A. Smooth      25.07.2020

The communicative culture of the teacher includes. Communicative culture of the teacher. Tasks in a test form

Yakusheva Svetlana Dmitrievna

cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow


Lyashenko Natalia Alexandrovna

4th year student, Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool

education MGPI, Moscow


Russia is entering a new educational era, replenishing the unified international educational space in accordance with global globalization trends. In this regard, high demands are placed on domestic education, including preschool education. They concern both educational educational process as well as the personality of the educator.

Society needs a teacher with a high professional level of pedagogical and communicative culture.

Domestic teachers and psychologists G. M. Andreeva, A. A. Bodalev, F. N. Gonobolin, I. I. Zaretskaya, N. V. Kuzmina, A. A. Lobanov, N. A. Moreva, V. A. Slastenin, S. D. Yakusheva, et al.

Modern pedagogy, according to SD Yakusheva, is the pedagogy of cooperation. She strives to activate the student himself, to make him a colleague, an accomplice in the pedagogical process.

Education is a way for a person to enter the world of science and culture. In the process of education, a person masters cultural values. Culture is a prerequisite and a result of human education. By mastering culture, a person not only adapts to the conditions of a constantly changing society, but also becomes capable of vigorous activity, which allows him to go beyond the given limits, develop his own subjectivity and increase the potential of world civilization. Education is a necessary and important factor in the development of both the economy, politics, culture, and the whole society. In turn, education develops under the influence of the needs of society, because it always performs the most important social functions. The effectiveness of all socio-economic and other processes of the development of society, building up the intellectual, spiritual, socio-cultural potential of the country depends on education. Culture and education act as the leading factors of social progress and the development of civilization.

Education is part of culture, it affects its preservation and development. The educational process provides knowledge of the world, develops a personality in its individuality, unique originality, makes it possible to master all the richness of world culture.

The concept of "culture" is interpreted broadly. At the ordinary level, "culture" is understood as a model to which people should be equal. Culture is also identified with education and intelligence, and is qualified as a certain quality of a person. On the theoretical level, "culture" is considered as a specific characteristic of society, which expresses the level achieved by mankind. historical development, determined by the relationship of man to nature and society.

"Culture" (lat. culture) - originally the processing and care of the land (lat. agriculture), in order to make it suitable for the satisfaction of human needs, so that it can serve man (hence the "culture of agricultural technology"). In a figurative sense, culture is the care, improvement, ennobling of the bodily-mental-spiritual inclinations and abilities of a person; accordingly, there is a culture of the body, a culture of the soul and a spiritual culture (in this sense, Cicero already speaks of culture anime). In a broad sense, culture is a set of manifestations of the life, achievements and creativity of a people or group of peoples.

In the philosophical sense, "culture" is understood as the highest human instinct, compensating for the inadequately satisfied real needs of people by creating a symbolic space - the world of culture.

Culture as socially progressive creative activity humanity in all spheres of being and consciousness is a dialectical unity of the processes of objectification (creation of values, norms, sign systems etc.) and deobjectification (development of cultural heritage), is aimed at transforming reality, transforming the wealth of human history into the inner wealth of the individual, all-round identification and development of the essential forces of man.

B. I. Kononenko defines culture as a specific way of organizing and developing human life, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms, institutions, in spiritual values, in the totality of people's relations to nature, to each other and to themselves.

E. M. Skvortsova argues that the range of philosophical views on culture is very wide, and the main place in it is given to understanding culture as a center of light, as an active love for people, the world, for God. The illustrations of this statement are devoted to the following lines of the famous Russian artist, publicist and public figure N.K. Roerich: “culture is “reverence for light”, “love for humanity”, “synthesis of sublime and refined achievements” .

Culture in education acts as its content component, a source of knowledge about nature, society, methods of activity, a person’s emotional-volitional and value attitude towards people around him, work, communication, etc. .

Even S. I. Gessen posed the problem of the relationship between education and culture, which is still relevant today, the necessary condition for which is the interpenetration of education into culture and, conversely, culture into education.

Achievements of goals modern education in many respects it is connected with the personal potential of the teacher, his general, professional and personal culture. So, culture is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon that has its own structure and content, goals and objectives, and which contributes to the development of the humanistic orientation and creative potential of the individual.

Many sciences, such as philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, criminology and, of course, psychology, are engaged in the study of the issue related to the concept of "personality".

According to the psychologist A. A. Rean, there is practically no such area, wherever there is (explicitly or implicitly) a "personal view" of the problem. The processes of perception, memory, thinking, speech, and so on do not exist by themselves, but the person perceives, remembers and thinks. Depending on personal attitudes, a person perceives the surrounding reality in different ways, including the people around him. Personal attitude to a particular formation affects the process of its memorization (and forgetting) by a person. Personal characteristics, attitudes, subjective attitude towards specific people directly affect a person's behavior, his interaction and communication with others, etc.

Under the term "personality" (from the word "face", "face"), A. V. Batarshev understands a person capable of communication, intellectual and moral improvement.

D. N. Uznadze considers the concept of "personality" as a holistic and spiritual formation, the motives and actions of which can also be unconscious in the process of purposeful activity.

D. I. Feldstein argues that a person develops through various stages of social maturity. At the same time, the leading factor in its formation is socially significant activity.

S. L. Rubinshtein notes that personality is a relatively late product of the socio-historical and ontogenetic development of a person

According to A. N. Leontiev, a person is not only “a moment of activity, but also its product”, “it is not born, but becomes”.

E. F. Zeer argues that being a person means being the subject of activity, communication, self-consciousness, that is, the expression “subject of activity” means that a person is, first of all, the subject of basic social activities- work, communication, knowledge.

V. I. Smirnov defines the concept of "personality" as a stable system of socially significant traits, relationships, attitudes and motives that characterizes a person as a member of society. "Personality" is a person, a subject of relations and conscious activity, capable of self-knowledge and self-development.

According to V. A. Slastenin, a person’s personality is formed and develops under the influence of numerous factors, objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people acting spontaneously or according to certain goals. At the same time, a person is not a passive being, he acts as a subject of his own formation and development.

E. M. Bondarevskaya believes that a person is a person integrated in a culture that is in dialogue with it. In modern conditions, the most prestigious properties of a person of culture are freedom, spirituality, humanity, creativity, therefore, a person in the modern view is a free, spiritual, humane, creative person, capable of moral choice and responsible behavior.

One of the most important qualities of a person, says S. D. Yakusheva, is a communicative culture. In this regard, the requirements for the professional skills of the teacher are increasing.

In the scientific literature, the theoretical foundations of the process of developing professional skills are given, its specific features are highlighted:

B. T. Likhachev believes that pedagogical skill is a part of pedagogical art and is expressed in the teacher’s modern mastery of methods and techniques, the entire arsenal of pedagogical skills that ensure the practical implementation of pedagogical art in the process of personality formation.

I. P. Andriadi considers pedagogical skill as a property of a person, reflecting her spiritual, moral and intellectual readiness for creative understanding of the socio-cultural values ​​of society, as well as theoretical and practical readiness for the creative application of knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities.

N. K. Baklanova defines professional skills as a system, a qualitative level of professional and pedagogical activity, integral quality personality of the teacher and as a synthesis of professionalism, creativity and spirituality.

A. I. Savenkov considers pedagogical skill as a systemic quality of the personality acquired by a person as a result special education and in the process of establishing his professional identity.

L. A. Baykova and L. K. Grebenkina define pedagogical skill as the highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the work of a teacher, in the constant improvement of the art of teaching, educating and developing a person.

S. D. Yakusheva define pedagogical skill as the art of training and education, accessible to every teacher and master of industrial training, requiring constant improvement. She believes that pedagogical skill as a professional skill includes the following components: pedagogical culture; professional competence of the teacher; pedagogical skills and abilities; teacher's speech culture; pedagogical interaction, the ability to manage oneself; pedagogical communication and ethics; psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

Thus, the professional skill of a teacher begins with a humanistic position and pedagogical communication, creating an environment that colors pedagogical cooperation and optimizes the educational process, while developing a communicative culture.

Communicative culture, according to the definition of A. V. Mudrik, is a system of knowledge, norms, values ​​and patterns of behavior accepted in society and the ability to organically, naturally and naturally implement them in business and emotional communication.

Novice teachers note that for successful work they need not only subject and psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but also the ability to communicate.

The psychological dictionary interprets the term "communication" as "the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange between them of information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature."

According to A. A. Leontiev, the very process of communication between the teacher and students acts as an important professional category of pedagogical activity.

V. A. Kan-Kalik considers professional and pedagogical communication as a system of organic socio-psychological interaction between a teacher and students, the content of which is the exchange of information, the provision of educational influence, the organization of relationships, using communicative means.

Sociability, as a property of a person, includes, according to researchers, such components as sociability - the ability to experience pleasure from the communication process, social kinship - the desire to be in society, altruistic tendencies - empathy as the ability to sympathize, empathy and identification as the ability to endure yourself into another person's world.

Sociability involves the ability to listen, speak out to the place, keep up the conversation and change the subject, get to know each other and find the right form of address to another person. Sociability is associated with the emotional and general well-being of a person before entering into communication, at the time of the contact itself and after it. A sociable person owns his gestures, has a wealth of facial expressions, expressive intonations.

Along with the term "communication" the term "communication" is used. In this work, "communication" and "communication" we use as synonyms.

« Communicare» - (from lat.) to connect, to make common, to communicate is used in three meanings: 1) the way of communication; 2) form of communication or means of communication (means of mass communication); 3) the act of communication, communication of information.

A. A. Leontiev, by communicative behavior, means not just the process of speaking, transmitting information, but the organization of speech that affects the nature of relationships, the creation of an emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication between teachers and students, the style of their work.

So, communicative culture occupies a leading place in the general cultural and professional development of the individual, being one of the priority tasks. vocational education. It is considered as the most important component of humanitarian education, as a special object of modeling pedagogical systems in the unity of their structural and functional components.

The concept of "communicative culture" is interpreted as a certain level of development of communication skills, in which a person correctly uses the means of language and skillfully operates with them in the process of interacting with other people.

V. N. Kunitsyna believes that a communicative culture is, first of all, a culture of human relationships, the basis of which is sociability, which in turn manifests itself in a steady desire for contacts with people and is combined with the speed of establishing contacts.

Therefore, communicativeness or sociability is the ability for successful group activity, the ability for mutual understanding.

The communicative culture of the individual is realized in communicative knowledge, skills and abilities.

Communicative knowledge means the generalized experience of mankind in communicative activity, i.e. reflection in the minds of people of communicative situations in their cause-and-effect relationships and relationships. The value of communicative knowledge has been understood by people for a long time. Communicative skills are understood as a set of communicative actions based on a high theoretical and practical preparedness of an individual for interpersonal communication, which allows creative use of communicative knowledge.

A. Z. Mudrik characterizes communicative culture as a condition and prerequisite for the effectiveness of professional activity and as a goal of professional self-improvement.

The concept of communicative culture is concretized in the system of structural requirements for the personality of a future specialist, in its professional and communicative orientation, awareness of the creative nature of work, understanding the value of interpersonal and professional communication.

The criteria for the teacher's skill are: expediency (orientation); productivity (result: level of knowledge, upbringing of students); optimality (choice of means); creativity (content of activity).

Consequently, the communicative activity of the teacher, aimed at establishing pedagogically expedient relations between the teacher and the student, is of great importance, and is an essential indicator of the professional competence and skill of the teacher.

The main goal of teaching a communicative culture in present stage is the formation of communicative competence in the aggregate of its components such as educational and cognitive competence; speech competence; language competence.

In the structure of professionalism, the fundamental elements of the concept of "professional culture" are culture and profession. If culture is a general, generic concept that determines the way a person’s life is organized, then professional culture denotes a specific concept, but in a narrower field of activity, which is a profession. Professional culture is a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills inherent in a certain type of labor, it is a set of norms, rules and models of people's behavior in the conditions of performing a certain specific activity.

IN teaching practice Communication is the most important factor in professional success. According to M. I. Skatkin, the high technique of pedagogical communication is not only one of the components, but also the leading component of professional excellence.

Communicative culture requires the definition of its structural components. S. D. Yakusheva believes that based on different aspects of its consideration, the teacher distinguishes such components as: reflection, sociability and sociability, communication and speech skills, skills of non-verbal communication and psycho-self-regulation, communication skills, etc.

As the scientist says, teaching and developing communication skills is becoming the primary task of the teacher, striving for effective interaction with colleagues, students and their parents.

A. Z. Mudrik identifies the following personality parameters that affect sociability: features of thinking, fluency in speech, empathy and spontaneity of perception, certain social attitudes (for example, interest in the process of communication itself, and not just in its result), communication skills - orientation in time, in partners, in relationships, in situations.

Sociability has a pronounced emotional nature, which is based on communicative and altruistic emotions.

V. A. Kan-Kalik singled out among communicative emotions: the desire to share thoughts, experiences, a feeling of sympathy, disposition, respect for the participants in communication, etc. .

So, content component the communicative culture of the teacher includes the following knowledge: age and individual psychological characteristics of the personality; psychological techniques to attract and hold attention; attributes of communication (appearance, means, forms, time, space); standards of communicative behavior (ways of farewell, greeting, expressing gratitude and disagreement, etc.); features of monologic and dialogic forms of communication; compliance with modern literary language; taking into account functional styles of communication; knowledge in the field of intercultural communication, etc.

