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Examination of the pronunciation of sounds in children. Filicheva T. B. and others. Fundamentals of speech therapy: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-t on spec. "Pedagogy. Whistling sounds С, С", З, З", Ц


The most common speech impediments in children school age are speech disorders. The following groups of sounds are usually violated: whistling (with, s", s, h", c), hissing (w, w, h, u), sonorant (l, l", p, p, j) , back-lingual (k, k", g, g", x, x"), voiced (c, h, f, b, d, d), soft (t, d, n,).

In some children, only one group of sounds is disturbed, for example, only hissing or only posterior lingual. Such a violation of sound pronunciation is defined as simple (partial), or monomorphic. In other children, two or more groups of sounds are disturbed at the same time, for example, hissing and posterior lingual or whistling, sonorous and sonorous. Such a violation of sound pronunciation is defined as complex (diffuse), or polymorphic.

In any of the above groups, three forms of sound disturbance are distinguished:

  • distorted sound. For example: R throaty, when the sound is formed by the vibration of the soft palate, and not the tip of the tongue;
  • the absence of sound in the child's speech, i.e., the inability to pronounce it. For example: "koova" (cow);
  • replacement of one sound with another, available in the phonetic system of a given language. For example: "kolova" (cow).

The reason for the distorted pronunciation of sounds is usually insufficient formation or impaired articulatory motility. At the same time, children cannot correctly perform movements by the organs of the articulatory apparatus, especially the tongue, as a result of which the sound is distorted, it is not pronounced accurately. Such violations are called phonetic (some authors define them as anthropophonic or motor), since in this case the phoneme is not replaced by another phoneme from the phonetic system of the given language, but sounds distorted, but this does not affect the meaning of the word.

The reason for the replacement of sounds is usually the lack of formation phonemic hearing or in its violations, as a result of which children do not hear the difference between a sound and its substitute (for example, between R And l). Such violations are called phonemic (some authors define them as phonological or sensory), since in this case one phoneme is replaced by another, as a result of which the meaning of the word is violated. For example, cancer sounds like “varnish”, horns sound like “spoons”.

It happens that in a child the sounds of one group are replaced, and the sounds of another are distorted. For example, whistling s, s, ts are replaced by sounds t, d (dog - "tobacco", hare - "dyke", heron - "slipper"), and the sound r is distorted. Such violations are called phonetic-phonemic.

Knowledge of the forms of sound impairment helps to determine the methodology for working with children. With phonetic disorders of sound pronunciation, more attention is paid to the development of the articulatory apparatus, fine and general motor skills. With phonemic disorders, the main emphasis is on the development of speech hearing and, as one of its components, phonemic hearing.

Violations of groups of sounds are indicated by terms formed from the names of Greek letters corresponding to the main sound of each group:

  • phonetic violations of whistling and hissing sounds are called sigmatisms, and phonemic - parasigmatisms - from the name of the Greek letter sigma, denoting the sound with;
  • phonetic violations of the sounds l and l" are called lambdacisms, and phonemic - paralambdacisms - from the name of the Greek letter lambda, denoting the sound l;
  • phonetic violations of the sounds p and p" are called rota-cisms, and phonemic - para-rotacisms - from the name of the Greek letter ro, denoting the sound p;
  • phonemic violations of the sound j are called iotacisms, and phonemic violations are called paraiotacisms - from the name of the Greek letter iota, denoting sound;
  • phonemic - paracapacisms - from the name of the Greek letter kappa, denoting sound to phonetic violations of back-lingual sounds are called cappacisms, a.

Voiced and soft sounds do not have special terms - they are called:

  • voicing defects;
  • softening defects.


To determine the nature of the violation of a particular group of sounds (whistling, hissing, etc.), one must clearly know the varieties of sigmatisms and parasigmatisms, lambdacisms and paralambdacisms, etc., their differences from the norm both in articulation and in sound. But theoretical knowledge alone is not enough - a speech therapist must develop the skills and abilities necessary for examining sound pronunciation:

the ability to listen, i.e., isolate a defective sound from a speech stream and determine how it is disturbed;

the ability to fix the work of the organs of the articulation apparatus when pronouncing a disturbed sound: to see what movements do not work out, what part the lips, lower jaw, each part of the left and right half of the tongue take;

skills and abilities of communication with children suffering from speech disorders (the ability to call the child for a conversation, during which the pronunciation of sounds in the speech stream is checked, in separate words, when they are pronounced in isolation).

It is advisable to follow a certain check procedure in order not to miss anything and collect the necessary material, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw up a work plan to correct the child's shortcomings in sound pronunciation. To do this, the speech therapist starts a notebook in which he records all the mistakes of the pupil.

First of all, it is revealed which group (groups) of sounds is broken.

For older children, a speech therapist may be asked to repeat sentences after him, in which all groups of sounds are also found, for example: Grandmother Zhenya dried wet clothes on a rope. Galin's black puppy frolics near the house. If this is not enough to determine the violations of sounds, it is advisable to use the picture. The described techniques will help the speech therapist determine whether the child has a simple or complex disorder, identify the form of violation of each group of sounds, and based on this, decide what kind of violation it is - phonetic, phonemic or phonetic-phonemic, establish its type (sigmatism, parasigmatism, etc.) .

