Classic      01/24/2022

Any real education is obtained only through self-education. N. Rubakin. Self-Education Theory and Practice

An excerpt from the book of Rubakin N.A. "How to educate yourself", 1962

Anyone who wishes, no matter who he is, no matter where he lives, no matter what abilities he possesses, can make of himself, with his own efforts and reasonably organized labor, a truly educated, knowledgeable and understanding person - a socially useful worker.

Self-education is what it means to educate yourself. This work should be done by every person, without any exception. Whether he is in school or out of school. Whether he is old or young, male or female. Any real education is obtained only through self-education.

All people are self-taught, if not in one, then in another. Every person is probably self-taught at least in something: some study to be a doctor, and a lawyer comes out of him, and he had to study law by being self-taught. Another is studying to be an engineer, and a financier comes out of him. Another studied plumbing, and a writer came out of him. So it turns out that every person is probably self-taught at least in something, and it cannot be otherwise. After all, every person supplements and supplements his school knowledge throughout his life. Other school knowledge was not useful to him and therefore they are thrown aside, and other knowledge necessary for life, each of us accumulates with his own means - as best he can and knows how. And everything that you do and achieve on your own, of your own free will and desire - it gets into your head the most strongly ...

The work on self-education is not as difficult as it seems. Yes, she is nice. Whoever you are, it does not present for you, no matter what training you have and no matter what conditions of life surround you, no really insurmountable difficulties. 500 years ago it was said: neither fire, nor sword, nor hunger, nor meanness can cope with the spread of knowledge and ideas.

Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, there are no boundaries or limits to knowledge and education. However vast your knowledge may be, it must be made even more extensive. However deep they may be, they can become even deeper.

The reader working on self-education has the right to say: forward and upward, the road is open for everyone, and, walking along this road, no one will be left without help and support, without advice and guidance, at whatever stage mental development he did not stand. Let each climb to that height of knowledge, understanding, mood and active attitude towards life, which he himself makes accessible to himself through struggle and self-activity. It's up to the reader now.

We believe in man, in modern cultured man, who himself can become even more cultured because around him there already exist, have already been created and are constantly being created by the collective labor of mankind, infinitely numerous means for self-development and infinitely diverse methods, methods, techniques are being developed leading to that same goals. Not believing in such an opportunity to rise higher and higher is the same as denying the whole of modern culture.

But faith is not the essence of the matter. Any faith can only be considered reasonable and generally just and correct when it is confirmed by facts. Our faith in the full possibility for everyone who wants to become an educated person also based on facts. Thousands of people passed before us, not only striving for the light, but also demanding it from life, demanding imperiously and persistently, and in the end they really received it. No, not even only those who “received”, but those who took it, namely those who took it from the battle. What is really ours is only what we have taken from the battle - and this is no longer so easy to take away from us. We have seen peasants become writers, scientists, the most prominent public figures, people's representatives, factory workers, wonderful fighters and organizers. We saw poets composing their cheerful and bold songs near machines and machine tools, philosophers writing down their cherished thoughts on a tailor's loom or on a shoe stool.

And, recalling all these meetings and acquaintances of ours - face-to-face and correspondence, we, on the basis of numerous facts, consider ourselves entitled to say with confidence and certainty: every person, whoever he may be, in the end, is true sometimes, although not without intensified struggle, but still can take its own path. But after all, someone in the soul is already warming - let's not even say "burning" - this spark of striving for light and space - that one is no longer gray and not average, that one is above average. It only remains for such a person to fan his own flame and turn it into a source of light for himself and for others.

One of the extremely interesting and important observations that can be made at almost every step is the following: seekers not only seek, but often quickly drop their hands, accompanying this lowering of their hands with beaten and well-worn aphorisms: “nothing can be done”, or “ our time has passed”, or else “strength breaks straw”, etc. But why do hands drop, and besides, very quickly? Obviously, seekers do not know how to fulfill their aspirations and, embarking on work on themselves, at first "right off the bat", they soon stumble upon certain obstacles, mainly internal ones, depending on themselves, on their personality - these are the last turn out to be worse than the outside ones. It is necessary to pay special attention to this side of the matter in order to clarify the first, in fact the most difficult step in the matter of self-education.

