Personal growth      01/18/2020

What does the teacher give to the student? How to teach non-reading children to read? From the experience of a primary school teacher. Adults don't always know what's best

The website published a conversation with the Deputy Scientific Supervisor of the National Research University graduate School Economics, Doctor of Economics Lev Lyubimov, the author of the project to create a university-school cluster, in which he spoke about the main ideas of the project, made a number of proposals on the problems of Russian education.

about the project

The university-school cluster was created a year ago in remote microdistricts of Moscow - Nekrasovka, Kapotnya and Maryino. It includes 33 educational complexes, which include 220 schools and kindergartens. This cluster in an experimental mode should work out the methodology for “pulling up” failing schools to the level of successful ones, teach teachers to work in a new paradigm of activity-based learning. According to the ideologist of the project, the environment for educating such teachers is formed precisely in educational complexes, because there are “ main source moving forward” — diversity.

In the educational cluster, university professors first conduct an advanced training program with teachers, then give them the task of studying and mastering a certain amount of professional literature. After that, an examination for assimilation.

Why is it needed?

According to Lyubimov, Russian school does not allow children to truly develop their potential”, churns out mass C students, from which then “grows into a mass of uncompetitive adults”: a minimum of world-class professionals in almost every field and “crowds of dependents and quasi-entrepreneurs whose goal is to grab someone else’s business, “squeeze out” and export foreign currency.

Our school, the scientist believes, over the past twenty years has brought up a whole generation of people “who will look for where it is easier and cheaper to get a university diploma, and then hang out in some office or shopping plankton in an Oblomov robe. They just don’t overdo it, just don’t overwork.”

Lyubimov believes that an ordinary Russian teacher is not taught to teach children competence, that is, ways to search for, select knowledge, apply it and endow it with their own meanings. He "can only verbally retell the textbook and command." Therefore, if today the child this topic interesting, and the teacher will only broadcast the textbook in class, the student at home on the Internet will find interesting and necessary materials for him, will know more than the teacher on this topic, and therefore will lose interest in the teacher.

It is necessary to teach teachers, the school to work in a new way

The ideologist of the project believes that it is necessary to start with the teacher: to teach teachers competence.

“Self-learning throughout life is the most important commandment of the 21st century. The teacher must teach the child to learn independently. How will he do this without studying himself every day?” Lyubimov said.

The teacher should become a subject expert, and not just a teacher of a particular subject. Only such a teacher will be able to educate not a mass C grade student, but a competitive one. young man, the scientist believes.

According to the observations of L. Lyubimov, in any school, the entire teaching corps is divided into three parts:

1.Knights of the school. For them, the main thing is children, they have a professional conscience and honor.

2. Teachers who are accustomed to instructions, to orders. They will order - they will do it, they will not order - they will not do it. They are quite manageable and trainable.

3.Teachers who hold on to workplace and the income it brings. They just don't want to change. You have to try to get rid of them.

Lyubimov believes that the new school should have a modern leader. Not all directors, both old and new, can withstand modern requirements. And they need to be changed. Why is it necessary to develop a system of competitive selection, as, for example, it was done in Moscow.

The scientist believes that schoolchildren should also be taught competence. In his opinion, it is necessary to replace the didactic paradigm with the activity one. We need to teach the school what to do and how to do it according to the new paradigm. For example, China has already carried out such a reform and has become a world school leader.

We need big investments in teachers, principals, and parents. Foreign scientists have calculated: one dollar invested in the education of a child brings 17 dollars of profit when he reaches working age.

Actively involve parents

Lyubimov believes that "the role of parents today is one of the main failures of the kindergarten and school." Most parents consider educational establishments like a locker, for many of them education is a crust, and not a system of knowledge in the head, that their job is to give birth to a child, feed and clothe, and everything else will be done for them.

Teaching kids how to speak, read and write

"Dynamically developing oral speech, infection with reading, writing is the basis of powerful intellectual development, ”Lubimov believes.

