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Seminars in the institution of additional education. Blog tsnti "progress": seminars, staff training. "Modern technologies of additional education for preschoolers"

District Seminar “Development of the program additional education children"

The program is a normative official document that fixes the process of managing joint activities, which is: professional level teacher; content characteristic joint activities teacher and pupil; Justification of the need for material and technical support for the work of the teacher. The pedagogical process is fixed by the content of the program

The purpose of additional education for children is to create conditions for self-education, self-realization in an activity that is interesting for the individual, i.e. knowledge here is a means of solving problems that are significant for the child. The educational process is carried out in a relaxed atmosphere, which allows children to show their independence, imagination, and put forward new unexpected ideas.

Paragraph 5 of Article 14 of the Law Russian Federation“On Education” establishes that the content of education in a particular educational institution is determined by the educational program (s) developed, adopted and implemented by this educational institution independently.

Any program should have the following qualities: - Relevance; - Variability; - Optimality; - Realism; - Controllability; - Sensitivity to failures.

The structure of the additional educational program An additional educational program, as a rule, includes the following structural elements: Title page Explanatory note Curriculum and thematic plan Content of the course under study Methodological support References

Title page Full name of the educational institution; Where, when and by whom the DOP was approved; The name of the DOP; The age of the children for whom the DOP is designed; Deadline for the implementation of the DOP; Full name, position of the compiler (author); City name , locality, in which the DOP is implemented; Year of DOP development.

RUSSIAN FEDERATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMunicipal budget educational institution additional education for children "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth" Recommended pedagogical council“I APPROVE” Minutes No. _____ Director of the CRTD and Yu “__” __________201_ ________ / Sapronova E.E. / “__” ___________ 201_ Order No. __________ Additional education program for children “Guitar” Implementation period 3 years for children 10-16 years old Compiled by: Teacher of additional education Fedotova Nina Alexandrovna, Krasnogorsk, 2011

Explanatory note Orientation, type (modified, author's) DOP; Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency; Purpose of the DOP; DOP tasks; Distinctive features of this program from existing DOP; Age of children participating in the implementation of this SEP, their age characteristics; The timing of the implementation of the DOP (duration educational process, stages); Forms and mode of employment; Expected results and ways to check them; Forms of summarizing the results of the implementation of the SEP (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

Program Goal This is the intended outcome of the educational process to be striven for. The goal should be related to the name of the program, reflect its main focus and be specific so that its implementation can be tracked. In describing the goal, it is important to avoid general abstract formulations, such as “full creative development children”, etc.

Program objectives Show what needs to be done to achieve the goal. Objectives should be related to the expected results. Types of tasks: Educational (acquisition of certain knowledge, skills); Educational (formation of social activity, culture of communication, behavior); Developing (development of independence, activity, responsibility).

Educational and thematic plan Compiled according to the years of study. Contains: List of sections, topics DOP; The number of hours for each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes. 1 hour per week - per year 36 hours 2 hours per week - per year 72 hours 3 hours per week - per year 108 hours

Methodological support of the program Forms of classes planned for each topic or section of the CEP (game, conversation, hike, excursion, competition, conference, etc.); Techniques and methods of organizing the educational process, didactic material, technical equipment of classes; Summing up forms for each topic or section of the DOP; Criteria for assessing the level of development of additional supplementary education.

List of references List of used and recommended literature for teachers List of recommended literature for children and parents.

Applications Calendar-thematic plans for years of study; Reminders; Safety Instructions; Samples of questionnaires, tests; Achievements of students; Event development, open classes etc.

Methodological development of the seminar

for teachers of additional education on the topic

Kudryashova N.L., methodologist

Klyavlino, 2016

Summary of the seminar on the topic:"Creating a developing educational environment

for students in the classroom"

This methodological development of the seminar is devoted to the topic of creating a developing educational environment by teachers for children studying in institutions of additional education.

Methodical materials seminars are aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of additional education for children in

areas of organizing a developing educational space in the classroom,

in matters of providing psychological and pedagogical support to each child.