Since it is necessary to determine not only the type, but also the type of violation, the speech therapist, inviting the child to name subject pictures, listens to his speech, determines the features of the sound of the studied sounds, and notes what position the organs of the articulatory apparatus occupy in this case. For example: instead of a sound with, a lisping sound is heard, when it is pronounced, the tip of the tongue sticks out between the teeth, instead of being behind the lower incisors. All this characterizes interdental sigmatism. Thus, the speech therapist reveals a kind of sigmatism. And the exact definition of the sound disturbance helps to choose the appropriate method of work.

Next, determine the level correct pronunciation sound. To find out if the child can correctly pronounce the isolated sound, the speech therapist asks the child to repeat this sound after himself, using various game techniques and picture symbols. Then the child is given subject pictures, and he demonstrates his ability to pronounce this sound in various words. And when the speech therapist repeats phrases saturated with this sound, the ability to correctly use it in phrasal speech is revealed. Below are sample sentences to test the most frequently violated sounds.

The dog eats meat. Zoya has a toothache. Hen and chickens drank water near the well. Sima and Senya laughed merrily. Zina's nose gets cold in winter.

Masha has a new hat and coat. The beetle buzzes - buzz. I brush my puppy. Girls and boys bounce like balls.

The lamp fell off the table. Lida and Lena were walking on the street.

The speech therapist notes the results of the test in a notebook (pronouncing an isolated sound, in words, in phrases), determines the level of violation and draws a conclusion about the nature corrective work(sound staging, automation or differentiation with substitute sound).

In some cases, identifying the level of sound impairment is complicated by the fact that children cannot correctly repeat sentences after a speech therapist. Some preschoolers have different substitutions of the same sound, often depending on neighboring sounds or words, permutations and omissions of words in a sentence (the child cannot keep a phrase in memory), errors in the endings of words (the child does not agree on words in gender, number, case), omissions of prepositions or their incorrect use. Sometimes all these mistakes can occur in one child, and not only when naming plot pictures, retelling, telling, but also when repeating sentences. The same errors can be observed in the child's speech and in the classroom, especially in mother tongue and the formation of mathematical representations. The presence of errors in the dictionary, phrasal speech indicates that the violation of sound pronunciation is part of another, more complex, speech defect. Accordingly, this will also affect the method of work on its correction.

Since phonemic defects in sound pronunciation are due to a violation of phonemic hearing, a speech therapist should check his condition. To do this, the speech therapist determines the child's ability to differentiate (distinguish) by ear the following groups of sounds: whistling - hissing (s - sh, s - w, s "- u, c - h), sonorous (l - r), voiced - deaf (b — p, d — t, g - To ), hard — soft ( t - t , , d — d",n — n" ). One of the most accessible methods of verification is this. The speech therapist asks the child to repeat two syllables after him in the same sequence, for example: sa - sha (shi - sy; so - sho; shu - su, etc.) - for children of five years. Six-year-old children can be offered three syllables for reproduction, for example: sa - sha - sa (sy - sy - shi; sho - so - sho; shu - shu - su). While pronouncing the syllables, the speech therapist closes his mouth with a screen (you can use a sheet of paper), which he holds at a distance of 10-15 cm, so that the child cannot use as a hint the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus that he sees (with lips in a smile, with w rounded, move forward) and heard sounds only. At first, the speech therapist pronounces sounds slowly, then gradually speeds up the pace.

Since phonetic disorders of sound pronunciation are mainly associated with a violation of the motor speech analyzer, a speech therapist must record all deviations in the structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus - jaws, teeth, hard palate. The most common defects of the jaws and dentition are various malocclusion (the ratio of the upper and lower dentition with closed jaws):

progenia - the front teeth of the lower jaw protrude far forward;

prognathia - the front teeth of the upper jaw are strongly advanced forward;

open bite - with the closed position of the upper and lower jaws, the gap between the upper and lower teeth remains free. If a gap is formed between the front teeth with the lateral teeth closed, this is an anterior open bite; if a gap is observed between the lateral teeth with the front teeth closed, this is a lateral open bite.

Malocclusion makes it difficult to develop the necessary for pronunciation different groups sounds of language positions. With progeny, the position of the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors is difficult, which is necessary for the pronunciation of whistling sounds. With prognathia, the position of the wide tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth is difficult, which is necessary for the pronunciation of hissing sounds. In an anterior open bite, the tip of the tongue protrudes into the gap between the incisors, which gives a lisping tone to the sound; with a lateral open bite, the lateral edge of the tongue protrudes into the gap between the molars and the air stream goes there, which gives the sounds a squelching shade.

