>

the existence of "forbidden years"
cancellation of the elderly
the existence of "lesson years"

Task number 7

The appearance of book printing in Rus' is connected with the name ...

Answer options:

Andrey Kurbsky
Theophan the Greek
+Ivana FedorovaNext>

Ivan Peresvetov

Task number 4

In the suppression of the Tver uprising of 1327, together with
The Mongol-Tatars participated the Moscow prince ...

Semyon Proud
+Ivan KalitaNext>

Ivan groznyj
Dmitry Donskoy

Task number 7
Ivan the Terrible ruled


Task number 7

In January 1547 he was married to the kingdom in Uspensky
Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and became known as

Basil I

Task number 3

The tribute that the Russian lands paid to the Mongol Tatar khans was called ...

Answer options:

+ Horde exitNext >

Task number 3

Territories that Ivan IV singled out as a special inheritance
with special troops public administration,
were called...


Task number 3

In ancient Russian literature, a description of the life of the ideas of Christian saints was called ...



Task number 7

The first mention of reserved years refers to
___ year.

Answer options:

1581Next >

Task number 6

The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rusio marked (s) ...

Answer options:

Battle on the Ice
battle on the river Kalka
+standing on the river UgraNext>

Battle of Kulikovo

Task number 3
BXVHb. Simon Ushakov was the most
famous in Russia...

Answer options:

church leader
+icon painterNext

her >

Task number 3

Image and pattern laid out from pieces
stone, marble, ceramics, smalt, mounted on
a layer of cement or mastic is called...

Answer options:


Task number 3

A literary work of the 11th century, written by Metropolitan Hilarion and glorifying Christianity, is called ...

Answer options:

+“The Word of Law and Grace”Next>

"Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh"
"The Tale of Bygone Years"
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Task number 3

Answer options:

Battle of the IceNext>

Battle of the Neva
Battle of Grunwaldek
Battle of Kulikovo

Task number 7

The feeding system was abolished in

Answer options:


Task number 3

City with the most resistance
Mongol-Tatars in 1238 and holding the defense for seven
weeks, called...

Answer options:


Task number 3

In the battle on the river Sit in 1238, the Russian army in
led by the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri
Vsevolodovich was defeated by ...


German knights

Task number 3

Monument of ancient Russian literature of the 21st century.
dedicated to the campaign against the Polovtsy Novgorod-
Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185

"The Legend of the Mamaev Battle"
"Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh"
"A word about the destruction of the Russian land"
+"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"Next

Task number 3

The first mention in the annals of Moscow is
by 1147 and is associated with the prince ...

Answer options:

Andrey Bogolyubsky
+Yuri DolgorukyNext>

Oleg Veshchim
Vsevolod the Big Nest

Task number 1

The reasons for the rise of Moscow include ...

Lithuania's weakness

the struggle of the Moscow princes with the Horde

Favorable geographical position

support of the Tver principality

Task number 1

The victory of the Russian army under the leadership of the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich in 1380 on the Kulikovo field led to...

death of the Golden Horde

elimination of the Basque system

The fall of the Mongol-Tatar yoke

growth of national consciousness

1. 2. The highest estate-representative body that existed in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries was called

1) Chosen Rada

2) Indispensable advice

3) Zemsky Cathedral

4) Stoglav Cathedral

3. The capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, was captured in 1453.

1) Ottoman Turks

2) vandals

3) Bulgars

Block 2

Task number 17

The procedure for the distribution of official places in
depending on origin and official
the position of the ancestors was called ... localism

Task number 15

The name of Ivan Danilovich Kalita is associated
the beginning of the rise in North-Eastern Rus' ____

Task number 17

Serving people who made up the standing army
in the 16th century, they were called ... archers

Task number 15

Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich for personal
courage and military merits in 1380 on
Kulikovo field was nicknamed ... Donskoy

Task number 16

One tenth of the income collected by the church in
Middle Ages from the population, called ... tithe

Task number 16

By 1147, the first chronicle mention
about... Moscow

Task number 17

In 1654, the church reform of the patriarch .. Nikon began

Task number 17

In the XVI b. the desire to reach the shores of the Baltic
sea ​​forced Ivan IV to start the __ Livonian __ war.

Task number 16

In 1327, Prince Ivan I Kalita of Moscow suppressed
anti-Horde uprising in ... Tver

Task number 17

Service people who made up the standing army in
XVI century, were called ... archers

Task number 16

Khan's letter, confirming the prince's right to
board, called...label

Task number 28

Code of laws of the unified Russian
centralized state, adopted in the 15th century,
called ... Sudebnik of 1497

Task number 28

Years during which the search was established
fugitive peasants are called fixed ____ summers.

Task number 28

Cossack chieftain and leader of the campaign in Siberia
in the 80s. 16th century was ... Yermak

Task number 17

Land ownership provided on the terms of service is called ... an estate

Block 3

Task number 23.1

"Oh lark, summer bird, happy days
joy, fly up to the blue skies, look at
mighty city of Moscow, sing glory to the great
Prince Dmitry Ivanovich! Like a storm
brought falcons from the land of Zalessky into the field
Polovtsian! Glory rings throughout the Russian land:
horses neigh in Moscow, trumpets blow in Kolomna,
tambourines beat in Serpukhov, Russian banners stand at
Don the Great on the shore.

And the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich said:
"Brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, let's go there,
let us glorify our life, let us surprise the earth, so that

the old told, but the young remembered!
Let's test our brave men and the Don River with blood
fill for the Russian land and for the faith

The battle described in the text began with a duel
two warriors...

Answer options

Chelubey and Dmitry
Peresvet and Oslyaby
+Peresvet and ChelubeyNext>

Sergius and Mamaia

23.2. The battle described in the text received coverage in
literary works like...

Answer options:

(Give at least two answers)

+“The Legend of the Battle of Mamaev”Next>

"The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir"

"The Tale of the City of Kitezh"

23.3. The battle referred to in the text
called ... Kulikovskaya