The relevance of the seminar is due to the fact that these psychological and pedagogical

knowledge testifies to the great importance of the developing educational environment and psychological and pedagogical support from the teacher for the development of the child's personality, the preservation of his psychological health.

Gaining theoretical and practical experience at the seminar will guide

teachers for success in the future pedagogical activity.

Seminar materials can be used in the field of additional

education of children in the work of methodologists in organizing seminars, individual consultations, in the work of additional education teachers directly in order to self-educate and improve their psychological and pedagogical competence.

Explanatory note methodological development seminar on the topic "Creating a developing educational environment for students in the classroom"

The purpose of the workshop is to provide the teacher with additional

education awareness, expediency and effectiveness of creating a developing educational environment in the classroom with students.

Workshop objectives:

1. Motivate teachers to work on creating and improving

developing educational environment for students in the classroom.

2. Familiarize teachers with the concepts of a developing environment and the conditions for its creation.

3. To form the ability to support students in the classroom through

interiorization of professional ways of performing practical exercises.

Target group: teachers of additional education.

Organizational parameters of the seminar. The workshop consists of one meeting,

which can be done within a year. The duration of the meeting is 1 hour.

The number of seminar participants is from 8 to 15 people.

Seminar duration: 1 hour.

Type of seminar: practice-oriented.

Short description expected result. The work of the participants at the seminar will contribute to:

Systematization of knowledge to create a developing educational environment for

students in the classroom;

Gaining hands-on experience in supporting children in their

training and education;

Mastering the experience of analyzing one's own pedagogical activity and finding ways to improve it.

Methodological and logistical support of the seminar:

Handout kit;

A4 sheets and pens;

Large room: should be able to move freely

participants, their arrangement in a circle, associations in microgroups.

PLAN of the seminar on the topic

"Creating a developing educational environment for students in the classroom"

Date: 03/11/2016

The beginning of the seminar - 09.00.

Venue: SP "Prometheus" GBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. V. Maskina

1. Greeting. Creating an emotionally positive attitude towards work

seminar session.

2. The theoretical part of the seminar - familiarization of PDO with techniques that provide a developing and comfortable educational environment for students, abstracts in combination with the work of participants on sets of handouts

3. The practical part of the seminar - Working out the elements of theoretical material when performing practical exercises and games.

4. Summing up the results of the seminar - reflection of the participants on the possibility of using the materials of the seminar for further work, a wish at the end of the seminar

Course of the seminar:

1. Greeting. Creating an emotionally positive attitude to work

in a seminar session.

Participants sit on chairs arranged in a circle in advance.

The exercise "Greetings" is carried out. Main purpose this exercise

– creating an emotional mood, including participants in the overall process.

The facilitator stands in the center of the circle and invites each participant in turn to name

your name and describe yourself in one word. For example: “I am Katya. I am pretty".

2. Theoretical part of the seminar

The concept and essence of the developing environment

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the term "environment" appeared in the 20s, when the concepts of "environment pedagogy" (S. T. Shatsky), "child's social environment" (P. P. Blonsky), "environment" were used quite often. (A.S.

Makarenko). In a number of studies, it has been consistently and thoroughly proved that the object of influence of a teacher should not be a child, not his

traits (qualities) and not even his behavior, but the conditions in which he exists:

external conditions -environment, environment, interpersonal relationships, activities. A

also internal conditions - the emotional state of the child, his attitude to

to myself, life experience, installation. In the broadest context, a developing educational environment is any socio-cultural space within which the process of personality development is carried out spontaneously or with varying degrees of organization. From the standpoint of the psychological context, according to L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, L. V. Zankov, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, etc.

This is a certain way ordered educational space in which

OM provides developmental training. In order for the educational space to act as a developing educational environment, in the course of the interaction of its components, it must acquire certain properties.

Properties of the educational developing environment:

Flexibility denoting ability educational structures to fast

restructuring in accordance with the changing needs of the individual,

environment, society;

Continuity, expressed through interaction and continuity in

activities of its constituent elements;

Variability, which involves changing the development environment in accordance with the needs for educational services population;

Integration that ensures the solution of educational problems

by strengthening the interaction of its constituent structures.

