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Formation of methods of teaching literature as a science. The subject and objectives of the methodology of teaching literature. Literary education in the Republic of Belarus at the present stage

MPL: For what? What? How? MPL- This is a pedagogical science, the subject of which is the process of teaching literature to schoolchildren as an academic subject, and the task of which is to discover the laws of this process in order to more correctly guide it. MPL course is designed to help develop the creative principles of a personality-literary specialist, to form an idea of ​​the literary development of schoolchildren, of the historical change in teaching methods and techniques, and of the professional activities of a teacher. Course structure: 1. theoretical problems of modern methodology, 2. main stages in the development of methodology, 3. methods and techniques for teaching literature, 4. stages of studying literature at school, 5. the relationship between perception and analysis of a work, 6. reading and studying a work of art, taking into account genre and generic specifics, 7. theory of literature in school studies, 8. lesson of literature in a modern school, 9. development of oral and written activities, 10. out-of-class and out-of-school work. MPL as a science: 1. subject of research, 2. social significance, 3. study methods: theoretical, experimental (formative), 3. control (controlling). Pedagogical methods of studying literature at school: questionnaires, sections, observations, interviews. Any science exists independently of other sciences, like MLT, it is fundamental. Item: establishing patterns of teaching literature as the art of the word. Public importance: Literature is one of the most important means of shaping the worldview and social position of schoolchildren. Methods:- slices (mass survey), - purposeful observation, - natural experiment, - laboratory experiment. When using the scientific problem of teaching literature are used methods: 1. theoretical (study and analysis of works on methodology, pedagogy, psychology, literary criticism), 2. sociological and pedagogical (analysis of programs, textbooks, teaching aids, oral and written answers, questioning, monitoring the education process), 3. experimental (conducting ascertaining, teaching, controlling experiments), 4. statistical (mathematical processing and generalization of the results of control sections).

2. The birth of literature as an academic subject. The Significance of Progressive Ideas of the 19th Century in the Development of Russian Methodological Science (F. I. Buslaev, V. Ya. Stoyunin)

Rhetoric, poetics and the theory of literature play an important role among the sources of literature as an academic subject. Works of Russian literature began to enter the circle of university and school education at the end of the 18th century as examples illustrating the theoretical and literary position. Russian literature as a separate subject of teaching, which is based on rhetoric and poetics, appears in curricula individual secondary schools since 1811. Since that time, literary teaching has become not only models, but also the subject of analysis. This is evidenced by the experience of many educational institutions: Moscow University, a noble boarding school ... The initial stage in the formation of literature as an academic subject is associated with the development teaching aids. Gymnasium literature courses differ little from university courses at that time. In the middle of the 19th century, the only methodological guide was Grechannikov’s “A Brief Guide to the Aesthetic Analysis of Parts of Russian Literature” written in a question-answer form and containing a detailed analysis of excerpts from the works of Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Karamzin. The time of the formation of MPL as a science- the second half of the 19th century (40-50s of the 19th century), when the methodological programs and textbooks of Buslaev, Vodovozov and others were created. The book of Buslaev "On the teaching of the national language" (1844), Galakhov's "Complete Russian reader" became an event (1842), "The Program of the Russian Language and Literature" (1852). It was in the 60s that the first congresses of language teachers took place, where they take the “practical method of teaching” as the basis of their activities. In the 70s, in the course of literature in the lower grades, attention was paid to the study of the language and explanatory reading of samples of Russian literature, and in the upper grades, historical and literary reviews. In 1870 teachers of literature spoke out in favor of the historical teaching of literature. The array of scientific literature, successful from a methodological point of view, is increasing. The teacher gets a choice. The end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century and the theory and the MPL begin to be implemented in different approaches to teaching methodological concepts and systems. For the first time, the technique is guided not only by school practice, but also acquires the status of a science using experiment. In 1901, a laboratory of experimental pedagogical psychology was founded in St. Petersburg under the direction of A. P. Nechaev, who outlined an extensive program of experimental psychological solutions to acute problems of didactics and methodology. With the appearance of many methodological works in the 2nd half and the end of the 19th century, 2 directions were formed in the MPL: - academic, - educational. Academic (Buslaevo-Galakhovskoye) - mental development. Educational (Vodovozsko-Stoyuninskoye) - educational goals. At the turn of the century, the Ignatiev program was famous. Since 1847 Buslaev (1818-1897)- Professor of Moscow State University, since 1881 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Historical Reader of the Church Slavonic and Old Russian Language (1861), The Russian Reader (1870) went through 10 editions and served as a guide in the study of Old Russian literature and folklore. His main book "On the teaching of the national language" is the first scientific and methodological work in Russia. It presents a detailed concept of teaching the Russian language and literature at school, based on understanding the subject itself and the methodology for studying it. The 1st part is devoted to the problems of didactics and methodology (the relationship between method and technique in science and school, the history and theory of literature in school, types of analysis, the role of practical exercises, etc.). Part 2 - material on the history of the Russian language. In all sections of the book, the author's desire to present the concept of teaching, as well as sharpen the discussion of a whole range of problems, is noticeable. Stoyunin (1826-1888). In 1850 - the first research; grammar book and reader for women's gymnasium. "A guide for the history of the study of the most remarkable works of Russian literature (up to the latest period) (1869)," A guide for the theoretical study of literature according to the best examples: Russian and foreign "(1869). The main methodological work "On the teaching of Russian literature": part 1 - a presentation of the concept of the school historical and literary course, part 2 - the principles of substantiating literature at school and analyzes of individual works. The central thesis of the book is that at school it is necessary to study not abstract theory, nor science, but literary works themselves, which must be read and assimilated by students in the process of analysis.


1. Subject, content and structure of the course "Methods of teaching Russian literature".

2. Research methods in the methodology of teaching Russian literature.

3. Interdisciplinary connections of the course.

Keywords: methodology, art, talent, teacher's personality, subject of research interdisciplinary connections, pedagogical science, academic subject, teacher, student; standard program, state educational standards, teaching methods and techniques, the problem of the textbook and teaching aids, forms of organization of the educational process.