The concept of "communicative behavior of a teacher" is closely related to the concept of "communicative culture". The outstanding psychologist A. A. Leontiev in his work “Pedagogical communication” under communicative behavior means not just the process of speaking, transferring information, but the organization of speech that affects the nature of relationships, the creation of an emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication between teachers and students, the style of their work.

The communicative culture of a teacher is one of the most important components of professional culture. The need for its development is due to the fact that the teacher is constantly involved in the process of communication, which provides for diverse and multifaceted relationships with those who become contact partners: with students, their parents, and colleagues. These relationships arise and develop in the process joint activities, the most important condition for the implementation of which is communication.

The development of a teacher's communicative culture is associated with the solution of a complex of pedagogical tasks, among which the communicative task comes to the fore. The studies of V. A. Kan-Kalik, M. M. Levina, A. K. Markova and others are devoted to determining its essence and significance.

Summing up, we can designate a communicative task as a reference point given in a specific situation of communication, the implementation of which is associated with the selection by the teacher of educational information of subject-object content that corresponds to the pedagogical task he realizes. The effectiveness of communicative support of pedagogical activity depends on mastering the methods of setting and solving communicative tasks.

The effectiveness of the process of developing a communicative culture is largely facilitated by the communicative literacy of the teacher, the ability to implement the principles of partnership in educational and extracurricular interaction.

Communicative culture also develops under the condition that the teacher masters the technological side of communicative interaction with other participants in the educational process. Possession of technologies for communicative support of pedagogical culture, ultimately, can lead him to comprehend his professional activity at one stage or another, to personal and professional improvement.

Technology Component The communicative culture of a teacher includes the possession of an integral complex of generalized psychological, pedagogical, communicative skills and abilities.

Summing up, we define communicative culture as part of the teacher's pedagogical culture, including motivational-value, information-content and technological aspects; as the degree of mastering the experience of actualization and implementation of the pedagogical culture of the individual in the process and as a result of the communicative support of pedagogical activity and the improvement of professional skills.

Communicative culture largely determines the competence of a teacher who is capable of providing effective pedagogical communication.

The analysis of the development of communicative culture allows us to draw the following conclusions that a teacher with a low level of sociability, with a lack of emotional culture and reflection, with poorly formed communication skills, manifested in a low culture of communication, is not able to create a cultural and developing potential of the environment that affects the personality of the student, its full development.

Thus, the communicative culture of a teacher is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of pedagogical activity, including a system of communicative knowledge, skills that determine a certain position of the individual in communicative activity, and the communicative culture of the teacher is the basis of professional skill and determines its success.


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6. Gessen S. I. Fundamentals of Pedagogy. Introduction to applied philosophy / otv. ed.and sost. P. V. Alekseev. M.: Shkola-Press, 1995. 448s.

7. Kan-Kalik V. A. To the teacher about pedagogical communication: A book for the teacher. Moscow: Education, 1987. 190 p.

8. Kononenko B. I. Culturology in terms, concepts, names: Ref. textbook allowance. M.: Publishing House "Shield-M", 2001. 405 p.

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18. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Edited by E. F. Gubsky, G. V. Korablev and V. A. Lutchenko. M.: INFRA-M, 1997. 574 p.

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Anna Shorina
Project "Communicative culture of the teacher"

State budget educational institution

Higher professional education of the Moscow region

"Academy of Social Management"

Department of Education Development




educator MADOU d / s No. 41 "Rainbow"

combined view Sverdlovsky settlement

Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region

Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Formation and development communicative culture

preschool teachers

1.1Key concepts. 4

1.2Formation communicative culture of teachers. 6

1.3 Development. eleven

communicative culture

2.2. Classification of communication, its types. 14

2.3. Secrets of productive communication. 16

Conclusion. 18

Application. 20

Literature. 24


subject « Communicative culture of the teacher» I didn't choose by chance. About 15 years priority in my work is the problem of speech development of preschool children, which worries me very much. Unfortunately, the current state of speech culture in Russia leaves much to be desired. It can be regarded as a crisis both in terms of speech etiquette, and in terms of the depletion of vocabulary, the inability to coherently and logically express one's thoughts or feelings.

It is well known that a universal means of developing a child's personality during preschool childhood, meaningful polite communication, is communicative competence of the teacher, its cognitive, emotional and behavioral components, skillful management of the phased building of learning to motivate communication. The younger children are dominated by business motives, they need the help of an adult in the process of practical activities, they are completely absorbed in actions with objects. In the middle preschool age, cognitive interests appear, and the adult becomes a partner in the game. In older preschoolers, cognitive and personal motives for communicating with adults, associated with increased interests in people and their relationships, already predominate.

Target project: to reveal the significance in the process of upbringing and education of the individual.


1. Study the literature on the topic.

2. Consider key concepts.

3. Consider structural components communicative culture of the teacher.

4. Determine the content, goals, conditions of communication.

Chapter 1. Formation and development communicative culture

preschool teachers

1.1. Key Concepts

Term « culture» (culture) of Latin origin, it originally meant "cultivation of the soil, its cultivation» .

There are many definitions of the concept « culture» .

"Under culture in a general sense, all types of transformative activity of a person and society, as well as the results of this activity, are understood.

« culture(cultivation, upbringing, education, development, veneration) historically determined level of development of society, creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of people's life, as well as the material and spiritual values ​​​​created by them " (Encyclopedic Dictionary).

« Culture is everything that has been cultivated by man in the history of his existence on Earth, the totality of man's achievements in a productive, social, intellectual sense" (L. V. Todorov).

The most important functional feature culture is the ability to self-renewal, the generation of new forms and ways of satisfying the interests and needs of people. As people's needs develop, so does culture.

culture not inherited genetically, but acquired only by methods

learning. Level question culture society is a problem

the effectiveness of this kind of training (i.e., the mechanisms of socialization

personalities: following the system of values ​​that have been developed by mankind - norms of behavior, laws, etc.).

Communicative culture- the totality of knowledge, skills and communicative personality traits, which has a successful impact on pupils and allows you to most effectively organize the process of education and upbringing and regulate communicative activity in the decision process pedagogical tasks.

Communicative culture of the teacher involves mastering communicative skills and development communication skills.

Communication skills of the teacher:

Ability to establish emotional contact, gain initiative in communication;

Ability to manage your emotions;

Observation and shifting of attention;

Social perception, i.e., understanding of the psychological state by external signs;

Skill "submit oneself" in communication;

Speech (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal) skills communications, etc..

1.2. Formation communicative culture of preschool teachers

Problem communicative culture has not ceased to be relevant over the years. Success in any field of activity largely determines communicative culture.

interpersonal communicative interaction is conditioned by the possession of means of communication, the mechanisms of psychological influence, the variety of educational means, techniques, methods, forms of work and awareness of individual expressive capabilities.

The need for development communicative culture of the teacher is determined by the fact that the object of labor of a given professional group is not some object, but the human individuality in all its uniqueness. The educator is constantly included in the process of communication, which provides for diverse and multifaceted relationships with children, colleagues, and parents. As such, there is a real need modern society in specialists capable of continuous development of their personal qualities, spiritual world, professionalism, who are able to use their natural abilities with maximum effect, develop the general and communicative culture. Therefore, the teacher of the preschool educational institution as a specialist in the system "man-man" must have a high communicative culture, which implies the presence communicative knowledge, skills, abilities, as they develop important psychological qualities that are components of competence preschool teachers.

Communicative culture can be a form of human activity - to express the very essence culture and integrate all its other characteristics. She happens to be essential characteristic a person associated with purely human ability purposeful transformation of the surrounding world, during which an artificial world of things, symbols, as well as connections and relationships between people is created.

According to the definition of A. V. Mudrik, communicative culture personality culture of teachers is a system of knowledge, norms, values ​​and behaviors accepted in society and the ability to organically, naturally and naturally implement them in business and emotional communication.

Communicative culture is expressed in the ability to establish humanistic, personality-oriented relationships with children, parents of pupils and colleagues, which implies that specialist:

Orientation to the recognition of positive qualities, strengths, significance of the other;

The ability to empathize, understand and take into account the emotional state of another;

Ability to give positive feedback to another;

Ability to motivate others to work and achieve in it;

specific communication skills: greet, chat,

ask questions, answer, actively listen, evaluate, ask,

support, refuse, etc.;

Self-respect, knowledge of one's own strengths, skills

use them in their own activities;

Ability to exercise pedagogical organization support

joint activities and interpersonal communication of pupils;

Speech culture.

At the core communicative culture lies the general culture of the individual, which represents a high level of its development, expressed in a system of needs, social qualities, in the style of activity and behavior. Therefore, to the maximum extent communicative culture includes essential personal characteristics, namely, abilities, knowledge,

abilities, skills, value orientations, attitudes, character traits, and is a necessary condition for the successful realization of the personality.

Communicative skills and attitudes develop important psychological

qualities that are components of the competence of a specialist. These include pedagogical tact, pedagogical empathy, pedagogical sociability, possession pedagogical ethics(knowledge of the humanistic norms of their profession and following them).

Pedagogical tact - there is a sense of reasonable measure based on the correlation of tasks, conditions and capabilities of the participants in communication. Tact is the choice and implementation of such a measure. pedagogical impact, which is based on the attitude to the personality of the student as the main value; this is a fine line between individual influences, this is naturalness, simplicity, treatment without familiarity, sincerity without falsehood, trust without connivance, request without begging, recommendations and advice without obsession, influence in the form of a warning, suggestion and demand without suppressing independence, seriousness without stiffness, humor without ridicule, exactingness without nit-picking, perseverance without stubbornness, businesslike tone without dryness. Pedagogical tact is one of the forms of realization pedagogical ethics.

In close connection with pedagogical tact(or as part of it) consider pedagogical empathy. Empathy includes understanding another person based on an analysis of his personality; emotional empathy for another person, a response to the feelings of another person and the expression of their feelings; the desire to help, to help another person.

The most important principle communicative culture - tolerance(tolerance). This principle is connected with the realized impossibility to immediately overcome many weaknesses and imperfections of the human race. This applies to random, sometimes unconscious manifestations of arrogance, to psychological incompatibility of characters, stress, etc. Tolerance can also be attributed to a form of behavior both at work and at home. Everywhere, as a rule, it gives rise to mutual trust, understanding, frankness,

helps to overcome conflict situations, promotes the manifestation of goodwill and deep humanity, helps psychological "lapping" characters.

Based on the opinion of O.P. Sokolova: « Communicative culture of an individual is defined as a system of knowledge, skills, to naturally and naturally implement them in business and emotional communication ”and, agreeing with A.V. Mudrik, that communicative culture as a component of professional teacher's personality culture is a system of knowledge, norms, values ​​and behaviors accepted in society and the ability to organically, naturally and naturally implement them in business and emotional communication; we are considering communicative culture as a complex of formed knowledge, norms, values, skills, motives, patterns of behavior accepted in society and the ability to organically, naturally, naturally implement them in communication, control and regulate one's speech behavior, competently argue one's position, cooperate productively with the help of verbal and non-verbal means of communication in the decision process pedagogical tasks; wherein communicative culture has common features culture, reflecting the specific nature communications.

Main Components communicative culture: meaningful, motivational and personal-activity.

To content component communicative culture include such knowledge How: knowledge of age and individual psychological characteristics of a person; psychological tricks attracting and retaining attention; communication attributes (appearance, means, forms, time, space); standards communicative behavior(ways of farewell, greeting, expressing gratitude and disagreement, etc.); features of monologic and dialogic forms of communication; compliance with the norms of the modern literary language; taking into account functional styles of communication; knowledge in the field intercultural communication, etc..

In the motivational component communicative culture contains motives and needs (the desire to receive, transmit and create information, receive emotional support from a partner, interest in the personality of a partner, the need to experience the joy of communication, the desire for identification, empathy and reflection in the process of communication, etc.).

Personal activity component communicative culture includes communicative, informational, analytical, constructive, prognostic, organizational, reflective and perceptual skills.

1.3. Development communicative culture of preschool teachers

The main indicator of development communicative culture of the teacher is the degree of formation of its structural components: content, motivational and personal-activity.

Competence in communication is represented in knowledge, abilities, skills realized through social attitudes and personal experience in situations of interpersonal communication. Therefore, for the development communicative culture of teachers Preschool educational institution needs a practice of psychological influence, called communication training.

Goals and objectives of training sessions is: skill development reflective listening; development of self-confidence; stress tolerance, psychological protection; mastery of verbalization; developing the ability to listen to partners; genre formulation of questions, conducting one's own line; controlling emotions, listening to criticism of their proposals; expansion of the lexicon and thesaurus; development of the auditory canal; working out coping techniques communication barriers.

Training is an effective means of psychological influence that allows solving a wide range of tasks in the field of developing competence in communication.

Chapter 2. Communication as a Component communicative culture

Communication is the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of cognitive or affective-evaluative information between them. (emotional-evaluative) character.

Interpretation of related words with a common root following:

General - characteristic of all, concerning all, concerning all, collective, belonging to all.

Communicate - maintain communication, mutual relations.

Sociable - easily entering into contact, open.

Commonality - totality, unity, integrity.

Conclusion: without communication, as without air, a person cannot exist.

