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Analysis of teaching materials in chemistry

8 - 11 grades

The analysis was:

Tkachenko S.N.,

Biology and chemistry teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 2 of Kimovsk

year 2013

Analysis of teaching materials in chemistry for grades 8-11 Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.

(publishing house "Enlightenment")

The composition of the EMC "Chemistry" for grades 8-11:

  • Chemistry course program for grades 8-9 educational institutions, chemistry course program for grades 10-11 of educational institutions (basic level).
  • Textbooks with an application on electronic media. 8, 9, 10 (basic level), 11 (basic level) classes.Authors: Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.
  • Workbooks. 8, 9 grades.
  • Task book with "assistant". 8-9 grades, 10-11 grades.Authors: Gara N.N., Gabruseva N.I.
  • Didactic materials. 8-9 grades.
  • Didactic materials. 10-11 grades.
  • Teacher's guide. 8, 9, 10 (basic level), 11 (basic level) classes.

Programs developed for chemistry textbooks by G.E. Rudzitis and F.G. Feldman for grades 8 and 9, as well as for grades 10-11 (basic level) of educational institutions. The structure and content of the programs correspond to the federal component of the state educational standard.

Program for grades 8-9

The content of this course presents fundamental theoretical knowledge, including the study of the composition and structure of substances, the dependence of their properties on the structure, the design of substances with desired properties, the study of the laws of chemical transformations and ways to control them in order to obtain substances, materials, energy. The factual part of the program includes information about inorganic and organic matter. The theoretical basis for the study of inorganic chemistry is the atomic and molecular theory, the periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev with brief information about the structure of atoms, types chemical bond, regularities of chemical reactions. The study of organic chemistry is based on the teachings of A.M. Butlerov about chemical structure substances. In the study of the course, a large role is given to the chemical experiment.

Program for 10 - 11 grades (basic level)

The program is based on basic level in two versions: 140 hours/year (2 hours/week) and 70 hours/year (1 hour/week). This program is recommended for students who have not chosen their future specialty related to chemistry.

Students study this course after a chemistry course for grades 8-9, where they got acquainted with the most important chemical concepts, inorganic and organic substances used in industry and in Everyday life. The program provides for the formation of students' general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies.

Grade 10 course - organic chemistry, theoretical basis which is the theory of the structure of organic compounds.

The entire course is permeated with the idea of ​​the dependence of the properties of substances on the composition and structure, on the nature of functional groups, as well as genetic relationships between classes of organic compounds.

The 11th grade course is a systematization, generalization, deepening of knowledge about previously studied theories and laws of chemical science, chemical processes and industries.

The program of the chemistry course is built on the basis of a concentric approach. Its peculiarity is to maintain a high theoretical level and make learning as developing as possible.

textbooks Chemistry G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman, brought into line with the requirements of the federal component of the State Educational Standard, have retained their best qualities - traditional, fundamental, clear structure, which are combined with a lively, entertaining and accessible form of presentation. The material of textbooks is presented consistently, logically, has a strict structure, which allows modeling the educational process using modern technologies. Some concepts and definitions have been clarified in accordance with modern scientific concepts, new paragraphs have been added. The theoretical material is presented in an accessible and concise manner, in the paragraphs there are portraits of scientists and annotations of their major discoveries; the heading "Do you know what ..." allows you to get additional knowledge necessary in life. All this in general contributes to the education of general cultural and universal values ​​in students.

A differentiated approach to the presentation of tasks and exercises at the end of paragraphs allows you to identify the level of assimilation of the subject. The key topics of the chemistry course are disclosed logically, consistently, the principle of scientific nature of the material is maintained. Summary tables of chemical properties allow students to focus on their study. The textbook traces interdisciplinary connections. The undoubted advantage of textbooks is an illustrative series; it is chosen well and, most importantly, informative. It is distinguished by simplicity, accessibility, clarity of the image, the absence of unnecessary details that distract the attention of schoolchildren, full compliance with the material presented, compliance with the age and psycho-emotional characteristics of students of the corresponding class.

The textbooks come with an electronic application that contains the entire textbook, the necessary tables, many images and videos of laboratory experiments illustrating the methods of obtaining and properties of chemical compounds.

The textbooks that are part of the educational and methodological complex are included inFederal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation for use in educational process in educational institutions. All of themmeet the requirements of the federal basic curriculum and federal component state standard, concepts of modernization of Russian education.

