Jurisprudence      05/14/2020

Who is the author of the Russian preface to Mein Kampf. "Mein Kampf". The most dangerous book in the world? Review of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler

("Mein Kampf" - "My Struggle"), Hitler's book in which he detailed his political program. In Nazi Germany, Mein Kampf was considered the bible of National Socialism, it gained fame even before its publication, and many Germans believed that the Nazi leader was able to bring to life everything that he outlined on the pages of his book. Hitler wrote the first part of Mein Kampf in Landsberg Prison, where he was serving time for an attempted coup d'état (see The Beer Putsch of 1923). Many of his associates, including Goebbels, Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg, had already published pamphlets or books, and Hitler was eager to prove that, despite his insufficient education, he was also capable of contributing to political philosophy. Since the stay of almost 40 Nazis in prison was easy and comfortable, Hitler spent many hours dictating the first part of the book to Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. The second part was written by him in 1925-27, after the re-establishment of the Nazi Party.

Hitler originally titled his book Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice. However, the publisher Max Amann, not satisfied with such a long title, shortened it to "My Struggle". Loud, raw, pompous in style, the first draft of the book was oversaturated with length, verbosity, indigestible turns, constant repetitions, which betrayed a half-educated person in Hitler. The German writer Lion Feuchtwanger noted in the original edition thousands of grammatical errors. Although many stylistic corrections were made in subsequent editions, the overall picture remained the same. Nevertheless, the book was a huge success and turned out to be very profitable. By 1932, 5.2 million copies had been sold; it has been translated into 11 languages. When registering a marriage, all newlyweds in Germany were forced to buy one copy of Mein Kampf. Huge circulations made Hitler a millionaire.

The main theme of the book was Hitler's racial doctrine. The Germans, he wrote, must be aware of the superiority of the Aryan race and preserve racial purity. Their duty is to increase the size of the nation in order to fulfill their destiny - to achieve world domination. Despite the defeat in the 1st World War, it is necessary to regain strength. Only in this way can the German nation in the future take its place as the leader of mankind.

Hitler described the Weimar Republic as "the greatest mistake of the 20th century", "the ugliness of the life order". He outlined three basic ideas about the state structure. First of all, these are those who understand the state as simply, to one degree or another, a voluntary community of people headed by the government. This notion comes from the largest group - the "crazy" who personify the "state power" (StaatsautoritIt) and force the people to serve them, instead of serving the people themselves. An example is the Bavarian People's Party. The second, less numerous group recognizes state power subject to certain conditions, such as "freedom", "independence" and other human rights. These people expect that such a state will be able to function in such a way that everyone's wallet will be filled to capacity. This group is replenished mainly from among the German bourgeoisie, from the liberal democrats. The third, weakest group places their hopes on the unity of all people who speak the same language. They hope to achieve national unity through language. The position of this group, controlled by the Nationalist Party, is the most precarious due to the obvious deceitful fraud. Some of the peoples of Austria, for example, will never be able to be Germanized. A Negro or a Chinese can never become a German just because he speaks German fluently. "Germanization can only happen on land, not in language." Nationality and race, continued Hitler, are in the blood, not in the language. The mixing of blood in the German state can be stopped only by removing from it everything that is defective. Nothing good happened in the eastern regions of Germany, where the Polish elements, as a result of mixing, defiled the German blood. Germany was in a foolish position when it was widely believed in America that immigrants from Germany were all Germans. In fact, it was a "Jewish counterfeit of the Germans." Title of the original edition of Hitler's book submitted to Echer under the title "Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice" Title of the original edition of Hitler's book submitted to Echer under the title "Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice"

All three of these views state structure fundamentally false, wrote Hitler. They do not recognize the key factor, which is that the artificially created state power is based ultimately on racial foundations. The first duty of the state is to preserve and maintain its racial foundations. “The fundamental concept is that the State has no boundaries, but implies them. This is precisely the prerequisite for the development of a higher Kultur, but not the reason for it.

The reason lies solely in the existence of a race capable of perfecting its own Kultur. Hitler formulated seven points of the "duties of the state": 1. The concept of "race" must be put in the center of attention. 2. It is necessary to maintain racial purity. 3. As a matter of priority, introduce the practice of modern birth control. The sick or the weak should be forbidden to have children. The German nation must be prepared for future leadership. 4. It is necessary to encourage sports among young people to an unprecedented level of fitness. 5. It is necessary to make military service final and high school. 6. Particular importance should be given to the study of race in schools. 7. It is necessary to awaken patriotism and national pride among citizens.

Hitler did not tire of preaching his ideology of racial nationalism. Echoing Houston Chamberlain, he wrote that the Aryan or Indo-European race, and, above all, the Germanic or Teutonic, is precisely the "chosen people" that the Jews spoke of, and on which the very existence of man on the planet depends. “Everything that we admire on this earth, whether it be achievements in the field of science or technology, is the creation of the hands of a few nations and, probably, most likely, of one single race. All the achievements of our Kultur are the merit of this nation.” In his opinion, this only race is the Aryan. “History makes it very clear that any mixing of Aryan blood with the blood of lower races leads to the degradation of the Kultur bearer. North America, whose vast population is composed of Germanic elements, and which has mixed only in a small degree with the lower, colored races, represents the model of civilization and Kultur, in contrast to Central or South America where the Romanesque immigrants have largely assimilated into the local population". Germanized North America, by contrast, managed to remain "racially pure and unmixed." Some country boy who can't understand racial laws can get himself in trouble. Hitler urged the Germans to join the victory parade (Siegeszug) of the "chosen races". It is enough to destroy the Aryan race on earth, and humanity will plunge into a gaping darkness comparable to the Middle Ages.

Hitler divided all mankind into three categories: the creators of civilization (Kulturbegrönder), the bearers of civilization (KulturtrIger) and the destroyers of civilization (Kulturzerstirrer). To the first group he attributed the Aryan race, that is, the Germanic and North American civilizations, as being of paramount importance. The gradual worldwide spread of the Aryan civilization up to the Japanese and other "morally dependent races" led to the creation of the second category - the bearers of civilization. To this group, Hitler ranked mainly the peoples of the East. Only by appearance the Japanese and other carriers of civilization remain Asians; in essence they are Aryans. To the third category of destroyers of civilization - Hitler carried the Jews.

Hitler again repeated that as soon as geniuses appear in the world, humanity will immediately rank among them the "race of geniuses" - the Aryans. Genius is an innate quality, because "it originates in the brain of a child." Coming into contact with the lower races, the Aryan subordinates them to his will. However, instead of keeping his blood pure, he began to mix with the natives, until he began to take on the spiritual and physical qualities of an inferior race. The continuation of this blood-mixing would mean the destruction of the old civilization and the loss of the will to resist (Widerstandskraft), which belongs exclusively to the bearers of pure blood. The Aryan race occupied its high place in civilization because it was aware of its destiny; the Aryan was always ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of other people. This fact shows who is the crown of the future of mankind and what is the "essence of sacrifice."