Communication for a person is his habitat. Without communication, it is impossible to form a person's personality, his upbringing, and the development of intellect.

Communication helps organize joint work, outline and discuss plans, and implement them.

D.S. Likhachev said that by communicating with each other, people learn to look at the world, learn about life, understand and evaluate others, together, jointly, taking into account each other's opinion. Thus, they are enriched and, as it were, form, create each other and themselves.

culture speech communication - a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure purposeful interaction of people based on an adequate choice and use of means of communication, as well as the ability to predict the impact of statements on interlocutors, extract information in terms of oral and written communications.

What is communication, what are its components?

1st condition.

“A person has an idea. to pass it on to someone else.". This means that the conversation will take place if at least two people participate in it.

2nd condition. One of them should have a thought, a subject of conversation, a topic for discussion should appear in the mind.

3rd condition. Knowledge of the language in which they communicate is required. Only then do the thoughts and feelings of the speaker become accessible and understandable to another.

Conclusion: for communication to take place, it is necessary to have a subject, an addressee, a common language and a subject of conversation.

2.2. Classification of communication, its types

Exist different approaches to the classification of communication. First of all, allocate communication:

Household (related to our everyday life, with use);

Business communication at work, during performance official duties, when solving production issues, etc.)

Depending on various features, both household and business communication can be divided into the following kinds:

- by purpose: phatic and non-phatic;

- affordable: verbal and non-verbal;

- by position in space: contact and remote;

Taking into account the form used speeches: oral and written;

Depending on the change and permanent position (I am the speaker and you are the listener): dialogic - monologue;

In terms of the number of participants and conditions: interpersonal - mass, private - official.

Phatic communication is meaningful and informative. People exchange thoughts, feelings, ideas.

Nephatic communication is formal communication to maintain contact.

Verbal communication is through words.

Non-verbal communication - facial expressions, gestures.

Contact communication - direct communication (conversation, conversation, report).

Distant communication is mediated communication in which communication takes place at a distance. Interlocutors separated by time and space (phone, letter).

Dialogue is a form of speech characterized by a change in the statements of two or more speakers or an exchange of remarks. The primary natural form of linguistic communication.

A monologue is a form of extended speech utterance, which is a speech addressed to oneself or others, unlike a dialogue, not intended for the direct reaction of another person. (report, personal letter, presentation at the conference). In a monologue, reflection, feelings, erudition of the speaker find expression, the personality and speech skills of a person are most clearly revealed.

Polylogue - an exchange of remarks, in which more than two respondents.

Interpersonal communication - "one one" or "speaking - listening" (letter, note).

Group communication - "one is a little".

Mass communication - "one - many" (radio, television, concert hall).

2.3. Secrets of productive communication

One of the needs that determines the desire for communication is to be appreciated, recognized, understood. Therefore, it is important to show respect for the communication partner, to enable the interlocutor to feel their importance. Related to this is the first secret of productive communication: do not start a conversation with your problems; never criticize without first praising for something.

Second secret: don't rush to say "No".

Third secret: Avoid the imperative mood.

Practice your ability, turning to pupils, colleagues, family, to express your request, forbidding yourself to use the imperative mood. For example, instead of: "Put the books off the table!" Tell: "Did you remember to remove the books from the table?", "May I ask you to clear the books off the table?". Can you feel how different it sounds?

Chapter 3. Conclusion

Communicative culture of the teacher is a qualitative characteristic of the subject pedagogical activity, including the system communicative knowledge, skills, skills that determine a certain position of the individual in communication activities. Communicative culture of the teacher is the basis of professional excellence and determines its success. The communicative side of the pedagogical activity is manifested in everything pedagogical process. Implementation of an individual trip, as one of the parties communicative activity of the teacher, also determines the success of his work. The teacher must notice and take into account the characteristics of the pupil that hinder or help him, and respond accordingly. So, the slowness of the child, associated with his temperament, requires patience and tact of the educator. We must remember what exactly communicative components of the teacher's activity in most cases are the cause of deviations as a result of education.

Communicative culture largely determines the competence teacher capable of providing effective pedagogical communication. teacher with a low level of sociability, with a lack of emotional culture and reflection, with poorly formed communication skills, manifested in low communication culture, unable to create culturally- the developing potential of the environment, affecting the personality of the student, his full development.

Development communicative tolerance and the formation of a positive image teacher promotes knowledge and performance "commandments of fellowship" (A. B. Dobrovich):

Relations with people are the main thing in any activity, and even more so in pedagogical. Think about your relationships with other people, build them on mutual understanding and trust.

When communicating with a person, never get hung up on achieving your specific goals and objectives. As a teacher, do not turn into an official for whom the program, the plan is the main thing. Do not forget that the child, his interests, aspirations, his present and future are the meaning of your work.

Learn to see in every person, child, what distinguishes him from others, that "highlight" which makes it unique and unrepeatable. Remember that each person is unique and each needs a different approach.

When you come to a person, leave your problems, ambitions, stereotypes. Speaking with a person, communicate with him, and not with his official status, with your ideas about him. The need for equality is inherent in everyone, and even more so in children.

Learn to see yourself as if from the outside, through the eyes of other people. Analyze how you behaved while communicating with them, strive to put yourself in the place of the person with whom you communicate.

Smile at people more often. Smiling has people around you, creates a favorable emotional mood. Makes others want to connect with you.

The greatest luxury on Earth is the luxury of human communication - A. Saint-Exupery.


Circle game "I'm learning from you".

Participants randomly throw a ball to each other words: "I'm learning from you..."(called professional or personal quality this person, which really has value, attractiveness for the speaker). The task of the person who received the ball is, first of all, to confirm what was said thought: Yes, you can learn from me... or "Yes, I can teach...". Then he throws the ball to another participant.

Exercise "Let's make a written portrait".

1 subgroup describes the qualities - "The most pleasant parent in communication".

2 subgroup - "The Most Difficult Parent to Communicate".

Exercise "Calm, only calm..." (development of imagination, fantasies)

Hand out leaflets with the beginning of the poem. You must continue in a positive way, sense (work in small groups).

Everyone loves obedient, friendly children.

Capricious, stubborn - no one likes ...

Bad mood in the morning

I can't paint my eyes...

Parents, often angry and scolding,

they lose their emotional connection with the child ...

Genetics can be blamed for everything

Don't even blame the mirror...

To show value to others

cheeks should not be puffed out at all ...

Read poems to colleagues.

Test “The most important thing is the weather in preschool”

Accept the test results without resentment and reflect ...

You go to the store and buy buns with jam. But when you come home and eat, you find that one essential ingredient is missing - the jam inside. What is your reaction to this small setback?

1. Take defective buns back to the store and ask for others in return.

2. Talk to yourself: "Happens"- and eat an empty donut. Or eat something else.

3. Eat something else.

4. Spread the bun with jam or butter to make it tastier.

If you chose the first option, then this is a person who does not give in to panic, who knows that his advice is most often heeded. Such an employee evaluates himself as a reasonable, organized person. As a rule, people who choose the first answer do not strive to become leaders, but if they are chosen for a command position, they try to justify the trust. Sometimes such an employee treats colleagues with some superiority - he will not allow himself to be taken by surprise.

If someone chooses the second option of action, this is a gentle, tolerant and flexible person. It is easy to build relationships with him and colleagues can find comfort and support from him. Such an employee does not like noise and fuss, he is ready to give up the main role and support the leader. Always appears at the right time in right place. Sometimes seems indecisive, but is able to defend beliefs in which he is confident.

The choice of the third option indicates the ability of this employee to make quick decisions and quickly (though not always correct) act.

Ready to take on a major role in any business, authoritarian. In relations with colleagues, he can be persistent and harsh, demanding clarity and responsibility. When entrusting such an employee with the preparation and holding of serious events, it is necessary to ensure that there are no conflicts.

The choice of the fourth answer indicates the ability of this employee to think outside the box, innovative ideas, and some eccentricity. Such an employee treats colleagues as partners in the game and may be offended if they do not play by his rules. Always ready to offer some original ideas to solve a particular problem.

Knowing about the characteristics of employees, you can competently use their strengths and prevent weaknesses from showing up.

Reflective-evaluative game "Find the pros and cons".

From the phrase you read, you need to find positive and negative points for yourself as teacher(sheets are handed out with phrases):

Colleagues spoke not flattering about you ...

Group parents perceive you as inexperienced teacher...

You got up late today and did not have time to put on makeup and drink coffee.

The administration of the garden offered to participate in the district competition to another teacher...

"Up the Rainbow"

Exercise helps to stabilize the emotional state. Participants stand up, close their eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that with this breath they are climbing up the rainbow. And exhaling - they move down from it, as from a hill. The exercise is repeated three times, then those who wish share their impressions.

Exercise "In the Circle of Light" Passing around a transparent vase with floating candles, complete the phrase “For me, our meeting today…”


1. Eltsova O. M. Workshop on professional teachers' communications. Volgograd, 2011.

2. Smirnova E. O. Features of communication with preschoolers. Moscow, Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

3. Zhukov Yu. M., Petrovskaya L. A., Rastyannikov P. V. Diagnostics and development of competence in communication. Moscow, MGU Publishing House, 1991.

4. Reader “Education and Society. Actual problems of psychology and pedagogy». Compilers: Alferova L. V., Bashmakova E. A., Vodyansky A. M., Goglova M. N., Kirsanova V. G., Kumarina G. F., Moshnina R. Sh., Shepel V. M., 2011 .

5. Arushanova A. G. Speech and verbal communication of children. Moscow, Mosaic - Synthesis, 2004.

6. Electronic manual « Communicative activities of preschoolers". Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2012.

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Modern trends in the information and communication transformation of society, the system of global communication, the growth of its intensity affects every person, becomes a condition for the awareness of freedom, individuality, awareness of oneself as a person with ethical and moral responsibility.

The main contradiction in the development of world communication processes is the discrepancy between the achievements of material culture - "achievements of civilization" and spiritual culture, which is recognized by the scientific community as dangerous for mankind. Therefore, attention to the inner essence, the problem of the quality of communication, determined by humanistic criteria, as well as public and individual-personal communicative culture, which has a humanistic vector of development, is relevant for modern society.

Paradigm changes in education also have a pronounced communicative and cultural orientation, manifested in the orientation towards entering the global educational space, intercultural communication, and a dialogue model of education and upbringing.

Under these conditions, the role of the communicative culture of the individual as a factor sustainable development and humanization of human relationships with the outside world.

All this allows us to talk about the communicative specifics of pedagogical activity, in which the solution of professional goals and objectives is completely in the plane of communication and is realized through communicative interaction, and therefore the issues of communication, mutual understanding, cooperation, and dialogue are extremely significant in it. Accordingly, the level of requirements for the communicative culture as the main factor that allows the teacher to reach a high professional level is increasing.

The phenomenon of communicative culture as a subject of scientific and pedagogical research has been studied relatively recently - in the 70s - 80s. 20th century The analysis of scientific literature allows us to highlight several aspects in the study of the communicative culture of a teacher: determining the structure and conditions for the formation of a teacher's communicative skills, studying the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students, research on the problem of pedagogical ethics and tact. Studies devoted to determining the structure and functions of the communicative culture of teachers of various levels, from those acquiring a profession to improving their qualifications and professionally improving, have become widespread. Also, increased interest on the part of researchers is observed in the methods and conditions for the development and improvement of the communicative culture of the above categories of representatives of pedagogical work. However, the general trend of all studies is to consider any specific component of the communicative culture of the teacher's personality and its development, such as reflexivity, pedagogical tact. The same trend is observed in the study of ways and means of improving the communicative culture of the personality of teachers. In this regard, there is a need to generalize and systematize scientific research to determine further ways to study this problem and their subsequent practical application in the process of improving the communicative culture of teachers, which led to the choice of topic term paper, its structure and content.

The purpose of the course work is to summarize the results of scientific research on the problem of teacher's communicative culture. Object of study: teacher's communicative culture. Subject of research: improving the communicative culture of the teacher.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following tasks were defined:

1. Reveal the essence, structure, content of the teacher's communicative culture, the criteria and levels of its formation;

2. To explore the state of the problem of improving the communicative culture of the teacher.

To achieve the goal and objectives of the course work, the following methods were used:

theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

study and generalization of psychological and pedagogical experience.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it summarizes the material on the problem of improving the teacher's communicative culture; in theoretical terms, the essence and structure of the teacher's communicative culture are substantively presented.

The practical significance of the course work lies in the fact that the generalized material on the problem of improving the teacher's communicative culture can be recommended to cadets and students for independent study.

1. Communicative culture of the teacher: essence, structure, functions

Starting to consider the phenomenon of the teacher's communicative culture, firstly, it is necessary to note those trends in the development of modern society that have served as a manifestation of the active interest of scientists from various fields of science in the study of this phenomenon. Secondly, for a more accurate disclosure of the essence of the phenomenon of communicative culture, a more detailed consideration of one of the main areas of manifestation of communicative culture is required - direct pedagogical communication.

It should be noted that the current trends in the information and communication transformation of society, as never before, actualize the issues of communicative interaction, cooperation, and mutual understanding. In connection with this, the role of communicative culture is increasing as a factor in sustainable development and humanization of human relationships with the outside world. At the same time, the humanization of education, new requirements for the teacher's personality imply increased attention to various characteristics of the teacher's professional culture, including communicative one.

