Esoterics      11/13/2020

Types of personality behavior in a group. Suggestion in groups: compliance and types of behavior. Groups of normative and relative comparison

1. Initiation of activity. Offer solutions, new ideas, new problem statements, new approaches to solving them, or a new organization of material. 2. Search for information. Seek clarification of the proposal put forward, Additional information or facts. 3. Collection of opinions. Ask group members to express their attitude to the issues discussed, to clarify their values ​​or ideas. 4. Provision of information. Providing the group with facts or beliefs regarding a proposal, necessarily with its evaluation, and not just reporting facts. 5. Expression of opinion. Expressing opinions or beliefs regarding any proposal is mandatory with its assessment, and not just reporting facts. 6. elaboration. Explain, give examples, develop the idea, try to predict the future fate of the proposal, if it is accepted. 7. Coordination. Explain relationships between ideas, try to summarize sentences, try to integrate the activities of different subgroups or group members. 8. Generalization. The proposals will be re-listed after the end of the discussion.
1. promotion. Be friendly, sincere, sympathetic towards others. Praise others for their ideas, agree with others, and appreciate their contribution to solving a problem. 2. Ensuring participation. Try to create an environment where every member of the group can make a suggestion. 3. Establishment of criteria. Establish criteria by which the group should be guided when choosing substantive or procedural points or evaluating the group's decision. 4. performance. Follow the decisions of the group by being thoughtful about the ideas of other people who make up the audience during group discussions. 5. expressing the feelings of the group. Generalize what is formed as a feeling of the group. Describe the reactions of group members to ideas and solutions to problems.

R. Schindler described the four most common group roles and one less common role:

1. Alpha is a leader who impresses the group, encourages it to be active, to action, draws up a program, directs, gives it confidence and determination.

2. Beta is an expert who has special knowledge, skills and abilities that the group always needs or appreciates. The expert analyzes, considers the situation from different angles; his behavior is rational, self-critical, neutral and indifferent.

3. Gamma - predominantly passive and adaptable members of the group, trying to maintain their anonymity, most of them are identified with alpha.

4. Omega - the most "extreme" member of the group, who lags behind the team due to inability, some kind of difference from the rest, or fear.

5. R - an opponent, an oppositionist who actively opposes the leader.

M. Belbin's research suggests that eight roles are needed to get a truly effective group. Among them:

Chairman. This is the person who leads the team and coordinates its activities. He must be disciplined, purposeful and balanced. This is someone who knows how to listen and speak well, judge things and people correctly, understand the needs of other people.

Organizer. These are enterprising, excitable, mobile and the most influential people in the group. In the absence of the chairman, they usually take over his role, although they are not ideal people for this. Their strength lies in their drive and passion to achieve a goal, but they can be hypersensitive, irritable and impatient. They are necessary because they motivate other members of the group to take action.

The think tank is a generator of ideas. Unlike organizers, people who are part of the think tank of the company are self-oriented, but intellectually they have a great influence on others. They are a source of original ideas and suggestions. At the same time, they can be inattentive to details, take offense at criticism, are often silent, and reserved in nature.

Critic Controller. Has an analytical rather than a creative mindset. Scrupulously analyzes ideas and has the ability to see weaknesses in arguments. Less sociable than others, withholding information, keeping aloof from the team, but may be needed for quality assurance. Reliable, but can be tactless and unemotional.

Researchers of the reserve of new employees. Such people are popular team members, extroverts, they are sociable and risky, they bring new contacts, ideas, and improvements to the group. However, they are not creative people, they do not hold the reins of government in their hands.

Workaholics. They are the practical organizers of all the company's activities. Turn ideas into doable tasks. Methodical and efficient in their work, they inspire confidence. They are not leaders, but they are skilled and diligent workers.

Team coordinators. Such workers unite the whole team, supporting others, listening to them, encouraging them, delving into everything, understanding everything and bringing a sense of harmony and harmony to everything. They are popular and pleasant, but do not strive for rivalry.

Destroyer Destroyer. He checks the details, takes care of the schedules, annoys others with the need to do something urgently. His persistent systematic work is very important, but not always popular.

Too many people in one role means that the balance is off, and when the number of roles is too few, tasks will not be completed. In a small team, therefore, one person will have to perform more than one role. A complete set of roles is important when rapid change in the workforce, technology, product or market. More stable groups can do without the full set of roles. There may be many other roles in groups that are not always reducible to these basic ones.

The structure of the group can be revealed using sociometry.

Group cohesion

This is a measure of the mutual attraction of group members to each other and to the group. Cohesion is expressed in the desire to remain in the group, in the desire to cooperate in solving common problems and to preserve the group. In general, than better group meets the needs of people in emotional interpersonal relationships, the more united it is. The more cohesive the group, the tighter the group control over the views and actions of its members. In a close-knit group, an atmosphere of attentive attitude and mutual support is created. Cohesion generates emotional attachment of group members and loyalty to common tasks, provides group stability. A highly cohesive group works well and can improve the efficiency of the entire organization. However, in the event of a discrepancy between the goals of the group and the goals of the organization, a high degree of cohesion can adversely affect the productivity of the entire organization.

Negative side excessive cohesion of the group may also be the unwillingness of its members to think critically and make serious decisions due to the development of the process group consensus. This tendency arises from the tendency of group members to quickly converge on opinions, regardless of the possibility of error.

To increase the positive effect of cohesion, the leader of the organization can periodically hold meetings, explaining the goals of the group and their relationship with the goals of the organization, creating such conditions when each member of the group can see his contribution to the achievement of these goals. Cohesion is also promoted by: meeting the personal needs of group members in the group or with the help of the group; consistency of the goals of the whole group with individual needs and goals; mutual dependence when working on specific tasks; benefits arising from group membership; sympathy between members of the group; motivation of group members; friendly, relaxed atmosphere; rivalry with another group or groups; enmity, hostility and negative attitude of society (isolation of sects and factions); group prestige.

group tension

As a result of the interaction of group members who differ in their views, patterns of command, plans and needs, tension arises in the group. It can be expressed in aggressiveness, irritation, rejection, fear, alienation, and in some cases lead to open conflict.

However, tension in the group also plays a positive role as a factor that encourages group members to be active and change. Effective group activity requires a dynamic balance between cohesion and tension.

Group development phases

The following stages of group development are distinguished: the stage of formation, the stage of psychological tension, the stage of normalization, the stage of activity.

1. Stage of formation. When a group is formed, its members carefully explore the boundaries of acceptable behavior within the group. This is the stage of the transition of the individual from the status of an independent person to the status of a member of a group. Group members experience feelings such as excitement, impatience, optimism, suspicion, apprehension, and anxiety about future work and ways to interact with other group members. They take the initial, tentative steps of adjusting to the group, trying to define the task and how it will be done, trying to determine how to behave in the group and how to deal with the problems of the group; decide what information is needed and how it should be collected.

Covertly or openly, group members are looking for a leader, waiting for an explanation of the goal, plans, eager for activity, they are busy discussing minor or well-known things, abstract concepts and problems, signs or issues that are not related to the task. There is a "high society conversation", facade communication, the rejection of personal self-expression.

2. Stage of psychological tension- stage of bubbling. Probably the most difficult stage for the team. It is as if the members of the group made a jump into the water and, thinking that they are drowning, begin to thrash about. They realize that the task is more difficult than they thought, and become short-tempered, resentful, accusing, or overzealous. At the stage of storming, the members of the group are characterized by:

· resistance to task performance and new approaches to quality improvement (other than those that each individual member finds comfortable to use);

sharp fluctuations in attitudes towards team members and the success of the project;

· continued discussion of problems among group members, even when they agree on a specific outcome;

Defensiveness and competitiveness; breakdown into factions and choice of allies; struggle for leadership;

setting unrealistic goals;

perception of "hierarchy";

lack of unity, increased tension and jealousy.

