Jurisprudence      05/01/2021

Make a memo golden rules that will help in life. The golden rule of life that everyone should know. My life is my choice

Elizabeth Babanova


2 months ago I started writing down the basic rules by which I build my life.

I wrote them for myself, but not so long ago the thought began to visit me that they could be useful to you, my readers.

And today I decided to open to you this intimate list of what inspires me and helps me develop.

These 100 rules are the sum total of my experience in personal and professional development.

Most of these rules are aimed at developing internal qualities, which, as you know, are less amenable to change.

The winner in professional and personal development is always not a "sprinter", but a "marathon runner" who is able to regularly and consistently integrate new knowledge into his life.

  1. Start your day with gratitude for everything you have.
  2. Get up early ().
  3. Drink plenty of water (3-4 liters a day).
  4. Take a contrast shower for healing.
  5. Plan your day.
  6. but don't get attached to them.
  7. Farewell, farewell, farewell to your friends and enemies. You are not perfect, so forgive others for their imperfections.
  8. Spend at least 15 minutes a day outdoors, 30-60 minutes is even better.
  9. Don't drink after meals.
  10. Avoid negative environments.
  11. If you still find yourself in a destructive environment, learn “from the opposite”, i.e. what "not to be".
  12. Be true to your dream.
  13. Surround yourself with worthy people who will contribute to your realization.
  14. Do sports every day.
  15. Perform during times of crisis.
  16. Learn from a professional mentor who will help you accelerate your professional growth.
  17. Work while enjoying.
  18. If you don’t like the job, but it is necessary for growth and brings you closer to the goal, keep doing it.
  19. If you don't like the job and don't get closer to your goal, leave it.
  20. Believe in yourself.
  21. Breathe deeply as often as possible throughout the day.
  22. Pray or meditate every day, cleanse your soul.
  23. Regularly update the playlist of your favorite songs, listen to them when you need an energy boost.
  24. find the best teachers in every area of ​​life and learn from them.
  25. Give 10% of your income to charity.
  26. Do not skimp on praise, especially for your team.
  27. Be emotional in praise and restrained and delicate in criticism.
  28. Remember: no matter how good you do, someone will always be dissatisfied. It's unavoidable.
  29. In success, be grateful for the victory. In defeat, be grateful for the experience.
  30. Be a child sometimes, let yourself be fooled.
  31. Remember that .
  32. Apply as often as possible the principle of "two in one" (simultaneous exercise and listening to audio books, morning marathon and motivational video).
  33. To experience happiness from work, think only about the return, and not about how much money you will earn as a result.
  34. Strive for growth, do not be afraid of obstacles.
  35. Remember, it takes at least 10,000 hours of hard work to achieve excellence in anything.
  36. Small daily improvements lead to big success.
  37. Greet people first and smile at them. only strong and successful man can afford to be the first to show goodwill.
  38. The only worthy standard is the best.
  39. Delicately say goodbye to those people who do not contribute to the realization of your potential.
  40. If they are your relatives, love them and accept them for who they are. They will most likely never change.
  41. Don't try to change anyone at all. Trying to change the people around you is the surest way to unhappiness.
  42. Inspiration comes from the right lifestyle. The worse the food and the less mobile you are, the less desire and passion in work.
  43. Be an "elevator" for the people around you. Pick them up.
  44. Treat critics with understanding. These are unrealized people who have no greater pleasure than expressing their disapproval.
  45. If the critic is qualified and speaks from the heart, make him a friend. Let him help you become better, and you, in turn, find a way to compensate him for his contribution to your success.
  46. What is behind in your life and what is ahead of you is a mirror image of what you have in it now.
  47. Motivation must come from within. If it is not there, then there can be only two reasons: either there is no energy, or you are doing the wrong thing.
  48. Never make any vital decisions in a bad mood. First enter a positive peak state, then decide how to live on.
  49. Read mail, Twitter and Facebook 2 times a day. Maximum.
  50. Words inspire and words destroy. Choose them with sensitivity and love.
  51. To love a person is to help him realize himself. Even if it is to the detriment of your own desires.
  52. Enjoy being alone.