Turning to the consideration of the concept of pedagogical communication, we note that this phenomenon became the subject of special scientific and pedagogical research relatively recently - in the 70s - 80s. 20th century

The problem of pedagogical communication is devoted to a significant number of studies, the analysis of which allows us to highlight several aspects in its study. First of all, this is the definition of the structure and conditions for the formation of the teacher's communicative skills. In this aspect, active social learning methods have been developed: role-playing games, socio-psychological trainings, discussions, etc. With their help, teachers master the ways of interaction, develop sociability.

Another direction is the study of the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students. They are significant due to the fact that contact is possible only under conditions of a fairly complete mutual understanding between the communicants, the achievement of which requires the search for certain conditions and methods.

A special group of studies are those that study the norms implemented in pedagogical communication. First of all, these are studies on the problem of pedagogical ethics and tact. Pedagogical system"teacher-student" in this case is considered as a certain cultural community, in which a large role is assigned to the implementation of socially approved norms of behavior: respect for a person, goodwill, sociability, etc.

These and other aspects of the study of pedagogical communication, mutually complementing each other, show its complex and multifaceted nature in the educational process. Pedagogical communication for the most part is quite regulated in terms of content and forms, and therefore it is not only a way to satisfy an abstract need for communication. It clearly distinguishes the role positions of the teacher and students, reflecting the "normative status" of each. Their content is determined by the statutory documents, curricula and programs.

Thus, pedagogical communication is a multifaceted process of organizing, establishing and developing communication, mutual understanding and interaction between teachers and students, generated by the goals and content of their joint activities.

In modern studies devoted to the problem we are studying, the teacher's communicative culture is considered as a system-forming component of the general and pedagogical culture, an integral component of the teacher's professional competence.

I.I. Zaretskaya defines communicative culture as a component of pedagogical culture.

Considering the role of communicative culture in the composition of pedagogical culture, two substructures can be distinguished in the composition of pedagogical culture:

values, knowledge, abilities, skills, personal qualities that are significant for the implementation of effective pedagogical activity (activity);

values, knowledge, skills, personal qualities that are significant for the implementation of effective pedagogical communication (communicative) (Figure 1.1).

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Figure 1.1WITHTI.I. Zaretskaya

But these two substructures cannot be represented as two separate components of pedagogical culture that exist as two sides of the same phenomenon; on the contrary, they interpenetrate and overlap each other. The communicative component plays an important role in this. It allows you to exteriorize the components of the activity component, that is, methodological, didactic knowledge, skills, personal qualities, to put them into practice, to convey them to the student, to "visualize" them.

Turning to the origins scientific interest to the phenomenon of communicative culture, we note that the concept of communicative culture entered the scientific discourse with the advent of a steady interest in the problems of communication and information. However, the very idea of ​​a communicative culture arose much earlier, primarily within the framework of such scientific disciplines, as ethics, rhetoric, communication theory, which laid down many ideas of the culture of human communication, the principles and methods of its successful implementation. At present, the phenomenon of communicative culture is being actively studied by representatives of various scientific directions: philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, culturologists, linguists, etc. Consequently, there are different approaches to the consideration of this phenomenon, and different interpretations of the term communicative culture reflect the process of its study.

So, V.S. Grekhnev singles out the concept of "culture of communication" and defines it "as special system typical in the manifestation of emotional-sensory, rational and volitional reactions of behavior based on the commonality of specific socially significant conditions of their life activity. At the same time, he emphasizes both the importance of the psychological characteristics of the human personality entering into communication, and the actual social (economic, political, spiritual, ideological) characteristics in the content of the culture of communication.

L.D. Likhachev, also denoting the phenomenon of “culture of communication”, emphasizes its moral and spiritual content, including: “education, spiritual wealth, developed thinking, the ability to comprehend phenomena in various areas of life, a variety of forms, types, ways of communication and its emotional and aesthetic modifications: a solid moral foundation, mutual trust of the subjects of communication; its results in the form of mastering the truth, stimulating activity, its clear organization. I.I. Rydanova introduces the concept of "culture of communicative interaction", highlighting the following indicators:

1. the adequacy of students' reactions to the pedagogical actions and actions of the teacher, the synchronism of joint activities;

2. emotional and cognitive activity, an atmosphere of creative search and cooperation;

3. observance of moral and ethical standards in business and interpersonal communication between teachers and students.

E.V. Rudensky, considering the communicative culture of the teacher's personality as a system of its qualities, includes the following components in its structure: creative thinking, a culture of speech action, a culture of self-adjustment to communication, a culture of gestures and plasticity of movements in a communication situation, a culture of perception of the communicative actions of a communication partner, a culture of emotions culture of communication skills.

In our opinion, despite a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon, the understanding of the communicative culture of E.V. Rudensky, I.I. Rydanova is too technologically advanced and does not take into account the "generalizing" component, the basis of communicative culture - its humanistic nature. This fundamental quality of communicative culture is pointed out by A.V. Mudrik: "The aura of the word "culture" is humanistic".

By definition, A.V. Mudrik, communicative culture as a component of the professional culture of a specialist's personality is a system of knowledge, norms, values ​​and behaviors accepted in society and the ability to organically, naturally and naturally implement them in business and emotional communication. As part of a communicative culture, A.V. Mudrik identifies the following important components: psychological characteristics of a person, including sociability, empathy, reflection of communicative activity, self-regulation; features of thinking, expressed in openness, flexibility, non-standard associative series and internal plan actions; social attitudes that cause interest in the very process of communication and cooperation, and not in the result. He pays special attention to the fact that communication is important not only to receive oneself, but also to give to others, indicates the importance of the formation of communication skills.

E.V. Shevtsova characterizes communicative culture as a condition and prerequisite for the effectiveness of professional activity and as a goal of professional self-improvement.

A. Kan-Kalik, a psychologist, wrote that pedagogical work has more than 200 components in its structure. Communication is one of its most difficult aspects, since through it the main thing in pedagogical work is carried out: the impact of the teacher's personality on the student's personality. One of the important qualities of a teacher is the ability to organize long-term and effective interaction with students. This skill is usually associated with the communication skills of the teacher. Possession of professional and pedagogical communication is the most important requirement for the personality of a teacher in that aspect of it that concerns interpersonal relationships. According to the scientist, a communicative culture is expressed in the ability to establish humanistic, personality-oriented relationships with students and colleagues, which implies that a specialist has:

Orientation to the recognition of positive qualities, strengths, significance of the other;

The ability to empathize, understand and take into account the emotional state of another;

Ability to give positive feedback to others;

Ability to motivate others to work and achieve in it;

Specific communication skills: to greet, communicate, ask questions, answer, actively listen, evaluate, ask, support, refuse, etc.;

Self-respect, knowledge of one's own strengths, the ability to use them in one's own activities;

The ability to provide pedagogical support for the organization of joint activities and interpersonal communication of students;

speech culture.

By definition, I.A. Mazaeva, the basis of communicative culture is the general culture of the individual, which is a high level of its development, expressed in a system of needs, social qualities, in the style of activity and behavior. Therefore, to the maximum extent, a communicative culture includes essential personal characteristics, namely, abilities, knowledge, skills, value orientations, attitudes, character traits, and is a necessary condition for the successful realization of a personality.

V.A. Slastenin analyzes the concept of communicative culture, focusing on the methodology and technology of pedagogical communication, the level of mastery of which determines the productivity of pedagogical activity. To understand the essence of the technology of pedagogical communication, he appeals to the concept of "communicative task", since he presents the process of professional and pedagogical communication as a system of communicative tasks. Thus, at present there are various definitions of communicative culture, which describe its various components: a value attitude to communication, self-assessment as a subject of interaction, readiness to cooperate with other people, a set of knowledge, skills, and communicative abilities. Accordingly, when determining the structure of a communicative culture, researchers of this phenomenon distinguish its various elements.

So, I.F. Komogortseva developed a model of the culture of pedagogical communication, defining three groups of components: professional, psychological and socio-ethical. Figure 1.1 shows the model of the culture of pedagogical communication proposed by I.F. Komogortseva.

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Drawing1 . 2 Structureculture of pedagogical communicationaccording to I.F. Komogortseva

Representing the structure of pedagogical communication, I.F. Komogortseva proceeds from a holistic approach to the personality of a teacher and argues that it is impossible to form the personality of a teacher without such psychological properties as imagination, pedagogical thinking, attention, observation, will. The properties of the psyche proposed by her, such as empathy, reflection, are substantiated by A.A. Lentiev. Socio-ethical and professional components are put forward and substantiated in the works of N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Sweetie..

S.K. Berkimbaeva offers a meaningful structure of a communicative culture, a graphic representation of which is shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3WITHTthe structure of pedagogical culture inS.K.Berkimbayeva

In the work of Yu.V. Ushacheva, communicative culture is presented as an integrative, dynamic, structural-level education, represented by a combination of the motivational component of professional activity and pedagogical communication, communicative knowledge, communicative skills, communicative-significant personality traits that ensure productive professional communicative activity in their interaction. The researcher defines the content of the teacher's communicative culture as a value attitude to another person, to communication in general, to professional communication in particular, as a sufficient level of development of reflection, empathy, sociability, tolerance, as a level of communicative competence, knowledge of communicative techniques. Yu.V. Ushacheva defines communicative culture, on the one hand, as a specific way human activity, a way of activity of the teacher, on the other hand, as a process of self-realization of the personality of the teacher. As the main components of a communicative culture, she considers motivational, knowledge, practical-effective, personal, which are presented in Figure 1.4.

Picture 1.4 - The structure of communicative culture, criteria and indicators of formationaccording to Yu.V. Ushacheva

Revealing the meaning and role of each of the proposed Yu.V. Ushacheva of the components of communicative culture, it should be noted that a mandatory component of any activity, including communication activities, is a motivational component. A motive is a kind of vector of activity that determines its direction, as well as the magnitude of the efforts developed by the subject during its implementation. This, on the one hand, is the need of the individual for communicative activity, the stability of interest in communication, the desire for it. On the other hand, it is the need for professional, pedagogical communication, it is, in general, the motivation to perform professional activities, the direction of professional activity, which involves constant and long-term communication.

The knowledge component of a communicative culture includes communicative knowledge. They constitute the theoretical readiness of a specialist for communicative activity, the essence and purpose of which is to adequately reflect reality. It is this degree of adequacy that determines the ability of knowledge to be a guide to action.

The practical-effective component consists of communicative skills as a set of conscious communicative actions that allow using communicative knowledge to fully and accurately reflect and transform reality, and communicative skills - automated components of conscious actions that contribute to a quick and accurate reflection of situations and determine the success of perception, understanding of the objective world and adequate influence on him in the process of communication.

Undoubtedly, a complex of communicative skills can be formed only in the presence of certain communicatively significant personality traits: empathy, tolerance, balance, sincerity, responsibility, politeness, goodwill, and others. The presence of a set of communicatively significant qualities of a person constitutes a personal component of a communicative culture and ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of communicative activity.

Empathy includes understanding another person based on an analysis of his personality; emotional empathy for another person, a response to the feelings of another person and the expression of their feelings; the desire to help, to help another person.

In close connection with empathy, pedagogical tact is considered.

Pedagogical tact is a sense of reasonable measure based on the correlation of tasks, conditions and capabilities of the participants in communication. Tact is the choice and implementation of such a measure of pedagogical influence, which is based on the attitude towards the personality of the student as the main value; this is a fine line between individual influences, this is naturalness, simplicity, treatment without familiarity, sincerity without falsehood, trust without connivance, request without begging, recommendations and advice without obsession, influence in the form of a warning, suggestion and demand without suppressing independence, seriousness without stiffness, humor without ridicule, exactingness without nit-picking, perseverance without stubbornness, businesslike tone without dryness. Pedagogical tact is one of the forms of implementation of pedagogical ethics.

The most important quality of a communicative culture is tolerance (tolerance). Tolerance is associated with the conscious impossibility to immediately overcome many weaknesses and imperfections of the human race. This refers to random, sometimes unconscious manifestations of arrogance, to the psychological incompatibility of characters, stress, etc. Tolerance can also be attributed to the form of behavior both at work and in everyday life. Everywhere, as a rule, it gives rise to mutual trust, understanding, frankness, helps to overcome conflict situations, promotes the manifestation of goodwill and deep humanity, and helps the psychological “grinding” of characters.

Yu.V. Ushacheva proposed a system of criteria for assessing the level of formation of a teacher's communicative culture, presented in Figure 1.3. The combination of four criteria and their corresponding indicators form the levels of formation of a communicative culture: reproductive-spontaneous, passive, productive, creative.

Also noteworthy is the study of the communicative culture of a social teacher in the works of V.P. Smorchkova. The scientist defines the following subsystems in the structure of communicative culture:

ethical and axiological (manifested in ethical and communicative values ​​and communicative relations);

procedural-activity (includes communicative strategies and communicative technologies);

information-semiotic (represented by social intelligence and semiotic competence).

V.P. Smorchkova notes the following aspects of the manifestation of communicative culture:

as integral professional and personal qualities of a social teacher;

· as the main professional tool of socio-pedagogical activity;

· as a way to comprehend the communicative meanings of social reality and its subjects.

