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Dubrov generals about the Jewish mafia to read. Veterans of the bd at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces. Lieutenant General Shebarshin Leonid Vladimirovich

Born February 5, 1937. Russian. In 1959 he graduated from the Vilnius Radio Engineering School. In 1970 - the Military Command Academy of Air Defense. G.K. Zhukov. He commanded a platoon, company, radio engineering regiment, radio engineering troops: air defense corps, separate air defense army, air defense of the Far Eastern Military District; radio engineering troops of the air defense of the country. After being transferred to the reserve in 1996, he is engaged in public veteran activities, being: Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Anti-Fascist Committee, Chairman of the Union of Veterans radio engineering troops Air Defense and Air Force", Deputy Chairman of the Union of Veterans of the Air Defense Forces, member of the coordinating council of military-patriotic public organizations of Russia, member of the executive committee of the DPA.


Fairy tales about Marxism-Leninism, equality, brotherhood, freedom are over, the harsh reality has come, in which Russians and other indigenous peoples have been robbed and are under the most severe yoke of international Jewry.

Today's extinction of the Russian people, the reduction in the birth rate, the unprecedented destruction of the people by alcoholism and drug addiction, organized and unpunished crime - all this is the result of the dominance of Jews in all echelons of power throughout all the more than 80 years of the Jewish yoke in Russia.

Our current state of affairs was predicted by the German writer Wilhelm Marr back in the 19th century. He wrote:

"...IN currently among European states, only Russia is the last bastion in Europe, and it is against her that the Jews are preparing their final blow. Judging by the course de, Russian capitulation is also only a matter of time. In this vast empire... Judaism will find its Archimedean foothold, from which it will be able once and for all to knock the whole of Western Europe off its foundations. Jewish conspirators (under the strict leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and others - G.D.) will cause a revolution in Russia, which the world has not seen before ... At present, the Jews in Russia are still afraid of being expelled from the country. However, after Russia is defeated, they will no longer have anything to fear ... ".

After the victorious Jewish revolution of 1917 in Russia, Lenin issued on July 27, 1918 the "Law Against Anti-Semitism". According to this Ulyanov-Blank (Lenin) law, Jews in Russia, after the armed seizure of power, received the greatest benefits, were appointed to leading positions in repressive bodies, the Cheka, Ministries and other evil and elite places, they were given priority when entering universities. Trotsky, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, to whom Lenin gave unlimited power over the military department, placed only Jews as political commissars in all links of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. The “law” according to which anyone who spoke disrespectfully about a Jew was immediately subjected to repression, up to execution and confiscation of property in favor of the “insulted” Jew. Is this not a genuine genocide of grandfather Ulyanov-Blanca-Lenin in relation to the Russian people.

And so that the reader does not think that I called the events of October 1917 the Jewish revolution only for red words, I want to remind you that at the head of the Bolshevik Marxist-Leninist party, at the head of all government structures, up to 80% were Jews, and 20% were half-Jews or men of other nationalities married to Jewish women.

And after the Jewish-bourgeois coup in Russia in 1991, which, as in 1917, was led by Jews, all government structures, the Kremlin apparatus of the President, financial and commercial structures are in the same hands, only today they are not firm Marxist-Leninists (mordechai -Leftists-Blanquists-Leninists, did not forget that K. Marx is a party pseudonym, and his real name is Mordechai Levi from an ancient family of rabbis; Lenin is a party pseudonym, and by his mother - a Jew Blank).

The centuries-old fooling and zombification of the peoples of the world has become no longer a secret behind seven doors, but a well-known truth. Today peoples understand who is the real enemy, the destroyer, the terrorist and the executioner.

In the foregoing, one of the main goals of Judo-Zionism is clearly visible - the destruction of Russia and its recalcitrant people. This is where the cause of all the current evils and misfortunes of Russia, about which the German writer Wilhelm Marr wrote so presciently in 1879, predicting the seizure of Russia by the hands of the working Russian people excited by the Jewish revolutionaries.

It is a pity that the Russian intelligentsia failed or did not want to delve into the essence of these prophecies for the fate of the Russian people and Russian state, and listened with hanging ears, sweet speeches of the creators of pseudo-scientific theories, composed by false prophets of Jewish blood.

2. Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism - the ideological weapon of the Jews

To the sound of the "Internationale" Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism under the hidden leadership of Zionism, put many hundreds of millions human lives, many of whom deliberately sacrificed themselves in the name of the highest ideals of mankind, but in fact, in the name of the world Zionist dictatorship.

In accordance with the pseudoscientific philosophy of Marxism (remember the promises of the young Mordechai Levi, the party nickname is K. Marx: “... And soon I will throw my titanic curses on humanity ... Having accepted my teaching, the World will die stupidly ...) was created in Russia The Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks was another prominent Satanist and faithful disciple of Mordechai Levi, Ulyanov-Blank-Lenin, who also declared "holy" ideals and "bright" principles.

Today, the majority of the working working people have experienced all these sweet tales of equality and fraternity in their own skin and realized that these were just hooks that were used to catch the hard-working, downtrodden, illiterate people of the Jews and their owners. Marx was just programming the crowd dark people. The proletariat, the crowd is a weapon to seize power and nothing more.

Who was nothing will become everything (this is the slogan of the ancient Jews, but about themselves, and not about us), the dictatorship of the proletariat are excellent slogans for programming the naive and those who believe in bright ideals. (According to A. Yakovlev: “Ideals for fools”) And after the overthrow of the national Russian elite in Russia with the help of a fooled crowd, who ended up in 1917?

Dictatorship of the proletariat. And who is it? Aunt Masha the cook? Shoemaker Uncle Pasha or locksmith Uncle Vasya? No, my friends, our grandfathers were swindled by the Mordechai Jews and the Blanks just as cleverly as their spiritual and blood followers of the "faithful Leninists" of the Zionist persuasion - "democrats" swindled us today.

After the Jewish revolution in Russia in 1917, it was not the proletariat that became the dictator, but the “leader of the world proletariat,” the Kalmyk Jews Ulyanov-Blank-Lenin, who was never a proletarian and never engaged in productive labor. To exercise his dictatorship over the Russian people, he picked up the appropriate team: Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sverdlov, all, oddly enough, Jews (normal proletarians?). This gang of "proletarians" also never worked as either workers or peasants. Next comes the "International", which consisted of 80% Jews and 20% half-Jews and Jewish lackeys of different nationalities.

So much for the Marxist-Leninist "dictatorship of the proletariat." And this Jewish "dictatorship of the proletariat" unleashed such a bloody massacre in Russia, which claimed more than 60 million human lives, the best sons of the Russian people, who constituted the gene pool of Russia. Russia, now Soviet, received a new ruling elite - the Jewish one. One of the tasks of Judeo-Tolmudism-Zionism with the assistance of Marxism-Leninism in one particular country (Russia) was solved.

Dear reader, when the heralds of Jewry, spitting saliva, yell from TV screens that the Communist Bolsheviks destroyed Orthodox churches, destroyed more than 60 million human lives, you must clearly understand and attribute this not to the Russian people, but to the international Jewry that enslaved the Russian people and Russia in 1917 and continuing this bloody Sabbath today.

From the foregoing, the conclusion is clearly visible: Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism are the weapons of international (international) Jewry.

Today's leaders of communist parties and movements, if they are honest Russian people, should think under what banner they are calling the Russian people and the electorate that they themselves have fragmented. Ultimately, they call the Russian people to stand under the banners adorned with the six-pointed star of the Jewish King David, in the symbolism of which lies the meaning of the victory of the Jews over the non-Jewish peoples (gentiles).

The overwhelming majority of those who believed in communism, who were members of the CPSU and who are today members of the Communist Party of the Russian peoples, are honest people, devoted to their peoples and Russia. But they, infected with satanic rabbinical-Marxist pseudo-philosophy, think that they are fighting for Russia, but in fact they are fighting for the domination of the Jews for a despotic world state under the rule of a Jewish autocratic tsar.

Do you need examples? Take them from our tragic reality.