Deviations in the structure of the dentition can also be observed: the absence of certain teeth, rarely set teeth, which can affect the formation of a directed air jet. In all these cases, the child should be referred to an orthodontist at a dental clinic. But this does not mean that such a child should not be dealt with. If the mobile organs of the articulatory apparatus work well for him and phonemic hearing is sufficiently developed, positive results can be achieved through classes to correct sound pronunciation.

Usually, in those children whose articulatory motor skills are not sufficiently formed, fine motor skills of the hands are also insufficiently developed and coordinated. The following exercises are used to test it:

at the same time turn the hands of both hands up, then with the palms, then with the back side (when turning, the child should raise the hands, and not press the edge of the palm to the table);

simultaneously clench the hands of both hands into a fist, and then unclench the fingers connected together; with each movement, fists or palms are placed on the table;

put the hands of both hands on the table: left palm down, right palm up, then simultaneously turn the palms over;

put the hands of both hands on the table - squeeze the palm of the left hand into a fist, and open it with the right hand, then simultaneously change these positions, i.e. unclench left hand and clench your right fist;

alternately press the thumb to all the others (“hello”), while the fingers should touch each other with pads. The exercise is carried out either with the right or with the left hand, while the elbow is on the table;

successively hit the fingertips of the right, and then the left hand on the table with a slightly raised hand.

For the successful completion of the exercises, it is necessary that the child sits correctly: the height of the chair and table should be such that the baby’s elbows lie calmly on the table surface all the time, the back should be straight, and the legs should be on a solid support.

In the process of these exercises, the accuracy of performing movements at a different pace (from slow to fast) is taken into account. It is also noted whether the organs of the articulatory apparatus are involved in the performance of hand movements, for example, if a child bites his lip or tongue, etc., this indicates an insufficient formation of the motor sphere.

So, during the examination, the speech therapist records all the data in a notebook for individual work with baby. An analysis of the results of the examination will give the speech therapist the opportunity to determine the violation and outline the most effective way to correct it. Next, the speech therapist invites parents to show them what sounds and how their child speaks, how he distinguishes sounds, how his organs of the articulation apparatus work, how fine motor skills of the hands are developed. Parents should know what, how and why to do in the future. It is necessary that they become conscious and interested assistants of a speech therapist in the work to eliminate the shortcomings of sound pronunciation in a child.


Correction of sounds is carried out in stages. Usually, four main stages are distinguished: preparatory, sound production, sound automation, and, in cases of replacing one sound with another or mixing them, the stage of differentiation. Each stage has its own tasks and the content of the work, but at all stages the speech therapist brings up attention, perseverance, focus, self-control, that is, everything that helps the child to study well in the future.

Since a new skill is not developed immediately and requires long-term consolidation, at each subsequent stage, simultaneously with the development of a new one, there is a partial repetition of the material of the previous stage.

Preparatory stage

The purpose of this stage is to prepare the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers for the correct perception and reproduction of sound.

At this stage, work is carried out simultaneously in several directions, the formation of precise movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the directed air jet, the development fine motor skills hands, phonemic hearing, working out reference sounds.

The formation of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is carried out mainly through articulatory gymnastics, which includes exercises for training the mobility and switchability of organs, working out certain positions of the lips, language, necessary both for the correct pronunciation of all sounds, and for each sound of a particular group. Exercises should be targeted: not their quantity is important, but the correct selection and quality of performance.

These exercises are selected based on correct articulation sound, taking into account its specific violation in a child, that is, a speech therapist highlights what and how is violated. Yes, at correct pronunciation sound from the lateral edges of the tongue tightly adjacent to the upper molars. If, for example, in a child, the left (right) edge of the tongue drops and passes the air stream to the side, the speech therapist selects game exercises to strengthen it.

In any exercise, all movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus are carried out sequentially, with pauses before each movement, so that the speech therapist can control its quality, and the child can feel, realize, control and remember his actions. First, the exercises are performed at a slow pace in front of a mirror, that is, visual control is used to achieve the final result. After the child learns to perform the movement, the mirror is removed and the control functions are taken over by his own kinesthetic sensations (sensations of movement and positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus).

Sound staging

The goal of this step is to get the isolated sound to sound right.

There are three main ways of sound production.

The first method is by imitation, when the child's attention is fixed on the movements, positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (visual control is used in this case) and the sound of a given phoneme (auditory control). This creates the basis for the child's conscious reproduction of sound. Additionally, tactile-vibrational sensations are used, for example, a jerky air stream is checked with the back of the hand when pronouncing the sound h or vibration of the vocal cords during voiced sounds. With this method, reference sounds are widely used. For example, a child is offered to pronounce a sound and (a speech therapist controls articulation with him in front of a mirror), then bring his teeth together and blow a “breeze” through his tongue so that a whistle is obtained. As a result of the stage, sound is put With.

The second way is with mechanical assistance. It is used when the child does not have enough visual, auditory and tactile-vibrational control. In this case, it is necessary to help the organs of the articulatory apparatus, take the appropriate position or perform the desired movement. For example, to hold a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, to generate vibration of the tip of the tongue, a speech therapist can use a flat, narrow handle of a teaspoon or spatula, a child’s finger (hands should be thoroughly washed beforehand), or a long nipple tightly stuffed with cotton wool. With this method, reference sounds are also often used. For example, by inviting a child to pronounce the sound With, a speech therapist with a flat handle of a teaspoon raises the wide front edge of the tongue by the upper teeth and puts the sound sh.

