Children's books      02.03.2020

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And how it helps to learn English. Today we want to talk about poetry. Just imagine how wonderful it is to know by heart a couple of poems about love in English to show off in front of your loved ones!

In our article you will find 30 love poems in English, sorted by increasing difficulty - the very first can be understood by knowing only ground rules grammar.

For some poems, we will give a literary translation, for others we will show you cool videos with star performances, but we will offer to study each poem in the original. Do not be afraid, it will be feasible even for a beginner: by clicking on the links in the article, you will find the texts of poems with clickable subtitles. You can click on the unfamiliar English word and see its translation.

Love poems include not only reflections on love in a romantic way, but also poems dedicated to love for life, family, homeland, etc.

Love Is Elementary, or Short Love Poems in English

by Pablo Neruda (read by Madonna)

A poem by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, sung by the singer Madonna, for those who crave romance in Everyday life. Try to learn it and tell your soulmate!

by Robert Frost

Before you, probably, the most famous translation of this poem is the translation of D. Eidelman.

by P. Sebes

A beautiful modern piece, expressed in an understandable way.

Shakespeare's sonnets are written in a variant of English known as Early Modern English and can be difficult at first. But this is not a problem, catch our short cheat sheet for this sonnet.

Thou - you (subject in the sentence).
Thee - you (addition in the sentence).
Thy / thin - your.
Ye - you (you, i.e. plural).

Also don't forget to click on any unusual expressions - Leo understands Shakespeare's English. 🙂

by Walt Whitman

This is just a snippet from Walt Whitman's beautiful Highway Song, a hymn to life and freedom. A must read aloud in the morning!

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,

Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,

Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,

Strong and content I travel the open road. by Robert Frost

  • by Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Welcome to the World of Poetry: love poems by English poets

    We tried to find love poems that will open the door to the world of English poetry for you, and, we hope, will make you stay in it forever. Reading poetry in English is one of the most unusual ways to learn English. At the same time, it is one of the most harmonious ways to feel literary language. Follow the links to the materials and learn poetry. We wish you success and inspiration!

    This program can be used in teaching elective specialized literature courses in the humanities classes of secondary secondary school. This elective course English poetry» has an educational and upbringing orientation and, along with the expansion of linguistic horizons and skills, contributes to the spiritual and aesthetic development students.

    The main goal of the program is to introduce students to British poetry.

    The elective course introduces students to the main stages in the development of English poetry from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century and contributes to the development of students' oral speech skills.

    English literature has a great upbringing, educational and developmental potential and, in accordance with this, serves to form the qualities of a personality, its orientation, which will ensure the use of the creative capabilities of each student.

    Raising the cultural level of older students by means of the English language is becoming increasingly important.

    The elective course "English Poetry" is implemented through a system of improving language training, which is focused on developing schoolchildren's ability to communicate in a foreign language, allowing them to participate in different situations intercultural communication.

    The course lays the foundation for the development of educational and cognitive abilities of students necessary for further study of the English language and for self-education.

    The main goals are the following:

    Meeting the needs of students in language, cultural education(in the field of literature);

    Deepening and expanding students' knowledge of reading and translating authentic texts.


    Develop translation skills into Russian and English;

    Enrich lexicon students;

    Realize interest in the subject, deepen linguistic knowledge in all types of speech activity;

    Expand ideas about the socio-cultural portrait of the country of the language being studied;

    Prepare students for learning the subject high level under the advanced program;

    To form students' readiness for cultural self-development.

    This program is designed for students in grade 11, it is designed for 17 hours per academic year, once every 2 weeks. The program contains new knowledge representing cognitive interest for students.

    This elective course is built on the basis of the following principles:

    Multicultural development of students, involving a dialogue of cultures and bilingual verbal behavior of students;

    Reliance on interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of students;

    Competence-oriented equipment.

    The learning process for this course involves the use of various methods and forms of organizing the speech activity of students:

    Application of various reading strategies depending on the communicative need;

    Methods of working with various sources (viewing, selection, analysis, adaptation for further use);

    Technique for preparing and conducting discussions, role-playing games, interviews;

    Carrying out independent work.

    The program provides for the establishment of the degree of achievement final results through the control system in the form of oral answers, tests, written works - essays, interviews and in the form of participation in the defense of design works.

    Criteria for evaluation of oral and written works:

    Correspondence given topic;

    Linguistic correctness;

    Reasoned expression of opinion.

    Requirements for the level of mastering the course.

    At the end of the course, students should:

    demonstrate the level of formation of language, speech, sociocultural, subject and informational competence, which consists in the skills and abilities to search for new information;

    be able to translate excerpts from works fiction;

    be able to write creative work(essay, project, article);

    be able to participate in the discussion;

    be able to make oral presentations in English using multimedia tools.

