Literature      01/18/2020

List of scientists dealing with the problems of tourism. Loiko O.T. Tourism and hotel industry. Tourism as a specific object of study

Tourism in the system of scientific knowledge. The importance of studying tourism activities is determined by the growing importance of tourism in various spaces of public life. In the economic sphere, being a profitable type of business, tourism contributes to the optimization of economic processes: an increase in foreign exchange earnings and income, the development of transport, communications, food, construction enterprises, and the creation of jobs.

The sociocultural significance of tourism is revealed in the preservation cultural heritage and transmission of historical values, the revival of the Russian socio-cultural space, the development of effective practices for the use of free time, in the construction and procedural support of identification practices, in maintaining people's health. Tourism promotes educational level and cultural potential of the country, region, city or particular place. In the sociopolitical sphere, it helps to stabilize interethnic and international relationships, contributes to the emergence of mutual interest, tolerance and respect between people of different nationalities.

The phenomenon of tourism has been recognized for a long time. However, tourism as a science is a fairly new phenomenon. The process of formation of tourism science began only 8–10 years ago. Tourism science, which is undergoing its formation, does not yet have a well-formed scientific apparatus and relies on a wide range of industry knowledge. For the first time in our country scientific interest tourism has shown economic science. The first publication dates back to 1965. An article by V.M. Krivosheev "Economics of tourism". Then the major works of P.G. Oldaka, V.I. Azara, V.S. Preobrazhensky, I.V. Zorina, Yu.A. Vedenina, V.A. Kvartalnov and other scientists.

V.S. Preobrazhensky, I.V. Zorin, Yu.A. Vedenin's work "Geographical aspects of designing new types of recreational systems" "connect" the science of the earth to the problems of tourism. After some time, geographers took a strong leading position in the study of the patterns of the tourism industry: V.S. Preobrazhensky, B.N. Likhanov, Yu.A. Vedenin, N.A. Stupina, I.V. Zorin and other scientists of the IGAN of the USSR put forward and investigated a hypothesis about the recreational system.

In recent years, new directions have been identified in tourism science. Especially important is the experience of synthesizing tourism as a systemic science that has its own object of study - the tourism industry, the subject of study - recreation and the subject of study - the tourist.

Not so long ago, special branch tourism disciplines began to appear almost spontaneously - the economics of tourism, recreational geography, tourism ecology, biosphere and tourism, pedagogy and psychology of tourism, tourism management, tourism safety, information Technology in tourism, recreationology, phenomenology of tourism, etc. The authors, relying on numerous works of their predecessors, tried to determine the links between tourism and the most important sciences and identify the main areas of tourism theory and practice that arose on the basis of such links:

§ tourism and geography, on the basis of the interaction of which the geography of tourism, recreational geography, tourist regional studies, tourist regional studies, and regional tourism were formed; it should also be said that tourism is one of the most geographical industries;

§ tourism and economy, on the basis of which a new direction arose - the economics of tourism; the links between tourism and the economy, due to the most frequent interpretation of tourism as an economic phenomenon, are considered the closest;

§ tourism and philosophy, interacting with each other, led to the emergence of such areas as the philosophy of tourism, the phenomenology of tourism and travel, the philosophy of hospitality, etc.;

§ tourism and sociology give rise to the emergence of a number of areas and phenomena - the sociology of tourism, social tourism, the social nature and significance of tourism; proceeding from the fact that the main thing in tourism is the consumer, the importance of sociological knowledge increases;

§ tourism and informatics, engineering, technology, relationships of this kind form the most important scientific and practical directions― information technologies in tourism, equipment and technology of tourism;

§ tourism and ecology, at the junction of which several scientific directions, the most important of which are tourism environmental management, tourism ecology, ecological tourism, environmental safety in tourism, etc.;

§ tourism and law― tourism, like any other service industry, requires special legal regulation; in the second half of the last century, a whole direction of tourism theory and practice was formed - tourism law;

§ tourism and psychology, since the psychology of tourist consumption and the psychology of the tourist offer largely determine the nature and direction of development of the entire tourism business; the psychology of tourism is the most promising scientific and applied direction, which has received an impetus for development only in recent years;

§ tourism and medicine, connections of this kind in Lately acquired their importance, as much attention is paid to medicine in tourism practice; medicine, in one form or another, is represented in tourism law, travel insurance, tourism formalities, tourism security; developed as a separate direction and medical support for tourism.

