A. Smooth      01/20/2020

Correct pronunciation a. Lesson "staging sound in". Gymnastics for lips and tongue

Natalya Afanasyeva
Abstract of a lesson on teaching the correct articulation of sound [F]

Target: teaching children the correct articulation of sound"F".

educational task: the formation of a distinct and correct isolated pronunciation sound"F" in children, as well as pronunciation sound"F" in combination with vowels in open syllables and with consonants in onomatopoeic words.

Development tasks:

The development of dialogic speech.

Development of phonemic perception, speech hearing, visual attention.

Development of physiological respiration; the ability to create on the exhale directional air jet; development articulatory motility.

Educational tasks:

Formation of skills of cooperation, diligence, desire to bring the work started to the end.

Education caring attitude towards animals.

Methods and techniques:

Surprise moment;

Telling a fairy tale using visualization on a flannelgraph;

art word (short poems familiar to children and new, riddles);

-articulation gymnastics , showing by educator correct pronouncing a new sound;

Outdoor games;

imitative games;

- didactic games:

Di "Who's screaming". Target: fix in children low level correct pronunciation of vowels sounds in open and closed syllables.

Di "Clockwork Hedgehogs". Target: to exercise intermediate and low level children in correct uttering isolated sound"F", develop speech breathing, the ability to pronounce sound"F" long and continuous or abrupt, depending on the child's intention.

Di "Hedgehog, do you want some milk?". Target: to exercise low-level children in correct uttering isolated sound F". Develop the ability to act in the game in accordance with the role, develop the game skills of the child. Develop attention, endurance. Cultivate interest in occupation.

Di "Cat, do you want some milk?". Target: to exercise children of middle and high level V correct articulation of sound F" V onomatopoeia develop the ability to stage short poem dialogical nature, to convey the mood of the character.

Equipment:.flannelgraph and a set of figures for showing a fairy tale, a cat mask.

preliminary work

Classes on GCD"Wild animals". "Pets", viewing paintings"Hedgehogs", storytelling by picture"Hedgehogs", reading poems about hedgehogs, memorizing tongue twisters, d / and "Who lives where".

Lesson progress:

Play Guys, the weather is beautiful outside, it's warm. The sun is shining. Summer is coming soon, and you will go to visit your grandparents. Do you want to visit your grandparents now?

Children's answers: Yes!

Flash: Let's go!

The kids are lining up "engine", go and rhythmically repeat the words after the teacher games:

The locomotive is buzzing: “Doo-doo-oo-oo!

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!

And the wheels are knocking, And the wheels They say:

"Knock-knock, so-so,

Chuf-chuf, chuff-chuff,

Sh-sh-sh, woo-woo!" Children should pronounce the words on the exhale, breathe out after each line.

Children stop in front of a flannelgraph, on which images of a village house, a Christmas tree, grandparents, are seated on chairs.

Play We arrived! And here is the house of grandparents, and here they themselves meet us. Sit down and listen to what happened to them.

Telling a fairy tale with pom. flannelograph.

Di "Who's screaming".

At the edge of the forest, in a pretty hut, there lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had... Who did they have? Dog (put a picture of a dog). How does she scream?

The kids are in charge: Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf!

Hen (insert image). How does she scream?

The kids are in charge: Ko-ko-ko!

Play Draws attention to pronunciation open syllable co sound(Oh give indication: "The mouth is open like a window".

The hen had chicks. How do they scream? The voice of the chickens is thin, weak. Which?

The kids are in charge: "Pee-pee-pee!"

Flash: Cat. How did she scream?

The kids are in charge: “Meow, murmur.

Play Let's fold the lips with a pipe, like mine (show for a clear sound articulation(U). Well done!

Articulation gymnastics

1. How your sponges did a good job. Now they will smile (exercise "Smile")

2. And now the teeth will gently bite the bottom lip.

3. Now let's do "fence" on the lower lip (exercise "Fence")

Resp.: Well done. And not far from the hut, in the forest, under a bush lived here Who:

Under the pines, under the trees

There is a bag of needles.

Who is this?

The kids are in charge: Hedgehog!

Play Places an image of a family of hedgehogs on a flannelgraph.

-Right. In the woods, not far from the house of grandparents, there lived three hedgehogs. They were called Fuk, Fok, Fek. What were their names? (Children repeat). Hedgehogs walked along the forest paths and sang songs.

Show pronunciation of new sound"F". Play Shows demonstrates correct pronunciation of the sound"F" and imitates that he is pulling an imaginary long thread from his mouth.

My tongue knows the song of the hedgehog. Here listen. My teeth are done "fence" on the lower lip and I pronounce on the exhale "F-f-f". I speak for a long time "pulling thread": "F-f-f". That's such a long thread! Can your tongues sing such a hedgehog song? Together with you we will sing a long hedgehog song and pull out such a long thread.

Drawl pronunciation exercise sound"F" - "pull out a long thread".

Well done. We learned to sing a long hedgehog song. And hedgehogs also have such a song.

The teacher says sound"F" in one breath with jerks.

Now let's sing this song together.

And now I'll get the key and we'll play a game "Clockwork Hedgehogs".

Play Summons 4 kids "turns them on with a key", and the children imitate the hedgehog's panting, intermittently pronouncing on the exhale sound"F".

Physical education minute

And now we will all be hedgehogs and go for a walk in the forest.

mobile game "Hedgehogs"

On a dry forest path

Top-top-top - feet trample

Walks and wanders along the paths

All in needles gray hedgehog,

Looking for berries, mushrooms

For son and daughter.

Children imitate movements hedgehog: bending over, hanging relaxed arms, bend over, looking for berries, apples. Play sets game situations:

* The hedgehog goes far, it is barely audible.

* The hedgehog came close, he stomps loudly and snorts.

* The hedgehog found an apple, was delighted, snorted loudly and quickly.

* The hedgehog was frightened by the noise, curled up into a ball.

Our hedgehogs took a walk and returned to their home, on the chairs.

Play Grandfather and woman loved hedgehogs, gave them milk. And we will treat hedgehogs with milk.

Di "Hedgehog, do you want some milk?". If hedgehog "wants milk", he snorts happily, if not, turns away.

Hedgehog, do you want some milk?