Many team members experience a sense of pressure and tension, but gradually they begin to understand each other.

3. Stage of normalization. During this stage, group members determine the level of loyalty and distribute responsibilities. They accept the group, its ground rules or norms, roles in the group and individual characteristics group members. Emotional conflict is reduced, initially competitive relationships are replaced by more cooperative ones. In other words, as the team members realize that they are not going to sink, they stop thrashing around and start helping each other stay afloat.

The normalization stage is characterized by the following factors:

acceptance of group membership;

the emergence of a new ability - a constructive expression of criticism;

Mutual assistance and focus on the performance of work;

an attempt to achieve harmony, avoiding conflict;

more friendly, trusting attitude towards each other, people share personal problems;

a sense of belonging to a group, compatibility, common spirit and common goals;

Establishing and maintaining the ground rules and "norms" of the group.

As team members begin to recognize their differences, they now have more time and energy to work on a common cause project. Thus, they are capable of significant progress.

4. Stage of activity. At this stage, the group begins to effectively perform the assigned tasks. The members of the group managed their relationships and formulated expectations, identified and accepted strong and weak sides each other, learn what their roles are. Now they begin to work - to diagnose and solve problems, to implement the necessary changes.

This stage of activity is characterized by the following data:

members of the group understand personal and group processes, strengths and weaknesses of each other;

· constructive self-change;

Satisfaction with the promotion of the group;

Dealing with problems the ability to anticipate and prevent problems;

the group is important to its members;

members of the group closely perceive all its problems.

Now the group really becomes an effective unit of the organization and begins to work productively.

The duration and intensity of these stages varies from group to group. Sometimes the fourth stage is reached in one or two meetings, sometimes it can take months or years.

Interpersonal learning/recognition is a person's awareness of how he is in the perception of other people. In the group, it becomes possible to explore negative and positive emotional reactions, as well as the analysis of other forms of behavior. Members of the group can openly ask for each other's support and help and show as much strong affects as they like, which help to have a corrective emotional experience. The group acts as a social microcosm, within which the individual can gain great experience. A large number of clients believe that they benefited more from the group than from the therapist leading the group.


When long-held feelings of anger, helplessness, guilt, or other "unacceptable" impulses are released in the group, this contributes to a sense of liberation and relief. group cohesion is strengthened as a result of catharsis, which favors the emergence of conditions for significant interaction between group members in an environment of understanding and security.


A permanent contingent of group members is a necessary condition productive work long-term group therapy. In the early stages, many therapeutic groups go through a period of instability, when some clients leave the group and others join it, then there is a long period of stability, during which most of the therapeutic work falls. Constant stay in the group is the key to successful treatment. The higher the attractiveness of the group for the patient, the more likely it is that he will continue to be a member of it. One successful patient, looking back after two years of therapy, put it this way: “The main thing was that the group just stayed around, that there were people with whom I could always discuss the issues that arose, who did not get rid of me. There was so much caring in the group, hatred and love, and I was a part of it. Now I am much better, I live my life, and yet it is sad to think that our group no longer exists.


An urgent need in the course of the therapeutic process appears in intellectual understanding. Clients are automatically drawn to understanding, while therapists welcome intellectual search, flow into it. Although the goal of therapy is transformation, not self-understanding, it facilitates and guides transformation.

Interpersonal learning/shaping (communication skills).

Overtly or not, group members are honing their rapport and communication skills. For example, in one of the groups there was a girl who did not communicate with anyone and did not take part in therapeutic work. However, she began to smile over time, found friends and began to take part in therapeutic sessions. Special techniques such as feedback and role play can be used to acquire communication skills.

existential factors.

These include judgments and feelings regarding individual worldview, for example: “I realize that I must face life alone, despite any closeness that binds me to other people” or “I realized that I must take full responsibility for the way I live, no matter how much guidance and support I receive from others ". It is very important for most clients to discuss their mortality and disability issues in a group.


It is healing for clients to realize that in the group everyone can be useful and needed by others.

The infusion of hope.

By itself, the belief in the possibility of change has a therapeutic effect. Others are inspired by a client's successful problem-solving example.

Universality of experience.

People come to the group each with their own problems, but they soon realize that others have the same difficulties, the same state of alienation and their own failure.

Family reproduction.

The patient's primary family is resurrected in one form or another in the therapeutic group. Although this factor is not so highly valued by the patients themselves, it is one of the main sources of strength of the therapeutic group.


This factor guarantees not only the coherent functioning of the group, but also makes it possible to provide patients with the necessary information on mental health issues, provide suggestions, advice and direct instructions for any action.

Identification (or imitative behavior).

Behavior is learned in part by observing others. It is possible to imitate initial stage behavior of particularly popular members of the group or leader in order to gain approval. Gradually, group members come to experiment with all the behaviors that are present in the group.

IN small group There are four basic types of human behavior.

Separating type.

Individual orientation is well expressed. A productive problem solving is available only under the condition of some isolation from the group, more independently.

driven type.

There is a tendency to voluntary submission, conformity. A productive solution to a new problem becomes possible through contact with more competent and confident members of the group.

leading type.

The individual is aimed at power in the group, the effective solution of problems becomes possible due to the subordination of other members of the group to himself.

collaborating type.

The individual strives constantly for a common solution of problems with other members of the group and follows the rest of the variant of reasonable solutions.

The psychotherapist in the distribution of roles is facilitated by knowledge of the types of behavior of group members, helps to deeper removal of the mechanisms of psychological incompatibility of some of its members.

The coincidence in one person of an informal and formal leader simplifies the situation, the discrepancy makes the group process more southern.

IN social psychology There are four main types of behavior of people in a small group.

Separating type. Well expressed individual orientation. The optimal solution of problems is possible only in conditions of relative isolation from the group, independently.

driven type. The tendency to conformity, imitation, voluntary submission is expressed. The optimal solution of a group task is possible in contact with more confident and competent members of the group.

leading type. The individual is oriented toward power in the group. The optimal solution of problems is possible under the condition of subordinating other members of the group to oneself.

collaborating type. The individual constantly strives to solve problems jointly with others and follows the group in cases of reasonable decisions.

Knowledge of the types of behavior of group members helps the psychotherapist in the distribution of roles, contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of psychological incompatibility of its individual members.

The coincidence of a formal and informal leader in one person simplifies the situation, a mismatch makes the group process more complicated.

Group process

The concept of a group process (group dynamics) was first introduced by Kurt Lewin in 1936. The central idea of ​​this concept is that the laws of behavior of individuals in groups should be sought in the knowledge of the “social and psychological forces” that determine them.

In the future, this concept in relation to psycho-correctional groups was developed by Rogers, Shut-

Cem and others (see section: "Carl Rogers and Client-Centered Therapy").

Kelman (Kelman, 1963) considers group psychotherapy as a "situation of social influence", and identifies three stages in the group process: compliance; identification; assignment.

According to Kelman, members of a psychotherapeutic group are, firstly, subject to the influence of the psychotherapist and other members of the group; secondly, they identify with the psychotherapist and with each other; thirdly, they appropriate group experience. Kelman believes that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is not enough to “compliance” with the norms and rules of the group - it is also necessary to assimilate what has been learned and master it. Group members must learn new feeling skills (pliability), respond to the group (identification), and apply them to specific real-life situations (appropriation).

From the moment of its creation to the completion of the treatment process, a psychocorrectional group goes through several stages (phases) of its development.

Most researchers of this issue come to the conclusion that the group process, starting from the stage of adaptation, through the resolution of intra-group conflicts (the second stage), eventually comes to cohesion and effective problem solving (Tuckman, 1965; Bennis, Shepard, 1974 and etc.).

