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Test questionnaire by A. Zverkov and E.V. Eidman, A study of volitional self-regulation. J. Rotter Locus of Control Test Questionnaire DPS Questionnaire 1 44 Questions for the Military

Psychological safety: tutorial Solomin Valery Pavlovich

Method for determining the dominant state

Used for testing adults.

Target: determination of the characteristics of moods and some other characteristics of the personal level of mental states using subjective assessments of the subject. The main purpose of the questionnaire is the diagnosis of relatively stable (dominant) conditions.

Instruction. The questionnaire contains signs that describe the state, behavior, attitude of a person to various phenomena. Assess how these signs are characteristic of you, keeping in mind not only today, but a longer period of time.

Do not seek to "improve" or "worse" the answers, this will lead to unreliable results, as the technique catches the distortion and insincerity of the answers. You can be sure that your answers will not be disclosed.

Your agreement with each judgment given in the questionnaire must be expressed using a seven-point scale:

1 - completely disagree;

2 - agree to a small extent;

3 - almost half agree;

4 - half agree;

5 - more than half agree;

6 - agree almost completely;

7 - I agree completely.

By choosing one of the scale points: 1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, you will express the degree of your agreement with this judgment. Record your chosen score on the answer sheet next to the item number, indicating your last name (or pseudonym) and the date and time you started work at the top of the sheet.

Do not skip a single item of the questionnaire. Please do not write or underline anything in the text of the questionnaire. Please do not transfer one number to another in the same place. To correct, cross out the unnecessary number and write a new one on the right.


1. My body reacts strongly to weather changes or climate changes.

2. Very often there is a mood when I am easily distracted from business, become absent-minded and dreamy.

3. I worry very often.

4. I often have trouble falling asleep.

5. A lot of small troubles drive me crazy.

6. My thoughts constantly return to possible failures, and it is difficult for me to direct them in another direction.

7. I often praise people I know very little.

8. I experience vague anxiety, fear, I don’t know why.

9. If everyone is against me, I do not lose heart at all.

10. I wake up unrested and tired in the morning.

11. I often feel worthless.

12. I can't control my annoyance or anger.

13. Difficult tasks lift my spirits.

14. My head often hurts.

15. It often happens that I gossip with someone.

16. I often have a premonition that some kind of punishment awaits me.

17. I am easily offended by a word.

18. I am full of energy.

19. There is a conflict between my plans and reality.

20. In situations of prolonged neuropsychic stress, I show endurance.

21. My table manners at home are usually not as good as at a party.

22. Very often some trifle takes possession of my thoughts and disturbs me for several days.

23. Very often I feel tired, lethargic.

24. I miss opportunity because I don't make decisions fast enough.

25. There are so many things that annoy me easily.

26. I often feel tense and anxious when I think about what happened during the day.

27. When I feel unwell, I am irritable.

28. Very often I have a spleen (dreary mood).

29. In the morning, after waking up, I still feel tired and overwhelmed for a long time.

30. I like to constantly overcome new difficulties.

31. I have a desire to change a lot in my lifestyle, but I lack the strength.

32. In most cases, I easily overcome disappointment.

33. Satisfying some of my needs and desires makes it impossible to satisfy others.

34. Often an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.

35. I look to the future with complete confidence.

36. I lose my patience very often.

37. People disappoint me.

38. Bad thoughts often come to my mind, which are better not to talk about.

39. I get bored of everything quickly.

40. It seems to me that I am close to a nervous breakdown.

41. I often experience general weakness.

42. I am often told that I am quick-tempered.

Interpretation of results. In this method, when interpreting the obtained numerical values, the conversion of raw scores into standard ones, into T-scores, is used. The scales of standard T-scores are constructed in this way: the average values ​​are equated to 50 T-scores; 10 T-scores are equal to one sigma (sigma is the standard deviation.)

Increased scores on a particular scale are scores in 55 or more T-scores. This is a deviation from the average value upwards of more than half a sigma.

Downgraded scores are scores of 45 or less T-points. This is a downward deviation from the mean by more than half a sigma.

High scores are scores of 60 or more T-points.

Low scores are scores of 40 or less T-points.


Scale "Ak": "active - passive attitude to the life situation." This scale allows you to get an idea about the characteristics of the state, in most cases, it depends more strongly on the corresponding property of the personality - activity, than on other factors. It should be taken into account that activity is only relatively stable, since the predisposition to an active or passive attitude, response depends on a variety of current circumstances, the social environment, as well as events in the previous life period of the individual. To diagnose states and moods, it is especially important to take into account the strength of faith in achieving one's goals, to identify an active or passive position in relation to the current life situation. This parameter is especially important in diagnosing stress conditions.

High marks - more than 60 T-points. An active, optimistic attitude to the life situation is expressed, there is a readiness to overcome obstacles, faith in one's capabilities. Feeling the strength to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Cheerfulness is higher than most people.

Low grades - less than 40 T-points. Passive attitude to the life situation, in the assessment of many life situations a pessimistic position prevails, disbelief in the possibility of successfully overcoming obstacles.

