Fairy tales      05/01/2020

How to get rid of the mat? What are the problems that students are concerned about? Monologues of the disappointed: why Moscow students are expelled What issues concern students in institutes

What were the awards for employees of the supporting Togliatti state university(TSU)? Who did TSU freshmen help? What is the benefit of student project activities? About this - in the material "Talk Radio".

TSU professors were awarded a high award. Veterans of Togliatti State University were presented with commemorative signs "For success in higher education and scientific activity". This mark was established in Samara region in honor of the 100th anniversary of university education. Reference TSU has become one of the three universities of our region, in which 40 employees received the award at once - members of the academic council of the university and veterans of TSU. The first commemorative badge "For success in higher education and scientific activity" was the rector Mikhail Krishtal presented to the veterans of Togliatti State University.

Last Friday, September 7, TSU students received diplomas for their ideas and their original implementation during the project week. About a thousand first-year students of TSU the next day after the solemn ceremony organized in honor of the beginning of a new school year, turned out to be in the center of attention of game engineers from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The guys formed 114 teams, each of which worked on its social or technological blitz project for four days. Students created illuminated paving slabs and offered to make a map indicating places where you can eat inexpensively, looking for ways to clean up environment from chemicals and worked on a prototype apparatus for environmental recycling plastic. "Freshmen pleased with the variety of ideas and the speed of rallying teams",- the director of the TSU project center admitted in an interview with Talk Radio .

Some projects that were born at TSU last week will continue. For example, students of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute joined forces to donate old clothes new life. In just a day, freshmen have collected a significant number of things that some people will no longer wear, but others will wear with great pleasure. The project participants said that they managed to bring their plans to life largely thanks to reposts in social networks and the responsiveness of Togliatti residents.

They are lively open, easy to make contact, - shared his impressions the director of the educational bureau "Soling" Sergey Ivanov. He recalled that last year TSU became a pilot site, where game technicians helped freshmen to immerse themselves in project activities. This is important because the implementation of educational process practical work students is provided for by the Development Program of Togliatti State University. And along the way to the diploma, future engineers, chemists, economists and linguists, in parallel with the study of theory, will have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in real life.

20 years ago employees pedagogical university decided that the problems of youth should be discussed by its representatives, and gathered students for the first conference.

The students read the first 20 reports in April 1998. Then they talked about professional self-determination, religion, politics, cultural values, health, the development of student self-government. They are talking about the same now, but only in more detail, in detail, not only voicing problems, but also offering options for solving them.

“I am a fourth-year student at the Faculty of History, I have already gone through industrial practice at school, and that is why I raised the topic of its importance for students at the anniversary conference,” says Alexey Filippov.- It happens that when coming to school, a student can hear from the teacher: they say, forget everything that you were taught at the university, everything is different here. Not really. University teachers provide the necessary knowledge that will help to adapt in practice. Students can switch quickly, they just need to keep their interest in the profession.”

Who is in control?

This year the conference participants were students from Belarus, China, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, as well as from Moscow, Voronezh, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and Tula. Future teachers, psychologists, lawyers, economists, engineers, farmers told their peers about the problems that exist in their countries, cities and settlements. Something is close to everyone, but something becomes the scourge of only one country.

"My mate report," says freshman Alexander Kablukov.- The speech portrait of our society looks worse precisely because the younger generation uses obscenities in their speech. This is a serious social problem. First of all, in order to solve it, it is necessary to control the media and the Internet, since not only in Everyday life we hear it on the street, but often from TV screens, and I generally keep quiet about videos on the network.

Where should young people go?

But most of all, both Russian and foreign students are concerned about employment.

“In Afghanistan in 2014 there was 25% unemployment, in 2016 this figure rose to 40%,” says Miras Haru. - Employment problems also apply to young people. And they affect her more, because young specialist and it is so difficult to get a job: experience is required everywhere.

One of the solutions could be a quota for young professionals in production, but this is still a lot for the authorities to think about.

Good day, dear reader! Today's note will be devoted to the eternal problems of students. Almost every one of us will either be a student, or he is now, or has already graduated from an educational institution. Since studying takes up a large part of young people's lives, we thought it would be interesting for you to find out what are the main problems students face, regardless of where they study.

