Health      05/28/2020

Interesting questions with meaning. Thoughts to think about. What happened before the big bang

Our brain is an amazing tool for learning and a real gift for those who know how to use it. This extremely powerful computer on our shoulders is capable of solving problems that many modern and powerful computers simply cannot do, especially when it comes to creativity. However, in order for our brain to work effectively, it needs regular exercise, which means we need to give our brain difficult tasks. And it seems that this is not a problem, but what if you are just too lazy to solve problems and do not want to do anything? In this case, you can force your brain to think by asking yourself philosophical questions.

Perhaps we should start with the main questions that interested many philosophers of antiquity and continue to excite many thinking people Nowadays.

Global questions of philosophy:

  • Who I am?
  • Does God exist?
  • Why does everything exist?
  • How real is the world?
  • What comes first - consciousness or matter?
  • Does free will exist?
  • What will happen after death?
  • What is life and death?
  • What is good and evil?
  • Does the world exist independently of me?
  • Does the universe have boundaries and what lies beyond them?
  • Is there absolute truth?

There are thousands of questions you can think of to get your brain thinking, and you can do so, based on the following 40 general philosophy questions that I bring to your attention in addition to the promised 50 philosophy questions at the bottom of this article.

General questions of philosophy:

  • 1. Should we be guided by the norms of behavior, which ones and why?
  • 2. What is the difference between mind and brain, and is there a soul?
  • 3. Will a machine ever be able to think or love?
  • 4. What is consciousness?
  • 5. Do animals see the world the way we see it, only without thoughts?
  • 6. Is reality limited by the material world?
  • 7. If your consciousness were transferred to another body, how would you prove that you are you?
  • 8. Can love exist without emotions and feelings?
  • 9. What is the meaning of life?
  • 10. If there is no free will, does punishment make sense?
  • 11. Is there an order in the universe, or is everything in it random?
  • 12. What moral principles can be common to all?
  • 13. How justified is an abortion?
  • 14. What is art?
  • 15. Does capitalism have a future?
  • 16. Can anyone be anyone?
  • 17. Are there questions that cannot be answered?
  • 18. What is destiny?
  • 19. Can simple people manage politics?
  • 20. Is it possible to unite all peoples and countries?
  • 21. Does it make sense to donate organs in case of death?
  • 22. How morally justified is euthanasia?
  • 23. Should we be afraid of death?
  • 24. What is time and why can't it be reversed?
  • 25. Is time travel possible?
  • 26. Is it possible to change something in the past?
  • 27. Why does modern society need religion?
  • 28. Is there a cause for every effect?
  • 29. How is it possible for an electron to exist simultaneously in two states and in several places?
  • 30. Is it possible for a society to exist without lies?
  • 31. What is more correct to give a person a fish or a fishing rod?
  • 32. Can human nature be changed?
  • 33. Can humanity do without leaders?
  • 34. If people are so attracted to virtual worlds, maybe we are already in one of them?
  • 35. Is it possible to know the world?
  • 36. Can something come from nothing?
  • 37. If all your past memories were erased, what would you be like?
  • 38. Why does man need consciousness in evolutionary terms?
  • 39. If you could expand your abilities indefinitely, where would you stop?
  • 40. Should children be responsible for their parents?

Miscellaneous philosophical questions to think about:

  • 1. Looking back, can you tell how much your life belonged to you?
  • 2. Do you prefer doing things right or doing the right things?
  • 3. Of all the habits you have, which one gives you the most trouble and why are you still with it?
  • 4. If you could give your child one piece of advice, what would it be?
  • 5. Can you imagine how big the universe is?
  • 6. What would you do if you had a million rubles?
  • 7. How much would you give yourself if you didn't know how old you were?
  • 8. Which is worse, failing or not trying?
  • 9. If the world were to end and you were alone in the whole world, what would you do?
  • 10. Why, knowing that life is so short, do we strive to have so many things that we don’t even like?
  • 11. If only average age a person was 30 years old, as it was in the Middle Ages, would you live your life differently?
  • 12. If there was no money in the world, what would it be like?
  • 13. If you could change one thing in this world, what would you change?
  • 14. How much money do you need so that you never have to think about working for money?
  • 15. What would you do if you had one year left to live?
  • 16. Have your worst fears come true?
  • 17. If there were supernatural abilities, what ability would you like to develop?
  • 18. If you were a superman, what would you do?
  • 19. If you had a time machine, where would you go and what would you try to change?
  • 20. What would you say to yourself if you had the opportunity to convey a message to yourself while you were still in school?
  • 21. What can be a world without wars?
  • 22. What if there was no poverty in the world, how would people live?
  • 23. Why do some people care about the opinions of others?
  • 24. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  • 25. Imagine what life on earth could be like in 30 years?
  • 26. How would you live if you never thought about the past and the present?
  • 27. Would you break the law trying to save the life and dignity of a loved one?
  • 28. How are you different from most other people?
  • 29. What upset you five or ten years ago, does it matter now?
  • 30. What is your happiest memory?
  • 31. Why are there so many wars in the world?
  • 32. Can all people on earth be happy, if not, why, and if so, how?
  • 33. Is there anything you are holding on to that you need to let go, and why haven't you done so yet?
  • 34. If you had to leave your homeland, where would you go to live and why?
  • 35. Imagine being rich and famous, how did you get there?
  • 36. What do you have that no one can take away?
  • 37. How do you think people will live in 100 years?
  • 38. If there were many universes, what would life be like in a parallel world?
  • 39. From everything said and done in your life, draw a conclusion, what do you have more, words or deeds?
  • 40. If you had the opportunity to live your life again, what would you change?
  • 41. Who are you: your body, mind or soul?
  • 42. Can you remember the birthdays of all your friends?
  • 43. Is there absolute good and evil, and how is it expressed?
  • 44. If you could live forever and be forever young, what would you do?
  • 45. Is there something in you that you are one hundred percent sure of, without a single thought of doubt?
  • 46. ​​What does it mean to you to be alive?
  • 47. Why does what makes you happy not necessarily make other people happy?
  • 48. If there is something you really want to do but are doing, can you answer why?
  • 49. Is there one thing in life for which you are infinitely grateful?
  • 50. If you could forget everything that happened in the past, what would you be like?

