Esoterics      04/27/2020

Final summary of world history 9

World history of modern times. 1918 - beginning of XXI V. Grade 9 Koshelev V.S.

Mn.: 2019. - 256 p.

Tutorial for grade 9 institutions of general secondary education with the Russian language of instruction.

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From authors 3
Part I. World History of Modern Times: 1918-1945. 5
§ 1. World after the war 5
Section I. Countries of Europe and the USA in 1918-1939. 10
§ 2. The establishment of the foundations of the post-war world 10
§ 3. Western Europe and the USA in 1918-1929 16
§ 4. World economic crisis and Western countries 22
§ 5. The fight against fascism in European countries on the eve of World War II 27
§6. International relationships in the 1930s 32
§ 7. Countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe 36
§ 8. Science and culture of Western Europe and the USA in the interwar period 42
Generalizing questions and tasks for section I 47
Section II. History of the Soviet state: 1917-1939 48
§ 9. October Revolution and establishing Soviet power in Russia 48
§ 10. Civil war 53
§ 11-12. Course towards building socialism 59
§ 13. Political development Soviet state 66
§ 14. Cultural transformations in the USSR 71
Generalizing questions and assignments for section II 76
Section III. Countries of the East and Latin America: 1918-1945 77
§15. China 77
§ 16. India 82
§ 17. Japan 86
§ 18. Muslim world 90
§ 19. Latin America 95
Section IV. Second World War. Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people 100
§ 20. The beginning of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic Wars 100
§ 21. A radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War 106
§ 22. Fight against invaders in the occupied territory 111
§ 23. Soviet rear during the war 116
Section 24. The final stage World War II 123
Part II. World history of modern times: 1945 - the beginning of the XXI century in 129
§ 25. The main trends in the development of the countries of the world after the Second World War 129
Section V. European countries and USA 134
§ 26. United States of America 134
§ 27. Great Britain 139
Section 28 France 144
§ 29. Germany 149
Section 30 Italy 155
§ 31. Countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe 160
§ 32. Science and culture of Western Europe and the USA 165
Generalizing questions and tasks for section V 171
Section VI. History of the USSR and Russian Federation 172
§ 33. USSR in 1945-1953 172
§ 34. USSR in 1953-mid-1960s 177
§ 35. USSR in the mid-1960s - early 1980s 182
§ 36. The policy of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR 187
§ 37. Russian Federation 192
§ 38. Science and culture in the USSR and the Russian Federation 197
Generalizing questions and tasks for section VI 203
Section VII. Countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America after World War II 204
§ 39. The collapse of the colonial system 204
§ 40. China in 1945-1978 209
§ 41. Chinese People's Republic 213
Section 42 Japan 218
Section 43 India 223
§ 44. Countries of the Muslim world 228
§ 45. Countries of Latin America 232
§ 46. Local wars and conflicts 238
Generalizing questions and assignments for section VII 242
Chronological table 243
Historical dictionary 246
Literature for reading 252

Subject: World history




The purpose of the lesson: Systematize the material covered

Lesson objectives:

Contribute to the consolidation of students' knowledge in the section

Continue the formation of educational and logical skills: generalize, analyze, compare, prove, evaluate ( historical figures, events, phenomena of public life).

Contribute to the education of students' respect for the historical past of mankind.

MO: multi-level tasks

During the classes

    Stage . Update of previous knowledge.


    create a psychological and emotional mood in the lesson

    check the quality of knowledge

    close the gaps

    prepare for learning new topic through repetition

    Greeting, psychological set up the class for the lesson, goal setting.


    1. Tests

Control tests

Test number 1.

1. The First World War began:

A) in 1916; b) in 1915; c) in 1914; d) in 1913

2. For the first time, chemical weapons were used in the battle under:

A) Verdun b) Yprom; c) Marna; d) Paris.

3. The German master plan for the First World War was developed by:

A) O. Bismarck; b) A. Schlieffen; c) F. Ferdinand; d) F. Shekhtel.

4. Indicate the excess in the above sentence. In 1915 on the side tripartite alliance fought:

A) Austria-Hungary; b) Bulgaria; c) Germany; d) Italy.

5. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in:

a) 1918; b) 1919; c) 1920; d) 1921.

6. Which event happened before:

a) Young's plan; b) the Dawes plan; c) plan "Barbarossa"; d) plan "Ost".

7. The Treaty of Rapallo was signed between the countries:

a) Russia and Germany b) Russia and France;

C) Russia and Turkey; d) Russia and England.

8. The first government of the Popular Front in France was headed by:

A) E. Daladier; b) M. Thorez; c) L. Blum; d) F. Thiers.

9. The global economic crisis occurred during the period:

A) 1929-1933; b) 1927 - 1932; c) 1929-1935; d) 1931-1935

10. In Great Britain the general strike took place in:

A) 1929; b) 1931; c) 1933; d) 1935

11. Indicate the excess from the proposed list:

A) M. Thorez; b) R. Poincare; c) L. Blum; d) E. Daladier.

A) in 1919, b) in 1918, c) in 1917, d) in 1916

13. The first Soviet government - SNK headed:

A) V. Lenin; b) I. Stalin; c) Ya. Sverdlov; d) V. Molotov.

14. In the USSR - "the year of the great turning point":

A) 1929; b) 1930; c) 1928; d) 1932.

15. Indicate the excess from the proposed list:

A) the nationalization of industry; b) militarization of labor;

B) surplus appraisal; d) concessions.

16. Period civil war in Spain is:

A) 1933-1937; b) 1936-1939; c) 1937-1941; d) 1934-1938

17. Specify an event that happened later:

A) march on Rome

B) the creation of the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis;

c) the coming to power of the Nazis in Germany;

d) the coming to power of the Nazis in Italy.

18. The Weimar Republic lasted:

A) from 1919 to 1929; b) from 1918-1927; c) from 1920-1928; d) from 1921-1932.

19. The beginning of the revolution in Hungary is considered:

A) November 1917; b) November 1918; c) November 1919; d) November 1920

20. The head of the Polish state became:

A) M. Horthy; b) Y. Pilsudsky; c) I. Dashinsky; d) I. Vyshensky.

21. Declaration on the unification of Serbia and the South Slavic lands of Austria-Hungary in independent state got the name:

A) Serbian b) Corfu; c) Belgrade; d) Croatian.

22. Democratic movement in 1919 in China it is called:

23. The "Father of the Turks" was called:

A) Reza Khan; b) Mustafa Kemal; c) M. Gandhi; d) Abdul-Hamid.

24. Palestine was a mandated territory:

A) Great Britain b) USA; c) France; d) Russia.

25 "Anti-Comintern Pact" between Germany and Japan was concluded:

A) in 1936, b) 1937, c) in 1938; d) in 1939

2. Match the events:

UK, France. Germany, Italy, USA

1 Georges Clemenceau

2 Center party

3 Lloyd George

4 "14 points of W. Wilson"

5 G. Stinnes, E. Borsig, E. Kirdof

6 Ramsay McDonald's

7 Fascism

8 " New Deal F. Roosevelt"

9 Alexander Millerand

10 Beer coup

11 from 1924 - 1929 a conservative government was in power

12 Matteotti Crisis

13Law "On Assistance to Farmers"

14 possessions of the country of Morocco and Syria

15 Avanti Newspaper

3) Fill in the missing words

1. Years first world war ________________________

2. The military-political bloc, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, was called ______________________________ and was created in ___________________

3. The military-political bloc, which included France, England, Russia, was called _______________________________ and was created in _______________

4. The reason for the First World War was _________________________ in the city of _____________________ in __________________

5. On November 11, 1918, an event occurred _________________________________________________ (where and what)

6. How many states participated in the First World War _______________________

7. Permanent members of the Council of the League of Nations

8. Countries of the winner over the former colonies of Germany and possessions Ottoman Empire established guardianship known as _____________________________________

9. The system of the imperialist world established by the victorious states after the First World War

10. The work of the conference ended with the signing of ________________________________________________________________________________________________

In the 9th grade, you will continue to study the history of the New Age and get acquainted with the second period of this era. But before mentally setting off on a journey through the countries of the 19th - early 20th centuries, let's think again about what history is. What place does it occupy in a person's life? Are the events that happened regular or random? What determines the passage of time? Maybe history is just us humans? Your teacher will help you answer these and many other questions, because without him a journey into history is the same as sailing on a ship without a captain.