In the most simplified version, there are four points of view on tourism as a phenomenon of the modern world.

1. Tourism as a branch of the economy— the totality of all production units that predominantly carry out the same or similar type of production activity.

2. Tourism as an intersectoral complex or market where the tour operator dominates, which forms the tourist product from the products of various industries.

3. Tourism as an independent type of economic activity, that is, tourist service activities. Tour operator, travel agency, as well as other travel organization activities.

4. Tourism as a leisure activity- the point of view of the tourists themselves. It is based on the fact of the existence, along with commercial tourism, of social tourism, aimed at recreation accessible to all segments of the country's population.

T.I. Chernyaeva, without denying the multiplicity of manifestations of tourist activity, believes that the phenomenon of tourism should be determined with the help of economic, technical and psychological approaches. Economic approach involves the analysis of tourism as a system of economic activities, as an industry. In economic terms, it is important to examine the problems associated with accommodation and supporting services: supply and demand, costs and incomes, employment.

Technical Approach based on the definition of tourism , used by the British Tourist Authority to collect statistical data: " Tourist travel- this is a stay for one or more days away from home for the purpose of spending weekends or holidays, visiting relatives and friends, participating in business conferences and for other purposes, excluding training in closed educational institutions and seasonal earnings.

Psychological perspective focuses primarily on recreational travel, and especially on the initial motivation: relaxation, discovery and pleasure. From this perspective, recreational tourism can be defined as the ways and means by which people receive psychological benefits. They are derived from visiting new places and learning new situations, from freedom from work and the daily routine of life, from the possibility of acquiring new behavioral, social and cultural experiences.

A. Matheson and J. Wall propose to single out three basic components of tourism:

§ dynamic, including movement to the place or places of destination;

§ static involving a stopover, parking or residence;

§ resulting, which is a combination of the first two and reflects the results of direct or indirect involvement of the subjects of tourist activity in economic, physical, socio-cultural subsystems.

Thus, tourism, according to T.I. Chernyaeva, is considered as a complex phenomenon, including a variety of variables and relationships that arise within the tourism process, travel, including initial preparations, the way to the place of destination and back, parking and recovery after returning.

Such a multiplicity of manifestations of tourism as an economic and socio-cultural phenomenon of our time predetermined widespread attention to the study of its problems by representatives of a number of sciences. In this regard, there was a need to form a new systemic science of tourism, tourism activities and the tourism industry, called tourism.

Tourism as a complex science of tourism. Tourism is an area of ​​interest for many sciences and disciplines: history, philosophy, geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, ecology, recreationology, cultural studies. Each of them studies tourism in its own way, but none in general, although nowadays a holistic view of tourism is needed, in which all aspects of its study would be synthesized.

All-Russian Conference"Professional qualification structure and educational standards in the field of recreation and tourism", held on March 23-25, 1997 in the village of Rakovo, Moscow Region, recommended that tourism specialists be trained on the basis of tourism.

As an independent science (discipline) tourism is recognized in a number of countries around the world. So, in Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia, a number of authors (M. Bochvarov, P. Mariott, E. Andrzeevsky) define tourism as a science that studies the theory and practice of tourism. Jafar Jafari proposed to call tourism the science of the history of scientific views on tourism. Tourism in the most general sense deals with the study of tourism and travel.

The tourism hypothesis was first formulated in 1998 by V.A. Kvartalnov, I.V. Zorin and V.S. Preobrazhensky.

tourism is a science that synthesizes data from various scientific disciplines studying tourism, and is engaged in the formation and development holistic concept tourism. Tourism as a science requires:

§ a single integrated approach to it as a subject scientific knowledge;

§ systematization of existing scientific approaches to the analysis of tourism development;

§ a clear definition of the subject, subject and object of study;

§ defining the scope of current scientific issues;

§ combining its individual components into an overall picture;

§ summarizing the accumulated knowledge and methods of studying tourism;

§ studying the system of interdisciplinary connections through the analysis of such sciences as anthropology, ecology, economics, recreationology.