The question of will and struggle in the sense of expanding the external possibilities of working on self-education has already been resolved by life itself in practice in millions of ways. True, there are always and everywhere many obstacles to self-educational work. But why do millions of people still cope with them? And they've already done it. And no, even the most terrible, dark forces could stop what life demanded ... And first of all, the one who does not lose heart succeeds.

It is absolutely necessary for each of us to learn how to want strongly. Power is born from desire. If someone is still weakly seeking knowledge, this shows that he still does not really want it very much.

It is necessary to believe in your strength, in your work and in its rightness. It is those who believe in themselves and who reason like this that succeed:

“All people are people, and I am also a person. Others can do it, so can I. If other people have the strength to do this, why shouldn't I look for them myself? After all, sometimes it happens like this: the forces are there, but somewhere inside they hide and lie there motionless and do not make themselves known. But the time will come, an impulse will appear in the soul, and suitable favorable circumstances will come, and the hidden forces will wake up. After all, they manifested themselves in many, many people, and sometimes even in old age. Let me also look inside myself - maybe I will find my strength there, my own. I'll start looking in myself for some abilities and for something. It has long been said: seek and you will find. D.F.: Yes, “Seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7) ].

But how can one know to what extent each person can deploy his forces?

This is best clarified in the course of the work itself: it is necessary to take on it, in other words, try your hand at work. One should not be afraid even of such work, which sometimes seems overwhelming. Without a test, no one even dares to say about himself: "This is beyond my strength." Try it, and only then speak. You should not think without trial: "I am not capable." All abilities, including mental ones, are acquired to some extent. Wits, ingenuity, memory, attentiveness, observation and various other mental abilities develop, grow, grow stronger from work and during work.

Some people have a very good memory, while others have a poor memory. Some people are especially good at memorizing verses and single words, while others are bad at it. There are some people who have a hard time memorizing different numbers, for example, years, and it is especially easy for others to remember the course of reasoning, thoughts, but individual events (facts) are poorly remembered by them. There are also people who, although they remember easily and quickly, quickly and easily forget. And another learns with difficulty, but remembers for a long time. These examples show that there are different types of memory.

Of course, one cannot ignore the different qualities of memory when choosing books for oneself. For example, it is useless for a person with a bad memory to point to a thick book with a lot of facts and figures.

Here is another example of this: a certain person notices very well everything that is in front of his eyes, while another notices almost nothing of what is happening around him. Why is that? This man also has good eyes, but he constantly walks and walks with his thoughts and is always immersed in them. Therefore, such a person is not very attentive to other people and to everything around him.

The mindset in general is also different, that is, understanding, the ability to think. Take it out for another person and put it down, he will understand only when he looks, feels and tries. And some people are quick-witted, they understand everything from a half-word and even without words, by hints. And others must come to everything by reasoning. All these are also different kinds of abilities.

... Let us now try, relying on this principle (individualization of self-education. - Comp.), to eliminate some of the practical difficulties encountered on the way in such work.

One of them, and, we think, one of the main ones, since it stops many and many, is distrust of oneself on the part of people who undertake self-educational work - distrust of their own strengths and abilities. Such self-distrustful people keep saying to themselves: “What can I do for myself? My life turned out so well that I came out like this, not painfully talented. Others directly decide: "I'm incapable, I'm stupid." Or: “The time for such work has already passed for me - my memory has weakened, my mind has withered, life is stuck, the freshness of the soul has been lost,” etc.