Many pages of the book are devoted to Hitler's contemptuous attitude towards the Jews. “The sharp opposite of the Aryan is the Jew. Hardly any nation on earth possessed the instinct of self-preservation to the extent that it was developed by the so-called. "chosen people". The Jews never had their own Kultur, they always borrowed it from others and developed their intellect by coming into contact with other nations. Unlike the Aryans, the desire of the Jews for self-preservation does not go beyond the personal. Jewish feeling"complicity" (Zusammengehirigkeitsgef?hl) is based on "a very primitive herd instinct". The Jewish race was "overtly selfish" and possessed only an imaginary Kultur. You don't have to be an idealist to be convinced of this. The Jews were not even a race of nomads, because the nomads at least had an idea of ​​the word "work".

In addition to hatred of the Jews, Hitler did not bypass Marxism. He blamed the Marxists for the ongoing corruption of national blood and the loss of national ideals in Germany. Marxism will suppress German nationalism until he, Hitler, assumes the role of savior.

Hitler attributed the diabolical influence of Marxism to the Jews, who would like to uproot "the carriers of the national intellect and make them slaves in their own country." The most horrific example of such an effort is Russia, where, as Hitler wrote, "thirty million were allowed to starve to death in terrible agony, while educated Jews and crooks from the stock market sought dominion over a great people."

A racially pure people, Hitler wrote, could never be enslaved by the Jews. Everything on earth can be corrected, any defeat can be turned into victory in the future. The revival of the German spirit will come if the blood of the German people is kept pure. Hitler attributed the defeat of Germany in 1918 to racial reasons: 1914 was the last attempt by those interested in national preservation of forces to resist the impending pacifist-Marxist mutilation of the nation-state. What Germany needed was a "Teutonic state of the German nation."

As outlined in "Mein Kampf" economic theories Hitler completely repeat the doctrines of Gottfried Feder. National self-sufficiency and economic independence must replace international trade. The principle of autarchy was based on the assumption that the economic interests and activities of the leaders of the economy should be entirely subordinated to racial and national considerations. Every country in the world has been constantly raising tariff barriers to keep imports to a minimum. Hitler recommended much more drastic measures. Germany must cut itself off from the rest of Europe and achieve complete self-sufficiency. Sufficient for the existence of the Reich, the amount of food can be produced within its own borders or on the territory of agricultural countries of Eastern Europe. Terrible economic upheavals would have occurred if Germany had not already been in a state of extreme tension and had not become accustomed to it. The struggle against international financial capital and credits became the highlight of the program for the independence and freedom of Germany. The hard line of the National Socialists eliminated the need for forced labor (Zinsknechtschaft). Peasants, workers, the bourgeoisie, big industrialists - the whole nation was dependent on foreign capital. It is necessary to free the state and the people from this dependence and create a national state capitalism. The Reichsbank must be placed under government control. Money for everything government programs such as the development of hydropower and road construction must be obtained through the issuance of government interest-free bonds (Staatskassengutscheine). It is necessary to create construction companies and industrial banks that will provide interest-free loans. Any wealth accumulated during the 1st World War should be considered criminally acquired. Profits received from military orders are subject to confiscation. Trade credits should be controlled by the government. The entire system of industrial enterprises must be reorganized in such a way as to ensure the participation of workers and employees in the profits.

It is necessary to introduce old-age pensions. Large department stores such as Tietz, Karstadt and Wertheim should be converted into cooperatives and leased out to small merchants.

On the whole, the arguments presented in Mein Kampf were of a negative nature and were intended for all discontented elements in Germany. Hitler's views were brightly nationalist, openly socialist and anti-democratic. In addition, he preached ardent anti-Semitism, attacked parliamentarism, Catholicism and Marxism.


Epigraph: I decided in two volumes not only to set out the goals of our movement, but also to give a picture of its development. This form will give more than a mere presentation of our teaching.
In doing so, I also had the opportunity to tell the story of my own development.
(A. Hitler "Mein Kapf" ("My Struggle"), M. "Vityaz", 1998, p. 3)**)
We have different understanding of the activities and fate of Adolf Hitler. We do not belong to the number of admirers of the author of this book, nor to the number of opponents of his radical views. For those who do not know, we recall that the first volume of A. Hitler's book "My Struggle", called "Payback" (German "Eine Abrechnung"), was published on July 18, 1925 a. The second volume, The National Socialist Movement (German: Die nationalsozialistische Bewegung), came out in 1926). A.G. thought about the results of the first World War his native German people and to what extent the supposedly victorious countries of the Entente were able to hoist their banners over defeated Germany. The reasoning center of A.G. the Treaty of Versailles is humiliating for Germany, and especially the role of France in this treaty, shameful for the German country. It would seem that these are not so significant things to restrict readers' access to this book in Russian libraries. Not on a single page of A.G. no calls for terrorist acts,
*) In the Soviet-Russian press, the title of this book as "Mein Kampf" took root, as if it were not customary to translate it into Russian. I believe that the title of the book, when cited, should be translated into Russian in accordance with the generally accepted rules for citing other texts.
**) All quotes in the text are given according to A. Hitler's edition "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"), M., "Vityaz", 1998

In 1935, the Basel-based National-Zeitung published a series of ten articles in which the author Tete Harens Tetens wrote in detail about Hitler's plans to conquer the world, which he concluded from the book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"). However, Tetens found it surprising that the people of Germany did not consider Hitler's actions to be the embodiment of his grandiose plan, which he clearly articulated in his book. Tetens discovered the "red thread" that ran through all of Hitler's foreign policy actions. But in doing so, he fell into a very small minority - a minority of people who not only read Mein Kampf, but also took this book seriously and realized its sharpness.

It still cannot be said that it is something taken for granted - to expect from Hitler's 800-page "creation" with descriptions of hate orgies and other "pearls" that it will be light but informative reading. But those who agree to read this book, who are ready to share Hitler's thoughts at least for a while instead of immediately rejecting them, get the opportunity to look at Hitler from a completely different perspective. The reader will see that this is spoken by a man firmly convinced that he is fulfilling a historical mission. He will understand that Hitler's ideas (albeit erroneous) add up to a whole worldview.

No fundamental concessions!

And he will also realize that all of Hitler's—indeed, extremely systematized—actions ultimately served only to bring his worldview to life. There is a great connection in Mein Kampf: the connection of the worldview itself, the connection between the inner and foreign policy, the connection between the worldview and the program. Anyone who has seriously studied and understood this book will no longer share the popular belief that Hitler was an unscrupulous opportunist and only reacted to a specific situation without a clear plan of action. Hitler clearly articulated the belief that a person striving to achieve any great goal must be flexible when it comes to matters of secondary importance.

In matters of principle, concessions were out of the question for him! It was always necessary to clearly distinguish between goals and means to achieve these goals. Hitler always agreed to concessions and adjusted to the circumstances when it seemed appropriate to him - in order to be able to move towards his main goal. He did not consider open recognition of striving for this - the main - goal as opportunism, because otherwise he might have scared away small spirits, to whom his goal might seem too great. However, what Hitler expressed in his book is amusing, and in a double sense: the author wrote about what he wanted to keep silent about, and potential readers did not perceive it, although they should have understood it.


