Jurisprudence      04.02.2020

Student failure. Research work on the topic: "The problem of school failures School failures

Natural instincts make us be right there at any difficult moment in the life of our children. But is it always worth it? We all want our children to be "well done": they studied well at school, entered a good institute, made a good career. But in this desire, we do not distinguish where we provide assistance, and where - a disservice.


  • it's you, yes, yes, here you are, rushing to school to bring a lunch forgotten by a child on the table or homework
  • grab a pencil and hurriedly finish the rest of the math assignments, because it’s time for the child to sleep
  • you yourself whip up all those school creative tasks, where you need to cut, write, stick and sew, signing them with the name of your child

But being successful for your children is not the same as having your children succeed on their own. Failure makes children strong and less receptive, and only personal experience can teach them how to react correctly to the fact that failures happen, that the world is not perfect and how to deal with it.

Every bruise during training is minus one bruise in a real fight. The fact is that it does not happen that everything works out. And it is very useful for children to experience failure, but not in really important things, of course. Give them the opportunity to practice “failures”, this will teach them not to, draw conclusions, correct actions and understand their emotions, manage them.

Responding positively to failure, children should admit your mistakes(at their own request, and not at the sight of an angry parental gaze). A lot of research has been done by various scientists on a topic known as "attribution theory". Based on these studies, the idea was confirmed that a child who admitted to getting a bad one promises much better academic results than a child who said that his homework was eaten by a dog. This is the basis of the academic system, which directly depends on the child's ability to make mistakes, experience failures and at the same time a) be sincere and honest, admitting his mistakes, and b) learn to correct and experience them as a lesson, and not as a drama of a lifetime.

In order to teach a child to cope with failure, it is necessary, first of all, let go of your own high demands to him.

In the anthology of all parents “Communicate with the child. How?" Julia Gippenreiter writes about this: “It is useless to demand from a child the impossible or very difficult, for which he is not yet ready. It is better to change something outside of it, in this case, your expectations. For example, it is impossible for a five-year-old boy to stand in line for a long time in one place. All parents have expectations about what their child can or should already do and what they should not do. If expectations are too high, the result is a negative experience for the parents. This does not mean that we should not "raise the bar" for the child, i.e. cultivate in him a practical mind, responsibility, obedience. This must be done at any age. But the bar cannot be set too high. And most importantly - follow your reaction. Knowing that a child is learning new heights, and misfires are inevitable, can greatly add to your tolerance and allow you to take his failures more calmly.

Next, you need draw a line: where you are still a child, and where you no longer interfere in the process of acquiring his own experience. Again, the words of Gippenreiter: “If it is difficult for a child and he is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him. At the same time: 1. Take upon yourself only what he cannot do himself, leave the rest to him to do. 2. As the child masters new actions, gradually transfer them to him. Rules 1 and 2 do not contradict each other, but simply refer to different situations. In situations where Rule 1 applies, the child does not ask for help and even protests when it is given. Rule 2 is used if the child either directly asks for help, or complains that he “does not work out”, “it does not work out”, that he “does not know how”, or even leaves the work he started after the first failures. Any of these manifestations is a signal that he needs help. Let's go together: it's very good to start with these words. These magic words will open the door to the world of new skills, knowledge, hobbies for the child.

Be an example for their children. Parents often completely protect the child from any information about life: financial, household, relationships with relatives, their work, creating around the child a world of always happy and trouble-free dad and mom. Sometimes, on the contrary, they unnecessarily devote the child to the problems of the family, discussing some troubles with him, sighing sadly and showing dissatisfaction with the “dullness of being” with all his appearance. Do not blame adult problems on the child, but also do not make a happy face at a bad game: be sincere and optimistic in your judgments and actions. “No, I definitely won’t go to the magistracy,” one talented student told the professor. “My father always complained so much and was so unhappy until he received this title ... I will never agree to this in my life.”.

Cultivating a positive attitude- this is when the child failed the test or wrote the control poorly, and instead of condemning you, you will deal with the results of this work together. And, above all, pay the attention of the child to those complex examples which he managed to solve correctly and on his own! Well, then - it's up to diligence in study, which, perhaps, will not be marked with a good mark soon, but will nevertheless become more noticeable in practice.

Emphasis on strengths a child is the best "cure" for failure. The mission of every parent is to help the child discover his strengths, even if they lie somewhere outside school curriculum. Imagine how you would feel if during the working day you constantly had to focus on your weaknesses. You would hardly feel motivated, and the same with children. Give them the opportunity to be successful: you can read more about this in our material "".

Nikolaeva D.V.