By thinking about such questions, you will not only force your brain to think, but you may also find something new for yourself in the answers that come to your mind. The important thing is that you don't have to work hard to find the answers, just use your imagination and try to imagine these answers in your head. Regularly thinking about the questions presented here or your own thoughts will keep your brain in good shape and improve your Creative skills. The main thing is not to hold back your imagination, do not create unnecessary boundaries for it from your beliefs, because what can exist in our world very often goes beyond what we are generally capable of imagining. I wish you success!

Most people have never asked themselves these questions. And if they did, they did not try to find a truthful answer to them. It's not even about the answer itself, but about finding it. Each of these questions can lead you to certain thoughts about yourself and the world around you, even if you do not find the answer. They are able to get someone off the ground and make them think about what they usually do not want to think about.

The order of the questions does not really matter, I posted them in the order in which they came to mind. Although several questions that follow each other can be connected logically. Do not get hung up on the formulation of the question and the search for an answer to it. First of all, you must start thinking, reflecting, and this is the main task that I put into this article. Therefore, there is no need to look for any hidden background in the wording. Just think.

I warn you, many questions are uncomfortable, they can hurt your pride, make you think about something unpleasant, but you need to ask yourself them, because many problems cannot simply be ignored. And it is better to ask them to yourself now, think carefully and come to some decision than to reap the consequences of delusions and wrong choices later.

Even though these questions make you feel uncomfortable, the purpose of these questions is not to upset you, but to encourage you to take certain actions. Do not get used to problems, but find solutions for them! Many of these questions I asked and ask myself, and they help me to know myself more deeply and, using this knowledge, move on. If you are not confident in your moral strength, suffer from depression, then it is better to skip this article, as in this case, questions can plunge you into despondency.

If I understand that it is difficult for me to communicate with some people, then I think about how to avoid this.
If I understand that I am lazy, then I think about how to strengthen discipline.

In general, I am determined to solve the problem, and not just to put my head down and resign myself to the circumstances. I want you to be attuned as well.

How to answer questions?

You don't have to answer all at once. You may need to think carefully. Do not rush to immediately answer the question, it may turn out to be a template answer, due to the stereotypes that have developed in your thinking. These stereotypes are designed to simplify your thinking and protect your ego from the possibility of self-blame. They work instantly, offering you the most psychologically "comfortable" answer. But such an answer does not mean an honest one. Therefore, take time to reflect, try to get to the bottom of the matter and be as honest with yourself as possible. Refer back to the article if necessary.

Hint: most of the problems are in yourself, not in the outside world. And these problems can be solved by working on yourself.

Also, some hints can be found by clicking on the links that I will provide in the post.

Some questions include approval. For example, "why do you smoke?" If you don't smoke, skip this question, this does not apply to you. The same applies to all such questions.

Some questions may puzzle some, but leave others indifferent. This is fine. It is impossible to predict in advance which path your chain of thought will take and what can attract your attention.