Scale "To": "tone: high - low." In a situation of acute stress, a person often experiences a feeling of strength, but the opposite picture is often observed - a feeling of weakness. A similar picture can be observed with prolonged stress. Energy characteristics for any mental state are the most important measurement. They are especially necessary for predicting the developed state of the individual. In the diagnosis of stressful conditions, they provide valuable data on the depth of stress.

High marks. Characterized by high activity, sthenic reaction to emerging difficulties. Subjective sensations of inner composure, reserve of strength, energy. Willingness to work, including long-term.

Low ratings. Characterized by fatigue, lack of assembly, lethargy, inertia, low performance. There are fewer opportunities to be active, to expend energy, the resource of forces is reduced, and fatigue is increased. Tendency to show asthenic reactions to emerging difficulties.

Scale "Sp": "calmness - anxiety." In a mental state, the experience of anxiety is of decisive importance for a number of other phenomena. It is anxiety that enhances the sound of emotiogenic stimuli of various strengths, including minor ones, increasing the intensity of negative emotions, aggravating them. Negative influence on consciousness, behavior and activity. The scale is designed to measure the level of generalized anxiety. In the literature, it is also referred to by the terms "free floating", "unmotivated", etc. Among the types of anxiety for this type of people, long-term, long-lasting emotional experiences are most characteristic.

High marks. Greater confidence in their abilities and capabilities than most people.

Low ratings. There is a tendency to experience anxiety in a wide range of life situations, to see a threat to prestige, well-being, no matter how real the reasons are. Anticipation of events with an unfavorable outcome, a premonition of a future threat (punishment, loss of respect or self-esteem) without a clear understanding of its sources.

Scale "Us": "stability - instability of the emotional tone."

High marks. An even positive emotional tone prevails, a calm flow of emotional processes. High emotional stability, in a state of emotional arousal, the adequacy and effectiveness of mental self-regulation, behavior and activity is maintained. Very low scores can be interpreted as emotional rigidity.

Low ratings. Emotional stability is reduced, emotional arousal easily arises, mood is changeable, irritability is increased, negative emotional tone prevails.

Scale "Ud": "satisfaction - dissatisfaction with life in general (its course, the process of self-realization)". Difficulties in the process of self-realization lead to experiences of voluminous emotional discomfort. This characteristic has a special diagnostic significance in individual counseling and psycho-correctional work. The experience of the fullness of life is one of the main pillars of the psychological stability of the individual. Feelings of emptiness are a risk factor for neurotic and depressive disorders, alcohol dependence. The judgments included in this scale relate to the internal aspects of experiences, to the feeling of satisfaction with one's life. Since the criteria for the success of self-realization are subjective, the subjective assessment of the success of self-realization is also most important for the diagnostician. The complete self-realization of a person is not only the development of any special abilities, but also the development of his potentialities as a strong and integral human being, free from internal coercions that crippled him.

High marks. Satisfaction with life in general, its course, self-realization, the way life goes. A person feels the ability to take responsibility and the ability to make his own choice, in which the voice of his own "I" is heard. The subject feels ready to overcome difficulties in realizing his abilities (if his higher needs are activated). A fairly high assessment of personal success.

Low ratings. Dissatisfaction with life in general, its course, the process of self-realization and how exactly the main life events are currently unfolding. Low assessment of personal success. At present, a person has not found himself completely, has not revealed himself, has not felt reliable internal supports in himself, does not feel the ability to demand truthful answers from himself. Often characterized by withdrawal into doubt, which allows you to evade the need to make life choices, listening primarily to yourself, taking responsibility for what happens to you.

Scale "Po": "positive - negative image of oneself." This scale is auxiliary, it allows you to determine the criticality of self-assessment (low or high), the adequacy of self-assessment. On a scale of b points. The criticality of self-evaluation is closely related to the acceptance of the personality itself. The more positive the image of oneself, the less a person sees shortcomings in himself. Self-acceptance has a significant impact on mood - the more complete self-acceptance and the more positive feelings emotionally towards oneself, the higher the mood. Indicators on the “By” scale have a significant positive correlation with indicators on the main scales. Positive acceptance of oneself improves the mental state, and vice versa - a more favorable state encourages one to see one's shortcomings as insignificant, allows one to evaluate one's behavior as closer to the norm.

Very high scores indicate an underdeveloped self-understanding. The sum of more than 65 points gives grounds to assume low criticality in self-assessment, insufficient adequacy of self-assessment, insincerity. Other reasons may be: a negative attitude towards the survey, the influence of the subject's strong interest in the "positive, good" results of the survey.

Estimates of 60-64 points mean reduced criticality in self-assessment, insufficient adequacy of self-assessment. If high scores of more than 60 are obtained on the Vs, Sp, or Ud scales, then most likely the data as a whole is not sufficiently reliable.

Indicators in the range of 40–59 characterize the degree of self-acceptance by a person. The higher the standard score, the lower the criticality of self-assessment and the greater the acceptance of oneself with all its shortcomings.