The educational environment is a system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality according to a given pattern, as well as opportunities for its development contained in the social and spatial-subject environment (V. Yasvin). A developing educational environment is manifested in productive creative communication, in an adequate self-esteem of the child, in his assessment of the achievements of other participants in the creative process, in his orientation towards universal values, in his readiness to protect his interests and in respect for the rights of other people. Elements pedagogical technologies are aimed at creating a developing educational environment, developing the creative abilities of children. Pedagogical technologies are based on the idea of ​​“activity approach”. Conditions for the formation of a developing educational environment:

Creation psychological climate in the classroom: friendly

attitude towards students, emotional attitude to knowledge;

Creation in a child high self-esteem, "taste of success", self-confidence

Compliance with the principle of "right to make a mistake";

Dialogical form of conducting classes, "subject-subject" relations

between teacher and student;

Accounting for the results of individual creative activity(each child has his own "portfolio" of achievements). Children in the travel diary of their own creative achievements;

Comparison of the student's new successes with his past successes, and not

comparison with each other;

The optimal combination of frontal, group, individual forms

work in the classroom;

The formation of a holistic vision of the world among schoolchildren and an understanding of the place and

the role of a person in this world, the transformation of all information received by students in the process of learning into personally significant information for each student;

Creation of a system of problem-cognitive tasks of a search nature.

When a contradiction arises, there are two possible ways to resolve it: compromise, reconciliation of opposing requirements, or the creation of a qualitatively new idea. The second way is the way of development!

Thus, a developing educational environment is such an educational

an environment that is able to provide a set of opportunities for self-development of all subjects of the educational process.

Psychological support for the child

Psychological support is one of critical factors success

functioning of the developing educational environment.

Psychological support is a process:

In which the adult focuses on the positives and benefits

child in order to strengthen his self-esteem;

Which helps the child to believe in himself and his abilities;

Which helps the child to avoid mistakes;

Who supports the child in case of failures.

In order to learn how to support a child, you need to change the style of communication and

interaction with him. Instead of paying attention primarily to the mistakes and bad behavior of children, an adult will have to focus on the positive side of his actions and the encouragement of what he does.


So, in order to support the child it is necessary:

Build on your child's strengths

Avoid emphasizing the child's mistakes;

Show that you are satisfied with the child;

Be able and willing to show respect for the child.

Introduce humor into the relationship with the child;

To be able to help the child break down a large task into smaller tasks that he can handle;

Be able to interact with the child;

Allow the child to solve problems on his own, where possible;

Avoid disciplined rewards and punishments;

Show optimism

Show faith in the child, be able to empathize with him;

You can SUPPORT through:

INDIVIDUAL WORDS AND PHRASES (“beautiful”, “neat”, “great”,

"keep going", "I like the way you work...").

TOUCH (pat on the shoulder, touch the hand, hug,

put your face close to his).

JOINT ACTIONS (sit, stand next to the child, listen to him).

FACIAL EXPRESSIONS (smile, wink, nod, laugh).

Very important question in the methodology of psychological and pedagogical support on how to create the necessary conditions for its implementation in an educational institution. Here it would be appropriate to recall the well-known wisdom that is directly related to this issue:

If a child grows up in tolerance, he learns to accept others.

If a child is encouraged, he learns to be grateful.

If a child grows up in honesty, he learns to be fair.

If a child grows up in safety, he learns to trust in people.

If a child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate.

If a child grows up in hostility, he learns aggressiveness.

If a child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn.

If the child grows up in reproaches. He learns to live with guilt.

When providing psychological and pedagogical support, it is very important to observe

sense of proportion, be guided by considerations of pedagogical tact.

In education, which we call pedagogical support, the atmosphere is very important. interpersonal relationships, the style and tone of communication, the palette of value orientations, the psychological climate ... But the main thing is that the pupil must live and develop in the space of love.

3. Practical part of the seminar:

Exercise "Support"

Purpose: to allow participants to feel the effect of a supportive relationship with

side of the partner.