Tourism is currently complete system modern fundamental and applied sciences about tourism, tourism activities, tourism economy, tourism management and tourism legislation. Modern tourism is the relationship of four components of the expedient development of tourism in modern socio-economic parameters:

§ tourism as a national phenomenon in the sphere of implementation of diverse human rights and needs (rights to health, recreation, movement);

§ tourist activity as a technology for meeting needs and demand (tourist industry, forms of organization, travel informatics, personnel training);

§ tourism economy as a special sector of the modern national and regional economy (tourist market, entrepreneurship, business, product);

§ tourism policy as component social and economic policy of the state, its subjects and regions, aimed at regulating tourism and tourism activities.

tourism can also be defined as a system of applied sciences about tourism and tourist services for citizens. These sciences cover two levels of tourism: an industry and a tourism business entity - a tourism company. Tourism at the industry level as a whole includes three elements of tourism: organization, management and economics.

V.A. Kvartalnov offers an epistemological model of tourism (Fig. 1.3.), Consisting of three interrelated subsystems:

1. The subject of tourism is a tourist that satisfies its recreational needs and is characterized by a special system of properties and conditions (physiological, psychological, environmental, economic, social, etc.), knowledge of which is mandatory for a tourism specialist.

2. The object of tourism is the tourism industry. Tourist centers and areas, including a complex of natural and cultural-historical conditions, as well as service enterprises used by tourists at the place of rest and during transportation.

3. The subject of tourism is a tourist product.Specially organized by the tour operator program of recreational activities and services, implemented in the tourist market as an independent product.

Rice. 1.3. Gnoseological model of tourism

Each of the elements of the epistemological model of tourism enters into relations with its other elements. So, for example, a tourist has a system of recreational needs that a tour operator must take into account when producing a tourist product (tourist→tour product relationship). On the other hand, the tourist manifests itself in relations with the tourism industry by the nature of their recreational activities and as a consumer of services at the place of their production (the relationship "tourist → tourism industry").

The tourism industry is characterized by relations with the tourist as a consumer of tourist services (the “tourism industry → tourist” relationship) and with the tourism product as a service production technology (the “tourism industry → tourism product” relationship). The tourism product provides for the relationship of choosing exclusive producers of tourism services (the “tourist product→tourism industry” connection) in order to optimize the tourism program and its animation in relations with the tourist (the “tourist product→tourist” connection).

Continuing this thesis, Yu.A. Khudenkikh wrote that the tourism sector can be represented as a system of interaction between three main subjects: tourists, tourist enterprises and tourist territories (the interests of the population and local authorities). When subjects interact with each other, a number of internal contradictions arise:

§ between the needs of tourists and the possibilities of their implementation (“tourist – tourist enterprise”);

§ between tourists and local communities in connection with a change in the traditional way of life of the population (“tourist – territory”);

§ between the tourism business and local communities in connection with the use of the resources of the territory (“tourist enterprise - territory”);

§ between tourism enterprises in the form of competition within the tourism industry (“enterprise-enterprise”);

§ between individual groups of local communities expressing different socio-economic interests (“territory - territory”).

According to V.A. Quarterly, the formation of skills, knowledge and specific experience for such a multifaceted industry as tourism should be based on the basic and proven by pedagogical and tourist practice standards of professional tourism education, a system of concepts, models and ideas that form a single concept - "tourism".

In his opinion, tourism as a science includes: the economics and sociology of tourism; tourism management (legal, personnel, financial, economic, environmental and technological); tourist resource science; regional policy; theory and practice of tourism activities; tourism industry and tourism infrastructure; tourist monitoring and information technologies of tourism.

Tourism has seven main tourism concepts- points of view on the essence and content of tourism activities.

1. The concept of management: tourism is carried out, as a rule, by tourist organizations along tourist routes. There are numerous types and forms of tourism: domestic, international, amateur, organized, near, far, educational, water, mountain, automobile, pedestrian, sports, etc. (official WTO terminology).

2. The concept that develops the economic constant "tourist": temporary departures (travel) of citizens Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens) from a permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary residence (from the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation).

3. Migration aspect: temporary departure of people from their permanent place of residence for vacation, health, educational or professional business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence.

4. Activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year for leisure, business and other purposes.

5. Activity approach: travel, hiking, sports or recreational activities and other forms of recreation.

6. Market interpretation of the concept: "Tourism as a process consists of demand (tourist), supply (tourist industry) and the tourist product, which is aimed at the interest of the tourist."

7. Industrial approach: “Man has been traveling since time immemorial, while tourism, a socio-economic phenomenon, is more associated with the industrial period of human life and differs from travel both qualitatively and quantitatively; travel is only an element of tourism and often not the most important.