With scores of less than 50 points, there is reason to talk about sufficient sincerity in the answers, an expressed desire for adequacy in assessing their psychological characteristics and his condition, about the criticality in self-assessment.

Low scores - less than 40 points - indicate not only a high criticality in evaluating oneself and a great desire to be sincere, but also a negative attitude towards oneself.


Ak: 9, 13, 18, 20, 30, 32, 35.

That: 1, 4, 10, 14, 23, 29, 41.

Sp: 3, 6, 8, 16, 22, 26.

Us: 5, 12, 25, 36, 39, 40, 42.

Oud: 2, 11, 17, 19, 24, 28, 31, 33, 37.

By: 7, 15, 21, 27, 34, 38.


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Test questionnaire developed by E.F. Bazhin and others based on the J. Rotter locus of control scale

Study of subjective control

Instruction to the subject. “The questionnaire offered to you contains 44 statements. Read them and answer whether you agree with this statement or not. If you agree, put a “+” sign in front of the corresponding number in the answer sheet, if you do not agree, put a “-” sign. Remember that there are no "bad" and "good" answers in the test. Express your opinion freely and sincerely. The preferred answer is the one that comes to your mind first.


1. Promotion depends more on luck than on the ability and effort of a person.

2. Most divorces are due to the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.

3. Illness is a matter of chance, if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.

4. People find themselves lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.

5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.

6. It is useless to make efforts in order to win the sympathy of other people.

7. External circumstances (parents, well-being) affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses.

8. I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.

9. As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.

10. My grades in school often depended on random circumstances (for example, on the mood of the teacher), and not on my own efforts.

11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.

12. What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.

13. I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines.

14. If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try, they still will not be able to establish family life.

15. The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.

16. Children grow up the way their parents raise them.

17. I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.

18. I try not to plan too far ahead, because a lot depends on how things turn out.

19. My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.

20. In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.

21. The life of most people depends on a combination of circumstances.

22. I prefer a guide where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.

23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.

24. As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.

25. In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.

26. I often feel that I cannot change anything in the existing relationships in the family.

27. If I really want, I can win over almost anyone.

28. The rising generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.

29. What happens to me is the work of my own hands.

30. It is difficult to understand why leaders act in this way and not otherwise.

31. A person who has not been able to succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.

32. More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.

33. In the troubles and failures that were in my life, other people were more often to blame than me.

34. A child can always be protected from colds if he is monitored and dressed correctly.

35. In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until the problem resolves itself.

36. Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.

37. I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.

38. It has always been difficult for me to understand why some people like me and others don't like me.

39. I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, rather than relying on the help of other people or on fate.

40. Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.

41. In family life There are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.

42. capable people Those who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves for this.

43. Many of my successes were only possible with the help of other people.

44. Most of the failures in my life came from inability, ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Results processing

The purpose of processing the results is to obtain an indicator of the locus of subjective control, that is, an indicator of the overall internality of "Io". It is the sum of the matches of the answers of the subject with the answers to the questions given in the key.

Analysis of results

Locus of control is a characteristic of a person's volitional sphere, which reflects his tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of his activities to external forces or to his own abilities and efforts. Attributing responsibility for the results of one's activities to external forces is called an external, or external, locus of control, and attributing responsibility to one's own abilities and efforts is called an internal, internal, locus of control.

Thus, two polar types of personalities are possible depending on the localization of control: external and internal. Each person has a certain position on a continuum that extends from the external to the internal type.

0 _______________¦______________ 44

external internal

The indicator of the locus of control (Io) obtained in the process of processing the results is deciphered as follows:

In general, the greater the value of internality, the less externality.

The locus of control characteristic of a person is universal in relation to any types of events and situations that he has to face. The same type of control is manifested both in cases of failures and in cases of achievements, and this is observed in different spheres of the subject's life.

To determine the level of locus of control, the following boundaries of the internality scale are used.

At low level of internality people rarely trace the connection between their actions and life events that are significant for them. They do not consider themselves capable of controlling the development of such events and believe that most of them are the result of chance or the actions of other people. Therefore, "externals" are emotionally unstable, prone to informal communication and behavior, uncommunicative, they have poor self-control and high tension.

High level of internality corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. People with this locus of control believe that most important events in their lives was the result of their own actions, that they can control them and feel responsible for these events, and for how their life develops in general. "Internals" with high rates of subjective control have emotional stability, perseverance, determination, are distinguished by sociability, good self-control and restraint.

Average level of internality characteristic of most people. The features of their subjective control may vary somewhat depending on whether the situation is difficult or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc., for a person. But although their behavior psychological feeling responsibility for it depends on specific social situations, yet it is possible to establish the predominance of one or another type of locus of control in them.

Thus, the subjective locus of control is associated with a person's feeling of his strength, dignity, responsibility for what is happening, with self-respect, social maturity and independence of the individual. Therefore, when making recommendations for self-improvement, it should be taken into account that:

Conformal, compliant behavior is to a large extent inherent in people with an external locus of control; internals are less inclined to submit to pressure (opinion, emotions, etc.) of other people;

A person with an internal locus of control works better alone.

