Literature      01/14/2021

What is an elective in school? Elective course. The difference between an elective and an elective. What is VPR in school? All-Russian test work in elementary school What is at school

In the recent past, every modern parent went to school, wrote tests and took exams. Time passes, and innovations appear in the education system. Unified State Examination, OGE, VPR are sonorous abbreviations that today's schoolchildren hear every day. If your child is studying at school, then you will definitely have to find out what CDF is at school, this will begin state tests already in the fourth grade. The OGE is taken by students of the ninth grade, and at the end of the secondary educational institution, the USE awaits everyone. But first things first, let's figure out what awaits elementary school graduates.

What is VPR at school

Russian schoolchildren first wrote a VPR in the Russian language in 2015, and in subsequent years, tests in mathematics and the world around were added. All-Russian verification work(VPR) - these are final examinations in various subjects. VPR was introduced for a systematic assessment of the level school education countrywide. These works are developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and evaluate not only students, but also the quality of education in different schools.

If we compare the VPR with the Unified State Examination, then we can see common features, and the difference. Both types of tests assess the level of knowledge of the student, but the VPR is not a state final certification, and all students move to the next class, regardless of the results.

Students write VLOOKUP for the first time at the end of fourth grade and then every school year until graduation. And this is a good rehearsal before passing at the end of training.

Why do we need VLOOKUP

What is VPR at school, we figured it out. The second question to be answered is: "For what and who needs it?"

Of course, the results are indicative for students and their parents. They determine the level of preparation of the child and the quality of the educational services specific school.

The results are important for educators to assess the quality of their work and compare with the indicators of the whole country. Analysis of the results of the VPR at school makes it possible to evaluate and adjust the methods of teaching and presenting information.

It is difficult to come up with a more objective method for evaluating teachers by the administration. educational institutions. VLOOKUP allows you to do this without prejudice.

In addition, "weak" schools come under special control of the education departments of the municipal, regional and federal levels, and support measures are being developed for them.

Thus, VPRs provide an opportunity to bring education throughout the country to a single standard and to maximize the level of education in each school.

How VPR is carried out in primary grades

To carry out the VPR, a school order is issued, which regulates the procedure for conducting work. This document defines the main parameters of the procedure:

  • members of the VPR organization;
  • responsible persons and inspectors;
  • determination of the terms for how long the CD should be kept at the school, and the persons responsible for preservation;
  • the procedure for conducting and evaluating and other important points;

The main duty of parents is to ensure the presence of the child at the control work. As part of the VPR in primary school Parents and students are introduced to general requirements to control work and final results.

VPR for the fourth grades are held on the same dates throughout the country. Tasks designed by experts federal level and are the same for all schools.

The works are also uniform:

  • willingness to continue learning;
  • Willingness to put knowledge into practice.

All-Russian verification work is carried out on special forms, where instead of the last name and first name of the student, a four-digit code is indicated. This measure allows you to exclude a biased attitude towards a particular student on the part of the teacher during the test. Evaluation of work is carried out according to the specified criteria received along with the assignment.

Before starting work, a briefing is given, then the students proceed directly to the control, for which they are given one lesson - 45 minutes of time. Usage additional materials(books, atlases, dictionaries, calculators) during work is not allowed. You can only use drafts, but entries on them are not taken into account when checking.

What is CDF at school and why they are carried out, we figured it out, now let's talk about CDF by individual items.

What subjects are VPR

At the end of the fourth grade, every Russian student must write a VPR in three subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • the world.

There are no answer numbers in the papers, as in the test, all tasks provide for an independent answer. The VPR includes tasks that touch on the most important topics in the preparation of elementary school children.

VPR in Russian

The Russian language test in the fourth grade consists of two parts, and two lessons are given for it on different days. The first part includes a dictation and two tasks for it, the second part consists of twelve tasks, nine of them according to the proposed text. In total, fifteen tasks are obtained in the control, two of which are of increased complexity.

Maximum amount points that a student can get is 38.

  • from 0 to 13 points - 2;
  • from 14 to 23 points - 3;
  • from 24 to 32 points - 4;
  • from 33 to 38 points - 5.

VLOOKUP in mathematics

Mathematics test is carried out in one lesson and offers eleven tasks. When performing, some of the tasks require only an answer, some involve a drawing, and the rest require both a solution and an answer. The maximum number of points a student can receive is 18.

Points are converted into grades in accordance with the following scale:

  • from 0 to 5 points - 2;
  • from 6 to 9 points - 3;
  • from 10 to 12 points - 4;
  • from 13 to 18 points - 5.