The group members are divided into pairs. In pairs, one person tells a situation (problematic or successful), his partner listens carefully, speaks

something he sees fit to give support to the speaker, then roles in

couples change. After all participants have been in the role of providing

support and the recipient, the exercise is discussed according to the scheme:

In which case was it easier to respond, in which more difficult?

What words did you give support, what feelings did you experience?

Exercise "You, well done"!

Objective: to give exercise participants the opportunity to receive support and improve

4. Summing up the seminar

Reflection of the seminar participants - answer three questions and write your opinion

on A4 sheets.

1. question - What was the most interesting and useful for you during

today's lesson?

2. question - How do you plan to use the received materials of the seminar for

further work?

Wish at the end - at the end of the seminar, I would like to thank all the participants for their work. Wish you success and creativity in your work. In case of difficulties, I will be glad to provide you with methodological assistance and support.

Used Books:

    Krivtsova S.V., Mukhamatulina E.A. constructive skills

interactions with teenagers. Training for teachers. -4th ed., rev. And extra. – (Psychologist at school). –M.: Genesis, 2004.

    Practical psychology Education / Ed. I.V. Duvrovina: Textbook for students of higher and secondary special educational institutions. -M.: TC "Sphere", 2000.

    Internet resources:,

Abstract of the workshop for teachers of additional education "Modeling training session as a condition for improving the quality of the educational process"

Author: Sheiko Olga Valentinovna, methodologist public institution education "Slutsk Center children's creativity”, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Description: The workshop is addressed to teachers of institutions of additional education for children and youth. The development contains theoretical and practical materials according to the structure of the lesson, types and types of classes, requirements for the purpose and objectives of the lesson.
Target: development by teachers of technology for modeling a lesson
1. To form a clear idea of ​​the organization and structure of the training session in the system of additional education.
2. To teach clearly and in an accessible way to formulate the topic of the lesson, set a goal and the tasks arising from it.
3. Familiarize yourself with the main forms and methods of conducting classes, the right choice methods and means.
4. Raise the level of professional competence of teachers.
Plan of the event:
1. Entry form for teachers
2. Methodological dialogue with teachers
3. Speech on the topic of the seminar with a multimedia presentation and a parallel discussion

5. Reflection. Final survey
1 .Leading: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! The topic of our today's workshop is "Modeling a training session as a condition for improving the quality of the educational process." On the one hand, it is simple, and, it would seem, has long been thoroughly mastered by all of us, on the other hand, as the results of monitoring organized and carried out by the methodological service showed, many have certain kinds of difficulties in drawing up a plan-outline of the lesson, in implementing the stages classes. Therefore, today we systematize our knowledge about the lesson, work out the skills of modeling the goals and objectives of the lesson.
To begin with, I propose to check the level of your knowledge on this topic and answer the questions of the questionnaire. Teachers complete an entry form.

