Economy      23.03.2021

GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory school group “Literary quiz. Quiz for parents "we develop our speech" methodological development for the development of speech on the topic Quiz for the preparatory group for the development of speech

Municipal state educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk region

Medium comprehensive school s.Batovo

Prepared and conducted

Educator Rogulina N.A.


Target: formation of communicative speech activity parents.


Activate the speech of adults;
- develop memory and logical thinking;
- to form the ability to enjoy communication with each other;
- to promote the establishment of partnerships in the team of parents;
- develop communication skills.

Quiz progress:


SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD- one of the main factors in the formation of a personality in preschool childhood, which determines the level of social and cognitive achievements of a preschooler - needs and interests, knowledge, skills, and other mental qualities.

The problem of the formation of human communicative-speech activity is becoming increasingly important in modern life. Speech performs the most important social functions: helps to establish connections with people around, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the formation of personality. Different situations of communication require developed communicative and dialogic skills, which are important to form from an early age.

IN preschool age the content of communication, its motives, communication skills and abilities are constantly changing; one of the components of psychological readiness for learning at school is formed - communication. The child selectively treats adults, gradually beginning to realize his relationship with them: how they treat him and what is expected of him, how he treats them and what he expects from them.

Non-verbal means of communication help to enrich the speech communication of children, to make it more natural, relaxed. It is important that the child can adequately perceive non-verbal information, distinguish close, but not identical, emotional states of the interlocutor. The development of non-verbal skills creates additional opportunities for establishing contacts, choosing right line behavior, enhance efficiency social interaction preschoolers.

It is noted that the problems of interpersonal (dialogical) communication for a child begin mainly in the family. Unwillingness to communicate (due to lack of time, parents' fatigue), inability to communicate (parents do not know what to talk about with the child, how to build dialogic communication with him) negatively affects the activity and mental well-being of the baby. It is the close interaction between teachers and parents that makes it possible to comprehensively solve this problem.

The following principles form the basis of interaction with the family on this issue:

  • partnership of parents and teachers;
  • a common understanding of goals and objectives by teachers and parents;
  • help, respect and trust in the child from the parents;
  • knowledge by teachers and parents of the educational opportunities of the team and the family, the maximum use of the educational potential in joint work with children;
  • constant analysis of the process of interaction between the family and preschool, its intermediate and final results.

An effective form of interaction is the holding of various events.

So I I suggest you take part in the quiz "Developing our speech".

(Parents are divided into 2 teams: "Experts", "Smarts". The quiz is competitive in nature. For each round, the team receives a chip. The team with the most chips is the winner. Team members sit at the tables).

Round 1: "Do not yawn for questions, answer very quickly!"

1 task: Recall the concepts of the Russian language and call it in one word.
- Words used by a resident of a particular area. (Dialect).
- Words that have opposite meanings.(Antonyms).
2 task: On the easel there are 2 paintings depicting trees, at the root of which the words are written on the cards: snow, winter. Write the same-root words on the cards and attach them to the branches. (Double-sided tape is glued on the branches).
Snow - snowball, snowy, snowman, snowflake, snowfall, snowy.
Winter - winter, winter, winter, winter, winter hut, wintering.

3 task: Explain the name of the plants: raspberries, currants.
Raspberry - from the words "small", "small". The raspberry consists of small parts, as if woven together.
Currant - "stench" - smell, leaves and berries smell strongly.
4 task: Guess the word - homonym.
One grows in the garden in the garden,
The other will hit the target with an arrow. (Onion).
The first one in the sky shines at night,
And in the second day for 30 happens. (Month).
5 task: On the cards are written words for which you need to choose a synonym. Each team chooses 2 cards.
Friend - (friend).
Run - (rush).
Carefully - (carefully).
Fast - (instantly).

6 task: Choose a word that sounds similar in sound (at a fast pace).
Matches - titmouse,
Icon - hook,
Robe - salad,
Christmas tree - needle,
Squirrel - arrow,
Palace - singer
Ax - fence,
Crow - crown.

Round 2: Proverbs and sayings.