If 25 years ago lexicon a first-grader was 5-6 thousand words, now it is about 3 thousand. Therefore, he suggests starting with kindergarten. The kindergarten must provide parents with a bank of names of text materials, audio books, text cartoons. And then sit down together and write down every month when and what will be read, watched at home and in the garden, i.e. compose. individual study program.

“In elementary school, the tasks of teaching reading and writing are being rethought. Teaching reading means making a child dependent on books and texts for life. Not a day without a chapter! To teach writing means to form in a child a steady need for the presentation in writing of his thoughts, impressions, experiences. Not a day without a line! By the end of the beginning, the child should have a collection of his own written texts, ”says the scientist.

Impartial USE

Speaking about the Unified State Examination, Lyubimov noted that "the culture of independent assessment is a very high culture." However, teachers and school directors, and indeed the entire population, are not accustomed to independent evaluation of their work. "The USE is a small element of this high culture that needs to be revived." But it will work if the state exam is impartial.

A good education should not be free, and certificates should not be issued to everyone

Lyubimov is sure that quality education should not be available to everyone.

“I believe that it is not necessary to issue certificates to everyone. Passed the exam below 40 points - and this is the level of knowledge for the 5th grade - here's a certificate for you that you used your constitutional right to an equal opportunity to receive a complete secondary education. But I didn’t earn a certificate, ”he noted.

Also, it shouldn't be free. Investing in the education of children is the duty of parents, not the state, the author of the project believes.

“You spend on your child first, and then go to the boutique for a shirt for ten thousand,” said L. Lyubimov.

About timing

It is expected to solve the problem of forming a competitive young cohort within 15-20 years. Lyubimov is sure that this is not a utopia. This is a well-thought-out practical goal that is already being implemented in the cluster.

The child grows up, enters kindergarten then to school. Mom puts the responsibility for his upbringing on educators and teachers, arguing this with a lack of time and strong employment. Her teacher is always to blame, because: "I'm working!". Who should raise a child: a parent or a teacher?

Whose duty is it to raise a child?

The Convention says that the main (but not all!) Responsibility is borne, after all, by the parents. Their main concern should be the most important hobbies of children.

Therefore they must be:

  1. Responsible for the actions of the offspring, whose actions reflect the nature of education.
  2. Attentive to their health (not only physical, but also spiritual, moral and even mental) and development.
  3. Protecting the interests of children.
  4. Ensuring their safety and material well-being.

For failure to fulfill their duties, legal representatives may incur administrative, family or civil law or even criminal liability.

The Law "On Education" makes it the responsibility of parents to lay the foundations for comprehensive education (Article 44).

The educational functions of parents are supplemented by the following:

  • Creation of suitable conditions for the full education of the child.
  • Attendance control.
  • Acquaintance with academic performance, school life.
  • Cooperation with the school in matters of education and upbringing.
  • Prevention of antisocial behavior of the child.
  • Respectful attitude.

In addition, the father and mother have a predominant right to the education of a schoolchild compared to teachers. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations, they are liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The second most important teacher

Parents are not the only ones responsible for raising a child. Article 47 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (2018) is devoted to legal status pedagogical workers. She assumes in work time not only educational but also educational activities provided for by his official duties and individual plan.

It follows that :

  1. Monitors the safety of children and compliance with safety rules.
  2. Analyzes all conflict situations, turns to parents for help.
  3. Develops and implements a plan for an educational program, the goals and objectives of which contribute to the improvement of each student, regardless of his abilities and development.

An important circumstance that negatively affects the process of education is the struggle for his rights.

It led to the restriction of the rights of the teacher in educational activities:

  • A child cannot be expelled from a lesson because his right to education is violated.
  • You can’t take away personal items (phones, tablets), you can only politely ask to remove them, which is not always effective (if you take them away, then there is a robbery).
  • If you take away the note, you can be accused of violating privacy.
  • It is impossible to involve in labor education (subbotnik, cleaning in the classroom), if there is no permission from the legal representative.
  • Any spoken word can turn against the teacher, because "the child will not lie ..."

Because of such consequences, some teachers prefer to confine themselves to “formal” education.