  53. It's never too late to start a new business new habit and start a new hobby. Keep looking for something that will broaden your horizons.
  54. The opportunity and ability to inspire others to reach their potential is the highest reward that exists.
  55. Keep a diary of success, especially in the categories you work on the most.
  56. Fulfill agreements. To do this, do not promise anything if you are not 100% sure that you can do it.
  57. Avoid gossip.
  58. Follow the news, politics, the economy, develop spherically.
  59. But remember that the meaning of life lies elsewhere - in a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and following them.
  60. This will lead to happiness.
  61. “Of the active and smart, the active ones win. And among the active - the smartest. Combine mind and activity.
  62. Analyze each significant event In my life. What lesson did you take from it?
  63. Stop doing things that are not conducive to your fulfillment.
  64. Eat plenty of alkalizing foods (raw vegetables) and healthy fats (avocados, vegetable oils, nuts) as much as possible.
  65. The better physical health, the more energy, which means the more benefits you will bring to this world.
  66. My home is where I live.
  67. Break the chains of attachment. Be independent and give complete freedom to those you love.
  68. Once a week, allow yourself to do nothing. Most likely, these will be the happiest, most fulfilling and productive days of your life.
  69. Do important creative work in peak condition.
  70. While doing creative work, do not get distracted by urgent but not important things.
  71. Remember about. Don't get carried away with one while forgetting about the other.
  72. Study the lives of great people.
  73. Surround yourself with the most talented and happy people you can find.
  74. Never take anything from a person if you are not ready to give what he needs from you.
  75. If you've been betrayed, it's your fault.
  76. The steeper the climb, the more painful the defeat that follows. Be ready for it (create a rear and a reliable team).
  77. Defeats are inevitable. These are your main teachers. Love them.
  78. The stronger the fall, the more seriously you need to work for the next victory. It is from the deepest defeat to the next upswing that true success is measured.
  79. Be open with people close to you in spirit, and closed to those who are far from your values.
  80. Always record all agreements in writing. Sometimes people forget them, and sometimes they “forget”.
  81. Be generous with generous people. With greedy - greedy. Then you will not violate the law of energy interchange.
  82. To give a lot to people, you need to take a lot and qualitatively from life. It can be quality food, quality rest, sports, sauna, swimming, sun, communication.
  83. Remember that often in life “the black stripe becomes a take-off”.
  84. Strive for nobility in all respects.
  85. Develop inner grace - the totality of wisdom, dignity and kindness.
  86. Pay no attention to people from your past. Because there is always a reason why they are not in your future.
  87. The best investments are investments in education and relationships.
  88. “The wall is the same step. You just have to grow up to it."
  89. At the end of your life, you will regret more what you didn't do than what you did.
  90. "Sometimes a step forward is the result of a kick in the ass." People who have been successful in your business can serve as that motivating kick.
  91. The more responsibility, the more power. The more power, the more opportunity to help other people. The more you help others, the happier you become.
  92. Regularly put things in order in your life and ruthlessly get rid of trash.
  93. Always tell people your expectations and find out their expectations for you before entering into any relationship or making deals. 99% of quarrels and resentments are due to a misunderstanding of the expectations of the other side.
  94. Life is like: if it’s hard for you, then you are on the rise.
  95. Take deliberate and calculated risks regularly. It trains intuition and character.
  96. Buy yourself a new dress at least once a month. Or shoes. Or a hat. As a last resort, buy something from technology. But do not stop pleasing yourself with material things, because you are a woman!
  97. Madonna is an example of how you can become a superstar without much outstanding talent. Mother Teresa - how you can change the world through service. - how to overcome any trials and become yourself powerful woman on TV. - how to heal people's souls through music. Remember the uniqueness of each of these women and develop your individuality.
  98. The main task of a woman is to learn to love, to create comfort, warmth and a benevolent atmosphere wherever you are.
  99. Love all, be friends with a few, be with one.