  1. Why should I care what other people think of myself?
  2. How do my friends treat me?
  3. Why can't I be alone?
  4. Why am I drinking
  5. Why am I
  6. How do my children feel about me?
  7. Why is it hard for me to make friends?
  8. Am I supposed to be better than everyone else in absolutely everything?
  9. Fate is unfair to me. So what?
  10. Why do I swear a lot?
  11. What happens in the world?
  12. What is happening in my country?
  13. What's happening at my work?
  14. What do I want from life?
  15. Why are my plans not being fulfilled?
  16. Am I happy with my choice?
  17. Why be nervous and worried?
  18. Who is responsible for what happened in my life in this way and not otherwise?
  19. Who is responsible for what I have become like this?
  20. Is that one life path, which I have chosen for myself, the only possible one?
  21. What is stopping me from living the life I want to live?
  22. Does anyone owe me something?
  23. Do I owe something to someone?
  24. Why am I arguing with my wife/husband? What's the point of this? Are we gaining something of value as a result of these conflicts?
  25. Why do my emotions take over me?
  26. I am in a bad mood. So what?
  27. Why do I need a tenth dress or a third watch?
  28. What will happen to me in ten, twenty, thirty years? Will my life change somehow if I keep doing what I'm doing? Am I satisfied with these prospects?
  29. What will happen to my health if I continue to lead the lifestyle that I lead now?
  30. What will happen to me when I get old and can't find pleasure in the things that bring me joy now (sex, food, drink)?
  31. I like my job?
  32. Am I satisfied with my job as a source of income and life's work?
  33. Why can't I organize other sources of income?
  34. What happens if I lose my job?
  35. Why am I not working remotely?
  36. Why am I not minding my own business?
  37. I'm less fortunate than others. So what?
  38. What will I do this weekend? What about the next ones? What do I do every weekend?
  39. Why do I smoke?
  40. Do I need rest?
  41. Do I have enough free time?
  42. Am I getting enough sleep?
  43. Am I in good physical shape?
  44. I feel good?
  45. Am I able to keep
  46. How to eat right?
  47. Am I making enough time for my loved ones?
  48. Why am I late at work? What happens if I leave on time?
  49. Why do I confess this one and not another? Are all other religions wrong?
  50. Am I diligently following the precepts of my faith? If not, how can I be sure of the salvation of the soul?
  51. What is the meaning of suffering?
  52. What are my interests, hobbies? What am I into?
  53. How much time do I spend in ?
  54. How long do I watch TV?
  55. How many books have I read in the last year?
  56. What other interesting music is there?
  57. Am I educated and erudite enough?
  58. Why doesn't the Earth fall into the Sun?
  59. How is genetic information encoded?
  60. What is an atom made of?
  61. How many foreign languages I know?
  62. Am I responding appropriately to criticism?
  63. When was the last time I agreed with someone else's opinion, which was different from mine and openly admitted it?
  64. What is the point in those disputes in which each participant does not want to accept the opinions of the other? Is there truth in such disputes?
  65. Why do I need to prove something to someone?
  66. When was the last time I praised people, gave them sincere compliments?
  67. How am I better than the people I don't like?
  68. Why do some people dislike me?
  69. Why do they love me?
  70. Why do I love those I love?
  71. Have I put enough effort into strengthening my strengths and getting rid of my weaknesses?
  72. How long have I been giving gifts just like that, for no reason?
  73. How long have I been visiting my elderly relatives?
  74. Are there many people who will give me disinterested help if I need it?
  75. When was the last time I cleaned my house?
  76. How often do I stay alone and reflect on life?
  77. When was the last time I did something that others disapproved of, and in the end I was satisfied with my choice?
  78. Am I getting things done?
  79. Do I have a developed sense of humor?
  80. Do I laugh a lot?
  81. Am I enjoying life?
  82. Am I happy?
  83. How often do I complain about life?
  84. Many people live in conditions of hunger, lack of housing and their lives are in constant danger. Why do I consider my problems so significant and serious?
  85. Am I doing everything to improve my life?
  86. Why do wars happen?
  87. Where do my fears come from? Why am I afraid of mice if they can't harm me?
  88. Why should I resent others?
  89. Why should I pretend to be someone I really am not?
  90. What are my biggest life mistakes?
  91. Why am I lonely?
  92. How do my principles, my worldview help me?
  93. What kind of people are my friends? Why are we together?
  94. What determines my behavior?
  95. When was the last time I tidied up my apartment or workplace?
  96. What is good, what is bad?
  97. Do I listen carefully to other people?
  98. How much suffering have I brought to others?
  99. Why am I ashamed of my loved ones?
  100. What do I know about death?

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While most people feel comfortable within their beliefs, there are some who are interested in exploring the true nature of things. These are the people who discovered the power of deep thinking, driven by curiosity with an almost unlimited desire to know the truth.

Deep thinking will help you broaden your perspective and see the big picture and can enrich your life.

Here are some deep thought questions to ask yourself:

1. What lies beyond the observable universe?

We know that our solar system is part of a huge galaxy. We also know that there are approximately 100 to 200 billion galaxies in the “close proximity” to Earth. This is what scientists call the observable universe.

But what lies beyond what is observable?

There are even more galaxies and these galaxies go on indefinitely?

Are these galaxies part of one universe, or are they part of many other universes?

In this regard, the question arises: is our Universe all that is, or do we live in?