2. Presenter: And so, let's remember what a training session is, its characteristics, peculiarities? What types of training do you know? What forms of classes can you name, teaching methods? Which of them do you use in your work? Answers of teachers.
3. Leading (summarizes): The training session is the main and permanent form of organization of training. In the system of additional education, this is a collective (group, small group) individual) form of education, which is characterized by a constant composition of students; sustainable time frames (45 min., 35 min.).
Signs that distinguish a training session from other organizational forms:
is a permanent group of students,
guide the activities of students, taking into account the characteristics of each of them,
mastering the basics of the studied material,
work according to the educational program, the approved schedule.
There is a generally accepted classification of training sessions according to didactic purpose:
1. lesson on familiarization with new material;
2. to consolidate the studied material
3. on the application of knowledge and skills;
4. generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills;
5. to check and correct knowledge and skills;
6. combined (several didactic tasks are solved during one lesson).
Forms of organization learning activities students: group, individual, frontal.
Method (gr. “the way to something”) is a way of activity aimed at achieving a specific goal.
Teaching method- this is a way of activity of a teacher and students, a set of actions and methods of work of teachers and students; the way in which the teacher leads students from ignorance to knowledge.
Basic teaching methods:
verbal (explanation, story, conversation, discussion);
visual (illustration (tables, charts, figures), demonstration (slides, films);
practical (exercise, practical work, didactic games).
Recently, interactive teaching methods have become widespread:
- methods of creating a favorable atmosphere,
- methods of organizing communication,
- methods of exchange of activities,
-methods of meaning creation,
- methods of reflexive activity.
Forms of organization of training sessions:
- Conversation, consultation, modeling
- Practical lessons. Conducted with the aim of consolidating and applying knowledge, mastering practical skills
- Seminars. They are held to develop intellectual, cognitive activity, creative thinking, develop skills for independent work with additional literature, information material.
- Excursions. This is a complete cycle of step-by-step solution of the cognitive task. By classifier: previous, accompanying, subsequent
- Lesson-game (imitation, role-playing games, training)
- Classes with a gaming competitive basis: “Come up with a project”, “Lotto”, “Domino”, “What? Where? When?”, “Connoisseurs are investigating”, “KVN”, “Battleship”, “Field of Miracles”, etc.
- Classes based on fantasy: "Fairy Tale", "Creative Report", "Review of the Exhibition", "Vernissage".
- Lessons based on original learning organization educational material: "Review", "Reflection", "Abstract", "Monologue of Memory", "Portrait".
- Lesson by analogy with organized events: "Auction", "Fair", "Conference", "Concert", "Benefit performance", "Court", etc.
- Classes by analogy with known forms and methods of activity: "Dispute", "Interview", "Brainstorming".
Now let's remember the structure of the lesson. What are the main stages we highlight?
The structure of the lesson is a set of its elements, parts, ensuring its integrity and achievement of didactic goals. The structure of the lesson is determined by its purpose, content, methods, teaching aids, and the level of training of students. For various reasons, one can distinguish a large number of stages of the lesson, but, as practice shows, the following structure of the lesson is most convenient and understandable for teachers:
1. organizational stage (preparatory, etc.),
2. main stage,
3. final stage,
4. reflection.
Organizational stage performs the following tasks: organize workplace, "set up", "introduce" students into the course of cognitive activity, inform the topic of the lesson, set goals and set goals.
The purpose of the lesson is the expected result, it must be specific and achievable.
Requirements for the purpose of the lesson
- clearness and simplicity of the formulation of the goal;
- diagnostics of the target, i.e. whether the goal statement reflects the final (expected) result;
- correlation of the goal with the content of the educational material;
- the prospects of the goal, i.e. connection of the goal with the topic of the lesson (both one specific and subsequent lessons on this topic);
- the validity of goal setting, i.e. what caused it: the requirements of the educational program, the characteristics of the children's team, the interests of students, etc.;
- operationality of the goal;
- the reality of achievement.
One of the traditional mistakes of the teacher when formulating the goals of classes becomes abstract or excessively large: for example, the goal of educating children in love for the subject, nature or the formation of a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities cannot be achieved in one lesson.
Tasks reveal the goal, concretize it, determine the content of the main stages of the lesson. When planning the tasks of the lesson, they must be set taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their educational readiness, upbringing, and development.
Formulating the tasks, the teacher answers the question: “How to achieve the goal?”. Tasks are divided into 3 groups:
- educational,
- educational,
- developing.
Learning tasks aimed at mastering by students the system of educational knowledge and the formation of subject skills and abilities:
to form students' ideas about (concepts about) ...;
reveal (reveal) ...;
to acquaint, to acquaint, to continue to acquaint…;
expand…; fix ...; summarize…; to systematize…;
differentiate…; learn to put into practice ...;
teach how to use ...;
create conditions...
Development tasks aimed at developing cognitive interest, abilities and inclinations of the child:
develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, cognitive interest,
develop Creative skills,
develop curiosity,
develop flexibility, logical thinking, evidence-based judgments,
develop aesthetic feelings, etc.
Educational tasks aimed at the development, assimilation and appropriation of general cultural values, the formation positive qualities personality, social competencies:
cultivate love for a small homeland,
friendly attitude towards others
kindness, sincerity, sensitivity, sociability;
to form accuracy, thrift, diligence, restraint, etc.
main stage
Main purpose: mastering new knowledge, consolidating knowledge, skills, independent work, checking the assimilation of the material (depending on the type of lesson).
What is necessary for the assimilation of new knowledge:
1. Use of various sources of knowledge: visual aids, multimedia presentations, videos, additional literature, information from Internet resources;
2. Gradual assimilation of new knowledge. The lesson material is divided into small logical elements, each of which is worked out with students until it is comprehended and learned.
3. new material is studied in a certain style: in a research way, in a problematic way (from consideration of particular, constituent elements of new material to generalization and conclusions; from posing a problem, formulating a hypothesis - to proving it).
The process of mastering knowledge by students:
1. Perception of the subject
2. Comprehension, understanding
3. Application in practice, generalization of knowledge
4. Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge
The final stage. The main purpose is to sum up the lesson in various forms: survey, quiz, presentation, defense of creative works).
The reflective stage is the organization of the reflective activity of students, obtaining feedback, analysis of the emotional state of students:
What have you learned today, what have you learned?
What have you done?
What didn't work? What will you work on in the next lesson?
There are many interesting reflective methods and techniques. We will look at them in more detail in a separate lesson.
4. Workshop "Setting goals and objectives of the lesson"