I have to admit that childhood failures begin with school. While you are raising your child in some kind of space protected from external influences, you know for sure that your baby is the smartest (after all, even weeks old he was able to find you with his eyes and smile only at you, not dad, not grandmother, but you), the most beautiful, the most wonderful child in the world. And if he was rude to you or beat a friend in the sandbox, then you only pretend to be angry: “Oh, you are my dragon chick!” In short, the crow says to the crow: “My little white!”, - and the hedgehog to the hedgehog: “My smooth!” Everything changes when this real, miraculously inherited treasure goes to school. Because only from this terrible moment you are forced to correlate your own ideas about your child with the idea of ​​​​others, often, alas, unfriendly.

My eldest daughter, it seems, spoke to me in an instructive tone from birth. And to tell the truth, the difference in age was not so great, only some nineteen years. “Mom,” she says forcefully, “school is a prison!” “But there are good schools- I object timidly. - “How good prisons are,” the daughter concludes mercilessly.

Of course, we were very young and inexperienced parents. We grew up a smart, self-confident girl, who looked with some irony at those around her and treated them patronizingly. Like many early children who have no one to look up to, she called me by my first name, and this added to the charm of her self-confident demeanor. Once we were visiting a “decent house” with her, and the prim hostess turned to me with the question: “Dasha, and who is your husband by profession?” “My husband is a director,” I answered her, curling my lips and squinting my eyes in an effort to match the whole atmosphere of the reception. Four-year-old Ksenya considered it necessary to intervene: “Dasha, what are you doing,” she said reproachfully and, smiling broadly, turned to the guests, “my dad is building a cowshed!” And she left to play with the dog, leaving me to babble that my husband was graduating from the directing department of GITIS and in the summer, in order to earn extra money, he really contracted with a friend to build a cowshed. At that time, common sense was still at odds with me, and it did not occur to me to bring down the parental wrath on the child for this sweet innocence.

Even now, twenty years later, I cannot remember her first teacher, Dina Georgievna, without horror. At the very first parent-teacher meeting, it turned out that half of the cash registers were untrained. At that time, I did not yet know the often used teacher's technique - half-class losers, but each individual parent is presented with the case in such a way that his child is the worst. And now you no longer believe your own impressions, you forget that in the last happy pre-school summer your child read the entire Robinson Crusoe with his dad, that he is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics at the Olympic reserve school and already has the fourth youth category, but remember only that he is "the worst in the class" at writing letters. “The best in the world” in your eyes is rapidly turning into a dull chronic loser, with whom even her best friend Varya is afraid to talk at school so as not to incur the wrath of the teacher. I am ashamed to remember everything that followed and I do not want to. How could I believe them, how could I be on the same side of the barricades with them, how could I, even in rare moments, look at my daughter with their eyes, in which, quite obviously, a fragment of Andersen's crooked mirror was stuck?!

Thank God, my daughter turned out to be an amazingly resilient person, everything that happened only strengthened her character and tempered it like steel. What if there was someone softer in her place?

Today, I am not only an experienced parent of a schoolchild (our third child is finishing the eighth grade), but also a teacher, a class teacher of the graduating class, who has studied this institution from the inside.

There is a picture in the eyes. Fifth grade. I announce the grades for the dictation written the day before. By chance, my gaze falls on the face of the girl at the first desk. Such horror is written on it - an open, twisted grimace mouth, crazy eyes, a tense pose. I involuntarily look around, afraid to see what frightened the child so much. I don’t find anything terrible, and other children are completely carefree. It turns out that the girl is so afraid to hear that she does not have a five. The girl has a caring mother, there is nothing unusual in this, all five-grade gymnasium students have caring parents, they all go to school regularly. parent meetings, delve into what is happening in the classroom, are interested in the studies of their children. Why do other guys react calmly to their grades? From my point of view, although I will never show it, this student is rather weak. The girl does not have a developed fantasy, she does not understand texts very well, she is not able to quickly and interestingly answer questions, which most of her classmates can handle. But she has a set of qualities that are valued above all else in elementary school. Neat, obedient, beautiful handwriting, she does not take perseverance for cramming, she is not indifferent to the shortcomings and frivolity of others. Such a positive Sid from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This is a case exactly opposite to my own in sign (instead of minus - plus), but completely identical, in fact, the mother focuses not on her child, but on the attitude of the school to the child and, having tasted this poisoned potion, begins to demand more and more from him portions of praise.

Just passed in our school last call. My senior class gave their traditional last concert. The script was based on a detective story - the USE killed education. The plaintiff at the hearing was Common Sense, who, of course, was sentenced to forced labor. It seems to me that it is common sense that instantly changes a person when it comes to school. You are immediately infected by this disfigured attitude towards normal human manifestations. You instantly forget all the children's books you've ever read. There was no Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, there was no Conduit and Shvambrania, there were no numerous free and poetic losers, whose personality was measured not by school grades and diligent behavior, but by their human qualities - kindness, courage, loyalty to friendship and much more. Your son got a D in geometry - what a nightmare! Skipping a chemistry lesson - a disaster! He ran along the corridor, he yelled at the lesson, he muttered in his hearts under his breath, scolding the teacher for being a fool (a neighbor on the desk overheard and reported). He lost his cell phone, he looks terrible in this school uniform, he cannot pull himself up on the bar (everyone can). The math teacher hates him. Why does she love you? Here stop, dear! Every child has something to love. And yours, the best in the world - especially!