VLOOKUP around the world

The control, as well as work in mathematics, is carried out in one lesson and includes ten tasks, three of which are at an advanced level. Some of the tasks require the choice of the correct image, some - a short answer, some - a detailed answer. The maximum number of points a student can receive is 31.

Points are converted into grades in accordance with the following scale:

  • from 0 to 7 points - 2;
  • from 8 to 17 points - 3;
  • from 18 to 25 points - 4;
  • from 26 to 31 points - 5.

How to prepare a child for a VPR

Special preparation for the VPR at school is not required. The knowledge that the child received over the course of four years of study is quite enough. The score for the VPR is not final for all years and does not play a role in the future learning activities child.

Experienced teachers are optimistic about such work, do not seek to “train” students a month before the appointed date, but systematically, efficiently and interestingly teach the subject, which allows them to achieve good results. It is unprofessional on the part of the teacher to create an aura of high importance and nervousness around the CM, this has a negative effect on the psyche of the students, and the results may be lower real level knowledge.

In order for your child to excel in CDF at the end of elementary school, you can follow following advice experienced teachers:

  • For good results of dictation in the Russian language, it will be useful to develop the child's ability to write from dictation different people. For four years, the child gets used to the voice of his teacher, his intonation and timbre.
  • To prepare for the VPR, you can use the task bank, which is located on educational resources, and additionally study at home.
  • It is necessary to increase the level of general erudition of the child, to read books and encyclopedias.
  • Do not create additional stress for the child around CM, be calm, do not make excessive demands.
  • Do not try to “shove” all the knowledge over the past month into the child’s head, this will lead to overstrain.

All students, starting from the fourth grade, are waiting for the annual VPR at the school. Deciphering this sonorous abbreviation is not so scary. Like any other test, it requires the assimilation of the material covered and the ability to apply it in practice. Parents, students, and teachers need to be calm about such tests. Monitoring the level of knowledge of students and subsequent corrective actions can raise general level education in the country.

It seems that children are the cutest and kindest creatures on the planet. However, in fact the opposite is true. Exactly at school age Children are the most aggressive. Bullying is a common occurrence among children, where there is bullying, violence, persecution of one child by another or even by a whole team. The children themselves will not solve the problem, the victim will suffer. Teachers and parents should fight to prevent bullying at school.

The Internet magazine site calls child bullying a kind of instinctive behavior when a weak link in a team causes a desire to eliminate it. Bullying also exists in nature. Animals kill their own kind when they are weak, sick, underdeveloped. In other words, this is the evolutionary mechanism of nature itself, which is aimed at ensuring that only the strongest, healthy, genetically developed survive in the world.

Bullying arises on the basis of the desire of children to eliminate from their society those whom they consider weak, infirm, dysfunctional, that is, evolutionarily unsuitable for further development and breeding of their offspring. But since we are talking about people, bullying becomes a negative phenomenon. The victim, who can become a child, suffers the most psychologically:

  1. From a low-income or disadvantaged family.
  2. Weak.
  3. With physical problems.
  4. Well trained (as he is called "nerd").
  5. Shy.
  6. With talents.
  7. Indecisive.
  8. Retarded in intellect or psyche.

In simple words, bullying is the aggressive behavior of children towards a specific person. Moreover, this is not just a rejection of a person, since he is significantly different in some way, but a targeted persecution of him. To constantly, daily carried out, ridicule, bullying.

What is bulling?

It is necessary to distinguish between mobbing and bullying - two types of persecution. Bullying is understood as persecution, beating, violence, terror, harassment, that is, a physical impact on the victim that a person or a whole team wants to eliminate. Mobbing involves moral, psychological violence - gossip, name-calling, ridicule, cruel jokes, ignoring.

Bullying is a common occurrence among children today. If it seems to you that this has never happened before, then you are mistaken. About half of the children experienced physical abuse, and approximately 20% of the children themselves became the initiators of bullying.

Bullying is based on the inequality of forces (numerical, psychological or physical), which causes an acute reaction in the victim and the inability to protect himself. Bullying is usually carried out strong man, which can put pressure on the weak spot of the victim:

  1. Hardy and strong poison the weak.
  2. A group of children attacks singles.
  3. Group leaders bully the mentally unstable.

School bullying usually wears a uniform when high school students hazing and start bullying individuals with elementary school. They take away their money, toys, phones, meals, etc. Already in high school bullying often turns into mobbing - when gossip begins to bloom, the whole class ignores or totally boycotts against someone, humiliatingly jokes or taunts the victim.