Teachers are divided into groups of 3-5 people according to their profile of activity. Each group receives a card indicating the topic of the lesson and its place in the curriculum. Within 5-7 minutes, the groups should formulate the purpose and objectives of this lesson. The result is read out and discussed by all groups (team members).
5. Reflection. Final survey (Questionnaire No. 2).
Dear colleges! We ask you to answer the questions of the proposed questionnaire:
1. What types of classes do you know? (mark "V"):

Introduction to new material
Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills
Lesson on the application of knowledge and skills
Lesson "Talk show"
A lesson on testing and correcting knowledge and skills
Lesson to consolidate the studied material
"Literary Lounge"
Combined lesson
2. What are the stages of the lesson? (mark "V"):
organizational motivational
reflexive goal setting
verification check
preparatory integrating
main information
theoretical practical
developing generalization and systematization of knowledge
3. What forms of work do you use? (mark "V")
collective frontal
group active
differentiated individual
4. What determines the setting of goals and objectives of the lesson?
Thank you for participating!

Dear colleges! We ask you to answer the questions of the proposed questionnaire:
1. Profile of your association of interests.
2. With the help of what forms and methods of organizing classes can you improve the effectiveness of student learning?
3. What types of activities do you prefer to use?
4. What types of activities cause you difficulty?
5. What stage of the lesson causes you difficulties?
6. What stage of the lesson do you do best?
7. What teaching methods would you like to get acquainted with?
8. How do you determine the effectiveness of the lesson?
Thank you for participating!

ksenia shaimova
Workshop on the organization of additional education in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: To systematize the knowledge of educators about. Improve the skills of teachers organization circle and studio work of the preschool educational institution.


1. Study the theory and practice of organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Mugs as a shape

3. Develop a variable part of the main general education preschool programs education taking into account circle and studio work.

Equipment: Interactive board

I. 1. Theoretical Part:

1.1. " Organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard»

At present, not only the main education, but also additional. Additional education in preschool institutions provides an opportunity to identify and develop the creative abilities of children. In the classroom for further education is being deepened, extension and practical use acquired knowledge in the main educational activities.

Additional education children gives each child the opportunity to satisfy their individual cognitive, aesthetic, creative needs. At organization of activities of additional education children kindergarten takes into account:

The interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle, sections, studios;


additional education children precisely on its basis;

Norms of load on the child.

Additional education children in kindergarten- one of the areas of creative, physical, social, personal and intellectual development of pupils, in addition to the main one implemented in preschool institutions general education preschool programs education.

Most wanted additional education children of artistic and aesthetic directions: teaching children various techniques pictorial activities - modeling from plasticine, non-traditional methods of drawing, as well as the physical development of preschoolers.