And I'm tired of being modestly silent about the main thing - the teacher is obliged (!) To love children. We are afraid to even think about it, most believe that the work of a teacher is so terribly hard, and they pay him so terribly little, that they require him to treat his students with love, so that he honestly chooses this profession, and not because he can’t do anything else, he couldn’t enter any university, etc., it’s simply impossible. I'll tell you a secret - the work is not hard, they pay quite a lot in Moscow today. And there is good teachers. There are even a lot of them, but still not enough for everyone. And other aunts get it, who yell, hate, humiliate, and most importantly, they blame their inability to teach on the child - unteachable, abnormal, dissolute! And it is they who we have to go on about? Do you agree with them? In no case!

Of course, you can not scold his teacher in the presence of a child. But we have a lot of ways to make it clear to the child that you do not share the opinion of the teacher about him. And if it starts to seem to you that it doesn’t matter if your child is kind, if he pities stray dogs, if he has friends, if he reads books “not according to the program”, but it’s only important that he is praised at school, shake your head so that shake off the obsession! For example, dad told our daughter fairy tales, where at the most pathetically terrible moment, a French teacher in a copper helmet on a white horse appeared out of the dark and uttered her formidable cry-spell “Sit down, two!”. This translation of school problems that seem unsolvable to a child into a playful, fabulous space riddled with irony, I think, helped Xena to endure, not be afraid, to believe that not everyone who was locked up in prison was a criminal.

The school is in a sorry state right now. There are actually more and more underachievers who are given triples to get rid of. Moreover, these are not sick children, as they also like to tell us. These are children who are not interested, who do not understand why this is necessary, and on whom today's school has no control (and, thank God, no). This is known even to officials. And they talk a lot about the need to teach differently, that it is necessary to create an atmosphere of children's success in school. They speak their "pseudo-scientific volapuk", pronounce words that can be understood and pronounced ordinary person difficult: “creating a community of children and adults at school, a thought-activity approach to pedagogy, methods of transferring innovative technologies”, etc. You can say anything, but experience shows that many teachers feel much more comfortable in the atmosphere of a traditional lesson, in the alignment of forces “I am a teacher, you are a fool”, to descend (to descend, or maybe, on the contrary, to rise?) level they strongly disagree. They are incapable of doing anything together with children (children-adult community).

Again, a real life example. It is very difficult for me to involve the eleventh graders in the general cleaning of the school. I have no way to force them, no methods that will give immediate results. And the school must be cleaned by a certain day and hour. I tell my students that if they don't clean up, I will. This does not make the desired impression on them, since they have long been accustomed to false threats that are never carried out because they cannot be carried out, and they do not take them seriously. On the appointed day, a very small number of my “confidants” come, who alone obviously cannot cope with the volume of work. I crawl along the corridor with them, washing black stripes, I scrub the battery and the wall with them, I carry a bucket and a dirty rag and do everything so that this cleaning ends as soon as possible. Half an hour later, they call me to the director.

Daria Vilyamovna, is it true that you clean instead of children, you should not do this.

First, I jump out of the director's office, like a person convicted of something shameful, but on the way I ask myself the question, what, in fact, did I do wrong, what inappropriate example did I set for my students? And I return to the director with these questions. The teacher is sitting in the office, who immediately resolves my bewilderment.

Don’t you understand, the children ask me the question, why does Darya Vilyamovna clean for her students, and you don’t clean for us, that I should answer them!

The indignation of a colleague is boundless. But it is not clear why they ask me for the inability of a graduate to answer questions asked by children. I hate pedagogical happy endings, but sometimes they happen in reality. The next cleaning is attended by some of those who violently resisted, including Kirill Arkhipov, who amuses the audience with groans: “I myself can’t believe that I came to clean!”

Or here is an entry that I made recently in my “Diary of a class teacher”.

We had a “project week” at our school. Honestly, I don’t care what it’s called, but the fact that despite the malicious hissing about the “failure of the program” of some of my (seditious thought - lazy?) Colleagues, the feast of liberated knowledge continued for a whole week, inspired children rushed around the school, and unregulated hours created some other times completely amazing projects, it was great!