Alternative sciences of tourism. In some works, the existence of integrated science about tourism, and also convincingly proves the thesis that the allocation specific science about tourism is not possible, and it is not necessary. The authors of this paper adhere to this point of view.

The allocation of a specialized science of tourism, and even more so the long-term disputes about the name of such a scientific direction, are partly devoid of rationality and meaning. So, when determining the main object of scientific research in tourism, tourism studies and other areas, all authors clearly point to tourism and tourism activities. However, it should be noted that tourism is inherently not scientific, does not have a well-formed scientific and methodological apparatus. It cannot be described as a scientific phenomenon, it cannot be modeled, described by a system of certain postulates, laws and principles.

However, discussions on the topic of the need to form new science about tourism are ongoing and will continue. This is also confirmed by the fact that more than a dozen names have recently been proposed future science about tourism - tourism studies, tourism studies, tourism surveys, turography, tourismography, tourism, touropedia, turology, etc. Moreover, many names are far from scientific and sometimes even absurd (for example, touropedia and tourism surveys). The most developed and often used in the scientific literature are tourism and tourism studies.

tourism science, represented today by the conceptual vision of tourism, is marked in its genesis by two main stages. The first is in a highly specialized, methodical form, the second is in a broad social form. But since tourism, which is the object of tourism studies, is extremely complex, complex in its essence, then tourism studies should be a multifaceted science. At the same time, as a system that is multidimensional and multidimensional, where you can meet recreational, environmental, technical and economic, economic, financial, legal, informational, sociological, educational, psychological and other subsystems, the languages ​​\u200b\u200band corresponding to them and, in general, sciences should be used. , contributing to the disclosure of the nature and essence of these subsystems. But since they are not used on their own, but in the context of improving opportunities and tourism research, they receive a certain kind of concretization of their knowledge in the tourism research system.

The term "tourism science" was first proposed and actively developed by Ukrainian scientists. In particular, back in 1980 a book by N.P. Krachilo "Fundamentals of Tourism Studies". Some domestic experts also support this version of the science of tourism (for example, P.A. Okishev, who published the textbook "Fundamentals of Tourism Studies" in 2005).

Formation and development turography And turopedia how the new systemic sciences of tourism are associated with the St. Petersburg scientific school. In particular, active developments in the field of tourism theory and practice are being carried out by scientists from the Baltic Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship. If the first direction sounds relatively euphonious, then the second, according to the authors, should be considered somewhat absurd. But in science, all points of view are welcome, and we do not deviate from this principle in our work. One of the big scientific schools in the field of theory and practice of tourism has developed in Kazakhstan. The bulk of educational and scientific works of Kazakh scientists is positioned in the context of the development of theoretical and applied foundations tourismology. The existence of tourismology can also be considered justified, since many specialists from Russia, Belarus, and a number of European countries often use this designation of the science of tourism in their research.

Serious research on the content of the sciences of tourism has been carried out for many years by Ukrainian specialists. Proposing to use the term “tourismology” as a designation for the science of tourism and tourist activity, they define the essence of other alternative tourism sciences. tourism science is defined as the most general, abstract science with its own system of equal objects of study. According to scientists, tourism science is considered a science that systematizes the study of the three main manifestations of the phenomenon of "tourism" - theoretical aspect, practical activities, history of formation and development.

Tourismography or turography, as the very etymology of these words explains, implies a certain set of written information about tourism, as well as a system of various inventories, reference books, textbooks and monographs, dictionaries, etc. This can also include various kinds of popular literature, for example, guidebooks that give an idea about tourist travel, trips, sights and infrastructure of tourist destinations.

The specificity of the object and methods of research differs and tourismometry. Here, the possibilities of mathematical measurement and description of the main manifestations of tourism activity come to the fore. It is not difficult to assume that the basis of tourism metrics is the apparatus of multivariate statistics. Consequently, its main task is to describe the main trends and manifestations of tourism activities, as well as economic and social efficiency tourism through mathematical modeling and statistical methods. At the same time, the importance of this direction, which is defined as a section of the complex science of tourism, is emphasized.

tourism, as a science of tourism, according to Ukrainian scientists, claims to be independent and has the right to exist, as it successfully reflects the autonomy of tourist knowledge. Nevertheless, the term "tourism studies" according to Kyiv experts is much more harmonious and meaningful than the term "tourism". The concept of " tourismology”, as the authors point out, most fully reflects the tasks of tourism science in present stage its formation and development, and also reflects the essence of tourism as an object of scientific research.

