Jurisprudence      01/15/2020

Methods of social psychology Andreev table. General characteristics of the methods of socio-psychological research. Methods of empirical research

The science that studies the patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to the fact of their inclusion in social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups themselves. Over a long period, socio-psychological ideas ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

The science that studies the patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to their inclusion in social groups, as well as psychological. characteristics of these groups. S. p. arose in the middle. 19th century at the intersection of psychology and sociology. To the 2nd ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY- SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. A section of psychology that lies at the intersection of psychology and sociology. It studies the phenomena of the psyche that exist only in a group of people or in a person in a group (for example, communication skills, collectivism, psychological ... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

Modern Encyclopedia

The branch of psychology that studies the patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to the fact of their belonging to social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups. As an independent discipline arose in the beginning. 20th century… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

A branch of psychology that studies the patterns of people's activities in terms of interaction in social groups. Main problems social psychology the following: the patterns of communication and interaction of people, the activities of large (nations, ... ... Psychological Dictionary

Social Psychology- SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, studies the patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to the fact of their belonging to social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups. As an independent discipline arose at the beginning of the 20th century ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY- a branch of psychology that studies the patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to their inclusion in social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups themselves. Initially, social psychological views were developed within the framework of various ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

A science that studies the mechanisms of consciousness and behavior of social communities, groups and individuals, as well as the role of these mechanisms in societies. life. Unlike the study of ideology, S. p. studies less clearly formulated, systematized and ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY- (social psychology) a subsection of psychology and sociology, which, according to Allport, deals with the ways in which the thinking, feelings and behavior of the individual are influenced by social interactions, groups, etc. Social Psychology… … Big explanatory sociological dictionary


  • Social Psychology
  • Social psychology, V. G. Krysko. The textbook reveals the main content and features of socio-psychological phenomena and processes, shows the specifics of their manifestation in the life and activities of people, characterizes the main ...

Any person, unless he has accepted asceticism and does not live the life of a hermit, is part of society. He interacts with other people and fulfills his social role. And, as a rule, the communication of different people with each other is always different. All people are different and they can belong to different social groups, occupy different social positions, have different status, etc. Many factors influence the communication and relationships of people, and our task, as people striving for self-development and a better understanding of human nature, is to understand what these factors are and what are the general features of the interaction of people and their behavior. And in this topic we will be helped to understand social psychology, to which we dedicate the next lesson of our course.

In the presented lesson, we will understand what is applied social psychology, knowledge from the field of which we can successfully apply in practice. We will find out what the relationships between people are based on, we will figure out what the tasks and problems of social psychology are, we will talk about its subject, object and methods. And we will begin with an explanation of the very concept of social psychology.

The concept of social psychology

This is a branch of psychology that is devoted to the study of human behavior in society and various groups, his perception of other people, communication with them and influencing them. Knowledge of the basics of social psychology is very important for the psychologically correct education of a person and the organization of interaction between the individual and the team.

Social psychology is a science that is at the intersection of psychology and sociology, and therefore studies social psychology aspects that are characteristic of both of these sciences. To be more specific, we can say that social psychology studies:

  • Social psychology of personality
  • Social psychology of groups of people and communication
  • social relations
  • Forms of spiritual activity

Social psychology has its own sections:

According to Galina Andreeva- a person whose name is associated with the development of social psychology in the USSR, given science is divided into three main sections:

  • Social psychology of groups
  • Social psychology of communication
  • Social psychology of personality

Proceeding from this, it is possible to describe the range of problems of social psychology.

Problems, subject and object of social psychology

Social psychology, considering mainly the personality in society, sets itself the task of determining under what conditions the personality assimilates social influences and under what conditions it realizes its social entity. It reveals how social-typical features are formed, why in some cases they appear, while in others some new ones have appeared. When studying, the system is taken into account interpersonal relationships, behavioral and emotional regulation. In addition, the behavior and activities of the individual are considered in specific social groups, the contribution of an individual to the activities of the entire group and the reasons that affect the magnitude and value of this contribution are studied. The main guideline in the study of personality for social psychology is the relationship between the individual and the group.

The subject of social psychology- these are the patterns of occurrence, functioning and manifestation of socio-psychological phenomena at the micro, medium and macro levels, as well as in different areas and conditions. But this is more about the theoretical side of science. If we talk about the practical side of social psychology, then its subject will be a set of patterns of psychodiagnostics, counseling and the use of psychotechnologies in the field of socio-psychological phenomena.

TO objects of social psychology carriers of socio-psychological phenomena themselves include:

  • Personality in a group and system of relations
  • Human-to-human interaction (relatives, colleagues, partners, etc.)
  • small group(family, class, group of friends, work shift, etc.)
  • Interaction of a person with a group (leaders and followers, bosses and subordinates, teachers and students, etc.)
  • Interaction of groups of people (competitions, debates, conflicts, etc.)
  • Large social group (ethnos, social stratum, political party, religious denomination, etc.)

To better understand what social psychology is about and what it studies, you can ask questions such as why do some students in the classroom behave in one way and others in another? How does it affect the formation of a person’s personality, for example, whether his parents are alcoholics or parents are athletes? Or why do some people tend to give instructions while others tend to follow them? If you are interested in knowing the psychological details of human communication or the interaction of groups of people with each other, then social psychology will satisfy your needs in this matter in the best possible way.

And, of course, in order for the study of the subject and object of social psychology to be the most effective, and for research to give maximum results, social psychology, like any other science, must have a certain set of methods in its arsenal. We will talk about them below.

Methods of social psychology

In general, the specific methods of social psychology cannot be said to be independent of the general methods of psychology. Therefore, the use of any method should be determined by the specifics of the presented science, i.e. any method must be applied in a certain "methodological key".

The methods of social psychology themselves have their own classification and are divided into four groups:

  • Methods empirical research(observation, experiment, instrumental methods, sociometry, document analysis, tests, survey, group personality assessment);
  • Modeling method;
  • Methods of administrative and educational influence;
  • Methods of socio-psychological influence.

Let's look at each group of methods briefly.

Methods of empirical research

observation method. Observation in social psychology means the collection of information, which is carried out through direct, purposeful and systematic perception and registration of socio-psychological phenomena in laboratory or natural conditions. The main material on the issue of observation is contained in our second lesson, from which you can learn about what types of observation exist and how they are characterized.