    As defining criteria for the level of formation communication skills should be considered:

    For reading - the ability of students to find the necessary information in English, to understand and identify the main facts, to separate the main facts from the secondary ones, to complete a number of tasks;

    For listening - listening comprehension of a small message, built on the study of material in a sound recording; the ability to ask two or three questions, perform a series of tasks;

    For writing - the student's ability to correctly, in accordance with the communicative task, fill out a table, diagram and write a plan;

    For oral-speech interaction - the student's ability to build a coherent statement on the topic, possession of different speech forms, correspondence to the communicative task.

    Methods and techniques used in elective course"English Poetry".

    Usage modern technologies in the learning process in order to involve students in interactive learning English language(applications of information technology).

    Organization learning activities in various modes


    steam room;


    3) The use of multi-level learning in the organization of reading, speaking, listening and writing.

    4) Conducting lectures, seminars; preparation, presentation and protection of projects using a computer.


    Number of hours

    W. Shakespeare

    Richard Michael Fox

    5. Educational and thematic plan


    The form of organization of the activities of the teacher and the student

    form of control

    The dawn of English literature. Poem Beowulf.

    Lecture with elements of conversation. Commenting on concepts new vocabulary.

    Conversations, discussions

    Folk ballads about Robin Hood

    Presentation and development of terms. Reading, analysis, translation.

    Oral survey on lexical units. Discussion on the topic "Robin Hood - the national hero of England."

    Renaissance in England. William Shakespeare. Sonnets

    W. Shakespeare

    Lecture with elements of conversation. Reading and analysis of sonnets, their translation.

    Discussion topics on questions. Discussion on the theme "My favorite sonnet of Shakespeare".

    John Milton - English poet bourgeois revolution 17th century

    Presentation and development of new vocabulary. Reading and analysis.

    Oral survey on lexical units.

    Oliver Goldsmith is a representative of the sentimental trend in English literature of the 18th century. Poem "Abandoned Village"

    Lecture with elements of discussion. Reading and translation of poetry.

    Analysis. Translation.

    Robert Burns is the most democratic poet of the 18th century.

    Introduction, development of lexical units. Reading and translation of poetry.

    Oral presentations of projects on the topic "Enlightenment in the UK".

    William Wordsworth. "Poets of the Lake District"

    Introduction and development of lexical units. Lectures with elements of conversation.

    Essay writing "Poets of the Lake District".

    George Gordon Byron - a fighter for the freedom and independence of peoples.

    Lectures with elements of discussion. Reading and translation of poetry.

    monologues. Answers on questions ( role-playing game, press conference)

    Percy Bysshe Shelley - representative of English revolutionary romanticism

    Presentation and development of new vocabulary. Mini-lecture with elements of conversation. Reading, analysis and translation of poems

    Oral survey on lexical units. Translation analysis.

    John Keats - English Romantic poet

    Introduction and development of lexical units. Lecture with elements of conversation. Practical grammar. Role play preparation.

    monologues. Answers on questions. Grammar test. Role-playing game.

    Thomas Moore "Irish Melodies"

    Mini lecture. Reading, analysis, translation.

    Answers on questions.

    Elizabeth Barreta Browning "The Cry of the Children"

    Mini lecture. Reading, analysis of translations.

    literary test.

    Williams Jones - representative of the revolutionary Chartist poetry

    Introduction and development of lexical units. Lecture with elements of discussion.

    Conversations. Discussions.

    Robert Bridges "London Snow"

    Mini lecture. Reading and translation.

    Discussion on questions.

    Jonathan Denwood - English working class poet of the early 20th century

    Mini-lecture with elements of conversation.

    Translation analysis.

    Richard Michael Fox

    Presentation of new vocabulary. Reading and analysis.

    Answers on questions.

    Edward Lear is the best writer of short poems

    Lecture with elements of conversation. Reading and translation of poetry. Project preparation.

    Translation analysis. Preparation of projects on the theme "English poets of the 20th century".

    Implementation of control.

    The control parameters are the formation of students' skills in using reference and popular science literature, as well as a computer when performing various kinds tasks, projects. current control provides for testing the ability to use reference and popular science literature, a computer in the search for given information and is carried out on the following topics of the course:

    - "Robin Hood is the national hero of England";

    - "My favorite Shakespeare sonnet";

    - Enlightenment in Great Britain;

    - "Poets of the Lake District";

    - English poets of the 20th century.

    The final control includes the defense of projects on the topic “English poets of the 20th century. Their contribution to world literature.

    Forms of control:

    Oral responses on the topic;

    Written assignments;


    Analysis of translations;

    Open discussions and conversations.

    1. Literature:
    2. Volosova T.D. "English literature". M., Enlightenment, 1974
    3. Gekker M.Yu. "English literature". M., Enlightenment, 1975
    4. Pagis N.A. "The Wonderful World of English Literature". M., Flinta, Nauka, 2003
    5. Anikst A. and Kornilova E. “Selected English Poems of Classical and contemporary poets". M., Education, 1952