The third way is mixed, when all possible methods are used to achieve the ultimate goal - setting the correct pronunciation of an isolated sound.

With all three methods of staging any sound, verbal instructions, kinesthetic sensations, visual, auditory, tactile-vibrational control and reference sounds are always used. In this regard, in addition to good theoretical training, which tells the speech therapist what to do in this or that case, he needs certain practical skills that make it possible to correctly carry out everything planned.

Sound Automation

The purpose of this stage is to achieve the correct pronunciation of the sound in phrasal speech.

When automating sound in syllables, we combine the fixed consonant with the vowels a, s, o, y, first into direct syllables: sa, sy, so, su, then into reverse syllables: as, ys, os, us, then into syllables where the sound is between vowels: asa, asy, aso, asu, ysa, ysy, and, finally, into syllables with a confluence of consonants (those consonant sounds that are not violated by the child are taken): hundred, spa, sleep, dreams, sko, sfu, etc. The automation of sound in syllables is carried out in the form game exercises, games.

Automation of sound in words is the development of a new skill that requires a long systematic training. Therefore, for each position of a sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle, at the end - 20-30 pictures are selected. The principle of their selection corresponds to the principle of selection of syllables, that is, pictures are taken whose names include worked out syllables in the same sequence (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants). pictures.

Sound differentiation

The purpose of this stage is to teach children to distinguish between mixed sounds and to use them correctly in their own speech.

To exercise visual control, a mirror should be in front of the child, with the help of which he can observe the difference in the articulation of sounds. It is also important to ensure silence in the room where classes are held so that the child can focus auditory attention on the acoustic signs of sounds.

The main form of work to correct sound pronunciation is classes, often individual, sometimes with subgroups (2-3 children). The duration of the lesson ranges from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children, the type and level of impaired sound pronunciation, individual characteristics preschoolers (attention, memory, working capacity, etc.). Each lesson consists of several parts, subordinate common theme and tasks. Each part has a specific goal (what the speech therapist wants to achieve), content (game, exercise, etc.) and ends with the child summing up the questions of the speech therapist. In preparation for the lesson, the speech therapist thinks over what instruction to give (laconic, but clear), how to organize this or that exercise (what to pay attention to the child), how to sum up.

It should be borne in mind that there are no absolutely identical classes, since both speech defects in children and their personal qualities are different. Therefore, with the same content (exercises for articulation gymnastics, words for automation, etc.), the methods and techniques of work are different. Thus, each lesson requires a thorough preparation from the speech therapist, taking into account the speech, mental, psychological and characterological characteristics of the child.


  1. M.F. Fomichev. Education in children of the correct pronunciation, - M., -1999.
  2. L.N. Efimenokov. Formation of speech in preschoolers. - M., 1995.
  3. E.I. Negnevitskaya, A.M. Shakhnarovich. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy. - M., 1998.
  1. Introduction
  1. Examination of sound pronunciation in preschoolers
  1. The main directions of corrective work
  1. Conclusion
  1. Literature

It has been established that no later than 5 years it is necessary to begin to identify all the shortcomings of sound pronunciation. Why?

It goes without saying that Small child cannot pronounce correctly all the sounds of speech, since his articulatory apparatus has not yet grown strong and has not developed sufficiently. The distorted pronunciation of preschoolers up to 4-5 years old is considered normal and is called age-related or physiological tongue-tied tongue. And only after 4 - 5 years (this limit may vary depending on the conditions for the development of the child's speech), a violation of sound pronunciation is considered a pathology. Thus, it is from this age that speech therapy work to eliminate dyslalia should begin.

But before starting classes on the development of correct sound pronunciation, it is necessary to examine the speech of children.

Examination of the state of sound pronunciation in children

It is very important to timely and fully examine the speech of a child with deviations in pronunciation. Under timely detection speech pathology we mean a speech therapy examination, which is carried out no later than 4 years.

In a speech therapy examination of children with dyslalia, it is first of all necessary to study in detail the structure and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Then carefully examine the state of sound pronunciation. In addition, it is important to find out the state of phonemic perception. Let us dwell on each type of speech therapy examination separately.

Examination of the articulatory apparatus begins with checking the structure of all its organs: lips, tongue, teeth, jaws, palate. At the same time, the speech therapist notes whether there are any defects in their structure, whether it corresponds to the norm.

During the examination, the following anomalies in the structure of the movable and fixed parts of the articulatory apparatus can be detected:

lips - thick, fleshy, short, inactive;

teeth - sparse, crooked, small, outside the jaw arch, large, without gaps between them, with large gaps, no upper and lower incisors;

bite - open anterior, open lateral, deep, small;

jaws - the upper one is pushed forward, the lower one is pushed forward;

the palate is narrow, high (the so-called "Gothic") or, conversely, flat, low;

tongue - massive, small or, conversely, very large; shortened bridle.