Di "Cat, do you want some milk?"

Guys, what other animal loves milk? (Cat).

Let's feed the cat.

Play With several children conducts a game according to the text of the children's poems:

Pussy, do you want some milk?

What about puppy buddies?

Dramatization of B. Zakhoder's poem "Pussy grief". A child comes out, playing the role of a cat.

Guys, look, our cat is so sad. What happened? Let's ask.

An exercise in formulating a question and pronouncing it with an interrogative intonation.

Crying pussy in the hallway.

She is in great grief.

Evil people poor pussy

Do not let them steal sausages.

The child is given the task of reading the poem expressively, conveying the feelings of the cat, her mood.

Vosp.: It is necessary to feel sorry for the pussy. What shall we say to her in consolation?

Children "comfort the cat".

Working on a flannelgraph.

Vox .: The cat was offended by grandparents and left. And they are bad without a cat. We got into the house of the mouse. They walked around the house and gnawed at everything. The grandfather and the woman decided to call the hedgehogs. Let the mice go.

Whom did the grandfather and the woman decide to call?

Why are hedgehogs needed?

AND went hedgehogs to fight with mice. Fuk is in front, Fok is behind him, Fek is behind him.

– Who goes ahead?

Who is behind him?

Who is behind?

Hedgehogs go one after another, a song sing:

On the path we walk

Fuk, Fok, Fek.

We go to grandma and grandpa

Fuk, Fok, Fek.

We go to grandma and grandpa

Fuk, Fok, Fek,

And quietly sing -

Fuk, Fok, Fek.

Children sing along to the song of hedgehogs, pronouncing the words with sound"F".

Play: Hedgehogs chased away mice and set out on the return trip, only they sang already joyfully, loudly. Children march to the song of heroes, loudly pronouncing the words.

On the path we walk

Fuk, Fok, Fek!

We go to grandma and grandpa

Fuk, Fok, Fek!.

We go to grandma and grandpa

Fuk, Fok, Fek!

Let's sing a song loudly

Fuk, Fok, Fek!

Final part classes. Reflection.

This is the story of my grandparents. Did you like the fairy tale? Who was she talking about? How do hedgehogs sing a song? What good fellows you are!

And now it's time for us to go home. What will we ride? Class ends with a game of the children's choice.

1) Articulation gymnastics (hedgehog snorts)

We pull the sound “F” for a long time on the exhale.

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index finger, in turn touches the thumb of the same hand, we pronounce the syllables “fa”, “fo”, “fu”, “fu” at each contact.
An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

3) Blizzard game

Play the following game with your child. In this game, you and your child portray a severe blizzard. Swing your arms above your head and repeat these words.

4) Patter

Teach your child this simple tongue twister:

5) Patter

Exercises in pronouncing the sound "B"

1) Articulation gymnastics

Ask the child to sit up straight, keep his head straight and calm.
The upper lip should be lifted, the lower one should be brought closer to the upper teeth.
We pull the sound "B" for a long time on the exhale.
We do the same as when extracting the sound "F", but with the addition of a voice.

2) Game Breeze

The game is as follows. Together with the child, you need to depict a small (very light) breeze. To do this, stretch the sound “B” in a quiet voice for a long time. Then repeat also in a loud voice "B", depicting a big (strong) wind.

3) Whose breeze buzzes longer

Play this game with your child, listen to the "wind" and evaluate who can pull "B" longer on one exhalation.

4) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, in turn touches the thumb of the same hand, we pronounce the syllables “wa”, “vo”, “woo”, “you” at each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

5) Poem

Teach your child a poem by I. Surikov:

Here is my village
Here is my home
Here I am on a sled
Uphill steep.

6) Patter


1. Articulation of sound.

2. Setting the sound.

F sound

Sound articulation

Sound staging

Repeat the syllables.

Repeat words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Sound in the middle of a word:

Sound at the end of a word:

Repeat suggestions.

Repeat phrases.

Pif has a guest - Paf.

Fani has a sweatshirt.

Paf has a guest - Pif.

Petya has shoes.

The fleet sails to the native land,

Flag on every ship.

Repeat the riddle.

He's tall and spotty

With a long, long neck

And he eats leaves -

Leaves from trees. (Giraffe)

This eye is a special eye.

He quickly looks at you

And will be born

Aptly pour players

Learn a poem.

Look! Look!

That's what Mitya's flag is!

Who gave the flag?

The game "Tell me a word."

Holiday, holiday at the gate.

Who will meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

Who scored the goal today?

When I played ... (football).

Evening is coming, look -

They caught fire ... (lanterns).

Game "Finish the sentence."

One-to-many game.

Retell the story.

Ph sound

Sound articulation

Sound staging

Repeat the syllables.

Fya - fya - fya Fya - fe - fyu - fi Af - of - uf

Fe - fe - fe Fya - fi - fyu - fe If - ef - yuf

Fu - fyu -fu Fe - fyu - fya - fi Yaf - if - ef

Phi - fi - fi Phi - fya - fe - fyo Yof - yaf - if

Repeat words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Fima, dates, finca, ficus, fillet, Filka, owl, film, film library, Filat, finale, violet, branch, fixation, figure, firm; hair dryer, fairy, Fedya, Fenya, fetish, farm, February.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Ottoman, kefir, decanter, sapphire, scarf; cafe, buffet, candy, briefcase, potato, truffle; chauffeur; mattress.

Sound at the end of a word:

Judith, carrots (ph).

Repeat suggestions.

Fedya has a decanter. Filya drinks kefir. Feni has ficus and violets. Phil eats candy. The decanter has carrots (f). The buffet is full of sweets. Fenya has a hair dryer. Fima has a film about a fairy. Filat works on a farm. Fedya has a company, Phil is in a cafe. Owl sits on a bitch. Fedya made it to the end of the film. Fenya bought dates. The driver forgot his briefcase. Fedya, bring the potatoes. Cafe next to the firm.

Repeat phrases.

Fimka has a guest - Filka. Filka has a guest - Fimka. Philip stuck to the stove.

Repeat riddles.

I carry a new house in my hand,

The door of the house is locked.