1 task: Find and fix the error.
- I came, I saw, I bought. (I won).
- The sun paints the earth, and a hairdresser paints a person. (Labor).
- It's not enough to want - you have to beg. (Be able to).
- From time immemorial, TV (Book) raises a person.
2 task: To make a sentence.
- Language, head, chatting, responding, eh. (The tongue talks, and the head answers).
- The book, not, beckons, to, itself, but, gingerbread. (The book is not a gingerbread, but beckons to itself).
- Always, empty, nose, up, ear, tearing. (An empty ear always pulls its nose up).
- Fool, but smart, loves to teach, learn. (The smart one loves to learn, and the fool loves to teach).
3 task: We know many sayings, but they have become sayings in our time, since the second part is forgotten. You need to remember or come up with their second part.
"Young - green ... (ordered to walk)."
"Hunger is not an aunt ... (she won't slip a pie)."
"Don't open your mouth at someone else's loaf ... (but get up early and start your own)."
"A hat for Senka ... (a hat for Yerema)."
4 task: Translate the proverb (saying) into Russian.
- When a lady gets out of the car, the car goes faster. (Eng.). (A woman with a cart is easier for a mare).
- I ran from the rain, got caught in a downpour. (Arab). (From the fire to the frying pan).
- He will not get lost, who asks. (Fin). (Language will bring to Kyiv).
- Where there is no fruit, beets will pass for an orange. (Iran). (For lack of fish and cancer fish).

Round 3: "What a charm these fairy tales are!"

1 task: Answer the question.
- What insects did Tsar Gvidon turn into? (Fly, mosquito, bumblebee).
- Of the three girls, one became a queen, the other became a weaver. And who did their sister become? (Cook).
2 task: Name the hero of the fairy tale who could place such an ad in the newspaper. At the same time, remember the title of the work and its author.
- A key made of precious metal is lost. (Pinocchio from the fairy tale "The Golden Key" by A.N. Tolstoy).
- Veterinary services with departure to any part of the world. (Dr. Aibolit from the fairy tale of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky).
- A travel company organizes an air travel along the milky river with kissel banks. (The fairy tale "Geese - swans").

Round 4: "Surprise"

Teams stand opposite each other. Compliment each other and take a step forward.

(Until they are next to each other for a handshake).
The host counts the chips. Announces the winner.

Souvenir awards.

Synonyms - words different in sound and spelling, but having the same or very close lexical meaning.
Antonyms are words that are different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite meanings: truth - lies, good - evil, speak - be silent.

Homonyms are different in meaning, but the same in sound units of the language.

Synopsis of the game - quizzes in the preparatory group on the topic "Lucky chance"

Author: Kozlova Marina Vladimirovna, educator of MBDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 7 "Romashka", Novoaltaysk, Altai Territory.
Material Description: I present you with a summary. joint activities parents with children in the preparatory group, with children of the OHP (II - III level) on the topic "Lucky event". This game will help teachers: consolidate children's knowledge about nature; will contribute to the development of moral consciousness and the need to acquire environmental knowledge, through the assimilation of the norms and rules of competent interaction with wildlife, showing kindness, sensitivity, mercy to animals and flora not only in children, but also in parents of preschoolers.
Synopsis of the game - quizzes of children and parents in the preparatory group "Lucky chance".
Priority: social and personal development.
Integration educational areas: "Health", "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Music".
Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the natural world around them.
Educational: Help children to consolidate knowledge about plants and animals.
Developing: Create conditions for the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory.
Speech: To promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to answer questions quickly, with a complete and clear answer.
Educational: Create conditions for emotional rapprochement of family members in a joint game. To form a consciously correct attitude towards nature in adults and children.
Preliminary work: immediate educational activities on topics: "Plants of the forest", "Wild animals of Russia", "Trees are our friends!", "Migratory birds", "Caution - poisonous!", "Insects", "Four seasons", "Rules of communication with nature! Reading the fairy tales of B. Zakhoder "The Gray Star", "The Little Mermaid". Didactic games: "Who will be who!", "Who was who?". Riddles about animals. Mobile game "We will not tell, but we will show!".
Material: emblems for teams with the image of a squirrel and a bunny; 2 vases, artificial flowers; cards drawn into two parts, on the left is empty, and on the right is an animal or plant; cards with the image of trees; 2 schemes of animal tracks; printed lyrics for parents; medals.
Methodical methods: intellectual warm-up, productive activity, etudes, tests, descriptive riddle, problem situations and questions.
Game progress.
Children are divided into two teams "Bunnies" and "Squirrels". There is a vase in front of each team. For each correct answer, an artificial flower is placed in a vase. The team with the most flowers in the vase wins. Parents sit down for the participants in the game, they are fans. Selected by the jury. The host conducts the quiz.
Leading: Attention! Attention! We're starting the Lucky Chance game and we'll see who's lucky today in this game. I think that the kind, smart and ardently loving nature will be lucky. Do you agree with me? Then we start.
1 game Warm-up "Question - answer!"
The facilitator asks questions that the children must quickly and correctly answer. If they are wrong, the facilitator says the correct answer and asks the next question.
Questions for the Squirrel team:
1. Where do mushrooms grow? (In the forest, in the meadow).
2. Name the wintering bird. (I love it).
3. Coniferous tree. (Fur tree, pine tree).
4. Name the orderly of the forest. (Woodpecker, wolf, etc.).
5. Who lives in a hole? (Badger, fox, mole, etc.).
6. Name a wild herbivore. (Hare, squirrel, etc.).
7. Red berry. (Any).
8. Which animal sleeps in winter? (Hedgehog, bear, etc.).
9. What are the fruits of an oak tree called? (Acorns).