100. Happiness is your maximum realization in all spheres of life.

Today I have two messages for you:

1. Write your main life credo. If you have more than one, write them all.

2. Which rule did you like the most, and which one seemed unexpected (which you had never thought about before)?


    1. No one will give you an exhaustive answer to the question of how to be happy and successful. The Internet is full of articles giving advice on achieving happiness and success in business. Some of them are even based on real stories very deserving people. But not a single such article, not a single course guarantees that the methods and methods outlined will work for you personally. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe.
    2. The easiest way is not always the right one. We are told from all sides that we need to do only what the soul lies in. However, the most pleasant activity is not always the right and useful one. It is better to do the right things slowly than to quickly and happily engage in nonsense. The path to the goal often lies through impassability and potholes and does not at all look like a pleasant trip on the freeway.
    3. The opinions of others can be destructive. No, don't completely ignore people, but don't let him uniquely shape your mood and agenda. Just take note of it, but no more.
    4. Your inner circle can make you strong or drown you. No matter how strong, intelligent and strong-willed a person you are, you will not be able to achieve much without support. Reread the biographies of great people, and in the shadow of each you will find a spouse, colleague, or even a whole team that helped him. With the greatest care and diligence select the people in your inner circle.
    5. Principles are inconvenient. Following your principles and rules will not make you the most popular, pleasant and gentle person. Sometimes not only you yourself, but also the people you love can suffer from your principles.
      Principles are like a hard bed that is uncomfortable to sleep on, but which forms a good spine.
    6. You will always be incredibly imperfect. But this is no reason to give up.
    7. Comfort kills dreams. There is nothing wrong with wanting to secure a comfortable and enjoyable life for yourself, but remember that this is the case. So you have to choose one.
    8. If you want to achieve something, then for this you need to make an effort. If you want something new, then you have to stop doing something old. If you want something that you have never had, then you must do something that you have never done before. The bottom line is that you will never find yourself in another point as long as you stand still.
    9. Our life is the result of only our choice. The difference between multiple futures is only the choice you make. You are not a product of circumstances, you are a product of your own decisions. Sometimes it's hard to admit and so you want to shift the responsibility to someone else. But in fact, it is you and your decisions that are the root cause of everything.
    10. The only link between desire and possession is action. This law of life acts inexorably, like the law gravity and no one has been able to fool him yet.
    11. If success has not been paid enough for, then it has no value. Only the effort expended and obstacles overcome make your achievement truly important. The world is full of people who have become so by birthright, but who cares about them? But everyone admires people who have achieved something with their efforts, even if their success looks rather modest.
    12. Challenges are part of every success story. If you're having problems, that's good. This means you are moving forward. This means that you are learning and growing.
      The only people who don't have any problems are those who don't do anything.
    13. Focus is everything. You can break through the wall only with a palm clenched into a fist, directing all your strength to only one place. No need to randomly thrash the air with your hands: it may look spectacular from the outside, but it definitely won’t bring results.
    14. What you want and what you will achieve are not always the same. All success stories are drawn to us as a two-dimensional graph of growth and decline. The hero clearly sees the goal and steadily moves towards it, overcoming obstacles. But in fact any life path rather like an intricate labyrinth with many traps, branches and dead ends. And far from always we come to the very exit that we outlined at the beginning. And many generally choose a convenient dead end for themselves and decide to settle in it.
    15. You are exactly where you need to be at this very moment. Even if things don't go the way you would like. Even if you went to the wrong place and want to start all over again. Each and every step is necessary.
    16. You cannot change yesterday, but you can take care of tomorrow today. Live in the present. But do not forget that it is it that shapes the future.

    Life, by and large, is a series of random events that we can only indirectly influence. But it is this influence that ultimately turns out to be decisive.

    Seize the opportunity to focus on what is truly within our control, and do not regret what is beyond our control.

    Don't look back. Just take the right course and confidently move forward. We have no way of knowing what exactly awaits us beyond the horizon, but this is what makes the journey even more exciting!

    1. Show with arrows which definitions correspond to the words in the box.

    Underline the violation of the rules of morality with a green pencil, and the violation of laws with a red one.

    2. Help the children figure out and understand which actions are good and which are bad (put a “+” or “-” sign under the pictures).

    What helps us to know whether an action is good or bad?