The family has the priority of education. Family upbringing can negate the efforts of even the best teachers. The teacher either improves the qualities laid down by the family, or is forced to re-educate the child . At the same time, he does not have any powers, except for the impact of moral authority, which is sometimes stronger than the parental one.

Successful cooperation between the teacher and parents is valuable for both parties, because the effectiveness educational process this will only increase. Separately, the teacher and the parent, acting each with their own methods, sometimes not even interconnected, can only achieve the appearance of an internal conflict in the child. In the association, parental authority and teacher authority have a constant, “round-the-clock” educational impact.

What is a teacher legally entitled to?

In addition to duties, the teacher has rights that are most often reflected formally.

What does he have the right to in the educational process:

  1. To protect professional honor and human dignity. Formally, the law "On Education" equalizes the rights of all participants in the process. If there is always an opportunity to punish a teacher, then it is very difficult to protect him from unsubstantiated accusations. It is possible to rehabilitate your name to a teacher who has been slandered only through the court, but not everyone will decide on such an act.
  2. Statement in a delicate form of a claim to the child. This is sometimes fraught with counter-accusations in a by no means correct form. The answer may be a complaint to parents about the inappropriate behavior of their child. But it is not a fact that the legal representatives will take the side of the teacher (“So they provoked him!”).
  3. Freedom to choose methods and forms of education, methods for assessing students' knowledge. That is, non-interference in one's own professional activity by father and mother. At the same time, many parents believe that they know better how to teach, educate, evaluate, and they will definitely express this to the teacher, sometimes in a rude form.
  4. Protection from unreasonable interference of parents in the scope of his duties. Of course, this right is most often ignored not only by parents, but also by higher authorities. Therefore, it is not always possible to get an answer to a complaint about the incorrect behavior of legal representatives.
  5. Visit requirement parent meetings and creating an optimal learning environment for the child. Of course, this obligation is not officially fixed anywhere, but it reflects the rights of the father and mother to participate in the educational process and familiarize themselves with the progress of their child. If they systematically ignore the meetings, then the teacher can apply to the competent authorities.
  6. Require students to follow the rules of conduct. If they are violated, you can make a remark (correctly), if they are violated again, talk to your parents.
  7. Suspend a student from class physical culture or the process of production labor, if it does not have a special form. In this case, the student is in the gym or office under the supervision of a teacher.

The teacher can also:

  • Consult with colleagues on the topic of personal problems of the student in the case when the intervention of the school is necessary (being in a difficult life situation, socially dangerous situation).
  • Refuse to conduct additional classes with students (even if the lessons were missed due to illness), but a rare teacher will do this, because the further progress of the child in his subject depends on it.
  • Notify parents of child misconduct (required!), If parents do not respond, contact the appropriate authorities.

Regardless of the common goals of education, the type of interaction between the teacher and the father and mother of the student is not always conflict-free. Therefore, one of the tasks of the teacher is to make them like-minded people in the process of education. Ideally, the teacher should become a close adviser to parents, who, in turn, accept the most Active participation in the general educational process.

Elena, mother of Maria (8 years old):

We have a high school English language from class 1. This, of course, is very good. But already by the 2nd grade, the teachers accelerated so much that I have to do homework projects in English all the time. And sometimes not even with the child, but instead of the child, because "they asked for tomorrow."

One gets the impression that teachers sometimes do not correlate their tasks with the capabilities of the child himself. Not to mention the fact that there may be classes outside of school - dancing, drawing, different circles. Should a child study at night? Or should parents be tutors for children?

Photo source:

In a particularly sad situation are the parents of children who study in the second shift.

If the teacher does not do lessons, then it turns out that the lessons should be done in the evening, and if, God forbid, there are still some hobbies, then at all at night. Should the teacher do homework with the children? No one can force a teacher - he is not a teacher. The main thing for him is that the children are fed, safe and looked after. Because it all depends on the person.

“After work, mom and dad do homework for 5 hours…”

After elementary school the program becomes more complex, the pace increases, and subject teachers become different and, oddly enough, compete with each other in the number and complexity of tasks. New study guides- a separate story. Such sometimes the Methodists are bent, that parents with higher education won't pull.