Here the tenants are paper

All are terribly important. (Briefcase)

What they dug from the ground

Roasted, cooked?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they praise? (Potato)

The red maiden sits in a dungeon,

A braid on the street. (Carrot)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by. (Owl)

Learn poems.

Fedya climbed into the buffet for candy -

The fact that there will be no sweets in the buffet. (V. Lunin)

They gave shoes to an elephant,

He took one shoe.

And he said: "Need wider,

And not two, but all four!” (S. Marshak)

Game "Make a proposal".

The adult calls the key words, invites the child to make sentences using these words.

Fedya - violets Fairy - shoe

Tree - eagle owl Shop - dates

Game "One - many".

An adult names an object in singular, and the child is in the plural. Ficus - (ficuses)

farm - (farms) Violet - (violets)

ottoman - (ottomans) Owl - (owls)

sideboard - (buffets) figure - (figures)

decanter - (decanters)

Game "Be Careful"

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound ФЬ that occur in it.

Fenya loves flowers very much. Ficus and violets grow in her house. Fenya waters them every day, loosens the ground. The girl is helped by her little brother Fedya. Well done boys.

Repeat the syllables.

Fa-fya Fa-fa-fya-fya Fu-fu-fu

Fo - fe Fa - fa - fa - fu Fu - fu - fu

Fy - fi Fya - fa - fya - fa Fy - fi - fa

Fu - fyu Fya - fya - fa - fa Fi - fu - fa

Repeat words.

Fomka - Fimka

Form - farm

Focus - ficus

Form - firm

Fugue - fig

Furor - Fuhrer

Background - hair dryer

Pound - feint

Repeat suggestions.

Fimka carries a crowbar. Fedya showed focus. The Count drinks coffee. On the sofa is a uniform. Fili has a torch. Fenya has beans. Frosya and Fedya drink kefir. Thomas has candy. Fenya has a red sundress. Filat wears a uniform. Thomas works as a driver. The driver wiped the headlights off the car. Fedya speaks on the phone. Filat has a dog Pythagoras. Frosya planted ficuses and violets. Fedya is watching football. Foma bought potatoes. Fenya stands by the fountain. Foma drew an owl.

Repeat the words.

Fe - fe - fe - my uncle lives in Ufa. Fy - fi - fy - do not get to Ufa. Fa - fya - fa - we have a big harp. Fu - fu - fu - we bought a sofa.

Repeat phrases.

Fomka has a guest - Fimka, Fimka has a guest - Fomka. Fani has a sweatshirt. Fedya has shoes. Fedot has a bassoon. Fima has myths. At the cafe - Foma. Thomas has coffee.

Repeat riddles.

From me thin dishes

Gently - white and sonorous

Burned since ancient times.

Calling me...(Porcelain)

Learn a poem.

Gray owl, old owl,

And the eyes are burning like headlights.

Owl - jump, owl - lope,

He gave a flag to Filinenka.

Filinenok happy, happy

Two flashlights are on. (G. Satir)

The game "Hard - soft"

In front of the child are blue and green cards. If the words spoken by an adult contain hard sound F, the child holds up the blue card. If soft sound Fb - green card.

Fedya, driver, factory, sweatshirt, ficus, porcelain, farm, scarf, graph, decanter.

Game "Make sentences"

An adult invites the child to make sentences on the following key words: Foma - farm, Fenya - camera, Fedya - phone, Fedya - focus

10. Retell the story.

Once Fedya and dad went to the circus. Gymnasts, trainers, fakirs performed there. But most of all Fedya liked the magician. The magician with the help of a handkerchief turned a ficus into a violet, a telephone into a tape recorder, a bean into dates. Fedya could not understand how this was happening. “Maybe it’s magic,” the boy thought. “When I grow up, I will also become a magician and work in a circus.”

Sound B

Sound articulation

See sound F. The difference lies in the fact that with sound B, the vocal folds are closed, vibrate, and a voice is added. Vibration of the larynx and chin is felt.

Sound staging

It is placed on the basis of the sound Ф with the addition of a voice, the presence of which the child feels by touching the speech therapist's chest, larynx or chin with his hand. When pronouncing the sound B, biting the lower lip should not be allowed. It should be slightly turned outward and approach the upper incisors.

Repeat suggestions.

Here is Vova and Vasya. Vasya bought cotton wool. The owl drinks water. Vova's mittens got wet. The owl was sitting on the cart. The leader flew ahead of the pack. The cow has a big head. Vanya dropped the waffles into the grass. A wolf howled near the willow. Vanya is carrying a vase. Valya is eating plums. Vova goes to the factory. There was a strong sound. Grandson and granddaughter had a delicious meal at their grandmother's. Ivan has a lot of power. Valya took an oath. The leaves are below.

Repeat the words.

Wa - you - wa - here is the tall grass. You - wa - you - even above your head.

Repeat proverbs.

Everything has its time. Every thing has its place. To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest. Lots of water, lots of grass.

Repeat phrases.

Duck vertihvostochka dived and emerged, emerged and dived.

Everyone is young in the winter cold. Delicious halva - praise the master.

Repeat riddles.

In calm weather

We are nowhere.

The wind will blow -

We run on the water. (Waves)

little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

He collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

Rye is earing in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy

It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant. (Cornflower)

Who is cold in winter

Wandering in the forest angry, hungry? (Wolf)

Learn a poem.

Spring air is fresh and clean.

Here is the green leaf.

The earth is visible in the thawed patches.

Around the streams run, ringing.

The game "Tell me a word."

An adult invites the child to suggest words that are appropriate in meaning at the end of each poem.

Dirty always helps out ... (water).

Chick-chirp, don't be shy!

I am experienced ... (sparrow).

Coloring - grayish,

Habit - furtive,

hoarse screamer -

Famous person. This is ... (crow).

The game "Call it affectionately."

An adult invites the child to affectionately name the following items:

Vase - (vase) plum - (cream)

Water - (water) plant - (factory)

Car - (car) sofa - (sofa)

Willow - (willow) head - (head)

Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story, then retell it.

There is a forest near the river. There are tall spruces and pines in the forest. Here is a hole. Ivan and Valya are standing by the hole. Valya looked into the hole. There were foxes there. The children wanted to play with the foxes, but did not have time. A fox appeared near the hole, it's time to go home.