11. Name a poisonous plant. (Crow's eye, henbane, etc.).
12. The heroine of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder "The Gray Star". (Toad).
13. The warmest time of the year. (Summer).
Questions for the Bunny team.
1. Where do cranberries grow? (In the swamp).
2. Name migratory bird. (I love it).
3. Deciduous tree. (Any).
4. Who pollinates the plants? (Bees, bumblebees).
5. Who lives in a hollow? (Owl, squirrel, etc.).
6. Name insectivorous animals. (Hedgehog, mole, etc.)
7. Black berry. (Any).
8. Which animal does not sleep in winter? (Wolf, fox, hare, etc.).
9. Name the tree - a symbol of Russia. (Birch).
10. Name the insect. (Any).
11. Name the poisonous mushroom. (Amanita, pale grebe, etc.).
12. The hero of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder "The Little Mermaid". (Hare).
13. The coldest time of the year. (Winter).
The jury counts the correct number of answers, evaluates.
2 game. "Who was who?"
The children are given a card drawn in half, the left is empty, and the picture of an animal or plant is on the right. The children on the card on the left should draw who was who before (a frog - an egg, a hare - a hare, a butterfly - an egg or a caterpillar, a dandelion - a seed, a bird - an egg, a mosquito - a moth, a Christmas tree - a seed, a crocodile - an egg, etc. ). Then each participant tells, and the jury sums up.
3 game "Where have you been, what have you seen?"
The children of each team come up with some kind of action, and the other team guesses. (Parents can help children come up with an action)
For example, they pick mushrooms, wash berries and eat them, listen to birds singing, how bees collect nectar, how a hare defends itself from a kite, etc.
4 game "Game with the audience."
The host asks the fans of each team questions (answers are in bold).
1 team:
1) Why can't the gopher sleep?
A) afraid to freeze.
b) remembers the summer.
c) guard stocks.
2) Who has the strongest claws?
a) a bear.
b) at the anteater.
c) a lion.
3) Which mammal is the fastest?
a) deer.
b) a dolphin.
V) cheetah.
4) Why do rabbits have big ears?
a) to hear better;
b) not to overheat;
c) for braking when cornering.
5) Do monkeys brush their teeth?
a) not clean
b) sometimes clean;
V) clean with pleasure.
2 team:
1) Why does the woodpecker "drum"?
a) cleans the beak;
b) tells someone something;
c) enjoys music.
2) Who is the largest among rodents?
a) beaver
b) capybara;
c) a hare.
3) Which snake is the most venomous?
a) viper.
b) cobra.
c) rattlesnake.
4) Why do dolphins cry?
a) for nervous discharge.
b) to protect your eyes from injury.
c) to remove excess moisture.
5) Who has ears on their feet?
a) butterflies and beetles.
b) flies and mosquitoes.
V) in grasshoppers and crickets.
Game 5 "Dark Horse"
The host presents the animal in riddles, and the teams must guess. After each proposal addressed to a particular team, the host pauses so that the players can make their version.
This animal.
It has a head, body, legs and tail.
He has a big house. This animal is clean.
He has sharp teeth. He cannot live without water.
It needs trees to live.
He can swim well. They call him an engineer.
Also known as a builder.
Lives in the river.
His house is called a hut.
(An adult disguised as a beaver comes out).
Questions from the beaver:
- I love trees, so I’ll ask you about them, and you show me the answer (the children have cards with the image of trees on the table):
1) A coniferous tree, and in winter it stands bare. (Larch).
2) In the people this tree is called "sweet". (Linden).
3) A tree that does not heat up in the sun? (Birch).
4) In spring, this tree is all white, and the smell of its flowers can be felt from afar. It's a pity, only people break it because of the flowers. (Cheryomukha).
5) This tree is a long-liver. Boars, squirrels and many others feed on its fruits. (Oak).
6) The berries on this tree hang all winter, it feeds the birds. (Rowan).
- And now you have a riddle - the picture "What happened here?".
In one figure, traces of a hare and a fox are schematically drawn, and in another figure, traces of a mouse and a fox. Children should find out and tell what happened.
- Goodbye, friends! I see that you love and know nature very much.
The jury sums up.
6 game "Race for the leader".
The facilitator reads the questions to both teams in turn. If children do not know the answer or are in doubt, they can ask their parents for help. Children explain why they think so.
1) Is it possible to leave glass bottles in the forest? (No).
2) Can a person live without birch sap? (Yes).
3) Do poisonous mushrooms need to be trampled on? (No).
4) Do birds need to be fed in winter? (Yes).
5) Do animals need salt? (Yes).
6) Do I need to take a chick that has fallen to the ground from the nest home? (No).
7) Do plants need snow in winter? (Yes).
8) Do drowning animals need to be rescued in spring? (Yes).
9) Can a person in the forest listen to music loudly? (No).
10) Can a person live in the world without harming an animal or a plant? (Yes, he can try).
Leading: Well done! I congratulate you on the completion of the game, but while the jury is summing up the results of the last game, I suggest that everyone sing a song together.
Joint performance of the song of children with parents "The road of goodness" op. Y. En-tin, music. M. Minkova.
Leading: It's time to count the flowers in the vases. (count all together)
The jury announces the winners!
The winners are awarded with medals.
Result. The game was on high level. The children enjoyed playing with their parents. There were small incidents, this is when the presenter asked questions to parents, and the children answered, and when the children asked for help from their parents, they did not know the correct answer. Many parents thought about the need to expand their knowledge of wildlife!