The era of dissident Jews, the Gorbachev era of "perestroika" - from Soviet-communist Jewish power to democratic-capitalist Jewish power, the Yeltsin era of the destruction of the country, the plundering of the national wealth of the Russian people by a handful of Jewish crooks, the enslavement of the Russian and other indigenous peoples by the same handful of Jews who seized all the levers of state power, not without the help of individual Russian cowards and traitors to their people. Unfortunately, among these cowards and traitors there are many men who wear trousers with stripes.

And, finally, the last merit of Yeltsin - he surrendered power and his destructive course to the “successor” Putin, whose first steps did not reveal in him a defender of the Russian people from further genocide and destruction by “market reforms” carried out by the world behind the scenes.

According to V. Putin's repeated statements in the media that he will not allow the redistribution of property, we can conclude that thieves and robbers will remain with the loot, and the people will vegetate in poverty. But what redistribution are we talking about? Who should share with whom? Those who robbed fabulously a lot with those who did not orient themselves in a timely manner and grabbed less? No one needs such a change. This is not about the redistribution of property, but about its return to the people, to the treasury of the state.

Such "defenders" will not fail to sell the last property of the people - to sell the land for a pittance to the same insatiable mafia structures that appropriated the country's national wealth and which actually control Russia today. Who can resist them? Executive power, legislative power (judging by the vote of the State Duma deputies on the ratification of the START-2 treaty) is in their hands. All power structures - too.

Who will stand in the way of further plunder and destruction of Russia?

The Russian people, if they wake up.

In Russia, the realization is steadily maturing that the state is following a path that does not meet its national interest. More and more strata of society are entering the struggle to avert the impending catastrophe and restore democracy. At this historical moment for the country, it is very important for every patriot to decide politically and morally what his place is in the ranks of fighters for the restoration of democracy. One of the urgent tasks of the day is to unite the efforts of Russian patriots. However, people rightly say: not all that glitters is gold, and not every leader who screams louder.

2010-04-23 19:51

Oh, scary!

Recently, Lieutenant-General G. Dubrov published the book Generals on the Jewish Mafia. We have known Grigory Karpovich for many years. He leads a veteran organization of the Air Defense Radio Engineering Troops, strongly opposed to the liquidation air defense as a branch of the Russian Armed Forces and the dismemberment of a unified system for protecting the country from attacks from the air and from space. IN last years Grigory Karpovich participated in many opposition actions and demonstrations. In 2009, General G. Dubrov was elected chairman of the Supreme Officers' Council of Russia. It was this current position of his that prompted us to comment on the positions set forth by the general in the above-mentioned book.

Many books have been written about Zionism and Jews in recent years. Fresh in memory are the deeds of the Zionists to destroy Soviet Union and Russia with the participation of such odious figures as Berezovsky, Abramovich, Chubais, Svanidze, and others.

What did the general say?

“I was in the ranks of the CPSU for more than 30 years,” he writes. “And what was raised in this letter (that is, in the book. - Auth.), The overwhelming majority of the 18 million members of the CPSU did not know and had no idea about it (including me).”

What did ordinary communists not know, what did they not guess? It turns out that in 1786 the Bavarian government seized the papers of the secret organization "Order of the Illuminati", created by a certain A. Weishaupt. The documents allegedly contained a plan for a world revolution and the creation of a network of organizations in many countries of the world for this purpose.

According to G. Dubrov, Karl Marx became a follower of the Order of the Illuminati. Here, it turns out, what a terrible secret the leaders of the Bolsheviks hid from the members of the party! And further: “The Jewish conspirators (under the strict leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and others) will cause a revolution in Russia, which the world has not yet seen ... The dictatorship of the proletariat. And who is it? Aunt Masha the cook? Shoemaker Uncle Pasha or locksmith Uncle Vasya? No, my friends, our grandfathers were swindled by the Mordakhai Jews and the Blanks... So much for the Marxist-Leninist "dictatorship of the proletariat." And this Jewish "dictatorship of the proletariat" unleashed such a bloody massacre in Russia, which claimed more than 60 million human lives, the best sons of the Russian people, who constituted the gene pool of Russia.

We note right away: all this is written off verbatim by G. Dubrov from V. Istarkhov's book “The Blow of the Russian Gods”, but more on that later. In the meantime, following the logic of the general, it remains to be assumed that if the members of the RSDLP found out that K. Marx was a “follower” of the “Order of the Illuminati”, then they would have fled, and no revolution for you. How badly the general thinks about tens of millions of communists - the builders of the great power of the USSR and its defenders. Moreover, it sounds especially vile and insulting in the year of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of our Great Victory. After all, only on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War three million communists laid down their lives and five million three hundred thousand fighters joined the Bolshevik Party. Among the communists there were great minds in all fields of knowledge, deeply versed, by the way, in the revolutionary theories of K. Marx and V. Lenin, which lit the way for humanity to a just society and peace. Grigory Karpovich, apparently, studied Marxism, to put it mildly, superficially.

But the opuses of V. Istarkhov, of dubious quality and far from science, he studied, it seems, with interest and pecked at this bait. The “clear” general writes that “Marxism-Leninism is a hidden weapon of Zionism,” and invites the leaders of communist parties and movements to think about “what banners they call the Russian people and their divided electorate.” About who is actually splitting the working people and the officer corps, we will say below. In the meantime, let's quote the words from the book, which already sound almost menacing: "In the end, they are calling the Russian people to stand under the banner, decorated with the six-pointed star of the Jewish King David, in the symbolism of which lies the meaning of the victory of the Jews over the non-Jewish peoples (gentiles)." Here, almost everything is quotes from the same book "Strike of the Russian Gods."

Nietzsche never dreamed of such

As we have already said, much in the general's work is an outright plagiarism of V. Istarkhov's book "Blow of the Russian Gods". G. Dubrov worships him, as they say, to the point of losing his mind: “Even such a generally recognized genius as Friedrich Nietzsche is weaker than Istarkhov ...” But turning to the book adored by the general causes nothing but disgust: the level of intellectual and moral fall is below the plinth.

Listen to this nonsense to revolt with us:

"German Nazism is first and foremost a new religion, a variant of paganism." Here is a replacement for Orthodoxy! About the Nazi Fuhrer: “Hitler was not a fascist... Hitler was not a Nazi. He dreamed of the improvement of man ... Hitler was a breeder (Michurin) in the field of humanity. And further in the development of the expressed thought: "The Nazi SS men were examples of people of a new, better breed."

And here are the arguments about the Great Patriotic War. It turns out that not the Red Army, but "world Zionism near Stalingrad dealt a terrible blow to Hitler ..."

About the Supreme Commander-in-Chief: "Of course, Stalin himself was an enemy of the Russian people..."

And another remarkable "aphorism": "A speculator is a good person."

Militias entangled in three flags

Thus, rabid anti-communism, anti-Sovietism joined forces with the propaganda of fascism. Whether the author and his supporters want it or not, in the struggle against the communists they found themselves in the same ranks with the current enemies of our Motherland.

Chubais and his team, led by the leaders of the Kremlin regime, have been "hammering nails in the coffin of communism" for twenty years. Unfortunately, General G. Dubrov turned out to be next to them. And this man, heading the officer's public organization, wished to lead the entire patriotic opposition in the struggle to change the current political regime.

But not only he has such ambitions. At a meeting of one public officer organization, claiming leadership in the patriotic movement, it was proposed to form the People's Militia named after Minin and Pozharsky.

His combat charter was approved and the chief of staff, Colonel V. Kvachkov, was appointed. He stated that in Russia now there is no party that is ready and able to lead the people to change the current ruling regime. His colleague in the leadership of the officer organization, General L. Ivashov, apparently agrees with this: “Today we can state that political parties not only are not a platform for gathering the people, but, on the contrary, divide the people. The parties and the people are moving in different directions.” It becomes clear that they do not need any parties, the role of the collective people's leader is taken over by the officers' assembly.

It seems that they are talking about all parties, but they are targeting primarily in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the speeches of G. Dubrov and other speakers, the Communist Party Russian Federation was rudely attacked by ambitious retirees who tried to cut off the communists from the people. Colonel V. Kvachkov proposed to lead people under three flags: the current state tricolor, black-white-yellow imperial and red. What will come of it and will patriots go under such ideologically difficult compatible banners? So far this has not happened. But something else is well known: everything is authentic popular revolutions and progressive anti-imperialist movements were carried out in the twentieth century under the leadership of the communists or under their own active participation and, as a rule, under their slogans.