I, as always, was not aware of everything that was happening until the last minute, until, when I arrived at school, I found lists of the distribution of all children into groups on the wall in the hall. In passing, she was surprised that Alena was in the group, it seems, in mathematics, Sonya in chemistry, and Dasha and Ksyusha in geography. At the lesson, they prayed - we want to join your group. I had to run to Svetlana Petrovna, to persuade her to hastily create group number seventeen. And just last week, Alena bombarded me with Nabokov's vicious remarks about Dostoevsky, not hiding her triumph - that's what an authoritative like-minded person I have, now try to argue with me. And Ksyushka wrote an angry letter to Korney Chukovsky, whose article about Oscar Wilde I gave her to read, and even the message that Chukovsky had died a long time ago did not cool her ardor.

The authorities quickly figured out how to link our aspirations and general theme project week, and we went on a quest for a literature program that would suit everyone and encourage children to read. Dasha drew wonderful pictures, on one of which Alena, clumsily holding an ax, brings it over Dostoevsky's head, on the other Ksyushka strangles Korney Chukovsky, and behind her stands the avenged Oscar Wilde. At first, we were a little stunned by the unheard-of happiness that fell on us - for a whole week to talk and argue about literature. It seemed to us that we had a lot of time, so on the second day we went to the Turner exhibition at the Pushkin Museum, which obviously had no direct relation to the topic of our design work. By the end of the week, it became clear that we were not on time, and everyone was working in a rush mode. What they didn’t do at school, they took home (voluntary homework due to necessity, not coercion), everyone did what they could and liked, Ira Golikova turned out to be an unsurpassed connoisseur of modern youth fantasy stories and dashed off a whole recommendation list with brief annotations. The problem I posed was originally: why don't children read? But literally from the very first meetings it was fiercely attacked and began to be refined and overgrown with causes and effects. It turned out, first of all, that children read, only, as the majority of respondents said, not always “according to the program”. (All projects required sociological surveys, so delegations with the most unexpected questions constantly appeared on our doorstep). All week at school there were no failures!

I was the only one who failed. Like when I went with my group to the office of the Samokat publishing house, I wanted them to capture the spirit of elitism and the atmosphere of the incubator in which books are born. And when they left, Alena asked: “I didn’t understand why we went there?” But my son Seva has smelled the "atmosphere" and now he travels to communicate with the editors (I suspect, not least, that they are young and nice), jealously refusing to accompany me.

It is difficult, thinking about the project week, to separate in your deluded consciousness the true feelings from those that should be presented to the public during all kinds of public reflections at numerous teachers' councils. But still, the feeling remained, like from a flight. I'm afraid that nothing like this will happen again, because even the enthusiasm of our "deputy for science", Zoya Pavlovna, is not enough to dismiss the "weighty arguments" against such a pastime. The main argument is that after this it is very difficult for children to enter into a working rhythm, i.e. to return to the routine and boring serving of the sentence.

It seems that I admire myself, that I set myself up as an example to follow. Nothing like this! I have very few abilities to be "together with the children", I diligently cultivate them in myself, because I know that this is the only way to make the warden an ally, even if he is also a prisoner in this prison called the school.

Yesterday Ksenya read to her daughters a wonderful fairy tale by Dmitry Sedov. About how one mother had a cannibal son. Every day he caught a baby in the forest and asked his mother to fry him for dinner. And the mother declared this next child the lost sister or brother of the cannibal. The tale ends with the words: "The family is gradually growing, and the cannibal now has to work three jobs to feed his younger brothers and sisters." And it's all about childhood failures and unsuccessful children.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://www.portal-slovo.ru were used.

Nikolaeva DV I have to admit that children's failures begin with school. While you are raising your child in some kind of space protected from external influences, you know for sure that your baby is the smartest (after all, even weeks old he knew how to find

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school failure

The disciple is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be kindled. K.D.Ushinsky

IN Lately in our educational institution the problem of school failure has increased - the discrepancy between the student's educational success and the requirements of the school curriculum.

The number of underachieving schoolchildren (results learning activities, which are much lower than the requirements of the curriculum) exceeds 30% of the total number of students.

15 to 40% of students elementary school experiencing various difficulties in the process of schooling.

To understand the reasons for the failure of schoolchildren, to find ways to overcome it, to teach children to learn is the goal of every educational institution.

The task of the teaching staff:

  • create an atmosphere in the school conducive to the development of the personality of each student;
  • to form in students a sense of dignity, self-respect, significance, uniqueness of their personality.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the school period of a person's life. Many of the problems of an adult can be better understood by looking back at his school years. The point is not whether a person studied successfully or not, but how comfortable he felt at school, how his relations with teachers and classmates developed. It is under the influence of these circumstances that certain personal qualities are formed.

Grades are the main indicator of a student's success. It is to get a “good” mark at any cost that teachers and parents set up the student.