Electronic supplements to the textbookare an integral part of the UMK "Chemistry" G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. The structure of the application corresponds to the structure of the textbook, the electronic spread is completely identical to the spread of the textbook. On the electronic spread in the form of active zones, the most important content components are highlighted. This turns the electronic spread into a kind of reference abstract. Each of the selected active zones contains a variety of additional multimedia resources: colorful animations; biographies; verification test tasks; interactive models of molecules; additional text materials; dictionary of chemical terms; interactive periodic system D.I. Mendeleev; examples of problem solving. In total, the electronic application includes more than 1200 multimedia resources.

Workbooks designed to do homework, consolidate the material covered, self-test knowledge, prepare for tests.

Task book with "assistant"contains brief information, algorithms for solving computational problems in chemistry, tasks and test tasks. It can be used to do homework, self-test knowledge, prepare for tests and final certification for the course of the main school.

Didactic materialsrevised in accordance with the presentation of the material in the textbooks of grades 8 and 9, grades 10 and 11 by G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. Each work of the didactic manual contains four options for tasks. Tasks differ in didactic goals: some of them require students to simply reproduce the material, others force them to compare and analyze, and others require creative understanding and application of knowledge in new situations. Tasks for the final test of students' knowledge are given. The manual can be used with any primary school textbooks.

IN teacher's manualthe textbooks for each lesson define the topic, purpose, basic concepts, planned learning outcomes, summary, homework. The manual also includes examples of control and verification work, test items. Algorithms for compiling chemical formulas, reaction equations, and solutions to computational problems are given.


name of the curriculum

used textbooks (name, author, year of publication)

used teacher manuals

And for students


8th grade

Chemistry: inorgan. chemistry: textbook. for 8 cells. general education institutions / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

For the teacher:

1. Gara N.N. Chemistry: lessons in grade 8: a guide for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.

For students:

2. Chemistry. Workbook. Grade 8: allowance for students of educational institutions / N.N. Gabruseva . - M., Education, 2012.


Grade 9

N.N. Gara. Programs of educational institutions: Chemistry: grades 8-9, grades 10-11. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008

Chemistry. Inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry. Grade 9: textbook. for general education institutions / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

For the teacher:

1. Gara N.N. Chemistry: lessons in grade 9: a guide for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.

2. Chemistry. Didactic material. Grades 8 - 9: a manual for teachers of educational institutions / A.M. Radetsky. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

For students:

1. Chemistry. Task book with "assistant". Grades 8-9: a manual for students of educational institutions / N.N. Gara, N.I. Gabrusev. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

2. Chemistry. Workbook. Grade 9: allowance for students of educational institutions / N.N. Gabruseva . - M., Education, 2012.

Chemistry, grade 10

(a basic level of)

Chemistry. Organic chemistry. Grade 10: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

For the teacher:

1. Gara N.N. Chemistry. Lessons in grade 10: a guide for teachers of educational institutions. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009.

For students:


Grade 11

(a basic level of)

N.N. Gara. Programs of educational institutions: Chemistry: grades 8-9, grades 10-11. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.

Chemistry. Basics general chemistry. Grade 11: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

For the teacher:

1. Gara N.N. Chemistry. Lessons in grade 11: a guide for teachers of educational institutions. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009.

2. Chemistry. didactic material. Grades 10 - 11: a guide for teachers of educational institutions / A.M. Radetsky. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

3. Radetsky A.M. Test papers in chemistry in grades 10-11: a guide for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 2006.

For students:

1. Chemistry. Task book with "assistant". Grades 10-11: a manual for students of educational institutions / N.N. Gara, N.I. Gabrusev. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

Multimedia Applications:

  • Electronic supplement to the textbook Chemistry. Inorganic chemistry. Grade 8: textbook. for general education institutions / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.
  • Electronic supplement to the textbook Chemistry. Inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry. Grade 9: textbook. for general education institutions / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.
  • Electronic supplement to the textbook Chemistry. Organic chemistry. Grade 10: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.
  • Electronic supplement to the textbook Chemistry. Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Grade 11: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

disadvantages of the presented educational and methodical set I consider:

  • Placement of exercises and assignments after several consecutive paragraphs. It is necessary that each paragraph ends with a system of differentiated tasks - from reproductive to research.
  • A small number of test tasks that a modern student needs in preparation for the GIA and the Unified State Examination.
  • The work program involves the study of chemistry in grades 10 and 11 at the basic level for 1 hour per week (34 hours per year), and the theoretical material of the textbook is designed for 2 hours per week.
  • A small number of calculation tasks in the 11th grade textbook.