Such a staging of group development follows from the theory interpersonal relationships Schutz (Schutz, 1958). According to Schutz, in the early stages of the development of a group, its members tend to inclusion in the situation. At this stage, a sense of belonging to the group begins to form and a desire to establish adequate relationships with all its members. In the second stage, the need for situation control, negativism. There is rivalry and a desire for independence, a desire to stand out, to take a leading position. In the third stage begins to dominate need for affection Group members establish a close emotional bond with each other. To the fore

cohesion, a sense of openness, closeness, empathy.

Kratochvil (1978) distinguishes four phases of group development.

The first phase (orientation and dependence). There is an adaptation to new people and an orientation: “What kind of treatment is this?” "What do we do?" "How will this help me?" Group members are anxious, insecure, dependent. Some withdraw into themselves, others talk about their illnesses, but at the same time everyone is waiting for information and instructions from a psychotherapist.

The second phase (conflicts and protest). There is a tendency to self-affirmation, the distribution of roles begins: active and passive, leading and “oppressed”, “favorites” and “unloved”, etc. Dissatisfaction arises both with each other and with the psychotherapist, and as a result - disappointment in the method itself treatment.

If at the first stage of the formation of the group the psychotherapist was an idol for all members of the group, now he is being thrown off the pedestal, reduced to the level of "an idler and a charlatan". Dissatisfaction with the psychotherapist is further enhanced if he refuses a leading, authoritarian role. Emotionally stressful intensity reaches its climax:

discussions of the patient turn into a "comradely court", a conversation with a psychotherapist - into a conflict. If the psychotherapist is not experienced enough, then the collapse of the group is possible at this phase.

Third phase (development and cooperation). Emotional tension decreases, the number and severity of conflicts decrease. There is a consolidation of group norms and values. The struggle for leadership recedes into the background. There is a need for belonging to a group, a sense of responsibility for common interests becomes relevant. Mutual understanding, sincerity, intimacy are born between members of the group. Dialogues become more frank and trusting. The individual develops a sense of security, the confidence that the group will protect him. There is a desire to open up, relations with a psychotherapist normalize.

The fourth phase (purposeful activity). The group becomes a working collective, a mature social system. Its members reflect, consult, make decisions. Positive feedback is being established, which is not violated even in cases where negative emotions and conflicts are deliberately allowed to be discussed.

In domestic psychotherapy, it is customary to single out the adaptive, frustrating, constructive, and implementation phases of group dynamics (Slutsky, Tsapkin, 1985, etc.). In principle, this dynamic is no different from the dynamics described by Rogers, Kratochvil et al.

What are healing factors psychotherapy group? According to Jalom (1975), there are ten.

Cohesion. This is a characteristic of the degree of connectedness, the unity of interpersonal relations in a group. The increase in cohesion contributes to the strengthening of interaction between group members, intensifies the processes of social influence, and increases the satisfaction of everyone.

The suggestion of hope. Belief in the success of the group process already has a therapeutic effect in itself.

Generalization. People tend to consider their life problems and diseases are unique. In the process of group development, they become aware that others have similar problems and illnesses. This identification of one's own problems and experiences has a therapeutic effect.

Altruism. Behavior focused on the satisfaction of other people's interests without conscious consideration of their benefits for themselves. Behavior aimed at providing disinterested assistance to any member of the group, regardless of what social position he occupies outside the group.

Provision of information. This refers to the information and reasoning necessary for a member of the group for self-awareness and self-disclosure.

Multiple transfer. Any difficulties in the field of communication and social adaptation, being determined by the events of the present and the past, must

manifest themselves in group communication. The emotional attachment of the patient to the psychotherapist and to other members of the group is considered, investigated and, if necessary, subjected to a rational and realistic assessment.

Interpersonal learning. The group serves as a testing ground for exploring positive and negative emotional responses and trying out new behaviors. Group members are convinced that they can openly ask for help and support from others and selflessly help themselves.

Development of interpersonal skills. In a group, all its members explicitly or implicitly improve their ability to communicate. Various techniques are used to develop interpersonal skills, including feedback and role play.

imitating behavior. Teaching appropriate behavior through observation and imitation of the behavior of others. At the beginning of the group process, the behavior of the psychotherapist or other group members who have received his approval is imitated. Gradually, group members begin to experiment, using the many patterns of behavior offered in the group for support.

Catharsis. Discussing hidden or repressed (“unacceptable”) needs in a group, focusing on unanalyzed emotions such as guilt or hostility, leads to self-understanding, self-disclosure, and ultimately to relief.

Kratochvil (Kratochvil, 1978) gives a different list of therapeutic factors of the psychotherapeutic group:

participation in the work of the group;

· emotional support;

helping others;

· self-manifestation;


· Feedback;

Insight (understanding of previously unrealized relationships);

· collective emotional experience;

Testing and training new ways of behaving;

obtaining new information and social skills.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that none of the listed factors individually has a decisive therapeutic value. The therapeutic effect is exerted by the group process, the whole group as a whole.

group ethics

The most important in this problem are questions concerning the ethics of the group leader, the psychotherapist, and questions of intra-group ethics.

A reasonable requirement that should be presented to a psychotherapist is the level of his professional training. Many people believe that any certified doctor or psychologist can conduct group psychotherapy. This is a profound delusion, generated by ignorance, first of all, of the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of group psychotherapy.

Training of competent specialists for group psychotherapy - a rather complicated, time-consuming task and must include at least three stages of training.

The first stage is teaching the therapeutic basics and techniques of group psychotherapy; the second is an internship in a group led by an experienced specialist, the third is personal participation in the group process.

Theoretical basis and the main forms of group psychotherapy are mastered during primary specialization. But experience shows that this is not enough.

The best option for the second stage of training is to work "in pairs" with an experienced psychotherapist. The role of leader is always played by a more trained doctor, but sometimes it is useful to transfer this role to a trainee in the process of training so that he can take responsibility for leadership, and most importantly, “feel” the group. Subsequently, the leadership of the group can be temporarily entrusted to the trainee, but subject to the presence, supervision and support of a professional.

It is very important for a psychotherapist to acquire personal experience group member. A good testing ground for this is

there is a training group. Leaders in such a T-group can be appointed in turn, and the rest act as participants. The participants of the T-group in such conditions acquire an understanding not only of how the leader of the group feels, but also of how the participants feel, experiencing difficulties of frustration, interpersonal relationships, self-disclosure.

In the West, for example, at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, programs of 2-year and 4-year training courses for doctors for group psychotherapy have been developed (Kosevska, Chabala, 1990).

Intra-group ethics includes a range of issues, the most important of which are:

Consent or disagreement to participate in the group process;

Freedom of choice to participate in certain activities of the group;

Prevention of mental trauma.

Parloff (1970) emphasizes that professional group leaders should limit themselves to modest advertising and be open about the limits of their competence and capabilities. At the same time, information about the goals, methods, duration and principles of group psychotherapy, on the contrary, should be as complete as possible. This allows the patient to correctly decide whether to participate in this type of treatment or not.

The second question concerns the more intimate mechanisms of the group process. Therefore, each participant has the right not to participate in certain actions or situations during the work of the group. At the same time, neither the leader of the group, nor the group itself should exert excessive pressure on such a participant, much less force him to sincerity and self-disclosure.

The third question is closely related to the second. The thoughtful selection of individual members in the formation of the group is also important.

Finally, confidentiality is mandatory for the leader and the group as a whole. Everything that is discussed in the group should not go beyond it. Otherwise, the batch process may be interrupted.


General provisions

The history of the creation of training groups is closely connected with the name of the sociologist and psychologist Kurt Lewin. Working first in the laboratory and then in the "field" conditions, Levin came to the conclusion that people in a group constantly influence each other. He argued: “In order to identify their inadequate attitudes and develop new forms of behavior, people must learn to see themselves as others see them” (Lewin, 1951). His "field theory" laid the foundation for "group dynamics" and became the cornerstone in the creation of group psychotherapy.