After all, student life, in general, is similar: everyone has lectures, sessions, tests, exams ... Therefore, students face the same problems.

We decided to single out Top 10 student problems. After reading the entire article, look at yourself, perhaps some of the problems listed below have happened to you. For each problem, we will give brief recommendations on how to avoid it in the future. So, let's begin!

10 eternal problems of students

1. Scholarships are not enough for anything!

Oh what a scholarship! It seems to be there, but in fact it is not. We even envy those who study on a contractual (paid) basis, because. they do not need to fool around where to spend the scholarship. The thing is that the "payers" simply do not have it. And what about the budget employees? Where to spend those pennies that the state pays every month?

To begin with, let's say a few words about the average student scholarship. On average, this is somewhere from 1100 to 2000 rubles, depending on the university and other factors. We do not take any additional scholarships, such as social or Potanin. This is a separate topic for discussion. We will assume that now the average scholarship is about 1600 rubles. This autumn, the scholarship will be increased by 9%, i.е. somewhere around 150-160 rubles. It will be about 1800 rubles. What can you buy with that kind of money?

Nothing significant, of course. So, for little things, spirits, go to the movies. But if you spend the scholarship every month in this way, then it will be of little use. Another thing is if you don’t remove it from the card for several months, then you can buy something more useful. For example, a netbook. It, on average, costs about 10,000 rubles. There is cheaper, there is more expensive, we take average price. Accordingly, you will need to save about 5-6 months. Long, you say?

And who told you that you should buy a netbook only with the money saved from the scholarship? After all, you can receive not only a scholarship, but also additional income. In the summer they worked, the money was set aside. Saved up a scholarship and, behold, the netbook is already yours! The most important thing over the summer is not to spend all the hard-earned money on all sorts of trinkets. Remember, that:

{Money is very difficult to come, but very easy to leave you.!}

Therefore, our advice is this: Forget for a few months that you are being paid a scholarship, and after 5-6 months, you will sharply remember its existence, and you will feel much more pleasure from spending a scholarship, compared to if you were spending her every month for unimportant things.

2. At the end of the week I will sleep off.

Every student knows that sleep is sacred. However, this saint is neglected by many, especially when sitting at computers on social networks, chatting with their friends. And the next day they come to the university and spend the whole school day like zombies. And almost always people in this state say the same thing to themselves: “Today I’ll go to bed early.” But as it usually happens, in the evening everything repeats in the same vein. Here's another one for you student problem- lack of sleep.

At the end of the week, the student clearly swears to himself that on the weekends he will definitely get enough sleep for the entire sleepless week. But as it usually happens, the student is not allowed to sleep normally on weekends!

Every time there is some kind of "well-wisher" who will start drilling, chiseling the wall without a break. You will no longer sleep, and from this you become very aggressive. And this is already extreme degree sleep deprivation, gentlemen.

What to do, how to be?

As you know, when you want to sleep, it no longer matters to you what happens at the lecture and what the weather is like today. But it should be interesting, you are a living person who lives and enjoys life, and does not exist as a plant. Therefore, a computer and virtual friends are good, but the real world and live friends are a hundred times better!

If you have a certain addiction to social networks, then ask your friend or girlfriend in a dorm room to temporarily take away from you all the devices with which you can access the global network.

In addition, after studying, do not sit every day in the hostel. At least every other day, walk with friends around the city, for example, in the park.

{The best cure for internet addiction is distraction}

Go to bed on time and then you will feel much better. And the better you feel, the more joy you bring to people. And the more you bring joy to people, the more they need you!

3. Again this session.

The session, as you know, comes unexpectedly. But for some reason everyone knows that it will be, but few people start thinking about future exams in advance. We all drown in "turnover", routine things that we do every day. To clean up all the cases, we need to concentrate as much as possible on today. That's why what will happen tomorrow is the least of our worries, but in vain!