Put an end to World War II

Bloomberg 04/19/2015

Hitler with notes

Financial Times 07.12.2015

Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to kill Jews

What was Hitler's real goal? What is this great idea that he tried with all his might to realize? To understand what was the main driving force Hitler's actions, it is necessary to mention the diagnosis of modernity that he then made. In the mid-1920s, Hitler saw himself at the center of the world in its decline. The Habsburg Empire collapsed and became mired in national wrestling. The culture, about which he, a German Austrian, said that it had the right to play a decisive role in the world, was ground into powder between two "millstones": it was infringed on the national level - first of all, the Slavic peoples, and on the social level, it was subjected to the most serious test of strength by the new capitalist system.

Jewish conspiracy

And here, as Hitler believed, these two issues intersected: Marxist social democracy incites the socially declassed sections of society against its own fellow citizens, which further weakens the nation. Hitler concluded from this that the goal of the policy of National Socialism should be the systematization of social policy in order to once again rally the masses into a single nation.

Survive the fight

However, why for Hitler (see the title of the book) an integral part of human life is the fight? Struggle is the principle of nature, of which man is a part, it is in the struggle that nature wins its right to exist and develop the entire system. It is in struggle that order arises - a prerequisite for survival. But struggle also has an impact on progress because it makes those who struggle stronger and sorts out those who are unable to struggle.

A utopia like Marxism, proclaiming the end of all struggle and the onset of a peaceful and carefree life, according to Hitler, means the decline and decline of mankind. In fact, Hitler castigated everything that he considered Jewish - the entire process of modernization: democracy and socialism as phenomena of "equalization" and devaluation of the individual; capitalist economy, which turns everything into an object of dirty machinations and is in no way tied to nationality; a hedonistic humility towards the world that no longer allows high ideals and self-sacrifice. Hitler opposed all this, presenting a worldview that puts inequality in place of equality, idealism in place of materialism, in place of eternal peace eternal struggle. He considered National Socialism as the main element of opposition to Marxism, in the eradication of which he saw his historical mission.

This was to be served by the internal and foreign policy. Hitler's internal political plan of action assumed the gradual homogenization of the German people with the aim of their subsequent unity in the struggle and determination to accept the last battle. This also included ideological education and training, political and social initiation to the relevant ideology, as well as racial "cleansing" of society.

The foreign policy plan of action provided for a new (after the First World War) armament of Germany, the creation of various interstate associations and the victory over the "eternal enemy" France, as well as the conquest of "living space" in the east - in Russia. If we compare the systematic nature of this plan of action with the systematic implementation of its practical implementation, it is easy to see that they are strikingly the same.

Trouble starts with thinking

But why were the mass murders of Jews necessary? Why did Hitler fight the Jews differently than other nations? There is no direct answer to this question in Mein Kampf, but it can be conjectured. Hitler believed that the thinking of the Jews was typical of the thinking of the ideologies he hated. They, in his opinion, despised the idea of ​​struggle, demoralized the fighters because they dominated, but at the same time they did not want to fight. First of all, Hitler sought to eradicate their thinking, considering it harmful to humanity. However, how can one eradicate a certain kind of thinking all over the world? His belief that this could be achieved by killing the people who were supposed to be the bearers of this mindset was definitely the most terrifying way to fight the thoughts.

Hitler was able to translate his thoughts into reality. Thus, we can safely say that every trouble begins with thinking. However, it cannot be argued that thinking can be destroyed by destroying people.

Barbara Zenpfennig teaches political theory and the history of ideas at the University of Passau.



They say that this book is now banned not only in "politically correct" Europe, but even in Russia, which allegedly "rose from its knees" (though only to get cancer...).

But precisely because this book is banned, it should be read - if not to broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of recent history, then at least simply to understand why it was banned. Clever man always differed from a ram precisely in that he could listen to anything, but at the same time form his own independent opinion about the subject. Therefore, there is absolutely no danger in reading this book for a thinking person (even if you are a Jew and your rabbi forbade you to read such books). This is very interesting book, which every educated person must read - regardless of whether he is a communist, a Jew, a cosmopolitan, a patriot, or an advocate of so-called "democratic" values. This book and the way of thinking that it represents is, first of all, what served as a prerequisite for the emergence of the Second World War, as a result of which the same old way of thinking (which, by the way, was inherent not only to Hitler, but also to his political opponents, including the same Reds, and the same French and British) was killed and replaced by the so-called "new thinking", which made a serious new war impossible precisely because of irreversible changes in the human mentality. So is it possible that an official ban on this book by some “people’s representatives” can force an educated free-thinking person to refuse to study the true causes of the Second World War and that previous way of thinking that was inherent in all people (including in the USSR) in the first half of 20th century? Yes, this is just ridiculous. Read this book boldly and do not be loaded with slave complexes.


The first volume of Mein Kampf was written while its author was imprisoned in a Bavarian fortress. How did he get there and why? The answer to this question is very important. It was the hour of Germany's greatest humiliation, comparable only to the moment a hundred years ago when Napoleon dismembered the old German Empire and French soldiers occupied almost all of Germany.

Mein Kampf (My Struggle) DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………………..15 FOREWORD………………………………… ………………………………………..16 Part One. PAYING CHAPTER 1. IN THE FATHER’S HOUSE……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………. ………..29 Chapter 3. GENERAL POLITICAL REFLECTIONS RELATED TO MY VIENNA PERIOD……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69 Chapter 4. MUNICH………… ……………………………………………………………… 122 Chapter 5. WORLD WAR…………………………………………………………… 148 Chapter 6. MILITARY PROPAGANDA.………………………………………………..163 Chapter 7. REVOLUTION………………………………………………… ……………….172 Chapter 8. THE BEGINNING OF MY POLITICAL ACTIVITIES………………...189 Chapter 9. THE GERMAN WORKERS’ PARTY…………………………………………...197 Chapter 10 THE REAL CAUSES OF THE GERMAN CATASTROPHE…………..204 Chapter 11. THE PEOPLE AND THE RACE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. SOCIALIST WORKERS' PARTY………………….…292 Part Two. THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST MOVEMENT Chapter 1. WORLD VIEW AND THE PARTY …………………………………………...326 Chapter 2. THE STATE…………………………………………… …….…………….337 14 Chapter 3. THE SUBJECT AND THE CITIZEN………………………..…………………………………….381 Chapter 4. THE POPULAR STATE AND THE PROBLEM OF PERSONALITY……384 Chapter 5. WORLD VIEW AND ORGANIZATION…………………………………..293 Chapter 6. THE FIRST STAGE OF OUR WORK. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF A LIVING SPEECH…..403 Chapter 7. OUR COLLISIONS WITH THE RED FRONT………………….418 Chapter 8. THE STRONG MOST STRONG BY THEIR INDEPENDENCE……………………………………………… …………...441 Chapter 9. THOUGHTS ABOUT THE SIGNIFICANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF STORM TROOPS ………………………………………………………………..449 Chapter 10. FEDERALISM AS A MASK …………………………………...481 Chapter 11. PROPAGANDA AND ORGANIZATION………………………………………...502 Chapter 12. THE PROBLEM OF TRADE UNIONS……… ……………...517 Chapter 13. FOREIGN POLICY OF GERMANY AFTER THE END OF THE WORLD WAR……………………………………………………………………..528 Chapter 14. ORIENTAL ORIENTATION OR ORIENTAL POLICY……..560 Chapter 15. GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION AND THE RIGHTS EFFECTING HERE…...585 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………

My first encounter with the Social Democrats was at the building where I worked. From the very beginning, the relationship was very unhappy. My clothes were still in relative order, my tongue was polite and my whole behavior was restrained. I was still so wrapped up in myself that I thought little of my surroundings. I've been looking for jobs just so I don't die starvation and to be able, even if slowly and gradually, to continue their education.