The structure of tourism knowledge is also proposed. In particular, several important sections of tourismology are identified: the theory of tourism activities; pedagogy and ethics of tourism; tourism management and marketing. All these sections serve as a kind of basis for the practice of tourism activities. IN recent works it is proposed to include in the system of tourismology a number of private scientific areas: the history of tourism, the economics of tourism, recreationology, psychology and pedagogy of tourism, the legal support of tourism, etc.

Control questions

1. What are the reasons for the existing variety of definitions of the concept of "tourism"?

2. Of all the definitions of tourism, choose, in your opinion, the most successful one. Try to justify your choice.

3. What is the essence systems approach to the definition of tourism?

4. What criteria are included in the definition of tourism given in the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation"?

5. List the main characteristics and criteria of tourism.

6. What is the difference between tourism and excursion activities?

7. Based on ideas about the criteria for the concept of "tourism", determine which of the following cases are tourists and which are not:

§ Professor Averyanov from St. Petersburg spent a week in his country house;

§ a resident of Samara, going shopping, visited a recreation park;

§ Sidorov's family lives in Zvenigorod, 30 km from Moscow. Sidorov travels to Moscow every week, where he works three days a week and lives in a hotel;

§ Mr. Ipatov from Balakovo visits his friends in Kyiv;

§ Mrs. Nikanorova, who lives in Tolyatti, goes to a conference in Novosibirsk;

§ The Kosarev family from Moscow goes to the Olympic Games in Calgary.

8. List the main functions of tourism and provide examples of the most possible options for their implementation.

9. Identify and justify the main criteria that distinguish tourism from travel.

10. What is the economic and political significance of tourism?

11. What are the main functions of the social impact of tourism.

12. What is the essence of the humanitarian impact of tourism?

13. Give examples of the negative and positive impacts of tourism.

14. On what grounds is tourism classified?

15. What are the types and categories of tourism?

16. Briefly describe the main types of tourism identified on the basis of travel purposes.

17. What forms of tourism can be attributed to the following trips:

§ Professor Nikolaev flies to a conference in Vitebsk, and returns home in the evening;

§ the Skobkin spouses were invited to visit by acquaintances from a neighboring town;

§ the Danilov family went on a two-week vacation from Stavropol to Cyprus;

§ Alexander and Anna - students of Smolensky humanitarian university On vacation we went on a trip to Europe.

18. Tell us about the classification of travelers proposed by WTO experts.

19. What difficulties do specialists face when searching for an answer to the question: “Who is a tourist”?

21. Why do you think tourists arriving in a port city on cruise ships are often counted as sightseers, even if they stay there for several days in a row?

22. Tell us about the existing classifications and typologies of tourists.

23. List the main rights and obligations of tourists, as well as the most common cases of their violation and non-fulfillment.

24. Determine the place of tourism in the system of scientific knowledge.

25. Why do you think there is no consensus on the name and content of the science of tourism to date?

26. What is the essence of tourism as a complex science of tourism?

27. What are the alternative sciences of tourism?

Scientific work is the most important element of the activity of our republic. All full-time teachers are engaged in scientific work together with students. They spend Scientific research x within the framework of the State programs of fundamental research and individual projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, participate in competitions for research projects announced by various foundations. The results of the work are annually introduced into production and educational process. The research work of students at the departments of sports disciplines is the most important component in the process of training specialists with higher education.

The main areas of scientific work include: conducting scientific research for the purpose of publishing materials; preparation of reports to communicate the results of research at scientific conferences.

The main discussion in scientific works revolves around key issues related to the improvement of national systems of physical education, the formation of the younger generation by means of physical education, the development of the theory of physical education in the presentation of its foundations by various research schools and directions, and in the area orienteering and tourism much attention is paid environmental education.

Historical scientific research in tourism has two large sections. The first is the centuries-old world (including domestic) history of travel, as well as the history of the formation of modern mass tourism and the tourism industry, which has a little over a hundred years.

The second is the history of countries and peoples, knowledge and understanding of which is necessary for correct compilation tourist programs and routes by tourism organizers. Real knowledge and understanding of history, especially local history, is necessary for the preparation of qualified guides and accompanying tourist groups and tourists. Unfortunately, it should be noted that many specialists of tourist organizations have a poor idea not only of the history of foreign countries, but, which is especially regrettable, of domestic history.