Is the universe/multiverse just incredibly big or is it infinite?

2. What happened before the big bang?

Theory big bang describes how the universe began. This is a model that seeks to understand how the universe is rapidly expanding from a state of high density.

For scientists, the big bang marks the beginning of everything. But what happened before the big bang? Nothing? What caused the singularity - that is, the birth of the universe?

3. Are there more than three dimensions?

The question of why we live in a universe with three visible dimensions is itself thought provoking. However, it also raises questions about the possibility that there are more than three dimensions.

Daily life shows us that we clearly live in a world with three dimensions. Height, depth and width affect everything we do. But is there anything else besides what we see?

The theory of everything suggests that there can be more dimensions—much more. Interestingly enough, when string theory is applied to nine spatial dimensions, everything starts to fluctuate. All mathematical theories the fabric of the universe is supposed to fall apart without these nine or more dimensions.

4. Is your perception of reality akin to someone else's experience of reality?

Of course, we all live very different lives. We all grew up in completely different conditions and have different opinions about almost everything.

But what's really interesting is the question: do we all perceive reality in the same way?

For example, due to the different differences in our brains, each of us perceives colors differently. Of course, we all know what a red or yellow T-shirt looks like. But does everyone perceive this particular color in the same way? Hardly.

At the same time, everything we experience in life is not interpreted objectively. Instead, the events of the world are always subjectively interpreted by our brains. Based on our attitudes, beliefs, and the culture we grew up in, we may perceive these experiences in a very different way.

5. How did life originate and evolve on Earth?

Today, science is trying to explain how life developed on planet Earth. Scientists have a good understanding of human evolution, but how life itself began remains one of the greatest mysteries.

If you have ever heard of development, you will know that the earth was formed as a result of frequent collisions with other celestial bodies about 4.5 billion years ago. Then it was a molten and highly toxic planet. Her environment was so toxic that she simply couldn't sustain any life. But how is it possible that life could arise from nothing? What caused initial development life?

Scientists know approximately when life began, but they still cannot answer the question of how life began. The origin of life remains largely unknown fact. There are certain hypotheses, but there is no definite answer.

6. Is there life after death?

The question is, is there life after death? the greatest secret of all. While we all have certain opinions about the concept of death, no one knows for sure. Some people firmly believe in afterlife, while others are just as convinced that after death there is nothing at all. We may not know until we've gone through this.

7. What is the nature of reality?

Some of the greatest minds have thought deeply about the nature of reality. This is a supreme philosophical question that cannot be answered so simply. For centuries, men and women have tried to understand life, consciousness and reality. But only a few have found convincing answers.

Is life really just a physical manifestation of matter and energy? Or is reality entirely a psychic manifestation?

If life is entirely physical, this can only be investigated empirically - scientific method. However, if there are also psychic aspects of reality, introspection can be another way to explore.

8. Why do the Sun and Moon seem to be the same size?

We know that the Sun is much larger than the Moon. However, when viewed from Earth, the Sun and Moon appear to be about the same size.

The reason for this is that the Sun is about 400 times larger than the Moon, but at the same time about 400 times further away. As a consequence, the Sun appears to be the same size as the Moon.

But isn't it a strange coincidence that the Sun is 400 times bigger and 400 times further away? Is this just a coincidence or a suggestive question?

9. Is there life in other galaxies?

For most scientists, the question is not “is there”, but rather “where”. What is even more interesting is to think about what kind of life there might be.

Are there other organisms, such as microbes and bacteria, on planets in distant galaxies? And is it possible that there is also intelligent life? What would these look like? sentient beings from distant galaxies?

10. Do you shape your own destiny?

Another interest Ask for reflection - the theme of fate. Do you think that you are in control of your destiny, or do you believe that your future is already shaped and that you are simply moving along a path that someone or something has set for you?

This is a thought-provoking question about free will and the power to shape your own destiny.

11. Do people get better through the generations?

If we look at the evolution of man, we see that there has been continuous progress over the past centuries. Of course, there have been ups and downs, but it cannot be denied that there have been significant improvements.

In this technological age, however, it is interesting to speculate, are humans really getting better with each generation? This question is not so much aimed at scientific and technological progress. It focuses more on human qualities and behavior. Have we really evolved over decades? Were our ancestors morally and intellectually less gifted than we are?

12. Human morality studied?

Where does morality come from? Is this what we absorb from our families, friends and teachers? Or is it something innate that lies within us?

If we absorb morality from our families, then how did it come about one day, from our most distant ancestors?

13. Is life better now than in the past?

When we look at this question superficially, we can come to the conclusion that life is much better now than, for example, 50, 200 or even a thousand years ago. However, this judgment is based mainly on advances in various fields such as technology, health care, human rights and ease of life.

But if we subtract these achievements from our consideration, is modern life much better than in the past? Are we happier today than people were 50 years ago? Are we leading a more fulfilling and meaningful life?