Napoleonic Wars.
By the time Napoleon came to power in 1799, France was already at war with Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Turkey, and others. Strengthening his position in the country, Napoleon simultaneously pursued an aggressive foreign policy: The main direction of this policy was conquest wars against European monarchs. The victory over the Austrian troops in northern Italy in 1800 marked the beginning of Napoleon's dominance in Europe. In 1805-1807. napoleo-
The new army defeated Austria and Prussia, Russia was forced to sign a humiliating peace. The next five years were the heyday Napoleonic Empire, which included all the countries of Western Europe, except for England, which turned out to be impregnable on its island.

In the era Napoleonic Wars political map Europe has changed dramatically. Napoleon cut and reshaped it at his own discretion. Three of his brothers became kings of the conquered countries of Europe. The Holy Roman Empire of the German nation ceased to exist. Its emperor was now content with the title of Emperor of Austria. And on the territory of South and West Germany, 16 German states formed Confederation of the Rhine under Napoleon's protectorate. From the Polish lands that belonged to Prussia, the Duchy of Warsaw was created.

From the author
§1. World in the 19th - early 20th centuries
Section I. Western Europe
§2. Western Europe in early XIX V
§3. Main features of economic development
§4. Great Britain in the 19th - early 20th centuries
§5. France in the 19th - early 20th centuries
§6. Revolutions of 1848-1849 in Italy, Austrian Empire, Germany
§7. Germany in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century
§8. International workers' and socialist movement
§9. Education, science and technology
§10. Fiction
§eleven. art, architecture, music
Generalizing questions and tasks for section I
Section II. One America - two worlds
§12. USA in the first half of the 19th century
§13. The rise of the United States to a world power
§14. American literature and art
§15. Latin America
Section III. Russian state. Slavic countries
§16. Russia in the first half of the 19th century
§17. Science and culture in Russia in the first half of the 19th century
§18. Internal and foreign policy Russia in the second half of the 19th century
§19. The revolutionary movement and the policy of autocracy
§20. Russia at the turn of the century
§21. Russia in 1905-1917
§22. Science and culture in the second half of the 19th century
§23. The struggle of the Slavic peoples for national independence
Generalizing questions and assignments for sections II and 111
Section IV. Asian and African countries
§24. Japan
§25. China in the first half of the 19th century
§26. The overthrow of the monarchy in China
§27. India
§28. Muslim world
§29. The territorial division of Africa in the XIX century
Generalizing questions and assignments for section IV
Section V. World War I
§thirty. Causes of the war and the course of hostilities in 1914-1916.
§31. Major events and the course of hostilities in 1917-1918.
Final summary
Chronological table
Dictionary of historical terms and concepts
Events in the history of modern times in fiction.

Free download e-book V convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book World History of Modern Times, XIX-beginning of XX centuries, Grade 9, Koshelev V.S., 2010 -, fast and free download.

  • World History of Modern Times, 1918 - the beginning of the XXI century, Textbook for the 9th grade of institutions of general secondary education with the Russian language of instruction, Koshelev V.S., 2019
  • World history of modern times, 1918-beginning of the XXI century, Grade 9, Koshelev V.S., Krasnova M.A., Kosheleva N.V., 2019
  • World History of Modern Times, Grade 9, XIX-beginning of XX century, Koshelev V.S., 2010
  • World History of Modern Times, Grade 9, XIX-beginning of XX century, Formation of industrial civilization, Koshelev V.S., Krasnova M.A., 2010

The set of tasks presented on this page will help 9th grade students prepare for the Olympiad in world history. We suggest teachers to use these tasks in the classroom to give students the opportunity to look at their level of readiness for the Olympiad, to summarize and repeat the program material, to learn how to compare and analyze data, and draw conclusions.

Also, the presented tasks will help 9th grade students prepare for the World History Olympiad on their own. At the bottom of the page you will find the correct answers to all questions. We added them so that after completing the assignments, students can quickly evaluate themselves.