Based on our correspondence with thousands of readers over the course of decades, on the basis of many hundreds of examples that we have witnessed, facts that we have seen, confessions that we have heard ... we allow ourselves to say to such people: not true! No one can pass the time for self-educational work. There are no such abilities and even incapacities that could not be put into play and used. There are no forces, even the smallest and most insignificant, that would not help even the modest from the modest at least a little to expand, deepen, elevate, decorate their lives ...

If I really passionately want something, then I have the ability, because I am all on fire with this desire. A sour mood, a preconceived notion that my attempt will in any case end in failure, certainly cannot contribute to the work itself. Every person is capable of something. We don’t need to talk about abilities, but about what kind of abilities and for what exactly.. Let us not forget that the gymnasium authorities once recognized Belinsky as incompetent. Among these was included Messrs. teachers and Gleb Uspensky ... Millions of people are counted and even consider themselves incapable because for some reason they do something for which they are really unsuitable, and do not do what they are undoubtedly capable of.. This essentially banal truth is not as banal as it seems when viewed from the point of view of the study of abilities. Often, for example, capable people people with a good memory are called: such people quickly absorb both facts and ideas from everywhere, and become rich in them. But take a closer look at this very memory - and it turns out that the memory of memory is different: there are people who perfectly remember everything that comes to mind, but at the same time they systematize poorly, generalize and discuss poorly. Such people in one sense are capable people, but in another sense (as they do not know how to navigate anything) they are not much different from fools. If they take up reasoning or reading philosophical books, they will remember them without understanding. The type of bison is also known to everyone.

Other people, on the contrary, perfectly remember the course of reasoning, and of the facts - only those that illustrate them, but are completely unable to remember the scattered motley facts, formulas, years. It is only with the greatest difficulty that the reader of this last type can read books that are endlessly full of facts. Why be surprised that such a reader can easily consider himself incompetent if he grabs at the very first time for a book that does not fit the warehouse of his memory? And, indeed, he is not capable of this reading of such a book. But the same reader will understand and remember the book from the same world history and chemistry, if the book that comes across to him presents these same sciences in the form of reasoning, that is, in the form that is most characteristic of the mindset of this reader to the greatest extent. The same phenomenon is observed when choosing books in terms of emotions, that is, the feelings of the reader.

The conclusion from this is clear: when working on one's self-education, the question of incapacity is abolished if the person working on self-education builds this work on the principle of individualization of reading and begins to look for a book not only good, but a book suitable, suitable for the individuality of the given reader. Each person on any issue can find a book that will give him knowledge in the exact form that he, this reader, needs.

Thus, the question of the extent of one's abilities disappears of itself and, in any case, is relegated to the background and loses its terrifying significance. Instead, the following question arises - a question of really enormous, practical importance. This is a question about the possible full use of their available abilities. To regret and lament that I no longer have what I have is, in essence, really an idle thing and leads to nothing. What is not given is not given - it is not nature to curse for it. But if I failed to use what I really already have, and did not make any attempt to develop the availability of my forces, this is already a real crime against the society in which I live, and against myself, who suffered from such a crime.

When taking on a job, you should rely mainly on yourself. No one ever achieves their goal without their own efforts. No outside help can replace your own efforts. Only for some acceleration and success of work is help sometimes useful.

A person is educated only by his own inner work, in other words, his own, independent thinking, experiencing, re-feeling what he learns from other people or from books.. The book and other people's words in general are only a means - they seem to be like sparks that kindle in our soul what has already accumulated there before that time: in whose soul nothing has been accumulated yet, there is nothing to light up - the book will not work on that . He who himself and in his own way has not yet changed his mind about other people's or book thoughts, he should not consider them his own. To memorize is not at all what to learn. Whoever has not experienced and felt something himself, no book will affect him in this sense either. Who does not want himself, no one else from the outside will teach him to want. That is why no one will help us if we do not help ourselves.

Assistance to self-educational work can be expressed from the outside mainly only by general guidance. If it is very detailed, then self-education will cease to be such.. Detailed guidance is given in school, not outside of school, and mainly to children, not adults. The sooner a person weans himself from walking on other people's harnesses, the better: one must learn, through self-educational independent work, to take from books and from science not what others indicate, but what one needs oneself. Someone else's instructions are nothing more than an advisory voice.