The methodology of teaching literature as a science has existed for more than two hundred years. But even today the question of its content and tasks is being discussed. A number of educators believe that the method of teaching one or another subject, and literature in particular, is not so much a science as an art. The success of teaching, they note, is determined by the personal abilities of the teacher, the absence of which is not compensated by knowledge of the methodology: only knowledge of the subject itself and love for it are needed, and pedagogical talent and practical experience will provide high quality teaching.

One cannot agree with this, since not a single profession, including teaching, can develop and improve, relying only on talent. In our opinion, it is necessary to talk about mastery, about the actual knowledge of the educational process, about educational skill, the question is mastery based on skill, on qualification.

In the process of education and upbringing great importance has the personality of a teacher, his human qualities, worldview, love for his subject and for children, passion for the profession, gradual systematic accumulation of teaching experience.

Any science has the right to exist as a separate, independent branch of knowledge in the presence of three conditions:

1. a subject of study that is not studied by any other science;

2. the public need to study the subject;

3. specific methods scientific research.

The main task of the methodology of teaching literature as a science is the discovery of the laws of this process, which are not reducible either to literary laws or to didactic and psychological laws.

Literary criticism studies the patterns of development of fiction, didactics - general patterns learning, psychology - patterns mental activity person. Methodology directly comes into contact with these sciences, relies on their data, but at the same time solves its own specific tasks.

Based on the discovery of the laws of the learning process, the methodology develops the basic principles of teaching, as well as private rules, which are the initial data for guiding practice.

The methodology of teaching literature is a pedagogical science, the subject of which is the social process of educating schoolchildren in literature as subject and whose task is to discover the regularities of this process with the aim of a deeper correct management of it.

The social significance of the methodology of teaching literature is due to the enormous educational value of fiction.

Literature education included integral part in the work of the school as a whole, therefore the methodology is closely connected with didactics, which develops a general theory and general principles learning.

The methodology of teaching literature is closely connected with literary criticism - methodology, theory and history of literature. This connection is found in the definition of the purpose, content, structure of the literature course. The methodology of the literature also influences teaching methods.

The methodology is also connected with aesthetics; in the process of studying literature, philosophical, ethical, historical, and linguistic issues are also touched upon.

In solving a number of problems, the methodology of teaching literature comes into contact with psychology. This connection is revealed in two ways: it is the psychology of artistic perception and the psychology of teaching, the mental and moral development of students, and their upbringing.

But psychology and methodology do not coincide in the subject of study: pedagogical psychology studies the mental life of children; methodology - the pedagogical process of learning as a social phenomenon, the assimilation of a circle of knowledge by students, general and literary development, the formation of skills and abilities.

The pedagogical process at school is a very complex phenomenon in which the teaching work of teachers and academic work students in different subjects. Therefore, the methodology of each subject should study the relationship of various, especially close subjects - language, literature, history, music, fine arts.

The structure of each science reflects the structure of the subject of its study. The structure of the methodology of literature reflects the process of teaching literature at school. The main elements of this process are: learning objectives, educational process, teacher, student.

Learning objectives affect the selection of material and the system of its organization in the educational process; the subject dictates the system and methods of teaching it to the teacher; The activity of the teacher forms the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

The methodology of teaching literature develops the problems, goals and objectives of teaching literature at school. The course of literature should meet the educational and educational tasks of the school, the requirements of scientific character and the age characteristics of students.

The methodology guides the creation of standard programs, which indicates the works to be studied; the range of classroom and extracurricular reading at different levels of education was determined; a system of knowledge and skills in the theory and history of literature and a system for the development of oral and written coherent speech were developed, interdisciplinary connections were outlined.

The development of teaching methods is associated with the solution of such problems: the relationship between the content and teaching methods; the method of science and the method of teaching, the essence of literary development, the ways and means of analyzing a work of art, etc.

The methodology also develops the problem of a textbook and teaching aids, the problem of visibility and use technical means learning.

The methodology, like didactics, distinguishes the following forms of organization of the educational process: a lesson, extracurricular activities, extracurricular and extracurricular activities (circles, excursions, literary evenings, exhibitions, etc.).

The question of vocational training teacher of literature, his creative laboratory, his profile as a specialist.

The subject of scientific research in methodology is the teaching of literature to students as an academic subject. It is necessary to distinguish between the practical study of the learning process by the teacher to improve personal skills, theoretical study with the aim of developing the theory of methodology, improving the practice of teaching in general.

A good knowledge of the practice of the school is a necessary condition for research (research work) in the field of methodology. The best way learning practice - direct teaching.

Generalization of best practices is one of the methods of scientific research in methodology. The researcher must clearly understand the problem posed to him, isolate it from the complex pedagogical process, and organize a sequence of monitoring the progress of teaching.

The chosen problem should be, first of all, studied in theoretical terms: the researcher should get acquainted with the relevant scientific literature, as well as with what material school practice can provide for its solution.

Then a hypothesis is put forward, i.e. theoretically based assumption about how the problem posed should be solved. The hypothesis must be confirmed by scientifically established facts taken in connection with other facts under precisely fixed conditions. Facts are conclusive if they can be reproduced under certain or similar conditions, if with sufficient persuasiveness the researcher can prove the real connections of these facts with these conditions, if causal connections.

Pedagogical facts must be accurately recorded: tape recorder, transcripts, protocols, written answers, diaries, etc.

The most common are the following research methods:

1. The method of slices, or the method of mass simultaneous polling

2. The method of purposeful observation contributes to a detailed study of the course of the pedagogical process, in accordance with the problem and hypothesis posed by the researchers.

3. Method of natural experiment (close to the method of observation).

4. Laboratory experiment.

Methods of observation and experiment require preliminary and subsequent theoretical work.