Maybe I would not have thought about my environment for a long time if already on the third or fourth day there had not been an event that immediately forced me to take a position: I was invited to join the organization. My information about professional organization at that time were equal to zero. I could then say nothing about the expediency or inexpediency of its existence. But since I was told that I was obliged to join the organization, I rejected the offer. I motivated my answer by the fact that I do not yet understand the question, but I will not allow myself to be forced to take any step whatsoever. Probably thanks to the first half of my motivation, I was not thrown out of the building right away. They probably hoped that in a few days I would be able to convince or intimidate. In both cases, they were fundamentally wrong.

Another two weeks passed, and now I could not bring myself to join a union, even if I wanted to. During these two weeks, I became fairly familiar with my surroundings. Now no power in the world could force me to join the organization, whose representatives I have seen during this time in such an unfavorable light. The first days were hard for me. At lunchtime, part of the workers went to the nearest taverns, while the other remained at the construction site and ate their meager lunch there. They were married workers, to whom their wives brought here liquid lunch in dilapidated dishes. By the end of the week, this second part was getting bigger; Why? This I realized only later. Then the political controversy began. I was on the sidelines drinking my bottle of milk and eating my piece of bread. Cautiously studying my surroundings, I pondered over my unfortunate fate.

However, what I heard was more than enough. Often it seemed to me that these gentlemen deliberately gathered closer to me in order to force me to express this or that opinion. What I heard all around could only irritate me to the last degree. They rejected and cursed everything: the nation as an invention of the capitalist "classes" - how often I have heard this word; the fatherland as an instrument of the bourgeoisie for the exploitation of the workers; the authority of laws as a means of oppressing the proletariat; school as an institution that educates slaves, as well as slave owners; religion as a means of deceiving a people doomed to exploitation; morality as a symbol of stupid, sheepish patience, etc. In a word, nothing pure and holy remained in their mouths; everything, literally all of them, were dumped in terrible mud. At first I tried to be silent, but in the end it was no longer possible to be silent. I began to speak out, I began to object.

Here I first of all had to make sure that until I myself had acquired sufficient knowledge and had not mastered the controversial issues, it was completely hopeless to convince anyone. Then I began to rummage through those sources from which they drew their dubious wisdom. I began to read book after book, pamphlet after pamphlet. But on the construction of the dispute became all heated. Every day I performed better, for now I already had more information about their own science than my opponents.

But very soon the day came when my adversaries used that tried and tested remedy, which, of course, defeats reason most easily: the terror of violence. Some of the leaders of my opponents gave me a choice: either immediately leave the building voluntarily, or they will throw me out of there. Since I was completely alone, and the resistance was hopeless, I preferred to choose the first one and left the building wiser by experience. I left full of disgust, but at the same time the whole incident so captured me that it became completely impossible for me to simply forget it all. No, I won't leave it like that. The first feeling of indignation was soon replaced by a stubborn desire for further struggle. I decided against all odds to go to another building again. Need also prompted me to this decision.

Several weeks passed, I used up all my meager supplies, and relentless hunger pushed me to action. Although against my will, I had to go to the construction site. The game was repeated again. The ending was the same as the first time. I remember that an internal struggle was going on in me: are these really people, are they worthy to belong to a great people? An agonizing question! For if you answer this question in the affirmative, then the struggle for nationality is simply not worth the labor and the sacrifices that the best people have to bear for such scoundrels. If the answer to this question is negative, then it will turn out that our people are too poor in people.

In those days it seemed to me that this mass of people, who could not even be counted among the sons of the people, was growing menacingly like an avalanche, and this aroused in me a heavy uneasy feeling. With completely different feelings I now observed the mass demonstration of the Viennese workers, which was taking place on some occasion these days. For two hours I stood and watched, with bated breath, this infinite human worm, which for two hours crawled before my eyes.

Depressed by this sight, I finally left the square and went home. On the way, in the window of a tobacco shop, I saw Rabochaya Gazeta, the central organ of the old Austrian Social Democracy. In one cheap folk cafe, where I often went to read newspapers, this organ also always lay on the table. But until now, I could not bring myself to hold in my hands for more than 1-2 minutes this vile newspaper, the whole tone of which acted on me like spiritual vitriol. Now, under the painful impression of the demonstration, some inner voice forced me to buy a newspaper and begin to read it thoroughly. In the evening I took steps to ensure that I received this newspaper. And despite the outbursts of anger and indignation, he now began to delve into this concentrated lie on a regular basis. Reading the daily Social-Democratic press, more than familiarizing myself with its theoretical literature, enabled me to understand the course of the ideas of Social-Democracy and its inner essence. Indeed, what a big difference there is between this press and the purely theoretical literature of the Social Democracy, where one encounters a sea of ​​phrases about freedom, beauty, and “dignity,” where there is no end to words about humanity and morality—and all this with the air of prophets, and that’s it. this is the brutally rude language of the daily Social-Democrats. press, working with the lowest slander and the most virtuoso, monstrous lies. The theoretical press has in mind stupid saints from the ranks of the middle and higher "intelligentsia", the daily press - the masses. For me personally, delving into this literature and the press has brought an even stronger consciousness of attachment to my people. What used to lead to an impassable abyss has now become an occasion for even greater love. In the presence of this monstrous brain-poisoning work, only a fool can condemn those who fall prey to this foolishness. The more in the course of the next few years I acquired ideological independence, the more did my understanding of the internal causes of the success of Social Democracy grow in me. Now I understood the full significance of the Social-Democrats' brutally rude demand that the workers subscribe only to red newspapers, attend only red meetings, read only red books. The practical results of this intolerant teaching I now saw with my own eyes with complete clarity.

The psyche of the broad masses is completely immune to the weak and half-hearted. The mental perception of a woman is less accessible to the arguments of abstract reason than to the undefinable instinctive desires for a complementary force.

A woman is much more willing to submit to the strong than to conquer the weak herself. Yes, and the mass loves the ruler more than the one who asks her for something. The masses feel more satisfied with such a doctrine, which does not tolerate anything other than the admission of various liberal liberties.

For the most part, the masses do not know what to do with liberal freedoms, and even feel abandoned in doing so. The masses react as little to the shamelessness of its spiritual terrorization on the part of the Social Democracy as they do to the outrageous abuse of its human rights and freedom.

She does not have the slightest idea of ​​the inner madness of the entire teaching, she sees only the merciless force and the bestially rude expression of this force, before which she finally gives in.

If Social-Democracy is opposed by a more truthful doctrine, but carried out with the same force and bestial rudeness, this doctrine will triumph, albeit after a hard struggle. Not even two years had passed before the very teaching of Social-Democracy became completely clear to me, and also technical means with which she conducts it. I well understood the shameless ideological terror that this party uses against the bourgeoisie, unable to resist it either physically or morally.