Let the indications be indications, but they decide the matter and give this or that result, after all, our amateur activity and work. Of course, it is possible to facilitate and streamline self-educational work. But work, work and work still must.

Many do not know how to start the work of self-education and what its first step is.

In this regard, there are not and cannot be any rules that are the same for everyone. Everyone should conduct his work according to his own model, but at the same time, you should always, if possible, apply yourself to your personal qualities and to the environment of your life.

Start with what interests you and what is important to your life. Only then will you do a lot when your self-educational work will be interesting for you and will bring something new and important into your life. The great thing in any work is its systematic. But even more important - its interestingness, fascination, love for it - in a word, the mood, emotions of work ... The goal is determined by the totality of knowledge that is necessary for every person who wants to become educated. As for the paths, they are determined by personal properties, interests, desires, aspirations, and the life situation of each reader especially.

“Do what you can; try to do as much as possible ”- this is the principle of work. The same can be said not only about the study of each individual issue, a particular area of ​​life, but also regarding the implementation of the entire general education program.

It should not be forgotten at the same time that all abstract and general instructions they also need to be adapted to each individual individuality.

With this formulation, work on self-education acquires a very definite meaning and purpose. At the same time, the size and nature of the work to achieve this goal are also determined.

Many readers can be given this advice: start your self-education from the end that is of practical importance to you. Take at least a book relating to your immediate professional activities. It is not the very essence of the matter which book you take, but that you will change your mind while reading it.

But no matter what book you read, first of all, ask yourself the question: is everything really clear to you in the book you are reading? Separate the incomprehensible from the understandable, the known from the unknown, the reliable from the unreliable, the exact from the inaccurate, what is from what it seems. Go deep, first of all go deep. Then a whole series of questions will arise in front of you. Any book will lead you to think about a whole range of phenomena occurring both in you and around you.

"All real education is obtained only through self-education." (N. Rubakin)

The statement I have chosen reflects the problem of self-education as one of the ways of obtaining education and its significance for the individual. The author of the statement, the Russian writer N. Rubakin, tells us that an independent way of obtaining knowledge is a very important component of education. After all, not only education helps a person to become educated, but also a person consciously, through his own efforts and work, can achieve education, which will make him socially useful and greatly facilitate his stay in society.

I will give a theoretical justification. In his statement, the author refers primarily to education. Education is cognitive process a person aimed at obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities or their improvement. This activity has a huge role for a person, because its goal is the formation of personality, familiarizing the individual with the achievements of civilization, relaying and preserving culture. Also, education performs important functions such as economic (provides society with a qualified labor force), social, which allows the individual to successfully function in society, and cultural, aimed at preserving and transferring cultural experience. There are two main ways to get an education: self-education and learning. Let's get back to self-education. This is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities independently, without the help of educators. It is important to have motivation and desire in order to explore the world with your own efforts. But it is precisely during self-education that a person deposits all the information received much more strongly.

Let's turn to concrete examples. A vivid example of the desire to become educated, to achieve something in some particular scientific activity it is through self-education that the hero Bazarov from the work of I. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” is. Since childhood, the development of one's own personality, expanding one's horizons has become the main goal for Bazarov. He works hard, independently constantly learns something new in the field of medicine, goes for walks in the morning and conducts experiments there. His desire, passion, diligent independent conscious work made him a real personality, a fairly intelligent, knowledgeable and educated person who has his own views and worldview.

Let me give you one more example. Many historical figures were very successful and respected in their activities due to self-education. Stalin constantly raised his level of education by reading books. He usually read several hundred pages a day. He was constantly engaged in self-education, which made him quite erudite in many areas. He has always been considered a very interesting conversationalist.