After all, you are learning for the future, whatever one may say. And it will be very disappointing when you successfully cope with everyday affairs, but fail the most important things in your studies. We mean session. After all, the fact that you completed all the workshops and wrote a good abstract in the grade book (diploma) is not reflected in any way. It will all be forgotten. Your score on the exam will stay with you for the rest of your life. Yes, here's another one student problem.

Actually, in theory, if you are good at doing everyday things, you should not have problems in exams. After all, you study everything, do your homework... However, it often happens that a student is at the finish line, i.e. he “burns out” in the exam, and as a result, he does not get the grade he deserved.

And the thing is that he paid little attention to the preparations for the session. Even though it seems to you that you know everything about the subject, still try to devote at least half an hour every week to reviewing the material covered in all subjects.

It’s better to do this: one week you repeat what you went through in one 3 subjects, the next - in the other three, etc.

As a result, you will not forget the material covered, because. You will repeat it periodically throughout the semester.

[The biggest mistake a student makes when preparing for a session is repeating a huge amount of material in a short time.]

Your brain simply can't withstand the extreme loads and "explodes". Therefore, remember that your score on the exam is "forged", so to speak, throughout the semester. No more, no less.

4. Where can I get food?

As the famous hero of the series "Univer" sings: "... common life." Yes, whoever did not live in a hostel cannot understand all the "charms" student life! A broken toilet, a shared kitchen where someone is always cooking ... What to do when you are hungry, but you are either too lazy to eat or simply do not have the opportunity to cook. We wrote about this in more detail in the article: How to eat a student in a hostel. We can briefly tell you about the main ideas of that article.

The bottom line is that you prepare yourself a meal in advance, preferably in the evening. Why is that? The thing is that when you come to the hostel from your studies, you simply don’t have the strength to cook something for yourself. You want to rest, but you also want to eat at the same time.

The way out of the situation is as follows: in the evening of the previous day, you prepare food for yourself in reserve (for example, sandwiches or boil dumplings), and today you eat your “reserves”.

You may have a reasonable question: “How did I force myself to cook something yesterday, if I should be just as lazy to cook something yesterday as I am today?”

We explain: The thing is that you cook the next day not immediately, as soon as you come home from school, but a little later, closer to bedtime. By the end of the day, you will have new strength (after all, you will rest) and therefore it will be easier for you to force yourself to prepare food for tomorrow. You say you won't have the strength anyway? As it will not be, you have the strength to sit on the Internet, which means you are capable of cooking!

If you are a bad cook or very lazy, then you should find a canteen near your campus that cooks more or less quality food. How to know about it? Ask the senior students, they certainly know all the local eateries. Yes, eating in the dining room every day can be costly, but you will save your time and nerves. Here you can choose.

And one more tip regarding food: do not get carried away with fast food and instant noodles!

5. To the club or not to the club?

This problem relates more to the leisure of students. Where to go for the weekend? To the club, to the cinema, to billiards or somewhere else? IN major cities from the abundance of places where you can spend your leisure time, just your eyes run wide. Disputes always start among student friends: someone wants to go to one place and calls everyone there, and someone insists that this club is the best and it would be nice if everyone went there.

First of all, decide this problem you need not an hour before the start of the proposed holiday, but even on weekdays. The best place to solve this issue - it's breaks between couples. First of all, decide who has what money today. Almost all students with money are “stretched”, so it would be useful to find out who, how much money can spend during the weekend.

Having decided on the average amount that each student has, then each of you, in turn, offers his own option. You all discuss it together, figure out what and how, and move on to discussing the next one. And so on until you've covered everything. possible options. Then each student votes for someone else's option, excluding his own, then you summarize the results, and thus you will select such an institution of entertainment that will satisfy the majority of your company.

[The main problem of students is that they create problems for themselves]

For example, you have a campaign of six people. Everyone offers their own version. Then you evaluate all the proposed options on a five-point scale, excluding your own option (5 points for the best option, 1 point for the worst option).

Thus, you can avoid disputes and disagreements. Yes, of course, there will be dissatisfied with the final version. However, it is unlikely that this person will quarrel with all his other friends. Therefore, most likely, he will join his friends.