By given sign a real cannonade of lies and slander begins against the enemy who, in this moment it seems to the Social Democracy more dangerous, and this continues until the attacked party loses its nerve and, in order to gain a respite, it sacrifices this or that person most hated by the Social Democracy. Fools! They won't really get any respite anyway. The game starts again and continues until the fear of these wild dogs paralyzes all will.

Do you still think that Hitler was right and the Jews are to blame for everything?

Then read this: 8

Ten Commandments. (Deuteronomy 5:6)

5And he said: 6I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

(1). 7Thou shalt have no other gods but Me.

(2). 8Thou shalt not make for thyself an idol in the form of anything that is in heaven above, and on the earth below, and in the waters below the earth. 9 Do not worship them and do not serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, 10 And expressing mercy to a thousand generations who love Me and keep My commandments.

(3). 11Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not leave unpunished the one who uses His Name in vain.

(4). 12Keep the Sabbath day, keeping it holy, as Jehovah your God has commanded you. 13Six days you work, and do all your work; 14But the seventh day is the Sabbath of Jehovah your God. Do not do any work on this day, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor a stranger within your gates. So that your servant and your maid may rest, as you yourself. 15Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and that Jehovah your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched hand. Therefore Jehovah your God has commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.

(5). 16 Honor your father and your mother, as Jehovah your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be good for you in the land which Jehovah your God is giving you.

(6). 17Thou shalt not kill.

(7). 18Do not commit adultery.

(8). 19Do not steal.

(9). 20Thou shalt not speak falsely against thy neighbor.

(10). 21Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor covet thy neighbor's house, nor his land, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything else that your neighbor has.

Be sure to note that “thou shalt not kill” is one’s own, and “thou shalt not steal” is from one’s own. Which are in the Law. And those who are not in the Law - so they themselves refused the jurisdiction thereof ... Above - this is what the Almighty Creator requires from His slaves. And below is what the Masons built for the Egyptian slaves (who are not even “Jewish” at all):



Adolf Gitler:

The Jews have always been a certain people with certain racial properties and have never been just a religious community ... Only the living conditions of the Jewish people from an early age prompted him to look for such a means that would divert excessive attention from the sons of this people. What other means could seem to the Jews more innocent and at the same time more expedient, than to hide behind the mask of a religious community? Having appropriated the appearance of a religious community, the Jews again committed theft. In fact, the Jews cannot represent a religious community, if only because they lack the necessary idealism for this, and thus lack faith in any kind of afterlife. Meanwhile, any religion, as it is characteristic of the Aryans, requires precisely a certain belief in the afterlife. Look at the Talmud. Is this book for afterlife? No, this book is devoted exclusively to the question of how to create a better life for yourself in this best of all possible worlds. 272

In order to properly study the Jew, it is best to trace the path that he has traveled through the centuries, nestling among other peoples. To draw the necessary conclusions, it is enough to follow this through just one example. Since all Jewish development at all times has been generally the same, no matter what people the Jews live among, it is best to describe this development schematically. For simplicity, we will denote individual periods of development by letters of the alphabet. The first Jews appeared in Germany during the advance of the Romans. As always, they came as merchants. In the thunderstorm and storm of the great migration of peoples, the Jews seemed to have disappeared again. Therefore, the era of the new penetration of Jews into the center and north of Europe has to be considered from the time of the formation of the first German states. In all those cases when the Jews penetrate into the environment of the Aryan peoples, we see in general one and the same picture of development. * * * a) As soon as the first places of stable settled life appear, the Jews are suddenly right there. At first, Jews appear as merchants, considering it still necessary to hide their nationality. The features of the outward racial difference between them and the people who give them hospitality are still too conspicuous. The significance of foreign languages ​​among the Jews is still too little developed. And on the other hand, the people themselves, who give them hospitality, are still too much a closed whole. And as a result of all this, the Jew is forced to act openly as a merchant and as a stranger. Given the dexterity of the Jew and the inexperience of the people from whom he seeks hospitality, it is even advantageous for a Jew to come out openly for a given period, for a stranger is especially welcomed as a guest.

b) Then the Jews begin to gradually creep into economic life, while acting not as producers, but exclusively as intermediaries. With their thousand years of trading experience and with the helplessness, as well as the boundless honesty of the Aryans, the Jews immediately win a certain superiority for themselves, and through a short time all trade threatens to become a Jewish monopoly. The Jew begins to act as a lender, and gives money only at usurious interest. Interest was actually invented by a Jew. At first, no one notices the dangers of usury. On the contrary, since credit brings some relief in the beginning, everyone welcomes it. c) Then the Jew becomes settled. In other words, he nestled in certain cities, towns, in certain quarters, and more and more forms a state within a state. He begins to consider trade and all financial affairs in general as his own privilege, and he uses this privilege to the end. d) Then credit and trade became completely his monopoly. Jewish usury is beginning to generate some resistance. Increasing Jewish arrogance breeds resentment, and the growth of his wealth - envy. The cup overflows when the Jew manages to make the land also the object of his trading operations. The Jew himself does not work on the earth, he considers it as an object of his greedy exploitation, leaving the Christian to continue to cultivate this land, so that the current ruler will just squeeze the juice out of him. As a result, there is already open hatred of the Jews. The Jews are already so tyrannizing the people and sucking out their blood so much that it comes to excesses. Now these strangers are beginning to be looked at more closely and more and more repulsive traits are being discovered in them. In the end, an impassable abyss is created. In years of especially severe need, patience comes to an end, and the masses of the people, ruined by the Jews, in despair resort to self-help measures in order to somehow get rid of this scourge of God. For several centuries, the masses of the people have experienced the oppression of the Jews on their backs, and now they are beginning to understand that its mere existence is tantamount to a plague.

e) But now only the Jew really begins to unfold. With the help of vile flattery, he crawls into government circles. He puts his money to work and secures new perks that enable him to continue to rob. If popular anger against these leeches leads here or there to an outbreak, then this, however, does not prevent the Jews from appearing in the same place again after a while and starting up again.