You can learn about how the observation method works by testing it on your own experience. For example, you would like to know what is most interesting for your growing child in the process ordinary life. To find out, you just need to observe him, his behavior, mood, emotions, reactions. Most of all, attention should be paid to speech acts, their direction and content, physical actions and their expressiveness. Observation will help you identify some individual interesting features in your child or, conversely, see that any tendencies are being consolidated. The main task during the organization of observation is to determine exactly what you want to see and record, as well as the ability to identify factors that influence this. If necessary, observation can be carried out systematically, using certain schemes for it, evaluating the results according to any systems.

Document analysis method- this is one of the varieties of ways to analyze products human activity. A document is any information recorded on any medium (paper, film, hard disk, etc.). The analysis of documents makes it possible to draw up a fairly accurate psychological description of a person's personality. This method is very popular among psychologists and ordinary people. For example, many parents, noticing some deviations in the development of their children and trying to find out their cause, turn to psychologists for help. And those, in turn, ask the parents to bring the drawings that their children have drawn. Based on the analysis of these drawings, psychologists come to an opinion and give appropriate recommendations to parents. There is another example: as you know, many people keep diaries. Based on the study of these diaries, experienced professionals can draw up psychological picture their owners and even determine what factors influenced the fact that a person's personality was formed in a specific way.

Poll method, and in particular interviews and questionnaires, are widespread in modern society. And not only in psychological circles. Interviews are taken from people from completely different social strata in order to obtain various kinds of information. Questionnaires are conducted in a similar way. If, for example, you are the head of a department in an organization and you are looking for ways to improve the performance of your department or make the team environment more friendly, you can conduct a survey among your subordinates, having previously compiled a list of questions. And a subspecies of the interview can be safely called an interview when applying for a job. As an employer, you can create a list of questions that will give you an objective “picture” of the applicant to help you make the right decision. If you are an applicant applying for a serious (and not only) position, then this is an occasion to prepare for an interview, for which today there are many useful information in the Internet.

Method of sociometry refers to methods of socio-psychological study of the structure of small groups and a person as a member of a group. By using this method study the relationship of people among themselves and within the group. Sociometric studies can be individual and group, and their results are usually presented in the form of sociometric matrices or sociograms.

Group personality assessment method (GOL) is to obtain the characteristics of a person in a particular group, based on a survey of members of this group relative to each other. Using this method, experts assess the level of expression of a person's psychological qualities, which are manifested in his appearance, activity and interaction with others.

test method. Like some other methods of psychology, tests have already been considered by us in one of the first lessons and you can get acquainted with the concept of “tests” in detail there. Therefore, we will touch only on general issues. Tests are short, standardized and, in most cases, time-limited tests. With the help of tests in social psychology, differences between people and groups of people are determined. During the execution of tests, the subject (or a group of them) performs certain tasks or selects answers to questions from a list. Data processing and analysis are performed in relation to a certain "key". The results are expressed in test terms.

Scales, measuring social attitudes, are among the tests that still receive special attention. Scales of social attitudes are used for a variety of purposes, but most often they are used to characterize the following areas: public opinion, the consumer market, the choice of effective advertising, people's attitudes towards work, problems, other people, etc.

Experiment. Another method of psychology, which we touched upon in the lesson "Methods of Psychology". The experiment implies the creation by the researcher of certain conditions of interaction between the subject (or a group of them) and certain situations in order to restore the patterns of this interaction. An experiment is good because it allows you to simulate phenomena and conditions for research and influence them, measure the reactions of the subjects and reproduce the results.


In the previous lesson, we already touched on the modeling method in psychology and you can familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link. It is only worth noting that in social psychology modeling develops in two directions.

First is a technical imitation of processes, mechanisms and results mental activity, i.e. mental modeling.

Second- this is the organization and reproduction of any activity, by artificially creating the environment for this activity, i.e. psychological modeling.

The modeling method makes it possible to obtain a wide variety of reliable socio-psychological information about a person or a group of people. For example, in order to find out how the employees of your organization will act in an extreme situation, be under the influence of a panic state or act together, simulate a fire situation: turn on the alarm, notify employees about the fire and observe what is happening. The data obtained will allow you to determine whether it is worth paying attention to work with employees on behavior in the workplace in emergency situations, understand who is the leader and who is the follower, and also learn about those qualities and character traits of your subordinates that you may not have known about.

Methods of managerial and educational influence

Under management and educational methods is meant a set of actions (mental or practical) and techniques, by performing which you can achieve desired results. This is a kind of system of principles that gives an orientation to the organization of productive activity.

The influence of upbringing methods is manifested through the direct impact of one person on another (persuasion, demand, threat, encouragement, punishment, example, authority, etc.), the creation of special conditions and situations that force a person to express himself (express an opinion, do some action). Influence is also exerted through public opinion and joint activities, transmission of information, training, education, upbringing.

Among the methods of managerial and educational influence are:

  • Beliefs that form certain mental manifestations (views, concepts, ideas);
  • Exercises that organize activities and stimulate positive motives;
  • Evaluation and self-assessment, which determine actions that stimulate activity and assist in the regulation of behavior

An excellent example of managerial and educational influence is the upbringing of a child by his parents. It is through upbringing that the main features and properties of his personality are born and formed in a person. It is not difficult to guess that if you want your child to grow up independent, self-confident and successful person, which has a set positive qualities(responsibility, purposefulness, stress resistance, positive thinking, etc.), then it should be properly educated. In the process of education, it is important to conduct confidential conversations, be able to direct the child's activities and behavior, encourage success and make it clear when any offense has been committed. You need to give strong arguments, arguments, examples. Set as an example authoritative people, outstanding personalities. It is also important to always try to give a correct assessment of the behavior, actions, actions and results of your child, to form an adequate self-esteem in him. These are, of course, just a few examples. But it is important to understand that only in the case of the correct managerial and educational influence on a person’s personality, it becomes possible to exert a positive and constructive influence on him.

And the last group of methods of social psychology are methods of socio-psychological influence.

Methods of socio-psychological influence

Methods of socio-psychological influence are a set of techniques that affect the needs, interests, inclinations of a person, his attitudes, self-esteem, emotional state, as well as socio-psychological attitudes of groups of people.

With the help of methods of socio-psychological influence, it is possible to influence the needs of people and their motivation, change their desires, aspirations, emotions, mood, behavior. Skillfully using these methods, you can change people's views, opinions and attitudes, as well as create new ones. By providing the right socio-psychological impact on a person, it is possible to ensure the most favorable position of a person in society, make his personality more resistant to the influence of various factors, form a healthy worldview and attitude towards people, the world, and life. Sometimes methods of socio-psychological influence are used to destroy existing personality traits, stop any activity, motivate them to search for new goals, etc.