Where are our warriors heading? First, let's look at the military doctrine of the militia. It begins with a statement by V. Putin: “This is an attack on our country ... We are dealing ... with a total, brutal and full-scale war, which again and again takes the lives of our compatriots ...” (We found someone to quote! - Auth.) So who attacked Russia? With whom should the People's Militia fight? It is clear that not with the Russian oligarchs and the socio-economic system that is ruining the country. The third paragraph of the second chapter of the said document explains: “... The main enemy of the Russian people, like other nations... is the world financial elite of international banks and transnational corporations... international Zionism... the war machine of the USA, NATO... terrorism ". Those joining the People's Militia probably think that they will be led to fight against these phenomena, the proteges of the named organizations inside Russia. Ordinary militias, apparently, do not realize that in combat charter it is said: “The mobilization and formation of units of the People's Militia can be announced “from above”, that is, the leadership of the country ...” It is even very curious to know where D. Medvedev or V. Putin will lead the People's Militia!

It remains to repeat what has been repeated many times, but which has not become less relevant because of this: “People, be vigilant!”

B. GOLYSHEV. Major General. A. POZDEEV. Major General.

Succeeding his father, Jochi, as the Kipchak Khan, Batu inherited vast possessions stretching from the Aral Sea to Eastern Europe.

By the time of his death, as a result of all military campaigns western border passed from the mouth of the Danube to the north through the Carpathians to Kholm (modern Chelm in Poland) and Lublin, and then to the northeast to the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga. The indefinite northern border ran along the forests until he annexed the headwaters of the Ob. The eastern border went south from the Ob through the Irtysh to the lower reaches of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The southern border ran from the Amu Darya to the west to the coast of the Caspian Sea near the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, and from the western coast of the Caspian from the Terek to the south and then north to the Black Sea.

Not all of these territories were directly subordinate to the khan. Behind the line from Nizhny Novgorod to a point south of Lvov were the possessions of the Russian princes; northern Khorezm often had its own rulers, and the Caucasus hardly recognized its supremacy. Khan had some influence on Bulgaria.

Thus, the Batu ulus covered most of the fertile steppes so desired by the nomads, but, with the exception of Khorezm and the Russian principalities, it did not have large cities and cultivated lands. In this respect, it resembled the ulus of Jaghatai and differed from the Yuan empire and the state of the Ilkhans. Among the nomads there were many more Turks than Mongols, and they also spoke, respectively, the Turkic language, although Mongolian was used for official purposes, for example, for the Khan's "yarliks". Subsequently, the Russians began to call all nomads "Tatars", which is why many authors call the Mongols in Russia "Tatars". The nomadic horde of Batu and his successors was located in the lower reaches of the Volga, but the city of Stary Sarai, or Sarai-Batu, on the Volga, which was replaced by Novy Sarai, or Sarai-Berke, upstream, was considered the permanent capital.

These cities were built by the Tatars, ruled by them and depended solely on the Tatars. The Asian territories were ruled by the elder brother of Batu, the Horde, who was subordinated to other brothers, Shiban and Togan Temur, and then their heirs. Little is known about them, except for those moments when they intervened in the feuds of the Russian princes.

Italian trading settlements in the Crimean Cafes (modern Feodosia), Sudak and Kerch continued to belong to the Genoese and Venetians. They were given some independence in exchange for favors. Italians also lived in Saray. Among the Russian principalities, Batu subjugated Smolensk, Chernigov, Seversk, Pereyaslavl-New, Murom, Ryazan and Rostov-Suzdal in the east; in the west, Novgorod, Polotsk, Volyn, Galician, Kiev and Pinsk.

At the court of the princes there were "darugachi" or "baskaks" - political representatives of the Mongolotatars and tribute collectors. At first, the Tatars sent Muslims from Khorezm to collect tribute, but then they replaced them, because they hated them.

Carrying out general leadership over the conquered lands, the Tatars ensured that the Russian princes continued to quarrel among themselves and did not enter into alliances. The title of Grand Duke was complained to one of the princes, and the Tatars could at any moment take it away and transfer it to another.

The interests of princes and boyars differed from those of peasants and townspeople, and sometimes the rulers even sought to curry favor with the Tatars, if their power was not too onerous. Much more often, the resistance to the Tatars was provided by the unprivileged classes.

The Tatars also had to closely monitor relations with the Russian princes and their rivals, the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, because they did not receive any support from their relatives in Asia.

Relations with other Mongol states were not as important, except for the ongoing hostility with the Ilkhans and (later) the invasion of Timur from the former Jagatai ulus. Occasionally Tatar khans made an alliance with the Mamluk sultans of Egypt against the Ilkhans.

After Batu died in 1255 in Old Sarai, and then, one after another, his successors Sartakh and Ulagchi, Möngke appointed Berke, Batu's brother, as the ruler of the Golden Horde. (It is usually called the Golden Horde because Batu had a gilded tent with gold embroidery.)

Becoming khan, Berke sent his commanders Burundai and Nogai to deal with the rebellious Galician prince Daniel and his son Leo. The success of the Mongols was such that Pope Urban IV and European kings began to fear a new invasion. Died in 1263 Grand Duke Alexander Nevskiy. He became famous for defeating the Teutonic Knights on Lake Ilmen. But he rendered no less service to his subjects by trying to negotiate with the Tatars and maintain order in the lands subordinate to them.

In the south, Berke was forced to confront Hulagu for the Caucasus, which Möngke handed over to Batu. At the same time, he did not like that Hulagu was at war with Muslims, because he himself converted to Islam. After the Battle of Ain Jalut, Baibars turned to Berke for help against Hulagu.

After the death of Möngke, Berke supported Arik Boge in his war against Khubilai, as a result of which he became an enemy of the great khan and an enemy of the Ilkhans; but now he was ready to unite with the Jaghatai khans. He also competed with Hulagu for influence over Byzantium. In the war with the Ilkhans, the commander Berke Nogai reached the Kura.

In 1266 Berke died and the troops had to return. Berke did not leave a son. Although Nogai was considered the most capable of the Jochi clan, the kurultai chose Batu's grandson, Munke Temur, also a Muslim, as khan.

In 1268, Mongke Temur, contrary to the wishes of Baibars, made peace with the Ilkhans, but later quarreled with Abaka. When Abaqa attacked the Mamluks in Syria, Baibars again asked for help from the Golden Horde.

In a short time, two alliances were formed: the combined forces of the Golden Horde and the Mamluks, Venice, Jacob of Sicily and Alphonse of Aragon on the one hand; the Ilkhans with the Genoese, the pope, Louis IX and Charles of Anjou on the other.

In the Golden Horde, Nogai remained the most influential figure, following the Russian princes and encouraging them to fight the Poles and the Lithuanian princes threatening them. At the same time, he installed two kings of Bulgaria one after the other and influenced the Byzantines.

In 1277 Baybars died, and his successor Kalawun was not so hostile towards the Ilkhans. Mongke Temur died in 1280, and his brother Tuda Mongke became khan, who also converted to Islam in 1283.

In subsequent years, Nogai remained the real ruler, who launched a new campaign against Hungary and southern Poland, on whose territory he carried out raids. Then Mongke, who lost interest in politics and became a Sufi dervish, renounced the khanate in favor of his nephew Teleboge. But Teleboge conducted military operations so mediocrely that Nogai ordered to seize him and give him to his worst rival, Tokhta, the son of Munke Temur. Tokhta executed Teleboge, after which Nogai proclaimed him khan. Tokhta ruled together with three brothers. Nogai himself with his tribe Manguts took possession of the lands in the Crimea. Two Tatar centers were formed in the Russian steppes, which had serious consequences for further history.

Tokhta quarreled with his brothers, and they drove him away. He fled to Nogai, who restored him to the rights of the sole ruler. Once again becoming Khan, Tokhta immediately went against Nogai, taking the opposite side in the election of the Russian Grand Duke and in the war between Venice and Genoa. In 1297, Nogai and Tokhta entered into open confrontation. In the first battle on the Prut River, Nogai won, but could not capture Tokhta.