Geographical scientific research in tourism is practically not carried out, which is associated with large failures in the development of amateur tourism. Most tourists cannot navigate the map, they do not know the natural, climatic and ethnological features of various regions of the country and other states, “geographical cretinism” has become a common and widespread phenomenon modern society. Country studies as a special discipline in geography requires special research and methodological developments from the standpoint of tourism science.

Scientific research in tourism related to cultural studies, art history and architecture is very rare, but nevertheless began to appear in recent years. Tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon is gradually becoming an attractive object of scientific research.

In recent years it has been published a large number of scientific publications and educational literature related to the history of culture and religions of various countries and peoples. Serious educational programs on the history and theory of culture, but still Russian tourists prefer "beach" vacations to all other cultural types of tourism. Scientific, theoretical and practical developments related to the culture of behavior of tourists on foreign trips are becoming more and more relevant.

Socio-cultural design is directly related to the architecture and organization of the human environment, unfortunately, scientists in the tourism sector almost do not deal with all these issues, leaving them at the mercy of architects and public utilities specialists. The most important direction in business scientific support tourism are studies on the tourist and recreational use of cultural and natural heritage sites.

The new information space in tourism, associated with the unprecedented development of electronic technologies, requires special scientific research, the need for which is acutely felt in the modern tourism industry. New features of the global Internet, with the right and professional approach, increase the quality of scientific research in the field of tourism, moreover, they allow for a quick exchange of ideas and information between members of the scientific community.

The complex scientific problem includes security issues in the field of tourism. In this important topic, it is necessary to consider almost all aspects of tourism, starting with the legal problems of the relationship between the tourist and the travel agency, and ending with the organization of the security of tourists in accommodation facilities and on routes.

Research on safety in amateur and domestic tourism is especially important. There is no doubt that scientific developments and recommendations in this segment of tourism science can save human lives from death. The issues of legal and physical security of Russian tourists abroad in the absence of knowledge of local legislation have recently become very relevant.

In recent years, the security situation has sharply worsened in a number of states that for many years were leaders in receiving and servicing tourists (Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, etc.). Therefore, reliable, politically balanced and scientifically based information on the state of affairs in all countries where there are socio-political problems or natural disasters is an important task for domestic tourism science, government agencies and funds. mass media. scientific research on various aspects of security in the field of tourism must be continued in connection with the new natural, man-made and socio-economic challenges of the time.

Prospects for scientific research in tourism are associated primarily with the demand for scientific developments V Russian society. As well as the presence of a scientific environment that will reproduce new cadres of scientists who are ready to continue and develop scientific research in tourism. And this requires a domestic special and coordinated program of scientific research in tourism, and not only Russian problems, but also foreign and international ones. At present, there are two scientific public centers in Russia: the International Public Tourism Academy and the National Academy of Tourism, which lead on a limited scale scientific activity, but this is certainly not enough. To organize full-scale research, it is necessary to create an all-Russian research institute scientific problems tourism, which could conduct comprehensive and systematic research.

When preparing policy documents and decisions, legislative and executive authorities should turn more widely and more often to professional scientific and educational structures who have traditions and experience in tourism modeling and design. The tourism process as a whole will benefit from this, and without this the modernization of the industry is impossible. In the meantime, there is a certain fragmentation, lack of coordination and even some disunity here.

tourism scientific research recreation




Department of Tourism and Hospitality

Head Department_______Matveeva L.D.


on the topic "Development of ski tourism in the Republic of Bashkortostan"

(on the example of the Beloretsk region)

Specialty 100103.65 Socio-cultural service and tourism

Faculty of Tourism and Communications

Gr. SZK-41

Head _______ Akhmedina G.B.

Graduate student _______ Evdokimova K.B.