6. What will the parents say?

Next in line is one more student problems. Have you done something bad and are now afraid of your parents' reaction? How to be, what to do? Let's first think about what a student can do so that his parents do not like it?

Probably the most common answer to this question will be the answer - your poor progress. And not just academic failure, but a chronic “blockage”. This "blockage" already threatens with expulsion from the university. Your group leader threatens to call your parents to take action. And you know that your mom and dad are tough people, so if they find out about your educational problems, then you won't find it a little!

In this situation, we offer you the following plan of action. First of all, ask your case manager to hold off calling your parents. Tell him to give you 2 weeks to improve the situation.

We think that the curator is also a person who, like you, studied at a university, and therefore he must understand you and meet you. Then, in the allotted 2 weeks, try to mobilize all your strength, ask your friends for help if necessary, and concentrate on your studies. The most important thing for you is to remove the "tails". Therefore, try not to do anything else for 10 days, except to prepare for retaking exams and tests.

clubs, social media, calls, conversations - that's all later. Now the most important thing for you is not to fly out of the university. Your parents will certainly not like this outcome. In 10 days, you can safely prepare for the 2nd exams. If you complete at least 2 exams in 2 weeks, then you can consider that you have delayed calling your parents. But remember that it was only postponed, not cancelled. Therefore, ask the curator for a little more time to deal with your other debts.

Your handler will realize that you've made up your mind and most likely won't do it again, so of course he won't call your parents. Remember, no matter how much student debt you have, the most important thing is to close at least one debt, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Just don't sit back and wait for the deduction. All problems are solvable. Your further education at the university depends on how much effort you put into solving the problem.

7. Where to find a loved one?

Someone comes to the university to study, and someone there chooses his betrothed. But school is not the right place for that. However, due to the fact that the student spends a lot of time in the university building, he tries to find his soul mate there.

But where to look for it? How to search?

Of course, if a person has set such a goal, then he will first look for his soul mate on his course. This is understandable, because you know your classmates better than anyone at the university. And, classmates are generally like relatives. But time passes, and you realize that among them there is no person suitable for you. In the future, you get more comfortable at the university, you get to know more and more people.

Your social circle becomes much wider than it was at the beginning of your training. Thus, you involuntarily expand your boundaries to find a loved one. Every young man or girl who is thirsty for love, communicating with the opposite sex, so that no one speaks, willy-nilly “try on” the interlocutor and see if I like him and whether it is possible to have a relationship with him.

The so-called interest circles are best for finding your soulmate. In any university there are always several different sections, each of which is engaged in some kind of business. If you want your future half to share your views, then study in the section in which you want to study. And there, believe us, very soon, you will find a person with whom you will be interested in communicating and with whom you will simply be “good”. You will not even notice how simple communication will grow into something more than just friendship.

The most important thing is not to get hung up on finding your soulmate, and then everything will be in order in this regard. This approach was taken by a young man in the very first American Pie movie. If you don't remember this situation, then watch this movie again.

8. How to make it invisible?

Here we mean cheat sheets. What did you think about? Cheat sheets, like notes, are an integral part of the student's image. Every student, even an inveterate excellent student, wrote a cheat sheet at least once in his life. It was written, not used. Therefore, we will not tell you here about how you can quietly cheat on the exam. We'd better talk about how the cheat sheet helps the student to pass the exam better.

But wait, if we say that a student should not use a cheat sheet, then how, excuse me, can it help him? Isn't it a waste of time then - writing a cheat sheet? Answer: no, not empty. The thing is that when you write a cheat sheet and you better assimilate the material. Indeed, in order to place the answer to the exam question on a small sheet of paper, you must first select all the most important things ... in your head, and only then write it all down on a piece of paper.

Thus, you will better remember the material, because. you will be involved in visual and motor memory (hands will remember what you wrote in the cheat sheet). And the success of any memorization lies precisely in the fact that your brain receives the same information through different channels. This way, you are more likely to remember the difficult moments of your question during the exam and pass the exam with an excellent mark.