    Good deeds please both me and the people around me, and after committing bad deeds, my conscience torments me and other people condemn me.

    3. You often hear the word “no” from adults when you communicate with other children and adults. Explain why you are not allowed to do this.

    Continue on the free columns of the table a list of what you are not allowed to do. Explain why.

    4. Look at the picture. What rule did the neighbor forget?

    He forgot that one should not make noise at night, so as not to interfere with the neighbors' rest.

    What should the troublemaker do? Write your answer.

    Position (opinion): I believe that the intruder should immediately stop making noise.
    Argument(s):because because of his actions, no one in the whole house can sleep peacefully.

    Make a memo "Golden rules that will help in life."

    1 Obey your parents and teachers.
    2 Do as you would like to be treated.
    3 Do not do things for which your conscience torments you.
    4 Follow the laws of your country.
    5 Try to avoid conflict situations.
    6 Do not be lazy to study and learn something new.
    7 Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes and correct them.

    5. Solve the crossword "Man and the world of people." In any suitable place in the crossword puzzle, write the word "morality" and give it a definition.

    4. Conflict of interest giving rise to a dispute (conflict).
    5. A group of people with common interests (society).

    1. Mandatory rules of conduct for all (laws) .
    2. Part of the rules of conduct, which the state wrote down in laws and protected by its own force (right) .
    3. The ability of a person to decide what is good and what is bad (conscience) .

    Moral - socially accepted rules of conduct that are not written down in official laws, but are observed by everyone.

    Many are accustomed to dealing with problems with a swoop, and to solve any problems by inspiration. Others firmly believe that success can be achieved if a plan of behavior is made in advance. Such a list of actions can be called a reminder that at any time can tell a person what his next step should be.

    What is a memo?

    If you turn to dictionaries, you can find the following definitions of the word.

    Ozhegov's dictionary says that a memo is a piece of paper or a book that briefly lists instructions and recommendations for a specific case. In addition, there is information about something on the topic of the subject, also indicated in brief.

    But if you turn to Ushakov's dictionary, you can find out that this is such a moralizing case that allows you to avoid a difficult situation in the future. The word was only used in the spoken language and is now considered obsolete.

    Another meaning: a memo is a thing that is kept in order to keep memories of a person or situation, event longer.

    Finally, this is a book that describes step by step how to act. There may also be notes on how a certain item functions, a description of the event and what plan it should go through.

    Rules for travelers

    The simplest memo to a tourist includes everyday things that you need to take with you. When going on a list, you are guaranteed not to forget anything if you add it to the list in advance. In the classic version, they remind you of what you need to take with you:

    • hygiene items;
    • bathroom accessories;
    • individual cosmetics;
    • sunscreens;
    • intimate hygiene products;
    • important and dry wipes, cotton swabs, discs;
    • accessories for creating hairstyles, accessories;
    • deodorant;
    • perfumery;
    • means for manicure;
    • medications;
    • equipment (photo, video, chargers);
    • individual dishes;
    • boiler, camp kettle;
    • umbrella;
    • a small snack on the road (nuts, chocolate, cookies).
    • underwear, as well as socks, tights, stockings;
    • nightwear, home clothes;
    • slippers, slippers;
    • towels;
    • T-shirts, sweatshirts;
    • skirts, jeans;
    • windbreaker.

    If you plan to visit religious places, you need to grab a scarf, a long skirt, possibly a cross. Going to take part in a carnival or other celebratory event You must bring appropriate clothing with you.

    Booklets-reminders for tourists on essentials contain references to what you need to take with you:

    • documentation;
    • money;
    • telephone;
    • notebook;
    • writing utensils.

    What do you need to remember to be safe?

    Safety note:

    • do not walk alone in the evening in places where there is little public;
    • remove jewelry in advance and cover exposed areas of the body;
    • avoid provocations, conflicts;
    • remain calm if you are pestered, including by armed people;
    • try to avoid the short cut;
    • keep a distance with others, go around the gates;
    • when you see a suspicious person, change direction;
    • make noise if an attack is made;
    • in a half-empty bus, choose seats located near the driver's cab;
    • do not sleep in transport;
    • come in, come out when vehicle stopped completely;
    • take care of your property;
    • stand in the central aisle;
    • do not look out of the windows;
    • go out among the first or last, but not in the flea market;
    • cross the street when the bus leaves.