Is it possible that our ancestors were also satisfied with their lives, despite much harsher conditions?

14. What will the Apocalypse look like?

Scientists keep telling us that the Sun will eventually run out of the hydrogen that powers it. Once this point is reached, will die. But before that happens, it will begin to expand until it eventually destroys everything that is left on Earth.

It's actually interesting to think about how the Apocalypse will play out. Will it be 5 billion years from now, or will humans have settled in other galaxies by then? Perhaps the Apocalypse is much closer than many might think. Perhaps people will cause some kind of apocalyptic events or asteroids will contribute to this?

15. Man will never be able to populate other planets?

With impressive advances in space technology, it seems quite realistic that humans will eventually start living on other planets. We are preparing to send a manned . Are these plans only the beginning of the Great Colonization of other planets?

This development need not be limited to Mars alone. Perhaps people will be able to identify Earth-like planets in other solar systems and also live on these planets.

16. Can an alleged offender be imprisoned before the crime is committed?

Philip K. Dick's sci-fi short story "Minority Report" makes you think about working with crime forecasts. If we assume that one day in the future, advanced algorithms, or something else entirely, can predict crime, do we have the moral right to imprison people long before they commit a crime?

17. Is there something greater than ourselves?

If you're looking for a really debatable question, it's whether there is High power. A large number of living people today feel (at least in some way) something greater than themselves. There are approximately 900 million atheists, and many large quantity people who believe in a higher power.

While non-believers and believers are firmly convinced of their beliefs, it is not easy or even impossible to find a definitive answer to the question.

Either way, it's equally interesting to contemplate: did the world just emerge from brilliant coincidences, or is there some "supreme power" that set it all in motion?

18. Which is worse: failing or not even trying?

Otherwise, this question may sound like this: Is it better to do and regret than to regret what you didn’t do? You may deeply despise failure and fear failure, but is that worse than not trying at all?

19. Can small changes make a big difference in people's lives?

Often, even small changes can have a huge impact on people's lives, whether it's economic or political change, or the discovery of some new drug. Do you think there is something that can be changed in this world that can benefit hundreds or even thousands of other people?

20. What would you change in this world?

Let's say you were given the power to change just one aspect of this world, what would that be? Would you change anything for yourself and your life? Or did you change something that would help other people to lead better life even if you don't gain anything from it?

21. For what reason or for whom would you sacrifice your life?

How much more important is your life for you than the life of your loved ones - are you ready to sacrifice it for the sake of someone close to you? Is there a person in your life for whom you would sacrifice your life?

Could you sacrifice your life to save a large group of people, perhaps even strangers to you?

22. What is the most important question in the world?

There are many questions that humanity needs to solve. But what do you think - which one is the most important question which should be resolved immediately? What issue is so important that all other issues seem less important?

23. What events in your life have influenced you the most?

Who you have become is largely shaped by circumstances and life experiences. But think about what were the most important events in your life that influenced your development and shaped you into the person you are today.

24. What is happiness?

Often we strive for something more, in the hope that by adding something new to our lives, we will eventually become happy. However, it looks like this mouse romp will never end. At the same time, we strive to fulfill all our desires, without even realizing that they are to some extent insatiable.

Food for thought: what is true happiness, where does it come from? Maybe true happiness can only be found within yourself, or is there external sources that allow you to be happy?

25. Will we ever know the truth about everything?

IN Lately more and more new knowledge and achievements open before us. Mankind today knows much more than the mankind of past centuries, however, there are still many mysteries and. But what if one day scientific progress achieve knowledge to such an extent that we can explain any phenomenon in life? Will life without a secret become more interesting? What will we strive for when we know everything?

26. Is it possible to do something wrong if no one knows?

In most cases, we are held back from bad deeds by the fear of being exposed and punished. But if no one knows about your immoral act, would it be okay to do it?
And can this act be considered wrong if no one ever finds out about it and condemns you? Would you be able to do something like this?

27. Will the future be much better than now?

Life is already much better today than it was 50 years ago when you look at the great strides we have made in areas such as technology and healthcare. If this rapid progress continues into the future, will our descendants live much better than we do today? What would this life look like?

28. How do you know that your beliefs are true?

You know how quickly beliefs about certain things can change. (People once believed the earth was flat.) You may have once firmly believed in something, but eventually discovered the true nature of things and realized that you were wrong. How can you be so sure that your current beliefs are absolutely correct?

29. What lie do you repeatedly tell yourself?

We all lie to ourselves, day after day. Sometimes, you may be expecting something unrealistic from your life, thereby being deceived. Do you understand when you lie to yourself? And even more interesting, how many lies do you repeatedly tell yourself? Could you stop lying to yourself?

30. Do villains consider themselves heroes?

In most films, villains are portrayed as truly evil. There are only a few films that explore the underlying motives behind the antagonist's behavior.