As we can see, the methods of social psychology are one of the most difficult topics V psychological science. To understand these methods in detail, you need to spend more than one month studying them. But, despite this, one exact conclusion can be drawn: taking into account all the methodological difficulties, in any socio-psychological research there must be the ability to clearly identify and delimit the tasks to be solved, to choose an object, to formulate the problem under study, to clarify the concepts used and to systematize the entire range of methods used for research. methods. This is the only way to make socio-psychological research as accurate and productive as possible.

But in order for you to be able to start implementing the acquired knowledge into your life right now, without going into in-depth study of specialized materials, you should know a few important laws and laws of social psychology that influence a person's life in society and his interaction with this society and other people.

People always perceive people around them in one way or another.

Usually we attribute to the people with whom we come into contact certain properties that are related to social stereotypes. Stereotypes can be attributed to people on an anthropological basis, that is, on the basis of the characteristics of the race to which the person belongs. There are also social stereotypes - these are images attributed to people holding certain positions, having different statuses, etc. Stereotypes can also be emotional, i.e. associated with the physiological properties of people.

Therefore, talking to different people, you must understand that your perception of them may be subconsciously based on stereotypes. For example, beautiful person may turn out to be someone with whom it is better not to mess with, and an unattractive outwardly can amaze you with the beauty and depth of his soul. If you are prejudiced against people of a certain race, this does not mean at all that they are as you think they are. After all, people of any skin color, gender, religion, worldview can be both good and bad. It is important to learn to perceive people not based on stereotypes, but only on personal experience. As the saying goes, don't judge by clothes, judge by your mind.

People easily assign the social roles imposed on them.

A person who is in constant interaction with society builds his behavior according to the social role assigned to him by this society. This can be easily seen in the example of a person who was suddenly promoted: he becomes very important, serious, communicates with people from high, those who were on an equal footing with him yesterday are no longer a match for him, etc. Social roles imposed by society can make a person weak-willed, powerless to change something. People who are affected in this way can “sink” to the worst deeds (even murders) or raise themselves to heights.

It must always be remembered that the social roles imposed by society have strong influence per person. To be able not to "bend" under pressure social role and remain yourself, you must be a strong personality, have an inner core, have beliefs, values ​​and principles.

The best interlocutor is the one who knows how to listen.

Conversation is an integral part of human communication. When we meet other people, we start a conversation: about how someone is doing, about news, about changes, interesting events. The conversation can be friendly, businesslike, intimate, formal, or noncommittal. But many people, if you pay attention to this, much more like to talk than to listen. In almost every company there is a person who constantly interrupts, wants to speak out, put in his word, does not listen to anyone. Agree, this is not very pleasant. But it is a pronounced need for conversation. In other people, it may be less pronounced, but, in any case, it always exists.

If a person is given the opportunity to speak incessantly, then after saying goodbye to you, he will experience only the most pleasant emotions from communication. If you constantly talk, then he will most likely become bored, he will nod his head, yawn, and communication with you will become an unbearable burden for him. A strong personality is a person who is able to control his emotions and desires. And the best interlocutor is the one who knows how to listen and not say a word, even if you really want to. Take this into service and practice - you will see how pleasant it will be for people to communicate with you. In addition, it will be an exercise in your self-control, self-discipline and mindfulness.

People's attitudes affect their perception of reality and others.

If a person has a pre-formed predisposition to react to something in a certain way, then he will do it in accordance with it. Here, for example, you should meet with some person and you were told something very bad about him in advance. When you meet, you will experience acute dislike for this person, unwillingness to communicate, negativity and rejection, even if this person is actually very good. Anyone, even the same person, can appear before you in a completely different light, if before that you will be given a certain attitude towards his perception.

You should not take on faith everything that you hear, see, learn from someone else. The main thing is always to trust only personal experience and check everything yourself, taking into account, of course, everything that you have learned, but not based on it. Only personal experience will allow you to find out reliable information and make objective judgments about other people, events, situations, things, etc. In this case, the saying is ideal: “Trust, but verify!”.

People's behavior often depends on how others perceive them.

In psychology, this is called reflection. This is true, of course, not for everyone, but for many. There are people who are completely dependent on how others perceive them. A hypertrophied sense of the importance of someone else's opinion leads to the fact that a person begins to feel constant discomfort, emotional stress, dependence on another person, inability to defend one's position, express one's opinion, and many other rather unpleasant sensations. Moreover, these feelings can manifest themselves in different ways: from small mood swings during the day to prolonged and deep depressions.

To avoid such situations, you need to understand that someone else's opinion is just someone else's opinion. Not in vain successful people they say that someone else's opinion will never feed you and your loved ones, will not buy you clothes, will not bring success and happiness. Quite the contrary, almost always someone else's opinion makes people give up, stop striving for something, develop and grow. How others perceive you is their own business. You do not have to adapt to anyone and always remain yourself.

People tend to judge others and justify themselves.

Situations in life are different, as are the people who find themselves in them. But the reactions evoked in people who find themselves in these situations can be perceived by us in completely different ways. For example, if you are standing in line to make a purchase and there is a person in front of you who is buying something for a very long time, this causes negative emotions at your place, you can start expressing dissatisfaction, rushing the person in front, etc. At the same time, if for some reason you are delayed at the checkout, and the person behind you starts to reprimand you, you will begin to make quite reasonable arguments about why you are standing for so long. And you will be right. People find themselves in situations like this almost every day.

A significant plus for you in terms of your development will be mastering the skill of critically assessing the situation and the people who find themselves in it (others and yourself). Whenever you feel that you begin to experience negative emotions due to some circumstances, irritation, a desire to express dissatisfaction towards another person, abstract for a while. Take a look at the situation from the outside, critically evaluate yourself and others, think about whether the other is to blame for the current situation and how you would behave and feel in his place. Most likely, you will notice that your reaction is not entirely correct and you should behave more calmly, more tactfully, more consciously. If you make this practice systematic, life will become much more pleasant, you will be less irritated, you will begin to experience more positive emotions, become more positive, etc.

People often identify with other people.

In social psychology, this is called identification. Very often, our identification with others occurs during our communication with someone: a person tells us a story or describes a situation in which he was a participant, but we subconsciously put ourselves in his place in order to feel what he felt. Also, identification can occur while watching a movie, reading a book, or the like. We identify with the main character or other participants. Thus, we dive deeper into the information that we study (watch, read), understand the motives of people's actions, evaluate ourselves with them.