    Code of Practice for Students

    The most relevant memo for students is the basic recommendations for behavior so as not to get hurt or injured. It is believed that the most dangerous places where schoolchildren regularly visit are roads. In addition, there is a high risk of electric shock to children.

    For a child to be in order, he must learn the following rules of behavior:

    • cross the street only on green light;
    • use crossings above the road, underground, walk on zebras;
    • do not ride skateboards, roller skates in places not intended for this;
    • when cycling, always walk across the road;
    • first look to the left, and then, having reached the middle of the road, to the right. You can move if there are no cars nearby.

    In order not to get injured by electricity, another memo will come in handy. These are the following recommendations:

    • do not touch the wires hanging from the poles;
    • do not touch wires with poor insulation, especially bare ones;
    • do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands while they are plugged in, as well as plugs, plugs;
    • do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom;
    • when you turn on the plug, check that it is from the right device;
    • do not use faulty equipment.

    Why are reminders useful?

    As a rule, a reminder is advice that has been tested by generations. They include the most common cases in which a person can be injured, injured, or in danger.

    Following the recommendations specified for long years memos, you can save your health, including mental. Remember, attacks are not uncommon, and only following the safety rules gives you some chance not to end up in this situation, which is dangerous for the psyche and physical condition.

    How to compose for yourself?

    When creating a memo specifically for your life, first pay attention to which aspects are most important to you. For example, when planning a trip, write in the list everything that concerns regular trips or a one-time event. Write down what you need to do, what to take with you, write down all the dates, deadlines in order to navigate the situation as accurately as possible.

    It is important for parents to create reminders of interaction with children, as well as separate lists specifically for their children. For example, when going on vacation with a child, it is necessary to provide for specific things that childless couples do not think about. In order not to miss anything, make a list of points to keep in mind.

    Special reminders for children will help teach the child to be attentive and carefully treat both his life and environment. For example, individual lists can convey information about how not to get into trouble, but others will teach a small person to behave correctly, correctly, not to harm the environment and not bring inconvenience to people around. Raising a child is not an easy task, but the correct use of reminders comes to the rescue.

    Summing up

    In conclusion, I would like to say that a memo is something that comes to the rescue of people in a variety of cases. Finding himself in an extreme situation for the first time, a person can find a way out of it by using the sequence of actions invented for him. For example, during a fire, a terrorist attack, this is absolutely irreplaceable. When it's very difficult to improvise, especially if panic sets in, a well-structured step-by-step list of actions can save many lives.

    Rules of psychology, what are they and why are they needed? We live in a rapidly developing world, we are constantly in contact with people, we strive for something or fall into apathy, we are happy and sad, but you can make life easier and happier. It all depends on our attitude to life, the internal rules of life that we use in practice every day, sometimes not noticing what drives our actions. In the article, we will consider wise advice for life or the rules of psychology for happiness, helping to live a full and happy life, enjoy a new day and achieve any desires.

    Golden Rules of Psychology for Happiness

    The psychology of human life is very multifaceted, including the psychology of success, development, communication, personal growth. What is the first thing you need for a happy life? Consider the basic rules of psychology for a happy person:

    1. Our life is our thought, a reflection of aspirations

    A person cannot change the circumstances of life, but he is able to change his attitude, opinion, thoughts. A person's life moves in the direction of the most powerful thought, concentration of attention, it is useful to learn to direct thinking towards success, prosperity, happiness. Thinking positively, we create new world, and planning new achievements, we create the foundation for a new life, future success.

    2. My life is my choice

    To find inner harmony, happiness, it is important to realize that our life depends on the inner choice that we make every day. Only the person himself decides what to do, with whom to communicate, what activity to devote his life to, whether there will be love in life. Internal protests can interfere with the fulfillment of desires and plans, it is important to believe in yourself and the possibility of self-realization, finding satisfaction in all areas of life.

    The rules of psychology simplify the attitude to life, make it possible to believe in own forces to learn to create life, to change it for the better.