Chemistry. Grade 9 Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.

2nd ed. - M.: 2016. - 208s. 13th ed. - M.: 2009. - 191s.

The textbook is the main element of the information and educational environment of the subject line of teaching materials in chemistry for grades 8-9, authors G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. It allows you to ensure the achievement of subject, meta-subject and personal results of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard general education. The textbook material is organized according to different forms. learning activities which makes it possible to develop a wide range of necessary skills and competencies. Students carry out effective self-control with the help of the heading "Personal result".

Chemistry. Grade 9 Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.(2016 , 2nd ed., 208s.)

Format: pdf

Size: 46.4 MB

Watch, download:november

Chemistry. Inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry. Grade 9 Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.(2009 , 13th ed., 191s.)

Format: pdf

Size: 63.1 MB

Watch, download:november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Format: pdf

Size: 29.3 MB

Download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

CHAPTER I. Classification of chemical reactions
§ 1. Redox reactions 4
§ 2. thermal effects chemical reactions 9
§ 3. The rate of chemical reactions 12
§ 4. Practical work 1. Studying the influence of the conditions of a chemical reaction on its rate 16
§ 5. Reversible reactions. The concept of chemical equilibrium 17
CHAPTER II. Chemical reactions in aqueous solutions
§ 6. The essence of the process of electrolytic dissociation 20
§ 7. Dissociation of acids, bases and salts 26
§ 8. Weak and strong electrolytes. Degree of dissociation 30
§ 9. Ion exchange reactions 33
§ 10. Hydrolysis of salts 38
§ 11. Practical work 2. Solution experimental tasks on the topic "Properties of acids, bases and salts as electrolytes" 41
§ 12. Characterization of halogens 43
§ 13. Chlorine 49
§ 14. Hydrochloride: obtaining and properties 54
§ 15. Hydrochloric acid and its salts 56
§ 16. Practical work 3. Obtaining of hydrochloric acid and study of its properties 59
CHAPTER IV. Oxygen and sulfur
§ 17. Characteristics of oxygen and sulfur 61
§ 18. Properties and use of sulfur 65
§ 19. Serovodorol. Sulphides 68
§ 20. Oxide cepbJ(IV). Sulfurous acid 71
§ 21. Oxide cepbi(VI). Sulfuric acid 74
§ 22. Practical work 4. Solving experimental problems on the topic "Oxygen and sulfur" 79
CHAPTER V. Nitrogen and Phosphorus
§ 23. Characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus. Physical and chemical properties of nitrogen 80
§ 24. Ammonia 83
§ 25. Practical work 5. Obtaining ammonia and studying its properties 87
§ 26. Ammonium salts 89
§ 27. Nitric acid 92
§ 28. Salts of nitric acid 97
§ 29. Phosphorus 102
§ 30. Phosphorus (U) oxide. Phosphoric acid and its salts 106
CHAPTER VI. Carbon and silicon
§ 31. Characteristics of carbon and silicon. Allotropy of carbon 111
§ 32. Chemical properties carbon. Adsorption 115
§ 33. Carbon monoxide (H) - carbon monoxide 118
§ 34. Carbon monoxide (GU) - carbon dioxide 121
§ 35. Carbonic acid and its salts. The carbon cycle in nature 124
§ 36. Practical work 6. Obtaining carbon monoxide (TC) and studying its properties. Recognition of carbonates 130
§ 37. Silicon. Silicon oxide (IV) 131
§ 38. Silicic acid and its salts. Glass. Cement 135
§ 39. Characteristics of metals 138
§ 40. Finding metals in nature and common ways receiving them 142
§ 41. Chemical properties of metals. Electrochemical series of voltages of metals 144
§ 42. Alloys 149
§ 43. alkali metals 151
§ 44. Magnesium. Alkaline earth metals 156
§ 45. The most important calcium compounds. Water hardness 159
§ 46. Aluminum 164
§ 47. The most important compounds of aluminum 168
§ 48. Iron 171
§ 49. Iron compounds 174
§ 50. Practical work 7. Solving experimental problems on the topic "Metals" 177
CHAPTER VIII. Initial ideas about organic substances
§ 51. Organic chemistry 178
§ 52. Limit (saturated) hydrocarbons 181
§ 53. Unsaturated (unsaturated) hydrocarbons 184
§ 54. Polymers 187
§ 55. Derivatives of hydrocarbons. Alcohols 189
§ 56. Carboxylic acids. Esters. Fats 192
§ 57. Carbohydrates 19(
§ 58. Amino acids. Squirrels 19?
Applications. 1. How to work on a project 20
2. Determination of ions 20
Index 20
Answers to calculation problems 20
useful links