Sound Vi

Repeat the syllables.

Vya - Vya - Vya Vya - Vyo - Vu - Vya

Vu - vu - vu Be - vu - vu - vu

Be - ve - ve Be - ve - ve - ve

Wee - wee - wee Wee - wee - wee - wee

Wow - wow - wow Wow - wow - wow - wow

Repeat words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Elm, knit, knit, dried; view, wine, wine, twist, Vitya, apparently, Viking, knight, visit, business card, squeal, I see, fork; century, Vienna, weight, whole, scales, spring, news, fun, willow, faith, fan, wind, evening, willow, verst, heather; springs, oars, buckets.

Sound in the middle of a word:

To impose, get bogged down, tie up, tied up, lanky; Vovik, novelty, newcomer, I will see, a blade of grass; canopy, hang, story, conscience, hang, curtain, curtains, take away, trees; carpet, screwdriver.

The confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Vnya, vnya; all, all, all, all; svya, svy; calling. Heed, clearly, listen, below, delve into; all, everyone, everything, the universe, move in, everything, everything, everywhere, everywhere; tie, tied, bundle, twist, whistle, whistle, pig, mumps, flute; tinkle; rug, village.

Repeat suggestions.

Soon I will see Vovik. In spring the trees come alive. Vovik carries a screwdriver. The wind shakes the branch. Grandma is knitting a rug. You can see the whole village below. The newcomer saw the whole class. A flute whistles below. Vovik is new to the class. We hung curtains. The birds made a nest in the tree. Vitya is carrying buckets. Trees sway in the wind. You whistle for the whole village. Victor is tying his shoelaces.

Repeat proverbs.

The proverb will never break. Every thing has its place. Live and learn.

Repeat riddles.

Khokhotun Yegorka

Took care of the cleaning.

I went dancing around the room,

I looked around - a clean floor. (Broom)

The snow is melting

The meadow came to life

The day is coming.

When does it happen? (Spring)

Roaring across the field

Sings and whistles

Trees breaks,

Bends to the ground. (Wind)

I am a hunchbacked beast

And the guys like me. (Camel)

Learn a poem.

The wind came from above

Broke a tree branch.

He blew for a long time, grumbled angrily

And the trees shook.

The game "Tell me a word."

Takes off without acceleration

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian ... (helicopter).

In front of the house on Sadovaya

We got into a new trolleybus.

From an open window

All Sadovaya ... (visible).

Game "Make sentences".

The adult calls the key words, invites the child to make sentences with their help.

Vitya - screwdriver Class - beginner

Vera - carpet Vera - knit

Wind - trees Vitya - buckets

Game "One - many".

The adult calls the object in the singular, the child - in the plural.

Verba - (willows) visit - (visits)

Fork - (plugs) screwdriver - (screwdrivers)

Bucket - (buckets) beginner - (beginners)

Evening - (evenings) a blade of grass - (blades of grass)

Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Vera and Venya have a lot of different toys. Venya often plays with a helicopter. He picks up the helicopter and runs around the room with it. Vera loves to play with the owlet. She feeds the owlet, goes for walks with him. The kids love their toys.

Repeat the syllables.

Wah w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

Vya - va Vyu - you Vyu - vu Vyo - vo

Wah-wah-wah Wah-wah-wow Wow-wow-wow Wow-wow

Wah-wah-wah You-wow-wow Woo-wow-wow

Repeat words.

Cotton wool - Vitya Otter - buckets Height - hang

Your - Cherry Slava - Slavik Sofa - girl

Watch - whirlwind Grass - blade of grass Vaughn - Vienna

Important - knits Vase - visa Woz - weight

Volcano - fork Howl - see Vors - verst

Repeat suggestions.

Vitya and Vanya are friends. Vera is sitting on the couch. Vovik is new to the class. The grandson's name is Vitya. Vera is going to Lithuania. Outside the window the wind howls. Valya hung up the curtains. The owl saw the prey. Vanya heard a whistle. Willow green foliage. Vera combed her hair. Vitya loves halva. Beautiful music played throughout the evening. Vitya works at a factory. Vasya and Vera are traveling in this carriage. In the evening the water in the river is cold. Vera bought waffles. Valya saw a beautiful fan. Vanya is reading a story. Valya is knitting a sweater.

Repeat the words.

Va - vya - va - yellow foliage. You - you - you - go cows. Be - ve - ve - let's paint Vova. Be - ve - ve - let's clap Savva. You - you - you - the plums ripened.

Repeat phrases.

The whirling wind tore

Gates are like turntables.

Grumpy raven stealing

Yesterday's cheesecakes.

The doctors saved the sparrow

He was brought into the helicopter:

The helicopter turned its propellers,

Worried grass with flowers.

Repeat riddles.

I'll wrap it up, wrap it up

I'll fly to heaven. (Helicopter)

splashing warm wave

On the shores of cast iron.

Guess, remember:

What is the sea in the room. (Bath)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bicycle)

Learn poems.

Love to swim Vanya

In the White Sea - in the bath.

It's just embarrassing:

The coast is not visible.

Visibility is gone

Soap got into the eye ... (A. Shlygina)

In the field the wolf-wolf rides

On your bike.

He overtook today

Sparrow and two crows

Only the wind is a breeze

Couldn't overtake. (G. Satir)

Game "Hard - soft".

In front of the child are blue and green squares. If there is a solid B sound in the words that the adult says, then the child raises the blue square. If the soft sound Bb is a green square.

Water, Vitya, wind, wave, cornflower, helicopter, wine, Vanya, Seva, fork, diver, showcase, dumpling, sparrow.

Game "Make sentences".

The adult asks the child to make sentences on the following key words:

Vanya - bike Vika - plums

Vitya - halva Vitya - oath

Seva - carpet Vera - wave

Retell the story.

The adult asks the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

In the summer, Vika and Vanya were with their parents at sea. The children really liked to relax, sunbathe. But most of all they loved to play in the water. When a wave rolled on the shore, Vika and Vanya held hands and jumped: who is higher? I didn't want to go ashore. What fun it was at sea!

Differentiation of sounds V - F

After the sounds V, F are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse the deaf and voiced pronunciation options.

Repeat the syllables.