Reasons for school failure

  • Neuropsychological(individual features of the anatomical maturation of the child's brain):
  • The requirements of the educational process are ahead of the age readiness to fulfill the tasks assigned to the child;
  • The conditions of the social environment in which the child grows up and which interferes with the normal period of development (intra-family relations, poor living conditions).
  • Psychological and pedagogical(age of the child, didactic and methodological system of education):
  • The age of the child starting systematic schooling;
  • Didactic-methodical system of education (traditional or developing curricula focused on "tomorrow" in the mental development of the child).
  • Psychological(psychological readiness for schooling, intelligence, temperament):
  • Divergence of requirements educational process to the level of implementation of the cognitive activity of the student, with real level his mental development (attention, memory, thinking);
  • Psychological readiness (motivation, intellect, will, nature of social development);
  • Temperament (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic).

As a result of many years of work, the teaching staff of the school came to the conclusion that education should be consistent with the level of development of the child, and training in developmental programs raises more high level mental development students.

The influence of temperament on the success of learning activities

  • Sanguine type of temperament

Features of temperament: liveliness, mobility, quick response to external events, relatively easy experience of failures and troubles.

: to convince of the need to bring the work started to the end, for a deeper assimilation of the material, pay attention to interesting aspects of the task, encourage, talk about work prospects, develop a sense of responsibility, exactingness to oneself, perseverance in work.

As positive aspects sanguine students have energy, quick reaction, sharpness, speed of transition from one type of activity to another. They are cheerful, are by nature leaders.

The disadvantages include superficiality in working with educational material and therefore the superficiality of its assimilation, restlessness, insufficient endurance, instability and insufficient depth of feelings, the absence of persistent cognitive and professional interests, "dispersion" and the diversity of interests.

  • Choleric type of temperament

Features of temperament: speed, impetuosity, the ability to devote themselves to business with exceptional passion, but are not balanced, prone to violent emotional outbursts, abrupt changes moods.

Recommendations for working with students: create a calm, balanced atmosphere of the social environment, prevent the appearance of affects (switch attention from the object that caused negative emotions to some "neutral" object).

Choleric students are characterized by irascibility, harshness, intemperance, intolerance to remarks addressed to them, high conceit.

The fast pace of the letter negatively affects its quality (bad handwriting, omission of letters); haste when reading leads to underreading of words or to their incorrect reading and, as a result, to poor understanding of what is read, errors in performing computational operations.

The reason for the difficulties is the natural high speed of nervous processes.

  • phlegmatic temperament type

Features of temperament: slowness, equanimity, stability of aspirations, constancy of mood, a weak external expression of a state of mind.

Recommendations for working with students: to develop composure, organization, the ability not to waste personal time on “buildup”. It is useful to seat such a student with a more mobile classmate.

Sukhomlinsky called phlegmatic students "silent slow-witted". He wrote: “The teacher wants the student to quickly answer the question, he does not care much about how the child thinks, take out and put down the answer and get a mark. He is unaware that it is impossible to speed up the course of a slow but mighty river. Let it flow in accordance with its nature, its waters will surely reach the intended boundary, but do not rush, please do not be nervous, do not whip the mighty river with a birch vine mark - nothing will help. Such children need more time to complete tasks of a cognitive nature, for practical exercises, for preparing an oral answer at the blackboard. They are resigned to moving and speaking more slowly than other children, and make no attempt to act at a fast pace.

  • Melancholy type of temperament

Features of temperament: slight vulnerability, mental fatigue, increased accuracy, diligence, a tendency to deeply experience even minor failures.

Melancholic students quickly become mentally fatigued. The weakness of the nervous processes also means a reduced resistance to the influence of failures. They produce an inhibitory, disorganizing effect on such children. On the contrary, systematic encouragement, instilling faith in own forces, the disclosure of reserves that have not yet been used gives such a student the opportunity to show the advantages of his temperament (increased accuracy, diligence, thoroughness), which leads to academic success.

Types of underachieving students

I type characterized by a low quality of mental activity and a positive attitude towards learning

Characteristic features: use familiar template ways of working even when new tasks cannot be solved with their help. The pace of the class work is beyond their power, so they do everything hastily, carelessly. Failure in learning for them is not a source of moral experiences.

The main drawback is a pronounced mental passivity. To achieve good results, they can write off, eavesdrop, deceive. Obey the requirements of the class team and establish good relations with it.

  1. Develop mental activity.
  2. Conduct educational work.

II type characterized high quality mental activity and a negative attitude towards learning

Characteristic features: self-organization in the process of work, success in learning depends on whether they like the subject or not. They avoid active mental work in the classroom and when preparing homework in those subjects that require great mental effort and stress from them. Compensate for their failure in learning conflicts with classmates, protests, demonstrative pursuits of extraneous activities in the classroom.

  1. To carry out educational work aimed at changing the properties of their personality, to form a new attitude towards school, towards learning.