1. The essence and objectives of the subject.

2. The place of literature among other school subjects.

3. Stages of studying literature at school.

Keywords: theory of developmental learning, leading activity, direct-emotional communication, subject-manipulative activity, game and educational activity, socially significant and educational and professional activities.

Literature at school includes a certain range of works of fiction, science articles about literature, the foundations of the theory and history of literature, a system of oral and written work on the development of speech and the reading culture of schoolchildren.

In accordance with the needs and capabilities of a growing person, the subject is built in steps: it relies on the reading training that the child received in primary school, contains a stage from grades V to VII, the task of which is to introduce a work of art into the world, develop their reader's susceptibility and thereby prepare them for the stage of education in a lyceum or college, when works of verbal art are studied on a historical and literary basis and schoolchildren comprehend the role of literature in social movement, in the formation of the human personality, the self-consciousness of the people and the human personality, in the self-consciousness of the people and mankind.

The place of literature among other school subjects. Literature belongs to the subjects of the aesthetic cycle, together with such subjects as music and fine arts.

The study of verbal art in grades V-V1 is interconnected with the study of other types of art, and in the senior grades, literature is so far the only subject that is entrusted with the artistic education of schoolchildren. But even in the middle and senior grades, literature enters into diverse contacts with all school subjects without exception: firstly, all the diversity of life is expressed in literature, in order to understand a work of art, the reader needs all his knowledge, all his experience; secondly, any school subject is based on literature in order to reveal the beauty of human thought, the humane aspirations of advanced science, the loftiness of the ideas and ideals of mankind.

The ties between literature and the Russian language are especially close: language is the source of literature, its “ construction material". At the same time, conscientious art is a treasury and workshop of the highest patterns of speech. Programs in the Russian language and literature have directly contiguous sections devoted to the development of oral and writing, many types of student work apply equally to both subjects.

Literature is firmly connected with school courses in history and social science. The study of literature constantly needs knowledge about the process and laws of social development, about the historical situation, and social problems. In turn, social science and history cannot do without literature, which helps to see the patterns of social development in the complex course of life, in the unity of “the fate of man and the fate of the people” (A.S. Pushkin).

Teaching literature arose as an expression of the social need for the systematic preparation of the younger generations for activities in the field of verbal art. The methodology of school teaching of literature was formed during the centuries along with the development of literature as an art, the science of literature, along with the artistic self-awareness of society. But only in the middle of the XIX century. in the course of a long and difficult ideological struggle, under the influence of revolutionary democratic criticism, the subject of school study was the style itself fiction, creativity of writers, literary process. During this period, the role of literature in human life was more clearly defined than ever.

Modern programs in literature are built on the basis of two concentrations: V-IX and teaching literature in lyceums and colleges (senior level). This division is based on ideas about the periods of development of the student, developed in the works of psychologists. The programs reflect the basic component of literary education and the content of secondary education standards.

V.V. Davydov in the book "The Theory of Developmental Learning" (M., 1996) use the term "leading activity", which causes major changes in psychological characteristics child at a given period of development. L.S. Vygotsky noted that what was the central line of development at one age becomes side lines of development at another, and vice versa.

In this work, V.V. Davydov gives, with some changes, the scheme for the formation of the leading activity in D.B. Elkonin.

1. Direct emotional communication with adults is typical for a child from the first weeks of life to a year. Thanks to such communication, the child develops a need for communication, an emotional attitude towards adults.

2. Subject-manipulative activity child from 1 to 3 years old. The central neoplasm of this age is the appearance in the child of consciousness, "acting in others in the form of his own childish self"

3. gaming activity peculiar to a small extent to a child from 3 to 6 years. In the game, imagination develops, experiences and “meaningful orientation in them” are formed.

4. Learning activities typical for children from 6 to 110 years. "based on it junior schoolchildren theoretical consciousness and thinking arise, the abilities corresponding to them develop (reflection, analysis, mental planning), as well as the needs and motives of the teaching.

5. socially significant activities are inherent in children from 10 to 15 years old, including labor. public organizational , sports and art. Adolescents acquire the ability to build communication in various teams, the ability to assess the capabilities of their "I", that is, practical consciousness.

6. Educational and professional activities occurs in high school students aged 15 to 17-18 years. They develop professional interests, the ability to build life plans, the moral and civic qualities of the individual and the foundations of the worldview are formed.

Speaking about the various positions of scientists in the field of developmental psychology, V.V. Davydov writes: “For L.N. Leontiev and D.B. Elkonin, the basis for the development of the psyche and personality of a person is the development of his activity, while personality is understood as a characteristic of the activity and integral psyche of a person. For A.V. Petrovsky, the mental is part of the personality, and its development is determined by a change in the relationship of a person with people around him.

literary development and reading activity schoolchildren different ages researched in methodological science(works by N.D. Moldavsky, N.I. Kudryashev, S.A. Gurevich, V.G. Marantsman, O.Yu. Bogdanova, etc.). The results of the study were taken into account when creating temporary standards for literary education and variable programs.

The main goal of literary education is to familiarize students with the riches of domestic and world classics, the formation of a culture of artistic perception and education on this basis of morality, aesthetic taste, culture of speech, the basis of the content of literary education is the reading and study of artistic tests, taking into account literary, ethical-philosophical and historical -cultural components.

Go to concentric structure education implies the completion of each stage. Modern programs do not contain an indication of the amount of time for each topic; a number of works are offered for the choice of the teacher and students.

In elementary grades the foundations of the reader's culture, the ability to meaningfully expressive reading and elementary analysis of a work of art are laid. In many textbooks, the literary text acts as the main teaching tool. Diverse tasks, including those of a creative nature, are aimed at developing the cognitive and emotional spheres of younger students, the full perception of a literary text, and the inclusion of students in active speech activity.