The same is true for reality. While there are scary psychopaths who do evil things for no good reason, it's also possible that there are people who do evil things because they think it's the right thing to do.

This is a thought-provoking question: Are there such evil people who truly believe they are heroes?

31. Are you really free?

If you are reading this article, chances are high that you live in a free and open society. But sometimes, people live within a psychic prison. They may perceive themselves as free, but theirs is theirs. At the same time, there may be boundaries that society imposes on us without trapping us in a physical prison.

Can you honestly tell yourself that you are leading a free life? How can you increase your level of personal freedom?

32. Does everyone have a purpose in life?

Does every person have a purpose in life? Is your existence really meaningful?

Finding your life's purpose is definitely not an easy task. Do you find the purpose of your life or create it yourself? How sure are you that you are really responsible for creating your purpose in life?

33. If no one observes an event, does it happen?

Every day, something happens in the world that no one, not even animals, is watching this event. But do these things really happen if no one notices?

Will a tree falling in the forest make a noise if no living being hears it? Will the world exist if for some reason there is not a single observer left?

34. Are you the same person you were 7 or 10 years ago?

Every day, body cells die and are replaced by others. This is a normal process that occurs throughout our lives. Curiously, white blood cells have an incredibly long life span of over a year. This means that all the cells in the body are replaced after just over a year. Other cells live much less, some are even replaced within an hour.

Are you still the same person you were a few years ago, even though every cell in your body has been replaced?

35. If you could live forever, what would you do?

Eternal life is quite an interesting concept. But what would you do if you could live forever? Do you think the advantage of not dying outweighs the potential disadvantages?

Is it easy to see all the people you love die over and over again?

36. Will there be a time when there will be no war?

If there is one constant thing in human history, it is war. Will there be a time when world peace will come?

Will humanity of the entire planet be able to find a common language in their views? Will we stop hunting for foreign territory and resources, given that there are more and more people every year?

37. What makes people evil?

What makes people do evil? Is it something that comes from within? Or could it be a potential influence of external circumstances?

Do you consider yourself evil? Do you wish someone harm in your thoughts? Or are you doing evil without knowing it yourself?

38. If your resources were unlimited, would you like to live a different life?

Would you greatly change your life if you had access to unlimited resources? Would you be a completely different person?

How would your life change if you had an inexhaustible source of income? What would you do when you were fed up with luxury?

39. If the resurrection were real, would you use it?

If you had the opportunity, would you like to bring back a long-dead person for whom you yearn so much? What if he is really in better world How selfish is it to bring him back to this world?

40. Is love really your choice?

We used to think that love is something special, peculiar only to people, but scientists explain falling in love with the result of chemical processes in the body. Animals during the mating season produce the same hormones as people in love.

Now think about it - do you love because you want to love, or because nature intended it that way? If the hormones of love cease to be produced by the body, does this mean that you will not be able to fall in love?


As a personal trainer, I use specific insightful questions to help my clients better understand themselves and to clarify their goals for me personally.

I usually ask open-ended questions that can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no", so the client has to dig deeper and find answers they may not have thought of before. Correct staging questions can stimulate deeper, interesting conversations and discourses, as well as pave the way for discovering common interests, building stronger bonds, and building mutual understanding and empathy.

Asking good questions is an art. No one wants to feel like they're in an interview or feel like they're being sucked out of information. An important and large part of this process lies in the ability to listen carefully to the answer and perceive what lies behind the words.

Listening also includes the ability to observe body language, listen to the tone of speech, and be sensitive to what is left unsaid. It is important to be able to ask thoughtful follow-up questions and to keep the conversation going, reflecting its essence. By learning to ask good questions and listen carefully, you will create space for a closer, stronger, and more enjoyable relationship.

We bring to your attention 25 questions that will help to start an interesting deep conversation:

1. What is your best childhood memory? This question always makes people smile and often leads to humorous and emotional conversations about family, travel, holidays, traditions, hopes, dreams, and friendships. You can learn a lot about a person who will share their childhood memories with you.

2. If you had a chance to change something in your life, what would you choose? This question can give you an idea of ​​the person's condition and who they are. You will also be able to see his weaknesses, learn about his hopes and dreams. Often, when people share their regrets or unfulfilled desires with others, it expands the range of their interactions and builds trust.

3. How did you meet? This is a great question when talking to a couple. Quite often, telling the story of a first meeting brings people together, evoking happy memories. This gives them the opportunity to share their joy and allows you to learn more about their past and how they interact with each other.

5. What kind of music do you like? The music we love helps define who we are and reflects the dreams and visions of our generation. What we listen to reflects what resonates with our soul. This most clearly and honestly reveals our inner essence and our deep convictions, which are sometimes very difficult to express in words.