Quiz for preschoolers "The smartest"

Target : to give children joy and pleasure fromdevelopmental games; support interest in intellectual activity, desire to play games with mathematical and speech content.


  • Educational : learn to make words from syllables; learn generalize children; teach them to make independent judgments.
  • Developing: develop everythingComponents oral speech children; develop free communication with adults and children.
  • Educators: to educate in children the ability to take the initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor.

Equipment : balloons of three colors (red, blue, green) to decorate the hall; crossword puzzle, cards with numbers from 1 to 10 in two colors (red, blue), tape recorder, audio recordings.
Depending on the preparation of children, a reduction is possible

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on chairs.
Leading : Guys, do you like to travel? Then I invite you to make a trip to the Land of Knowledge. And we will go with you to this country by train, (the soundtrack of the whistle of the locomotive sounds), the whistle is already heard, which tells us about the imminent departure, let's get on the train faster. (Children stand one after another, elbows are bent at the elbows). Ready, let's go! (the phonogram of E. Zheleznova "Steam Engine" sounds, the children imitate the movements in the course of the sound of the song).

Here we are, welcome to the magical city. Look, they were waiting for us here, and they even decorated the city for our arrival with multi-colored balloons, why do you think there are only three colors of balloons, what these colors can mean (there are balloons near the wall - red, blue and green, children's answers). That's right, guys, we have both vowels and consonants in the alphabet, and they can be both soft and hard. But while we were driving, all the letters quarreled, and I can’t even tell you the name of this city. But you can find out its name if you correctly solve the crossword puzzle. And here are the questions for him (either a poster in the form of an empty crossword puzzle is hung on the board, or you can draw a crossword puzzle on the board).

  1. A large beautiful building where the king lives (palace)
  2. What grows in the park? (tree)
  3. A place where fruit trees grow (garden)
  4. What grows in the flower beds (flowers)
  5. Large flat place in front of the palace (square)
  6. Space between two rows of houses (street)
  7. Tall, narrow structure that rises above the roofs of city streets (tower)
  8. Large wide and straight street (avenue)
  9. The building where children study (school)

Host: So we learned that the city we ended up in is called "Veselinka". Well, well, let's take a walk around the city, but our walk will be unusual, we are waiting for different tests on the streets of the city, and in order for us to cope with them, I propose to split into two teams And see which team is better at coping with these tasks. (Children are divided into two teams). The first team is called "_____________________" and the second one is "____________________".

Now the jury has taken its place and is ready for fair judging, so the quiz starts. And now we have our first task. In order for us to cope with all the difficult tasks, I suggest refreshing ourselves. Solve "edible" riddles. The teams will guess in turn, without interrupting each other, our jury will also follow this.

This bump beckons us -
Sweet and sour... (pineapple)

Bundles of yellow hang,
There is both taste and aroma.
From tropical countries -
Exotic fruit ... (banana)

It's easy to get a drink
Mushroom fermented milk.
For obedient and bully -
He is good for everyone ... (kefir)

It is obligatory for different cubs -
White liquid is useful, nutritious. (milk)

In spring, the trees are embraced with pink,
Pleasant south sunny distance.
Oval nuts are bitter,
But very tasty in sugar ... (almonds)

What is there on the southern tree? bug
Or a green nut ... (pistachio)

From curdled milk, yellow.
It is loose, melted and hard.
And for a mouse - a real feast,
When he accidentally finds somewhere ... (cheese)

If you don't want meat in pieces, -
Entrecote or, say, goulash, -
Scroll it in a meat grinder
And get fresh ... (minced meat)