A schoolchild, developing preschool experience, masters a work of art as an integral structure, as a creation of a particular author.

In the middle stage(V-IX grades) Literature is an independent subject, two links are distinguished: V-VII and VIII-IX grades. In V-VII grades literary work is studied as a result of the writer's creativity, as a result of the aesthetic understanding of life. The idea of ​​literature as the art of the word involves the development of perception and understanding of the text, the poetics of the author. A culture of speech, a culture of thinking and communication are brought up, emotional responsiveness, the ability to experience and empathize are formed.

Programs of classes V-VII are built according to the concentric principle and on a chronological basis: from folklore and literature of the past to the present. Artworks foreign literature are studied in parallel with the works native literature. The programs include sections for independent reading, information on the theory of literature.

Programs VIII-IX are also built according to the concentric and chronological principle. They provide biographical information about the writers, complicate the material on the theory of literature and create a readiness to study the course in lyceums and colleges, built on a historical and literary basis.

In grades V-IX, one can increase attention to the purposeful use of concepts in the theory of literature and to the consideration of the poetics of a work of art in its ideological and aesthetic integrity.

IN V-VI classes students do not just find comparisons, metaphors, epithets in the text, but learn to determine their purpose, learn to “draw” certain pictures with words, master the concept of genre, determine the meaning of individual words and expressions, understand the meaning of the composition and its components. This is confirmed by the real result of conversations, retellings, business games, written creative works.

In lyceums and colleges the basis of the course on a historical and literary basis is the reading and study of the most important works of Russian and world literature. Three lists of works are outlined: for reading and studying, for reviews and independent reading.

Students in lyceums and colleges master literature in its movement and development, in the context of the historical and literary process and the cultural life of the era. The subject of special concern of the teacher of literature is the formation of the reading circle of students and reader interests, the improvement of reader's perception, the comprehension of the nature of literature and its patterns, the improvement of students' speech.


Module #1

Topic #1

Lecture on the topic: "Methods of teaching literature as a science"


1. The originality of the methodology of literature as a science.

2. Object of study, tasks and content in the literature methodology

3. Psychological substantiation of the methodology of literature.

4. Methods of study in the methodology

5. Methods of literature and related sciences.

6. Literature at school as a subject.

One of the main tasks of any science is to elucidate patterns that help to cognize reality and influence it. But each of the sciences solves these problems in its own way, depending on the material, goals and methods of research.

originality pedagogical disciplines and among them literature teaching methods is that our science deals with very complex "material" - with a person in the process of his training and education - and studies the formation of a comprehensively developed human personality.

In the work of a teacher with students and in its results, in the effectiveness of teaching, far from everything lends itself to scientific observation and accurate accounting: there is always something that can be explained by the characteristics of the teacher's personality. It is not for nothing that they talk about innate pedagogical talent, about teachers-artists, and so on.

However, this uniqueness of methodology as a science should not be exaggerated. The quality of teaching mainly depends on the extent to which the teacher has mastered evidence-based methods of work and is able to apply them in each specific case, how prepared he is for his profession. And only methodological theory and pedagogical educational practice based on it can give him such training.

The methodology of teaching literature as a science has existed for more than two centuries, however, even in our time, the question of its content and tasks is being discussed.

Some teachers express the opinion that the method of teaching a particular subject, and literature in particular, is not so much a science as an art. The success of teaching, they say, is determined by the personal abilities of the teacher, the absence of which is not compensated by knowledge of the methodology: only knowledge of the subject itself, love for it is needed, and pedagogical talent and practical experience will ensure high quality teaching.

One cannot agree with this. Not a single mass profession, including teaching, can develop and improve, relying only on talent. A.S. Makarenko wrote about this: “... can we rely on random distribution talents? How many such especially talented educators do we have? And why should a child who has fallen into an untalented teacher suffer? ... No. It is only necessary to talk about mastery based on skill, on qualifications.

Therefore, in the process of training and education, the personality of the teacher, his human qualities, worldview, love for his subject and students, passion for the profession, the gradual systematic accumulation of teaching experience are of great importance.

The methodology of literature, like other sciences, had first of all to determine the object of study, precisely limiting the range of phenomena subject to its conduct. At first glance, it might seem that the methodology of literature is very close to literary science, to its history and theory, in view of the fact that at school, as well as in science, the same material is studied: fiction.

There were teachers who saw in the teaching of literature a special section of literary science along with other sections, such as the history of literature, the theory of literature, literary criticism, and allowed the term: school literary criticism.

Practice has confirmed the fallacy of this approach. Indeed, in terms of the object of study, there is a fundamental difference between literary science and the methodology of teaching literature. The object of study in literary criticism is indeed literature and all those patterns that relate to its specificity, origin, development and social significance.

The object of study in the methodology is not literature, but a teacher and a student, their relationship in school classes in literature, the pedagogical process and those patterns that can be established in the educational and upbringing activities of a language teacher on literary material.

On the other hand, there were supporters of identifying the methodology of literature with the theory of pedagogy. They argued their point of view by the fact that the methodology of literature also studies the pedagogical process. But such an identification of methodology with pedagogy is also unjustified. Methodology, undoubtedly, belongs to the number of pedagogical disciplines and is based on a number of provisions of pedagogical science, but nevertheless, both in terms of tasks and in terms of the object of study, it is an independent discipline.

Pedagogy covers a wide range of general issues of educating students and seeks to reveal the basic principles and methods that are characteristic not of individual disciplines, but of the entire school, of the entire educational and educational process as a whole.

The methodology of literature selects a narrower range of issues directly related to the teaching of literature, and in its area examines in detail all aspects of the teaching and educational activities of a language teacher in the course of teaching school course literature. For example, the course of pedagogy refers to the lesson as the main form of schoolwork. The methodology of literature should find out how lessons vary in the process of working on literary material, what types of lessons are possible, etc. Or pedagogical science in the section on aesthetic education sets out general provisions about the importance for schoolchildren can have an understanding of pictorial and means of expression any art, be it literature, painting or music. The methodology of literature explains in detail what and how the aesthetic impact of literary works on students of a particular age is manifested.