    3. Rule of self-respect

    A sense of the importance of one's own personality, recognition of features and abilities is necessary, then it is possible and happy life. You don’t have to be like everyone else, it is important to discover your potential, learn how to use features in life. Availability high self-esteem and respect helps to achieve high results, psychologists say: it is important to learn to love and accept your own personality in order to receive a response from society. An insecure person cannot reveal his inner talents, attract attention, and receive the respect of society. The process has a direct relationship with internal evaluation.

    4. Right to be wrong

    In the process of life, people tend to make mistakes, wrong actions. This is a normal process - only falling and rising, we learn to walk, in life, too, wisdom comes with age, thanks to the accumulated experience, which is not possible without mistakes. Do not reproach yourself, draw conclusions and live on, avoiding similar actions in the future.

    We are not talking about compliance with the laws, this is mandatory, the main thing is to listen to the inner voice, intuition and conscience, they will not deceive when choosing a solution. And small miscalculations should not affect self-esteem, the more bumps, the more knowledge, the main thing is to continue moving forward with faith in your heart.

    Difficulties are given to a person for growth, overcoming a new frontier - we become stronger, stagnation in life awaits without difficulties, and development is necessary for a happy and successful life. Problems and difficulties are the tasks of life, they must be solved, not experienced.

    5. Right to self-identity

    For a happy life, it is important to understand: each person is unique, everyone has their own characteristics, it is useful to develop their own style, look for interests, inclinations, aspirations inherent at the internal level, seek and find. Do not be afraid to be a "black sheep", it is innovators and people with non-standard thinking who reach heights in life, become famous writers, artists, musicians, politicians.

    It is they who are often leaders, heading business companies, organizations, parties, interest groups. The ability to think, generate ideas, find non-standard approaches are indispensable in life, as well as recognition of one's own characteristics and advantages.

    6. Self-development - the path to a better life

    It is important to understand that it is extremely difficult to change other people, it is better to learn how to get along with relatives, to establish a good relationship with colleagues, to understand how to bring a piece of happiness into your home, relationships, giving - we receive. Life reciprocates. People say: "What you sow, you will reap." In these words - the truth, the main rule of successful communication. So, to receive love - you need to learn to love, to improve communication - to be open and attentive to people, to receive help - to help others.

    The rules of psychology for happiness are logical and fair, they correspond to the rules of the universe.

    7. Live here and now

    Life is today, the current moment, yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. The secret of a happy life is to live today, leaving insults and troubles in the past. Awareness of the importance of life in this moment time, makes a person more attentive, responsible, allows you to get rid of anxiety past life. The past is experience, you need to accept it and forgive yourself and others for mistakes, strive for the best in the future, you can’t change the past, but you can create the future!

    8. Give thanks to life

    It is important to get rid of the feeling of pity and worthlessness that arise in pessimistic people. Noticing the positive aspects of life, it is easier to move forward, to believe in the best. Life is to be thanked for the good and the bad, without negative experience it is impossible to realize the difference, to feel joy and happiness. Recognizing and noticing the good in life, we create the basis for even better, we are looking for new ways and means to achieve high goals.

    9. The world is in harmony

    Happy people, for example, Buddhists know for sure: everything in the world stands in its place - the sun moves, day changes night, winter and spring come, everything changes and is in harmony, according to the laws of the Universe. Such thoughts help to relax, accept the inevitable, it is difficult to control everything in life, only the concentration of attention depends on the person and the thought. Therefore, it is worth observing the beauty in life and thinking calmly, sovereignly, positively, which will ensure a happy life, haste and nervousness harm life, reduce work efficiency.

    "Calm, only calm," as Carlson said. This supreme power helping a person in all life situations.

    10. New day - new chance

    The psychology of life becomes simple if we think as follows: what would I do if it were my last day, what desires would I strive to realize, would I value time more? It is important to realize your interests, aspirations, not to waste time. Learn to appreciate life, because it is given to people only once. Of course, it is difficult to change life drastically. First you need to learn to enjoy life: work, family, benefit from the experience of life, and then change for the better, achieve more.