· internals are more actively seeking information and are usually more aware of the situation than externals;

· Internals have a more active position in relation to their health than externals.

Studies have shown that internals are more popular, occupy a favorable position in the system of interpersonal relationships. They are more benevolent, more self-confident and more tolerant.

Persons with an internal locus of control prefer non-directive methods of education and psychocorrection. And in working with externals, it is important to take care of reducing anxiety and depression that are often observed.

Methodology for studying personality self-esteem
Instruction: Carefully read the words characterizing individual personality traits (character traits):

accuracy, carelessness, thoughtfulness, susceptibility, pride, rudeness, cheerfulness, caring, envy, responsiveness, pedantry, mobility, suspicion, principledness, poetry, contempt, cordiality , shyness, vindictiveness, sincerity, sophistication, capriciousness, gullibility, slowness, dreaminess, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, swagger, rationality, decisiveness, self-forgetfulness, restraint, compassion, bashfulness, · perseverance, · tenderness, · ease, · nervousness, · indecisiveness, · lack of restraint, · charm, · resentment, · caution, · patience, · cowardice, · enthusiasm, · perseverance, · compliance, · coldness, · enthusiasm.

Make two rows of words, 10-20 each.
In the first column - let's call it "My ideal" - put the words that characterize your ideal.

In the second - let's call it "Antiideal" - words denoting features that the ideal should not have.

From the first ("positive") and second ("negative") rows, select the traits that you think you have. At the same time, the choice must be made according to the “yes - no” system: do you have this feature or not, regardless of the degree of its severity.

Processing, results and conclusions

Number positive traits, which you attribute to yourself, divide by the number of words placed in the "My ideal" column. If the result is close to one, you are most likely overestimating yourself; a result close to zero indicates underestimation and increased self-criticism; with a result close to 0.5 - a normal average self-esteem, and you perceive yourself quite critically.

In the same way, conclusions are drawn based on a comparison of the selected negative qualities with the "Antiideal" column. Here, a result close to zero indicates an overestimated self-esteem, to one - underestimated, to 0.5 - normal.

When needed: allows you to assess how the person being assessed relates to the events taking place in his life, whether he considers them under control or thinks that he has no power over them.

Questionnaire for the study of the level of subjective control (SCS)

Instruction: You are presented with 44 statements that describe the different ways in which a person interprets the most common social situations. Read each statement carefully, rate the extent to which you agree or disagree, and mark the answer sheet number corresponding to your choice:

3 - totally agree
+2 - agree
+1 - agree rather than disagree
-1 - Disagree rather than agree
-2 - disagree
-3 - completely disagree

Try to use the full range of ratings.

Answer sheet
Full Name




Promotion is more about luck than personal ability and effort.
Most divorces are due to the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.
Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done
People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of other people.
External circumstances, parents and well-being affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses
I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.
As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.
My grades in school depended more on random circumstances (such as the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
When I make plans, I generally believe that I can
implement them
What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.
I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines
If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try, they still will not be able to establish family life.
The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.
Children grow up the way their parents raise them.
I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.
My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.
People's lives depend on circumstances
I prefer a guide where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.
I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
If I really want, I can win over anyone
The rising generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.
What happens to me is the work of my hands
It can be difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.
A person who has not been able to succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.
More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
The troubles and failures that occurred in my life were more often to blame for other people than myself.
You can always protect a child from a cold if you follow him and dress him correctly.
In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.
Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.
I feel that more than anyone else, the happiness of my family depends on me.
I have always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and others don't.
I always prefer to make a decision and act
on your own, rather than relying on the help of other people
or to fate
Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
Capable people who failed to realize their potential have only themselves to blame.
Many of my successes were only possible thanks to the help of other people.
Most of the failures in my life came from ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Results processing

Processing of test results is carried out in several stages. The number corresponding to the choice determines the number of points received for each answer. First, using the keys, the scores for each scale are calculated (simple summation). At the same time, points for answers to questions with a “+” sign are summed up with their own sign, and for questions with a “–” sign - with the opposite sign.

Keys to scales

1. Scale of general internality (Io)

2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements (ID)

3. Scale of internality in the field of failures (In)

5. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (IP)

7. Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (From)

As a result of scoring for each of the scales, so-called "raw" scores are obtained, which must be converted into standard scores (walls). To do this, use a special table.

Table for converting "raw" scores to standard scores

Click image for a larger view

The scores obtained in the walls are entered in the table:

Final table of results

The results expressed in the walls are compared with the norm (5.5 walls). An indicator above 5.5 walls indicates an internal type of control in this area, below 5.5 - an external one.

The results can also be presented as a graph or as a profile.

Example of a USC chart

USK profile example

Interpretation of the results

Psychologically, a person with high rate of subjective control possesses emotional stability, perseverance, determination, sociability, high self-control and restraint. Man with low subjective control emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, poor self-control and high tension.