Two years later, on Kagamlyk, Nogai's troops were defeated, and he himself was killed. Tokhta easily dealt with the sons of Nogai, who were far from the prowess of their father, and replaced them in the Crimea with his two sons.

Like Ilkhan Abaqa, he married an illegitimate daughter Byzantine emperor. In 1303, he demanded concessions in the Caucasus from Gazan, but he did not agree. Tokhta was going to oppose Oljetu, but could not enlist the support of the Mamluk sultan Al-Malik al-Nazir, who repelled the onslaught of the French crusaders. However, Oljetu's attack was easily repulsed.

In 1311, having sent his son Uzbek to another reprisal against the rebellious princes, he died in Saray.

Tokhta's successor was Uzbek, devoted to Islam, but at the same time revering Yasa. In 1328, he approved the appointment of Grand Duke of Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita, who won a long struggle with the Prince of Tver. Since then, this title belonged to the Moscow princes, who ultimately led the liberation of the country. In the west, Uzbek for a time restrained the claims of the Lithuanian princes to the possession of Hungary, Poland and Western Russia. In the Caucasus, he himself was stopped by Choban, the commander of Abu Said, and after the fall of the Ilkhans, his progress was held back by Arpa. In 1341 he died in Saray and his son Dzhanibek became khan.

Under Dzhanibek, the Golden Horde entered a long period of gradual decline. Although Janibek once captured Tabriz and sent an army from Khorezm to Khorasan, he was mainly interested in the west. Grand Duke Simeon did not cause much trouble and tried to please, but nevertheless, for greater certainty, Janibek decided to confirm the ancient privileges Orthodox Church, especially after the Polish king Casimir III threatened to abolish them in his domains. Dzhanibek also restrained the claims of Casimir with the help of Aligirdas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania; Simeon, in turn, had to restrain the encroachments of the Lithuanians. But only the Ottoman Turks benefited from this alignment of forces, spreading their influence to the north through the Balkans and along the Danube.

When Janibek died unexpectedly on his return from Azerbaijan in 1357, his son Berdibek immediately stopped aggressive campaigns, came to Sarai and declared himself heir. The Golden Horde lost interest in the lands south of the Caucasus.

In 1359, Berdibek was killed, which led to great confusion. started brutal wars, both between Tatar rivals for the title of Khan, and between Russian princes, who were trying to free themselves from the growing influence of Moscow and supported various Tatar pretenders. Meanwhile, the Lithuanian princes expanded their influence to Dobruja, Dniester and even Kyiv, but could not cope with the princes of Moscow.

In the end, the territory of the Golden Horde was divided between Mamai in the Crimea, Haji Sarkis in Astrakhan and Urus Khan, who claimed possession of Khorezm, in Sarai.

At the same time, Timur, a native of the Mongol tribe Barulas, who was not inferior to the Mongols of Genghis Khan in fighting spirit and skill, became the ruler of Central Asia instead of the Jaghatai Khans. At his court in Samarkand, first Tokhtamysh, the nephew of Urus Khan, and then Edigei, the commander of the Mangkut tribe, found refuge.

Since Timur did not betray them, Urus Khan was about to attack Khorezm. Timur, in turn, decided to help his new vassal Tokhtamysh. But in 1377, before the two armies met, Urus died.

With the help of Timur, Tokhtamysh in 1378 took possession of Astrakhan and Saray. Meanwhile, Grand Duke Dmitry (Donskoy), taking advantage of disagreements among the Tatars, in 1378 utterly defeated the army of Arabshah on the Vozha River north of Ryazan, and in 1380 defeated the army of Mamai on the Kulikovo field in the upper reaches of the Don.

After this glorious victory, the Russians could finally free themselves from the Tatars if they continued to wage civil strife.

In 1381, on the Kalka River, Mamai, who seized power, was already defeated by Tokhtamysh. Mamai fled to Kafu and was later killed there.

Tokhtamysh did not immediately succeed in subduing the Russian princes. But in 1382 he took Moscow by siege. Then he decided to renew his claims to the Caucasus and Central Asia. Many of his opponents, including Edigey, fled to Timur, who suffered fighting from Iran to the north and attacked Tokhtamysh. In 1391, Timur caught up with Tokhtamysh after a long pursuit along the Kandurchi in the Urals and defeated him in a bloody battle.

After that, other khans were appointed, although Tokhtamysh was not completely defeated. In exchange for support from the Lithuanian prince Vitovt, he granted the prince's nephew, Jogaila, a label to reign in some Russian provinces and the right to collect tribute. Vasily of Moscow, he granted the right to own Nizhny Novgorod and some other small principalities. But he did not receive help from the Ottoman Turks and Mamluks, since at that time they were threatened by the invasion of Timur.

In 1394, Tokhtamysh again invaded the Caucasus, but in 1395 his army suffered a crushing defeat on the Terek from Timur. Timur went along the lower reaches of the Volga and went to the Don near Ryazan, where he attacked Yelets. He failed to advance further into Russian lands. Instead, he chose to destroy the camps of Tokhtamysh's subjects in Astrakhan, Saray, Bulgar and Crimea, after which he turned back and headed for India.

His campaigns weakened the power of the Golden Horde, weakened its control over cities and trade routes between Europe, India and China. Now the position of Tokhtamysh depended solely on Vitovt of Lithuania, who hoped (in exchange for help) to seize the territories of the Golden Horde. Tokhtamysh's rivals, Temur-Kutlug and Edigey, declared themselves khan and emir, dependent on Timur. When Vytautas with some Russian allies in 1399 set out on a campaign to defend Tokhtamysh, his army met with the army of Edigei and Temur-Kutlug on the Vorskla River.

The Lithuanian troops were defeated, but Temur Kutlug died of his wounds. Tokhtamysh was killed later, when he fled to the appanage khan Shadibek. The Golden Horde remained separate independent state, but under the rule of Edigey. Edigey did not go to Lithuania. He turned to Vitovt for help: Moscow was his goal. Vitovt refused, but he did not help Moscow either, because he wanted Moscow and the Golden Horde to weaken each other. Edigey laid siege to Moscow, but did not achieve much success.

In the Golden Horde itself, the sons of Tokhtamysh, who were supported by Moscow, fought against rivals who were supported by Edigei. Edigey himself never bore the title of khan. Later, Timur Khan, the son of Temur-Kutlug, went to war with Edigey with his supporters. Edigei tried again to find help from Vitovt, but in 1418 he was killed in a skirmish.

When Vytautas died in 1430, Lithuania again began to be divided among themselves by various contenders for the throne.

In this situation, the Moscow principality again won, and Golden Horde civil strife continued to shake, and it began to be divided into hordes independent of each other.

In the west, with the support of the Lithuanians, Ulu-Mahmed, a relative of Tokhtamysh, became khan, but he had two rivals - Kepek and Devlet-Berdi, the sons of Tokhtamysh. Barak, the grandson of Urus Khan, who invaded from Kazakhstan and forced Ulu-Mahmed to seek refuge with Vitovt, raised even greater excitement.

Approximately in 1425, Devlet-Berdi captured the Crimea. Other contenders were Said-Ahmed, another son of Tokhtamysh, and Kuchuk-Mahmed, the grandson of Temur-Kutlug. The powers of Ulu-Mahmed were enough to approve Vasily II of Moscow as the Grand Duke, but in 1437 his rivals pushed him to the upper reaches of the Oka, where Vasily went to war against him and his sons. The sons captured Vasily and released him for a large ransom. The eldest son of Ulu-Mahmed, Mahmudek, who wanted to take possession of the money, killed his father.

In 1445, Mahmudek proclaimed himself the specific khan of Kazan. Vasily continued to rule Moscow, despite the fact that he was blinded by enemies.

Part of the Tatars from the horde of Ulu-Mahmed went over to Said-Ahmed, who held the Crimea. In Moscow, Said-Ahmed was recognized as a khan and tribute was sent to him. Mahmudek attacked Said-Ahmed, but was defeated. In 1449, with the support of Michael, the pretender to the Lithuanian throne, Said-Ah-med invaded the Lithuanian possessions, taking Seversk and Kyiv. In response, Casimir IV, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, supported the Khan's rival, Hadji Giray, who captured the Crimea and established his own dynasty there.