    The rules of psychology for happiness are simple and important, often echoing folk wisdom, people noticed the laws of life, reflecting in sayings and parables. It is worth gradually changing life, introducing new rules, attitudes, changing ourselves, we take a step towards changes in our own lives, relationships with the outside world, loved ones. Step by step, you can build your own picture of the world, become a truly happy person.

    A good happy life is possible

    You can live a happy life by learning to use the rules of psychology, changing your attitude to life. Happiness is a state of mind, it needs to be cultivated, radiated, not sought. People who are able to be happy in their souls attract other positive-minded individuals, find jobs more easily, find new chances, and achieve success.

    So, the basic principles of the life of a happy person

    Everything that happens is for the best

    An internal mood for positive changes helps to catch a wave of good luck, to see new opportunities. When life gives you a sour lemon, know how to extract lemonade from it. Any event, situation has 2 sides - positive and negative, often the bright side is harder to find, but it exists.

    Forget grievances

    A happy person does not hold evil, he understands: forgiveness helps, first of all, the one who forgives. You need to be healthy, calm, joyful. And the accumulation of resentment leads to diseases and neuroses.

    Be open to communication

    Happy people love to meet, communicate, listen and express their point of view. They understand: every person has the right to different views, this is not a hindrance to friendship and communication. They are always sincere, friendly, positive charge. Ready for cooperation and partnership.

    Take responsibility for life

    They perfectly understand that life is the result of their own efforts, desires, they cultivate a positive perception, set goals and achieve what they want. They never accuse others and the world of injustice, they always begin the analysis with themselves. Calmly perceive mistakes and mistakes. A happy person does not despair in case of failure, but continues to look for ways to get what he wants or sets new tasks: "Everything will work out, good is on our side."

    Be able to give

    For a happy life and harmony in the soul, it is important to be able to give: love, attention, care for people around, share thoughts, time, knowledge with others. By giving, a person becomes more open to the world and, as a result, receives more - love, happiness, well-being. IN modern world consumerism is cultivated, but it does not help to find happiness, but interferes, creates a system of values ​​for egoists. Giving a part of life to others, helping loved ones, we become really happy, we feel our own importance.

    The psychology of human behavior pays special attention to the ability to build relationships, the desire to initially understand, show interest in others, and help create the ground for communication. Each person thinks about his own interests, and, feeling attention from others, begins to reveal his best qualities, to make contact.

    Respect yourself and others

    Self-respect is a necessary condition for a successful and happy life. Understanding your value, you can learn to respect and love other people, show attention, be open to the world. Respect for one's own personality means recognition of one's features, merits, understanding of the importance of one's own life. It also helps to have a mission and its implementation.

    Human psychology is a complex and simple topic, first of all, you need to understand that people are similar, you should treat others as if you were yourself. Kindness, humanity, attention, understanding - have always contributed to mutual understanding.


    The psychology of a person's personality speaks of the importance of confidence in a person's life. With faith in your own strength, you can move mountains, reach unprecedented heights. Happy people believe that they can find everything they want in life, all that is needed is knowledge, perseverance and time to implement plans. Everything is in the hands of man. Confidence can be strengthened with the help of a success diary - write down all the achievements in life, new achievements, positive reviews. Re-read in difficult periods of life, realizing that the difficulties are temporary, you need to continue to act.

    radiate love

    The ability to love the world associated with self-love, when a person can take care of himself, fill own life joy, then he treats the people around him kindly. Naturally, a negative attitude towards oneself is also projected onto the outside world. It is important to preserve harmony in the soul, to grow goodness, joy, to be able to reduce the impact of stress on life, not allowing you to take your anger out on others. There are other ways to discharge - sports, music, hobbies, reading literature.

    The rules of psychology also speak of reciprocity in the world, love gives birth to love, and evil only destroys the world and relationships between people.

    Strive for knowledge

    Happy people read books, constantly striving for development, knowledge of the world, acquiring new knowledge and skills. They realize the importance of obtaining knowledge for a successful life, who owns the information - owns the world. A happy person learns easily, is ready to change jobs, environment, tries not to get hung up on some actions, looking for new ways for self-realization. Although you can get joy from life by changing your attitude to work, family, thanks to the search for positive sides is the first and necessary step.