Scale of general internality (Io). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives are the result of their own actions, that they can control them. They feel their own responsibility for these events and for the way their life as a whole develops. Subjects with low level subjective control do not see the connection between their actions and significant life events for them. They do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most events are the result of chance or the actions of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of achievements (Id). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved everything that was and is in their life, and that they are able to successfully achieve their goals in the future. Low rate on a scale indicates that a person attributes his successes and achievements to circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of failures (In). High rate on this scale reflects a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering. Low rate indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

Scale of internality in the field of family relations (IS). High rate Is means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low rate Is indicates that the subject considers his partners responsible for the situations that arise in his family.

Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (IP). High rate on this scale indicates that in the organization of their production activities a person relies mainly on himself. He believes that he can influence his relationships with colleagues, manage them and be responsible for them; thinks that his professional career, promotion depends more on himself than on other people or on external forces. Low rate indicates that a person has a tendency not to take responsibility for their professional successes and failures. Such a person believes that not he himself, but someone else - bosses, colleagues, luck, etc. - determine everything that happens to him in this area.

Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (Im). High rate It testifies to them that a person considers himself able to control his formal and informal relationships with other people, to arouse respect and sympathy for himself. Low rate , on the contrary, indicates that a person cannot actively form his social circle and tends to consider his interpersonal relationships the result of partner activity.

Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (Iz). High rate indicate that the subject considers himself responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. Man with low rate on this scale, he considers the disease the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of others, primarily doctors.

For professional diagnostics, the most informative are the results on the scale of internality in industrial relations (Ip). Results on other scales make it possible to build a multidimensional profile. Since most people are characterized by a more or less wide variability of behavior depending on specific social situations, the characteristics of subjective control can also change in a person depending on whether the situation seems to him complex or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The level of subjective control increases as a result of psychological correction. At the same time, it should be remembered that internals prefer non-directive methods of psychological correction; and externals, as individuals with increased anxiety and prone to depression, are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.

  • Psychology: personality and business


1 -1

Purpose of the study: determine the level of development volitional self-regulation.

Research procedure

The study of volitional self-regulation using a test questionnaire is carried out either with one subject or with a group. To ensure the independence of the answers of the subjects, everyone receives the text of the questionnaire, the answer sheet, on which the question numbers are printed and next to them is the column for the answer.

Instruction to the subject. You are offered a test containing 30 statements. Read each one carefully and decide whether the statement is true or false for you. If it is true, then in the answer sheet against the number of this statement, put a plus sign (+), and if you think that it is not true for you, then a minus sign (-).


  1. If something does not stick, I often have a desire to quit this business.
  2. I do not give up my plans and deeds, even if I have to choose between them and a pleasant company.
  3. When necessary, it is not difficult for me to contain a flash of anger.
  4. I usually keep calm in anticipation of a friend who is late for the appointed time.
  5. It is difficult to distract me from the work I have begun.
  6. The physical pain really pisses me off.
  7. I always try to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, even if I can not wait to object to him.
  8. I always bend my line.
  9. If necessary, I can stay up all night (eg, work, on duty) and be in "good shape" all the next day.
  10. My plans are too often crossed out by external circumstances.
  11. I consider myself a patient person.
  12. It is not so easy for me to force myself to coolly observe an exciting spectacle.
  13. I rarely manage to force myself to continue after a series of embarrassing failures.
  14. If I treat someone badly, it is difficult for me to hide my dislike for him.
  15. If necessary, I can do my job in an uncomfortable and inappropriate environment.
  16. The realization that it must be done at all costs by a certain date greatly complicates my work.
  17. I consider myself a determined person.
  18. I deal with physical fatigue more easily than others.
  19. It is better to wait for the elevator that has just left than to climb the stairs.
  20. It's not easy to ruin my mood.
  21. Sometimes some trifle takes possession of my thoughts, does not give rest, and I cannot get rid of it.
  22. I find it harder to focus on a task or work than others.
  23. It's hard to get over me.
  24. I always try to finish what I start.
  25. I'm easily distracted from work.
  26. I notice sometimes that I am trying to achieve my goal in defiance of objective circumstances.
  27. People sometimes envy my patience and meticulousness.
  28. I find it difficult to remain calm in a stressful situation.
  29. I notice that during monotonous work I involuntarily begin to change the way I act, even if this sometimes leads to worse results.
  30. I am usually very annoyed when the doors of an outgoing transport or elevator slam shut in front of my nose.

Results processing

The purpose of processing the results is to determine the values ​​of the indices of volitional self-regulation on the points of the general scale (B) and the indices on the subscales "perseverance" (N) and "self-control" (C).

Each index is the sum of the points obtained by counting the matches of the subject's answers with the key of the general scale or subscale.

In the questionnaire b masking statements. Therefore, the overall total score on the "B" scale should be in the range from 0 to 24, on the "perseverance" subscale - from 0 to 16, and on the "self-control" subscale - from 0 to 13:

The key for calculating the indices of volitional self-regulation.

Analysis of results

In its most general form, the level of volitional self-regulation is understood as a measure of mastering one's own behavior in various situations, the ability to consciously control one's actions, states, and impulses.