No amount of persecution is able to wean the Jews from their system of exploiting people, no amount of persecution can save them for a long time. A short period of time passes, and the Jews, without changing at all, are again right there. In order to avoid at least the worst, Jews are forbidden to acquire land, so as not to allow usurers to concentrate land funds in their hands. f) Since during this time the power of the princes has increased, the Jews are now beginning to creep into this environment. New overlords are almost always in difficult financial circumstances. Jews willingly come to them for "Help" and for this they beg for benefits and privileges from them. No matter how dearly a Jew pays for these latter, interest and interest on interest will cover all his expenses in a short time. Like real leeches, the Jews cling to the body of the unfortunate people until the moment comes when the princes again need money, and then they release a little blood from the leech itself in their favor. After that, the game starts over. The role played by the so-called German princes is no better than that of the Jews themselves. These gentlemen princes were a real punishment from God for their "beloved" peoples. The role of these gentlemen can only be compared with the role of other contemporary ministers. It is precisely the German princes that we must thank for the fact that the German nation never succeeded in completely ridding itself of the Jewish danger. Unfortunately, nothing has changed in this respect even in later times. Subsequently, the Jews themselves repaid the princes of this world a hundredfold for all the crimes that these rulers committed against their peoples. The princes of the world entered into an alliance with the devil and were punished rightly. g) Having entangled the gentlemen of the princes, the Jews then lead them to death. Slowly but steadily the positions of the princes are weakening, for they have ceased to serve their peoples and have begun to think only of themselves. The Jews are well aware that the end of these rulers is near, and for their part they are only trying to hasten this end. The Jews themselves do everything possible to increase their need for money, for which they try to distract them from really important tasks; crawling in front of them on their knees and lulling them with vile flattery, the Jews drag "their" princes into all conceivable vices, trying to make themselves as irreplaceable as possible in the eyes of their patrons. Relying on their diabolical art in everything connected with money, the Jews most shamelessly suggest to their patrons ever new, ever more cruel means of pumping the last penny out of their subjects. Large funds, raised by the most cruel means, are thrown into the wind. Then the Jews come up with new means of robbing the people. Each court has its own "court Jews", as these monsters began to be called. Their main function is to invent new means of pumping money out of the people for the insane pleasures of the ruling clique. Who will be surprised after this that for such merits the degenerates of the human race are still being elevated to noble dignity. Of course, thanks to this, the institution of the nobility only becomes ridiculous, but the poison has successfully penetrated into this environment. Now the Jews are even better at using their privileges to their advantage. In the end, a Jew only needs to be baptized, and he will receive all the rights and advantages of indigenous citizens. He will gladly go for it. Representatives of the church will rejoice over the new conquered son of the church, and this "son" himself will rejoice over the successful gesheft. 275 h) Now a new streak begins in the Jewish world. Until now, Jews were known as Jews, i.e. they did not try to impersonate anyone else, and this was impossible, since the racial features of the Jews, on the one hand, and the peoples surrounding them, on the other, were still too sharply expressed. Back in the era of Frederick the Great, no one could have thought of seeing in the Jews anything other than a "foreign" people. Even Goethe was horrified at the mere thought that in the future the law no longer forbids marriages between Christians and Jews. But Goethe, God forbid, was not a reactionary or a friend of slavery. In Goethe, only the voice of blood and common sense spoke. Despite all the shameful machinations of court circles, the people themselves instinctively saw in the Jews an alien body and treated them accordingly. And now the time has come when all this had to change. For more than a thousand years, the Jews have so studied the languages ​​of the peoples who sheltered them that now they decide to begin to obscure their Jewish origin and begin to emphasize as strongly as possible that they are "Germans." No matter how ridiculous, how monstrous it may seem, the Jews still have the audacity to declare themselves "Germans", in this case "Germans". The most heinous deception imaginable begins. Of all the German things, the Jew only half-and-half mastered the ability to speak the German language - and even then, what a terrible German language. Only on this knowledge of the language does he justify his belonging to the German people. But after all, the real sign of belonging to a certain race is laid exclusively in the blood, and not at all in the language. The Jews know this best. That is why they keep the purity of their own blood and do not at all attach of great importance purity of his own language. A person can easily take another language and use it with more or less convenience. But, even using the new language, he will express his old thoughts in it. The inner world of a person cannot change. This is best seen in the example of a Jew - he can speak a thousand languages ​​and yet remains the same Jew.

His characteristics remain the same as they were when he traded bread in ancient rome and spoke to Latin, and what they are in our age, when he speculates on flour and distorts German. The Jew remains the same. That this simple truth cannot be assimilated by other contemporary secret advisers and high-ranking police presidents is hardly surprising. After all, you rarely find people so soulless and so devoid of any healthy instinct as other representatives of our most "high" spheres. The motives for which the Jews now decide to start impersonating "Germans" are quite obvious. The Jews feel that the ground is beginning to slip from under the feet of the princely lords, and the Jews therefore begin to create for themselves in advance new platform. Moreover, their financial power over our entire economy has already reached such proportions that, not having all the "state" rights, the Jews can no longer hold on to the entire system; in any case, without this, it is difficult for the Jews to expand their influence further. But to keep the won positions and to achieve the growth of its influence, the Jew must at all costs. The higher the Jews rise in the rungs of power, the more their old cherished ultimate goal attracts: the achievement of complete domination over the whole world. The most far-sighted of the Jews notice that this goal has already come quite close. That is why now all the main efforts are aimed at winning for themselves the fullness of "civil" rights. This is the real reason why the Jew is trying to get out of the ghetto. i) So the "court Jew" slowly and gradually turned into an ordinary "folk Jew". Of course, the Jew will still try to remain surrounded by high masters; he will be even more eager to penetrate this environment. But at the same time, another part of the Jewish race is doing everything possible to imitate the people. This task is not easy for the Jews. Just remember how much the Jew sinned against the masses of the people for many centuries, how mercilessly the Jews sucked the last juices out of the masses, how gradually the masses learned to hate the Jew and see in him a direct punishment of God). Yes, it is not an easy task to portray oneself as a "friend of mankind" just in the eyes of those from whom the Jew has flayed for centuries. The Jews now have to first take some steps that would at least make the masses of the people forget about their former crimes. Hence the fact that the Jews are beginning to play the role of philanthropists and benefactors. They have very prosaic reasons for this, and therefore the Jews do not have to be guided by the biblical rule - let left hand does not know what the right gives. The Jews set themselves the task of large quantity people learned how close to heart the Jew now takes the suffering of the masses and what enormous personal sacrifices he is ready to make in the interests of society. With his innate modesty, the Jew now rings out to the whole world about his own merits and does this until people really begin to believe him in this respect. Only very unjust people will now refuse to believe in the generosity of the Jews. Within a short time, the Jews begin to manage to present the matter as if, in general, in all previous times they were treated only unfairly, and not at all vice versa. Especially stupid people begin to believe this and begin to express sincere sympathy for the poor, "unfortunate", offended Jews. 277 Of course, one has to keep in mind that with all his "generosity" the Jew does not forget himself even now. They are very good at counting. Jewish "good deeds" are very similar to the fertilizer that is used in agriculture. After all, the cost of fertilizer always pays off handsomely. But be that as it may, after a short time the whole world already knows that the Jews have now become "benefactors and friends of mankind." What a wonderful transformation, isn't it! That people should make certain sacrifices for others is, generally speaking, accustomed to. But when the Jews make certain sacrifices, this cannot but plunge one into amazement, for no one ever expected this from them. That is why even trifling gifts of the Jews are credited to them more than to anyone else. Little of. The Jews suddenly also become liberals and begin to dream aloud about the need for human progress. Gradually, the Jews become the spokesmen for the aspirations of the entire new era. In fact, all the enlightened activity of the Jews is, of course, aimed at destroying all the foundations of truly generally useful economic work. By taking possession of the stock, the Jews smuggle into the circuit of the entire national production, turn our industry into a mere object of purchase and sale, and thus wrest a healthy base from under our enterprises. It is thanks to this activity of the Jews that internal alienation arises between employers and workers, which subsequently leads to a class split. Finally, through the stock exchange, Jewish influence reaches terrifying proportions. The Jews are no longer only the actual owners of our enterprises, but real control over our entire national labor force. In order to strengthen their political position, the Jews are now trying to do away with all racial and civil partitions that now interfere with them at every step. To this end, the Jews now, with their characteristic tenacity, begin the struggle for religious tolerance. Freemasonry, which is entirely in the hands of the Jews, serves as an excellent tool for them in the fraudulent struggle for these goals. Through the threads of Freemasonry, the Jews entangle our government circles and the most economically and politically influential sections of the bourgeoisie, doing this so skillfully that those who are entangled do not even notice it. It is only difficult for the Jews to entangle the whole people as such, or rather, that of its estate, which has just awakened to a new life and is preparing to fight for its own rights and freedom. This is something like 278 times and is now the main concern for the Jews. The Jews feel very well that they can finally achieve their goal only if, at the present stage of development, someone paves the way for them.