6. If you could go anywhere, which place would you choose and why? This question not only allows you to discuss past travel experiences, but also helps you better understand the personality, interests, and adventurous spirit of the other person.

7. If you could only have five things, what would you choose? This question really makes people think. We are very attached to our things, but there are only a few of them that are of particular importance to us. When people are forced to determine this, you can see which material goods they value the most.

8. What school teacher influenced you the most and why? Teachers can play a key role in developing our love of learning, exploring our true desires, and discovering our talents. These people inspire us or simply believe in us and want the best for us.

9. Have you ever wondered what will be written on your tombstone? Although this question is a little painful, it touches on important topics, looking deep into the heart. What are we striving for? How do we want to be remembered and what do we want to leave behind?

10. What was the turning point in your life? This question allows you to go to a deeper level of communication. Often these moments occur when experiencing difficult life situations: death, divorce, job loss, etc. It is during such periods that we are forced to make huge mental, physical or emotional shifts.

11. Why did you choose this profession? The story of why a person chose a particular profession helps to learn a lot about him, about his motivations, interests, education and ambitions. We often spend most of our time at work. Therefore, the answer to this question also shows what a person decided to closely connect his life with.

12. How do you spend your free time? This question serves as an excellent addition to the previous one, making up a complete picture of how a person managed to organize his life. We will be able to learn about the interests, various hobbies and obligations of our interlocutor.

13. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the winnings? This is a fun question that reveals a person's attitude to money, work and life goals. Would the person quit their job? Would you buy your dream home? Or would you do something altruistic? Would a person be glad to receive a large monetary fortune, or would he wish to avoid such gifts of fate?

14. Who do you admire? The answer to this question will show who a person wants to be like. We admire people whose actions and character reflect what we want to see in ourselves. Knowing the answer, you can learn more about the true nature of the interlocutor.

15. Tell us about your three favorite books. Why did you choose them? Discussing favorite books creates a space for interesting conversation and helps the interlocutors find a common language. It also gives both parties the opportunity to learn something new and understand a different point of view or interests that they did not think about before.

16. What are you most afraid of? This question is meant to sound the ground, and yet it is capable of revealing a great deal. Every person is afraid of something, and it is these fears and concerns that show our vulnerabilities and pain points. When someone shares something like this with you, you need to respond with caution, kindness, and trust. You need to be respectful and sensitive about other people's fears so that they feel safe and can open up to you on a deeper level.

17. What do you understand by the word "love"? Each person has their own “love language”: words, behaviors, and attitudes that show how they express their love and make them feel loved. This is a great question for your significant other.

18. What are your strongest qualities? At first, most people are not entirely comfortable answering this question, as they try to be modest. But deep down we all want the recognition of our positive qualities. As a rule, people ask the same question to their interlocutor and this creates a positive connection between them.

19. Can you remember the most embarrassing moment? Do not take this question too seriously and then you can laugh heartily, remembering such moments. Most people like to tell funny stories about themselves, as long as they don't involve shame or guilt. Sometimes people may talk about something painful or embarrassing. Then it's time to show compassion and participation.

20. If you were president, what would be the first thing you would do? Through this question, you can learn a lot about the political views, ideals, values ​​and concerns of the interlocutor. If you want to avoid lengthy arguments, just be prepared to disagree with the other person's opinion. Don't forget that we are all different and that's great. Communication completes us. Be open.

21. How old do you feel now, and why? Ask this question to people over 50 and you'll get some interesting answers. With age, many people do not feel their chronological age. It is very interesting to learn how people perceive themselves internally. It is likely that their age absolutely does not coincide with their feelings.

22. If you could witness any event from the past, present or future, which would you choose? This is a terrific question for a fascinating conversation. You can learn about the interests and goals of the interlocutor and, perhaps, be inspired to explore your own interests more deeply.

23. What skill would you like to master and why? Most people want to constantly improve for their own satisfaction. This question will give a person the opportunity not only to talk about his desires, but also to think about why he has not yet achieved success in what he wants.

24. How do you imagine a perfect day? Thinking about this question makes us return to the memories of the wonderful days we lived. The question fills the conversation with happy notes, evoking pleasant feelings and perhaps even a desire to recreate that perfect day.

25. How would your friends describe you? This question allows the person to abstract and try to see themselves from a different perspective, bringing self-awareness and honesty with themselves into the conversation, as well as making the conversation deeper and more interesting.

By asking these questions, you can also learn a lot about yourself. You show others that you are involved, interested, and respect their personality. You create strong bonds, exchange of sincere feelings and genuine information. When others feel that you appreciate them, you create the basis for a strong, mutually beneficial, wonderful relationship.

Each of us comes into this life to learn. Learn from events, encounters, even suffering. But we often refuse to see what exactly they want to convey to us, we get hung up on one lesson for a long time - and we lose years when we could spend several months on it.

If we asked ourselves questions that make us think about life more often, perhaps we would learn much faster.