9. I want the same clothes!

This student problem more characteristic of the fair sex. Although now we would even argue with this, but oh well. Whenever you see another girl wearing a chic outfit, you want to have the same thing, because. it would look much better on you. In general, it would be great if your rival stopped wearing this thing, and you, on the contrary, would buy the same, or slightly modified, and show off in front of the whole university. Guys would just spin around you

However, as is usually the case, your dreams will not come true. What!? Won't come true? How so? Do you still want them to come true? Then read on carefully. So, you approach your rival, tell her, as the terminator said: "I need your clothes." If she doesn’t give it to you, then you take it away by force.

What, do not like this plan of action? He would have liked it, because it was a joke! In fact, to be the best, you do not need to “remove” your competitors by force. You need to enter into a virtual competition with them. If you win it, then all the laurels are yours. But how can you win it?

It's simple: you look closely at the clothes of other girls, evaluate them and figure out which of the things, in your opinion, would be better to sit on you, and not on another girl. Then you go to the store and buy something similar. If you buy exactly the same clothes as your rival, you are unlikely to surprise or attract anyone. Your task is to find such a style, such a color, which would be slightly different from the “sample” you have taken. It was different in such a way that at first glance it would be difficult to guess that you looked after the little thing from another person at the university.

If, everything that was written above, you do, you will 100% attract the delightful looks of others, because. your competitive advantage will be that the outfit you buy will look several times better on you than on your “rival”. Here is an easy way to solve this problem. Use on health!

10. Nobody understands me!

If you are a student who is passionate about some not very popular business, then it is very likely that you will not be understood. “What is he doing there, that’s an eccentric” - your classmates will throw around such remarks behind your back. Although they are unlikely to tell you this openly in person, you will still know for sure that they are laughing at you.

What to do in this situation?

Give up your favorite activity or continue to do it, despite any misunderstandings from your friends? A difficult question, but still, if you are really sure that what you are doing is useful, and perhaps grandiose, then continue to "stretch your line" no matter what. Over time, your classmates will get used to you this way, and will perceive you for who you are.

By the way, if you succeed in your business, and fame comes to you, then you will immediately see how people are changeable people. Everyone will immediately begin to “be friends” with you, even those who mocked you the most. Therefore, in a simple way, "hammer the bolt" on all the spiteful critics, and continue to do what you love.

It was hard for everyone at first. Even the now well-known Mark Zuckerberg experienced certain difficulties at the beginning of the formation of Facebook. However, now you probably know how he is doing. With more than seven billion dollars, then Do your job, and if you are really devoted to him, then glory, and honor, and success await you! Don't deviate from the path!

Conclusion: In this article, we tried to describe in detail the most common , and suggested, as it seems to us, effective methods to overcome these problems. We hope you had fun with us. Come visit us again.


23 years old. She entered the ROAT in 2014 at the Faculty of Economic Security. Dropped out in 2017

“I studied at the Russian Open Academy of Transport, a division of the Moscow State University of Communications. There was open recruitment by interview, not by USE results- it was easy enough to do. I studied at a paid department, a year cost 56 thousand rubles, I paid for my studies myself, although sometimes I took money from my parents. I decided to leave the university, realizing how pointless I was wasting time and money.

The realization came after I got a job: I had an unusual schedule - SUR, that is, a combination of study and work, which allowed me to study for two days and earn two days. Until December 31, I was an operator on railway- a full-fledged employee with serious duties and responsibilities. I learned everything necessary for work in practice, and the knowledge that was given to me at the university turned out to be useless. None of the teachers or curators tried to talk me out of my decision to drop out. Educational part only the solvency of students is of concern, the dean's office is not interested in what your academic performance is. If you pay on time, then tails and open offsets will not confuse anyone. If there is a payment arrears, then the conversation will be short: either you pay or you fly out.

The work also disappointed me: there are no ways of implementation, development and prospects. Even after graduating from the institute and receiving a diploma, I would still remain in my place. My superiors were not interested in my development and were not ready to give recommendations - so I will have to tell about my achievements myself. I moved out of the student hostel a week ago - now I'm renting an apartment. I'm tired of a large number people and domestic discomfort, tired of constantly being with someone in the same room.