Table 1 reflects the system of criteria-indicative signs of communicative culture proposed by V.P. Smorchkova:

Table 1 - The system of criteria and indicative features of the communicative culture of a social teacher

Criteria for the formation of a communicative culture

Indicators of the formation of a communicative culture

professional and personal communication qualities

awareness, orientation of communicative and ethical values ​​and attitude towards them;

the success of their implementation in socio-pedagogical activities;

striving for professional and communicative improvement

prognostic and technological skills of communicative interaction

awareness and direction of communication strategies;

the ability to model and predict a communicative meeting with the subjects of socio-pedagogical activity;

knowledge of communication technologies and techniques; the ability to choose the optimal communication technology to achieve a pedagogically significant result

semiotic potential

availability of systemic interdisciplinary, general professional and communicative knowledge;

the degree of development of social intelligence;

possession of operational skills of sense perception, sense understanding, sense formation and sense transfer

The researcher presents the components of a communicative culture in the form of successive levels: intuitive-empirical, reproductive-pragmatic, productive-value, creative-imperative. Analyzing and summarizing modern Scientific research on the issue we are studying, we note that the communicative culture of the teacher has the following functional characteristics:

the humanistic function is manifested in the unique potential to produce elements of humanity, humanity in other people, to turn humanity into a meaningful reality;

the ethical function requires the practical implementation of ethical norms, their translation into society, the mission of a specialist to be a human model of higher morality;

the educational function consists in a direct influence on the behavior, thoughts, feelings of the pupil, in the ability to "translate oneself into the pupil" through joint communicative activity;

integrative function acts important condition integration of culture and morality, culture of personality and culture of activity;

the regulatory function reflects the role of communicative culture as an internal determinant of professional activity;

the therapeutic function is realized through facilitating communication relationships that involve empathy, sympathy, understanding, tolerance;

the cognitive function creates the potential for the intellectual development of the pupil, enriching him with new knowledge;

the emotional function is reflected in the general psychological atmosphere, the emotional well-being of the subjects of interaction; helps to find adequate communication means to maintain positive emotions or, conversely, overcome negative ones;

the reflexive function is connected with the self-knowledge of the communicative “I”, the motives of one's communicative actions, the awareness of the need for self-development and self-improvement.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted, firstly, that as a result of modern trends in the information and communication transformation of society in general and the education sector in particular, active scientific research is being carried out on the problems of the communicative culture of the personality of a teacher, university students - future teachers.

Secondly, the teacher's communicative culture is characterized as a condition and prerequisite for the effectiveness of professional activity and as the goal of professional self-improvement.

Thirdly, after analyzing the literature on the issue under study, we consider the teacher's communicative culture as a professionally significant, integrative personality quality that ensures effective pedagogical communication, which includes the following components: communicative knowledge, skills; communicative orientation, humanistic position, communicative creativity.

2. Improving the communicative culture of the teacher

The sphere of pedagogical activity, as well as other areas of professional work, in the era intensive development scientific and technological civilization has become so dynamic that the knowledge and practical skills of the teacher need to be constantly replenished and improved.

Communicative culture is a necessary socio-psychological condition for achieving pedagogical skills and successful professional activities of a teacher. The development of communication skills is a process of mastering the cultural tools of communication and moral norms of behavior that have been developed in the course of socio-historical practice and accepted in the socio-cultural group to which a particular person belongs. At present, in the context of the information and communication transformation of society and the field of education, the requirements for the communicative side of pedagogical activity are inevitably increasing. In this connection topical issue is the development and improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher.

The need to develop a teacher's communicative culture is determined by the fact that the object of labor of this professional group is not any object, but the human individuality in all its uniqueness. The teacher is constantly included in the process of communication, which provides for a variety of and multifaceted relationships with students and colleagues. In this regard, there is a real need of modern society for specialists capable of continuous development of their personal qualities, spiritual world, professionalism, able to use their natural capabilities with maximum effect, develop a general and communicative culture. Therefore, the teacher, as a specialist in the "human-human" system, must have a high communicative culture, which implies the presence of communicative knowledge, skills, abilities, as they develop important psychological qualities that are components of the competence of a teacher of higher education.

Purposeful improvement of the communicative aspect of the pedagogical culture of the teacher will largely ensure his preparation for the practical implementation of the tasks of student-centered education, for the construction of humanistic pedagogical communication.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that at present, researchers pay more attention to the formation and development of a communicative culture and communicative skills and abilities of such a category of representatives of pedagogical work as students of pedagogical universities in the system of professional training, teachers in the system of advanced training. However, a number of issues related to the communicative culture and its development and improvement among university teachers are very rare and fragmentary in the scientific literature and do not have a systemic character.

Among the ways proposed by researchers to improve the communicative culture of the teacher, the dominant place is determined by the training of pedagogical communication and socio-psychological training, which includes reflective tasks, reflex practice procedures, group discussions, discussion of pedagogical situations, situational role-playing games, psycho-gymnastic exercises; communicative corrective, communicative creativity, communicative philosophizing, development of communication techniques.

Culture in communication is represented in knowledge, abilities, skills realized through social attitudes and personal experience in situations of interpersonal communication. Therefore, for the development of the communicative culture of university teachers, the practice of psychological influence, called communicative training, or training of pedagogical communication, is necessary.

The theoretical foundations of the influence of training sessions on the development of communicative competence appeared in the studies of Western psychologists. Later, domestic researchers also turned to this problem, considering possible forms of socio-psychological training, classifying them on various grounds.

In a group using a special system psychological exercises and games, the participant has the opportunity to try on many new roles, acquire the necessary skills and communication skills. Group process covers three main aspects of personality - cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The cognitive aspect of the training is associated with obtaining new information about the process of communication in general, analyzing the situation about oneself. The emotional aspect of the training concerns the experience of the received information, new knowledge about oneself and others. The cognitive or behavioral aspect is manifested in the expansion of the behavioral repertoire.

During the training, the teacher masters several types of social mechanisms reflections: communicative action in real conditions of communication; emotional regulation at all stages of its deployment; the process of reflection, which sets the orientation of a person in a situation of communication. From the point of view of the level organization of communication, the mechanisms of reflection act as processes of sensation, perception, thinking, direct experience of emotions, and communicative action.

The goals and objectives of the training sessions are to develop the skill of reflective listening; development of self-confidence; stress resistance, psychological protection; mastery of verbalization; developing the ability to listen to partners; genre formulation of questions, conducting one's own line; controlling emotions, listening to criticism of their proposals; expansion of the lexicon and thesaurus; development of the auditory canal; development of techniques for overcoming communication barriers.

Thus, communicative training is an effective means of psychological influence that allows solving a wide range of tasks in the field of developing a communicative culture.

The next direction that contributes to the improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher's personality is socio-psychological training. Socio-psychological training is called the area of ​​group practical psychology, focused on the development of socio-psychological competence. For the first time this term was introduced into scientific use in the GDR by M. Vorwerg. In the literature, besides this, there are a number of other names (open communication groups, active social communication, intensive communication groups, etc.). Key ways to improve communicative competence, notes Yu.N. Emelyanov, it is necessary to look not in polishing behavioral skills and not in risky attempts at personal reconstruction, but on the ways of active awareness by the individual of natural, interpersonal situations and of himself as a participant in these real situations, on the ways of developing a socio-psychological imagination that allows you to see the world from the point of view other people .

In domestic practice, socio-psychological training is used primarily as an integral part of the training of team leaders and specialists of various profiles, who, due to the specifics of their activities, are organically included in communication - teachers, doctors, psychologists. Socio-psychological training now includes a wide range of methodological forms: video training, role-playing training, group analysis of assessments and self-assessments, non-verbal methods. Under socio-psychological training is understood active group training using the methods of group discussion, business and role play, with the aim of developing communicative competence and culture.

Socio-psychological training has a constructive impact on personality development in three directions: cognitive, since new information is obtained through setting research tasks aimed at increasing the information content of communication; emotional, since all information is interpreted through personal significance; behavioral, involving the expansion of his repertoire due to the realization of the inefficiency of the usual ways of behavior.

Socio-psychological training of communication is one of the methods of organizational - psychological impact based on the appropriate training of the teacher. However, the following points should be taken into account when conducting it. Firstly, socio-psychological training has its own strictly defined subject area, its own range of application and limitations. In this context, it can be said that it aims to develop teachers to make the most of communication opportunities to solve emerging upbringing and educational tasks that contribute to their professional growth. At the same time, this is impossible without personal growth. Secondly, socio-psychological training is effective only within the framework of systemic socio-psychological training. .

As a training system, training performs a number of functions: didactic, educational, developmental, professional. In the process of training, a person receives knowledge, skills, interpersonal interaction skills. It implements a pronounced focus on the formation of participants as subjects of group cohesion, responsibility, i.e., certain personality traits. The developing effect of training is manifested in qualitative changes in the personality. The business qualities of a person are improved due to the fact that the training creates conditions for adjusting and improving a variety of professional knowledge and skills. Training reinforces the learning context in three areas: knowledge and how to use it; skills that make the process of interacting with other people more effective; values ​​and attitudes. Education in the training is creative, because a person is not given a certain stereotype, but is offered to find the best way problem solving that meets his ideas, value orientations, interests, needs.

In socio-psychological training, the development of the teacher's communicative culture does not occur naturally, but with the help of special techniques, which consist in creating special situations of influence. All active methods are aimed at the socio-psychological impact on the personality, contributing to the development and improvement of its communicative culture.

L.G. Antropova implements, within the framework of socio-psychological training, a reflexive approach to improving the communicative competence of a teacher, which is based on the reflexive and innovative activity of the teacher, associated with self-knowledge, comprehension and creative transformation of one's own professional activity. On the basis of a reflexive approach, the researcher proposes the improvement of the teacher's communicative culture by integrating the theoretical, activity-creative and personal components of the communicative culture. The complex of reflexive tasks involves the cultivation of non-destructive, constructive ways of interaction, the formation of teachers' motivation to improve the communicative aspect of pedagogical activity, including it in self-diagnosis for knowing oneself as an organizer and subject of pedagogical communication. According to the researcher, creative reflection, providing a teacher’s understanding of the individual “I” that is realized in pedagogical communication, awareness of the problematic aspects of one’s own communicative activity, the search and definition of constructive ways to overcome emerging contradictions, can serve as an individual psychological basis for improving the teacher’s communicative competence. LG Antropova considers the improvement of communicative competence as a process of development of professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher as a result of his conscious purposeful activity, which ensures an increase in the effectiveness of pedagogical communication. Socio-psychological training, including the performance of reflexive tasks, the procedures of a reflexive workshop, allows you to effectively improve the communicative aspect of the teacher's professional culture. Creative reflection ensures the teacher's awareness of himself as an organizer and subject of pedagogical communication, identification of the main difficulties in communicative activity, overcoming them by rethinking his own experience, mastering effective means of pedagogical communication, initiating new ways to solve communicative problems.

I.I. Gubarevich proposes to consider an interactive seminar as one of the conditions for the development of a teacher's communication skills, which develops on the basis of experience, learning and self-improvement, the search for non-standard solutions, constant experimentation. The form of the seminar is non-traditional and is a rather complex technological structure, in the implementation of which the trainer creates conditions for multilateral communication between all participants, to search for methods of effective interaction, and also takes into account two aspects: socio-psychological and business.

The basis for organizing an interactive seminar is the scheme of the cycle of learning through experience, which includes four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation.

These stages are interrelated with each other and involve the development of communicative, reflective and interactive abilities and skills of the seminar participants during the educational process.

An important characteristic of an interactive seminar is also multilateral communication, through which there is a free exchange of opinions, ideas, information not only between the trainer and the participant, but also between the participants themselves.

Interactive methods are a form of activity of participants in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which they distribute, assume and perform various social roles.

Thus, the interactive seminar creates the conditions for "self-cultivation". Which includes the self-knowledge of the teacher, his identification, the development of communicative, reflective and interactive skills, continuous self-improvement, the development of social competence.

In her research, Smorchkova V.P. in order to remove and prevent communicative barriers, communicative education; mastering reproductive communication skills and the actual process of communicative correction suggests using the methodology of communicative correction to develop communicative potential and the ability for communicative creativity, to develop an individual style of communicative interaction - the methodology of communicative creativity. The method of communicative philosophizing is studied by the scientist as a method of comprehending the communicative meeting of subjects from the standpoint of personal meanings, social meanings, moral and ethical, spatio-temporal, national and cultural dimensions.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that, since the phenomenon of communicative culture implies dialogism, communication and the presence of at least two subjects of interaction, the process of improving the communicative culture of the teacher's personality involves the use of appropriate methods, in the implementation of which participants can interact, receive feedback from other participants and directly in the situation of interpersonal interaction to consolidate the acquired skills, to show creative activity. Consequently, such areas of improving the communicative culture of the teacher as the training of pedagogical communication, socio-psychological training, interactive seminar, the methodology of communicative correction, communicative creativity and communicative philosophizing, reflected in our study, are most consistent with the specifics of the phenomenon of communicative culture and contribute to the improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher.

communicative culture pedagogical teacher


In modern conditions, important characteristics of the personality and activity of a teacher are not only the possession of information, the main technologies of training and education, but also a general and communicative culture that provides a way beyond the normative activity, the ability to create and transfer values, and determine personal development.

Analysis of modern research allows to determine the essence and content of communicative culture, the main directions of its formation in the process of professional development, structure and components; designate the communicative culture of the teacher as part of the pedagogical culture. However, despite the comprehensive study of the problem of the communicative culture of representatives of pedagogical work, such a direction as improving the communicative culture of the teacher is presented fragmentarily.