However, the first training group (T-group) arose by chance. Several natural scientists (Leland Bradford, Ronald Lippitt, Kurt Lewin) created a group of business people and businessmen in 1946, the purpose of which was to jointly study basic social laws (for example, the law of employment) and "losing" various situations associated with their use. In addition to developing optimal solutions and behaviors related to the application of laws, this group carried the first experience of self-disclosure and self-awareness through feedback.

The bands quickly gained popularity as a new effective method training, and the following year a National Training Laboratory (NLT) was established in Bethel, Maine. The main tasks of T-groups, or, as they were then called, “basic skills training groups”, were to teach its participants the basic laws of interpersonal communication, the ability to lead and make the right decisions in difficult situations. Naturally, such groups were not therapeutically oriented at first.

Later, T-groups, according to their intended purpose, began to be divided into groups of skills (training of managers, business people), groups of interpersonal relations (problems of family, sex) and groups of "sensitivity" (groups focused on growth and self-improvement

personality, overcoming indecision, etc.). Nevertheless, the emphasis in T-groups for a long time was on teaching healthy people such role functions as communication with superiors and subordinates, developing optimal solutions in difficult situations, searching for methods to improve organizational performance, etc. (Shein, Bennis, 1965 ).

The founders of T-groups saw the following positive beginnings at the heart of their, as they believed, teaching method:

Application of social sciences (psychology, sociology) in practical life;

Focus on democratic (as opposed to authoritarian) teaching methods;

The ability in the learning process to establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance, the willingness to delve into the problems of any member of the group.

Often, the group faces tasks in which it is difficult to find an objective indicator of the correctness of the solution. Then the opinion of the majority turns out to be the only guideline for behavior for everyone. The situation becomes critical when a member of the group finds that his point of view is contrary to the opinion of others. Then he has an internal conflict: "believe yourself or the opinions of other people." The mere presence of other people is enough to change the feelings of the individual, her emotional states and behavior.

The group is often referred to as an organism. One of the proofs of this is the willingness of group members to converge opinions and psychological qualities. As a result, the group can solve joint problems.

Often, the group faces tasks in which it is difficult to find an objective indicator of the correctness of the solution. Then the opinion of the majority turns out to be the only guideline for behavior for everyone. The situation becomes critical when a member of the group finds that his point of view is contrary to the opinion of others. Then he has an internal conflict: "believe yourself or the opinions of other people." The way out of this difficult situation depends on a number of circumstances, among which the main ones are the following:

  • the complexity of the task to be solved: an increase in the complexity of the task leads to a decrease in self-confidence;
  • experience in solving this type of problem: if the experience is great, the problem is solved easily, but if it is small, then there are difficulties with orientation in the task - to focus on yourself or on other people?
  • the authority of the individual in this group: if it is high, then you can rely on your abilities, but if it is low, then the opinion of others may become preferable;
  • the significance of the group for the one who makes the decision: if a person respects the opinion of the group, and he needs it, then the issue is resolved by agreement with the opinion of the group, if the group is not significant, the choice is focused only on one's own opinion.
Studies have found that the mere presence of other people is enough to change the feelings of the individual, her emotional states and behavior.

Usually, differences of opinion at the beginning of the formation of a group are greater than with the formed structure of relations. To a large extent, common tasks influence the convergence of opinions of group members. In the minds of everyone, they form a readiness to agree rather than dispute the state of affairs. True, exceptions are possible if there is a struggle for leadership in the group. This struggle dictates its own rules of behavior to the members of the group. The struggle for leadership often divides the group into two, with their own leaders in each. This situation is called dual leadership. The resulting factions feed the ego of the leaders, and they complete the split of the group. In this case single task acquires two meanings - separate for each of the subgroups. Rapprochement of opinions becomes the most problematic in such a situation.

At the heart of the change and convergence of opinions is the mechanism of imitation and suggestion. Academician V. M. Bekhterev believed that imitation and suggestion are often poorly understood by a person. People differ in the degree of awareness and criticality in those cases when they have to change their own judgments. One, for example, is aware of the fact of contradictions and agrees with the opinion of the group or leader-manager, but then returns to his own judgment. Another, unconscious of the effect of imitation and suggestion, is so influenced that he ceases to notice the substitution of his own judgment by someone else's (group, leader). Researchers identify the following circumstances that determine the degree of compliance of group members:

  1. The maximum inspiring pressure on a group member is exerted by three people with a single opinion. Especially if these persons have authority.
  2. The influence of the group depends on the position of the person in the group. Persons who are weakly dependent on the group, but highly valued by it, are the least susceptible to suggestion. Usually the abilities of these people are greater than those of the rest of the group, which leads the majority to follow a highly valued leader. It is easier for the more able to choose between the groups in which he has to function.
  3. The unity of opinion is stronger in groups with a democratic system of relations than in authoritarian groups, but there is more order and precision in the authoritarian type of groups. This is due to the fact that in groups with democratic relations, its members switch to interpersonal communication. If the situation is far from extreme, critical, then the effectiveness of joint activities also decreases. The authoritarian system of relations is more effective in difficult, crisis situations. A more rigid distribution of roles and functions not only streamlines the behavior of everyone, but also increases the accuracy of solving managerial tasks.
  4. Opinions expressed aloud have a greater inspiring effect than those received in writing. The exception is documents of higher authorities, which are of particular importance in authoritarian societies. Living witnesses are always more valuable, because papers can be destroyed.
  5. The susceptibility to group pressure depends on the order in which opinions are expressed. Members of the group, who expressed their opinion earlier than others, have a greater influence on the behavior of the rest. The unity of opinion of a large part of the group members has a stronger influence on the statements of the last speakers. To increase the inspiring effect, the leader, the leader can express his opinion not only at the beginning, but also sum up at the end, choosing the optimal course of action.
  6. Exposure to influence from others is significant if a difference of opinion exists, but it is not significant. Optimal is a certain degree of reliability of discrepancies, not reaching the point of absurdity.
  7. In cohesive groups, the pressure of a single opinion on its individual members is stronger than in less cohesive ones. The existing positive relationships bind the members of the group with obligations to each other. In less cohesive groups, its members have little to value except own opinion, so they experience less pressure from each other.
  8. With the threat of punishment, the effect of public consent most often occurs with internal rejection. Dissent, suppressed in every possible way by totalitarian regimes, leads to external unanimity, which ensures the self-preservation of members of groups and society as a whole. However, this external unanimity makes people indifferent, passive, lack of initiative, which leads to a gradual decrease in labor efficiency with external well-being.
  9. The opinion developed by the group is more stable than the individual opinion of ordinary members of the group. Group opinion becomes the norm, a "role model". It is no coincidence that lawmaking at the stage of completion and adoption requires mandatory discussion and voting.
Psychologists have identified the types of behavior of people who have to solve a dilemma: to be independent, but rejected by the group, or to be dependent, but adopted by the group. Three independent and three non-independent types of behavior were identified:
  • The first type of independent people is characterized by complete trust in their own intellectual abilities and life experience. Usually these are people of the older generation with high authority in the past, and even more so in the present.
  • The second type of independent people is characterized by their departure from the pressure of the group while maintaining their own opinion. This behavior is possible in the presence of other significant groups and authorities.
  • The third type of independent people is characterized by significant tension and doubts in terms of choosing decisions. But still, they usually remain unconvinced.
  • The first type of dependent people shows sufficient confidence in their intellectual abilities, but the unwillingness to be rejected by the group makes them accept other people's judgments. They can be considered cautious people.
  • The second type of dependent people relatively easily accepts the point of view of the majority, since they have little confidence in their own intellectual abilities.
  • The third type of dependent people does not notice that their opinion is determined by the point of view of the majority.
Explanations for dependent types of people are varied. Some justify their behavior by the lack of information for correct decision making. Others clearly believe that the majority is always right, so there is nothing to strain.