According to their calculations, this task should have been carried out for them by the bourgeoisie, including the broadest sections of the petty bourgeoisie and the petty people in general. But you cannot catch glovemakers and weavers on the fine bait of Freemasonry; simpler means are needed here, but at the same time just as effective. The press is such a means in the hands of the Jews. With all tenacity, the Jews seize the press, using all the tricks for this. With the press in their hands, the Jews begin to systematically entangle public life countries, with the help of the press, they can turn the case in any direction and justify fraud. The power of so-called "public opinion" is now entirely in the hands of the Jews, and what this means is now well known. At the same time, the Jew invariably depicts the matter in such a way that he personally craves only knowledge; he praises progress, but for the most part only progress that leads others to ruin. In fact, the Jew always considers both knowledge and progress from the point of view of their usefulness only for Jewry. If he cannot benefit from them for the Jewish people, he will become the most merciless enemy and hater of science, culture, etc. Everything he learns in the schools of other peoples, he uses all this exclusively for the benefit of his own race. In this phase, the Jews guard their own nationality more than ever before. Right and left, the Jews shout about "enlightenment", "progress", "freedom", "humanity", etc., while at the same time they themselves strictly observe the purity of their race. True, they sometimes impose their women as wives on influential Christians, but as for men, here they fundamentally do not allow marriages with other races. The Jews willingly poison the temper of other nations, but, like the apple of their eye, they guard the purity of their own blood. A Jew almost never marries a Christian woman, but Christians often marry Jewish women. Thus, in the Jewish environment there are no people of mixed blood. Part of our high nobility dies as a result of incest. The Jews are perfectly aware of this, and they quite systematically resort to this method of "disarming" the ideological leadership of their racial opponents. To disguise all this and lull the attention of their victims, the Jews are shouting louder and louder about the need for equality of all people, regardless of race and color, and fools begin to believe them. But with all his features, the Jew still continues to repel the broad masses of people, he still smells of a stranger. And so, to satisfy the masses, the Jewish press begins to depict the Jews in a way that is completely untrue, but on the other hand evokes the ideas that the Jews need. Humorous print is especially characteristic in this respect. In humorous leaflets, they always deliberately try to portray the Jews as an extremely meek people. The reader is inspired with the idea that maybe the Jews have some comical features, but in fact these people are kind, not wanting to harm anyone. The reader is given to understand that perhaps a certain portion of the Jews are indeed not heroes, but in any case they do not represent any dangerous enemies either. The ultimate goal of the Jews at this stage of development is the victory of democracy, or, in their understanding, the dominance of parliamentarism. The system of parliamentarianism most of all corresponds to the needs of the Jews, for it excludes the role of the individual and puts in its place quantity, i.e. the power of stupidity, inability, cowardice. The end result of all this will be the overthrow of the monarchy. A little sooner or a little later, the monarchy will inevitably perish. j) Now the gigantic economic development of the country is leading to a new social stratification of the people. The small handicraft is slowly dying out, as a result of which the worker is increasingly losing the opportunity to earn his living as an independent small producer; proletarianization becomes more and more evident; the industrial “factory worker” emerges. most feature The latter is that throughout his life he will not be able to become an independent entrepreneur. He is the lowest in the true sense of the word. In his old age, he has to suffer and be left without a secure piece of bread. We have seen a similar situation before. It was necessary to find, by all means, a solution to the problem, and such a solution was indeed found. In addition to peasants and artisans, officials and employees gradually fell into this position. They, too, have become the lowest in the true sense of the word. But the state found a way out of this by taking care of those civil servants who themselves were not able to provide for their old age: the state introduced a pension. Gradually, private firms also followed this example, so that now almost every employee in our country is provided with a pension, if only he works for a firm of more or less large size. Only after we have ensured the old age of the civil servant can we again instill in him a feeling of boundless devotion to the state - that feeling that in pre-war times was the noblest feature of the German bureaucracy. 280 This clever measure snatched an entire estate from the clutches of social misery and thereby created a healthy relationship between that estate and the rest of the nation. Now this question is again put before the state and the nation and, moreover, on a much larger scale. More and more millions of people left the countryside and gradually moved to big cities, looking for a piece of bread as factory workers in new industrial enterprises. The general working and living conditions of this new estate were more than sad. Even the atmosphere of labor itself did not at all resemble the former environment of an artisan or peasant. The industrial factory worker had to strain his strength to a much greater extent than the artisan.