Bullying often begins with the aggressive behavior of one person (in order to increase their self-esteem, attract attention, demonstrate their dominance, leadership) in relation to another. Here, the surrounding children are divided into three groups: supporting bullying, defending the victim, and bystanders who do not care what happens. If the victim does not protect himself in any way, takes the position of accepting that violence is happening to him, this can cause anger and irritation among those who previously defended him. At best, the victim's former helpers will step aside when they don't care what's going on. But often the former defenders of the victim soon become the ones who attack her, because they are outraged by her behavior.

Bullying always occurs where a person can be devalued, for a team this is normal. In this case, the victim often loses the ability to somehow satisfy his needs and needs in the team, first falls into apathy, and then unconscious aggression. If a person is brought up by parents in such a way that human dignity is above some norms and generally accepted rules, then there will be no bullying in such a team.

The individual becomes the victim.

  • Standing out from the rest in clothes, appearance, abilities, tastes, etc.
  • Doesn't fit into the norm.
  • New members of the team who do not want to behave as accepted in the group.
  • WITH hypersensitivity, which is easy to offend, which allows you to get a charge of positive energy.
  • An accidental child who first became a victim of harassment (psychological or moral) by authority - parents or teachers. At first, the teacher, in front of the whole class, humiliates a particular student, and then the whole class picks up the permitted behavior, begins to poison the victim.

Not all children become bullies either. There must be prerequisites for the occurrence of bullying behavior towards other children:

  1. Lack of care and love, bordering on indifference on the part of parents.
  2. The absence of authorities and prohibitions, ignorance of the norms of behavior and the inability to build friendly relations.

Bullers actually experience aggression and pain within themselves towards parents who do not give them love. So they look for ways to release their experiences. They are looking for the weak and infirm, over whom they can dominate, which will allow them to feel power over someone else's life, since they cannot control their own.

Bullers divide the world into black and white. They clearly divide people into friends and foes. At the same time, they carefully choose those with whom they will communicate (only those who are worthy of their attention are suitable). Bullers are afraid of one thing - defeat, so they choose not the weak as victims, but those who cannot answer them.

Bullying leads to negative consequences for all participants in the process. The victim comes to:

  1. Drug or alcohol addiction.
  2. Sleep problems, loss of appetite.
  3. Decrease in learning ability, mental activity.
  4. Psychological problems.
  5. Absenteeism.
  6. The choice of a profession that is not related to communication with other people and work in a team.
  7. Loneliness for life.

Bullers also come to negative consequences:

  1. Social unfulfillment, because their behavior patterns do not help them in adult real life.
  2. Difficulties in communicating with people because they hate them.
  3. Personal violations.
  4. Criminal actions.

Bullying often occurs in the school environment, where children are most relentless due to the accumulated internal stress. Bullying can be of a different nature, ranging from pushing in the corridor and pulling pigtails to beatings, cuts, damage to property.

Bullying can be passive in nature, when the victim is simply ignored, boycotted, not involved in public life class, and an active nature, where the victim is constantly physically beaten, taunted, gossiped, threatened or blackmailed.

The easiest version of bullying is verbal abuse, ridicule, threats, curses. Since modern children there are various technical devices, the so-called cyberbullying is developing - when the victim is insulted and humiliated in various ways on the Internet in in social networks. It uses verbal threats, ridicule, insults, videos and photos that are real or edited and put the victim in the worst possible light.

The reasons for bullying are:

  1. Personal unfulfillment of the internal needs of the child.
  2. The behavior model of the parents that the child copies. Adults also humiliate, insult someone, treat a child in a similar way.
  3. The behavior of teachers who are professionally burnt out, have low qualifications or are not personally mature. Such teachers allow themselves to humiliate students, compare them, punish them inadequately. Children adopt this model of behavior towards the one whom the teacher treats with disdain.

First of all, the students themselves can stop bullying. Buller can stop his actions if he is influenced by adults. But the victim can become strong herself or use the strength and help of her defenders when they appear.

How to stop child bullying?

The victim needs to seek help from adults (parents, teachers, older siblings) to get support from them. Buller should be stopped by stronger personalities, but no arguments will help. Here you need to deprive the buller of the audience for whom he works. After all, while there are spectators, he shows his aggression, thereby showing how strong and powerful he is.

If bullying occurs during the lesson, then teachers should stop presenting the material and move on to educational measures. After all, the school should not only give knowledge, but also engage in the moral education of children.

At home, the parents of both the victim and the bully must give their children the attention they deserve. Here you need to communicate with children, listen to their experiences, be interested in their opinion, be patient, especially at first, while the child is closed.