In 1449, Said-Ahmed sent an army to Moscow, but the invasion was repelled. Campaigns of 1451 and 1459 were also unsuccessful. Having invaded Podolia in 1452, he found the troops of Hadji Giray in his rear. Vasily II died in 1462, having transferred the title of Grand Duke Ivan III without any permission from the Tatars.

In the Crimea, Hadji Giray strengthened his positions so much that he declared his rights to all Kipchak territories, although no one had yet deprived Said-Ahmed and his sons of power. When in 1466

Hadji-Girey died, and his capable son, Mengli-Girey, became the heir. Meanwhile, the Great Horde, as they began to call it, gained a semblance of former power under the control of Ahmed, the son of Kuchuk-Mahmed.

Despite the alliance against the Tatars concluded by Prince Ivan III of Moscow and Prince Mikhail of Tver, Akhmed first of all sent his troops to Kyiv, Volhynia and Podolia.

Casimir, who no longer trusted the Crimean khans, in 1471 agreed with Ahmed on a joint attack on Moscow.

Ahmed approached Moscow in 1472, but received no help from Casimir. He had to retreat, especially since the army was struck by the disease.

In 1475, Ivan attacked Casimir for inciting Ahmed, and Mengli-Girey, who invaded Kyiv and Podolia and demanded tribute, helped the Moscow prince in this. In 1476, Ahmed and his son Janibek forced Mengli Giray to seek refuge with the Turkish sultan, who has since become his ally. Ahmed again went to Moscow, but again he did not succeed.

In 1480, Ivan agreed with Mengli Giray, who returned from Turkey, on joint actions against Ahmed and Casimir. When Akhmed set out on another campaign against Moscow, Casimir again did not come to his aid. Mengli-Girey and the Nogays drove Akhmed west, to the territory of the Sheibanids, where Khan Aribeg attacked Akhmed near the Donets River and killed him.

For some time the Great Horde was left without a leader.

In 1482, Ivan attacked Casimir from the north, and Mengli Giray from Kyiv and Podolia. The Lithuanians were also threatened by the Turks, who advanced along the western coast of the Black Sea to Kiliya and Akkerman (Belgorod-Dnestrovsky). Casimir once again turned to the Great Horde for help, which was now ruled by the sons of Ahmed, Murteza and Sheikh-Ahmed. In 1485, the troops of the Crimean Horde defeated the Great Horde and captured Murteza, who managed to escape.

In 1487, Casimir, who again quarreled with the Great Horde, fought at Kopistrina and defeated its army.

After that, Ivan III entered into an alliance with the Crimean Horde against the Great Horde, which he considered as his main enemy. Murteza, again fighting with the Lithuanians, was defeated in the battle on the Goryn River, and Sheikh-Ahmed drove him away.

Before Ivan and Mengli in 1492 struck together at the Great Horde and the Lithuanians, who again united with it, Casimir died. His son Alexander, who failed to crush Mengli, was attacked by the army of the Crimean Horde in 1493. But Mengli was stopped at Perekop, and thus communication between Moscow and the Crimea was interrupted. Then Ivan agreed with Alexander on joint actions against the Tatars, but he was held back by obligations towards Mengli. On the other hand, Alexander and the Polish king Yang suggested that Sheikh-Ahmed jointly attack the Crimean Tatars and depose Mengli.

The Poles and Lithuanians lost their influence in the southeast largely due to an indecisive policy that was strikingly different from the persistent actions of Moscow. As Mengli advanced along the Dnieper, their forces were cut off.

The Turks marched along the Danube, and the Muscovites occupied the northern lands. The Great Horde and the Polish-Lithuanian princes could not successfully oppose Mengli and Ivan because they had different interests and different main enemies. Sheikh Ahmed understood that he would have a decisive battle with Mengli. He set up a fortified camp at the confluence of the Pine River with the Don, but his brother Said-Mahmed and some of the troops left him; besides, Alexander did not support him in this campaign. In 1502, Mengli informed Ivan of his readiness to attack the Great Horde, the number of troops of which was reduced to 20,000, and the main camp was located at the mouth of the Desna.

The campaign ended in success and the defeat of Sheikh Ahmed's troops. Sheikh-Ahmed fled to Astrakhan, where he was received unfriendly, and therefore he had to flee to Lithuania. For Alexander, the fugitive also turned out to be a hindrance, and therefore he decided to execute Sheikh Ahmed in order to please Mengli. After that, Mengli took Saray.

So in 1505 the Great Horde ceased to exist.

In the same year, Ivan III died and was succeeded by Vasily III, and after him Ivan IV. The final victory of Ivan IV over the Tatars (with the exception of the Crimean Tatars) was won largely thanks to new types of firearms, including large and small cannons, which were not yet known in the steppe.

The Gireev dynasty continued to rule in the Crimea for a long time. In 1571 Crimean Tatars even raided Moscow and demanded tribute, which they were paid from time to time until Peter I.

The Crimean Khanate depended on the Turkish sultans until 1774, when it came under the rule of Catherine II. Formally, the Crimean Khanate became part of Russia in 1783. Material monuments of the Golden Horde are known from finds in ancient Tatar cities, such as Sarai-Batu, Sarai-Berke, and in a number of Crimean settlements. They owed their wealth to trade, tribute, and the labor of captives. Most of all, according to medieval descriptions and modern excavations, Sarai-Berke is known. It is believed that at one time its population exceeded 100,000 inhabitants.

Shed-Berke was built without walls, in the middle of the salt marsh. On its territory there was an artificial lake filled with water from the Volga. Water from the river, as well as in the Karakorum, was used for drinking supplies and for driving various mechanisms. The residence of the khan was a majestic palace, over which shone the golden crescent of Islam. Several streets and five markets were crowded with people, but otherwise there were almost no passages or gardens between the brick and wooden houses. In addition to 13 large mosques, there were many small ones. The city was inhabited by Mongols, Alans, Kipchaks, Circassians, Russians, Byzantines, Italians and others. Each nation had its own market. Visiting merchants and other foreigners settled in special quarters surrounded by walls.

In one part of the city, with an area of ​​450 sq. m, archaeologists have found the remains of bricks, pottery, skins, fabrics, weapons, tools, copper goblets and candlesticks, tiles, nails and needles; also the remains of fruits and vegetables, coffee, alum, saltpeter and other substances. All of them were damaged during the siege of the city by Timur's troops and subsequent looting and fires, but some survived. The style of the surviving pottery and architectural details is similar to that of similar objects from Khorezm, although influences from China, Byzantium, and even the Egyptian Mamluks are sometimes noticeable.

Ended in conviction trial in the Timiryazevsky District Court of Moscow over Korchagin, publisher of the book by the author General Dubrov "Generals about the Jewish mafia".

“To recognize Korchagin Viktor Ivanovich guilty of committing a crime under paragraph “b” of part . 2 tbsp. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentence him to imprisonment for a term of 2 (two) years.

Based on Art. 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the punishment imposed on V. I. Korchagin should be considered conditional with a probationary period of 2 (two) years.

Last word of the defendant
Korchagin Viktor Ivanovich

The accused under paragraph "b" h. 2 Article. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Case No. 1 - 295/2014

Your Honor!

Regarding the accusation of me under paragraph “b” of Part 2 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the publication of the book by G. K. Dubrov "Generals about the Jewish mafia" I can say the following:

I do not plead guilty either in whole or in part.

I do not agree with the accusation brought against me, since there is no corpus delicti in my deeds.

By publishing the book of General Dubrov and distributing it, I acted on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 29

"1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech...

4. Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any lawful way.”

At the beginning of March 2009, General Dubrov gave me a CD-R with the finished book in electronic form. At the same time, he told me that the book contains information about the criminal acts of Russian Defense Minister Serdyukov and the Jewish mafia.

I looked through this book for the presence of extremist materials in it and, not finding any, on March 17, 2009, signed it for publication. Then, by courier, I handed over this disk to the printing house of the State Unitary Enterprise Oblizdat in Kaluga. There they printed three editions of 3000 copies for me, which I distributed in small wholesale.