Next, the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is checked. The child is offered to perform various tasks of imitation (following the speech therapist) or speech instruction, for example: lick lips with the tongue, try to reach the nose, chin, left, and then right ear with the tongue; click your tongue; make the tongue wide, flattened, and then narrow, lift the tip of the protruding tongue up and hold it in this position for a long time; move the tip of the tongue to the left corner of the lips, then to the right, changing the rhythm of movements; stick out the tongue as far as possible, and then pull it deep into the mouth; stretch your lips forward with a tube, and then stretch them into a wide smile; do these exercises alternately, changing the rhythm of movements; push the lower jaw forward, then pull it back, open the mouth wide, and then close the jaws, etc.

1. Repeat or name words from pictures, highlighting the given sound:
c - dump truck, sled, bus, mustache, ostrich;
s" - haymaking, nets, Vasya, elk, orange;
h - plant, goat, star;
z" - newspaper, winter, strawberries;
c - heron, sun, finger, cucumber;
w - hat, mouse, shower, bag, bump, cup;
g - beetle, puddle, knives, scissors, giraffe, acorns;
h - kettle, swing, night;
w, - brush, pincers, raincoat;
k - doll, branch, poppy;
k" - cap, bouquet;
g - hammock, wagon, city;
g "- guitar, agent;
x - bread, hunter, moss;
x" - hake, nuts;
l - elk, flower bed, table, saw, boat, woodpecker, squirrel, bow;
l "- tape, wheel, coal, coat, lemon, chandelier;
p - rainbow, pipe, fence, stream, grove, rocket;
r" - river, apricot, door, trousers, repair, rope, lantern.

2. Repeat or name words of a complex structure from pictures: Bear, camel, tram, sugar bowl, prospect, cyclist, swallow, lark, brushwood, motorcyclist, aquarium, demonstration, refrigerator, crossroads, TV, traffic controller, thermometer, gunner, policeman, thermometer, lighter, training.

3. Repeat sentences, highlighting certain sounds.
The dog eats meat.
I brush the puppy with a brush, I tickle his sides.
There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.
Katya bought a hamster.
Sashenka has six pieces of glass.
The driver stepped off the footboard.
Zoya has an iron umbrella.
Sonya has a watch in her purse.
Yasha ate sweet apples.
The hedgehog at the Christmas tree pricked the mushroom into needles.
The children made a snowman.
The cook bakes pancakes in a frying pan.
The plumber is fixing the plumbing.
Goldfish swim in the aquarium.
Hair is cut at the barbershop.
The policeman rides a motorcycle.

Material for the examination of phonemic hearing and sound analysis skills

1. Repeat the syllable rows by ear:
sa-za-sa sa-za-ca da-ta-ta
sa-ca-sa ga-ka-ha ba-ba-pa
zi-zha-zhu sha-zha-sa ka-ta-ka
sha-zha-sha sa-zha sha cha-choo-chi
la-ra-la ro-ro-lo up-op-up
pa-ta-za gi-mi-bi um-am-om

2. Pick up pictures, in the names of which there is one or another sound: c, l, d, n, r, p, h, etc.

3. Determine if there is a given sound in the words (k, p, d, s, c, etc.). Clock, dog, ball, iron, sled, book, kettle, watermelon, plane, candy, chicken, potato, table, dress, TV.
Skis, cubes, hedgehog, rooster, skirt, pear, briefcase, lion cub, hammer, plate, pencil, bench, wolf, club, frying pan.
Glass, cucumber, cookies, hockey player, strawberry, collar.

4. Come up with a word with a sound: s, s, c, w, w, h, u, k, g, x ...
s-ts (titmouse), ch-sch (watchmaker), ts-ch (teacher),
h-sh (cup), l-r (piano).

5. Isolation of the first stressed vowel:
Duck, Olya, Anya, island, willow, aster, ears.

6. Isolation of the first consonant: Stick, tank, poppy, garden, ball, hall, king, toad, miracle, pike.

7. Highlighting the last consonant:
Soup, poppy, cat, catfish, nose, shower, sword, tick.

8. Compare words by sound composition. What is the sound of the words? What does each word mean?
house - com - som
beetle - onion - bough
day - shadow - stump

A) mustache - wasps
ball - heat
shawl - sorry
poppy - varnish - cancer - tank
Masha - Sasha - Dasha - Pasha
daughter - point - kidney - barrel
mouth - cat
grass - firewood
tooth soup

B) bear - bowl goat - braid
whale - cat roof - rat
raspberry - marina puddle - ski
house - smoke son - dream

9. Name sequentially the sounds in words: house, poppy, juice, fur coat, rose, tank, moon, vase, duck, coal, spider, cake, nails, school, raspberry, penguin, biscuit.