Wa - fa By - fu - woo - fu Wa - in - woo - you

Fa - wa Wa - fa - wa - fa Fa - fo - fu - fa

Wa - wah - fa You - fa - you - fa Woo - wo - wa - you

Fa - wa - wa Wo - fo - wo - fo Fu - fo - fa - fu

Repeat words.

Vanya - Fanya Vilka - Filka

Venya - Fenya Moisture - flask

Cotton wool - veil Plums - Scythians

Vase - Grass phase - Counts

Owl - sofa Manes - vultures

Packing, wafers, alphabet, favorite, February, autograph, patronage, forward, drifting.

Repeat suggestions.

The doll has a cotton veil. An owl is sitting on the sofa. Filka eats with a fork. Vanya bought jam and fruit. Valya shows tricks. Valya is a magician. Vali has a ficus. Vova has violets. Fenya has cornflowers. Vova goes to the factory. Vova knows the letters of the alphabet. Valya is embroidering an apron. Vanya unwrapped the candy. Violets bloom in the garden. Fedya carries a decanter of water. A sparrow flew into the room through the window. Mom knitted a warm scarf for her daughter. Valya washes the forks. Vova saw vultures. On the sofa - an owl.

Repeat the words.

Fa-wa-fa is our new sofa. Fa - fa - wa - an owl is flying. Ph - you - you - no grass. You - you - fu - the graphs are coming

Repeat phrases.

Our Filat is never to blame. Fimka is visiting Vovka, Vovka is visiting Fimka.

Game Say the opposite.

An adult calls words with a sound B. The child is invited to replace the sound B with the sound F and say the resulting word. Cotton wool - (veil) screw - (feint)

Vase - (phase) owl - (sofa)

You - (face) Venya - (Fenya)

Game "Make sentences".

The adult invites the child to make sentences on the following key words:

Vova - flag Ivan - football

Valya - scarf Vasya - factory

Vasya - camera Vitya - focus

Retell the story.

The adult asks the child to listen short story and then retell it.

Vanya and Fedya love horses. The boys go to a sports school where they learn to ride horses. Everyone has their own horse. Vanya's horse's name is Filka, Fedya's is Veterok. Fedya combs Veterka's mane, braids it into pigtails. Vanya washes Filke's sides, wipes his back after a workout. Well done guys, taking good care of your horses!


Speech is one of the most important human functions. In progress speech development higher mental processes, ability to conceptual thinking. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the free communication of the child with peers and adults.

Disadvantages of sound pronunciation significantly distort the speech of the child. The child may experience omissions, substitutions, deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child's speech incomprehensible to others, limits speech activity baby.

Correcting the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is one of the most important tasks of the teacher. The child must learn how to pronounce all the sounds correctly mother tongue. IN Lately there are more and more children who have impaired pronunciation not only of whistling, hissing or sonors, but of simpler sounds, such as D, T, N, F, V, etc.

The structure of the manual Working on each sound includes 3 sections:

1. Articulation of sound.

2. Setting the sound.

3. Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

Automation of any sound should start with syllables. Only when the child learns to correctly pronounce the sound in syllables, you can move on to words and sentences. When working with words, it is necessary to work out the sound in different positions: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word; in words with a confluence of consonants. 2

On final stages automation of sound, children are offered tongue twisters, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, games. To pronounce pure tongues, proverbs at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. At first, tongue twisters should be pronounced slowly, clearly articulating sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can accurately pronounce the tongue twister, you can repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, invite children not only to guess them, but also to repeat, since an automated sound is found in the text of riddles. Poetry is desirable to learn. This contributes not only to fixing the sound, but also to the development of memory. Read the stories to the child calmly, expressively, so that he can remember and retell them. Games to conduct emotionally, encouraging the correct answers of the baby.

When sounds that are similar in pronunciation are automated, it is necessary to work on their differentiation. The differentiation of sounds must begin with syllables, gradually moving on to words, sentences, poems, etc.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, educators speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

F sound

Sound articulation

The lower lip is close to the edges of the upper incisors, a narrow gap remains in the middle for the passage of air, the upper lip is slightly raised. The upper incisors are visible, the lower incisors are covered by the lower lip. The position of the tongue depends on the next vowel. The soft palate is raised, the vocal folds are open, the air stream is scattered.

Sound staging

1 way: by imitation. When pronouncing a sound, the speech therapist draws the child's attention to the position of his lips. The child sees how the lower lip is pulled up to the upper incisors, and the upper one rises.

Method 2: if the child cannot immediately set his lips in the proper position, you need to offer him to blow, bringing the upper and lower lips together. At this moment, the speech therapist raises the child's upper lip with a finger, then the lower lip reflexively rises to the upper incisors. Get the sound F.

Method 3: the speech therapist raises the child's lower lip with two fingers to the upper incisors, using this technique until the child has strengthened the ability to independently pull the lower lip up.

Practical material on audio automation F

Repeat the syllables.

Fa - fa - fa Fa - fo - fu - fa Yf - yf - yf

Fo - fo - fo Phy - fu - fa - fo Ah - af - af

Fu-fu-fu Fu-fu-fu-fu-of-of-of

Phew - Phew - Phew Phew - Phew - Phew - Phew - Phew - Phew

Repeat words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Fact, veil, fauna, style, beans, phase, pheasant, torch, headlight, fakir, factor, farce, minced meat, factory; snort, snort; background, photo, Foma, fund, fountain, focus, lantern, form; fu, fugue, pound, pound, landmine, football, truck, van, glass.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Sofa, drying oil, harp, count, Pythagoras, sundress, profane; sofas, reefs, harps; gramophone, telephone, pathos, tape recorder, reform, props; typhoon, confusion

Sound at the end of a word:

Pif, bang, myth, boa constrictor (f), closet, lion (f), sleeve (f), scarf, vulture, graph, photographer, cliff (f), rush (f), giraffe.

The confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Phtha, phtha; fla, flo, flu; fra, fro, fra, fra; phtha, phtha. Jacket, caftan, lifts, jackets; flag, bottle, flagship, flag, flannel; fleet, phloxes, naval; tailcoat, frau, franc, transom, phrase, figure; front, Frosya; fruits, fruity, figures.

Repeat suggestions.