The level of development of volitional self-regulation can be characterized as a whole and separately by such character traits as perseverance and self-control.

The levels of volitional self-regulation are determined in comparison with the average values ​​of each of the scales. If they are more than half of the maximum possible sum of matches, then this indicator reflects high level development of general self-regulation, perseverance or self-control. For the "B" scale, this value is 12, for the "H" scale - 8, for the "C" scale - 6.

A high score on the “B” scale is characteristic of emotionally mature, active, independent, self-reliant individuals. They are distinguished by calmness, self-confidence, stability of intentions, realistic views, a developed sense of duty. As a rule, they reflect well on personal motives, systematically implement the intentions that have arisen, are able to distribute efforts and are able to control their actions, and have a pronounced socially positive orientation. In extreme cases, they may experience an increase in internal tension associated with the desire to control every nuance of their own behavior and anxiety about its slightest spontaneity.

A low score is observed in people who are sensitive, emotionally unstable, vulnerable, insecure. Their reflexivity is low, and the general background of activity, as a rule, is reduced. They are characterized by impulsiveness and instability of intentions. This may be due to both immaturity and a pronounced refinement of nature, not supported by the ability to reflect and self-control.

The subscale "perseverance" characterizes the strength of a person's intentions - his desire to complete the work begun. On the positive pole - active, hard-working people, actively striving to fulfill what was planned, they are mobilized by obstacles on the way to the goal, but they are distracted by alternatives and temptations, their main value is the work they have begun. These people are respectful. social norms, the desire to completely subordinate their behavior to them. In extreme terms, there may be a loss of flexibility in behavior, the appearance of manic tendencies. Low values ​​on this scale indicate increased lability, uncertainty, impulsiveness. which can lead to inconsistent and even scattered behaviour. The reduced background of activity and working capacity, as a rule, is compensated for in such persons. hypersensitivity, flexibility, ingenuity, as well as a tendency to freely interpret social norms.

The subscale "self-control" reflects the level of voluntary control of emotional reactions and states. A high score on the subscale is scored by people who are emotionally stable, who control themselves well in various situations. Their inherent inner calmness, self-confidence frees them from fear of the unknown, increases their readiness to perceive the new, the unexpected, and, as a rule, is combined with freedom of views, a tendency to innovation and radicalism. At the same time, the desire for constant self-control, excessive conscious limitation of spontaneity can lead to an increase in internal tension, the predominance of constant concern and fatigue.

At the other extreme of this subscale, spontaneity and impulsiveness, combined with resentment and preference for traditional views, protect a person from intense feelings and internal conflicts, and contribute to an unflappable background of mood.

The social desirability of high scores on the scale is ambiguous. High levels of development of volitional self-regulation may be associated with problems in the organization of life and relationships with people. Often they reflect the emergence of maladaptive traits and behaviors. difference from them low levels perseverance and self-control in some cases perform compensatory functions. But they also indicate violations in the development of personality traits and its ability to build relationships with other people and adequately respond to certain situations.


The professional system produces a depersonalizing effect on the personality. The subjective response to the depersonalizing influence of the environment is coping-personalization, or the ability of a person to coping-personal behavior - the conscious use of adaptive coping strategies to cope with the depersonalizing influence of the environment. A person must personalize in the environment, present himself in the professional sphere, present himself as a person and as a professional. The article presents the author's questionnaire of depersonalization by the professional system (DPS) with a description and explanation of the questions that make up its scale, the results of standardization and testing, interpretation and recommendations for use. The level of coping-personification according to the DPS questionnaire has a pronounced correlation with the level of personal self-government. In order to develop coping-personal behavior, it is necessary to develop the ability of personal self-government.

DPS questionnaire (depersonalization by professional system)

coping personal behavior

coping personalization


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Man in the process labor activity objectively is in certain conditions in which this activity carried out. Opportunities, personal characteristics of a person are manifested within the professional system. Depending on the person's perception of the situation, these frames can be felt as "hard", limiting, or as supportive, strengthening. In any case, the subject of activity must find the ratio of external and internal determinations, necessity and freedom, regulation, normativity, standardization and individualization. Any professional system, and especially with an authoritarian style of management, with a subject-object approach to vertical interaction "boss - subordinate", produces a depersonalizing effect on a person. Personalization according to A.V. Petrovsky is “the ability of an individual to cause changes significant aspects the individuality of other people, to be the subject of the transformation of the behavior and consciousness of others through their reflection (“personalization”) in them. Accordingly, de-personalization is reverse process the transformation of a person from a subject into an object that does not have any influence on the situation and people, respectively, is not reflected in others for himself and therefore is not perceived by himself, alienated from himself. Alienation from oneself in a professional environment shows, in our opinion, that a person is maladjusted, possibly in a depressed state, feels out of place. Maybe the reason lies in the lack of skills of self-presentation, self-representation, self-affirmation. Or maybe, indeed, the surrounding professional environment exerts excessive pressure on the individual. In any case, a person must find the strength in himself to either change the situation (for example, leave a job that is unfavorable for his personality), or change his attitude to the situation, learn to cope with the depersonalizing effect of the system, personalize in the environment, imagine himself in the professional sphere, present as an individual and as a professional.