III type characterized by a low quality of mental activity and a careless or negative attitude to learning with a partial or complete loss of the position of the student

Characteristic features: experience significant difficulties in acquiring knowledge, do not master the teaching methods, carelessly relate to learning, to the results of their activities. In the process of cognitive activity, they do not go beyond the boundaries of firmly acquired everyday concepts. Yielding in mental development to classmates, they are burdened by staying at school. They strive to subordinate the unstable part of students to their influence, to use their services during non-school and school hours. Their school interests are connected with physical education and labor lessons. Outside of school, they are interested in wandering the street, gambling, sitting in the entrance and more.

  1. Formation of cognitive needs.
  2. Overcoming negative tendencies (forming right attitude to work and to educational work in particular through social useful activity a team).

The teaching staff of the school has developed a psychological and pedagogical approach to underachieving students:

  • providing dosed assistance to an adult in the performance of intellectual tasks by schoolchildren;
  • offer feasible tasks for self-fulfillment;
  • be sure to encourage the correct performance of tasks;
  • provide individual and differentiated approaches to learning;
  • address gaps in knowledge;
  • during the survey, do not rush the answer, give the opportunity to think it over, get acquainted with visual aids;
  • when explaining new material, take into account the nature of the cognitive activity of students, the pace of their assimilation, use visual teaching aids more widely;
  • contact them more often with questions, involve them in discussions.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Plan. 1. Causes of student failure 2. Didactic means of dealing with academic failure 2.1 Pedagogical prevention 2.2 Pedagogical diagnostics 2.3 Educational therapy 3. Literature

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PURPOSE: - to learn the leading concepts: school failures, pedagogical prevention, diagnostics, therapy; -consider possible reasons failure of schoolchildren; -determine the main ways and means of dealing with learning failures. School failures can be covert or overt. Hidden failures are observed when the teacher does not notice defects in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. These defects most often concern the material worked out in the previous classes. Thus, the starting point for weak student performance in learning is hidden failures, very small gaps in knowledge or skills in the field of only one subject or even the topic of the lesson. These gaps, if the teacher does not identify and eliminate them in time, can lead to obvious failures. The latter, in turn, are first temporary, and then - after relatively stable failures - lead directly to repetition and dropouts.

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1. REASONS FOR STUDENT FAIL school failures arise for various reasons, which almost never act in isolation. Complexes of causes mainly cover socio-economic, biological-psychological and pedagogical, including didactic, conditions. Studies conducted by E. Radlinskaya (Poland), R. Galem (France) indicate that among the complex of socio-economic reasons common cause poor progress are the poor material living conditions of children. Most repeaters are malnourished children who do not have appropriate clothes, textbooks, etc. Most of them cannot count on parents' help with homework, low cultural level of parents, their hostile attitude towards school, unfavorable family circumstances , excessive workload of children with homework, etc. - all these are additional reasons for the failure of children.

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Most researchers who have focused on studying the relationship between the level of mental development of children, determined to a large extent by the inclinations of heredity and academic failures, have come to the conclusion that they can be the result of physical deficiencies of various kinds. nervous disorders etc. The authors identify such reasons of a biopsychological nature as a general weakness of the body, a weak type of higher nervous activity, impaired vision, hearing, disorders in the emotional and volitional sphere, low level of development of cognitive abilities, instability of attention, etc. In general, modern authors are far from overestimating the role of innate inclinations in the process of human growth and development. They see the main sources of school failures not so much in unfavorable innate inclinations as in the incorrect development of these inclinations.

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Many researchers pay attention to the significant impact that some character traits have on academic performance, as well as emotional factors such as rewards and punishments. The positive influence of praise, a sense of success, self-confidence was already established in the 1920s thanks to the research of the American E.B. Khurmok and confirmed by the Soviet psychologist S.L. Rubinshtein. Strong influence the nature of students on their school fate is noted in their works by French researchers. Thus, Andre Le Gal argues, for example, that students of the lively-reflective type usually show extraordinary abilities in languages, in the field of natural sciences and in philosophy. Phlegmatic type - to technical sciences and at the same time the lack of abilities for the sciences of the abstract plan. In general, all researchers come to the unanimous opinion that innate inclinations to a certain extent determine the school fate of students, but other causes of mental origin play a more significant role, the occurrence of which depends on the work of the school, the influence of the conditions in which the student lives.

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Modern educators and psychologists generally do not agree with the overestimation of the influence of socio-economic and biopsychological causes on the success or failure of students in their studies. In their opinion, educational work, conscious and purposeful efforts of the teacher play a decisive role in the fate of students. One of the main pedagogical reasons for poor progress is too rigid, uniform system of education. This system makes it difficult to individualize educational work and in many cases makes it impossible to connect school studies with life, the needs of children and youth, dooming the weak to failure, and even the best without creating conditions that ensure their full development. Often the reason for the insufficient success of students is the unsatisfactory work of the teacher in terms of didactics.