If a child turns out to be a bully, then parents do not need to punish him, because this will only further alienate him from adults. It is necessary to talk frankly about what pushes the child to such behavior. What is behind a child's desire to harm another student? If parents fail to find out on their own, then you need to use the help of a psychologist (at least a school one).

Quite often it turns out that the victims and bullies are children who live in the same family environment. Only one child chooses the position of the aggressor, and the second - a helpless person. However, the buller and the victim are the same in their troubles, so they are attracted to each other.

Bullying prevention

Bullying can be prevented if adults - both parents and teachers - work on it:

  1. Within the family, create a comfortable environment where the wishes and thoughts of the child are heard, and the needs are met as much as possible.
  2. Teachers should pay due attention not only to the teaching of the material, but also to the upbringing of children. Create an atmosphere of mutual respect and mutual assistance within the class.
  3. Prevent children from watching films, programs and TV shows that demonstrate violence and disrespect for other people.
  4. It is necessary to engage in the education of certain qualities of character that will contribute to peaceful coexistence with other people.
  5. Teach behavioral patterns of communication and contact with other children.


Bullying is a relationship between the strong and the weak, where people share and clearly take their positions. Often this occurs in teams where there is a hierarchy. Buller is trying to take a leading position. And the only available way that is understandable to any child is the use of verbal or physical violence, since, most likely, this model of behavior is familiar to him when observing his parents.

The modernization of domestic school education has led to the emergence new form learning. The elective course, which appeared at the basic and senior levels of education, is mandatory. His student chooses according to his interests and creative abilities.

Historical reference

In 2002, the Russian Federation adopted the Concept of specialized education at the senior level (grades 10-11), approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It was during this period that elective courses in individual academic subjects, as well as intersubject courses, appeared.

Normative base

What documents are used in profile education in Russian schools? Electives, electives are created taking into account the following documents:

  • Federal Basic Curriculum (2004).
  • Concepts of modernization of domestic education.
  • Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2001.

In Russia, a special information and legal base for elective courses has been created. It consists of the following documents:

  • information letter on the organization of elective courses in specialized education.
  • appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the introduction of special pre-profile training for schoolchildren.
  • recommendations for creating training based on individual curricula schoolchildren.

Learning structure

The model of organization of specialized education at the senior level has a certain structure. High school students are offered an elective course, within the framework of which a combination of various subjects is carried out school curriculum. The flexible system of profile education created at the same time includes the following types of academic disciplines:

  • elective;
  • profile;
  • general education basic.

Features of electives

What is an elective in school? These are courses that have a wide range of tasks and functions:

  • provide a deep level of assimilation of core subjects (sections);
  • promote familiarity with related academic subjects("Biochemistry", "Physical Chemistry", "Computer Graphics");
  • guarantee an increased level of mastering the basic academic disciplines (for example, electives in the Russian language in grades 10-11 are aimed at preparing for a successful passing the exam);
  • help teenagers learn how to solve various practical problems, successfully adapt to the social environment;
  • create continuous career guidance work;
  • help satisfy cognitive interest schoolchildren to certain subjects;
  • are a way to promote graduates in the labor market (electives in office work, accounting).

What else do electives matter? English language, which is currently international, children can learn not only in traditional lessons, but also in electives.

Nowadays, employers need employees who can take responsibility for certain actions. In order to fully fulfill the social order, schools organize additional classes with a different focus.

What is an elective? This is a course in one or more disciplines, attending which is an excellent way for the student to develop intellectual and creative abilities.

Discussing what an elective is, we note that it helps teachers to introduce into the educational and educational process FGOS new generation.

The key idea of ​​specialized education is to increase the growth of opportunities for students. Prev specialized training was introduced at the second educational level - in grade 9. What is a career guidance elective?

How are electives different from electives? main feature The first is that they are mandatory, but electives are not. Despite the fact that the child himself can choose an elective course, it will not work to avoid attending at least one. But you can study electives if you wish.

This is a course in which children are offered not only a variety of tests, but also information about the characteristics of professions, the demand for various specialists in the labor market.

Course Requirements

How should the elective program in the Russian language, mathematics, chemistry, biology be designed? This question worries many teachers working at the basic and senior levels of education.

Elective courses must meet certain requirements. The main ones are:

  • the content of the courses must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, include material that goes beyond the regular school curriculum;
  • the child should have the right to choose;
  • courses are offered at the rate of 10-12 hours, so that children can master several programs in a year.

Varieties of courses

Having found out what an elective is, let's move on to their subdivision. Teachers develop two options:

  • subject-oriented;
  • interdisciplinary.