Natalia, Ivan's mother (12 years old):

In grades 5-6, students are overloaded with information. Even top students can't handle the sheer volume of information and performance homework. Sometimes an illiterate schedule compiled by a methodologist, inconsistency in the development of plans and programs, as well as a lack of coordination in actions between subject teachers puts children before a choice of what to learn the next day as “good” or “excellent”.

For example, there was a situation when they asked 2 verses in Belarusian and Russian, 2 paragraphs on history, preparation for an independent or control test. At the same time, we do not forget about the child's rest, circles or sports sections. And, of course, parents would like help around the house (not for help, but for the educational process). And it turns out that after work, dad and mom, the whole family do homework for 5 hours.

Photo source:

There is an opinion that children are now much less able to assimilate information and learn on their own. Because 20 years ago there was no such problem. Parents did not hang over their children - they made their way through the school themselves and got what they deserved. If the child did not cope with the lessons, the parents did not sit at the table instead of him.

Either we have taken care of our children, or gadgets are taking away their ability to think, but it is obvious that something either in the education system itself, or in our attitude towards it has already gone wrong.

Can we reverse this process? Is there a way out? The question is rhetorical.

How is homework in your family?

There are some things that teachers should not tell their students, although many of these tips can be very helpful for children. 50 teachers around the world shared their secret advice to students.

In fact, everything you learn is not so important

Much more important is that sitting in the classroom and completing assignments, you learn to live: how to quarrel and communicate with different people how to listen to others and respond politely. You do not understand this, because there are so many tasks that they disgust you. Believe me, you are learning to be independent adults, this is the most important thing.

Don't miss this opportunity

Know that I love teaching children and sincerely want to help you. But I can't help you if you don't make some effort. I chose this job because I like it, I can work hard and I know my subject. I will help you get to where you need to be. But you must follow me on this path.

The world can be very cruel

You are not what other people think of you.

Adults don't always know what's best

Sometimes I would like to tell you that your parents are wrong.

You are not your grades

All of our tests and exams do not define who you become at all.

When the editor-in-chief and I discussed the topic of the next article, she suggested that we think about modern image teachers. I immediately thought: “The topic is rich, but, damn it, difficult.”

In a broad sense, a teacher is any person who teaches certain subject. So called those who teach in schools and universities, coaches, tutors. In the dictionary, I found 45 synonyms for the word "teacher" of varying degrees of similarity.

But we will only talk about the school teacher. There are also teachers outside of schools, but their role in the life of the average person is optional. You don't necessarily get into college where you meet an eccentric philosophy professor. You will not always go to vocals (karate, dancing, crocheting) to a teacher who has become famous in this area. Not everyone in Russia uses the services of private teachers, coaches, tutors. A school teacher is in everyone's life.

This material will not have a clear operative part: it is naive to hope for final conclusions and an end to discussions around the teacher. The teacher will always be discussed, because he is the very embodiment of the attitude towards education in society. Of course, there is no archetype of a teacher in a vacuum, but there are trends in the changing profession of a teacher. Let's talk about trends.

The image of the teacher is in many works, but it is presented in particular detail in the narrative arts - cinema and literature. Vygotsky wrote in The Psychology of Art that the mechanism of action of art is similar to the mechanism of fantasies or dreams. The work is a compromise that allows both forbidden desires to be revealed and to deceive the repressive censorship of consciousness.

In the works we see teachers with a huge baggage of worldly wisdom and unbending philanthropy - in "Chorists", "Harry Potter", "Sandy Teacher". We see images of failed teachers, charismatic teachers, teachers with inner tragedy. In short, they shoot and write a lot about teachers - it turns out to be a completely representative sample.

Hegel wrote that works belong to their time, their people, their environment. In this vein works of art should be considered as a means of designating social problems, and specific images as indicators of social trends in the perception of something. And if we analyze the images of teachers from films and books, we can draw the following conclusion:

You may not be a qualified teacher, but you must be a good person.