The first step towards such self-change, we believe, should be awareness of the problem. A person must clearly see and realize what his sense of self is in a professional environment, in a team of employees. It is for this purpose that the questionnaire of depersonalization by the professional system (DPS) was created. In this article, we present the questionnaire itself with a description and explanation of the questions that make up its scale, with the results of standardization and testing.

The questionnaire consists of ten pairs of statements that are opposite in meaning, between which there are scales from "0" to "10" (Table 1). In the instructions, respondents are asked to evaluate their usual state and self-perception at the workplace, in a working environment, circling the appropriate score on the scale. The method of work can be both individual and group.

Table 1 - Questionnaire for depersonalization by the professional system (DPS)

Nothing depends on my decisions.

Much depends on my decisions.

I feel my insignificance


I feel my importance

I don’t get involved in solving official problems, usually “the authorities know better”


Without my participation, they do not manage to solve official problems

I still can't change the situation


I can make a big difference

I prefer to keep my opinion to myself


I try my best to be heard

I feel like a "cog" in a big mechanism


I feel like a whole well-oiled mechanism

Nobody asks my opinion


Management listens to my opinion.

My personal boundaries are violated all the time, I feel addicted


I feel autonomous and independent

My goals are different from the goals of the organization


My goals and the goals of the organization are the same

The professional system depresses me


The professional system is a resource for me

As a result of the standardization of the questionnaire on a sample of 300 police officers and researchers aged 23-47 years, the following norms were identified: 0-29 - a very high DPS value; 30-49 - high DPS value; 50-70 - average DPS value; 71-90 - low DPS value; 91-100 - very low DPS value.

The lower the scores, that is, the more the circled values ​​deviate to the left, the stronger the depersonalizing influence of the professional system on the personality, the less the person's ability to resist this influence. The higher the scores, that is, the more the circled values ​​deviate to the right, the less the person experiences the depersonalizing influence of the professional system, the greater the person's ability to resist this influence. For greater clarity, the respondents are invited to connect the circled numbers with a line, thus obtaining a graph - the "curve" of depersonalization.

We have tested and standardized the methodology. At the first stage, the conceptual content was clarified, the statements that were the items of the questionnaire were formulated, and the apparent validity and degree of understanding of the received text were assessed.

Comparisons within the samples of indicators of different sex and age groups carried out at the second stage of the study did not reveal significant differences. Contrary to our expectations, there were also no significant differences between the results of the two professional groups - employees of the internal affairs bodies and employees research institute. The distribution of responses was not significantly different from normal. The internal consistency of questions in the DPS questionnaire, calculated on this sample, is quite high (Cronbach's α 0.7), which indicates that they all measure the same object - depersonalization by the professional system.

Let's discuss each question.

Low scores on items 1 - "little depends on my decisions - a lot depends on my decisions" (average value 5.9) and 4 - "I still cannot influence the situation - I can strongly influence the situation" (average value 5.8) speak of "learned helplessness". This is the state that occurs in a situation where it seems that external events do not depend on us, and there is nothing we can do to prevent or modify them. A person feels helpless before the influence of the external environment on him. He is sure that he is not able to influence circumstances, he cannot control his life. There is a rejection of attempts to solve problems that can be solved on the basis of internal resources.

A low score on item 2 - “I feel my insignificance - I feel my significance” (average value 6.5) may indicate a depressive state, a loss of life meanings. Feeling like a cog in a big machine (item 6, average 5.6) is not always a bad thing, sometimes it means teamwork if the scores for all other items of the questionnaire are high. If low scores prevail, such a response also indicates depersonalization. For a person, it is preferable to feel like a “solid well-oiled mechanism”, this reflects the psychological health of a person, professional adaptation, personalization.

For item 3 - “I don’t get involved in solving official problems, usually “the authorities know better” - they can’t do without my participation in solving official problems”), the lowest average value of all points (4.9) was obtained, since in the authoritarian system of subordination there are principles of subordination and separation of powers. But still, this item also has agreement with all the others, so it was left in the questionnaire. In addition, a person in any case should strive to solve service problems on his own.

Items 5 - "I prefer to keep my opinion to myself - I try to make my opinion heard" (average value 6.7) and 7 "no one asks my opinion - the authorities listen to my opinion" (average value 5.7) reflect willingness a person to express his point of view, to position himself. If such readiness is absent or low, then this indicates the predominance of a person's motivation to avoid failures (which is confirmed experimentally).

A low score for item 8 - "my personal boundaries are violated all the time, I feel dependent - I feel autonomous and independent" (mean value 5.8) indicates a person's uncomfortable self-perception at the workplace, in his professional position. This can be due to both external reasons (authoritarian-manipulative leadership style, personal characteristics of colleagues), and internal ones - the inability of a person to build personal boundaries, overcome the depersonalizing influence of the environment.