Thus, I realized that each person can develop and constantly improve their knowledge through self-education, moreover, there are many ways and conditions for this in our world. Never need to interrupt yourself educational process, because there is no perfection and limit to education, and it is precisely this that makes you an interesting, socially useful person.

We live in amazing age. Never before in history has it been so easy to learn on your own. The idea of ​​self-education is becoming more and more widespread and popular, and the need for it is becoming more and more urgent.

When every minute counts, the benefits of online learning are especially noticeable. We have selected 16 free resources for self-education in Russian, where you will find courses, lectures and master classes from any field of knowledge. Plan your schedule, and remember: "Any real education is obtained only through self-education" - N. Rubakin.

Academy Arzamas

The non-profit educational project Arzamas is focused on the humanities and offers courses in history, literature, art, anthropology, and philosophy. Here you can listen and read lectures prepared by scientists at any time on a topic that interests you. All courses are free. Visit Arzamas and learn about the most interesting things in the world.


Here you can find out about breaking news the art world, consult with experts, discuss creativity, create your own collections of works of art, share them and be inspired. Artists, collectors, art dealers and just connoisseurs of painting will appreciate the possibilities of the resource Arthive.

Theories and practices

Platform for knowledge sharing. Here you will find free and paid courses, trainings, lectures, master classes and articles in all fields of knowledge. An excellent environment for everyone who is driven by the desire to learn something new or wants to share knowledge, offers a resource Theories and practices.


A platform with over 3,500 content already published, nearly 2,000 of which are achievement videos fundamental science And modern technologies. All authors of the materials are experts in their field. scientific discipline. Among them are more than 800 scientists from different research areas, including Nobel laureates and representatives of foreign science. If you are interested in first-person exploration, welcome to PostScience.

This site contains interesting methods for developing skills such as good memory, attention, speed reading, mental arithmetic, oratory. The materials are presented in courses, lectures, books and articles. A paid subscription provides access to special exercises, 150+ games, tests, cases and the ability to track learning progress in personal account intellectual club


The focus of Monoclere is a person, everything that surrounds him excites, torments and inspires. This information space is designed to help everyone better understand themselves and their place in the world through relevant materials of the world and Russian science and culture in the field of psychology, neuroscience, sociology, philosophy, literature, cultural studies, urban studies, etc. Public lectures and articles by scientists about culture, man and society are waiting for you on the website monocle.


This open system e-education provides an opportunity to get quality education from teachers of leading domestic universities. The training is based on the principle of passing the modules that make up the course, the total duration of which can be 7-10 weeks. At the end of each module there is verification test. To get started, you need to go through an easy registration. Some courses are available at any time, while others start from the specified date. The number of educational materials on the site is constantly growing. On this moment 38 lectures and 136 free courses from all areas of knowledge are waiting for you on the platform Universarium.


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Learn New

This educational project invites experts from different fields to share their knowledge by creating their courses on the site, as well as those who want to learn new things through online classes, webinars or master classes. The project is still in beta status, but already about 70 courses and lectures on foreign languages, cooking, art and design, entrepreneurship, algebra and advertising can be found on the platform Learn new.


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The author draws attention to the fact that a person, in order to become truly educated, needs to engage in self-education. In my opinion, the author rightly emphasized that a person should receive education only for himself, and not for others.

One of the main qualities of a person that distinguishes him from an animal is the ability to receive an education. Education in itself is a process of upbringing and training, through which the accumulated knowledge, experience, values, attitudes, most often acquired in a team, are transferred ... Self-education is the individual acquisition of knowledge and the improvement of existing skills by a person interested in the result of his learning activities. The main difference between education as an integral element of a person’s life and self-education is that education is a process that often occurs “under pressure” (primarily school), because a person was forced, although, in fact, he maybe he didn’t want to at all, while self-education implies the presence of an active internal motivation of a person, his motives, interests, desire to acquire more and more new knowledge and skills, develop himself, his inner world. In addition, it is assumed that education is a final process that includes several stages: preschool and school education, secondary special, higher and the like. Most often, it is of a general nature, it gives only a certain - the average level of knowledge, insufficient for a developed information society. Self-education is a process that is not limited by time frames, it can last a lifetime, or it may not start at all, it can be spontaneous, or it can develop according to a clearly structured plan ... Thus, through education, a person assimilates ready-made information on an equal basis with others, at the same time, in the same place with everyone, and through self-education, a person independently acquires knowledge that is not available to everyone.