    Don't expect gratitude

    The psychology of human behavior speaks of the tendency of people to forget about gratitude, therefore, when doing good, you should not wait for a response. It will come from life, not always from a specific person, you need to learn to enjoy giving energy, attention, knowledge. And gratitude is a secondary action, does not always take place in people's behavior and is not worth worrying about.

    be able to switch

    The psychology of human life reminds us that it is harmful to accumulate stress, happy people live in the present moment and do not constantly keep only events and thoughts in their memory. It is important, when leaving work, to forget about work, to be able to switch to household chores, not to bring problems into the house. And at work, concentrate only on work issues. Any action must be completed and the ability to quickly switch helps to maintain a feeling of happiness and health.

    be able to forgive

    A happy person does not hold a grudge in his soul, realizing the futility of such actions, negative thoughts only destroy life and health, it is easier to forgive, understand and live on, enjoying good events in life. The rules of psychology also call for harmony and tranquility, and forgiveness is the path to finding inner peace.

    love to joke

    A smile and laughter save in many situations, humor helps to avoid conflicts, defuse the situation, get out of an uncomfortable situation. Laughter, as psychologists say, prolongs life. It is no coincidence that humor saves from troubles, helps to maintain good relations with people, charges with positive energy.

    Understand the mirror image of the world

    The attitude towards people and life shapes our reality. In addition, each person teaches us something, if something does not suit or annoys, it is worth observing yourself, correcting your own mistakes, negative traits. Honesty, punctuality and responsibility help build trust, find love and great colleagues.

    Simplify life

    A happy person tries to smooth things over, avoid conflicts, minimize troubles, transfer everything into the sphere of kindness and light. Dramatization of the complexities of life only exacerbates their condition, the impact on a person, and a calm attitude helps to find solutions, quickly navigate in the living space, and emerge victorious from any situation. It is important to understand that our problems are not commensurate with the global scale, there are situations that are more complicated, everything is known in comparison. The main principle of life: "everything is fine, but the tasks of life are the regime."

    The rules of psychology help determine the basic principles of life for finding inner happiness.

    It is important to live with an open heart, to be able to rejoice, to notice the light in life. To create happiness - tune in every morning to a positive wave, believe in yourself, love your loved ones. Then happiness will gladly come to the house and will accompany you through life, because a person who radiates light never freezes. People and life are mutual - there is a cycle of happiness and love.

    The happiest life for everyone is their own, they often talk about love, friends, children, well-being, self-realization in their favorite area. All this is possible, observing the rules of psychology and the principles of life of a happy person. For success, you need perseverance and faith, the desire for knowledge, for love - the ability to love and give, for friendship - the ability to understand, show attention, support, for health - love for yourself, care and peace of mind, and also - playing sports.

    Changing the approach to our desires, we realize that in many ways we determine life and our own achievements, which means that any desires and aspirations can become a reality with some effort. The psychology of life helps to acquire important knowledge - to understand the principles of achieving success and the state of happiness. Initially, you need to become a source of happiness, to understand what is missing for calmness, peace, confidence. Learn to create the mood of a happy, successful person.

    How to do it?

    • Smile more often, in the morning, approaching the mirror, say: "I am a wonderful person and a successful and interesting day awaits me", "I easily realize all desires", "my life is changing for the better." Ideally, the selected phrases are repeated 20 times for better perception at the subconscious level;
    • it is useful to listen to positive music - jazz, classical, melodic rock, something inspiring for exploits;
    • keep track of your successes, achievements, write in a diary;
    • learn to find solutions in any situation;
    • remember - it is easier and more efficient to live on the positive, drive away sad thoughts, switch to the good.

    The theme of a happy person in the modern world has gained new form- used to consider the search for happiness in the outside world, they were looking for a bird of happiness, now a new approach has appeared - to find happiness in oneself and create in the world around. Such ideas are more productive, because a person can actively participate in creating his own happiness, and this is more pleasant than waiting on the shore for the good fortune.

    We wish everyone only happiness and success in life!