It is still too early for me to think about continuing my education and about another specialty. I have not found myself, now I will try to understand what I want. I have not yet told my parents about my decision to leave: I don’t know how they will react to this, because they are people of the old school, with diplomas, and they are sure that everyone needs education. My young man does not support me: he himself higher education, and he believes that good or bad, but you have to study just to put a tick. In part, relatives are right: today it is difficult to get a job without a diploma. But, probably, they will have to accept my decision, since I am already an adult and have the right to manage my life. I need to strive for more, and not spend hours on uninteresting couples that I could spend on self-education. Therefore, now I am not only deducted, but also quit my job. I need the freedom to be inspired and take a new direction.”


23 years old. She entered Moscow State University in 2013 at the faculty of journalism. In 2017, she took academic leave for health reasons.

“I entered Moscow State University the second time. Four years ago, I scored 83 and 84 in Russian and English, another 60 in literature, but never reached the minimum. Therefore, for one year I studied at Kazan federal university at the Faculty of Philology. To enter again, I passed all the exams for the second time, re-passed entrance exams, as a result, she entered the budget evening department of the Faculty of Journalism.

Last summer I was hit by a car in Kazan - I had to take academic leave for a year. I had multiple injuries, for some time I was in a coma. The recovery turned out to be long, I still have not returned to my previous state. My group was very, very supportive - I'm grateful to them. In the fall, I returned to Moscow State University, again went to the third year, but realized that I was not yet ready to resume my studies. Because of the accident, my memory has deteriorated, in order to live in Moscow, I need to work, because there is no one to support me - I am not able to do this, so I take the academy again. From the side of the faculty, I did not meet with much participation: they told me what certificates I needed to provide so that I would not be expelled and would be given a vacation. Naturally, they did not close any tests and did not set automatic machines for exams.

Despite the difficulties, I did not lose my desire to study and did not become disillusioned with Moscow State University. When I just recovered from the first vacation, I had to finish the exam and the test. At the test, my catastrophic memory problems were revealed: I had to wait until all the students left the classroom and we would stay with the teacher face to face. I said that I was hit by a car, and he immediately said: "Give me a record book."

Now I take everything that happened lightly. Most likely, after finishing my business at the university, I will go to my relatives in Yekaterinburg. Then, probably, I will fly to some warm country, because now I really need to rest. Then, perhaps, I will return to Moscow and start working, then I will recover.”


18 years. Entered MSPU in 2016. Dropped out in 2017

“At school, I had normal grades, but I passed the exam badly - I scored 220 points in three exams. However, they were enough to enter the Moscow Pedagogical University. Officially, I studied there for six months, but in fact I stopped going to school back in November, and expelled a week ago. When I entered, I did not expect that I would make such a mistake with the university and the faculty. The first month we did not study at all, it was an immersion: we listened to one or two lectures a day about what kind of good university, we were told his story, taken to museums. And then, when the training finally began, I was surprised that the process was organized so uninterestingly, and decided that I would not study here.

I did not discuss my desire to leave the university with any of the teachers and with the educational department, but they did not ask me questions about my academic performance and absences either. Only once, through the head of the group, they tried to contact me, asking me to write to the curator of the course, why I don’t go to classes. But I didn’t write anything to anyone, and they didn’t bother me anymore. I didn't interact much with my group; I know that another one of my classmates has passed away.

My parents were sympathetic to my decision; they agree that another university and another major should be found. I was not born and raised in Moscow and still live in a hostel, but I have already found a company with which I will rent an apartment. I am going to earn extra money and prepare for admission, because I will have to retake the exam. I will submit the documents to the Faculty of Geography at St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University.”


19 years. He entered the Moscow State Medical University. Evdokimov in 2015 at the Faculty of Dentistry. In 2017, he was expelled for non-payment

“Almost all doctors in my family, and from the 8th grade I thought that I wanted to continue the tradition. I studied in a specialized chemistry and biology class, we had eight hours of chemistry and biology, but in the 11th grade I didn’t really like these subjects. Then I became interested in photography and, choosing between a textbook and a camera, I often chose the latter. As a result, I passed the exam in the middle, I submitted applications to the First and Third medical universities, I went to study at the Third for a paid department: a year of study cost my parents 350 thousand rubles.