Leading : Well, well, we refreshed ourselves, and our strict jury evaluates the answers, and we continue, and the next, second test awaits us. (The facilitator draws the attention of the children to a bush under which a yellow chicken (for example, a soft toy) is sitting). Oh, guys, look what a little chicken. But what is he doing here alone.
scared chicken
He sits under a bush.
He seems to be lost
And squeaks plaintively.
Find my mom
I don't know where she is...
Tell me where is my dad
And my whole family?
The guys are fun
They said, not jokingly:
The heron lives in the swamp
Are you her child?
Right guys? Of course not!
Answer who are the parents
These babies?
You have seen them, of course.
Goslings, ducklings, mice.
Donkey, foal,
Fox and hare,
Elephant and tiger cub...
And whose son is a puppy?
They shouted back to me:

So it's very simple!
They have no doubt!
The heron has a son - a chicken,
The son of a toad is a foal,
The pike has a son - a puppy,
I couldn't help laughing!
I asked the kids

Enough screaming!
The little ones know
Who are their father and mother!

Guys, name the parents of these kids (the task is offered in turn to each team)

wolf cub - wolf, she-wolf
Elk - elk, elk
Turkey - turkey, turkey
Duckling - duck, drake
Gosling - goose, goose
Foal - horse, horse
Elephant - elephant, elephant
Tiger cub - tiger, tigress
Puppy - dog, dog
Hare - hare, hare
Chicken - hen, rooster
Piglet - pig, boar
Lamb - sheep, ram
Calf - cow, bull

Leading: And now we will check if you know the names of animals.

1st team:
He is an elephant - she is an elephant,
He is a moose - she is a moose,
He is a cat...
Well, of course it's a cat!
Well, you made a mistake
So let's play again
I want to beat you!

2nd team:
He is a walrus - she is a walrus,
He is a hare - she is a hare,
He is a bull - she ....
Well, of course, the cow
Let's play kids again!

1st team:
He is a tiger, she is a tigress
He is a donkey, she is a donkey
He is a goat - she ....
Well, of course, the goat
For the repetition of the game all "for"?!

2nd team:
He is a lion, she is a lioness
He is a wolf, she is a she-wolf
He is a kangaroo - she is...
Well, of course, kangaroo,
We continue the game!

1st team:
He is a hedgehog - she is a hedgehog,
He is a beaver - she is a beaver,
He is a horse...
Well, of course, the horse
Everything is going well for us so far!

2nd team:
He is a sparrow - she is a sparrow,
He is a mosquito - she is a mosquito,
He is a goose - she ...
Not a goose, but a goose
Know it all from now on!

1st team:
He is a hippopotamus - she is a hippopotamus.
He is a sperm whale - she is a sperm whale,
He is a sheep - she ....
Well, of course, the sheep
Played to the end!

Leading: Excellent, all the cubs were found parents. Now let's take a break and play.
Each team is given cards with numbers from 1 to 10 of different colors (one team, for example, blue, and the other red). Children in each team look at their cards in such a way that the numbers are not seen by the members of the other team. Then, to the cheerful music, the children move randomly in the hall, at the end of the music, each team lines up in order from 1 to 10, the team that did it quickly and correctly wins.

Leading : And now we move on to the next, third test. Now we will find out how well our participants know the professions (the task is also given to each team in turn).

All black, like a rook,
Climbing from our roofs (chimney sweep, not a doctor)

Buns to us and kalachi
They bake every day (bakers, not doctors)

Cooks porridge and broth
Kind, fat (cook, not postman)

They talk about paired sounds
At school, you and I (teachers, not firefighters)

Folds, pockets and flat edging -
Beautiful dress sewn (tailor, not a musician)

Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight
Departed brave and strong (gymnast, not pilot)

Leading: You know the profession well. Now listen to the poem and tell me how to speak so that everyone understands everything.
Who wants to talk
He must speak
Everything is correct and clear
To be clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will speak
So right and clear
To be clear to everyone.

So how should you speak so that everyone understands? But to make it clear to everyone, you need to know a lot of words. Do you know many words? And do you know how to pronounce them correctly? This is what we will now check and the fourth test awaits us (the task is also performed by teams in turn).

Here the old woman is waiting for the goat
At the open crows (gates)
Cake, snacks - pickle
We put on holidays on a chair (table)

To eat soup and okroshka,
We'll take a fork (spoon)

There is a knock in the grove -
Pound woodpecker soup (bitch)

The brigadier sat down for dinner,
On a plate yellow owl (cheese)

For the leaves to come out
The branches of the trees will burst (buds)

I'll draw a school and a landscape
I sharpen a fountain pen (pencil) with a sharpener

There were a lot of mushrooms - on every stump,
And for the winter they were prepared in a daughter (barrel)

The braid has a tail and horns,
A spit drinks water from a bowl (goat)

In the distance you can see the white peak,
And a red raspberry (car) drove nearby

Leading: There are words that are always pronounced the same way, let's try to say the word correctly.