The fakir showed a trick. The Count carries a torch. The factory lights are on. Foma puts the scarf in the closet. Funtik snorts. The sundress has a good style. Pif and Paf are photographers. Thomas has a flag. The count put on a tailcoat. Thomas has fruit. Frosya has a flag. Frosya has a flannel jacket. Foma has a caftan, Frosya has a beautiful jacket. Thomas bought a phone.

Repeat phrases.

Pif has a guest - Paf.

Fani has a sweatshirt.

Paf has a guest - Pif.

Petya has shoes.

The fleet sails to the native land,

Flag on every ship.

Repeat the riddle.

He's tall and spotty

With a long, long neck

And he eats leaves -

Leaves from trees. (Giraffe)

This eye is a special eye.

He quickly looks at you

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (Camera)

Aptly pour players

Cuffs kick me. (Soccer ball)

Learn a poem.

Look! Look!

That's what Mitya's flag is!

Who gave the flag?

Mitya made it himself. (O. Vysotskaya)

The game "Tell me a word."

Holiday, holiday at the gate.

Who will meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

Red, small... (flag).

Who scored the goal today?

When I played ... (football).

Evening is coming, look -

They caught fire ... (lanterns).

Game "Finish the sentence."

At the celebration, the boy has in his hands ... (flag).

Mom tied her daughter around her neck ... (scarf).

In the evening, the cars are on fire ... (headlights).

Each person has a name and ... (surname).

The circus often shows ... (tricks).

One-to-many game.

An adult calls the object in the singular, and the child in the plural. Pheasant - (pheasants) Van - (vans)

Torch - (torches) Telephone - (phones)

Focus - (tricks) Sundress - (sundresses)

Fountain - (fountains) Earl - (counts)

Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Foma, Afonya and Frol went for a walk. Foma and Afonya began to play football. Frol did not want to play football. He went to the stream and began to launch boats. There were three ships in the flotilla. Each ship had a flag. The ships were so beautiful. Foma and Athos really liked Frol's game, and the guys also began to launch ships.

Ph sound

Sound articulation

See the sound Ф. The difference is that when you pronounce the sound ФЬ, the lower lip is less tense.

Sound staging

By imitation. Best in the syllable FI. Gradually, the sound And is pronounced more briefly and deafly, the sound ФЬ is obtained;

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson.
Speech therapy conclusion: OHP III with a dysarthria component.

Topic: Staging sound [f].

Purpose: Teaching correct pronunciation sound [f].



  • formation of the correct articulation of sound [f], knowledge about acoustic features sound;
  • learning to perform movements by imitation, verbal instructions.


  • development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing and directed air jet;
  • development of general and fine motor skills;
  • development of phonemic hearing and perception, concentration of attention;
  • development of orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage and spatial orientation.


  • fostering a positive interest in the occupation, works of art.

Equipment: a mirror, a sound articulation profile [f], a hedgehog toy, pictures - articulation gymnastics, a checkered sheet, a pencil, a picture - a coloring book depicting a hedgehog.

Lesson plan:

II. Main part.

  1. Articulation gymnastics.
  2. Self-massage of the face.
  3. Fizkultminutka.
  4. Exercises for the development of speech breathing, directed air jet.
  5. Clarification of articulation of sound [f].
  6. Setting the sound [f] by imitation.
  7. An exercise for the development of phonemic perception.
  8. Graphic dictation.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment. Installation for the lesson.

Speech therapist. Do you like to visit?
Child. Yes.
Speech therapist. Then go! But who invited you today? Guess a riddle.

(The speech therapist makes a riddle.)

Who is rustling in the grass
And it snorts so funny - f-f-f ...
All in needles, you won’t take it,
Who is this, (child's name)?
Child. Hedgehog!

Speech therapist. Today a funny hedgehog is waiting for you. It is never boring with him because this funny animal knows a lot of games.

II. Main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

1.1. Lip exercises.

Speech therapist. Together with the hedgehog, do lip gymnastics.

Our hedgehog is familiar to all children,
He greeted you with a smile.

(The child smiles broadly, stretching his lips, holds up to 7 seconds.)

"Let's hide our teeth."
Raised the top lip
He showed his upper teeth.
And now vice versa
I close my mouth tightly.

(The child repeats several times, increasing the time of showing the upper teeth to 7 seconds.)

"Comb your lower lip."
Look, the comb is teeth
Hedgehog combs his lips.
(The child runs his upper teeth along the lower lip 6-8 times, massaging it.)

1.2. Language exercises.

Speech therapist. Look and listen how a cheerful hedgehog greets the morning. Perform exercises for the tongue with him slowly, correctly.

(Speech therapist reads a poem.)
The hedgehog got up early in the morning,
I ran to brush my teeth.
Right - left, right - left
He brushes his teeth well.

(The child stretches. In a smile, he opens his mouth, with the tip of his tongue “cleans” 5-6 times behind the lower teeth.)

The hedgehog took our comb,
He began combing his hair.
We are not behind him.
We will show everything with language.

(The child in a smile bites his tongue with his teeth and “pulls” it back and forth.)

(The child opens his mouth wide, raises the back of the tongue, resting the tip on the lower teeth. Then raises the tongue on the upper teeth. Performs 6-8 times.)

Now it's time for breakfast.
Hedgehog baked pancakes for you
They are with sour cream.

(The child opens his mouth in a smile, puts his wide tongue on his lower lip. Holds the count up to 8.)

How does a hedgehog love sour cream?
Lick your mouth soon!

(The child opens his mouth wide. Licks his upper lip with a wide tongue, then the lower.)

Now let's have a cup of tea.
We will pour tea into a cup.
The hedgehog is full, the hedgehog is happy
The hedgehog loves all the guys!

(The child opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue, bending the side edges and the tip of the tongue up. Rhythmically claps his hands.)

2. Self-massage of the face.

Speech therapist. Now you teach a friend how to perform a facial massage, which helps to be smart, attentive and pronounce all sounds clearly.

(Speech therapist reads a poem.)

I'll pull my ears forward
And then back.
My hedgehog is prickly
Will be very happy.

Five and six and seven.
Don't Forget: Ear Massage
Everyone needs to do it!

Child. Holding the middle of the auricle, pulls it forward and then back, counting slowly to 10. (1 time.)