In a word, methodology, like pedagogy, considers the pedagogical process, the relationship between teacher and student, but the object of her study are only those aspects of school activities that are specific to literature as an academic subject.

What are tasks and content literary methods?

All methods, whatever academic discipline they have nothing to do with each other, they are similar in that they consider the principles, material and methods of the teacher’s work in a certain sequence, answer three main questions: why, what and how?

Why, why am I literature teacher, came to school. In answering this general question, the technique dwells on a number of particular questions.

What are the main tasks of the literary education of schoolchildren in present stage and no place belongs to literature as a special school subject? What is the place of literature lessons in shaping the worldview of students, their moral and aesthetic growth, in the development of thinking and speech? These are roughly the first set of questions that the language teacher must think about if he wants to be meaningful about his work.

Technique comes to the rescue. It defines the principles and objectives of teaching literature, based on modern requirements to the literary education of schoolchildren, to the specifics of fiction.

But now the breeder starts to work. In his hands is a program on literature, and from the question For what? He goes to the question What?

What? this is also a very important, decisive issue in the teacher's work: although the program determines the content of his classes, it must be comprehended in order to be most appropriately applied. What explains the choice for this class of those, and not other works? What goals were guided by the compilers of the program? Is all this material within the power of students of a given age, do they have enough time to study it in equal detail and in detail? In what order, what system of knowledge about literature does the program offer students? How does the program solve the issue of the development of oral and written speech in connection with the study of literature? Such is the second group of questions that inevitably confronts the teacher at the very beginning of school lessons.

And to these questions the methodology should give the linguist a fundamentally substantiated answer. At the same time, she considers it necessary to broaden the historical and theoretical horizons of the teacher by showing him other principles for the selection and arrangement of program material that took place in the practice of teachers of the past. If the teacher understands what pedagogical tasks brought the former programs to life, what literary principles they relied on, then by such a comparison it will be easier for him to come to an understanding of the same program material, which is the subject of study in the modern school.

Making sense curriculum, the language teacher simultaneously sets himself the third group of questions concerning the methods and techniques of work. That is, along with What? He poses the question How?

A novice teacher, looking closely at the work of other, more experienced colleagues, can find excellent examples of lessons and extracurricular activities and at the same time there are quite a few serious mistakes, going mainly in two directions.

There are teachers who are at the mercy of the pattern, suffering from the poverty of methodical thought. These templates do not give them the opportunity to reveal to students the cognitive, aesthetic and educational essence of a literary work in all its concreteness and features. The lessons of such philologists usually introduce tedious monotony into the life of the class, which greatly reduces the intensity of training sessions.

There are other teachers, very lively and energetic, who direct all their attention to making the lessons more original and entertaining. This striving, essentially progressive, with a lack of pedagogical experience, tact and scientific training, is fraught with a serious danger: the pursuit of originality and amusement, of external effects can push the teacher to come up with artificial methods that run counter to the educational and upbringing tasks of the school and scientific research. understanding of literature as the art of the word.

The methodology in these matters should give the teacher the right instructions. This is precisely what it consists of. the main task: the fundamental substantiation of the methods and techniques of the teacher's work is the main content of the methodology.

Each teacher's lesson is a very complex phenomenon, which can be correctly understood only as a link in the chain of other phenomena, in close connection with them.

Individualizing the lessons, finding out the techniques that are most exciting for students, encouraging them to active, creative development educational material, stimulating both the recreating and creative imagination of schoolchildren, in a word, the most effective in this particular case, the teacher must evaluate each technique, no matter how insignificant at first glance it plays in the process of his studies in terms of compliance with his general age interests and development students.

Whatever side of the teaching of literature the methodology speaks about: about tasks, content or techniques, it should never forget about the student. Theory, as you know, is tested by practice. All theoretical considerations about what needs to be taught, how and for what purpose to do it, are of value only if students show interest in employment, if the knowledge presented to them is accessible, understandable to them, and contributes to their development. The methodology should be based not only on the tasks of education and training, but also on the psychology of the student.

One of the disadvantages of teaching is that the teacher pedagogical process, forgetting about the children, strives to fulfill the planned plan, looking at how the students react to his teaching is completely insufficient. Such a teacher often explains the failures of the lesson solely by the bad behavior of the students: their inattention, Lena, etc. If the teacher tried to look at the lesson through the eyes of the students, he might come to the conclusion that the reasons for failure often lie, at least in part, in himself: in the wrong selection of material or in unsuccessful methods used in teaching.

Constant attention to the martyr, to his interests, to his aesthetic tastes, to the reader's perception is a must for every language teacher. This is one of the main ways of success in teaching and educational activities.

Attention to developmental psychology does not mean at all that the teacher should reckon only with the interests of the students, obey them, follow their lead: the teacher consistently and energetically does what he considers his pedagogical duty, but it is precisely in order to fulfill this duty that he needs the most attentive thoughtful attitude to schoolchildren, their tireless study.

Such a study is extremely conducive to the scientific validity of the methodology, the establishment of patterns in it between the individual aspects of classes in literature, for example, the connections between certain methods of active reading of students and the understanding of a work, between the analysis artistic means writer and mastering the features of his ideological orientation, creative method and so on.

The psychologization of the methodology of literature is an urgent requirement that ensures its further development.

Having defined the tasks and material of methodology as a scientific discipline, it is necessary to move on to the question of methods for studying methodological problems.

A teacher of literature who has turned to methodology for guidance on the direction and nature of his work has the right to ask how much all these indications are justified and what scientific methods of study the methodology itself should use.