On the criminal acts of Serdyukov

Your Honor!

In the book of General Dubrov, the courageous Russian Generals told the Truth and only the Truth and nothing but the Truth!

Looking Truth in the eye, it must be said that my criminal case has a prehistory.

On February 15, 2007, the former furniture dealer Serdyukov, son-in-law of Viktor Alekseevich Zubkov, was appointed Minister of Defense of Russia. Appointed not as Minister of Commerce, but as Minister of Defense!

On September 14, 2007, the State Duma approved V. A. Zubkov as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

On pages 79 - 100, General Dubrov posted the text of his report at the All-Russian Officers' Meeting, in which he, as a specialist in military space defense, cited evidence of the destruction of the army and the defense of Russia.

I will bring a short quote from his report: “Serdyukov became the Minister of Defense - a pure businessman who has not only the structure of his commercial firms (recorded to his wife), but also legal and political cover in the government due to family ties.

The army has become a sphere of profitable family business: one puts up buildings and land for tender sale, the firms of another win tenders, the third covers deals. No Accounts Chamber will deal with this looting of real estate in the Moscow Region.” (Page 82)

From the report I read, it became clear to me that millions of people were creating the defense of the country, in which billions of rubles of public funds were invested, and one former furniture dealer, who ended up in the chair of the Minister of Defense, in military affairs with a toothless foot, to please the enemies of Russia, destroys this defense.

Therefore, I decided to print this information.

On page 21 of the book, the author G. K. Dubrov placed a black-and-white photo of a rally in Moscow on April 29, 2008 at the Combined Arms Academy, on the 2nd page of the cover a color photo, and on page 22 the text of his speech at this rally, where he demanded: "Defense Minister Serdyukov - resign."

General Dubrov, handing over the disk with the manuscript of his book, asked me that he receive the fee due to him - 10% of the circulation - not in money, but with his book for free distribution. I fulfilled this request.

From each of the received three print runs, I gave him 300 copies, and only 900 copies.

Everyone knows that information controls people.

General Dubrov's book had its effect.

Serdyukov - removed from the post of Minister of Defense!

The destruction of the army and defense was stopped

General Dubrov died. The main version of the death is a contract political murder with an attempt to disguise it as an accident. He was pushed under the train. The general is not Anna Karenina to throw himself under a train.

So General Dubrov, at the cost of his life, stopped the destruction of the army and the defense of Russia. But instead of being posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia, he was posthumously recognized as an extremist!

I remember the farewell and funeral of General Dubrov:

A long line of people with flowers to the coffin of the General;

Guard of honor of senior officers;

A large number of wreaths and military salute!

Farewell to General Dubrov took place in the Palace of the military town "Zarya". Deputy State Duma Ilyukhin Viktor Ivanovich

After the funeral, he made a deputy request to investigate the death of General Dubrov, but soon unexpectedly "died" in excellent health. No one else made a deputy's request.

Publishing a book by General Dubrov with information about Serdyukov's criminal activities about the destruction of the army and the defense of the country, I acted (part 1 of article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in a state of necessary defense, that is, in protecting the legally protected interests of society or the state from socially dangerous encroachment.

The first application to open a criminal case against me for publishing General Dubrov's book "The Generals on the Jewish Mafia" was from a division of the Ministry of Defense. I was summoned for interrogation to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Northern Administrative District. The investigator considered this application impartially and refused to initiate a criminal case. .

Well, then they took up this matter Binstock and Dashevsky and with maniacal persistence brought to court!

About the genocide of the Russian people

Your Honor!

General Dubrow on page 110 of his book, he said: “Russians have been robbed, made beggars and homeless, they are being destroyed in all sorts of ways, but they should not say this out loud and in the media, because this is inciting ethnic hatred, this is “Russian fascism”, anti-Semitism . Cleverly thought out? Modern Zionist sages are working tirelessly. While this is a direct, undisguised genocide of the Russian people, this is a grave crime, qualified by article 357 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Genocide, for which there is no statute of limitations "...

Army General Rodionov on page 145 sounds the alarm that genocide is being carried out in Russia:

“The demographic situation in the country is catastrophic. The death rate in the country is three times higher than the birth rate. This is the real genocide!”

Colonel General Makashov Albert Mikhailovich on page 123 of the book sounds the alarm:

“Today, the genocide of the Russian people is being carried out in Russia. Every year our Motherland loses more than a million Russian lives.

Every day our losses amount to about two regiments. Speaking in legal language, a crime is being committed in the country, qualified under article 357 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Genocide”, for which the statute of limitations does not apply.

Head of MUR Fedoseev Yuri Grigorievich on page 159 of the book expresses alarm: “Russia is under the threat of degradation and extinction of the titular nation, the extinction of Russians”

General Petrov Konstantin Pavlovich, who commanded the Baikonur Cosmodrome, on page 158 of the book points to the root cause of the genocide, citing Old Testament:

“For nations and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such nations will be completely destroyed.”

(Bible, Old Testament, Isaiah, 60:12).

If the Generals of such a high rank sound the alarm that the genocide of the Russian people is being carried out, then what remains for me, the Russian soldier of the information war, the publisher, no matter how I ring all the bells!

Shouldn't I have signed a book with information about the genocide of the Russian people?

Your Honor!

Every year, the Russian people in Russia are missing about a million people.

Every day, the loss of the Russian nation is several thousand people.

I have never known such a monstrous genocide world history.

If the day is replaced by night, then there is a reason for this - the Earth rotates around its axis.

If winter gives way to spring, and then summer comes, then there is a reason for this too - the Earth revolves around the Sun.

If the Russian nation is being destroyed at a rate of several thousand people a day, then there must also be a reason.

General Dubrov in his book considers the version that the genocide of the Russian people is carried out by the Jewish mafia.

In his article "The Jewish Yoke in Russia", which he placed in the book "Generals on the Jewish Mafia" on page 23, he says:

"Today's extinction of the Russian people, the decline in the birth rate, the unprecedented destruction of the people by alcoholism and drug addiction, organized and unpunished crime - all this is the result of the dominance of Jews in all echelons of power throughout all 80-odd years of the Jewish yoke in Russia."

Here it is necessary to clarify the terms: the Jewish nation and the Jewish mafia.

The Jewish nation is a historically established stable community of people that arose on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life and mental warehouse ... (Ozhegov Dictionary).

The Jewish mafia is an influential group of people of predominantly Jewish nationality that carries out criminal activities.

Trotsky ( real name Bronstein) Lev Davidovich, Berezovsky Boris Abramovich, like the oligarch Kolomoisky, who today is sending soldiers to kill Russians in Ukraine, are bright representatives of the Jewish mafia.

My Jewish neighbor, with whom we have been living soul to soul for 35 years, Jewish ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, Chairman of the Kharkov Jewish Community Eduard Hodos, who exposes Jewish fascism, cannot be attributed to the Jewish mafia. These are honest, decent and hardworking people who earn their bread by the sweat of their brows. Neither my Jewish neighbor, nor Maya Plisetskaya, nor Eduard Khodos have ever been in the echelons of power.

General Dubrov titled his book Generals on the Jewish Mafia. This title of the book clearly defines that here we are talking only about Jews belonging to the Jewish mafia, that is, about those Jews who are part of an influential group of persons carrying out criminal activities.

The Jews who carried out the armed coup d'état in 1917 and seized power in Russia are identified by General Dubrov with the Jewish mafia.

The General of the Army, ex-Minister of Defense of Russia Igor Nikolayevich Rodionov, also speaks about this in his article “The war against Jewish fascism is just beginning”, placed by General Dubrov in the Appendix of his book, pp. 142–145.

"The second part of this tragedy was that the Jewish mafia came to replace the destroyed national elite"...

Here is just one example of Jewish dominance. In 1936, out of 539 people in the country's top administration, only 5.75 percent (31 people) were Russians, 6.3 percent (34 people) were Latvians, 1.8 percent (10 people) were Armenians, and 2 percent (11 people) were Germans. ). The rest of the nations did not even have one percent. On the other hand, Jews occupied 82 percent (!) of the highest government positions (442 people). The question involuntarily begs: was it Russian state or Jewish?

Your Honor!