1st team
Every day we are in the morning
We all go down to the met...
Kids really need
Riding to school...
And from school we go home
We're coming back...
Well, then to the section
Getting meth...
Even though it's old,
Doesn't let us down...

2nd team
I don't lie one bit
What did the kangu see...
Early in the morning sometimes
Met a kangu...
Right in your own backyard
Juice gave kangu ...
And mended the hole
I'm in a kangu's pocket...
To not have a hole
On a kangaroo pocket...
In the middle of the yard
Kangu had fun...
Thunder suddenly woke me up -
I said goodbye to kangu...

1st team
Autumn, rain, umbrellas around -
It's time to put on your fingers...
We go to the store under an umbrella
We go with mom for a finger...
Here is the end of the whole tights -
I'm riding in a new one...
Ah, what a beauty
Five finger pockets...
And when I grow up
I will give my brother a finger...

2nd team
Glory will only wake up in the morning -
Here's a glass for him...
Slava was brought from school -
The baby is drinking again...
Grandfather went to visit with Slava -
They serve there...
It's time to go to sleep Slava -
You need to remember what...
Drink it all and then
Sleep soundly.

Leading: Well done guys, you got the job done. Look, the words are written here, but somehow it is not clear, all the syllables are mixed up. Let's try to put everything back in place, and this will be the fifth task.
(representatives from each team are invited to the board in turn, confused syllables are hung out, the task of children is to correctly compose words from confused syllables, the task is given from simple to complex, i.e. first words consisting of two syllables, then two, then three )

U, KA, LIT (Snail)

Leading: Our quiz is coming to an end, and now our jury will announce who is the winner. In the meantime, the jury is conferring to make the final result, we will play a little. (here it is possible to perform a dance-staging from the repertoire of E. Zheleznova, or verses for attention)

Putting flippers on my feet,
Gymnasts swim under water. (scuba divers)

Small net for fish
The craftsman wove a spider (flies)

Ducks sleep at night
In a kennel or a booth (dogs)

Cream, butter and cottage cheese
Give the kids a rhinoceros. (cow)

We play football well
We score goals often (balls)

For duvets and pillows
Soft fluff is given by frogs (geese, ducks)
In dogs and cats
There are always eight legs (four each)

Chatted for an hour without a break
Boys (girls) in colorful dresses

When they beat us with a belt for pranks,
We all ask "More please" (sorry)

Eating all the cabbage from the garden,
The lion (hare) ran away into the woods

In the sandy desert
In any heat
With a heavy load
Kangaroos (camels) roam

In tea is sweeter than our Olya
We put five spoons of salt (sugar)

How many letters does the alphabet have?
Everyone knows this:
Thirty-six native sisters,
Bold and brave (33)

Leading: And now the jury is ready to name the winner of the "The Smartest" quiz.
Announcement of the winner, awarding.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group.

Quiz "Smart fidgets"


1. Promote the development of speech, cognitive interests, mental operations(analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking), creative abilities.

2. Develop speech, communication, memory. Ability to formulate proposals. Ability to pronounce tongue twisters, classify general concepts, making a word from letters.

3. To cultivate the desire for knowledge, the ability to work in a team, to help a friend, self-control and self-regulation. To educate children in kindness, responsiveness and interest in their native language.

Lesson progress:

You are funny guys and you will not be bored. We will answer the quiz questions with you! You answer in unison and there is no doubt about it. Today friendship will be the mistress of victories. And let the struggle boil more sharply, the competition is stronger. Success is not decided by fate, but only by your knowledge, and competing with you, we will remain friends. May the struggle boil more strongly, and our friendship grow stronger with it.

The teacher divides the children into two teams and introduces the teams

I. Competition "Living word".

Each subgroup needs to spell out the name of the team. In case of difficulty, children can focus on the numbers indicating the serial number of the letter in the word - the name of the team.

1. Chamomile

II. Competition "Funny riddles".

1. In more often with his head up.

Howling with hunger... giraffe. (Wolf)

2. Who knows a lot about raspberries,

A clumsy brown ... wolf. (Bear)

3. Daughters and sons

Teaches to grunt ... an ant. (Pig)

4. Who likes to rush along the branches?

Of course, a red ... fox. (Squirrel)

5. In his warm puddle

Loudly croaked ... Barmaley. (Frog)

6. From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

Deftly jumping ... a cow. (Monkey)

7. Hoop, ball and wheel,

You will be reminded of the letter ... (Oh)

8. It has long been known to all children:

The cow knows the letter ... (M)

9. If I make sponges

Very thin tube

I'll make a sound later

Then you will hear the letter ... (U)

10. In the word mouth and in the word mole

This letter is alive.