Lecture number 1. Methods of teaching literature as scientific discipline

Lecture No. 2. Literature as a subject at school

Lecture No. 3. Literature teacher and professional requirements for him

Lecture number 4. Methods and techniques for teaching literature at school

Lecture number 5. Stages of work on a work of art. Introductory classes

Lecture number 6. Reading and studying the text of a work of art at school

Lecture number 7-8. Methods for studying a literary work at school

Lecture number 9. Ways of analyzing literary works at school

Lecture No. 10. Final lessons

Lecture No. 11. The study of epic works

Lecture No. 12. The study of lyrical works

Lecture No. 13. Methods for studying dramatic works

Lecture No. 14. Studying the biography of the writer at school

Lecture No. 15

Lecture No. 16. Development oral speech students in literature lessons

Lecture number 17. The development of written speech of students in literature lessons

Lecture No. 18. Literature lesson in a modern school

Lecture No. 19. Visual aids in literature lessons

Lecture number 1. Methods of teaching literature as a scientific discipline


1. Subject, content and structure of the course "Methods of teaching Russian literature".

2. Research methods in the methodology of teaching Russian literature.

3. Interdisciplinary connections of the course.

Keywords: methodology, art, talent, teacher's personality, subject of research interdisciplinary connections, pedagogical science, academic subject, teacher, student; standard program, state educational standards, teaching methods and techniques, the problem of the textbook and teaching aids, forms of organization of the educational process.

The methodology of teaching literature as a science has existed for more than two hundred years. But even today the question of its content and tasks is being discussed. A number of educators believe that the method of teaching one or another subject, and literature in particular, is not so much a science as an art. The success of teaching, they note, is determined by the personal abilities of the teacher, the absence of which is not compensated by knowledge of the methodology: only knowledge of the subject itself and love for it are needed, and pedagogical talent and practical experience will ensure high quality teaching.

One cannot agree with this, since not a single profession, including teaching, can develop and improve, relying only on talent. In our opinion, it is necessary to talk about mastery, about the actual knowledge of the educational process, about educational skill, the question is mastery based on skill, on qualification.

In the process of training and education, the personality of the teacher, his human qualities, worldview, love for his subject and for children, passion for the profession, the gradual systematic accumulation of teaching experience are of great importance.

Any science has the right to exist as a separate, independent branch of knowledge in the presence of three conditions:

1. a subject of study that is not studied by any other science;

2. the public need to study the subject;

3. specific methods of scientific research.

The main task of the methodology of teaching literature as a science is the discovery of the laws of this process, which are not reducible either to literary laws or to didactic and psychological laws.

Literary criticism studies the patterns of development of fiction, didactics - the general patterns of learning, psychology - the patterns of human mental activity. Methodology directly comes into contact with these sciences, relies on their data, but at the same time solves its own specific tasks.

Based on the discovery of the laws of the learning process, the methodology develops the basic principles of teaching, as well as private rules, which are the initial data for guiding practice.

The methodology of teaching literature is a pedagogical science, the subject of which is the social process of educating schoolchildren in literature as an academic subject and the task of which is to discover the patterns of this process in order to better guide them.

The social significance of the methodology of teaching literature is due to the enormous educational value of fiction.

Teaching literature is an integral part of the work of the school as a whole, therefore the methodology is closely related to didactics, which develops a general theory and general principles of education.

The methodology of teaching literature is closely connected with literary criticism - methodology, theory and history of literature. This connection is found in the definition of the purpose, content, structure of the literature course. The methodology of the literature also influences teaching methods.

The methodology is also connected with aesthetics; in the process of studying literature, philosophical, ethical, historical, and linguistic issues are also touched upon.

In solving a number of problems, the methodology of teaching literature comes into contact with psychology. This connection is revealed in two ways: it is the psychology of artistic perception and the psychology of teaching, the mental and moral development of students, and their upbringing.

But psychology and methodology do not coincide in terms of the subject of study: educational psychology studies the mental life of children; methodology - the pedagogical process of learning as a social phenomenon, the assimilation of a circle of knowledge by students, general and literary development, the formation of skills and abilities.

The pedagogical process at school is a very complex phenomenon in which the teaching work of teachers and the educational work of students in various subjects are interconnected. Therefore, the methodology of each subject should study the relationship of various, especially close subjects - language, literature, history, music, fine arts.

The structure of each science reflects the structure of the subject of its study. The structure of the methodology of literature reflects the process of teaching literature at school. The main elements of this process are: learning objectives, learning process, teacher, student.

Learning objectives affect the selection of material and the system of its organization in the educational process; the subject dictates the system and methods of teaching it to the teacher; The activity of the teacher forms the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

The methodology of teaching literature develops the problems, goals and objectives of teaching literature at school. The course of literature should meet the educational and educational tasks of the school, the requirements of scientific character and the age characteristics of students.

The methodology guides the creation of standard programs, which indicates the works to be studied; the range of classroom and extracurricular reading at different levels of education was determined; a system of knowledge and skills in the theory and history of literature and a system for the development of oral and written coherent speech were developed, interdisciplinary connections were outlined.

The development of teaching methods is associated with the solution of such problems: the relationship between the content and teaching methods; the method of science and the method of teaching, the essence of literary development, the ways and means of analyzing a work of art, etc.

The methodology also develops the problem of a textbook and teaching aids, the problem of visibility and the use of technical teaching aids.

The methodology, like didactics, distinguishes the following forms of organization of the educational process: a lesson, extracurricular activities, extracurricular and extracurricular activities (circles, excursions, literary evenings, exhibitions, etc.).

The question of the professional training of a teacher of literature, his creative laboratory, and his profile as a specialist is also of paramount importance.

The subject of scientific research in methodology is the teaching of literature to students as an academic subject. It is necessary to distinguish between the practical study of the teaching process by a teacher to improve personal skills, theoretical study in order to develop the theory of methodology, improve teaching practice in general.

A good knowledge of the practice of the school is a necessary condition for research (research work) in the field of methodology. The best way to learn practice is through direct teaching.