Exposure to group influences varies by gender. professional activity. Technologists have more confidence in their own knowledge and the opinion of the group is less important to them. Humanitarians and especially social scientists are less confident in the reliability and truth of humanitarian knowledge and are more likely to change their minds in the face of group pressure.

A person's susceptibility to group influences also depends on his psychological qualities. Persons with the following personal characteristics are more suggestible:

  • anxious, emotionally unstable, dreamy and sophisticated
  • having a temperament type close to melancholic and a little less often to choleric (stable sanguine and phlegmatic people react poorly to the opinions of others, even authoritative people);
  • unsociable, responsible and loving order;
  • having original creative thinking and good indicators of theoretical and practical intelligence, although this may seem paradoxical.
Thus, in order to manage a group, the manager must be aware of psychological mechanisms that influence people's behavior. Situations are different, and in each case it is necessary to determine as accurately as possible the reasons for agreement or disagreement, compliance or resistance. Often people's behavior does not depend on economic factors, but from his psychological warehouse, the circumstances in which he has to make a decision.

Civilized relations between entrepreneurs and managers should be based not on momentary profit, but on the future. To do this, you need to find psychologically acceptable options for business relations.

The concept of a group is interpreted in different ways.

Some researchers distinguish conditional groups, i.e. consider the group a conditional association necessary for analysis and statistical accounting.

Others consider the group to be a real formation, where there is a unit of activity, certainty of conditions, thoroughness of signs.

Group classification can be different.

A small group is 2 or more persons (no more than 30) interacting with each other in such a way that each person influences and is influenced by other persons.

The main characteristics of the group:

1. composition, i.e. a set of characteristics by gender, age, prof. Accessories.

2. structure, which is determined by the objectives of the study, conditions.

3. group processes, i.e. roles, status, communication processes, interactions, processes of cohesion, group formation, formation, pressure, leadership, organization of joint activities, decision-making by a group.

4. group norms are elements of group culture, rules of proper behavior.

The composition of the group, norms and processes determine the potential of the group, which is manifested in joint activities.

An activity is considered joint if:

1. employees have a common goal, common motivation, common end results.

2. if the activity is divided into functionally related components, which are distributed among the participants.

3. there is a combination of individual activities and their coordinated implementation, i.e. the presence of management and self-government.

4. spatio-temporal unity of the performance by different sections of the components of activity distributed between them.

Forms of joint activity:

1. jointly - individual activity(team of machine operators);

2. jointly - sequential activity (conveyor);

3. jointly - interacting (construction team);

4. jointly - creative.

In the functional divisions of the organization, domestic researchers distinguish three levels of interconnectedness of work:

1. in parallel - individual;

2. cooperative - individual;

3. cooperative network - the activity of some is impossible without the simultaneous or previous activity of others.

The task of the manager is to form business relationships. Joint activity becomes more successful in conditions of integration, which is achieved when the efforts and actions of each participant are subject to the norms and tasks of the group as a whole. It is in the course of integration that the unification of disparate actions into a collective activity - cooperation takes place.

The internal mechanism of cooperation is cooperation, which involves the unification of the efforts of group members and specialization, coordination of actions.

Specialization changes as participants begin to try themselves in different roles.

Coordination of actions is possible only if the actions of employees are coordinated and streamlined. In a group, collectivist or individual relationships can also be tracked. Leadership can be formal or informal.

With individual work, isolation and alienation are often manifested.

It is in group work that it is easier for a leader to become a leader if his behavior corresponds to the norms accepted in the group, and he “immerses himself” in the work of the group.

With individual work, the leader becomes only a link, distributing, planning and controlling work.

In a small group, it is important that the leader compensates for the qualities of his employees with his qualities.

In this case, subordinates trust him, and he justifies their expectations. This state is called the effects of mutual - compensatory cooperation.

The studies revealed the following pattern:

- the lower the group in terms of its level of development, the less requirements it imposes on the leader, self-confidence, rigidity, aggressiveness on the part of the leader, which is fair.

- the higher the group in terms of its level of development, the more optimal the leader's set of qualities should be.

Group Behavior Factors:

2 openings:


- Hattorn experiments

In the course of the research, trends were revealed towards an increase in labor productivity in the conditions of joint activity by 35-40% compared to individual labor, and by 10% in the conditions of competition.

The Hattorn experiments also show that labor productivity depends on group norms in terms of interpersonal relationships.

In subsequent studies, a pattern was revealed: the group norm can increase several times if the results of the work of each influence the success of the others and depend on their overall success.

The development of group behaviors is determined by the following factors:

1. professional harmony, which is formed by joint work and is manifested in the fact that those groups where it is inherent in interchangeability, complementarity, mutual responsibility.

This factor is supplemented by the satisfaction of employees with their work, which in turn can compensate for some limitations, costs associated with the personal characteristics of a person, and with shortcomings in working conditions and in the organization.

2. interpersonal compatibility, which involves the linking of professional interests in the group field of activity. It implies a psychological readiness for cooperation.

3. moral and psychological cohesion, in which norms of mutual assistance and mutual support are formed on the basis of common ideas about oneself.

Factors of professional harmony and moral and psychological cohesion form the core of the group.

Figure 19 - Models of group behavior (methodology of Yu.D. Krasovsky)

Prof. workability

interpersonal compatibility moral - psychological


Prof. consistency

Typical today

What could be

The strong group has both of these factors skewed proportionally, and this is the indicator of superiority. professional development groups led by a leader.

If one of the factors under the influence of the leader is actualized, then this is already a less developed group, business relations will no longer be the main ones, i.e. conflicts are inevitable and people will not be busy with business.

In less developed groups, the leader is not always the leader, which affects the effectiveness of the group's work.

The success or failure of the group's work is characterized by purposefulness and democracy, productivity and satisfaction with the results of work.

There are also situational variables: group level of aspirations, interactions with other professional groups, leadership positions, group norms, and so on.

2. Formation of a close-knit group.

Cartwright put forward a model of cohesion as the result of the motivation of group membership, that is, it is the result of the motives that induce group members to maintain membership in this particular group, i.e. compatibility of needs and values.

This result is nothing more than the motivating property of the group reflected in its goals, programs, methods of action, prestige.

Cohesion, in his opinion, is the expectation or subjective likelihood that membership will have positive consequences.

The fourth component of cohesion, in his opinion, is a certain average subjective assessment of the consequences of a person's being in different groups.

Group properties:

- attractiveness of group members;

- similarities between group members;

- features of group goals;

- the originality of the relationships of the members of the group;

- Satisfaction with group activities;

— the nature of the leadership;

- making decisions;

- the size of the group;

Group atmosphere.

Complementing Cartwright's model, other researchers introduce the concept of intergroup conflict. It is in this conflict that group members perceive their group as a whole.

From Cartwright's point of view, group cohesion has not only causes, but also consequences:

1. maintaining group membership

2. increasing influence on their members

3. increased participation of group members

4. growth of individual adaptation in the group

5. reduce anxiety

6. productivity.

A. V. Petrovsky: highest level group development is a team that is characterized by cohesion.

The workforce is one of the central concepts social organization which is characterized by joint significant activity. The unity of the goals of the group, the unity of value orientations, leadership discipline - this creates the conditions for normal work.

Team classification:

- formal;

- informal;

- primary - these are teams on the scale of a department, service, site, which are combined on the basis of a separate technological process;

- secondary - on the scale of the workshop, which are combined on the basis of a large amount of technological functions.

The process of forming a team goes through several stages, which the leader should pay attention to.