Olympiad in World History Grade 9

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Test tasks

1. World War I ended:
A) March 3, 1918
B) October 5, 1918
C) November 19, 1918
D) November 11, 1918

2. Which of the events happened later than the others:
A) Bulgaria's entry into the war
B) Brusilovsky breakthrough
C) "Nevel massacre"
D) Sarajevo murder

3. In what cities did the meetings of the heads of the three largest allied powers - the USSR, the USA, and England take place during the war?
A) Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam
B) Tehran, Moscow, Berlin
B) Cairo, Rome, Tokyo
D) Tehran, Rome, Moscow

4. Read the text and determine the name of the document in question.
“If we do not come to the aid of Greece and Turkey at this fateful hour, the consequences will be far-reaching both in the east and in the west. We must take immediate and decisive action. In view of the foregoing, I request Congress to authorize assistance to Greece and Turkey in the amount of $400,000,000 for the period up to June 30, 1948."
A) W. Churchill's Fulton speech
B) the Marshall plan
B) the Truman Doctrine
D) the Eisenhower Doctrine

5. The Dawes Plan is:
A) plan for the implementation of the demilitarization of the right bank of the Rhine
B) a plan to reduce the overall size of German reparations
C) a plan to eliminate all forms of control over the German economy
D) a plan to ensure the payment of reparations by Germany through the revival of its national economy

6. Which countries have become permanent members of the UN Security Council?
A) USSR, USA, England, France, China
B) USSR, USA, England, Germany, Japan
C) USSR, USA, China, India, Poland
D) USA, England, France, India, Poland

7. Signs of an authoritarian political regime include:
A) the dominance of one obligatory ideology
B) multi-party system with the control of the ruling elite over political life
C) the important role of civil society organizations
D) full control over the media

8. In what year was the United Nations established?
A) in 1945
B) in 1947
B) in 1950
D) In ​​1953

9. The Anschluss of Austria took place in:
A) 1935
B) 1936
B) 1938
D) 1939

10. What does not correspond to the concept of blitzkrieg?
A) the rapid advance of troops deep into enemy territory
B) the role of the main striking force is assigned to tank and mechanized formations that bypass and surround enemy troops
C) aviation not only provides direct support to its troops, but also strikes at strategically important objects deep behind enemy lines, lands landings to capture them
D) protracted battles are being waged to deplete enemy troops

Open questions

Question 1
Enter the missing word.
The leading role at the Paris Conference belonged to the French Prime Minister ..., nicknamed the "Tiger" for his political aggressiveness and perseverance. From his point of view, France had a full moral right to the utmost cruelty against Germany - a right acquired at the cost of huge sacrifices.

Question 2
Main historical events 19th century deployed under the slogan "...".

Question 3
Impressionist artists sought to express momentary impressions of constant and subtle changes in the state of ... and ... on the canvas.

Question 4
The act of armistice between Germany and the Entente, signed on November 11, 1918 near Paris, was called ....

Subject: World history Grade:9 Date:29.10.2014 Repetition The purpose of the lesson: Systematize the material covered
Lesson objectives: Contribute to the consolidation of students' knowledge in the sectionContinue the formation of educational and logical skills: generalize, analyze, compare, prove, evaluate (historical figures, events, phenomena of social life).Contribute to the education of students' respect for the historical past of mankind.MO: multi-level tasks