Studying chemistry in the 8th grade, you learned the basic laws of chemistry and the most important chemical concepts, learned how to apply chemical symbols, draw up chemical formulas and reaction equations, solve problems, conduct a chemical experiment.
To successfully continue your further acquaintance with chemistry, we remind you how the textbook is arranged.
Each paragraph begins with review questions. THESE questions will help you remember what you have already studied in other subjects (physics, biology) or in previous chemistry lessons.
Separate paragraphs laboratory experiments that you will conduct on your own or watch as the teacher demonstrates them.
The schemes and tables available in the textbook can serve you many times - both when studying and mastering new material, and when repeating and summarizing what has already been studied.

Chemistry. 8th grade. Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.

4th ed. - M.: 20 1 6. - 2 07s. 15th ed. - M.: 201 1. - 1 76s.

The textbook is the main element of the information and educational environment of the subject line of teaching materials in chemistry for grades 8-9, authors G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. It allows to ensure the achievement of subject, meta-subject and personal results of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. The textbook material is organized in accordance with different forms of learning activities, which makes it possible to develop a wide range of necessary skills and competencies. Students carry out effective self-control with the help of the heading "Personal result".

Chemistry. 8th grade. Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.(2016 , 4th ed., 207p.)

Format: pdf

Size: 46.1 MB

Watch, download: november

Chemistry. Inorganic chemistry. 8th grade. Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.(2011 , 15th ed., 176s.)

Format: pdf

Size: 35.1 Mb

Watch, download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

CD - electronic supplement to the textbook


Size: 1.7 GB

Download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

CHAPTER I. Initial chemical concepts
§ 1. The subject of chemistry. Substances and their properties 4
§ 2. Methods of knowledge in chemistry 8
§ 3. Practical work 1. Techniques for safe work with equipment and substances. Flame structure 12
§ 4. Pure substances and mixtures 14
§ 5. Practical work 2. Purification of contaminated table salt 19
§ 6. Physical and chemical phenomena. Chemical reactions 21
§ 7. Atoms, molecules and ions 25
§ 8. Substances of molecular and non-molecular structure 29
§ 9. Simple and complex substances 33
§ 10. Chemical elements 37
§ 11. Relative atomic mass of chemical elements 40
§ 12. Signs of chemical elements 42
§ 13. The law of the constancy of the composition of substances 45
§ 14. Chemical formulas. Relative molecular mass 47
§ 15. Calculations by chemical formulas. Mass fraction of an element in compound 51
§ 16. Valency of chemical elements. Determination of the valency of elements according to the formulas of their compounds 55
§ 17. Compilation of chemical formulas by valence 59
§ 18. Atomic-molecular doctrine 61
§ 19. Law of conservation of mass of substances 63
§ 20. Chemical Equations 66
§ 21. Types of chemical reactions 69
CHAPTER II. Oxygen. Combustion
§ 22. Oxygen, its general characteristics, being in nature and getting 72
§ 23. Properties of oxygen 77
§ 24. The use of oxygen. Oxygen cycle in nature 81
§ 25. Practical work 3. Obtaining and properties of oxygen 84
§ 26. Ozone. Allotropy of oxygen 85
§ 27. Air and its composition 88
§ 28. Hydrogen, its general characteristics, being in nature and obtaining 93
§ 29. Properties and applications of hydrogen 97
§ 30. Practical work 4. Obtaining hydrogen and studying its properties 102
CHAPTER IV. Water. Solutions
§ 31. Water 103
§ 32. Chemical properties and use of water 107
§ 33. Water is a solvent. Software Solutions
§ 34. Mass fraction of the dissolved substance 114
§ 35. Practical work 5. Preparation of a solution with a certain mass fraction of a dissolved substance (salt) 118
CHAPTER V. Quantitative Relations in Chemistry
§ 36. Quantity of substance. Moth. Molar mass 119
§ 37. Calculations using the concepts of "amount of substance" and "molar mass" 123
§ 38. Law of Avogadro. Molar volume of gases 126
§ 39. Volume ratios of gases at chemical reactions 129
CHAPTER VI. Essential classes inorganic compounds
§ 40. Oxides 131
§ 41. Hydroxides. Foundations 137
§ 42. Chemical properties of bases 140
§ 43. Amphoteric oxides and hydroxides 146
§ 44. Acids, 149
§ 45. Chemical properties of acids 153
§ 46. Salts 156
§ 47. Chemical properties of salts 161
§ 48. Practical work 6. Solving experimental problems on the topic "The most important classes of inorganic compounds" 165
CHAPTER VII. Periodic law and the structure of the atom
§ 49. Classification of chemical elements 167
§ 50. Periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev 173
§ 51. Periodic table of chemical elements 177
§ 52. The structure of the atom 181
§ 53. Distribution of electrons by energy levels 185
§ 54. Significance of the periodic law 189
CHAPTER VIII. The structure of matter. chemical bond
§ 55. Electronegativity of chemical elements 191
§ 56. The main types of chemical bonds 194
§ 57. Oxidation state 199
Index 203
Answers to calculation problems 205
Useful links 205