At the very beginning it was interesting, but difficult. We went to couples in different buildings, and not like at school we were sitting in the same building. The practice immediately began - they performed the duties of orderlies in the hospital. And when the tests and tests started, it became clear to us, first-year students, how education reforms affect students. In many subjects, our hours were reduced, but reporting and all sorts of verification work added, doubling the volume of the material. I passed the first session well, but in the second semester I lost interest, besides, I did not like the contingent and the behavior of the students. It turned out that people who do not have creative inclinations and at the same time are not strong in exact sciences. I hate dullness - since childhood I have been drawing, playing the guitar and piano, writing poetry, taking photographs and trying to make films. I'm bored with my classmates. I also realized that I can’t study anatomy 12 hours a day, I don’t have such a mindset. But my passion for photography has grown into something more: since the first year I have been constantly photographing, and only on film, I develop it myself, sometimes I shoot at night.

Back in April, I decided to leave the university - I did not leave right away only because of the army. He did not pay the tuition fee in the second year on time and was expelled. Now I have time before the spring conscription, I will move out of the apartment where I am registered, I will rent an apartment, work, and in the summer I am going to enter the Rodchenko School. At first, the parents perceived the news negatively - they are people of conservative views; Mom believes that a person should have a profession, and does not believe that a photographer is also a profession, although she herself is a designer. Now they have changed their minds and want me to study, love my job and be able to provide for myself. I haven’t found a job yet: I’m thinking of getting a job as an administrator in a photo studio, I was also offered to work in an anti-cafe.


21 years old Entered the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman in 2013 at the Faculty of Power Engineering. Dropped out in 2017

“I studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, I have a technical mindset, my parents said that it would be easy for me to enter Baumanka, and I began to prepare. Scored 258 points in three USE exam- in mathematics, physics and the Russian language - and got on the budget. It was not my dream to study at this faculty, but I liked the university. I have an older brother, he also studied at MSTU in the same specialty and is now working on it. But at some point I realized that I was not interested in electrical engineering, I went to the academy. The second time to go on academic leave in order to think everything over, they didn’t let me - they expelled me. I did not discuss my decision with the teachers - this is my decision, which no one can influence.

Now I am selling auto parts, I like the job, and it seems that it influenced the decision to choose another institute - I think after some time I will continue my education at MADI. Parents were in shock, of course, but after a while they became calmer. By the way, they are not afraid of my desire to serve a year in the army - after all, this is useful for a man. I would like to get into the Airborne Forces or the automobile troops - the service may be useful to me in my future profession. Perhaps after some time I will regret that I have now dropped out of school, but I still can’t find out about this for sure and I won’t change anything. ”

The names of some of the heroes of the material have been changed.

survey of students at universities in Vladivostok about personal values

Value orientations of students in the context of youth policy development.

O.A. Korotina philosophy Sciences

V. E. Cherednichenko, student of group BPS-11

One of the most important indicators of the state of society is the situation of young people. Prospects for the development of youth largely depend on regulation by the state. With transition Russian society youth policy is becoming a significant social phenomenon on a new path of development. On November 29, 2014, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy until 2025, aimed at educating citizenship and patriotism, the formation of values healthy lifestyle life and the institution of the family. One of the priorities of the state youth policy is the formation of a system of values. To solve the tasks set, it is necessary to study the value orientations of today's youth. This knowledge will help in finding answers to the question of what technologies can be the most optimal and efficient.

Modern domestic psychology develops a non-classical approach to the study of values ​​(D. Leontiev), the main feature of which is the provision on the inextricable connection and mutual influence of three components:

Public ideals and the value content of public consciousness

The substantive embodiment of ideals in people's activities

Value orientations of the individual

In other words, the transmission of value contents in society occurs through activity (a huge contribution to world psychology was the development by Soviet psychologists of the concept of the activity approach). Awareness and a positive attitude towards value is not enough for their assimilation by an individual, for this social value to become a personal value. A necessary condition for the internalization (appropriation) of the values ​​of society by the personality is the inclusion of the subject in activity (preferably collective). An example is the assignment of values ​​to a small group that is referential to an individual.