Generalization of best practices is one of the methods of scientific research in methodology. The researcher must clearly understand the problem posed to him, isolate it from the complex pedagogical process, and organize a sequence of monitoring the progress of teaching.

The chosen problem should be, first of all, studied in theoretical terms: the researcher should get acquainted with the relevant scientific literature, as well as with what material school practice can provide for its solution.

Then a hypothesis is put forward, i.e. theoretically based assumption about how the problem posed should be solved. The hypothesis must be confirmed by scientifically established facts taken in connection with other facts under precisely fixed conditions. Facts are conclusive if they can be reproduced under certain or similar conditions, if with sufficient persuasiveness the researcher can prove the real connections of these facts with these conditions, if causal relationships are established.

Pedagogical facts must be accurately recorded: tape recorder, transcripts, protocols, written answers, diaries, etc.

The most common are the following research methods:

1. The method of slices, or the method of mass simultaneous polling

2. The method of purposeful observation contributes to a detailed study of the course of the pedagogical process, in accordance with the problem and hypothesis posed by the researchers.

3. Method of natural experiment (close to the method of observation).

4. Laboratory experiment.

Methods of observation and experiment require preliminary and subsequent theoretical work.

Like other social sciences, modern technique teaching literature is constantly enriched with data from related humanitarian disciplines. Thus, searches and discoveries in methodology over the past decades are associated with similar processes taking place in general pedagogy and psychology of artistic perception, in sociology and aesthetics, in art history and the theory of education. The closest and most organic links between the methodology of teaching literature and literary criticism, didactics and pedagogical psychology.

Literary criticism.

The dependence of methodological systems on literary criticism is undeniable and is confirmed by a large amount of factual material. Methodology based on modern achievements literary criticism, from the tasks of teaching at school, is designed to determine the foundations of the science of literature, which everyone with a general secondary education should master.

The language teacher must first of all clarify such questions of literary criticism as the question of the connection between literature and social life, the question of the significance of the worldview in the writer's work, the problem of the unity of form and content in a literary work. The content of a literary work is reality, known, evaluated and reflected by the writer. The main form in which the ideological content of a work is revealed is an artistic image, primarily an image-character, the means of creating which are language and composition. Content is the basis of a literary work, revealed in images by means of language and composition.

In literary science, the teacher should seek solutions not only to the general theoretical and literary problems indicated above, but also to elucidate a number of issues of a historical and literary order, such as the periodization of the history of Russian literature, the struggle and change literary trends, the role of tradition and innovation in the historical and literary process, the style of the writer as a unity of ideological and thematic, genre, compositional and language features his works, the national and world significance of Russian literature, the driving forces behind the development of our literature from ancient times to the present day, etc.

Without a preliminary clarification of all these issues, it is impossible correct setting teaching literature. But the foundations of science within the limits of school study can only be established by careful, deep study of the entire process of teaching. That is why the mechanical transfer of university-type literature courses to schools, even if they are facilitated, does not solve the problem: firstly, it leads to inevitable schematism and, consequently, violates the principle of scientific character; secondly, it leads to the fact that the literature course does not fulfill its educational task.

The methodology of literary criticism is the starting point in the methodology of literature when posing such problems as the purpose and methods of studying literary works at school, the goals, content and structure of a literature course. School methods for studying a work are substantiated primarily by scientific methods for studying fiction, but are not limited to them. It is also necessary to study the question of how students perceive works of art and the foundations of literary science.


Along with literary science, linguistics is also the basis for the methodology of literature. This follows from the specifics of literature as an art. Fiction differs from painting, music and other arts in that it is the "art of the word".

Language is living tissue literary work, the main tool of the writer, which he uses to reveal his ideas and images.

The school studies the speech style of our writers, mainly the classics of the 19th and 20th centuries. The writer's style is based on the national Russian language, which has mainly been established in our literature since the time of Pushkin. The speech style of writers in literature lessons is studied in its artistic function as a means of revealing the ideas and images of a particular work. Since the worldview, themes and images of different writers are not the same, this is reflected in the choice of words, expressions, syntactic turns, although the basis of the style of any writer is still a national language, which makes this writer accessible to general understanding.

One of the essential aspects of the style is the individualization of the language of the heroes of the work. This language also performs artistic functions, the writer also uses it to reveal the ideological and figurative content of the work, but at the same time uses special techniques. The writer, using the common language, selects the words and turns of speech characteristic of a particular social group, for its jargon or dialect, and with these characteristic words colors the speech of its hero.


A teacher of literature should closely follow the development of psychology and all its attempts to illuminate from new positions the issues of logical and figurative thinking, speech, communication, the formation of the student's personality, the patterns of development of the reproducing and creative imagination, memorization, and the theory of attitude.

The connection between methodology and psychology has two aspects. One of them is the psychology of artistic creativity, artistic perception by students. different ages artistic text. Another aspect is the psychology of learning, the mental and moral development of students, and their upbringing. It is necessary to use the laws of psychology in solving a number of purely methodological problems: about the availability of this or that material to students, about its volume, about the effectiveness of teaching methods. VV Golubkov wrote about the need to create a scientific methodology based on the study of student development. It is equally important to give a psychological justification for the school analysis of a work of art.

In psychological science, the teacher-philosopher mostly dwells, on the one hand, on those sections that define the general principles and methods of studying the student, and on the other, on those that help him scientifically correctly determine the psychology of literary characters. common ground in order to establish the age characteristics of a schoolchild, the philologist must take from psychology. The teacher needs to turn to the conclusions of psychology, which sees in the development of children studying in high school three main steps: younger age(10-11 years old), average age(12-15 years old) and older (15-18 years old). Each of these stages is characterized by peculiarities in relation to interests, emotions, attention, thinking, memory, character of children.

psychological science is necessary for the philologist not only in order to properly organize the systematic study of schoolchildren. He also needs it because in the analysis of literary works, in working on the characters of the characters, the philologist is a psychologist, he constantly uses psychological terminology and draws conclusions of a psychological order. But he must do this not artisanally, using psychological concepts and terms common in everyday life, but scientifically, relying on knowledge of scientific psychology.