Achieving a positive result in activities is closely related to the joint purposeful activities of the team: subdivision, department, group, etc., which requires a person, on the one hand, initiative and activity, on the other hand, conscious self-restraint of personal initiative and activity in the name of achieving common goals. Moreover, personal and public (professional) goals should be coordinated. Point 9 of our questionnaire was directed to clarify the existence of this agreement - “my goals differ from the goals of the organization - my goals and the goals of the organization coincide” (average value 6.3).

Item 10 of the questionnaire - "the professional system oppresses me - the professional system is a resource for me" (average value 6.5) finds out the attitude of a person to the professional system. Does he perceive the system as a resource in which it is possible to draw energy to overcome life and professional difficulties, which provides support, or is the system an anti-resource for him, having a depersonalizing influence, depriving a person of subjectivity.

The problem of depersonalization by the professional system, like any other, needs to be resolved. The counterbalance of depersonalization by the professional system, from our point of view, is coping-personalization as overcoming depersonalization, a subjective response to the depersonalizing influence of the environment. That is, the inability of a person to resist depersonalization by the professional system has the opposite pole - this is the ability of a person to coping-personal behavior - the conscious use of adaptive coping strategies to cope with the depersonalizing influence of the environment.

In general, "coping behavior" is coping behavior, co-owning behavior. Behavioral efforts that are aimed at overcoming the leveling influence of the system, building personal boundaries of the “I”, reaching a conscious level of self-regulation, self-government, we called coping-personification.

Let us give an interpretation of the values ​​obtained as a result of standardization of the intervals of the DPS questionnaire (depersonalization by a professional system), taking into account the newly introduced concept:

0-29 - very low coping personification, very high DPS value.

People with these results are more likely to be depressed, insecure, not even trying to overcome environmental pressure (which they perceive as aggressive towards themselves). Employees with such indicators need special attention from a psychologist.

30-49 - low coping personification, high DPS.

Showing overall result in these intervals, people are cautious, prefer to “keep a low profile”, it is easier for them to convince themselves that nothing depends on them than to make attempts to change the situation. If possible, they avoid responsibility, although they can be good performers. Despite the emotional discomfort of their stay at their workplace, in a professional environment, they are in no hurry to change anything, they lack determination.

50-70 - average coping personification, average DPS.

Such people prefer to stick to the "golden mean" in everything. Cautious in statements, but if necessary, they can express their opinion. They recognize the influence of the environment, but do not experience much discomfort from this. They prefer compromise in relationships. They do not see the need to "get on the rampage", proving their point of view.

71-90 - high coping personification, low DPS.

High scores indicate self-confidence, a person's adaptability in the workplace, a sense of their importance, a desire to actively participate in solving official issues, and responsibility. Such people seek to express their opinion, influence the situation, position themselves as active figures.

91-100 - very high coping personification, very low DPS

people with very high scores deny the depersonalizing influence of the professional system and position themselves as an independent person who has a great influence on the situation. This is a psychologically favorable position, unless it is defensive in nature. In this case, a person may try to aggressively impose his opinion on others, to behave regardless of the requirements of the situation.

As conclusions, we will determine the possibilities of using the DPS questionnaire for working with employees and teams.

Due to its compactness (its completion time is 2-3 minutes) and clarity (especially if you connect the circled numbers with a graph), the questionnaire can be used in group work as an independent study or as an addition to other tests.

If the research is conducted anonymously, the data can give the psychologist and managers an idea of ​​the psychological self-perception of employees. We use the DPS questionnaire in educational process on subjects of a psychological and pedagogical orientation, along with other tests (motivational questionnaires by T. Ehlers; questionnaires that identify coping strategies, etc.) in order to increase the students' self-awareness, their understanding of the strategies and reasons for their own behavior.

If the survey is not conducted anonymously, then, together with other methods, the DPS questionnaire can be used to identify employees who are in depressive, psychologically unfavorable conditions.

At individual work asking a psychologist with employees to fill out this questionnaire before counseling, you can pay special attention to items with low scores (0-3), speak with the employee about his feelings and opinions on these positions.

Our research also showed that the level of coping personification according to the DPS questionnaire has a pronounced correlation (p = 0.01) with the level of personal self-government according to the N.M. Peisakhova. This means that if a person has a high level of self-government, that is, he can analyze the situation, navigate in it, predict its development, determine goals, plan their achievement, designate landmarks for his achievements, make decisions, exercise self-control and correct his actions, then he is able to cope with the depersonalizing influence of the environment. Accordingly, in order to develop coping-personal behavior, it is necessary to develop the ability of personal self-government.


Chernyavskaya V.S., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Institute of Law and Management, Vladivostok State University economy and service, Vladivostok.

Kravtsova N.A., Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Head department clinical psychology GBOU VPO "Vladivostok State medical University» Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation, Vladivostok.

Bibliographic link

Burtseva E.V. QUESTIONNAIRE OF DEPERSONALIZATION BY THE PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM (DPS) // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 2.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"