And now around the cheeks
I'll break it down quickly:
prickly hedgehog
I'll develop my memory.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't Forget: Cheek Massage
Everyone needs to do it!

Child. With the index and middle fingers, simultaneously intensively “draws” circles on the cheeks.(Does 1 min.)

I draw a circle on the chin:
I want to help the hedgehog
speak clearly, quickly
Pronounce all sounds.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't forget: the massage is
Everyone needs to do it!
To think better
hedgehog mischievous,
I stroke my forehead
My dear friend.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't forget: the massage is
Everyone needs to do it!

Child. With the same two fingers “draws” circles on the chin, circles on the forehead - 1 minute.(Does 1 time.)

For the hedgehog to see better
Became more attentive, smarter,
I am magic glasses
I'll draw soon.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't forget: the massage is
Everyone needs to do it!

Child. Massages the upper and lower eyelids with two fingers without closing the eyes.(Does 1 min.)

Nose massage.

Child. With the pads of the index fingers of both hands, presses on the designated points. Each point must be pressed and held without releasing, counting up to 10.(Does 1 time.)

Point 1 just below the wings of the nose. Right and left.

I'm fingertips
I'll hit the points:
prickly hedgehog
I'll break my nose.
One, two, three - I'll say four
Point 2 just above the wings of the nose, also on the right and left.
Five and six and seven.
Don't Forget: Nose Massage
Everyone needs to do it!

Child. Leaning back on the back of the chair, takes a long breath and exhale, arms freely lowered along the body.

Oh, our hedgehog is tired,
Did it diligently.
Knows the benefits of massage
Will be sure!

3. Physical education.

Speech therapist. And now go out to the clearing, where the hedgehog likes to frolic with friends.
(Speech therapist reads a poem.)
On a dry forest path
Top - top - top - feet trample.
Walks, wanders along the paths
All in needles gray hedgehog.

The child is standing, slightly bent over. The arms are bent at the elbows - in front of the chest, the hands are lowered down. Legs bent at the knees, take frequent steps.

If a wolf creeps -
The hedgehog will turn into a ball.
Oh oh oh!
The child squats, clasping his knees with his hands.
Bristling hedgehog needles -
The wolf won't get it.
The hedgehog won't touch anyone
But don't touch him!

The child stands up, spreading his fingers in front of his chest, continues to take frequent steps.

4. Exercises for the development of speech breathing, directed air jet.

Speech therapist. It is nice to enjoy the beauty of the forest, fresh air.
Exercise "Let's get some fresh air"
The child takes a breath through his nose, a smooth exhalation through loosely closed lips - 3 times.
Speech therapist. There seems to be a strong wind.
Exercise "Wind".

The child takes a breath with his mouth, feeling how his stomach is inflated at the same time; exhale with force, lightly biting the lower lip with the upper teeth.

5. Clarification of articulation of sound [F].

Speech therapist. The hedgehog really enjoyed playing with you. He snorted f-f-f with joy.
What do lips, teeth and tongue do when we pronounce the sound [Ф]?
(The speech therapist shows the sound profile [Ф].)
The child tells. When pronouncing the sound [F]:
- the lower lip is slightly pressed against the upper teeth, a narrow gap remains in the middle for the passage of air, the upper lip is slightly raised;
- the upper teeth are visible, the lower ones are covered by the lower lip;
- language takes the position of the next vowel;
- vocal cords do not work, the voice does not sound.
(If the child finds it difficult, the speech therapist clarifies the correct articulation of the sound [Ф].)

6. Setting the sound [Ф] by imitation.

Speech therapist. And now you try to pronounce the sound [F]. How does a hedgehog snort?
The child pronounces the sound [F].

7. Exercise for the development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist. Funny hedgehog has prepared another game for you.
"Clap your hands when you hear the sound [F]."
(The speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables, words, and the child claps his hands.)

Isolated: F, M, N, F, P, F, D, F T, B.
In syllables: FA, AP, FU, BY, OF, UT, FY, YES, AF.

8. Graphic dictation.

Speech therapist. Did you enjoy visiting the hedgehog? But it's time to return.
Draw a path that will take you home.

(The child draws a path according to verbal instructions: from the point cell to the right, cell up, 3 cells to the right, cell down, cell to the right, 3 cells up, cell to the right, 2 cells down, cell to the right, 2 cells up, cell to the right, 3 cells down , 2 cells to the right, cell up, cell to the right, cell up, cell to the right, cell down, cell to the right, cell down, cell to the right - there is a house).

III. Summary of the lesson

Speech therapist. What sound did you learn to pronounce today?
Child. Sound [F].
Speech therapist. Well done! You tried very hard, so you succeeded. A cheerful hedgehog gives his photo, which you will color at home. And do not forget to practice pronouncing the sound [F] correctly.

A lot of children experience minor difficulties with speech and articulation, but, as a rule, by the age of 5–7, such problems disappear by themselves. The speech apparatus of the child develops, sound extraction improves, and the baby begins to speak clearly. There are also problems that, without due attention to them, persist throughout life. This may require a speech therapist or independent exercises in speech therapy and articulation. The sooner you start correcting and overcoming speech disorders, the easier this process will happen for the child. You can start setting up the sound yourself - in most cases, speech therapy and speech therapy exercises present no difficulty.

In speech therapy, staging a sound is a special process that combines the development of pronunciation skills for a certain letter, as well as the formation of a connection between kinesthetics, vision and the nervous system. Thus, in the course of staging, the child learns to pronounce the letter on demand in various combinations and in isolation.

In children, there are often violations of the pronunciation of whistlers - these can be either sigmatisms (when instead of a sound with or sing a child pronounces their distorted version), or parasigmatisms - in this case, the whistling is replaced by some other (front-lingual, hissing).

Setting the sound is very, very important. The fact is that any speech disorders affect nervous system. Incorrect or impaired sound pronunciation can cause the following diseases:

  • dysgraphia - various disorders writing, automatic rearrangement of letters during writing, substitution of letters, etc.;
  • dyslexia - the inability to adequately read the text and put the letters into a coherent text;
  • dyslalia - serious violations in the pronunciation of certain sounds.