In the word tiger she r-r-growls,

In the word cry, she screams. (R)

11. In the word we and in the word you There is such a letter - ... (S)

12. The whole hour is already buzzing

There is a letter on the flower ... (F)

13. Pussy drinks cream from a bowl,

This letter is in toffee.

All my friends know

This letter is a letter ... (I)

14. At dawn the bell rings,

There is a lock on the door.

There is a splinter and a goat

This letter is a letter ... (Z)

III. Competition "Funny animals".

Children are given the task to select pictures (toys) of animals: for the first team - wild animals, in the names of which there is a sound [L], for the second - domestic animals, in the names of which there is a sound [K], to name where in the word this sound lives?

! V. Competition "Name it in one word."

Table, chair, bed, wardrobe, bedside table - furniture. Cook, seller, doctor, builder - professions. Summer, autumn, winter, spring are the seasons. Tit, magpie, crow, dove, sparrow - birds. Butterfly, ant, mosquito, fly, beetle - insects. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are days of the week.

V. Physical Minute.

And now we will have a little rest and play one very interesting game, it is called

"Say the opposite"

Early late.

Joyful - sad, sad

Black White

Dry - wet

Silence is noise

Light - dark

One is many

Open - Closed

Hot Cold

Top bottom

clear - overcast

Freeze - warm up

Left - right

Clean - dirty

VI. Contest

"Speak the tongue twister clearly and quickly." First, we will warm up a little, let's remember the tongue twisters that we know, and then you will need to say the tongue twister to one team about animals and the other about insects.

VII. Contest .

Make a proposal according to the scheme on the theme "Autumn"

Reserve .

"Magic bag"

We count the tokens, as a result, friendship won, because today we are such great fellows, we managed to do so much, what did we do today? And now we are all together, together we will go to look for a well-deserved reward: a treasure! To do this, we will line up in one line and carefully listen to my commands, but do not look at my actions, I will confuse you. (The game "Confusion" is being played)

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The development of speech is one of the most important areas of work of the educator, designed to ensure timely mental development child.

The urgency of this problem is very high. It is focused on the development of thinking, imagination, communication of preschoolers.

It is important to emphasize that it is preschool childhood that is a sensitive period for the acquisition of speech. modern school demands a high level from the child speech development. If this level is high, then children read and write well, understand and perceive what is being studied better, and clearly express their thoughts. For a preschooler, good speech is a guarantee successful learning and development in the school. Children with poorly developed speech lag behind, often being among the underachievers in various subjects.

It is important to emphasize that the culture of speech of children is inextricably linked with the culture of speech of the educator and everyone around.

Only the educator who owns his own speech and tirelessly cares about its improvement can work fruitfully on the speech of children. The teacher's speech must be characterized by absolute literacy, clarity, expressiveness, accuracy and correctness of verbal designations. (slide 2)

Let's remember again, what sections does the speech consist of?


Gramstroy speech

The syllable structure of the word

Connected speech (slide 3)

Today we will hold a quiz on the topic “Beautiful speech is pleasant to listen to”. You will have a great opportunity to show your Creative skills, theoretical and practical knowledge, objectively assess the knowledge of their colleagues on the topic.

(Divide into teams. Come up with a team name. Choose a jury)

1 task - warm-up “Question-answer” (slide 4)

2 task “Merry poet” (slide 5)

What are clean words?

Clean tongue - a set of words and phrases designed to train speech pronunciation skills.

Your task is to come up with pure phrases

(for example: ta-ta-ta - we saw a cat; tu-tu-tu- -let's give milk to the cat; as-as as - the lights went out, etc.)

3 task “Pick up the words”

Figurative speech is an integral part of the culture of speech. The formation of figurative speech is of great importance for the development of coherent speech, which is the basis for the upbringing and education of children.

The Russian language is very rich and figurative. This or that feeling, experience, phenomenon, event can be expressed in a huge number of words.

How more baby hears beautiful, expressive words in ordinary colloquial speech of adults (educators), the more he absorbs the harmony of the word.

Come up with as many words-definitions about AUTUMN as possible. WHAT IS AUTUMN? (slide 6)

(golden, early, late, wet, rainy, gloomy, sunny, warm, dry, deciduous, etc.)

(In turn, each member of each team calls 1 word. Do not repeat!)

ACTION WORDS: What does the autumn leaf DO? (slide 7)

(turns yellow, reddens, dries, falls, flies, falls, spins, scatters, floats (in a puddle), rustles, twists, etc.)