Identification can be done consciously. This helps a lot in non-standard, complex life situations and during normal life. For example, if in some situation you find it difficult to make the right decision, you don’t know what to do better, remember the hero of your favorite book, film, a person who is an authority for you, and think about how he would act in your place, what he said or did. An appropriate image will immediately appear in your imagination, which will prompt you to the right decision.

People form their first impression of a person within the first five minutes.

This fact has long been proven by psychologists. We make the first impression of another person during the first 3-5 minutes of communication with him. While first impressions can be misleading, this point should be given special attention. When meeting a person for the first time, we look at him appearance, posture, behavior, speech, emotional state. Also, the first impression is influenced by whether we feel that a person is superior to us in some parameters, how attractive his appearance is, what attitude a person shows towards us. Other people make impressions of us according to the same criteria.

You need to be able to make a first impression. And for this it is necessary to take into account all the above factors of its formation. Therefore, whenever you know that you are planning the first meeting with a person (interview, meeting in a friendly company, date, etc.), you must prepare for this: look neat, behave confidently, be able to find something to say, observe manners propriety and rules of etiquette, to speak clearly, etc. Remember that the first impression is the foundation for building all future relationships.

A person attracts into his life that which corresponds to his thoughts.

It has been called variously: the law of attraction, "like attracts like" or "we are what we think". The meaning is this: in the course of a person’s life, such people meet and such events occur that are in resonance with him: they correspond to his thoughts, expectations, beliefs. If a person radiates negativity, then more troubles happen in his life, he is accompanied by failures, bad people meet. If positive vibrations come from a person, then his life will be filled, for the most part, with good news, good events, pleasant people.

Many successful people and spiritual figures say that everything in life depends on how we think. So if you want your life to change in better side, more positive things happened, met good people etc., then, first of all, you should pay attention to the way you think. Reshape it in the right way: from negative to positive, from the position of the victim to the position of the winner, from the feeling of failure to the feeling of success. Don't expect instant change, but try to be positive - after a while you will notice changes.

Often what happens in a person's life is what he expects.

You have probably noticed this pattern more than once: what you fear most of all happens with enviable regularity. But the point here is not at all that it is something bad, but how strong an emotional coloring you give it. If you constantly think about something, worry about it, expect something, then there is a high probability that it will happen. Whatever your expectations can have an impact on the people around you. But negative emotions (fear, fear, apprehensions), as you know, take possession of people's consciousness to a much greater extent than positive ones. Therefore, what we do not want happens more often than what we want.

Rebuild - stop thinking about what you fear and expect it, start expecting only the best from life and those around you! But here the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to experience feelings of disappointment. Get in the habit of expecting the best, but don't idealize your expectations. Step away from the negative and tune in to the positive, but always remain realistic and take a sober look at the world.

There are a lot of patterns that operate in communication between people, because psychology is a science with a huge number of features. To make your life better, and communication with other people and interaction with society more pleasant and effective, you need to develop attentiveness to everything that happens around you: people's behavior, their reactions, the reasons for certain situations and events. No theory will change you and your life by itself. Only practical use new knowledge, honing your communication skills and training in personal qualities can influence you and change what you want to change.

As for the person himself in social psychology, it can be stated with confidence that the person, as a mature personality, plays the main role here. It is social and psychological characteristics that allow such a science as social psychology to exist at all. And the knowledge about it that we now have, we want to deepen and strive to put into practice, give us the opportunity to identify, realize and understand the factors that affect the development of the individual, the specifics of the interaction of people among themselves and in groups (as well as these groups). And this already allows us to make our lives, both individuals and parts of society, more comfortable and conscious, and the results of our actions and actions are better and more effective. It is for these reasons that we must master the basics of social (and not only) psychology and make their use a part of our daily lives.


For those who have a desire to delve deeper into the study of the topic of social psychology, below we present a small but very good list literature that makes sense.

  • Ageev B.C. Intergroup interaction: socio-psychological problems. M., 1990
  • Andreeva G.M. Social psychology M., 2003
  • Bityanova M.R. Social psychology M., 2002
  • Bodalev A.A. Perception and understanding of a person by a person M. Moscow State University, 1982
  • Bodalev A.A. Personality and communication M., 1995
  • Dontsov A.I. Psychology of the team M., 1984
  • Leontiev A.A. Psychology of communication M., 1998
  • Kolomensky Ya.L. "Differentiation of social psychology and some problems of developmental psychology" - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000
  • Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relations Moscow-Voronezh, 1995
  • Fundamentals of socio-psychological theory / Ed. A.A. Bodaleva, A.N. Sukhova M., 1995
  • Parygin B.D. Social psychology M., 1999
  • Psychology of personality and lifestyle / Ed. ed. E.V. Shorokhova M. Nauka, 1987
  • Rean A.A., Kolomensky Ya.L. Social pedagogical psychology SPb., 1998
  • Robert M., Tilman F. Psychology of the individual and the group M., 1988
  • Sekun V.I. Psychology of activity. Minsk, 1996
  • Semenov V.E. The method of studying documents in socio-psychological research L., 1983
  • Modern foreign social psychology Texts / Ed. G.M. Andreeva et al. M., 1984
  • Social psychology / Ed. A.N. Sukhova, A.A. Derkach M., 2001
  • Social psychology and social practice / Ed. E.V. Shorokhova, V.P. Levkovich. M., 1985
  • Social psychology of classes / Ed. G.G. Diligensky M., 1985
  • Spivak D.L. Altered States of Mass Consciousness St. Petersburg, 1996
  • Stankin M.I. Psychology of communication Course of lectures M., 1996
  • Stefanenko T.G., Shlyagina E.I., Enikolopov S.N. Methods of ethnopsychological research. M., 1993
  • Stefanenko T.G. Ethnopsychology. Issue. 1. M., 1998
  • Sukharev V., Sukharev M. Psychology of peoples and nations. M., 1997
  • Freud 3. Group psychology and analysis of "EGO" M., 1991
  • Shevandrin N.I. Social psychology in education M., 1996
  • Shikhirev P.N. Modern social psychology in Western Europe M, 1985

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

Lomov B.F. Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. M., 1984.

Merlin B. C . Relationships in a social group and personality traits. Social psychology of personality. M., 1979.

Petrovskaya L.A. Theoretical and methodological problems of socio-psychological training. M., 1982.

Petrovsky V.A. Psychology of non-adaptive activity. M., 1992.

Yadov V.A. Social identification of the person. M., 1994.