Cohesion is characterized by the following factors:

- time spent together

- overcoming difficulties by joining the group;

— the size of the group and its composition;

— external conditions;

- past successes or failures.

Growing, motivating and uniting the group:

- group formation;

— organization of positional dynamics;

- cooperation;

productive conflict.

In real life, all these forms can be mixed, replaced by other activities. For example, the cultivation of a group is associated with an acquaintance, which may not happen immediately, but only after a few hours of working together. Group formation is critical because in this process, the foundations of specialization of actions are laid. It is here that coordination and integration of efforts is planned, i.e. this is a process during which it is determined whether individual participants will become a collective subject, whether a synergistic effect occurs.

Group formation is a procedure that involves the support of naturally occurring acquaintances and the convergence of participants.

If the group turns into a team, it will quickly catch up.

The organization of positional dynamics means the roles, functions, positions presented in the group.

1. changing people's behavior towards greater creativity and self-confidence.

2. development of various roles.

3. the acquisition of greater psychological flexibility.

4. the ability to consistently carry out the actions required by this position.

The concept of position differs from the concept of role, although they are close.

A position is a place in the structure of activity that determines a special way of seeing the perception of ongoing events, a special direction of action.

A role is an expected pattern of behavior accepted in a society.

It is necessary to distinguish between position and personality, especially in conflict.

In group work, there are three types of positions: functional, role, personal.

The functional position corresponds to the professional position of a person.

The role position is allocated depending on the place that the group member occupies in the meaningful work.

Known Characteristics of Roles:

- erudite

— analyst

— diagnostician: has a developed figurative thinking

- idea's generator

- developer: indispensable when finalizing other people's ideas

- simulator: creates visibility in work

— critic

— integrator

The cohesion of the group is controversial, often accompanied by role contacts, the reasons for which may be:

1. contradictions that were originally embedded in the content of the role;

2. the contradiction between a person and his assigned role in the organization;

3. contradiction between the role and its perception, organizational environment;

4. contradiction between this role and some other roles.

These inconsistencies can be resolved:

1. by changing the content and ways of performing the role (i.e. changing your job).

2. change of the individual himself (in the direction of self-improvement).

3. permutation of people

Formal - this is the position of a person in the formal hierarchy, the distribution of influence on activity, i.e. these are the powers of the performers. It can also be determined by the environment of the organization.

Informal - transmitted to a person by people around him (depends on the personal characteristics of the performer of the role). Informal can elevate the importance of the role and vice versa.

Speaking about personal aspects, one should pay attention to the individuality of a person.

Personality is made up of:

1. difference from others;

2. similarities with others;

3. dissimilarity to others.

Everyone has something in common with others and is unlike others.

Individuality is more manifested in a long period of time, because. individuality is stable, although it can change (slightly) under the influence of experience.

Individuality is formed under the influence of 3 groups of factors:

1. Heredity and physiological characteristics;

2. environmental factors (family, immediate environment, general culture, society).

3. traits and characteristics of a person's character (i.e., individuality influences its formation).

Personality can be described as follows:

- how a person behaves in relation to others;

- observing sensitivity to other people;

— risk perception;

- dogmatism (character trait of people with limited views);

- sphere of control.

If a person believes that his behavior depends on him, then he has an internal sphere of control.

If a person believes that his behavior depends on the circumstances, then he has an external sphere of control.

In this regard, there are:

- internals (believe in their own strength);

- externals (deny personal responsibility).



Types of behavior in a group

In social psychology, there are four main types of behavior of people in a small group.

Separating type. Well expressed individual orientation. The optimal solution of problems is possible only in conditions of relative isolation from the group, independently.

driven type. The tendency to conformity, imitation, voluntary submission is expressed. The optimal solution of a group task is possible in contact with more confident and competent members of the group.

leading type. The individual is oriented toward power in the group. The optimal solution of problems is possible under the condition of subordinating other members of the group to oneself.

collaborating type. The individual constantly strives to solve problems jointly with others and follows the group in cases of reasonable decisions.

Knowledge of the types of behavior of group members helps the psychotherapist in the distribution of roles, contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of psychological incompatibility of its individual members.

The coincidence of a formal and informal leader in one person simplifies the situation, a mismatch makes the group process more complicated.

Group process

The concept of a group process (group dynamics) was first introduced by Kurt Lewin in 1936. The central idea of ​​this concept is that the laws of behavior of individuals in groups should be sought in the knowledge of the “social and psychological forces” that determine them.

In the future, this concept in relation to psycho-correctional groups was developed by Rogers, Shut-

Cem and others (see section: "Carl Rogers and Client-Centered Therapy").

Kelman (Kelman, 1963) considers group psychotherapy as a "situation of social influence", and identifies three stages in the group process: compliance; identification; assignment.

According to Kelman, members of a psychotherapeutic group are, firstly, subject to the influence of the psychotherapist and other members of the group; secondly, they identify with the psychotherapist and with each other; thirdly, they appropriate group experience. Kelman believes that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is not enough to “compliance” with the norms and rules of the group - it is also necessary to assimilate what has been learned and master it. Group members must learn new feeling skills (pliability), respond to the group (identification), and apply them to specific real-life situations (appropriation).

From the moment of its creation to the completion of the treatment process, a psychocorrectional group goes through several stages (phases) of its development.

Most researchers of this issue come to the conclusion that the group process, starting from the stage of adaptation, through the resolution of intra-group conflicts (the second stage), eventually comes to cohesion and effective problem solving (Tuckman, 1965; Bennis, Shepard, 1974 and etc.).

This staging of group development stems from Schutz's theory of interpersonal relationships (Schutz, 1958). According to Schutz, in the early stages of the development of a group, its members tend to inclusion in the situation. At this stage, a sense of belonging to the group begins to form and a desire to establish adequate relationships with all its members.

In the second stage, the need for situation control, negativism. There is rivalry and a desire for independence, a desire to stand out, to take a leading position. In the third stage begins to dominate need for affection Group members establish a close emotional bond with each other. To the fore

cohesion, a sense of openness, closeness, empathy.

Kratochvil (1978) distinguishes four phases of group development.

The first phase (orientation and dependence). There is an adaptation to new people and an orientation: “What kind of treatment is this?” "What do we do?" "How will this help me?" Group members are anxious, insecure, dependent. Some withdraw into themselves, others talk about their illnesses, but at the same time everyone is waiting for information and instructions from a psychotherapist.

The second phase (conflicts and protest). There is a tendency to self-affirmation, the distribution of roles begins: active and passive, leading and “oppressed”, “favorites” and “unloved”, etc. Dissatisfaction arises both with each other and with the psychotherapist, and as a result - disappointment in the method itself treatment.

If at the first stage of the formation of the group the psychotherapist was an idol for all members of the group, now he is being thrown off the pedestal, reduced to the level of "an idler and a charlatan". Dissatisfaction with the psychotherapist is further enhanced if he refuses a leading, authoritarian role. Emotionally stressful intensity reaches its climax:

discussions of the patient turn into a "comradely court", a conversation with a psychotherapist - into a conflict. If the psychotherapist is not experienced enough, then the collapse of the group is possible at this phase.

Third phase (development and cooperation). Emotional tension decreases, the number and severity of conflicts decrease. There is a consolidation of group norms and values. The struggle for leadership recedes into the background. There is a need for belonging to a group, a sense of responsibility for common interests becomes relevant. Mutual understanding, sincerity, intimacy are born between members of the group. Dialogues become more frank and trusting. The individual develops a sense of security, the confidence that the group will protect him. There is a desire to open up, relations with a psychotherapist normalize.

The fourth phase (purposeful activity). The group becomes a working collective, a mature social system. Its members reflect, consult, make decisions. Positive feedback is being established, which is not violated even in cases where negative emotions and conflicts are deliberately allowed to be discussed.