The communicative culture of a teacher is one of the most important components of pedagogical culture. The need to improve it is due to the fact that the teacher is constantly included in the communication process, which provides for a variety and multifaceted relationship with those who become contact partners: with students and colleagues. These relationships arise and develop in the process of joint activity, the most important condition for the implementation of which is communication.

The study of the essence and content of communicative culture allows us to qualify it as an integral quality of the personality of a professional teacher, as a condition and prerequisite for effective pedagogical activity, as a generalized indicator of professional competence and as a goal of professional self-improvement.

In our work, we consider the communicative culture of a teacher as an integrative, dynamic, structural-level education, represented by a combination of the motivational component of professional activity and pedagogical communication, communicative knowledge, communicative skills, communicative-significant personality traits that ensure productive professional communicative activity in their interaction. .

In solving the problem of improving the communicative culture of a teacher, it is important not only to master the cultural and pedagogical heritage, but also to include the teacher as a subject of culture as a bearer of a reflexively conscious attitude to the world of values ​​in the process of communicative activity. Personal self-realization in pedagogical activity, constant striving for pedagogical search and self-improvement are the main conditions for the process of improving the teacher's communicative culture, which involves the use of such methods, in which interpersonal interaction is possible. In this regard, the training of pedagogical communication, socio-psychological training, an interactive seminar, the methodology of communicative correction, communicative creativity and communicative philosophizing to the greatest extent correspond to the specifics of the phenomenon of communicative culture and contribute to the improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher.


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1. Theoretical foundations of the study of the communicative culture of the teacher

1.1 The communicative culture of the teacher as the main requirement for the professional training of the teacher

2 Speech portrait of a modern teacher

3 Type of speech culture of a modern teacher

4 Modern language situation and problems of speech culture

2. Practical Basics the study of speech culture and the formation of will among the teaching staff

2.1 Theoretical substantiation of the problem, carrying out psychological diagnostics the level of formation of communicative culture among the teaching staff

2 Carrying out diagnostics to identify willpower among the teaching staff


List of sources used

Annex A


How to become a teacher in demand today by children and society? What needs to be mastered in order to achieve mutual understanding and mutual trust with pupils, their parents, and colleagues?

All the difficulties faced by the teacher are explained by the violation of the culture of communication. Quite often, almost any teacher is concerned about the difficulty or apparent impossibility of establishing contact with students. The internal psychological position of the pupil is not clear; there are difficulties in organizing dialogue in the classroom. It happens that the teacher demonstrates the inability to respond flexibly to spontaneously arising non-standard situations. There are conflicts with parents, a mismatch of attitudes, interests, needs. In the modern information space, the problem of the development of the communicative culture of teachers becomes especially relevant. In a society with open borders, the number of specialists who must master the skills of verbal communication is increasing, and first of all at a professional level. Therefore, the teacher needs sufficiently formed communication skills, which are the most important part of the communicative culture. The teacher as a specialist of the "human-to-human" system must have a high communicative culture, which implies the presence of communicative knowledge, skills, abilities, as they develop important psychological qualities that are components of the teacher's competence.

In this paper, we will consider the features of the speech culture of a modern teacher.

The purpose of the study is to consider the essence of the communicative culture of a modern teacher.

The object of the study is the communicative culture of a professional education teacher.

The subject of the research is the influence of the teacher's communicative culture on the learning process.

Research objectives:

To identify and reveal the prerequisites for the formation of a communicative culture of teachers.

Determine the features of the manifestation and formation of a communicative culture

Determine the structure of pedagogical communication.

Conduct a study of the formation of a communicative culture of teachers.

Analyze the test results and, based on the results of the study, develop recommendations for the development of the teacher's communicative culture.

In the course of the study, methods were used: theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature on the problem, observation, testing, generalization of best practices.

1. Theoretical foundations of the study of the communicative culture of the teacher

1 The communicative culture of the teacher as the main requirement for the professional training of the teacher

The communicative culture of a teacher is one of the most important components of professional and pedagogical culture. The need for its formation is due to the fact that the teacher is constantly included in the communication process, which provides for diverse and multifaceted relationships with those who become contact partners in the educational process. These relationships arise and develop in the process of joint activity, the most important condition for the implementation of which is communication.

Communication is the basis of pedagogical activity. How the teacher communicates with the students depends on the degree of their cognitive interest to the subject and largely determines the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge and skills, influences the culture of interpersonal relations, creates an appropriate moral and psychological climate of the educational process. Communication is an important condition for the socialization of the individual.

According to a number of psychologists, we can talk about the communicative culture of a teacher as a system of qualities, including:

Creative thinking;

The culture of speech action, which refers to the possession of normative speech, excluding lexical, stylistic, orthoepic and other violations;

a culture of self-adjustment to communication and psycho-emotional regulation of one's state;

culture of gestures and plasticity of movements;

culture of perception of communicative actions;

culture of emotions.

The problem of communication is reflected in the works of many researchers who interpret communicative activity as a process of perception and understanding by people of each other. The authors argue that it is teachers' mastery of ways of interacting with students that ensures the humanistic nature of the relationship between the teacher and students, and forms the child's personal potential. All of them affirm the opinion that the formation of the basic foundations of pedagogical communication enables the teacher to be successful in his own activities, to realize the personality of the child in all its manifestations. This is due, according to the authors, to the fact that the teacher, entering into communication with the student, establishes personal contacts with him, being aware of his manifestations, can take the position of the interlocutor and understand the nature of his behavior. Communication allows not only to understand the model inner world interlocutor, but also restructure it, indirectly influence behavior.

The process of transferring coded information from the subject to the object is active, dialogic in nature. Communication can be interpreted as an informational connection of a subject with one or another object or as a process of participation, participation and acceptance of another, which allows understanding each other and uniting around something. This is a very important provision, since the teacher must be ready to unite students in a single activity in order to achieve goals.

I believe that mastering the ways of communication is an indicator of the pedagogical skill and creativity of the teacher.

An analysis of pedagogical research on the problems of training specialists reveals that the communicative culture is considered by the authors as an integral part of the teacher's pedagogical culture, as the leading requirement of modern education.

Due to the fact that we are interested in the concept of communicative culture, we present it as a component of pedagogical culture, characterized by personal and professional value, focus on another subject of the pedagogical process, which is formed in all types of activities and communication. In our concept, communicative culture is represented as:

the ability to coordinate and correlate one's actions with others, to accept and be receptive to the other, to select and present arguments, the ability to put forward alternative explanations, discuss the problem, understand and respect the opinions of others, and on the basis of this to regulate relations to create a community of students in achieving a common goal of activity ;

the need for something else, to expand the boundaries of communications, to compare points of view, to take the position of their students;

readiness for flexible tactful interaction with others, for reflective activity, for designing communication skills and applying them in a new situation.

Thus, the analysis of studies allowed us to discover that communicative culture is an important condition in the formation of the image of a person of culture and morality, a requirement for the personality of a teacher and an indicator of the level of organization of pedagogical activity by him, characterizes the meaningful meanings of the personality, ways and means that ensure understanding and interaction of the teacher and child.

Communication skills act as a complex of conscious communicative actions based on the high theoretical and practical preparedness of the teacher. In their totality, such skills and abilities constitute the technique of pedagogical communication or characterize the technological side of the teacher's communicative culture.

1.2 Speech portrait of a modern teacher

What should be the teacher of the new century? In public discussions recent years different (often contradictory) characteristics are distinguished. One thing is certain, a modern teacher must have an impeccable command of his native language. D. S. Likhachev spoke more than once about the importance of a speech portrait of a person: “The surest way to get to know a person is his mental development, his moral character, his character - listen to how he speaks. If we notice a person’s manner of holding himself, his gait, his behavior, and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture ”[ D.S. Likhachev: 1998 145 s]. It is speech behavior, language proficiency that often determine the attitude towards the teacher, both at the first meeting with him, and in the process of long communication, make the teacher either the object of unconditional respect, or irony and even ridicule. Thus, the qualities of the teacher's linguistic personality acquire paramount importance, which, on the one hand, is understood as a set of communicative abilities that allow him to carry out speech activity, on the other hand, as a set of distinctive features of a particular native speaker, providing him with a communicative individuality.

The significance of the teacher's speech in comprehending by the young generation the laws of development of nature, society, in acquiring experience in moral relationships with people is an indisputable fact, proven by the centuries-old existence of the teaching profession. The activity of a teacher is associated with the problems of speech development, and above all with speech culture, which develops on the basis of the principle of objectively existing links between language and cognitive processes.

The problem of speech culture in professional activity was developed by psychologists and teachers L.S. Vygotsky, L.A. Vvedenskaya, P.Ya. Galperin, I.A. Zimney, V.V. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, A.N. Ksenofontova, V.I. Maksimov, L.I. Skvortsov, L.V. Sokolova and others. Outside of speech activity, it is impossible to imagine any sphere of human activity, communication of people, spiritual culture of mankind. More L.S. Vygotsky singled out speech activity as fundamental and saw in it the richest opportunities for the development of personality, consciousness, all cognitive processes person.

3 Type of speech culture of a modern teacher

Scientists F.N. Gonobolin and T.A. Ladyzhenskaya argue that the phrase "teacher's speech" is usually used when talking about oral speech teacher (as opposed to written speech).

By oral speech is meant both the process of speaking, the creation of oral statements, and the result of this process - oral statements. The oral speech of the teacher is the speech created at the moment of speaking (as opposed to voiced writing e.g. reading a textbook paragraph aloud).

Pedagogical speech is designed to provide:

a) productive communication, interaction between the teacher and his pupils;

b) the positive impact of the teacher on the consciousness, feelings of students in order to form, correct their beliefs, motives for activity;

c) full perception, awareness and consolidation of knowledge in the learning process;

d) rational organization of educational and practical activities of students.

The concept of "communicative behavior of a teacher" is closely related to the concept of "pedagogical speech". The outstanding psychologist A.A. Leontiev in his work "Pedagogical Communication" under communicative behavior means not just the process of speaking, transferring information, but the organization of speech that affects the nature of relationships, the creation of an emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication between teachers and students, the style of their work.

The speech of the teacher becomes a model for children. Therefore, high requirements are imposed on the speech of the teacher: content, accuracy, logic; lexical, phonetic, grammatical orthoepic correctness; imagery, semantic expressiveness; emotional saturation, richness of intonation, slowness, sufficient volume; good diction, observance of the rules of speech etiquette, correspondence of the words of the educator to his deeds. It is important to skillfully use non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime movements).

Unfortunately, in the speech of a modern teacher there are a lot of clichés, speech is not figurative and expressive enough (in the semantic aspect), simple sentences, meet grammatical errors, dialectisms. The culture of the teacher's speech is determined by the level of his general culture. The constant work of the teacher on himself, raising the level of general culture will also contribute to the growth of his pedagogical skills.

Throughout the day, the teacher should be more attentive both to his speech and to the speech of children. Since with any violations or deviations in the development of children, one can detect speech problems. It is necessary to teach children to hear the figurativeness of speech, to notice mistakes in their own and other people's speech, to correct them. But at work modern educators there are typical errors:

teachers talk too much themselves, do not provide active speech practice for children. The speech activity of the teacher prevails over the child's. It is important to ensure the speech activity of all children, and not just active ones, to come to the aid of a child who is at a loss;

children do not develop the ability to listen to others. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening, perception of speech. It is important to teach children to listen and understand speech addressed to everyone, to hear the teacher the first time. You should not repeat the same question several times;

teachers repeat children's answers, and children do not get used to speaking clearly, loudly enough, understandable for listeners. It is advisable to emotionally respond to children's statements and summarize what children say using figurative vocabulary. Very often, teachers require only “full” answers from the child. Children's answers can be both short and detailed. The nature of the answer depends on the question: to a reproductive question - a short answer, sometimes one-word. On the search question - a detailed answer. Questions like: Why? How do you think? What do you remember? ... suggest extended statements of children, consisting of one or more sentences.

IN modern school There are three types of language cultures of teachers (teachers):

Carriers of elite speech culture

Teachers with a literary and colloquial type of speech behavior

I'll start with the characteristics of representatives of the elite speech culture. This is an ideal type of speech behavior of a teacher, unfortunately, in a modern school, which is extremely rare.

The carriers of the elite speech culture possess the entire system of functional and stylistic differentiation of the literary language and use each functional style in accordance with the situation. At the same time, switching from one style to another occurs as if automatically, without much effort on the part of the speaker. In their speech there is no violation of the norms of the literary language in pronunciation, stress, education grammatical forms, word usage.

One of the signs of an elite speech culture is the unconditional observance of all ethical norms, in particular, the norms of national Russian etiquette, which require a distinction between you and speech. You-communication is used only in an informal setting. One-way you communication is never allowed. They use the language creatively, their speech is usually individual, it does not have the usual cliche, and in colloquial speech - the desire for bookishness. The teacher of the "first type" must have, first of all, love for children and the subject taught. A friendly attitude is the key to a benevolent speech and indulges the desire to continue communication between the participants in the conversation. good teacher, in the process of verbal communication, it must be remembered that his speech should be:

Emotional, loud, clear, full of epithets and comparisons.

Orthoepically correct.

Confident, which requires knowledge of the material.