Children's philosophy

As children's book writer Bernadette Russell says, children should ask their parents philosophical questions that will shape their worldview and help them grow up. And, of course, children's fairy tales and cartoons will help them formulate these questions. The mistake of many parents is that they do not decipher to their children the meaning of the cartoons they have watched and the fairy tales they have read. What questions make you think about the tales of Saltykov, Pushkin and others famous people? Saltykov in his tales condemns the government, comically shows the intelligentsia, so such tales, with a deeper reading, can be of interest even to adults.

Philosophical questions for children

Here are a few questions that make little fidgets think and that parents should definitely answer.

1. How to treat animals?

Any living creature needs care and love, especially our little pets. Raising love for lesser friends will help children learn kindness, fearless manifestation of love, care.

2. How much are the best things in life worth?

All the best we get absolutely free - love for life and for people, laughter, communication with friends, sleep, hugs. They are not bought, not because they are free, but because they are priceless.

3. What's good in life?

All life is good, no matter what trouble it brings us! In every, even the darkest day, there is a place for the sun's rays - a green traffic light on the way home, ice cream bought for dessert, warm weather. Teach your children to feel life and, of course, to believe in magic.

4.Can one person change the world?

We will not change the whole world, but we can change ourselves - and then the world will change for us. Our little personal world will become exactly the way we want to see it, because a person receives what he radiates.

The most unusual questions

Below is a list of the most extraordinary questions that make you think, but at first baffle you. Probably, each of us will find our own answer to all of them.

1. Is it possible to lie to the interlocutor without saying anything?

It all depends on how the question was posed and what exactly it concerns. Usually silence cannot be called a lie, but there are times when it can be regarded as such.

2. What would you choose: wealth and a wheelchair, or health and poverty?

This question makes one think about the fact that, for which we are chasing so diligently, ruining our health and pushing aside moral principles, are not at all worth the effort. After all, none of us will take money with us to the grave.

3. What advice would you give a newborn for the future?

Probably each of us would answer this question differently. But, you must admit, it is precisely the charming childish immediacy that adults so lack! And perhaps this is what you should wish for - always and under any circumstances to remain yourself.

4. If you could change your future, would you change it?

Changing the future leads to changes in the present. In the past, which has been preserved in your memory and heart, there were necessary lessons that you successfully completed. And if you renounce them, your future will no longer be securely girded with past experience.

5. Knowing that tomorrow will be the last day of your life, what actions would you decide to take?

How much time we spend doubting and fearing. Knowing that life is so short, we consciously sacrifice our desires, aspirations, dreams just because we have doubts. And then we regret it, because in practice, it would seem that a long life turns out to be incredibly short.

Eternal questions about life in books

How many books have been written on philosophical topics! What serious philosophical questions do these books make you think about? Not every person spiritually and intellectually grows up to such books, but if you take up one of them, you can be sure that you will take something valuable from it for yourself. Almost all such texts carry a message to the reader that makes you think about your life and your worldview.

List of books with deep meaning

"A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess is a novel that shows the cruelty of the world around without embellishment. The metamorphoses that take place with the hero, who at first himself showed unprecedented cruelty, until he experienced it on himself in prison, raise questions from readers that are worth thinking about - about how our society works, why there is so much cruelty in it. And the motto of the book says that life must be accepted as it is. Priceless advice, right?

"April Witchcraft" by Ray Bradbury is a short story about the unfortunate female love that every girl once experienced. Do we need something like this life experience? Can we overcome suffering? Pain lives inside every person, like a poisonous flower, and only we decide what to do with this flower - water it or pick it and throw it away.

What question does the book "A Happy Death" by Albert Camus make you think about? Each of us once asked himself: why was I born into this world, will happiness await me? Albert Camus is looking for answers to these questions together with his hero. After all, the main meaning of life, perhaps, is not in achievements or pleasures, but in feeling this happiness.

Have you ever thought about how dear your family and friends really are? What important role does the family play in our life? Marquez, in his book One Hundred Years of Solitude, talks about people who are happy to have guests, but are indifferent to each other.

How long have you been bitten by your own conscience? Conscience is an individual choice for everyone, as the author of the novel "The French Lieutenant's Mistress" claims. This book has two endings.

"We are responsible for those we have tamed"

What questions did you think about? A little prince» Exupery of those who read this work? The work is easily divided into many quotes filled with childish wisdom. And although this story is perceived as a fairy tale, in fact, The Little Prince is recommended for adults to read. During the reading, you will find many questions on a philosophical topic, the answers to which are also in the work. What is friendship really? Do we see beauty around us? Do we know how to be happy or do we lose this quality as we grow up?


Life is complex, multifaceted, somewhat cruel. But she asks us questions that make us think. Love for her, sincere and not clouded by problems, makes us truly happy people. This should be the task of each of us - to understand that happiness does not depend on external factors, but on internal content.