In domestic psychotherapy, it is customary to single out the adaptive, frustrating, constructive, and implementation phases of group dynamics (Slutsky, Tsapkin, 1985, etc.). In principle, this dynamic is no different from the dynamics described by Rogers, Kratochvil et al.

What are healing factors psychotherapy group? According to Jalom (1975), there are ten.

Cohesion. This is a characteristic of the degree of connectedness, the unity of interpersonal relations in a group. The increase in cohesion contributes to the strengthening of interaction between group members, intensifies the processes of social influence, and increases the satisfaction of everyone.

The suggestion of hope. Belief in the success of the group process already has a therapeutic effect in itself.

Generalization. People tend to see their life problems and illnesses as unique. In the process of group development, they become aware that others have similar problems and illnesses. This identification of one's own problems and experiences has a therapeutic effect.

Altruism. Behavior focused on the satisfaction of other people's interests without conscious consideration of their benefits for themselves. Behavior aimed at providing disinterested assistance to any member of the group, regardless of what social position he occupies outside the group.

Provision of information. This refers to the information and reasoning necessary for a member of the group for self-awareness and self-disclosure.

Multiple transfer. Any difficulties in the field of communication and social adaptation, being determined by the events of the present and the past, must

manifest themselves in group communication. The emotional attachment of the patient to the psychotherapist and to other members of the group is considered, investigated and, if necessary, subjected to a rational and realistic assessment.

Interpersonal learning. The group serves as a testing ground for exploring positive and negative emotional responses and trying out new behaviors. Group members are convinced that they can openly ask for help and support from others and selflessly help themselves.

Development of interpersonal skills. In a group, all its members explicitly or implicitly improve their ability to communicate. Various techniques are used to develop interpersonal skills, including feedback and role play.

imitating behavior. Teaching appropriate behavior through observation and imitation of the behavior of others. At the beginning of the group process, the behavior of the psychotherapist or other group members who have received his approval is imitated. Gradually, group members begin to experiment, using the many patterns of behavior offered in the group for support.

Catharsis. Discussing hidden or repressed (“unacceptable”) needs in a group, focusing on unanalyzed emotions such as guilt or hostility, leads to self-understanding, self-disclosure, and ultimately to relief.

Kratochvil (Kratochvil, 1978) gives a different list of therapeutic factors of the psychotherapeutic group:

participation in the work of the group;

· emotional support;

helping others;

· self-manifestation;


· Feedback;

Insight (understanding of previously unrealized relationships);

· collective emotional experience;

Testing and training new ways of behaving;

obtaining new information and social skills.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that none of the listed factors individually has a decisive therapeutic value. The therapeutic effect is exerted by the group process, the whole group as a whole.

group ethics

The most important in this problem are questions concerning the ethics of the group leader, the psychotherapist, and questions of intra-group ethics.

A reasonable requirement that should be presented to a psychotherapist is the level of his professional training. Many people believe that any certified doctor or psychologist can conduct group psychotherapy. This is a profound delusion, generated by ignorance, first of all, of the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of group psychotherapy.

Training of competent specialists for group psychotherapy - a rather complicated, time-consuming task and must include at least three stages of training.

The first stage is teaching the therapeutic basics and techniques of group psychotherapy; the second is an internship in a group led by an experienced specialist, the third is personal participation in the group process.

The theoretical foundations and main forms of group psychotherapy are mastered during primary specialization.

But experience shows that this is not enough.

The best option for the second stage of training is to work "in pairs" with an experienced psychotherapist. The role of leader is always played by a more trained doctor, but sometimes it is useful to transfer this role to a trainee in the process of training so that he can take responsibility for leadership, and most importantly, “feel” the group. Subsequently, the leadership of the group can be temporarily entrusted to the trainee, but subject to the presence, supervision and support of a professional.

It is very important for the psychotherapist to gain personal experience as a member of the group. A good testing ground for this is

there is a training group. Leaders in such a T-group can be appointed in turn, and the rest act as participants. The participants of the T-group in such conditions acquire an understanding not only of how the leader of the group feels, but also of how the participants feel, experiencing difficulties of frustration, interpersonal relationships, self-disclosure.

In the West, for example, at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, programs of 2-year and 4-year training courses for doctors for group psychotherapy have been developed (Kosevska, Chabala, 1990).

Intra-group ethics includes a range of issues, the most important of which are:

Consent or disagreement to participate in the group process;

Freedom of choice to participate in certain activities of the group;

Prevention of mental trauma.

Parloff (1970) emphasizes that professional group leaders should limit themselves to modest advertising and be open about the limits of their competence and capabilities.

At the same time, information about the goals, methods, duration and principles of group psychotherapy, on the contrary, should be as complete as possible. This allows the patient to correctly decide whether to participate in this type of treatment or not.

The second question concerns the more intimate mechanisms of the group process. Therefore, each participant has the right not to participate in certain actions or situations during the work of the group.

Group and group behavior

At the same time, neither the leader of the group, nor the group itself should exert excessive pressure on such a participant, much less force him to sincerity and self-disclosure.

The third question is closely related to the second. The thoughtful selection of individual members in the formation of the group is also important.

Finally, confidentiality is mandatory for the leader and the group as a whole. Everything that is discussed in the group should not go beyond it. Otherwise, the batch process may be interrupted.


General provisions

The history of the creation of training groups is closely connected with the name of the sociologist and psychologist Kurt Lewin. Working first in the laboratory and then in the "field" conditions, Levin came to the conclusion that people in a group constantly influence each other. He argued: “In order to identify their inadequate attitudes and develop new forms of behavior, people must learn to see themselves as others see them” (Lewin, 1951). His "field theory" laid the foundation for "group dynamics" and became the cornerstone in the creation of group psychotherapy.

However, the first training group (T-group) arose by chance. Several natural scientists (Leland Bradford, Ronald Lippitt, Kurt Lewin) created a group of business people and businessmen in 1946, the purpose of which was to jointly study basic social laws (for example, the law of employment) and "play" various situations associated with their use. In addition to developing optimal solutions and behaviors related to the application of laws, this group carried the first experience of self-disclosure and self-awareness through feedback.

Groups quickly gained popularity as an effective new teaching method, and the following year a National Training Laboratory (NTL) was established in Bethel, Maine. The main tasks of T-groups, or, as they were then called, “basic skills training groups”, were to teach its participants the basic laws of interpersonal communication, the ability to lead and make the right decisions in difficult situations. Naturally, such groups were not therapeutically oriented at first.

Later, T-groups, according to their intended purpose, began to be divided into groups of skills (training of managers, business people), groups of interpersonal relations (problems of family, sex) and groups of "sensitivity" (groups focused on growth and self-improvement

personality, overcoming indecision, etc.). Nevertheless, the emphasis in T-groups for a long time was on teaching healthy people such role functions as communication with superiors and subordinates, developing optimal solutions in difficult situations, searching for methods to improve organizational performance, etc. (Shein, Bennis, 1965 ).

The founders of T-groups saw the following positive beginnings at the heart of their, as they believed, teaching method:

Application of social sciences (psychology, sociology) in practical life;

Focus on democratic (as opposed to authoritarian) teaching methods;

The ability in the learning process to establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance, the willingness to delve into the problems of any member of the group.

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In the entire chain of interrelated activities in personnel management, from hiring an employee to leaving the organization, from 50 to 80% of managers' time is spent on group activities. The effectiveness of any leader is closely related to the understanding of the characteristics of group work and the ability to act correctly as a member of the management team and manage their own work group. Research recent years shed light on some of the forces at work in groups that affect performance.

Most of the materials in this section are taken from the developments of M.A. Robert and F. Tilman, as well as the works of Handy, where short review scientific research on work in groups. Moreover, Handy gives a systematic overview not of groups in general, but in relation to managerial groups created in organizations to address current issues of activity.