Many examples can be cited that confirm the benefits and necessity of self-education. So, for example, Peter the Great was an adherent of self-education: he himself studied at Dutch shipyards to build ships, he himself tried to understand geography and navigation, he personally studied educational activities, making a reception of the European style of life of society, their orders and customs, introducing similar Russian state, independently learned the basics of army leadership in the Azov campaigns, the Northern War, and even studied the economy. He wanted to understand everything, greedily absorbed knowledge and throughout his life did not stop learning. Thus, thanks to his ability to acquire knowledge individually, that is, to engage in self-education, he was able to become one of smartest people Russia of the era of the 18th century and truly Great statesman known almost all over the world.

But the most striking, in my opinion, example of a person who knows how to acquire knowledge on his own was Albert Einstein. He, being a naturally gifted child, used this opportunity: he did not stop for a second to engage in self-education, constantly studying physical and mathematical laws, theories ... There is an opinion that the future Nobel Laureate he skipped classes at the university, but at that time he was not just wandering around the city idly, but delved into the latest discoveries of scientists, tried to figure out complex formulas on his own. So, the genius of physics and mathematics, thanks to self-education, was recognized as one of the smartest people on Earth, he was able to make a breakthrough in exact sciences, giving the world the famous Theory of Relativity.

In conclusion, I would like to say: if people stop educating themselves, the world will stop developing. In any case, the process of individual acquisition of knowledge leads to the development of personality, while it is not at all necessary to become Lomonosov, Einstein or Sofia Kovalevskaya. I believe that the most important thing in a person's life is constant development, the desire for self-improvement through the process of obtaining an education, which "is obtained only through self-education."



Self-education as a necessary condition

advanced training of a teacher


GBPOU VO Kalacheevsky Agricultural

Any real education is obtained only through self-education.

ON THE. Rubakin

In modern Russian society there is a growing need for people who think extraordinary, creative, active, able to solve tasks in an unconventional way and formulate new, promising goals.

The professionalism of a teacher is considered today as a condition for achieving modern quality education.

The professional development of a teacher is a complex, multifaceted process of a person entering the profession, characterized by an ambiguous contribution of personal and activity components with the leading role of the teacher's personality.

The formation and improvement of all elements of pedagogical skills, the achievement of the level of professional competence is possible only in the process of self-development of the teacher's personality.

self-educationis a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the personality itself. S.I. Ozhegov defines self-education as “the acquisition of knowledge through self-study without the help of a teacher.

It is undeniable that the level of teacher training must constantly grow, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is low without the process of self-education of the teacher. Self-education is the need of a creative and responsible person in any profession, especially for professions with increased moral and social responsibility, such as the teaching profession.

Self-education is one of the forms of professional development of a teacher. Through self-education, the quality of teaching the subject is improved, readiness for pedagogical creativity is realized, professional and career growth is traced, and the image of a modern teacher is created.

Knowledge can be obtained in different ways. To date, teachers are offered a huge range of professional development services: in educational institutions- full-time, distance learning, advanced training courses, seminars. But, it's not a secret for anyone that most of the new knowledge and technologies lose their relevance on average after five years. Under these conditions, the most effective method improving the pedagogical skills of teachers is self-education. Constant self-education is the defining asset of life modern man, which will help not to "lag behind the train of modernity."

It is very important to create conditions for the formation of motivation for professional self-improvement.Attitudes towards professional development affect career and professionalism.