During the classes

    Stage . Update of previous knowledge.
    create a psychological and emotional mood in the lesson check the quality of knowledge close the gaps prepare for the assimilation of a new topic through repetition
    Greeting, psychological set up the class for the lesson, goal setting.
Control tests Test number 1. 1. The First World War began:A) in 1916; b) in 1915; c) in 1914; d) in 19132. For the first time, chemical weapons were used in the battle under:A) Verdun b) Yprom; c) Marna; d) Paris.3. The German master plan for the First World War was developed by:A) O. Bismarck; b) A. Schlieffen; c) F. Ferdinand; d) F. Shekhtel.4. Indicate the excess in the above sentence. In 1915 fought on the side of the Triple Alliance:A) Austria-Hungary; b) Bulgaria; c) Germany; d) Italy.5. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in:a) 1918; b) 1919; c) 1920; d) 1921.6. Which event happened before:a) Young's plan; b) the Dawes plan; c) plan "Barbarossa"; d) plan "Ost".7. The Treaty of Rapallo was signed between the countries:a) Russia and Germany b) Russia and France;C) Russia and Turkey; d) Russia and England.8. The first government of the Popular Front in France was headed by:A) E. Daladier; b) M. Thorez; c) L. Blum; d) F. Thiers.9. The global economic crisis occurred during the period:A) 1929-1933; b) 1927 - 1932; c) 1929-1935; d) 1931-193510. In Great Britain the general strike took place in:A) 1929; b) 1931; c) 1933; d) 193511. Indicate the excess from the proposed list:A) M. Thorez; b) R. Poincare; c) L. Blum; d) E. Daladier.12. February Revolution happened:A) in 1919, b) in 1918, c) in 1917, d) in 191613. The first Soviet government - SNK headed:A) V. Lenin; b) I. Stalin; c) Ya. Sverdlov; d) V. Molotov.14. In the USSR - "the year of the great turning point":A) 1929; b) 1930; c) 1928; d) 1932.15. Indicate the excess from the proposed list:A) the nationalization of industry; b) militarization of labor;B) surplus appraisal; d) concessions.16. The period of the civil war in Spain is:A) 1933-1937; b) 1936-1939; c) 1937-1941; d) 1934-193817. Specify an event that happened later: A) march on Rome B) creation of the axis "Berlin - Rome-Tokyo";c) the coming to power of the Nazis in Germany;d) the coming to power of the Nazis in Italy.18. The Weimar Republic lasted:A) from 1919 to 1929; b) from 1918-1927; c) from 1920-1928; d) from 1921-1932.19. The beginning of the revolution in Hungary is considered:A) November 1917; b) November 1918; c) November 1919; d) November 192020. The head of the Polish state became:A) M. Horthy; b) Y. Pilsudsky; c) I. Dashinsky; d) I. Vyshensky.21. The declaration on the unification of Serbia and the South Slavic lands of Austria-Hungary into an independent state was called:A) Serbian b) Corfu; c) Belgrade; d) Croatian.22. Democratic movement in 1919 in China it is called:A) "Movement on March 5"; b) "Movement on January 10";C) "May 4 Movement"; d) "Movement of June 15".23. The "Father of the Turks" was called:A) Reza Khan; b) Mustafa Kemal; c) M. Gandhi; d) Abdul-Hamid.24. Palestine was a mandated territory:A) Great Britain b) USA; c) France; d) Russia.25 "Anti-Comintern Pact" between Germany and Japan was concluded:A) in 1936, b) 1937, c) in 1938; d) in 19392. Match the events:UK, France. Germany, Italy, USA 1 Georges Clemenceau 2 Center Party 3 Lloyd George 4 "14 points of W. Wilson"5 G. Stinnes, E. Borsig, E. Kirdof6 Ramsay McDonald's 7 Fascism 8 F. Roosevelt's New Deal9 Alexander Millerand 10 Beer coup 11 from 1924 - 1929 a conservative government was in power12 Matteotti Crisis13Law "On Assistance to Farmers"14 possessions of the country of Morocco and Syria 15 Avanti Newspaper 3) Fill in the missing words

1. Years first world war ________________________ 2. The military-political bloc, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, was called ______________________________ and was created in ___________________ 3. The military-political bloc, which included France, England, Russia, was called _______________________________ and was created in _______________ 4. The reason for the First World War was _________________________ in the city of _____________________ in __________________ 5. On November 11, 1918, an event occurred _________________________________________________ (where and what) 6. How many states participated in the First World War _______________________ 7. Permanent members of the Council of the League of Nations 8. The countries of the victor over the former colonies of Germany and the possessions of the Ottoman Empire established guardianship known as _____________________________________ 9. The system of the imperialist world established by the victorious states after the First World War 10. The work of the conference ended with the signing of ________________________________________________________________________________________________