Most HR courses provide guidance on how to make teams more effective. These include issues such as: leadership style; methods used to solve problems and develop solutions; processes that help the group focus on its task and smooth out conflicts between group members. These questions are the most important for understanding the topic introduced in the section title.

Before proceeding to consider the factors that affect the effectiveness of the work of management groups, let's try to list at least most of the ideas, provisions regarding groups in general, and not just groups created to solve any problems in organizations. And in order to really understand what a complex phenomenon we are talking about, let us recall the classic experiment of M. Sheriff, where the unconscious influence that a group can have on individual perception was demonstrated. He placed the group in a dark room and asked everyone to focus their eyes on a spot of light. Each member of the group was then asked in turn to say in which direction the light traveled and how far it traveled.

The concept of a group and group behavior.

Although the light did not actually move at all, there were many differences in individual responses to this question. However, when everyone individually gave their answers, the group very quickly came to an agreement on the direction and magnitude of the movement of the light, and a group decision was reached, although it differed in many cases from the specific opinions that people had expressed before.

The behavior of individuals may seem very strange, especially if there is no obvious explanation for this behavior, but the behavior of people in groups can be even more strange. So:

People live in groups in a state of constant interdependence.

Members of the same group have common norms and pursue common

Groups have different functions. All of them are more or less
her specialized. In fact, their specialization depends
sieves from the needs of the people.

12-224 353

Individuals participate in many groups. The group is natural
essential and inevitable part of human life. There are posts
clear, temporary and random groups.

Some groups are free. They are entered by
desire. Others are obligatory (having been born,
we do not choose a family, an ethnic group or a nation).

Working groups can be formal or informal.
Formal groups are characterized by an organized structure.
Social relations here are of an impersonal nature and are carried out
come through predefined roles. These roles are
tendency to formalize in accordance with the norms determined by
our external environment, culture. In an informal group, there
vue personal social relations, which are carried out in ro
fields determined by the internal environment. The contents of these roles are
result of interaction within the group.

It is always difficult to influence group norms. It's easier to
to do from within and very difficult to perform from without, unless the person
which carries out this influence from the outside, does not have confidence
and the respect of the group.

All groups put pressure on their members to
make them conform to the norms of the group (norms of behavior, speech,
productivity, attitude to management, production, over
lesson work, etc.).

Groups as a whole generate fewer ideas than individual members
we are groups, but the group gives the best ideas: with better elaboration,
with a comprehensive assessment, with a greater degree of responsibility for

Groups (oddly enough) accept more risky
decisions than individual group members. In all likelihood, once
there is a certain type of "groupthink" in which
the group feels invulnerable. This trend became known as
risk shift phenomenon.

Conflict between groups and within a group is quite natural.
venous phenomenon (us and them, those in and out of the group). Can
be: personal conflicts, interpersonal, ownership conflicts
nosti, intergroup, social. Consequences of conflicts - about
the formation of subgroups, the removal of dissenting members, the selection of “goats
la scapegoat", organizational changes in the group, the emergence
or change of leader, breakup of the group.

Understanding groups (and the forces that shape and influence them) is essential to effective governance.

7.3.1. General goals of the group

It is known that the behavior of a person is a reaction aimed at changing the situation in order to meet their needs. The purpose of behavior is to change the situation. When the goal is not achieved and the situation cannot be changed, a new state sets in, which leads to other actions. Now take the case where two people behave in each other's presence in such a way that their goals are mutually achieved. For example, an inventor has an idea but no money. The other person has the means, but he has no idea. It should be noted that their needs, motivations and goals may be completely different. But at the level of their behavior there is interdependence. Their meeting relieves tension. This is a good day for both!

Or - a group of friends: satisfaction from interaction, satisfaction from communication, while motivations and personal goals may be different.

Thus, interdependence and interaction are the starting point of group dynamics. This process explains:

belonging of the individual to the group, attractiveness of the group and membership in the group;

formation of informal groups;

the emergence of roles in the group (some individuals more than others meet the needs of the group and contribute to the improvement of the situation in the group. This happens, for example, when there is a merry fellow in the group, the soul of the team, the bearer of ideas, etc.).

Thus, we can say that a group is a collection of people that arises as a result of their interaction. They mutually reduce the stress of each and allow each to achieve his own goals. But this is not enough to achieve the effectiveness of the work of formal groups created at the enterprise to solve certain problems.

Perhaps the following definition will be more useful: a group is any collection of people who perceive themselves as a group with some common purpose.

What is " common goal»?

We note first that group goals, like the goals of each individual, are not necessarily clear and conscious.

In addition, we emphasize that common goals are not purely formal goals imposed by the organization on its members. Here we are trying to explain the fact that

the members of the group do share common goals, whether they are proposed by the organization or not. And thirdly, the similarity of personal goals is still not enough to give the group a common goal.

For example, three young men want to marry the same girl. Their goals are similar, even the same. But this is not a general goal. This is not the purpose of the group.

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The interaction between a person and a group is always two-way. A person, by his work, by his actions, contributes to the solution of group problems, but the group also has a great influence on a person, helping him to satisfy his needs of security, love, respect, self-expression, normalization of personality, elimination of worries, etc. It has been noted that in groups with good relationships, with an active intra-group life, people have better health and better morals, they are better protected from external influences and work more efficiently than people who are in an isolated state, or in free groups affected by insoluble conflicts and instability.

The group protects the individual, supports him and teaches both the ability to perform tasks and the norms and rules of behavior in the group.

But the group not only helps a person to survive and improve his professional qualities, it changes his behavior, making a person often significantly different from what he was when he was outside the group. These influences of a group on a person have many manifestations. Let us point out some significant changes in human behavior that occur under the influence of the group:

Under public influence, changes occur in such characteristics of a person as perception, motivation, sphere of attention, rating system, etc. A person expands the scope of his attention by increasing attention to the interests of other members of the group. His life is dependent on the actions of his colleagues and this significantly changes his view of himself, his place in the environment and others;

In a group, a person receives a certain relative "weight". The group not only distributes tasks and roles, but also determines the relative position of each. Members of the group can do exactly the same work, but at the same time have different weight in the group, and this will be an additional essential characteristic for the individual, which he did not and could not have, being outside the group, for many members of the group this characteristic may be no less important than their formal position;

The group helps the individual to gain a new vision of his "I". A person begins to identify himself with the group, and this leads to significant changes in his worldview, in understanding his place in the world and his destiny.

Being in a group, participating in discussions and developing a solution, a person can also give out suggestions and ideas that he would never have given out if he had not thought about the problem alone;

The effect of a brain attack on a person significantly increases the creative potential of a person.

In a group, a person is much more inclined to take risks than in a situation where he acts alone, in some cases this feature of changing human behavior is the source of more effective and active behavior of people in a group environment than if they acted alone, it is wrong to think that the group changes a person the way she wants. Often a person resists many influences from the group for a long time, he perceives many influences only partially, he denies some completely.

Can not understand anything?

The processes of adaptation of a person to a group and adjustment of a group to a person are ambiguous, complex and often quite lengthy.

Entering a group, interacting with the group environment, a person not only changes himself, but has an impact on the group, on its other members. Being in interaction with a group, a person tries to influence it in various ways, to make changes in its functioning in order to. so that it is acceptable to him, convenient for him and allows him to cope with his duties. Naturally, both the form of influence and the degree of influence of a person on a group essentially depend both on his personal characteristics, his ability to influence, and on the characteristics of the group. A person usually expresses his attitude towards the group from the standpoint of what he believes, while his reasoning always depends on the position that he occupies in the group, on the role he plays, on the task assigned to him and, accordingly, on what goals and interests he personally pursues.

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