Self-education is carried out through the following activities:familiarity with teaching and methodical literature; self-educational work on the report; review of online information; attending seminars, conferences, lessons of colleagues; discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues; systematic completion of advanced training courses; conducting open classes and their analysis; participation in professional competitions.

Generalization and dissemination of one's own experience (articles, reports, master class) brings the certification process as close as possible to everyday practical activities, therefore, saves time and effort in preparing for subsequent certification.

Independent work on self-education allows the teacher to improve his professional level: replenish your methodological baggage, model and predict the educational process; find new non-standard approaches in working with children; unleash creativity. And this, in turn, will affect the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in general.

The self-development of a teacher can be characterized different levels:
- the first level - stopped self-development, when the teacher shows a positive attitude towards his professional activity and is aware of its significance, but he lacks internal motivation for self-development; he does not feel the need for self-analysis, and self-assessment of his own professional activity and its results; professional features performs mainly according to the standard;
- the second level - sufficient self-development, characterized by a high assessment by the teacher of the importance of his own pedagogical activity and the manifestation of the need for creative self-development;

The third level is active self-development, when pedagogical activity acquires a perceived value in the eyes of the teacher. The teacher recognizes and accepts creative self-development as a personally significant and value-target setting; shows activity and independence in self-development activities, is able to realize his creative potential.

In pedagogical works on advanced training, self-education is recognized as one of the most dynamic forms of raising the level of a specialist. Self-education is more effective than other forms of education, since knowledge and experience gained independently through one's own knowledge, mistakes become a personality converter on the way to improvement.

I support A. Eisenberg's idea that "self-education can develop under two conditions: there is a need for self-education and a certain situation for its satisfaction." The needs for self-education for each teacher are specific, since they are influenced by various factors, namely: personality structure, interests, scientific, psychological, pedagogical and special training, general educational level; pedagogical experience.

It seems to me that self-education of the teacher will be effective, when the individual's need for self-development is realized, the teacher is able to evaluate himself, owns the methods of self-knowledge and introspection, and is ready for changes. Also important is the self-education program, which includes general education, subject, scientific, psychological, pedagogical and methodological areas.

In our time, the statement of K. D. Ushinsky that a teacher lives as long as he studies takes on special significance. A.Disterweg wrote, referring to the teacher: "He is only able to actually educate and educate until he works on his own upbringing and education."

The ability to "make oneself" in accordance with social and moral ideals, in which professional competence, richness of spiritual life and responsibility would become natural conditions human life became the most urgent need of the day.

The current socio-economic situation in the modern world is characterized by the fact that many areas human activity, including education, are rapidly developing through the introduction of various innovations. And a person in such a situation will have to be not only a performer in their implementation, but also a direct creator of innovative processes.

Society today is experiencing the most profound and rapid change in its history. Every teacher knows that life in the modern world requires the ability to rebuild, to be open to the developing situation. For a teacher, who is called upon to respond vividly to social changes, the reluctance to move means a complete or partial loss of the professional field.

And today, the readiness to adequately meet every professional situation, to be ready for retraining in rapidly changing conditions is very important for every teacher.

The former foundations, where organized, systematic self-education was carried out mainly in all kinds of courses, circles, turn out to be insufficient. Their place is more and more filled independent work each person over various sources of obtaining knowledge only with a little consultation of specialists in a particular field of science and practice.


1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Life strategy. - M., 91g.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. - M .: Pedagogy, 91.

3. Gerasimov G.I., Ilyukhina L.V. Innovations in education: essence and social mechanisms. - Rostov n / a, 99

4. Ivanov D.A. Expertise in education. - M.: ACADEMIA, 08

5. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M., 96g.

6. Nikishina I.V. Innovation activity modern teacher in the school system methodical work. - Volgograd "Teacher", 06

7. Prigogine A.I. Innovation: incentives and obstacles. – M.: 89g.

8. Meshchankina L.V. In the world of wise thoughts.