Additional education carried out during extracurricular activities, and carried out throughout school year educators and professionals.

Children study once a week in the afternoon. The results of the children's activities are expressed in the design of collective exhibitions, in the publication of albums, in the design of wall newspapers, in holding reporting concerts.

1.2. Mugs as a shape additional education in the preschool educational institution;

A circle is an informal, free association of children into a group for classes, based on their common interest, based on additional material to the tasks of the Program of education and training in kindergarten under the guidance of an adult (teacher).

Target additional education- introduction of new variable forms of preschool education to improve quality educational process and meet the needs of society.

Circles in kindergarten perform several functions:

- educational– each pupil of the educational institution has the opportunity to satisfy (or develop) their cognitive needs additional development skills, skills in the type of activity that interests him;

Socially adaptive - classes in circles allow pupils to gain socially significant experience of activity and interaction, to experience "success situation", learn to assert themselves;

Correction-developing - educational- educational process, implemented in the classroom, allows you to develop the intellectual, creative, physical abilities of each child;

Educational - the content and methodology of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personality traits, the formation of communication skills, the education of social responsibility, collectivism, patriotism.

Mugs as a shape additional education in preschool educational institutions can open with various goals:

1. Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advancing the development of the child or compensatory classes (for children with developmental delay).

2. Acquaintance with areas of knowledge that go beyond the scope of the state Program (work with gifted children).

3. Acquaintance with the areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, the formation of interpersonal communication skills.

The activities of any circle are regulated by regulatory and legal documents:

the Charter of the DOW;

- The educational program of the preschool educational institution;

Regulations on the circle;

Circle program (goal and objectives, expected end result); - The work plan of the circle for the year;

the list of children;

Schedule of activities;

Quality control materials (performance) mug work (diagnostic cards).

Algorithm for the activity of the teacher to create a circle (sections, studios):

1. Study of the regulatory framework.

2. Identification of the needs of the educational institution, parents, children in.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on assimilation by children state program preschool education.

4. Development (selection) circle programs.

5. Development of a circle plan for the academic year.

6. Approval of the program, work plan of the circle of the head of the preschool educational institution.

7. Implementation of the work plan of the circle in practice.

8. Analysis of the performance of the circle.

9. Protection of the results of work in front of the parent and pedagogical community. (corners circle work, exhibitions, participation in competitions, shows, etc.)

It is important to take into account that organization circles involves voluntary (without psychological coercion) inclusion of children in activities, therefore, in addition to the selection of interesting content, there are a number of specific conditions:

organization working space;

- the opportunity for children to engage in their own strengths and interests.

- the playful nature of the presentation of any material;

Circle leaders organize its activities through the following forms:

With kids:

Front lessons (group)


Thematic walks

Entertainment, leisure

Participation in various competitions

With teachers:

Consultations, master classes, seminars for preschool teachers

With parents:

Consultations, master classes, speeches at parent meetings, information on the site.

Mugs can be different focus:

1) Physical development

2) Social - personal development

3) Cognitive-speech development

4) Artistic and aesthetic development

The topics of circles can be diverse.

At organizations the activities of circles, teachers should consider:

The interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle;

Age characteristics of children, their experience of participating in such activities;

The need to address educational and educational tasks in unity with the main program of the kindergarten;

Understanding the game as a leading activity and building content additional education children precisely on its basis;

The need to create a comfortable environment in which a creative personality will develop;

Norms of load on the child.

Scheme for developing a circle work program

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives)

3. Expected results (intended result)

4. Educational and thematic planning

5. Diagnostic cards, diagnostic methods

6. References

2. Practical part:

2.1. Drawing up sample questions to identify the needs of parents, children in additional educational services.

2.2. Development (selection) circle programs (studios, sections).

Expected Result workshop:

1) Improving the efficiency of pedagogical activity.

2) Improving the quality of the provided educational services.

3) Creation and attraction of innovative pedagogical technologies.

4) Creation of accessible preschool educational space.