Suppose that I would refuse General Dubrov to publish his book, where Generals of high rank are sounding the alarm about the genocide of the Russian people. Then I would become an accomplice as an accomplice of this crime. The invaders come and go, but the people remain. I am convinced that the trial to investigate the monstrous crime of the genocide of the Russian people is already a historical inevitability!

How would I justify myself before this tribunal, and would there be a place for my children and grandchildren on Russian soil?

There is information, which I can only state as a version, that for every Jew for a statement against Russky about initiating a criminal case under Article 282, brought to court, they are paid 100,000 rubles from foreign grants.

Based on this version, one can understand the maniacal stubbornness of Binshtok and Dashevsky, who tried for several years to bring my case to court.

Suppose a similar case is pending in an Israeli court. The accused Jew published a book in which Israeli generals sound the alarm that several thousand Jews are exterminated every day in Israel by means of genocide. And two Russians who have Israeli citizenship testify that this book incites hatred and enmity towards the Russians!

What decision will the Israeli judge make? Rhetorical question!

Your Honor!

Since the testimony of the witness Dashevsky V.Yu. that “it was Korchagin V.I. who picked up all the texts of which this book consists” as well as other testimonies are based on his assumption, they are inadmissible evidence.

In published books, in which I myself made a selection of texts, my name is always there.

Based on paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 75 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the testimony of the witness Dashevsky V.Yu. is inadmissible evidence.

Your Honor!

Testimony of the witness F. I. Binshtok “Since this book is sold in the specified store and is available to an unlimited number of people, the author, publisher and editor of this book, commit actions ... publicly”

In the Russian language there are specific interpretations of the meaning of words. So in the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S. I. Ozhegov, the word

Public - in the presence of the public, and the word

The public - persons who are somewhere as spectators, listeners, etc., as well as people in general.

My actions in publishing and distributing the book of the author G. K. Dubrov: I signed the manuscript of the book “Generals about the Jewish mafia” for printing at my house on the 8th floor without spectators and listeners, that is, without the public, and released the goods (books) to wholesalers also without an audience. I did not read this book to the public at the rally.

Based on paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 75 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the testimony of the witness F. I. Binshtok is inadmissible evidence.

Your Honor!

The indictment alleges that I "committed acts aimed at inciting hatred or enmity." However, it is not indicated who specifically became aroused, WHEN he was aroused and WHERE he was aroused? And who, after this so-called excitement, committed any illegal actions (killed, beat, stabbed, robbed, etc.) someone? The specific names of the victims and victims are not indicated.

General Dubrov's book was published and distributed in 2009.

It's been five years already! Many thousands of Russians have read this book!

There are no victims and no victims, which means there is no crime.

The actual event of the crime is missing.

Article 24, part 1, clause 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation states: “... An initiated criminal case is subject to termination on the following grounds:

1) Absence of an event of a crime”.

Your Honor!

Publishing the book "Generals about the Jewish Mafia" by the author G. K. Dubrov, I, as a law-abiding citizen, did not go beyond the legal field. Namely:

I acted in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Article 28

Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion ... to freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them.

… Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any lawful manner…

1. A law establishing or aggravating liability, retroactive does not have.

2. No one can be held responsible for an act that at the time of its commission was not recognized as an offense.

The book by G. K. Dubrov "Generals about the Jewish mafia" was published and distributed in 2009, and recognized as extremist materials in 2011.

Your Honor!

Based on paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, I ask you to stop my criminal case due to the absence of corpus delicti in my act.

Based on Part 2 of Art. 275 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation the text of my last word I ask the defendant to join the criminal case.

Defendant V. I. Korchagin


Each Jew is paid 100,000 rubles from foreign grants for filing a criminal case against Russian under Article 282, brought to court.


Korchagin Viktor Ivanovich

The accused under paragraph "b" h. 2 Article. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Case No. 1 - 295/2014

Your Honor!

Regarding the accusation of me under paragraph “b” of Part 2 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the publication of the book by G.K. Dubrova"Generals on the Jewish Mafia"I can say the following:

I do not plead guilty either in whole or in part.

I do not agree with the accusation brought against me, since there is no corpus delicti in my deeds.

In publishing General Dubrov's book and distributing it, I acted on the basis Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 29

"1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech...

4. Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any legal way.”

At the beginning of March 2009, General Dubrov gave me a CD CD–R with the finished book in electronic form. At the same time, he told me that the book contains information about the criminal acts of Russian Defense Minister Serdyukov and the Jewish mafia.

I looked through this book for the presence of extremist materials in it and, not finding any, on March 17, 2009, signed it for publication. Then, by courier, I handed over this disk to the printing house of the State Unitary Enterprise Oblizdat in Kaluga. There they printed three editions of 3000 copies for me, which I distributed in small wholesale.


Your Honor!

In the book of General Dubrov, the courageous Russian Generals told the Truth and only the Truth and nothing but the Truth!

Looking Truth in the eye, it must be said that my criminal case has a prehistory.

On February 15, 2007, the former furniture dealer Serdyukov, son-in-law of Viktor Alekseevich Zubkov, was appointed Minister of Defense of Russia. Appointed not as Minister of Commerce, but as Minister of Defense!

State Duma on September 14, 2007 Zubkov V.A. was approved as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

On pages 79 - 100, General Dubrov posted the text of his report at the All-Russian Officers' Meeting, in which he, as a specialist military space defense, cited evidence of the destruction of the army and the defense of Russia.

Here is a short quote from his report: « Serdyukov became the Minister of Defense - a pure businessman who has not only the structure of his commercial firms (registered to his wife), but also legal and political cover in the government due to family ties.

The army has become a sphere of profitable family business: one puts up buildings and land for tender sale, the firms of another win tenders, the third covers deals. No Accounts Chamber will deal with this looting of real estate.

sti MO". (Page 82)

From the report I read, it became clear to me that millions of people were creating the defense of the country, in which billions of rubles of public funds were invested, and one former furniture dealer, who ended up in the chair of the Minister of Defense, in military affairs with a toothless foot, to please the enemies of Russia, destroys this defense.

Therefore, I decided to print this information.

On page 21 of the book, the author G.K. Dubrov placed a black-and-white photo of a rally in Moscow on April 29, 2008 at the Combined Arms Academy, on the 2nd cover page a color photo, and on page 22 the text of his speech at this rally, where he demanded: “Defense Minister Serdyukov - in resignation."

General Dubrov, handing over the disk with the manuscript of his book, asked me that he receive the fee due to him - 10% of the circulation - not in money, but with his book for free distribution. I fulfilled this request.

From each of the received three print runs, I gave him 300 copies, and only 900 copies.

Everyone knows that information controls people.

General Dubrov's book had its effect.

Serdyukov - removed from the post of Minister of Defense!

The destruction of the army and defense was stopped

General Dubrov died. The main version of the death is a contract political murder with an attempt to disguise it as an accident. He was pushed under the train. The general is not Anna Karenina to throw himself under a train.

So General Dubrov, at the cost of his life, stopped the destruction of the army and the defense of Russia. But instead of being posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia, he was posthumously recognized as an extremist!

I remember the farewell and funeral of General Dubrov:

A long line of people with flowers to the coffin of the General;

Guard of honor of senior officers;

A large number of wreaths and military salute!

Farewell to General Dubrov took place at the Palace of the military camp "Zarya". Deputy of the State Duma Ilyukhin Viktor Ivanovich spoke.

After the funeral, he made a deputy request to investigate the death of General Dubrov, but soon unexpectedly "died" in excellent health. No one else made a deputy's request.

Publishing a book by General Dubrov with information about the criminal activities of Serdyukov about the destruction of the army and the defense of the country, I acted (part 1 of article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in a state of necessary defense, that is, when protecting the legally protected interests of society or the state from a socially dangerous encroachment.

The first application to open a criminal case against me for publishing General Dubrov's book "The Generals on the Jewish Mafia" was from a division of the Ministry of Defense. I was summoned for interrogation to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Northern Administrative District. The investigator considered this application impartially and refused to open a criminal case.

Well, then Binstock and Dashevsky took up this case and brought it to court with maniacal persistence!


Your Honor!