Only some areas of public life where social psychology finds application have been listed here. The most important task facing the applied area of ​​this scientific discipline, lies in clearly distinguishing between two sets of questions: 1) what, in principle, can social psychology accomplish with its means of analysis, i.e. what class of tasks in relation to each area public life she can decide and 2) what is she already doing today? The answer to the first question is to identify the prospects of social psychology in the applied field. The answer to the second question is a discussion of the practical and organizational measures that need to be taken to make applied research not only possible, but also effective. The solution of both the one and the other range of issues is naturally conditioned by the new situation that has developed in society today.

Professional social psychology faces a number of completely new tasks. All the experience she had accumulated, all her theoretical and experimental developments, in one way or another, appealed to a stable society. Actually, such a variable as "stability - instability" practically did not appear in the studies. Only relatively recently, only in some works (in particular, A. Taschfel) the problem of unacceptable ignoring of social changes by social psychology was raised. If the thesis is correct that the questions of social psychology are raised by society, then its duty to seek answers to the questions of a changing society should be recognized. Otherwise, social psychology is disarmed in the face of global social transformations: its apparatus, its means are not adapted to how to study socio-psychological phenomena in a changing world.

If social psychology has to exist in this world, its first task is to realize the nature of the ongoing transformations, to build a kind of program for transforming established approaches in connection with new objects of research, new types of relations in society, a new situation.

All this is most directly related to the development of social psychology in our country. The radicalism of the transformations being carried out here is so obvious that many of their manifestations simply cannot be "captured" within the framework of the developed socio-psychological schemes. The most essential feature of modern Russian society- its instability - excludes its analysis by methods and means formed for the analysis of stable situations.

We have to reject the argument that the type of relationship that develops in our society - market relations - is not new, but, on the contrary, has a solid history in many countries. “On behalf of” this type of economic structures, the tasks of traditional social psychology were set, and, consequently, the answers to questions in the socio-psychological concepts developed for these realities, new to us, but quite well-established in other societies, have already been found. Such an argument does not stand up to criticism because a new type of economic relations has not yet been established in our country, but is only becoming. Unfortunately, there is no social psychology of the transitional period. And his own, domestic experience was also formed in conditions, albeit specific, but social stability. It also no longer exists: society is making a transition not only “to something”, but also “from something”. Thus, the experience of social psychology considered from this side also turns out to be not quite suitable. The task can therefore be formulated as follows: we need a social psychology of the transitional period for an unstable society, with a new set of problems inherent in just such of its characteristics.

The idea that social psychology is studying the "cross-cutting" problems of human relationships, their general, universal mechanisms, cannot improve things. Throughout the course, we have sought to show that these mechanisms operate differently in different social contexts. Therefore, an analysis of this new context is necessary. Such a task cannot be solved in a short time; therefore, its first part is precisely the awareness of the situation, taking into account the fact that the new “social context” for us today is the deepest instability of society. Social instability should not be understood simply as the equivalent of rapid and radical social change. Instability is manifested in the inconsistency of these changes - in their direction, in their pace, in the extent to which they are radical in different parts of the social organism (for example, a fairly rapid breakdown of political institutions and slow transformations in the economy). The term "crisis" is increasingly used to characterize the period being experienced.

The problem is further complicated by the fact that social instability, although it has some common features, when it occurs at certain periods of development in different countries, takes a specific form in each case; it is combined with the special conditions of the historical development of each country, its traditions, national mentality. In particular, instability is “superimposed” on the image of society that existed in the mass consciousness before the period of radical transformations. It depends on whether the period of crisis preceded the period sustainable development with strict regulation of stereotypes and values, or, on the contrary, a period of fairly dynamic development. In Russia, the new situation that has arisen turned out to be especially difficult psychologically because in the previous period, in a totalitarian society, its stability was declared both by official ideology and by the very organization of social life. After all, the lifestyle "in the past" contained a positive assessment of any inviolability of the foundations, given by their objective course of history, an unshakable faith in the correctness of the decisions made. It was stability and strength that were perceived as the norm, and any loosening of them as a dangerous deviation from this norm. The life orientation of the individual was not associated with transformation, especially on the scale of the whole society, but, on the contrary, with its absolute stability and steadfastness. This was also supported by a high degree of institutionalization of public structures, strict regulation of their activities.

In the emerging new type of society, its norms are pluralism of opinions, admissibility various options economic decisions, human rights - are perceived by many social groups rather hard. What does the crisis state of society mean for mass consciousness? A clear answer to this question largely determines the program for the transformation of society, and indeed of social psychology itself, if it wants to answer the questions of society. Already today it is possible to identify the processes that mass consciousness in a situation of instability and which require close socio-psychological attention.

First of all, it is a global breaking of established social stereotypes. The very nature of the stereotypes common in our society in the previous period is very specific. In any case, none of the known socio-psychological studies dealt with such stereotypes: they "lived" for a very long time (practically throughout the entire existence of Soviet society, they were passed down from generation to generation - "the wisdom of the leader", "friendship of peoples", " advantages of socialist property”, “fairness of party decisions”, etc.); they had an extremely wide range

The whole set of methods can be divided into two large groups: research methods and methods of influence. The latter belong to a specific area of ​​social psychology, the so-called "psychology of influence" and will be discussed in the chapter on practical applications of social psychology. It also analyzes research methods, which in turn differ in the methods of collecting information and methods of processing it. There are many other classifications of methods of socio-psychological research. For example, there are three groups of methods: 1) methods of empirical research, 2) modeling methods, 3) managerial and educational methods (Sventsitsky, 1977, p. 8). At the same time, all those that will be discussed in this chapter fall into the first group. As for the second and third groups of methods indicated in the above classification, they do not have any special specifics in social psychology (which is recognized, at least with regard to modeling, by the authors of the classification themselves). Data processing methods are often simply not singled out in a special block, since most of them are also not specific to socio-psychological research, but use some general scientific techniques. One can agree with this, but nevertheless, for a complete picture of all the methodological weapons of social psychology, it is necessary to mention the existence of this second group of methods.

Among the methods of collecting information should be mentioned: observation, study of documents (in particular, content analysis), various kinds of surveys (questionnaires, interviews), various kinds of tests (including the most common sociometric test), finally, experiment (both laboratory and and natural). It is hardly expedient in a general course, and even at its beginning, to characterize in detail each of these methods. It would be more logical to indicate the cases of their application in the presentation of individual substantive problems of social psychology, then such a presentation would be much more understandable. Now it is necessary to give only the most general description of each method and, most importantly, to indicate those moments where certain difficulties are encountered in their application. In most cases, these methods are identical to those used in sociology (Yadov, 1995).