At the Department of FLA, together with 4th year students, socio-psychological studies of students are carried out within the framework of the PIO. The first study was aimed at examining the quality assessment educational process and identification of value orientations of students. The sample size was 242 people. 1 and 3 courses of different areas of training.

To study value orientations, a modification of R. Inglehart's methodology was used. The most significant values ​​were family well-being - 30% - 1st year and 27% - 3rd year and material wealth 20% - 1st and 3rd year. Values ​​such as "the opportunity to enjoy democratic freedoms" and "building a more humane and tolerant society" scored a minimum of 2 to 4%.

The results obtained can be analyzed using a three-level model of the personality's value system, which makes it possible to identify an orientation towards values:

Adaptations (survival and safety);

Socialization (social approval);

Individualization (independence and self-development).

In the first place among students, both first and third year, is the type of socialization values ​​- 45% - 1st year and 51% - 3rd year, i.e. emphasis on family, career, social recognition. On the second, the type of values ​​"adaptable" - 36% i.e. emphasis material wealth, health, order. On the third, the type of values ​​"individuation" - 19% and 16% i.e. emphasis on self-realization, freedom, tolerance.

The following technique: "express - diagnostics of the social values ​​of the individual", which revealed the main values. The priority values ​​are physical (the values ​​of health and active recreation), the average value is 18.5%, intellectual - 15.5%, professional 16%, then family - 14.5%, financial - 14%, the least significant values: spiritual - 6% and public - 5.5%.

The third method "method of determining life values" by Ivanov, Kolobov is a kind of verbal projective tests (unfinished sentences).

When analyzing the results obtained, the following conclusion can be drawn as the highest priority values:

Professional values ​​- 29% - 1 course and 42% - 3 course;

Material values ​​- 18% - 1 course and 21% - 3 course;

Social values ​​- 29% - 1 course and 21% - 3 course.

It is also interesting to analyze the choice of negative (harmful to humans and society) phenomena. Students consider drug use 23%, abortion - 12%, pollution of nature - 10.5%, suicide - 9.5% as the most negative phenomena. The minimum number of points was scored by divorce - 3%, lies - 3%, concealment of income - 1.5%.

A slogan that fits the lifestyle: the most relevant slogans are "Always forward" - 20.5%, "Hurry to do good, leave something good behind you" - 18%, "Enjoy life" - 19.5%.

The main problem of Russian society is the solution of the housing problem 41.55, 11.5% of respondents chose the activation of youth policy.

In conclusion, I would like to cancel that the overwhelming majority of students, more than 90%, rated their academic performance as excellent and good, while 77% of respondents consider learning “easy” and “very easy”.

The second study was aimed at studying the priorities of youth policy development, the questionnaire was developed by the GMUP department, 76 people of the 1st and 3rd courses participated in the survey. The priority areas are the following: social support for student youth; guarantees in the field of labor and employment of student youth; creation of conditions for self-realization of student youth; maintenance and development of additional educational programs; formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth.

Low priority: development of cultural exchange of youth in other cities, regions, states; support for the activities of student associations; involvement of young people in the management of the university.

The third study is aimed at studying the value orientations of students from different universities in Vladivostok (TSMU, FEFU, Moscow State University named after Nevelskoy, FYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Customs Academy). On this moment TSMU data have been processed and they have a high correlation with the results obtained at VSUES. In the future it is planned comparative analysis results in various universities, in areas of training and depending on the USE score.

Summarizing the results of the conducted research, we can conclude that the material, professional and intellectual values, as well as the value of a healthy lifestyle, come to the fore among modern students, on the other hand, social and spiritual values ​​are not a priority. Consequently, such tasks of youth policy as “formation of a civic position”, “patriotism”, “national idea” will remain simulacra (empty forms) until we realize that they can be filled with content only with the help of concrete deeds. That is, given the system of life priorities that has developed among modern students, within the framework of educational institution we can talk about financial incentives, opportunities additional education, the implementation of sports aspirations, to create conditions for the implementation of various projects in an activity-based manner.