General Dubrov on page 110 of his book said: « Russians have been robbed, made beggars and homeless, they are being destroyed in all sorts of ways, but they should not say this out loud and in the media, because this is inciting ethnic hatred, this is - Russian fascism , anti-Semitism. Cleverly thought out? Modern Zionist sages are working tirelessly. While this is a direct, undisguised genocide of the Russian people, this is a grave crime, qualified by article 357 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Genocide, for which there is no statute of limitations "...

Army General Rodionov on page 145 sounds the alarm that genocide is being carried out in Russia:

“The demographic situation in the country is catastrophic. The death rate in the country is three times higher than the birth rate. This is the real genocide!”

Colonel General Makashov Albert Mikhailovich on page 123 of the book sounds the alarm:

“Today, the genocide of the Russian people is being carried out in Russia. Every year our Motherland loses more than a million Russian lives.

Every day our losses amount to about two regiments. In legal language, a crime is being committed in the country that is qualified under article 357 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Genocide”, for which the statute of limitations does not apply.”

The head of the MUR Fedoseev Yuri Grigorievich on page 159 of the book expresses alarm: “Russia is under the threat of degradation and extinction of the titular nation, the extinction of the Russians”

General Petrov Konstantin Pavlovich, who commanded the Baikonur Cosmodrome, on page 158 of the book points to the root cause of the genocide, quoting the Old Testament:

“For nations and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such nations will be completely destroyed.”

(Bible, Old Testament, Isaiah, 60:12).

If the Generals of such a high rank sound the alarm that the genocide of the Russian people is being carried out, then what remains for me, the Russian soldier of the information war, the publisher, no matter how I ring all the bells!

Shouldn't I have signed a book with information about the genocide of the Russian people?

Your Honor!

Every year, the Russian people in Russia are missing about a million people.

Every day, the loss of the Russian nation is several thousand people.

World history has never known such a monstrous genocide.

If day turns to night, then there is a reason for this -

The earth rotates around its axis.

If winter gives way to spring, and then summer comes, then there is a reason for this too - the Earth revolves around the Sun.

If the Russian nation is being destroyed at a rate of several thousand people a day, then there must also be a reason.

General Dubrov in his book considers version that the genocide of the Russian people is carried out by the Jewish mafia.

In his article "The Jewish Yoke in Russia", which he placed in the book "Generals on the Jewish Mafia" on page 23, he says:

"Today's extinction of the Russian people, the reduction in the birth rate, the unprecedented destruction of the people by alcoholism and drug addiction, organized and unpunished crime - all this is the result of the dominance of Jews in all echelons of power throughout all the more than 80 years of the Jewish yoke in Russia."

Jewish nation- a historically established stable community of people that arose on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life and mental warehouse ... (Ozhegov's Dictionary).

Jewish mafiaan influential group of persons of predominantly Jewish nationality, carrying out criminal activities.

Trotsky (real name Bronstein) Lev Davidovich, Berezovsky Boris Abramovich, like the oligarch Kolomoisky, who today sends soldiers to kill Russians in Ukraine, are bright representatives of the Jewish mafia.

My Jewish neighbor, with whom we have been living soul to soul for 35 years, Jewish ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, Chairman of the Kharkov Jewish Community Eduard Hodos, who exposes Jewish fascism, cannot be attributed to the Jewish mafia. These are honest, decent and hardworking people who earn their bread by the sweat of their brows. Neither my Jewish neighbor, nor Maya Plisetskaya, nor Eduard Khodos have ever been in the echelons of power.

General Dubrov titled his book "Generals on the Jewish Mafia". This title of the book clearly defines that here we are talking only about Jews belonging to the Jewish mafia, that is, about those Jews who are part of an influential group of persons carrying out criminal activities.

The Jews who carried out the armed coup d'état in 1917 and seized power in Russia are identified by General Dubrov with the Jewish mafia.

General of the Army ex-Minister of Defense of Russia Igor Rodionov speaks about this in his article “The war against Jewish fascism is just beginning”, placed by General Dubrov in the Appendix of his book, pp. 142-145.

"The second part of this tragedy was that the Jewish mafia came to replace the destroyed national elite"...

Here is just one example of Jewish dominance. In 1936, out of 539 people in the country's top administration, only 5.75 percent (31 people) were Russians, 6.3 percent (34 people) were Latvians, 1.8 percent (10 people) were Armenians, and 2 percent (11 people) were Germans. ). The rest of the nations did not even have one percent. On the other hand, Jews occupied 82 percent (!) of the highest government positions (442 people). The question involuntarily begs: was it a Russian state or a Jewish state?

Your Honor!

Suppose that I would refuse General Dubrov to publish his book, where Generals of high rank are sounding the alarm about the genocide of the Russian people. Then I would become an accomplice as an accomplice of this crime. The invaders come and go, but the people remain. I am convinced that the trial to investigate the monstrous crime of the genocide of the Russian people is already a historical inevitability!

How would I justify myself before this tribunal, and would there be a place for my children and grandchildren on Russian soil?

There is information, which I can only state as a version, that for every Jew for a statement against Russky about initiating a criminal case under Article 282, brought to court, they are paid 100,000 rubles from foreign grants.

Based on this version, one can understand the maniacal stubbornness of Binshtok and Dashevsky, who tried for several years to bring my case to court.

Suppose a similar case is pending in an Israeli court. The accused Jew published a book in which Israeli generals sound the alarm that several thousand Jews are exterminated every day in Israel by means of genocide. And two Russians who have Israeli citizenship testify that this book incites hatred and enmity towards the Russians!

What decision will the Israeli judge make? Rhetorical question!...

Your Honor!

Witness Dashevsky V.Yew. in his testimony accuses me that “Korchagin V.I. always proved (and continues to do so at the present time) that the Christian religion is a product of the Jews.

In the Bible - holy book Christian religion, page 1 of the New Testament contains the genealogy of Jesus Christ from 42 (Forty-two!) of his Jewish ancestors and information that he was born in Bethlehem of Judea.

“1 Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.

Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac begat Jacob; Jacob begat Judas...

(Bible, New Testament, Matthew 1:1)

"1 When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod"...

(Bible, New Testament, Matthew 2:1)

In the book of a Jew, the grandson of a rabbi, Karl Marx "On the Jewish Question"”, on page 30 his catchphrase is printed: Christianity originated from the Jews. It has become Jewish again.

The statement of a historical fact cannot serve as proof of the editor's guilt.

Your Honor!

Since the testimony of the witness Dashevsky The.Yew. , What “It was Korchagin V.I. selected all the texts of which this book consists » as well as other indications are based on his assumption that they are inadmissible evidence.

In published books, in which I myself made a selection of texts, my name is always there.

Based on paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 75 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation the testimony of the witness Dashevsky V.Yew. are

Your Honor!

The testimony of the witness F.I. Binshtok “Because this book is sold in the specified store and is available to the general public, the author, publisher and editor of this book are acting ... publicly”

In the Russian language there are specific interpretations of the meaning of words. So in the Dictionary of the Russian Language S.I. Ozheg's word

Public - in the presence of the public, a word

The public - persons who are somewhere as spectators, listeners, etc., as well as people in general.

My actions in the publication and distribution of the book by the author G.K. Dubrova: I signed the manuscript of the book “Generals on the Jewish Mafia” for printing at my house on the 8th floor without spectators and listeners, that is, without an audience, and I sold the goods (books) to wholesalers without an audience too. I did not read this book to the public at the rally.

Based on paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 75 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the testimony of the witness Binshtok F.I. are inadmissible evidence.

Your Honor!

The indictment alleges that I "committed acts aimed at inciting hatred or enmity." However, it is not indicated who specifically became aroused, WHEN he was aroused and WHERE he was aroused? And who, after this so-called excitement, committed any illegal actions (killed, beat, stabbed, robbed, etc.) someone? The specific names of the victims and victims are not indicated.

General Dubrov's book was published and distributed in 2009.

It's been five years already! Many thousands of Russians have read this book!

There are no victims and no victims, which means there is no crime.

The actual event of the crime is missing.

Article 24, part 1, clause 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation states: “... An initiated criminal case is subject to termination on the following grounds:

1) Absence of a crime event.