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Almost all researchers believe that the effect of educational work at school depends primarily on the teacher. This is evidenced by the following facts: - in the same school, with the same students and under the same conditions, some teachers achieve good results, while others achieve satisfactory or unsatisfactory results; - the style of the teacher's work, the methods he uses, his attitude towards students play a much greater role than the conditions and content of work in different classes and in lessons in different subjects; - despite worse conditions (lack of space, combined classrooms), some teachers achieve good results. Numerous groups of researchers see the causes of school failures in various defects contained in such means as textbooks, study guides, in imperfection curricula and programs, in overloading students with classes. There is also a relationship between children's attitudes to learning and to school and learning outcomes. In turn, the child's attitude to learning depends mainly on the interest in learning, as well as on the objectivity of the evaluation of his work.

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2. DIDACTIC TOOLS TO COMBAT LEARNING FAILURES To eliminate some of the causes of school failures, such as lack of proper family support for the student, unfavorable material conditions, etc., the teacher, as a rule, can have only a slight influence and his abilities are limited in this respect. He has comparatively greater possibilities in relation to counteracting those causes of school failures of the student, which lie in himself and the means of his work. Therefore, the main didactic means of preventing and eliminating school failures include: - pedagogical prevention, including problem and group learning; - pedagogical diagnostics, primarily the use of such methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes that allow you to immediately identify emerging gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of each student; - pedagogical therapy, especially the elimination of the identified lag in the area of ​​the studied program material by individualizing the teaching in the classroom, as well as additional classes organized by the school.

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2.1 Pedagogical prevention The results of the process of education and upbringing largely depend on the forms and methods of teaching and upbringing used by the teacher. Such forms and methods that contribute to the growth of the effectiveness of the learning process include problem learning. The work of students (in the classroom) in teams of several people on certain problems of a practical or theoretical nature leads to an increase in interest in learning, accustoms to collectively overcome difficulties, creates conditions for the exchange of opinions, develops critical thinking, teaches rational methods of planning and organizing work, etc. .d. That is why problem-based learning in groups is one of the essential conditions successfully deal with school failures.

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2.2 Pedagogical diagnostics The basis of pedagogical diagnostics is the teacher's conversations with students and their parents, observation of students, visits by the teacher to the student's family, test studies, meetings of teachers. Classroom teacher should also cooperate with the parents of students, with youth organizations, with other teachers in order to know the interests of the student, inclinations, the optimal pace of work for him, etc. Knowing all this allows the teacher to ensure rational individualization of educational work both in the classroom and and during extracurricular learning outcomes in various forms, in order to identify as early as possible the gaps that individual students have in mastering the program material. The main means of accomplishing this task are systematically conducted studies of learning outcomes for each section of the program. Based on these results, tables are compiled on the types of errors made by students. These tables can serve as a starting point in the analysis of the work of individual teachers and in deciding whether to use appropriate methodological tools to eliminate possible shortcomings in the work.

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2.3 Pedagogical therapy Knowing the gaps in the knowledge of individual students, the teacher uses various forms of work to eliminate them. For example, he can instruct students to perform individualized homework, conduct individual consultations, pay special attention to weak students during the lesson, develop a common line of educational influences with parents, etc. If all these forms individual work will not lead to desired results, then the teacher should direct him to the appropriate leveling group. Classes in leveling groups should take place after school hours. In these groups, students must work independently under the guidance of a teacher. Both the group lesson plan and the evaluation of the results obtained should be discussed during teacher meetings. Knowledge of the mistakes made by students and revealed through studies of learning outcomes forms an additional factor that allows teachers to individualize learning in leveling groups.

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The composition of these groups should not be constant. It is right for students to participate in their work until the gaps are filled. Some students work simultaneously in two or even three leveling groups. Programmed texts are very useful in filling gaps in students' knowledge. They allow students to work independently at their own pace and force them to systematically monitor and evaluate their results. Singling out among the pedagogical reasons for the failure of students in school studies that are relatively dependent on the teacher. among the latter, the following groups can be distinguished: - various methodological errors and shortcomings, for example, non-compliance with certain principles of education; - insufficient knowledge of pupils by the teacher; - the lack of necessary attention to students who are lagging behind in their studies by the school. The preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures described above are closely related to the elimination of the listed groups of causes.

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Preventive measures concerning the pedagogical causes of failure: methodological errors<------>pedagogical prevention ignorance of students<------>pedagogical diagnostics lack of help from the school<------>pedagogical therapy for underachievers It follows from the diagram that although the teacher has the ability to correct school failures, this ability is limited. Beyond the influence of the teacher are the causes of a socio-economic and biopsychological nature, the impact of which on the quality of students' knowledge is indisputable.