Prepared: Any unplanned developments in the conversation should be considered. Friendly response to everything.

Much more often at school there are teachers who are carriers of the “average literary” language culture. Their speech behavior reflects much more low level their common culture: the impossibility of creative use popular expressions different eras and peoples, artistic examples of classical literature, ignorance of the literary norms of pronunciation of words, and often their meanings, gives rise to linguistic poverty, rudeness and incorrectness of speech. Their violations of pronunciation norms are not isolated, but form a system.

As a consequence of all this - speech behavior, which is characterized by:

Annoyance: When a student asks a question and the teacher doesn't know the answer. Roughness in voice.

Lack of gesticulation, which usually does not lead to contact.

Ignorance of quotes from works of art(for a teacher of literature), because it does not lead to the perception of the studied material.

Incorrect placement of stresses, which is unacceptable for a language teacher. The low general cultural level of such teachers is evidenced by their excessive self-confidence: for example, by placing the wrong stress on a word, many of them prove that it is correct that there are various options pronunciation norm.

Avarice on synonyms, comparisons, epithets.

The frequent repetition of the same word in the process of explanation, with the exception of terminology.

Lack of respect for the addressee. As a rule, this is expressed in incomplete adherence to the norms of oral speech - the desire to speak in long, complex phrases with participles and participle turnovers. Thus, there is a policy of intimidation of the interlocutor, suppression of his desire to speak, defending his own, even incorrect, point of view. Far from the norms of public speech and therefore actually unintelligible is the speech of representatives of even lower types of speech cultures. Today, there are many native speakers of the literary language for whom the colloquial system of communication is actually the only one, at least in the oral form of speech. Unfortunately, there are many representatives of this type in the public school. Many teachers believe that it is necessary to speak with students in a language they understand and, therefore, they try, imitating the youth speech culture, and in part some slang turns and expressions, to teach the material. They think that in this way they will be able to win the respect of schoolchildren, to "join" their world. However, as noted above, the teacher should be a role model for the student both culturally and verbally. A teacher is a person who educates a child not only about morality, but also about culture, including the culture of communication. Therefore, this behavior is unacceptable. It should be noted that in most cases young teachers “sin” with this, who often see schoolchildren as their future friends.

1.4 Modern language situation and problems of speech culture

Culturologists, psychologists, linguists, as well as writers and journalists note a noticeable decrease in the general level of speech and communicative culture at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The state of Russian speech, especially the speech of young people, which causes deep concern not only among linguists and teachers of Russian studies, testifies to the moral trouble of society, to the lowering of the intellectual bar, to the unpreparedness of many yesterday's schoolchildren to receive a full-fledged higher education. There is no noticeable shift towards raising the level of the speech culture of society as a whole, and the proposed ways out of the cultural and speech crisis are also contradictory.

According to one of the leading experts in the field of speech culture, O.B. Sirotinina, in the minds of speakers, the idea of ​​the standard of good speech has changed, the bookish is replaced by emphatically colloquial and even non-literary [Sirotinina 2001: 152]. Recognizing the validity of such assessments, it should be borne in mind that in each period of the historical development of society there is a certain dissatisfaction with the language - it often seems imperfect to contemporaries, while people's views on the state of the language of their era are interesting and provide the key to understanding the development of the language [Yartseva 1969: 103]. In this regard, sharp assessments state of the art Russian language are not something exceptional. In the characterization of new linguistic phenomena, the tastes of different native speakers are manifested - both those who are characterized by its creative use, and conservatives. It is the ratio of these assessments that makes it possible to multidimensionally assess the modern speech situation and create an adequate portrait of a modern linguistic personality.

L.A. Verbitskaya emphasizes that when characterizing a language norm, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between the positions of the speaker and the listener.

Many linguists, writers, publicists see the origins of the disturbing state of Russian speech, which is noticeable today to every cultural member of society, in our past, in the totalitarian language that has dominated for decades. “Treasury supervision over the word has led to the fact that in a country with the deepest traditions of the language, which gave the world treasures of literature and poetry, Russian speech began to degenerate. In the mouths of official speakers, it has turned into a set of soulless phrases, into a dump of verbal rubbish.<…>False thoughts give rise to a false language” [Kostikov 1989]. Undoubtedly, the destructive role of the "false language" was manifested not only in politics and in the means mass media: its impact was felt at all levels of education, and thinking and educated teachers considered resistance to it one of the most important tasks of education.

By the end of the XX century. the language situation has changed significantly. The emancipation of speakers, associated with objective and progressive, in essence, the processes of democratization of society, especially noticeable in the media, affects all the mechanisms of language. However, in the absence of a general and speech culture, these factors develop into speech permissiveness, which adversely affects the language environment. At the same time, the statement of E.A. Zemskoy: “People did not begin to speak worse, we just heard how only those who read and were silent speak before. And a culture of speech that had fallen a long time ago was discovered” [Russian language of the end of the 20th century 2001: 3]. As already noted, the obvious decline in the speech standard [Neshchimenko 2001: 99] in the last two decades is especially noticeable in the mass media, whose increased influence on the language environment today is not in doubt [see, for example: Smetanina 2002].

Here are some examples:

Finally, everyone sat down, and on the big screen they launched the newsreel "Wick" No. 184. "The Chukchi reindeer herders do not fulfill the plan for the supply of hides," the off-screen voice broadcast. Hall respectfully hooted. The atmosphere of exciting anticipation did not leave the stalls, even when the shots with reindeer herders were replaced by others [AiF. 1997. No. 51].

The government is scratching its turnips on the next presidential installation by increasing 1.5 times the real wages of state employees over three years.

The pop divas rode onto the stage on a giant pedestal and, holding hands, silently stood under the dome of the Olympic Stadium, like Minin and Pozharsky under the domes of the Kremlin, while playing a gloomy, mournful and solemn instrumental, mourning the theme "I've lost my mind." That is, the pathos of "return" was caught up and inflated. Then they got off the pedestal.

For what and how to dismiss, the president decides. Erysipelas did not like - and he dismissed [AiF. 2005. No. 37].

A special concentrate of "geldings" and English speech was observed at the Yusupov Palace.

The mass media have become the “speech environment” of many native speakers: “One way or another, by the end of the 20th century. the language of the media, with all its advantages and disadvantages, whether we like it or not, becomes a standard, rule-making factor influencing the formation of the norm of the modern literary language, as well as the level of ethnic linguistic culture as a whole [Neschimenko 2001: 101]. “Reading newspapers and magazines is often the only area of ​​speech activity in which standards , norms , aesthetics . Many mass diseases of the tongue are therefore explained by the influence language tools mass communication on the speech image of society and many of its representatives” [Graudina et al. 1995: 85]. The rapidly changing socio-cultural situation allows us to assert that print media are now inferior to television in terms of the intensity of impact on the linguistic personality. A special role in shaping the language environment in which young people “live” today belongs to the Internet.

Here is a fragment of an interview taken by one of the leading journalists of the Ogonyok magazine with Professor V. Glazychev. The interview is devoted to the problems of culture, in particular, the book boom in Russia:

I, too, wonder: what does it mean to “stop reading” with such a book boom? Every year in Russia, hundreds of thousands of tons of paper are consumed by the book market.

No, there really are people who have stopped reading. These are those who read only because there was nothing to do - now, thank God, they are busy with business. So some loss of the readership is a completely beneficial sign ... And about general situation with reading<…>. When in the library of some provincial regional center you suddenly come across the fact that they have a queue for a book by Heidegger, your brain is immediately cleared. Damn, I've never even heard of this guy.<…>

This is one of the most curious philosophers of the 20th century.<…>Twinkle. 2002. No. 42.

Assessing the processes taking place in modern speech, one should recognize the validity of the words of Yu.V. Vorotnikova: “The immanent laws of language development are like the laws of nature: they do not depend on the will of man. But there are other areas in the language that are completely controlled and regulated by a person. This is precisely the sphere of the culture of speech, our conscious choice in this or that situation of this or that word, this or that stylistic figure, this or that style of communication.

The problem of mastering effective professional speech is one of the most important in modern scientific papers in rhetoric and pedagogy. Particularly noteworthy is the study of the conditions for the effectiveness of speech pedagogical influence, its types and methods in the light of the question of the ratio of direct and indirect speech tactics, which are understood as the totality of various means and methods of speech behavior leading to speech success.

As the observation of the educational process at school shows, modern teachers and students pedagogical university not widely used tactics of indirect speech impact. The creation and use of methods of indirect influence for pedagogical purposes is not a subject special study in university theory and methods of teaching the Russian language, in the course of professional culture of speech and rhetoric. At the same time, the methods of indirect pedagogical influence are diverse and have their own specifics, which are determined by the characteristics and tasks of educational communication.

One of the universal methods of implementing the tactics of indirect influence, the rich didactic possibilities of which are practically not used by modern teachers, is a hint.

The results of our own observation of the activities of teachers showed that the use of a hint for pedagogical purposes is justified and effective in situations where the use of methods of direct influence is impossible or undesirable for a number of psychological, ethical, moral or other reasons. A hint as a method of pedagogical influence can perform many functions: 1) establish friendly (collegiate, parity, partnership) relations between the teacher and students, strengthen teaching authority; 2) create a favorable emotional climate in the group; 3) defuse a tense, conflict situation; 4) encourage students to critically comprehend the information received, their own and others' actions; 5) protect human I communicants (self-esteem), etc.

speech portrait teacher will

2. Practical bases for the study of the formation of communicative culture and willpower among the teaching staff

1 Theoretical substantiation of the problem, conducting psychological diagnostics of the level of formation of communicative culture among the teaching staff.

The purpose of the first study was the theoretical substantiation of the problem, the psychological diagnosis of the level of formation of the communicative culture of the teaching staff.

The study was conducted on 25 school teachers aged 35 to 65;

The following methods were used for the survey: observation, conversation, testing.

To identify the level of formation of a communicative culture, testing was used - the test of V.F. Ryakhovsky.

Psychological test by V.F. Ryakhovsky aims to determine general level sociability. To do this, the subjects are asked to answer "yes", "no", "sometimes" to 16 questions. For each answer "yes" 2 points are awarded, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. Then, according to the total score, the level of sociability is determined:

30-32 points - very low;

25-29 points - low;

19-24 points - average;

14-18 points - above average;

9-13 points - high;

4-8 points - very high;

and less - sociability is painful.

Research results

The data obtained made it possible to identify real levels formation of communication and determine a number of factors that ensure the formation of a communicative culture. As can be seen from the data obtained, 52.2% of the respondents have a low level of sociability, i.e. they scored 25-28 points, which, according to the test criteria, means that these teachers are taciturn and withdrawn, preferring solitude. New activity and the need for new contacts, if it does not plunge them into a panic, then for a long time unbalances them. They know this character trait and are dissatisfied with themselves.

The average level of sociability (19-24) is 20% of the subjects. These subjects are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. And yet, they converge with caution with new people, they are reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes. In their statements, at times, there is too much sarcasm for no reason.

Sociability above the average level (I4-18 points) is 13.4% of the respondents. These teachers are characterized by normal sociability: they are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, are patient enough in communicating with others, defend their point of view without irascibility; without unpleasant experiences go to meet new people; at the same time they do not like noisy companies.

13.4% have a high level of sociability. They are very sociable, curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, willingly meet new people; they like to be the center of attention, they can flare up, but quickly calm down.

2 Carrying out diagnostics to identify willpower among the teaching staff

The purpose of the second study was to conduct diagnostics to identify willpower, since the development of a communicative culture requires volitional efforts. The test is taken from the book by I.I. Zagoretskaya “Communicative culture of a teacher and leader”.

The study was conducted with teachers of the Saratov school No. 67 aged 35 to 65 years.

The testing method was used to conduct the study.

The test involves multiple answers: full agreement is estimated at 2 points: if there is doubt (you don’t know, find it difficult to answer, sometimes it happens), then give yourself 1 point; if the answer is negative - 0 points. Then, according to the total score, it is determined whether you are a strong-willed person:

0-12 points - your willpower is unfavorable;

21 points - your willpower is average;

30 points - everything is in order with willpower.

Research results.

The test results obtained allow us to determine how much willpower affects the development of a communicative culture. From the data obtained, it can be seen that 45.4% of them are unfavorably with willpower. Duties are treated without much diligence, and this often causes a variety of troubles in achieving the goal.

With willpower everything was in order showed 24.6%. You can rely on such teachers: they will never let you down, feel free and reasonably choose communication tactics.

Based on the results of the conducted research, it is necessary to work on the ways and means of developing the communicative culture of teachers. Since the results leave much to be desired.

1.Relations with people are the main thing in any activity, and even more so in pedagogical. All your knowledge and ideas will remain unclaimed if the students do not reach out to you with their hearts. Relations with people should be built on mutual understanding and trust.

.There is no need to turn into an official, for whom the main thing is the program or lesson plan. Much more important is the students, their interests, aspirations.

.It is necessary to learn to see in each student a "zest" that makes him unique, unrepeatable. Help the student to recognize their abilities and develop them.

4.When you come to class, leave your problems, ambitions, stereotypes outside the classroom

5.The teacher should be able to see himself as if from the outside, through the eyes of students, colleagues, administration, parents of students. Analyze how you behaved while communicating with them, strive to put yourself in the place of the person with whom you communicated.