An example of an elective "Beyond Chemistry Textbooks"

Problem solving is an important aspect that allows you to qualitatively and deeply assimilate educational material in chemistry. The proposed course allows you to modernize the skills and abilities of schoolchildren in the field of calculation problems, introduces you to different algorithms, promotes practical application acquired knowledge.

The ability to solve chemical problems is a criterion for a creative attitude to this academic discipline. When passing the exam in chemistry, students must demonstrate not only knowledge, but also non-standard thinking, logic. As part of the course, workshops are carried out that allow students to take the initiative and develop independence.

An important aspect is the application of computational problems related to medicine, biology, ecology, and physics. The course equips students with basic algorithms for solving non-standard and standard tasks. It focuses teenagers on the natural science profile, designed for 68 hours.

Its main essence is to bring the children to the realization of the connection between chemical education and life in society. An active life position is formed, ideas are laid for the application of theoretical skills in Everyday life. By its typology, this elective course is interdisciplinary.

The purpose of the elective

The course clearly traces the unity of the material world, which contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

When performing individual and group tasks, during discussions, students receive general educational skills, improve their logical thinking.

This course introduces high school students to the following professions: ecologist, doctor, biologist, analytical chemist, etc.

Course Objectives:

  • creation of favorable conditions for creative self-realization and formation of cognitive interest;
  • analysis of students' readiness to master the material advanced level difficulties in chemistry;
  • the formation of full-fledged calculation skills, as well as the ability to select a rational way to solve the proposed problem;
  • professional orientation.

Expected results

Students should know:

  • solutions different types tasks;
  • formulas needed to find the answer to the question;
  • basic and alternative ways solving chemical tasks;
  • physical and chemical quantities.
  • choose independently rational option solutions;
  • arrange the task in accordance with the requirements.
  1. Introduction to the elective course (1 hour).
  2. Analysis of algorithms for solving chemical problems for inorganic reactions (4 hours).
  3. Performing abbreviation exercises structural formulas branched C7–C10 hydrocarbons, as well as their isomers (4 h).
  4. Tasks using the terms "molar fraction", "volume content", "molar concentration of solutions" (3 hours).
  5. Consideration of assignments for determination molecular formulas various substances according to known masses of reactants or combustion products (5 hours).
  6. Olympiad tasks on the topics: "Alkanes" (2 hours).
  7. Analysis of calculation tasks on the topic "Cycloalkanes" (5 hours).
  8. The specifics of considering tasks for identifying molecular formulas of organic compounds of a certain homologous series based on chemical reactions with their direct participation (based on ethylene homologues) (2 hours).
  9. Tasks of the Olympiad level on the topics: "Alkadiens" (2 hours) and "Alkins" (2 hours).
  10. Exercises on the topics: "Benzene" (2 hours), "Arenas" (1 hour).
  11. Test work on the considered algorithms (1 hour).
  12. Combined tasks in the section "Hydrocarbons and their compounds" (3 hours).
  13. Compilation of chemical reactions by the method of electronic balance involving various classes organic matter(3 hours).
  14. Tasks of the Olympiad level on topics: "Ultimate monohydric alcohols" (2 hours); "Polyhydric saturated alcohols - ethylene glycol and glycerin" (1 hour); "Phenols and aromatic alcohols" (1 hour).
  15. Combined tasks for alcohols (3 hours).
  16. Tasks profile level on the topics: “Carbonyl compounds: aldehydes and ketones” (1 hour), “Limited monobasic carboxylic acids” (2 hours); "Unsaturated and aromatic carboxylic acids" (1 hour).
  17. Tasks on the genetic relationship of carboxylic acids with others organic compounds(3 hours).
  18. Tasks different levels Difficulties by section: Esters"(2 hours), "Fats" (2 hours), "Carbohydrates are sugars" (2 hours).
  19. Drawing up a genetic relationship between different classes of organic substances, the implementation of ready-made schemes (3 hours).
  20. Combined tasks on topics: "Hydrocarbons" and "Oxygen-containing substances" (3 hours).
  21. Test on the passed material (2 hours).


After the introduction of new generation standards at the primary and basic levels of education, schools began to introduce pre-profile and profile education. In the ninth grade, in addition to career guidance electives, children are offered several more subject courses, the choice of which will allow them to prepare for the final state certification, to think over their future choice of profession.

Teachers are increasingly trying to develop interdisciplinary electives, the content of which is related to several subject areas at once. Attending classes allows the children to choose the scientific field, which is most interesting to them, to deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge in it.