How to say the sound C and soft C

The correct pronunciation of whistlers depends on the shape of the tongue muscle - you need to track that the tongue is in the correct position. Normal pronunciation occurs as follows: a relaxed flat tongue is pressed against the teeth with its lateral edges, and its tip rests against the base of the lower front incisors. The tongue takes the form of a hillock, and has a hollow in the middle part.

If the baby did not part with the nipple in childhood, then he probably has an even, flat tongue, and the hollow and the transition are weakly expressed. If there is no hollow, with whose help a trickle of air is formed during exhalation, then there will not be a jet that forms whistling sounds.

Correct articulation of B and C

Sponges should be stretched in a slight smile so that teeth are exposed. The gap between the teeth is not more than two millimeters. The relaxed tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower dentition. The frontal segment of the dorsum of the tongue forms a fissure with the upper incisors, while the middle of the dorsum of the tongue rises towards the hard palate. The tongue is pressed against the teeth with the lateral edges, the soft part of the palate is raised, pressed against the pharynx, thereby blocking the air from entering the nasal cavity. The ligaments at this time should be relaxed, without vocal vibration.

Exercises for pronunciation of the sound С and С

To develop the correct pronunciation of the sound S, you will need to perform exercises on phonemic hearing. Before doing the exercises, make sure that the child knows how to pronounce the sound C and C (there have already been classes of this kind), and is able to distinguish between the sounds D and T, as well as V and F.

The best exercises that help develop phonemic hearing and come close to the correct pronunciation of the sound C and C are based on sound imitation. Show your child some pictures that show:

  • ordinary pump;
  • a bicycle tire pierced with a nail;
  • a balloon that releases air.

The set of pictures may differ depending on the age and interests of the child, the main thing is to show clearly, using examples accessible and understandable to the child, how the sounds C and C differ. Sound memorization exercises can be continued by guessing sounds, or by developing phonemic hearing skills.

Correct articulation when pronouncing the sound C

The tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower teeth, the lips are strongly parted in a smile and do not overlap the teeth, the teeth are practically closed. Air should be released with effort, feeling its movement along the groove. If you bring your palm to the oral cavity and pronounce the sound C, then a cool air stream is felt on the skin.

After the exercises with the sound Сь are completed, you can move on to the sound С. It is important to explain the difference to the child, show it visually and let him feel the difference between the sounds С and Сь by kinesthetic and articulatory. Emphasize that when pronouncing the sound C, the child smiles, while a hard, deaf C causes a grimace, more like a grin.

Preparatory exercises

First of all, you need to identify the ability to release an air stream with effort. You need to take in air, blow with effort through lips folded into a tube. You can control the flow of air with your hand (for adults), but it is better for a child to let a piece of cotton, a feather or a small piece of paper blow off his hand.

To better feel the formation of the groove during the pronunciation of C or C, you need to do exercises for the flexibility and mobility of the tongue. It is necessary to stretch out the tongue, calmly lay it on the lip. Along the tongue (at the place where the groove appears), you need to put a smooth stick, match or toothpick, and then press to make a groove. The teeth are wide open, the lips are slightly rounded, in this position you need to blow out a strong air stream several times. Exercises should be repeated until the result is fixed.

Over time, you can move on to a more complex version of this exercise - repeat the same thing, but without a wand.

In order to correctly pronounce the sound C, it is necessary to control the position of the tongue and lips, and also to feel the stream of cool air that moves during pronunciation along the tongue. If for some reason it is not possible to pronounce the sound C correctly, you should return to the preparatory exercises and go through them again, only after that it is possible to automate the pronunciation.

Articulation exercises

  • Wide smile - you need to keep your lips in a smile (similar to pronouncing the sound and), while controlling the tension of the lips - the teeth should be open.
  • Whistling - with clenched teeth, it is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube, as during whistling.
  • When both exercises are mastered, you need to alternate them to a slow count, rhythmically and measuredly.
  • Brushing your teeth is a good exercise for articulation, performed like this: the lips are open in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue strokes the teeth - first the upper ones, from bottom to top and from left to right, then the bottom ones.
  • The following exercises are useful to perform in turn.
  • Clock hand - lips open in a smile, teeth parted, the tip of the tongue alternately touches the corners of the mouth. It is necessary to control the immobility of the lower jaw (the chin should not move).
  • Swing - with this exercise, you can achieve high mobility of the tongue. A relaxed, wide tongue rises as much as possible to the tip of the nose, then stretches towards the chin. After that, the tongue rises to the upper lip and descends to the lower one, then touches the space between the upper teeth and the lip, and then rests against the space between the lower teeth and the lower lip. It is necessary to ensure that the tongue remains flat and wide all the time, the lips do not fit the line of the teeth.

Automation Exercises

Sound production begins with identifying problems in pronunciation, then you need to prepare speech apparatus and the oral cavity to the correct pronunciation, learn how to pronounce the sound correctly, put an easy pronunciation and automate it. To do this, the following method is used: you need to gradually introduce sound first into syllables, then into simple and Difficult words followed by sentences and free speech.

Isolated pronunciation is achieved by repeated pronunciation of an isolated sound with constant control of the movement of the teeth, tongue and lips.

When the child begins to easily perform simple and complex articulation exercises, and will extract the sound correctly, you need to introduce the pronunciation of direct and reverse syllables into the lesson. Direct syllables - Sa, Si, Se, So, Su. Reverse - Ac, Ys, Es, Os, Us. Soft Xia automation is also important - Xia, Xiu, Xi, Xo and vice versa.

Sound production (automation) in independent speech- the most difficult stage, it’s hard to get used to speaking correctly, therefore, in Everyday life and in everyday life you need to focus on the erroneous pronunciation and achieve the right one.

Sound production and automation in speech therapy are due not only to the need to put pronunciation, but also to overcome incorrect conditioned reflex connections and ligaments.

Not only the staging of sounds is important, but also the automation of pronunciation. The lips and tongue should automatically take the right position in order to pronounce the sound correctly. Automation in live colloquial speech can be done by memorizing poems and songs - speech therapy pays great attention to nominal rhythmic exercises. If there are difficulties with the selection of suitable material, you can always watch a video that shows the correct automation of sound with the help of songs, poems and tongue twisters.