The size of the working day for the artisan was of much less importance than for the factory worker. If formally the working day of the worker remained even the same as before for the artisan, then a much more difficult situation was created for him (the worker). The craftsman did not know the intensity of labor with which the factory worker now has to work. If earlier the craftsman could somehow put up with even a 14-15-hour working day, now it becomes completely unbearable for the factory worker, every minute of which is used in the most intense way. The senseless transfer of the former length of the working day to modern factory production had the greatest harm in two directions: firstly, due to this, the health of the workers was undermined, and secondly, the faith in higher justice was undermined in the workers. To this must be added, on the one hand, a miserable salary, and on the other hand, a relatively faster increase in the wealth of the employer. Previously, there could not have been a social problem in agriculture, because both the owner and the worker did the same work, and most importantly, they ate from the same bowl. Now, in this respect, too, the situation has changed dramatically. Now, in all spheres of life, the separation of the worker from the employer has finally taken place. The extent to which the Jewish spirit has penetrated into our lives is best seen from the lack of respect, or even directly from the contempt with which we now treat physical labor. It has nothing to do with the German character. Only as alien, essentially Jewish influences began to penetrate into our lives, the former respect for the craft was replaced by a certain disdain for any physical labor. Thus arose among us a new class, little respected by anyone; and one fine day the question was bound to arise: either the nation itself would find sufficient strength in itself to create completely healthy relations between this estate and the rest of society, or the class distinction would turn into a class abyss. One thing is certain: this new estate included by no means the worst elements, in any case, the most energetic elements belonged to it. The excessive refinement of the so-called culture here could not yet do its destructive work. The new estate in its bulk had not yet been exposed to the action of pacifist poison, it possessed physical strength, and, if necessary, brutality. While the bourgeoisie, completely carefree and indifferent, passes by this highly important problem, the Jews do not sleep. They immediately realized the enormous importance of this problem for the whole future. And so they act like this: on the one hand, they inflame the exploitation of the workers to the most extreme limits, and on the other hand, they begin to serve the victims of their own exploitation and in a short time win the role of leaders of the workers in the struggle of these latter against the employers. Thus, outwardly, the Jews become, as it were, the leaders of the struggle against themselves. In reality, of course, this is not so, because these virtuosos of lies, of course, always know how to throw all the responsibility on others, and portray themselves as innocent babies. Due to the fact that the Jews themselves had the audacity to become the head of the struggle of the masses, it does not even occur to these latter that they are being deceived in the meanest way. And yet it was exactly so. This new class had not yet had time to develop properly, and the Jews already immediately saw that from this estate they could make for themselves an instrument of their future plans. First the Jews used the bourgeoisie as their weapon against the feudal world, and then the worker as their weapon against the bourgeois world. Hiding behind the back of the bourgeoisie, the Jew managed to win civil rights for himself. Now, exploiting the struggle of the workers for existence, the Jews hope, hiding behind the backs of this class, to finally establish their domination over the earth. From now on, the worker has to fight in practice only for the future of the Jewish people. Without realizing it, the worker has fallen into the power of the force against which, as it seems to him, he is fighting. The worker is told that he is fighting against capital, but in reality he is being forced to fight for capital. The loudest of all the Jews are shouting about the need to fight against international capital, but in reality they are organizing a fight against the national economy. Ruining the national economy, the Jews count on its corpse to erect the triumph of the international exchange. The Jews act like this: Infiltrating the ranks of the workers, they hypocritically pretend to be their friends and pretend to be terribly indignant at the heavy suffering of the workers. In this way they win the trust of the workers. Jews take the trouble to carefully study in all concreteness all real and imaginary hardships 282 Everyday life workers. Relying on this knowledge of the entire concrete situation, the Jews begin to inflate with all their might the striving of the workers to change these conditions of existence. Every Aryan is known to have a deep longing for greater social justice. And so the Jews exploit this feeling in the most cunning way, gradually turning it into a feeling of hatred for people who are richer and happier. In this way, the Jews manage to leave their mark and give their worldview to the whole struggle of the workers for better life. This is how the Jews lay the foundation for the teachings of Marxism. The Jews deliberately intertwine their Marxist preaching with a whole series of specific demands, which in themselves are quite justified from a social point of view. This way they kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, in this way the Marxist doctrine gains enormous distribution. And secondly, they repel many decent people from supporting these socially just demands precisely because these demands are accompanied by Marxist propaganda. Thanks to this accompaniment, these demands begin to be regarded as unfair and completely unfulfillable. Indeed, under the cover of these purely social requirements, the Jews hide their diabolical intentions. Sometimes these intentions are quite brazenly spoken openly. The teaching of Marxism is a bizarre mixture of the rational with the most absurd inventions of the human mind. But at the same time, the Jew systematically takes care that only the second part of this sermon finds application in living reality, and by no means the first.

With the results of our defeats on the fronts in August 1918, we were able to cope in jest. It was not these defeats that led to our downfall. Our collapse was prepared by the same force that prepared these defeats themselves. And she did this by systematically and systematically destroying the political and moral instincts of our people for many decades, depriving them of that, without which there is no healthy and strong state at all. The old German Empire completely neglected the problem of race. Passing by this problem, the empire neglected that right, which alone is the basis of the existence of peoples.

The nations that allow themselves to be deprived of the purity of their blood are committing a sin against the will of Providence. And if a stronger people push them off the pedestal and take their place itself, then one should not see injustice in this, but on the contrary, it is necessary to see the triumph of law. If a given people does not want to observe the purity of the blood given to it by nature, then it has no right to complain later that it has lost its earthly existence. Everything on this earth can be improved. Each defeat can become the father of a future victory. Each lost war can be the impetus for a new rise. Each calamity can cause a new influx of energy in people. Any oppression can become a source of new strength for a new revival. All this is possible as long as the peoples preserve the purity of their blood. Only with the loss of blood purity is happiness lost forever. People have been falling down forever, and the consequences of blood poisoning cannot be erased from the human body.

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 1. About "Mein Kampf"

From the book Antinürnberg. Unconvicted... author

Chapter 1. About "Mein Kampf" As you know, the work of Adolf Hitler's "My Struggle" in our God-saving Fatherland is strictly prohibited for publication and sale through a retail network. For, as the well-known television whistleblower, a fighter against corruption and an honorary

Chapter 1 About Mein Kampf

From the book War Criminals Churchill and Roosevelt. Anti-Nuremberg author Usovsky Alexander Valerievich

Chapter 1 About "Mein Kampf" As you know, the work of Adolf Hitler's "My Struggle" in our God-saving fatherland is strictly prohibited for publication and sale through a retail network. For, as the well-known television whistleblower, a fighter against corruption and an honorary

"Mein Kampf"

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

"Mein Kampf" ("Mein Kampf" - "My Struggle"), Hitler's book, in which he detailed his political program. In Nazi Germany, Mein Kampf was considered the bible of National Socialism, it gained fame even before it was published, and many Germans believed that the Nazi

"Mein Kampf" by Otto Strasser

From the book Surrounded by Hitler author Podkovinskiy Marian

“Mein Kampf” by Otto Strasser “Come to dinner with us tomorrow, you will meet General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler… I really need you to be; this is extremely important.” Thus, in October 1920, Gregor Strasser spoke by telephone to his brother Otto. Both of them belonged to

Chapter 3. "Mein Kampf"

From the book The Secret Mission of Rudolf Hess author Padfield Peter

Chapter 3. "Mein Kampf" Hess's belief in Hitler, in whom he saw the Fuhrer (leader), seemed to be even stronger after the trial that took place over several leaders of the putsch in early February 1924. Hitler did not fail to turn the process in his favor. The hearing has become

"Mein Kampf" - the battle with the "Torah"

From the author's book

"Mein Kampf" - the battle with the "Torah" Professionals have deduced the formula: "The greater classic, who is often quoted." I don’t know a single Jew of all times and peoples who would be quoted more today than Adolf Hitler. A neighbor has a dog in the yard. She barks at night

Mein Kampf. Who was the author of the main bestseller of the Third Reich?

From the book Encyclopedia of Delusions. Third Reich author Likhacheva Larisa Borisovna

Mein Kampf. Who was the author of the main bestseller of the Third Reich? Usually, regarding our socialized literary economy, we are approached with questions that are quite legitimate, but very monotonous: “How do you write together?” ... - How do we write together? Yes, and

"Mein Kampf": war as a boon for Germany

From the book Nuremberg alarm [Report from the past, appeal to the future] author Zvyagintsev Alexander Grigorievich

"Mein Kampf": war as a boon for Germany * * *Experts say that Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") in its original form left a miserable impression due to the huge number of flaws: verbosity, incorrect grammatical constructions, loudness. By

The newlyweds received Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" as a gift.

From the author's book

The newlyweds received Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" as a gift. The great European power was now ruled by people whose ideology was based on "racial theory". It recognized the Germans as belonging to a select race of masters called to rule the world. On this doctrine

Review of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler

From the book Collection of stories, essay author Orwell George

Review of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler Translated from English: 1988 A. Shishkin Symbolic for the current turbulent development was the publication by Hearst & Blackett publishing house of the full text of "Mein Kampf" a year ago in a clearly pro-Hitlerian spirit.

George Orwell Review of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

From the book Review of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler author Orwell George

George Orwell Review of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf Symbolic of the current tumultuous development was the publication by Hearst & Blackett of the full text of Mein Kampf in a decidedly pro-Hitlerian spirit a year ago. Translator's preface and