Observation is the "old" method of social psychology and is sometimes opposed to experiment as an imperfect method. At the same time, far from all the possibilities of the method of observation have been exhausted in social psychology today: in the case of obtaining data on open behavior, on the actions of individuals, the method of observation plays a very important role. the main problem The problem that arises when applying the observation method is how to ensure the fixation of certain classes of characteristics so that the “reading” of the observation protocol is understandable and can be interpreted by another researcher in terms of a hypothesis. In ordinary language, this question can be formulated as follows: what to observe? How to capture what is being observed?

There are many different proposals for organizing the so-called structuring of observational data, i.e. allocation in advance of some classes, for example, interactions of individuals in a group, followed by fixing the number, frequency of manifestation of these interactions, etc. One of such attempts made by R. Bailes will be described in detail below. The question of singling out classes of observed phenomena is essentially the question of the units of observation, which, as is well known, is also acute in other branches of psychology. In a socio-psychological study, it can only be solved separately for each specific case, provided that the subject of the study is taken into account. Another fundamental issue is the time interval, which can be considered sufficient to fix any units of observation. Although there are many different procedures to ensure that these units are captured at certain intervals and encoded, the issue cannot be considered fully resolved. As can be seen, the method of observation is not as primitive as it seems at first glance, and, undoubtedly, can be successfully applied in a number of socio-psychological studies.

The study of documents has great importance, because with the help of this method it is possible to analyze the products of human activity. Sometimes the method of studying documents is unreasonably opposed, for example, to the method of surveys as an “objective” method to a “subjective” method. It is unlikely that this opposition is appropriate: after all, even in documents a person acts as a source of information, therefore, all the problems that arise in this case remain in force. Of course, the degree of "subjectivity" of a document is different depending on whether the document being studied is an official or purely personal one, but it is always present. A special problem arises here and in connection with the fact that the document - the researcher interprets, i.e. is also a person with his own, inherent in him individual psychological characteristics. The most important role in the study of the document is played, for example, by the ability to understand the text. The problem of understanding is a special problem of psychology, but here it is included in the process of applying the methodology, therefore, it cannot be ignored.

To overcome this new type of “subjectivity” (interpretation of the document by the researcher), a special technique is introduced, called “content analysis” (literally: “content analysis”) (Bogomolova, Stefanenko, 1992). This is a special, more or less formalized method of document analysis, when special “units” are highlighted in the text, and then the frequency of their use is calculated. It makes sense to apply the content analysis method only in cases where the researcher is dealing with a large amount of information, so that one has to analyze numerous texts. In practice, this method is used in social psychology in research in the field of mass communications. A number of difficulties are not removed, of course, by using the content analysis technique; for example, the very process of extracting text units, of course, largely depends on the theoretical position of the researcher, and on his personal competence, the level of his creative abilities. As with many other methods in social psychology, here the reasons for success or failure depend on the skill of the researcher.

Polls are a very common technique in socio-psychological research, causing, perhaps, the greatest number of complaints. Usually, criticisms are expressed in perplexity about how one can trust the information obtained from the direct answers of the subjects, essentially from their self-reports. Accusations of this kind are based either on a misunderstanding or on absolute incompetence in the field of polling. Among the numerous types of surveys, interviews and questionnaires are most widely used in social psychology (especially in studies of large groups).

The main methodological problems that arise when applying these methods lie in the design of the questionnaire. The first requirement here is the logic of its construction, ensuring that the questionnaire delivers exactly the information that is required by the hypothesis, and that this information is as reliable as possible. There are numerous rules for constructing each question, placing them in a certain order, grouping them into separate blocks, etc. The literature describes in detail (Lectures on the methodology of specific social studies. M., 1972) typical mistakes arising from the illiterate design of the questionnaire. All this serves to ensure that the questionnaire does not require direct answers, so that its content is understandable to the author only if a certain plan is carried out, which is not set out in the questionnaire, but in the research program, in the hypothesis built by the researcher. Designing a questionnaire is the hardest work, it cannot be done hastily, because any bad questionnaire only serves to compromise the method.

A separate big problem is the use of interviews, since here there is an interaction between the interviewer and the respondent (ie, the person answering the questions), which in itself is a certain socio-psychological phenomenon. During the interview, all the ways of influencing one person on another described in social psychology are manifested, all the laws of people's perception of each other, the norms of their communication, operate. Each of these characteristics can affect the quality of information, can introduce another kind of "subjectivity", which was discussed above. But it must be borne in mind that all these problems are not new to social psychology, certain “antidotes” have been developed for each of them, and the task is only to take the mastery of these methods with due seriousness. Contrary to the popular non-professional view that surveys are the "easiest" method to apply, it can be safely argued that a good survey is the most "difficult" method of socio-psychological research.

Tests are not a specific socio-psychological method, they are widely used in various areas of psychology. When talking about the use of tests in social psychology, they most often mean personality tests, less often - group tests. But this kind of tests, as is well known, is also used in general psychological studies of personality, there is no particular specificity in the application of this method in socio-psychological research: all the methodological general psychology, are also valid here.

As you know, a test is a special kind of test, during which the subject performs either a specially designed task, or answers questions that differ from questions in questionnaires or interviews. Questions in tests are indirect. The meaning of the post-processing is to use the "key" to correlate the received answers with certain parameters, for example, personality characteristics, if we are talking about personality tests. Most of these tests have been developed in pathopsychology, where their use makes sense only in combination with clinical observation methods. Within certain limits, tests give important information about the characteristics of personality pathology. It is usually considered the greatest weakness of personality tests that their quality is that they capture only one side of the personality. This shortcoming is partially overcome in complex tests, for example, the Cattell test or the MMPI test. However, the application of these methods not in pathological conditions, but in normal conditions (which is what social psychology deals with) requires many methodological adjustments.

Most main question that arises here is the question of how significant the tasks and questions proposed to her are for the individual; in socio-psychological research - how much can be correlated with the test measurements of various personality characteristics of its activities in the group, etc. The most common mistake is the illusion that if you do a mass personality test in a group, all the problems of this group and the personalities that make up it will become clear. In social psychology, tests can be used as an auxiliary means of research. Their data must necessarily be compared with data obtained using other methods. In addition, the use of tests is of a local nature also because they mainly concern only one section of social psychology - the problem of personality. There are not so many tests that are important for diagnosing a group. An example is the widely used sociometric test, which will be discussed specifically in the small group section.