10. Determine how many sounds are in the words: catfish, poppy, chair, crane, bow, roof, wagon.

11. Determine in what position (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word) is the sound c, a, l, n, etc.:
c - bridge, sled, nose
a - stork, stone, star
l - angle, elk, elephant
n - pump, balcony, lily of the valley ...

12. Name the common sound in words:
porridge, ball, mouse
umbrella, goat, knot
key, clock, oven
door, backpack, sea...

From the book of Amanatova M. M. "Handbook of a school speech therapist" - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.


1. What sounds or groups of sounds are disturbed. All groups of sounds are investigated.

Consonants: whistling s-s*, s-z*, c;

hissing w-w-w-h-h;

sonorant l-l *, rr *;

posterior lingual k-k *, g-g *, x-x * and sound th;

and others.

2. Determine the type, character, type of violation of a particular sound (disturbances in sound pronunciation can manifest themselves in 4 options: - omission, - distortion, - replacement (substitution), - mixing of sounds (mutual substitutions).

3. It is necessary to identify how the child pronounces the sound in various phonetic conditions: in isolation, in syllables (in direct, reverse, consonant clusters), in words where the sound is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word, in words of various syllabic structures and semantic complexity.

4. It is necessary to identify the level of impaired pronunciation (according to O.V. Pravdina):

1st level: the pronunciation of sound is disturbed in all phonetic conditions - there is no sound (omission, distortion, replacement).

2nd level: in isolation and simple words the sound is pronounced correctly, but incorrectly in spontaneous speech.

3rd level: all sounds are present, pronounced correctly, and in spontaneous speech there is a mixture of sounds.

Identification of levels of impaired pronunciation allows us to develop a more effective strategy for correcting sound pronunciation. So:

At level 1: we work on all technologies for correcting sound pronunciation ( preparatory stage- clarification or development of phonemic hearing; formation of the desired articulation mode; working out the reference (basic) sound; air jet development; development of HMF and motor functions). Basic: sound production in one of the ways (isolated pronunciation of sound), automation, if necessary - differentiation, introduction of sound into speech.

At level 2: there is no need to set the sound, you have made sure that the sound is pronounced correctly in isolation, further automation is needed, etc.

At level 3: in this case, you have verified that both sounds are present. Their differentiated use in spontaneous speech suffers. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that it is fully automated and to work on differentiating these sounds.

5. It is necessary to determine which violation is simple (up to 4 sounds) or complex (more than 4); mono- or polymorphic.

6. Decide what the violation is:

-phonetic(anthropophonic) - only sound pronunciation suffers or

- phonemic(phonological) when the differentiation of sounds is impaired

phonetic - phonemic- when in speech and substitution and mixing of sounds, and distortion. To this end, the survey of sound pronunciation must be supplemented with a survey of phonemic processes (see the next section of the survey).

Survey methods:

a) Independent naming of pictures, actions based on pictures, showing by picture;

b) Reflected repetition after a speech therapist, by imitation.

The survey is carried out in game form, taking into account the leading activity of age, using special. games and exercises (“Merry Fisherman”, “Speech Therapy Lotto”, “Magic Pouch”, “Wonderful Chest”, etc., special aids: O.B. Inshakova sound pronunciation album; Volodina.

The examination procedure is carried out from general to particular:

1. First, a conversation is held, the child is asked to talk about himself, about his family (taking into account the status of the family), and questions depend on this. So you can ask to tell a familiar poem, story, etc. During the conversation, the speech therapist fixes defects in sound pronunciation and other errors.

2. The child is asked to repeat, after the speech therapist, sentences saturated with difficult-to-pronounce, mixed sounds (“Grandmother Zhenya dried wet clothes on a rope”, “Galyn the black puppy frolics near the house”, etc.). You can ask yourself to name the actions in the picture.

The child is asked to repeat individual syllables or a single sound after the speech therapist. For a deeper study of the sound, you can ask him to pronounce it in the position between the vowels "a" - "ara", "asa", so it's easier to see the features of articulation.

Requirements for the selection of lexical material:

1. During the examination, the words should not contain other sounds that are defectively pronounced by the child, while it is imperative to include words with mixed sounds.

During the examination, you can meet with such a case when the child correctly pronounces isolated sounds, for example, WITH And W, however, in speech it does not differentiate them, replaces one sound with another ("AtWith ki fluffy tail").(True, most often such undifferentiated pronunciation of pairs or groups of sounds is combined with a distorted pronunciation of phonemes.) Thus, it is necessary to examine the differentiation of sounds in phrasal speech.

For examination, special pictures are selected - subject and plot. When selecting pictures, it is necessary to provide for the pronunciation by the child of words and phrases containing phonemes similar in articulation or sound.

Here is an approximate list of words and phrases:

K-X: refrigerator, kitchen, hamster. Katya is in the kitchen;

L-Y: Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Swans fly south. Julia is watering a lily from a watering can;

N-Sh: Sashenka has six glasses. Sasha is walking along the highway. The driver stepped off the footboard. The sun on the window. Sasha dries drying;

3-F: Zoya has a yellow umbrella, an iron shovel; useful animal; spin, deserve, tremble; wand;

S-S "-H: Sonya, net, jump, part, handbag, learning, spinning, rolling. The mast is up. Sonechka has seeds;

T "-H: teacher, bird, first aid kit, flows, be silent, scream; "Flows, flows - does not flow out";

C-C: student, teacher, swings, it turns out, chick, ends, hospital;

W-W: thicket, cleaner, brush, watchmaker, student, bored, cheeks;

“I’m brushing a puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides».