We have sympathy and subconscious approval for cine military, rock stars, managers, alcoholics and gangsters who, by chance, ended up in schools. Of course, they cannot explain the process of photosynthesis or the Newton-Leibniz formula, but their charm and gradually growing love for their students compensate for everything.

Even if in the work the teacher meets the formal requirements for the profession, he is loved not for an intelligible explanation, but for his reverent participation in the fate of students. The emphasis in many works is on the process of formation by the teacher of moral guidelines, and not knowledge.

The ideal teacher in the view of our compatriots is Nestor Petrovich Severov from the Big Break. Respondents in a Superjob poll called him a role model modern teachers. Nestor Petrovich pulls his students out of troubles, helps with family issues and in every way takes root in his personal life.

And now the main and very controversial question about the role of the teacher is exposed: do we want education or training?

Give up, you're surrounded! stereotypes

If we want education, then we need to do something with the burden of formalism that falls on the teacher. And it's not just about paperwork, departments and ministers, it's also about public pressure. Because only a living and original person who inspires emotional trust in children can educate. And the teacher is one of the main objects of public attacks and, probably, the most conservative and stereotyped profession.

Recruitment managers

The most difficult thing to manage social networks is for social workers - doctors and teachers, since they are most expected to have exemplary behavior. Therefore, photos and posts in which they talk about their personal life, leisure, as well as comments on various issues can have a bad effect on their image.

Dear teachers, don't you feel like sending recruiters when you read this? You are the standard: you can do without photos with wives and husbands, without trips to the water park and, apparently, without your own opinion.

A person who should develop in children an interest in the world and engage in education is locked in his profession, littered with a pile of documentation and extremely objectified. And if this person is trying to get out of stereotypes - public opinion hits on the nose.

It is necessary to instill in children morality, citizenship, etiquette, a sense of beauty, a craving for knowledge - okay, you really need to, but how to do it? In a liberal or communist light? According to Christian virtue or in the spirit of postmodern? Patriot or citizen of the world? Talk about sex at school or the idea of ​​​​an innocent childhood before 18?

Whatever you choose, someone is sure to be outraged. Too many debatable educational issues, too little time and professional resources. Then, maybe, to hell with the educational function? Maybe upbringing is an intimate family affair and it is simply unfair to push parental responsibility onto teachers?

I once read an article titled “7 Film and Book Teachers We Would All Like to Learn From.” She collected a lot of likes and approving comments, many readers wished to add someone else to this list. The title of the article read: “A good teacher is not always the one who knows his subject inside and out. Much more often, students remember with gratitude those with whom they drank tea after school, rafted down the river and had philosophical conversations.”

There are many supporters of the idea “the main thing is that a person be good”, but personally this position causes deep disgust for me. Because it is the root of evil. This is the beginning of the discrediting of professionalism.

A good person is not a profession

Everyone wants to feel warm attitude teacher, to see his love for children, but let's be honest with ourselves: the teacher should not love you, the teacher should teach. If your mathematician is thrice a bastard in human terms, he should still be called a good teacher if he was able to convey knowledge to violent heads.

If we devalue the professional skills of a teacher and prioritize the warmth of relationships, then very soon we will come to a situation where the military, rock stars, managers, alcoholics and bandits will really be taken to school. In cinema and literature it looks interesting, but that's what art is for.

While a professional thinks whether his children are ready for exams, whether they have sufficient information, “ good man» will wrap superficial information in a wrapper of emotions and tea parties after school - and here's an education for you, get it.

The teacher must teach. This is his primary, main, strategically important task.

If the teacher is also positive, handsome, kind, witty, cheerful, creative, sincere - fine. But if he doesn't know his subject well enough, that's disgusting.

“Teaching becomes a mission in which school items- far from the most important, ”writes the author of the above article. Let's change the words in this phrase:

The construction activity becomes a mission in which the viscosity of the cement and the stability of the supports are far from the most important. Surgery is a mission in which the sterility of instruments is far from the most important thing.

Funny, is not it? If you think that school subjects are less important than sterility in surgery or sustainability in construction, then you are mistaken. A professional masters his profession, regardless of whether his ignorance can kill people or not. Remember the phrase from the movie "Irony of Fate".