The experiment acts as one of the main research methods in social psychology. The controversy around the possibilities and limitations of the experimental method in this area is one of the sharpest controversies on methodological problems at the present time (Zhukov, Grzhegorzhevskaya, 1977). In social psychology, there are two main types of experiment: laboratory and natural. For both types, there are general rules, expressing the essence of the method, namely: the arbitrary introduction by the experimenter of independent variables and control over them, as well as over changes in dependent variables. Also common is the requirement to separate the control and experimental groups so that the measurement results can be compared with some standard. However, along with these general requirements laboratory and natural experiments have their own own rules. Especially debatable for social psychology is the question of a laboratory experiment.

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This edition is undertaken eight years after the last
publication of the textbook. At least two circumstances required
significant changes.
First of all, these are significant changes in the subject of research itself.
dovaniya, i.e. in the socio-psychological characteristics of the very
society and, accordingly, in the relations of society and the individual. Social
mental psychology, as you know, solves the problems proposed by the public
in general, and not by society, but by this specific type of
creatures. The collapse of the USSR and the emergence of Russia as an independent
states offered social psychology a number of new pro-
problems that required a certain understanding of the new reality
ty. So, the definition of social relations that exist has lost its meaning.
existing in the country as socialist relations and, consequently,
a description of the specific attributes of this type of relationship. Here next
should also include the problem of defining social psychology as a social psychology> in connection with a radical change in the natural
the nature of the society within which it was created.
Secondly, the changes relate to the addressee to whom the textbook is addressed.
Nick. The first two editions were most definitely addressed to students.
to the dentists of psychological faculties and departments of universities,
since at that time social psychology as academic subject study-
was in these divisions. The changes that have taken place in the general
one of their results in the spiritual sphere had a rapid growth
interest in social psychology not only among representatives of other
academic professions, but also among business practitioners
mothers, managers, financiers. In addition, significant development
acquired and practical social psychology, which develops
not only such traditional areas as education, health care,
nie, the army, the law enforcement system, but also offers a wide range of
a rocky system of specific means and forms of socio-psychological
cal impact. It is difficult to satisfy the needs of all these times
heterogeneous reader groups. The textbook is still preserved as a textbook,
intended for higher educational institutions although the professional
reference points in this edition are somewhat shifted: the material
adapted to the perception of it not only by psychologists, but also by students
sociologists, economists, representatives of technical dis-
ciplin, i.e. almost everyone studying this subject in universities.
All of the above leads me to make the following comments about
general plan for this edition.
First, I am aware that, despite the radical
economic, political and social transformations in our
country, we cannot and should not move away from its history at all, so
and from the history of science, in this case social psychology,
developed under specific historical conditions. Maybe this fact
not so significant for the natural sciences, but very important for the sciences,
dealing with the individual and society. Therefore, fragments of the
of the scientific development of social psychology in the conditions of the USSR, I consider it
necessary to keep completely.
Secondly, the question arises about the role of Marxist philosophy in
formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of social
psychology. This discipline is less than, for example, social
science or political economy, was engaged by the Marxist ideology
gia. However, here, too, elements of ideological influence are undoubtedly
but they did take place. This was manifested primarily in the emphasis on the normative
character of socio-psychological knowledge, for example, in evaluative
ny characteristics of individuals and groups, in the acceptance of some
personality and its relationship with the team, corresponding to the norms
mative ideas about the ideal society.
How to relate today to such an ideological bias?
I don't think the easiest way should be to just drop
various ideological ones into the fabric of social psychology
gee. Even worse is to replace one ideological series with some other.
I believe that in the relationship between social psychology and Marxism
two sides must be distinguished. The first is the use of philosophical
Marxism as methodological basis disciplines. In the end
all socio-psychological theories of modernity are ultimately
based on some system of philosophical principles. The right of each
long researcher to accept (or reject) the grounds for any system
topics of philosophical knowledge and follow them. The same right should be
reserved for Marxist philosophy. The other side is acceptance
(or rejection) of the ideological dictate that was the result of
that Marxism was the official ideology of some social
political system - the socialist state. This straight
diktat had dramatic consequences for many scientific disciplines
in the history of our society. It is this side of the relationship that
ki and ideology must be carefully considered. text> social psychology, as well as any science dealing with general
society, is inevitable. It is important to clearly understand the idea that understanding
social determinism of socio-psychological phenomena
new should not mean an apology for the existing political revolution
bench press. Unfortunately, this truth is often forgotten. Once-
thinking about the fate of the social sciences and their relationship with society
vom - this is today the global task of all social scientists. Textbook, pre-
laying down an elementary course, cannot and should not analyze
this problem in its entirety. The task is to ensure that the system
in a logical presentation of specific questions, this problem, as it were, stood behind
them, on To what extent it was possible to solve it, the author can judge
Once again, with deep gratitude, I now think about many
numerous generations of my students and readers, for almost
fifteen years studying social psychology in my study
no one, one way or another serving me. I also acknowledge
valuable to my colleagues - teachers and staff of the Department of Social
psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, whose works
the department itself was built and the course of social
psychology: their observations and comments made using
of the textbook, provided me with invaluable help.
Recommended reading is provided in this publication so that
directly cited monographs and articles from collections are given
after each chapter (in this case, the authors of both monographs and
individual articles followed by the name of the collection where they were published
jubilant); At the end of the textbook is attached a general list of references, where
only monographic works and collective collections with half
output data (in the latter case, already without the name of a separate
articles and mentioning the names of their authors). This full list works
can be considered as a general recommendation for additional reading when
studying the course of social psychology.
G. Andreeva
Section 1
Chapter 1
Approach to the problem The very combination of the words chology> indicates a specific
the place that this discipline occupies in the system of scientific knowledge
niya. Having arisen at the intersection of sciences - psychology and sociology, social
al psychology still retains its special status. This
leads to the fact that each of the disciplines to
freely willingly includes it as an integral part. Ta-
which ambiguity in the position of a scientific discipline has many
th different reasons. The main one is the objective being.
the formation of such a class of facts of social life, which themselves
in themselves can only be explored with the help of combined
efforts of two sciences: psychology and sociology. On the one side,
any social phenomenon has its own
pect, since social patterns do not appear
otherwise than through the activity of people, and people act by being
endowed with consciousness and will. On the other hand, in situations
joint activities of people there are very special
types of links between them, links of communication and interaction, and
their analysis is impossible outside the system of psychological knowledge.
Another reason for the dual position of social psycho-