S-C: knitting needle, tit, ladder, stage, sugar bowl, caterpillar; inflorescence.

W-S: laughing, strengthen, tail, sowing, drizzling.

L, L-R, R: Lara, piano, ballerina, talkative, juggler, won, marmalade, mirror, broke, folding bed, controller.

A speech therapist can pronounce some phrases himself, inviting the child to repeat them in reflection.

2. During the examination solid sounds do not take their soft pair;

3. Include words that are difficult in sound-syllabic structure;

4. Words are low-frequency, difficult in semantics, going beyond everyday vocabulary;

5. When examining the sound in a sentence, the lexical material should be saturated with the sound being studied (Roma is chopping wood with a sharp ax, Sonya is standing on a high bridge).

We alternate all methods of examination.

Source: Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Express examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age. A guide for speech therapists. - M .: "Gnome-Press", 2000., color insert.
Purpose: an operational mass examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age in order to identify those in need of speech therapy assistance.
Age: preschoolers, younger students.


  1. A preliminary conversation with the child about himself, about his family, about the weather, seasons, animals, favorite toys, etc., which makes it possible to form a general impression of the child, his speech development, pronunciation of sounds.
  2. Examination of the articulatory apparatus:
    a) buildings;
    b) motility (clearness, accuracy, volume, pace and coordination of articulatory movements, the ability to hold and switch).
  1. Examination of the pronunciation of sounds:

A) by imitation
in isolation, in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants), in words with these syllables (sound at the beginning, middle, end of a word), phrases, short nursery rhymes;

b) in independent speech
in words according to subject pictures (see color insert), in phrases according to plot pictures (see color insert), in coherent speech: conversation, telling a fairy tale, story, reading a poem (at the choice of the child).

  1. Examination of the sound-syllabic structure in words like: frying pan, strawberry, February, astronaut, mirror, plumber, policeman, electric locomotive, department store, library, Carlson, crocodile, propeller, cyclist, excavator, lark, carnival.
  2. Phonemic hearing test

a) distinguishing by ear, isolating a sound from a sound, syllabic series and a series of words, selecting pictures for a given sound;
b) the difference in pronunciation (pronunciation, reproduction of sound, syllabic series and words, inventing words for a given sound).

Whistling sounds C, C, 3, 3", C

sa - so - su - sy as - os - us - ys ska - sko - sku - sky ask - osk - usk - ysk


There is a dog under a pine tree.

  1. Sa - sa - sa - wasp in the garden,
    Co - co - co - the wasp drinks juice,
    Su - su - su - we see a wasp,
    Sy - sy - sy - there is no wasp in the garden.

The pussy eats soup from the bowl, The pussy is full - the bowl is empty.

  1. C"-C-C"-C"-C"-C
  2. sya - sho - syu - si as - axis - ux - ys stya - styo - stu - sti ast - ost - mouth - ist

washing my face

4. Vasya grazes geese. Vasya walks barefoot.
5. Don't be afraid - it's a goose. I'm afraid of him myself. Fidget Vasenka Does not sit still. Fidget Vasenka Everywhere with us together. Vasenka has a mustache, gray hairs on his mustache. Vasenka has an arched tail And a spot on the back.

2. for - zo - zu - zy

hello - hello - hello - hello

  1. Plant, mosaic, mimosa, language, alphabet, banner.
  2. Zoe has a mimosa. Zoya puts the mimosa into a vase.
  1. Zoya is a bunny's mistress, Sleeping in Zoya's pelvis is a bunny.

For - for - for - Zoya has a goat, zo-zo-zo - Zoya has an umbrella, zu - zu - zu - Zoya grazes a goat, zu - zu - zu - a bunny with Zoya grazes a goat, for - for - for - from Zoya a goat runs away, zo-zo-zo - Zoya is chasing a goat, zy - zy - zy - Zoya has a goat, zy - zy - zy - the bunny does not have a goat.

Bunny doesn't sleep
Zoya is calling.
Bunny goat
Doesn't let you sleep.
Take the goat
Lock up the goat
And my bunny
Fall asleep in the pelvis.


  1. zya - ze - zyu - zi znya - zne - znyu - zni azn - fire - know - life Zina, museum, raisins, nails, cloves.
  2. In winter, Zina's nose gets cold. Kuzya goes to the museum.
  3. Ze - ze - ze - Kuzya rides a goat, Zya - za - za - you can’t ride a goat!

In a green, green, green forest I carry a green strawberry leaf, A green branch under the elm does not sleep, Green music sounds somewhere, A green grasshopper in green foliage He sings a green song to me.