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REFERENCES: Babansky Yu.K. On the study of the reasons for the failure of schoolchildren.// Sov. pedagogy. 1972, 1. 2. Babansky Yu.K. How to optimize the learning process. M.: Knowledge, 1978, p. 41-44. 3. Kalmykova Z.I. The problem of overcoming poor progress through the eyes of a psychologist. M: knowledge, 1982. 4. Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. M., 1986, pp. 283-307. 5. Levitina S.S. Is it possible to control the attention of a student? M: Knowledge, 1980, pp. 42-46, 50-51, 62-65, 68-73. 6. Lipkina A.I. Student self-esteem. M.: 1976, p.51-64. 7. Tsetlin V.S. Prevention of student failure. Moscow: Knowledge, 1989. 8. Shatalov V.F. Where and how did the troikas disappear? M.: 1979.

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter I
  3. Chapter II. Didactic means of struggle in studies
    • Pedagogical diagnostics
    • Educational Therapy
    • Indirect assistance (pedagogical prevention)
  4. Conclusion
  5. Bibliography

Text of the work


Formation process cognitive interests– the process is complex and lengthy; it requires a holistic approach to the individual, taking into account learning opportunities, reasons for lagging behind, attitudes towards learning, towards the teacher, the presence or absence of cognitive interests in the personality structure. It is even more difficult to form the cognitive interest of the weak. Taking into account the general and peculiar in the personality of adolescents, it is necessary to vary the stimulus of cognitive interest, actualizing any group or individual stimuli, taking into account the reasons for the lagging behind of schoolchildren.

The purpose of this work is an attempt to consider the approaches of researchers and, taking into account their own experience, on the question of the ways in which students develop the need to acquire knowledge and motives for learning. Particular attention is focused on the formation of cognitive interests among the weak.

The tasks are:

  1. Identification of reasons for lagging behind in studies.
  2. Determining the criteria for failure in history lessons.
  3. Ways to overcome failure.
  4. Stimulation of cognitive interests in low achievers.

A lot of work has been devoted to the question of ways to overcome poor progress. This problem has been studied in domestic literature, and abroad (J. Bruner, W. Glasser). Among our researchers are: Zakharova A.B., Bondarenko S.M., Kalmykova Z.I., Markova A.K. and others. All of them unanimously note the enormous role of the teacher in the formation of cognitive interests in children as a means of overcoming poor progress.

Chapter I. Causes of failure in studies.

Failure is the biggest problem modern school caused by reasons, including social ones.

The reasons for school failures can be very different and complex. These include facts such as lack of interest in learning, bad behavior at school, laziness, etc., which are called factors relatively dependent on students; poor educational atmosphere in the family, prolonged illness, various shortcomings in the teaching and educational work of the school, i.e., factors relatively independent of the students.

The complex nature of the causes of student failure in schooling unanimously noted by all the authors who have so far been engaged in their analysis. However, not everyone agreed on which of the various conditions, usually closely related to each other, play a dominant role and, ultimately, predetermine the school success of students. However, researchers tend to see the main reason for failures in the poor socio-economic conditions of students' lives. Others believed that the root of evil should rather be sought in the defects in the biopsychic "preparedness" of students. Finally, others saw the main reason in the imperfection of the work of the school.

Ch. Kupisevich, summarizing the conclusions of the researchers, characterized these groups of causes:

  1. Socio-economic - financial insecurity of the family, general unfavorable situation in the family, alcoholism, pedagogical illiteracy of parents. The general state of society also affects children, but the main thing is the shortcomings of family life.
  2. Causes of a biopsychic nature are hereditary characteristics, abilities, character traits. It should be remembered that inclinations are inherited from parents, and abilities, hobbies, character develop during life on the basis of inclinations. Science has proven that all healthy babies have approximately the same developmental opportunities, which depend on the social, family environment and upbringing.
  3. pedagogical reasons. Pedagogical neglect is most often the result of mistakes, low level school work. Education, the work of the teacher is a decisive factor in the development of the student. Gross mistakes of the teacher lead to psychogenies, didactogenies - mental trauma received in the process of learning and sometimes requiring special psychotherapeutic intervention. Didactogeny is a rough marriage in the work of a teacher.

Research also shows more specific reasons for academic failure:

  • a rigid, unified system of education, the content of education is the same for everyone, and does not meet the needs of children;
  • uniformity, stereotype in methods and forms of teaching, verbalism, intellectualism, underestimation of emotions in learning;
  • inability to set learning goals and lack of effective monitoring of results;
  • neglect of the development of students, practicality, coaching, orientation to cramming.

Conclusion: the didactic, psychological, methodological incompetence of the teacher leads to failures in learning. But the didactic causes of school failures usually appear alongside other causes and mutually determine each other.

In addition, some researchers tend to evaluate the impact of the same set of causes differently depending on, for example, the age of the students.

Because large volume of work presented, the continuation of the work (Chapter II, Conclusion and References) is presented in