When starting to study a new subject for you - chemistry, remember that the knowledge gained in the lessons is needed not only for passing exams. Chemical literacy is vital for modern man.
Chemistry must be studied consistently. First of all, you must have a good grasp of the basic laws and the most important chemical concepts that will form the foundation of your knowledge of chemistry.
You will learn how to apply chemical symbolism, make chemical formulas and equations of reactions, solve problems, conduct a chemical experiment. And this is important, since chemistry is an experimental science.
Assimilation and memorization educational material it will be more effective if you follow a certain system when studying it. First, get familiar with how the paragraph is structured:
how the main and additional texts are highlighted;
what is the navigation system (what are the headings and icons for);
how concepts are highlighted in the text;
what illustrations are in the paragraph;
where to look for more information.

Chemistry is studied in general education school only four years old. They start only in the eighth grade (the most recent of the so-called "big" courses) and finish by the time they complete their secondary education. Those young people and girls who decided to say goodbye to school immediately after the OGE will still study chemistry. It will happen in those secondary special educational institutions which they will soon choose. In a word, no one will be able to avoid a four-year test of reactions, computational problems and furious chains of transformations.

Chemistry is a difficult subject. There is a lot to remember and understand. In addition, unlike mathematics and physics, the so-called chemical erudition is of particular importance. You need to feel what reacts with what and under what conditions. Sometimes you even need to understand why. Compared to other subjects, chemistry is much more varied and less predictable.

GDZ "Chemistry, Grade 8" were developed by G.E. Rudzits, F.G. Feldman, and published by Prosveshchenie in 2015. They will definitely help those students who experience difficulties with this subject. The main thing is to work hard.

All eighth graders choose GDZ Rudzitis in chemistry

Collection of correct answers perfectly answers work program. In addition, he fulfills all the prescribed requirements of the federal state educational standard (FSES). If you study hard and don’t shy away, you can achieve good results, start bringing home “fives” and “fours”, start winning olympiads. The obvious advantages of the correct answers posted on our website include the following:

  • quick search in the table of contents;
  • perfect match between the solution book and the textbook;
  • support for phones, tablets and laptops;
  • supporting explanations and illustrations;
  • links to educational materials.

How are GDZs arranged (author: Rudzitis, Feldman) in chemistry "Grade 8"?

So far, students are only getting acquainted with the basic concepts of this science. They learn to distinguish atoms from molecules, learn the difference between electrons, protons and neutrons, learn the magic of covalent and metallic bonds. The teacher will tell about the history of alchemy, chemical elements ancient, modern Periodic system and law. Numerous real life examples will be given.

Students will learn many amazing facts about nature. The main topics covered this year are as follows:

  • oxygen and hydrogen. water molecule;
  • laboratory equipment;
  • safety precautions;
  • calculations of the mass fraction of an element in substances.

The study guide created by Rudzits will be useful for both adults and teenagers. Tutors can use it for variety in their daily practice when providing curriculum assistance.