  1. C-C-C-C-C-C
  2. ats - ots - uts - yts tsa - tso - tsu - tsy tsma - tsmu - tsmo - tsmy atsm - otsm - utsm - ytsm


  1. A hare sits under an acacia bush. Flowers bloom in the steppe.
  2. Winter is over! An important egret flies, And sings a song: Nosed,
  3. - Spring is coming! Spring is clear! All day
  4. Everything is melting on the street! Stands like a statue
  1. Hissing sounds W, W, H, W

3. hat washer tire fur coat

1. Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh

2. sha - sho - shu - shi

ash - osh - osh - ouch

shka - shko - shku - shka

ashk - oshk - oshk - yshk

soul cherry

machine tower

  1. Hush, mice, don't make noise, don't wake our cat.
    Masha washes her neck and ears under the shower.
    The cat in the window sews a hat,
    A mouse in boots sweeps a hut.
    The mouse whispers to the mouse:
    - You're making noise, making noise! The mouse whispers to the mouse:
    - I'll be quieter.
    cuckoo cuckoo
    Sewing a new hood
    - Put on, cuckoo, hood!
    How funny you are in the hood!

2. zhu - zho - zhu - zhi zhda - zhdo - waiting - waiting

  1. A beetle buzzes on a jasmine branch. Zhenya lives on the sixth floor.
  2. Rain, rain, don't rain, Rain, rain, wait. Let the gray-haired Grandfather reach the house,

The beetle buzzes: “Zhu-zhu-zhu!
I live, I don't grieve.
I'm sitting on a branch
And buzz, buzz, buzz!"

  1. H-H-H-H-H-H
  2. ach - och - uch - ich cha - che - choo - chi chnya - chne - chnu - chni achn - chn - chn - chn
  1. Tanechka swings on a swing. The girl is baking cookies.
  2. There is a goby swaying, Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board is ending, Now I will fall!

Cha-cha-cha - there is a candle on the table, cho-cho-cho - the sun bakes in the sky, choo-choo-choo - I knock, knock, knock, chi-chi-chi - we were sitting on the stove.

  1. Shch-shch-shch-shch-shch
  2. ash - osch - usch - ish cha - sche - schu - schi
  3. Thing, vegetable, shield, cheeks, tongs, things
  4. The puppy squeaks in the gorge. Children are looking for a puppy. The puppy nibbles on the brush.
  5. I'm dragging the pike, I'm dragging, I won't miss the pike.

Two puppies cheek to cheek Pinch the brush in the corner.
You, mother, do not look for us: We pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.

Sonora R, R", L, L"

  1. r-r-r-r-r------------
  2. ra - ro - ru - ry

ar - op - ur - yr tra - tro - tru - tra atr - neg - morning - yr


4. Tamara and I go as a couple, Nurses and Tamara.
A mole made his way into our yard, Digs the earth at the gate. A ton will enter the mouth of the earth, If the mole opens its mouth.


  1. rya - re - ryu - ri ar - ory - ur - yr krya - cre - kru - cree akr - okr - ukr - ykr

3. . rowan

  1. Rita cooks rice.

Borya is repairing the receiver.

  1. My sister Marina
    Cheeks like tangerines
    And sister Marina herself
    A little more tangerine.
  2. Open the calendar: January begins. In January, in January There is a lot of snow in the yard. Thirty-three cars in a row Chatter, rumble.

1. L-L-L-L-L-L

2. al - ol - st - yl la - lo - lu - ly cla - clo - south - cla akl - okl - ukl - ukl

4. Mila washed the floor in the classroom. Allah ate an apple.

5. White snow, White chalk, White hare Also white But the squirrel is not white. There was no white squirrel.
- White hare, white hare, where did you run after the bast? White Hare Answered: - I did not run, I jumped.

3.1. L"-L"-L"-L"-L"-L"

2. la - le - lu - whether al - ol - ul - il for - dl - dl - dl adl - odl - udl - idl

  1. Lena viburnum mol coat shoe linden knee dust palm tree pancakes ice blizzard coal dolphin maple people salute shawl bulldog beak
  2. Lena has a green ribbon. Luda is watering tulips from a watering can.
  3. A blizzard is blowing in the forest,
    Spreads white snow
    And we put on boots -
    We are not afraid of blizzards.

phonemic hearing

1. Listening to phrases, words, syllables (using a noise signal: claps, bells, rattles, etc.)

a) Goats are grazing in the meadow.
Sonya has long braids.
Roses bloomed in the flower bed.
Early dew fell on the grass.

b) barque - beam
beam - stick
beam - roll

c) pa - ba ba - pa
shi - zhi zhi - shi
zy - sy sy - shi

  1. Isolation of sound by ear from the sound, syllable series and a number of words

a) a a, o, y, s, a, i, a, s, y
b) p pa, ba, py, po, bu, ap, zbo
c) b bow, field, booth, panama, banana, house
Distinguishing between the words sanki, suba, hat, fur coat, shanki, sanka, sarik, etc., correctly and incorrectly pronounced by a speech therapist

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