chology is the very history of the formation of this discipline,
which matured in the bowels of both the psychological and
sociological knowledge and in the full sense of the word was born at the crossroads> of these two sciences. All this creates a lot of difficulties.
both in defining the subject of social psychology and in
the phenomenon of the range of its problems.
At the same time, the needs of the practice of social development
dictate the need to study such border
blem, and it is hardly possible to make a final decision in
millet about the subject of social psychology to address them. Behind-
requests for socio-psychological research in conditions
the present stage of development of society come literally from
all spheres of public life, especially in connection with the fact that in
each of them is undergoing radical changes today. Ta-
which demands come from the field of industrial production,
various areas of education, systems mass media, about-
the government of demographic policy, the fight against antisocial
behavior, sports, services, etc. Can be approved
to give that practical demands are ahead of the development of theoretical
whom knowledge in social psychology.
All this, of course, stimulates intensive development co-
social psychology at present stage. The need for this
exacerbated by two more factors. First, in that in
the history of the existence of Soviet social psychology as
independent science was quite a long break and but-
the first stage of the rapid revival of socio-psychological research
research began only in the late 1950s and early 1960s. In-
secondly, by the fact that social psychology in its essence is
is a science that stands very close to acute social and
political problems, and therefore it is fundamentally possible
use of its results by various social forces -
mi. Social psychology in the West has a very solid
a story that also convincingly confirms this truth.
Thus, for social psychology, how can it be
for no other science, a simultaneous solution is relevant
two tasks: and working out practical advice, received-
nyh in the course of applied research, much-needed practice
teak, and his own building as a whole
system of scientific knowledge with the clarification of its subject, different
development of special theories and special methodology
Starting to solve these problems, of course, is necessary.
while not resorting to precise definitions, to outline the range of problems
social psychology to define tasks more strictly.
which can be solved by means of this discipline. We
We proceed from the acceptance of the point of view that, despite
on the borderline, social psychology is part of the
Discussion about the subject
social psychology
in the 20s
tew psychology (although there are other points of view, for example,
measures. attribution of social psychology to sociology). Follow-
seriously. defining the scope of its problems would mean highlighting
from the psychological problems of those issues that are
fall within the competence of social psychology. Because the
psychological science in our country in determining its
meta comes from the principle of activity, can be conditionally designated
to read the specifics of social psychology as the study of regular
behavior and activities of people, due to the inclusion
them into social groups, as well as psychological characteristics
these groups themselves.
Towards such an understanding of its subject matter, social psychology
did not come immediately, and therefore, to clarify the issue, it is useful to
analyze the content of those discussions that took place in
her history.
In the history of the Soviet social
psychology, there are two stages
on this discussion: 20s. and end
50s - early 60s. Both of these stages
are not only of historical interest, but also help to deepen
understand the place of social psychology in the system of scientific
knowledge and contribute to the development of a more accurate definition of its
In the 20s, i.e. in the early years Soviet power, discussion about
the subject of social psychology was stimulated by two
standing. On the one hand, life itself in post-
revolutionary society put forward the task of developing a social
psychological issues. On the other hand, the ideological struggle
ba of those years inevitably captured the field of socio-psychological
logical knowledge. As is known, this ideological struggle unfolded in
those years between materialistic and idealistic psycho-
gia, when the whole of psychology as a science was going through a period of acute
breaking their philosophical, methodological foundations. For the judge
the point of view of social psychology would be of particular importance
G.I. Chelpanov. who, defending the positions of the idealistic psy-
chology, proposed to divide psychology into two parts: social
and psychology proper. Social psychology, according to him
opinion, should be developed within the framework of Marxism, and own
but psychology must remain an empirical science, independent of
mine from the worldview in general and from Marxism in particular (Chelpa-
new 1924). This point of view was formally in favor of recognizing
the right of social psychology to exist, but at the cost of
debate from the Marxist philosophical foundations of another part of the psycho-
logy (see: Budilova, 1971).
Position G.I. Chelpanova turned out to be unacceptable for those psycho-
chologists who accepted the idea of ​​restructuring philosophical foundations
innovations of all psychology, including it in the system of Marxist
knowledge (see: Vygotsky, 1982, p. 379). Chelpanov's objections to
took on various forms.
First of all, the idea was put forward that, since,
duchi is interpreted from the point of view of Marxist philosophy,
the whole psychology becomes social, there is no need to
share some more special social psychology: pro-
one hundred and one psychology should be subdivided into psychology
individual and collective psychology. This point of view has
its reflection in the works of V.A. Artemov (Artemov, 1927). Another
approach was proposed from the point of view of the
popularity of reactology. Here, also contrary to Chelpanov,
it was supposed to preserve the unity of psychology, but in this case
by extending to human behavior in a team
method of reactology. Specifically, this meant that the collective
only as a single reaction of its members to a single stimulus
tel, and the task of social psychology was to measure the speed
ty, strength and dynamism of these collective reactions. Methodology
Reactology was developed by K.N. Kornilov, respectively
the reactological approach to social psycho-
logy (Kornilov, 1921).
A peculiar refutation of Chelpanov's point of view was
proposed by the prominent psychologist P.P. Blonsky, who
he was one of the first to raise the question of the need to analyze the role
social environment in characterizing the human psyche. For him
considered as a special activity of people,
connected with other people. Under this understanding of sociality
fit and animals. Therefore, Blond's proposal
was to include psychology as a biological
science in the circle of social problems. The contradiction between
social and any other psychology is also filmed here
moose (Blonsky, 1921).
Another objection to Chelpanov came from the eminent
Soviet physiologist V.M. Bekhterev. As you know, Bekhterev you-
stepped forward with a proposal to create a special science - reflexology.
He proposed to use a certain branch of it for solving
niya socio-psychological problems. This branch Bekhterev
named and believed that its subject -
this is the behavior of collectives, the behavior of an individual in a collective,
conditions for the emergence of social associations, features of their
activities and relationships among their members. For Bekhterev this
understanding of collective reflexology seemed to overcome
leniya subjectivist social psychology. This is overcome-
he saw the problem in the fact that all the problems of collectives were interpreted
as the ratio of external influences with motor and mimic
somatic reactions of their members. Socio-psychological
which approach was to be provided by combining the principles
reflexology (mechanisms for bringing people together in teams) and
sociology (features of teams and their relationship with the conditions
mi of life and class struggle in society). Ultimately, pre-
The method of collective reflexology was defined as follows:
zom: and assemblies ... showing their conciliar correlative activity
integrity as a whole, thanks to mutual communication with each other
individuals included in them> (Bekhterev, 1994, p. 40).
Although there was a useful idea in this approach, the assertion
giving that the collective is something whole in which
new qualities and properties that are possible only with the interaction
of people, the common methodological platform turned out to be the whole
ma vulnerable. Contrary to design, these special qualities and properties
interpreted as developing according to the same laws as
and qualities of individuals. It was a tribute to the mechanism that
permeated the entire system of reflexology:

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