What can you do with autumn leaves? (slide 8)

(tear, throw, crush, crumble, sniff, stroke, touch, dry, etc.)

4 task “Find a couple” (slide 9)

The Russian language is very rich in its words and expressions. Very often the same meaning can be expressed in different ways. This often comes to our aid. means of expression language - phraseological units.

What are phraseological units?

Phraseologism is not a very big phrase, as a rule, it has figurative meaning, although it may well express the usual meaning.

Give examples of phraseological units (“this is where the dog is buried”, “lead by the nose”, “fly in the clouds”)

In the very meaning of phraseological turns, the prerequisites for figurativeness and emotionality are laid. They give the statement a unique originality, a special individuality and can be used to develop figurative speech of preschoolers.

Phraseological turns - synonyms and antonyms - help in the development of attention, teach to compare and draw conclusions.

Your task is to find a couple.

  • 1 team - opposite in meaning, antonyms
  • 2 team - similar in meaning, synonyms and explain the meaning of underlined phraseological units.

Phraseologisms - antonyms

Phraseologisms - synonyms

Task 5 “Patter” (slide 10)

What is a patter?

A tongue twister is a naive in content, simple, even primitive text, which is built on intricate and difficult phrases and phrases. Rather, they can be called hard talkers.

Is it possible to use tongue twisters when working with preschoolers?

Of course you can. It is only important to choose them correctly for each age group. (For example: in middle group we select tongue twisters with consonants of early origin: [p, t, k, m, n], etc. In the older one, we work out whistling and hissing sounds, and in the preparatory one, there is a differentiation of sounds [l - l] [l-r] [s - w], etc.)

Choose from several 1 tongue twister to learn

The tongue twister tells about some, maybe not significant, but event. It has a thought that is expressed in words. And the word must be effective.

You need to pronounce the tongue twister with a different intonation, conveying a different attitude to what happened.

Statement of fact




Different logical meaning

Thus, you have seen how you can work on intonational expressiveness using tongue twisters

Task 6 - “Long story” (slide 11)

The development of coherent speech in children is one of the main tasks of preschool teachers. “The program of education in kindergarten” a system is provided special classes teaching children storytelling. An indicator of the lack of formation of coherent speech in children of older preschool age is a violation of the coherence and sequence of presentation, semantic omissions, situationality and fragmentation, and a low level of used phrasal speech. In the work on the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers, it is necessary to strictly observe the gradual transition from utterance based on visualization to utterances according to one's own plan. When planning classes, an algorithm for complicating speech activity by type of narration is observed:

  • retelling;
  • compiling a descriptive story;
  • compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures;
  • compiling stories based on a plot picture;
  • creative storytelling.

The mastery of each type of storytelling proceeds gradually, in a certain sequence, and is carried out based on the previous type of storytelling.

We offer you a game "Long story".

Each team is given equally subject cards. The first player puts it on the table and comes up with sentences that mention the object depicted on the card, the second player puts out his card and also makes up a sentence so that it forms a coherent story with the previous one, etc. The team whose story turned out to be plot and interesting wins.

So our quiz is over. Today you showed your creative abilities and theoretical knowledge. And we showed how, using different techniques, you can easily and simply develop all the components of speech, which are the basis of communication.

While the JURY SUMMARIZES the results, we invite you to guess contemporary meaning Old Slavonic words:

Round (slide 12):


curly (correct answer);


Catch up (slide 13):

Get dirty (correct answer);

wrap up;

Get lost.

Chill out (slide 14):

Be angry;


Get confused (correct answer).

Meet (slide 15):

fall in love;

Catch up (correct answer);

Shake it up.

Eldaechki (slide 16):

Wheat cakes (correct answer)

Vintage women's jewelry;

The jury announces the winners of the quiz.

In conclusion, as always, reflection. Continue the phrase (pull out on the leaves the beginning of the phrase to be continued)

  • I like it...
  • It was especially interesting...
  • I have enjoyed...
  • It was difficult for me...
  • It wasn't quite clear...
  • I'll take it to work...
  • I realized today...
  • I am using the...
  • Today I was annoyed...
  • I received information...


1. Arushanova A.G. “Speech and speech communication of children 3-7 years old”

2. Alyabyeva E.A. “Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old”

3. Grizik I. V. “Teaching children to describe objects”

4. Konina M.M. “The role of pictures in teaching the native language of children of senior preschool age”

5. Korotkova E.P. “Conversation as a means of developing speech in preschool children”

6. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. “Learn while playing”

7. Ushakova O.S. “Teaching older preschoolers storytelling through a series of plot pictures”

8. Ushakova O.S. “Methodology for the development of speech of preschool children”

9. Shvaiko G.S. “Games and game exercises for the development of speech”

10. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language.