The methodology is in direct contact with pedagogy, uses its data to solve its problems. Particularly significant for school studies are such issues as: a) the relationship between upbringing and education, b) the relationship of educative education with formal development, and c) the guidance of the teacher and the independent work of the student.

Pedagogy sees in education not an end in itself, but the main element of education and requires the teacher not just teaching, but educating teaching.

What should be the connection of this educative education with the development of the formal skills of the schoolchild? Each school discipline has its own special material, its own content: what it gives to expand knowledge, to develop a worldview, to educate feelings and aspirations. And there is a formal side: what this discipline contributes to the development of students' abilities, their skills and abilities.

If our school were limited to the mere concern for equipping students with knowledge and ignored the skills of thinking, speech, working capacity, etc., it would not fulfill its main task: the preparation of active, cultured citizens of its country. However, it should be firmly remembered that the development of formal skills is most effective if it is not put forward as independent task, but organically merges with the entire educational work of students, being an inevitable companion of all school activities.

Thus, the right balance is established between the development of abilities and skills and nurturing education. Formal development is not an independent task, but a very essential and necessary element of upbringing education.

The third didactic problem, which is very important for a teacher of literature, is the correlation in his academic subject of actual teaching work, where the teacher has the main leading role, and independent work, performed mainly by the students themselves. Most of the work of the first type falls on classwork, most of the work of the second type - on homework, although there is no complete coincidence here, since independent work can be done by students in the classroom.

But modern school, while recognizing the lesson as the main organizational form of classes at school, in no way detracts from the importance of independent work of students. There is no need to prove what a colossal role in creative activity modern man must play the skills of independent work on the material, the desire for self-education, the ability to plan a time budget, to fulfill the assignment on time. All these skills must be given by the school. Therefore, the teacher must accurately distribute the classes according to his discipline, establishing that it is he who tells the students what material the students under his guidance independently study in the classroom, what material they study even more independently at home. The teacher must teach students to work without his direct help, for which it is necessary to give instructions and exemplary examples of work in the lessons.

The methods of teaching literature as an academic subject, for all their originality, still have something in common with the methods of teaching other disciplines, which is due to the general tasks of the school, common system classes, general didactic principles of modern pedagogical science.


The first proposition, cardinal for the methodology of literature, is the recognition of literature as a powerful tool for the cognition of reality. Fiction gives the student a true knowledge of the world, a synthetic, holistic understanding of man and human society in all the diversity of his life in the past and present and draws the prospects for his development in the future.

However, the teacher must protect students from naive realism when perceiving works of art. To do this, he must keep in mind the second proposition, which is essential for substantiating the teaching of literature—the activity of our cognition. The writer summarizes his life experience, gives a condensed image of reality, expressing in the images created by him his understanding of the essence of the social processes taking place in life. Hence the enormous importance of analyzing the writer's worldview and the socio-aesthetic position he occupies. It is extremely important to determine from what ideological positions the artist views the social phenomenon, how he evaluates it.

For methodology, this provision affirms the pedagogical value of cultural heritage and historicism in the teaching of literature. Fiction can be "human science" and, at the same time, a factor in ideological and moral education only on the condition that literary works are studied in their historical context, in the light of the writer's worldview and the problems posed by him.

Ethics and aesthetics.

But fiction is a social organizing force of a special order. The specificity of verbal figurative thinking writer is that this thinking is always emotional, that it affects not only the reader's imagination and intellect, but also his moral and aesthetic feelings.

Talking about literature as a tool public influence, it is necessary to clearly imagine what moral concepts and qualities should be developed in our schoolchildren, what role aesthetic perceptions should play in this, and what is their relationship to questions of moral and ideological and moral education.

Aesthetic evaluation is based on certain ideas of the reader about beauty, about beauty, about the ideal. We call beautiful something that is perfect in every respect, which is the embodiment of our ideal ideas about life, and ideal ideas about a person inevitably include his views, worldview and his moral qualities.

Aesthetic perception, aesthetic understanding is created when the student, perceiving the ideological content of a given work, experiencing after the hero and the writer certain emotions of a moral order, feels and gradually begins to understand the artistic quality of the work, the purposefulness and "indispensability" of its artistic means. If this purposefulness is not realized by the writer or it is not perceived by the reader, then there is no full-fledged aesthetic feeling and aesthetic evaluation.

Russian history.

The closest relation to the teaching of literature at school is the history of Russia. One of the leading principles that a teacher of literature should be imbued with is the principle of historicism.

Literature is an active force historical process. Since the history of literature is part of the general historical process, this formula also applies to the analysis of literary facts. To scientifically understand a literary work means to understand it historically, as a phenomenon determined by place and time, i.e., arising among a given people, in a certain social environment, in a certain era, and at the same time as manpower affecting in one direction or another on the process of social development.

The teacher of literature must study history, especially the history of his people, since it lies at the basis of the development of our literature.

So, in preparing for pedagogical creativity, it is important for a language teacher to take into account the various interdisciplinary connections of the methodology of teaching literature. We are talking about the subjects of literary, linguistic, psychological-pedagogical and general humanitarian cycles (philosophy, ethics and aesthetics, history).

Conclusion. All that has been said above about the methodology of teaching literature in secondary schools leads to the conclusion that the methodology cannot be reduced to a “collection of techniques”, to a practical recipe, to a list of rational methods of teaching, tested in practice and confirmed mass experience. Therefore, all the techniques recommended by the methodology, in addition to the fact that they are based on systematic testing in school experience, are theoretically justified. Therefore, one should consider private pedagogical science - the methodology of teaching literature - an independent scientific discipline that has its own subject, tasks, structure, methods and techniques of study.

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