6.Develop communicative memory, this will help you quickly restore the previous situation of communication, reproduce its emotional atmosphere, place the right accents, and accurately determine certain psychological approaches.

.Smile more often. A smile attracts students to you, creates a favorable emotional mood, and makes you want to communicate with you.

8.Be genuinely interested in what your students are doing outside of school.

9.Develop your inner spiritual world. Remember that a creative spiritually rich person always attracts other people.


Communicative culture determines the spiritual development of the individual, forms its moral character and is an expression of the moral life of a person and an integral part of the formation of the general culture of the individual as a whole. The specificity of pedagogical communication, as a condition for creating a humane developmental environment in the educational process, determines the priority of the communicative aspect in the teacher's personal culture. Effective pedagogical communication is predetermined by the communicative culture of the teacher, the desire to improve it is a prerequisite for pedagogical excellence. Based on the analysis of literature, communicative culture is considered by us as a set of knowledge, skills and communicative qualities of a person that has a successful impact on students and allows the most effective organization of the process of education and upbringing and regulate communicative activity in the process of solving pedagogical problems.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the level of speech culture in the totality of its constituent components is manifested in the process of creating a text (statement). But in order to create a good text, knowledge and skills related to the culture of speech are not enough.

To do this, it is necessary to know the laws of text creation, thanks to which the path from thought to word is realized, of course, taking into account the basic laws of communication, norms of a communicative and ethical nature, and other components of the culture of speech. Speech should be not only good, but also convincing, effective, influencing. The laws for creating such a speech are developed in rhetoric. Also in conclusion, it should be noted that it is very important to understand that with students different ages it is necessary to have different tactics of conducting a conversation. A teacher cannot afford to speak the same way to a third and eighth grade student. It must be remembered that it is the opportunity to interest students in themselves and their subject that leads to a full-fledged dialogue.

Communication is the main instrument of pedagogical activity. A teacher who owns a communicative culture gains self-confidence, gets satisfaction from communicating with a pupil, feels a sense of comfort in the chosen field of activity. The psyche is the most precious thing a teacher has, he must protect it, and, accordingly, monitor what kind of seed he sows in the fragile souls of students. This is the task of a true modern teacher.

List of sources used

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Annex A

1. "Assessment of the level of sociability"

This test, which assesses the general level of sociability, was developed by V.F. Ryakhovsky.

Instructions: You are invited to a few simple questions. Answer quickly, unequivocally: “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”.


1.You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

.Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with an assignment to make a report, message, information at any meeting, meeting or similar event?

.Do you put off a visit to the doctor until the last moment?

.You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

.Do you like to share your experiences with anyone?

.Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request (show the way, tell the time, answer some question)?.

.Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

.Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to pay you back the money he borrowed a few months ago?

.In a restaurant or in the dining room, you were served an obviously poor-quality dish. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate away?

.Once alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

.You are horrified by any long line, no matter where it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Do you prefer to abandon your intention, or will you stand behind and languish in anticipation?

.Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?

.You have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any other people's opinions on this matter. This is true?

.Having heard somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?

.Do you feel annoyed by someone's request to help you sort out a particular service issue or educational topic?

.Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?

Test "Are you a strong-willed person?"

This test is taken from the book by I.I. Zaretskaya “Communicative culture of a teacher and leader”.

Instructions: Give answers to a few simple questions. The test assumes answer options: complete agreement - 2 points; if there is doubt - 1 point; the answer is negative - 0 points.

Are you able to complete work that you are not interested in?

Do you effortlessly overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

If you're on a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

Will you find the strength to get up in the morning earlier than usual, as you decided the day before. What if it's not necessary to do so?

Will you stay at the scene to testify?

Do you respond to emails quickly?

Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends to you?

Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if keeping it will require a lot of effort from you?

Without hesitation, do you agree to go on a business trip to an unfamiliar city?

Communicative culture of the teacher as an indicator of his professionalism

(Competence-based approach)

Human society unthinkable outside of communication. This is a necessary condition for the existence of people. Without communication, the full formation of not only individual mental functions, processes and properties of a person, but also the personality as a whole is impossible. The reality and necessity of communication is determined by joint activities:To live fully, people must interact.

The 21st century is the time of global communication. On the one hand, communication systems (cellular communications, the Internet) that have already become familiar today have expanded the scope of communication to a planetary level. On the other hand, they forced us to take a fresh look at an integral part of communication -communicative culture .

A person begins to master communication skills from an early age, but not everyone, having matured, is able to communicate sufficiently. The reasons for this are well known: from individual-psychological to social-public.

An important role in the formation of communication skills is played by the school, where the child not only gains knowledge, but also learns to interact with peers and adults.

The new realities of the time have led to significant changes in the field of education: expanded professional features teachers and increased the complexity of pedagogical activity (the “repertoire” of the teacher’s behavior is now supplemented by the performance of the functions of a consultant, designer, researcher, etc.). Along with this, the requirements for the communicative culture of the teacher are increasing.

The communicative culture of a teacher is the culture of his professional and pedagogical communication with other subjects of the educational process.The necessary level of communicative culture should be recognized as one that allows the teacher to positively perceive his wards and colleagues and ensures the unconditional achievement of the goals of education and training.

social significance communicative culture is to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the relationship between all subjects of the educational process

Personal Significance - in gaining self-confidence, satisfaction from communication with pupils, a sense of comfort in the chosen field of activity.

What makes up the communicative culture of the teacher?

It is based on personal qualities, value orientations, attitudes that manifest themselves in relation to people, as well as communication techniques - possession of speech, facial expressions, gestures, movements, methods of influencing another person, methods of self-regulation, creating working creative well-being.

Portrait of a teacher with high level communicative culture

Personal qualities:

justice, openness, sincerity, tolerance, endurance, self-control, exactingness, tact, intelligence.

Possession of key competencies:


Able to communicate, make a favorable impression, reflect, listen, show empathy,adequately perceive the uniqueness of the personality of each student, predict the development of interpersonal relationships, use psychological means - verbal and non-verbal, mechanisms of communicative influence - suggestion, persuasion, identification, etc.

    Moral and aesthetic:

Knows how to build communication on a humane, democratic basis, be guided by the principles and rules of professional ethics and etiquette,to affirm the personal dignity of each student, organize creative collaborationwith a student group and individual students , to initiate a favorable moral climate of communication.


Artistic, harmonizes internal and external personal manifestations, introduces adolescents to a high culture of communication, activates their emotional tone and optimistic attitude.


Properly uses educational and educational tools, methods, techniques, a variety of forms of interaction, chooses the optimal style of communication management,organically combines communicative and subject interaction, ensures its educational effectiveness.

An indicator of the teacher's communicative culture is a favorable moral and psychological climate in the classroom, the educational institution as a whole.

Each of us has the opportunity to correlate the level of our communicative culture with the reference one and determine how close it is to the ideal: (picture - Sisyphus)

Where am I? (What level am I on?) Who is to blame? What to do?

Who is guilty?

Factors that reduce the teacher's communicative culture

Research in the field of educational psychology shows that significant problems associated with the teacher's communicative culture are due to the deformation of the sphere of professional and pedagogical communication.

One of the key factors is the substitution of personal relationships for formal ones.

Anatoly Viktorovich Osnitsky, candidate psychological sciences, associate professor, psychotherapist, at the All-Russian videoconference “Communicative overload in work school teacher as a factor in his emotional burnout "on October 12, 2011, revealed the causes of psychological masks. In his words, the mask appears when there are restrictions:

Functional (the teacher must enter the class flawlessly, forgetting about personal experiences and problems);

Conventional (what is accepted in society and what is not, for example, a teacher should not discuss his colleagues with students, at the same time it is unreasonable to authoritarianly forbid students to raise such topics);

Violent (often when the teacher comes to the authorities with a personal one, and the answer is formal, because the director is also in a psychological mask);

Emotional (there is love at first sight, but there is also hatred at first sight; unawareness of emotional dislike will lead to conflict).

The mask can replace the teacher's face, his professional skills will grow, and his personal, emotional "burn out".

Another factor is low emotional self-regulation Studies by scientists have revealed that most of the working day of a teacher (66.2%) takes place in a tense environment.Psychological stress leads to the development of professional stress in teachers. St. Petersburg Research Center for Integral Synergetic Psychotherapy,whose director is A.V. Osnitsky, a study was conducted on the emotional health of teachers. The results are disappointing: teachers with experience up to five years turned out to be emotionally healthy, all teachers with a long experience have personal and emotional problems.

Professional duty obliges teachers to make informed decisions, to overcome irritability and despair. Frequently repeated unfavorable emotional states lead to the consolidation of negative personal qualities of the teacher: irritability, anxiety, pessimism, which, in turn, negatively affects health, communicative culture and, as a result, the entire educational process.

What to do?

The problem must be solved both in personal and social terms.

To avoid personal problems, the teacher must:

1. Have an attitude, awareness of the need for self-development. "Knowing oneself, no one remains who he is," said Thomas Mann

2. To be, if not a psychologist, then at least a good diagnostician.

3. Learn to live as a teacher.

4. Know the basics of psychopathology;

5. Know and apply communication techniques.

Conflictology advice

1. Remark "from prince" to "prince" . Make a remark so as not to offend the interlocutor, but to make him want to change for the better.

Here is a diagram of a three-step remark:

First, a non-judgmental description of what you don't like (« when I see you spinning...)

Then - a description of the negative effect ("and the time allotted for work is going fast and will end soon)

Reporting your feelings and emotions related to the effect and not to the child (“I'm very worried that your work will remain unverified" ).

2 Conflict prevention and resolution technology.

It is important to prevent conflictsbe able to "negotiate on the shore."

For example, about the criteria for marks or the rules of interaction in the lesson. You can hang a poster-agreement on the wall with the provisions that are discussed in the first lesson with each new class. The students accepting these provisions at the end of the discussion sign this contract (right on the poster), and subsequently it remains only to silently point to the violated condition of the contract in order to remind the violators of this word. Conditions are not always accepted by everyone, some students need to be given time to think.

In the same first lesson, you can discuss the provisions of the rules. And if it turns out that children do not always accept facts, opinions and conclusions, which can lead to conflicts. This can be done on class hour, or as part of an elective course.

Sample Rules in the office

1. When I speak, everyone listens and tries to understand me.

2. When another person speaks, I listen and try to understand him.

3. My opinion is just as important as the opinion of my interlocutor.

4.. There are no right and wrong opinions, there are different opinions.

5. I myself - and together with everyone.

If a conflict still arises, you need to constructively resolve it, using a special algorithm .

It is good if this algorithm, discussed in advance, hangs in front of the students, it is better next to the contract poster.

1. Define the problem.

2. We develop several possible solutions.

3. We evaluate each decision according to the result and methods of achievement, according to resources.

4. Choose the best.

5. Organize the execution.

6. We evaluate the result, its completeness. We make adjustments if necessary.

3. Divide student and teacher

Before deciding what to do and how to do it, determine whose problem it is - yours or the student's. It is easy to determine this, you must honestly tell yourself who is really bad in this situation. If the student does not work in the lesson, does not listen to explanations, but he does not suffer from this, then this is the problem of the teacher.

Solving teacher problems:

Work with the student (make comments according to the type from “prince” to “prince”).

Work with the environment (change conditions, organize the environment, those around you. To solve the problem of garbage in the classroom, you can hold a competition for ... the largest pile of garbage that students throw into the trash after the lesson).

Work with yourself (choose the right tactics of behavior, and if you don’t know how to behave in a particular situation, it’s better to pretend that the situation does not concern you)

Analyze the cause of anger (it is always secondary, primary, as a rule, is anger and resentment, and these are the most unconstructive grounds for solving problems).

If the teacher sees that the student is going through a difficult situation, therefore, is inadequate in the classroom, can be rude or "withdraws into himself", then these are signs that this is a student's problem.

Then the teacher should use another set of pedagogical actions:

Effective listening (non-judgmental remarks that provoke the child to speak, introspection);

Use of "prince's vocabulary" ("maybe, usually, sometimes", try to avoid using words such as "again, as always, everything, never");

- “I am the position” of the teacher (talk only about your emotions, feelings, opinions, without criticizing those of the child)

Teach children to look for and analyze their own (to distinguish between facts, opinions and conclusions, to understand what can and cannot be changed, to form tolerance).

Self-education of a communicative culture by each teacher individually does not yet solve the problem of improving the communicative culture of the entire teaching staff. In one team there are people with different attitudes, different styles of communication with children and colleagues. Improving the communicative culture in the team depends on:

    From the ethics of leadership. The pedagogical function of the leader is to teach, to facilitate the transfer of valuable experience, to support the initiative in time. Control - not so much in criticism of shortcomings, but in timely assistance, support for progressive undertakings. Deviation from the rules of productive communicative activity becomes a cause of discomfort, and even conflicts.

    From the ethics of relationships between employees. P. L. Kapitsa argued: “Without the feeling that he is valued, trusted, interested in his work, any creative worker cannot work intensively and boldly.”

Thus, the communicative culture of a teacher is one of the most important components of professional and pedagogical culture. The need for its formation is due to the fact that the teacher is constantly involved in the process of communication with students, their parents, colleagues. The profession obliges the teacher to be communicatively literate and remember that not only he “builds his own world, but also ... others build it. You are happy when you are understood. Don't forget that others are entitled to it too." (Barbel and Heinz Schwalbe "Personality, career, success")