Date of protection ____________________

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………. 5

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the development of ski tourism ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

1.1. The history of the development of ski tourism……………………………….8

1.2. Features of managing the development of ski tourism…………13

1.3. Prospects for the development of ski tourism

in Russia and abroad………………………………………………………...21

Chapter 2. Analysis of the development of ski tourism in the Republic of Bashkortostan (on the example of the ski center Mratkino, Beloretsk region) .....................................................................37

2.1. General characteristics of the ski center………………………....37

2.2. Analysis of the development of the ski center………………………………...43

2.3. Analysis of problems and prospects for the development of the ski center………49

3.1. Proposals for the development of the ski center……………………..55

3.2. Organizational rationale for the development of the ski center……..57

3.3. Economic justification for the development of the ski center………..65


list of sources and literature used…….76

application …………………………………………………………………81







Head department _________________

"_____" ______________ 201___

EXERCISE for the thesis

Student ________________________________________________________

Group ___________________ Institute/Faculty ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Work theme______________________________________________


Approved by order of USUES dated "______" __________________ 201___

№ __________________

    Date of issue of the task "_____" ________________________ 201___

    The deadline for the student to submit the completed work "____" ______ 201___.

    Initial data for work __________________________________



    Supervisor of the thesis ____________________________

(Full name, academic degree, title, place of work, position held)


7. Work consultants (indicating the sections of work related to them) _______________________________________________________________

Legal support _____________________________ Assoc. Lebedev A.I.

Economic part________________________________ Assoc. Shein Yu.P.

Information Technology ______________________ Assoc. Velichko I.A.


The task was accepted for execution by the supervisor of the thesis

________________________ __________________________



Relevance of the topic thesis, the development of ski tourism requires the development of new approaches to planning and managing the development of Russian ski tourist centers that meet the principles of sustainability, ensure the preservation of natural areas with the formation of a high standard of living for the local population.

The modern tourism industry is one of the largest, highly profitable and most dynamic sectors of the world economy. The development of tourism has a stimulating effect on such sectors of the economy as trade, construction, agriculture, and the production of consumer goods.

The choice of the topic of the thesis"the development of ski tourism as one of the areas of socio-economic development of the municipal district of the Beloretsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan", namely, on the example of the Mratkino ski center, is due both to the characteristics of the industry itself and to the high tourist and recreational potential of the area. Unique natural and recreational resources, objects of cultural and historical heritage are concentrated on its territory, sports and cultural events are held. The region has a wide range of attractive tourist sites, the development of which should be ensured by the presence of all types of basic infrastructure.

Degree of development. At present, the directions of management theory dealing with the problems of managing the sustainable development of tourism in mountainous areas are relatively new and are in the process of formation. The theoretical foundations for the development of tourist regions are outlined in the works of such foreign authors as B. Archer, R. Bentley, R. Davidson, J. Krippendorf, X. V. Opashovsky, V. Freyer, D. Fletcher. However, the results of their research need to be adapted to domestic specifics.

In the works of Russian scientists dealing with the development of the domestic tourism industry, the principles of transforming the tourism sector in a market economy are developed, aspects of reforming and updating the mechanism for managing the domestic tourism industry are outlined. The most significant results of studies of the interaction between the tourism industry and the economy of the region are presented in the works of Azar V.I., Avrakh Yu.I., Amirkhanova M.M., Balabanova A.I., Blokhin Yu.I., Bogdanova Yu.V., Birzhakov M.B., Vinokurova V.I., Volkova B.C., Zorina I.V., Karpova G.A., Kvartalnova V.A., Kirillova A.T., Rozanova T.P., Romanova G.M., Tatarinova A.A., Chuvatkina P.P., Yakovenko G.V.

Insufficient elaboration of the problems of development of ski tourism, the processes of formation of the economic effect from its implementation determined the purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the thesis- development of recommendations for improving the development of ski tourism in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Setting goals:

    to study the theoretical foundations for the development of ski tourism in Russia and abroad;

    to analyze the development of the Mratkino ski center in the Beloretsk region;

    to analyze the problems and prospects for the development of the Mratkino ski center in the Beloretsk region;

    develop proposals for the development of the ski center "Mratkino" Beloretsky district;

    make an organizational and economic justification for the development of the Mratkino ski center in the Beloretsk region.

Object of study is the ski center "Mratkino" Beloretsk region.

Subject of research is the development of ski tourism in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Theoretical and methodological basis and information base of the study the works of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists in the field of tourism management, official federal and regional programs for the development of ski tourism, legal acts, methodological manuals, materials of periodicals and scientific conferences, statistics of tourism development in the Russian Federation.

As research tools, such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, methods of analytical comparison, system and functional analysis, forecasting method and program-target method were used.

Practical and theoretical significance The research lies in the fact that the main provisions and recommendations set out in the thesis contribute to the development of the theory of management of mountain areas and can become a methodological basis for the development of strategic programs for the development of tourism in mountain areas, the creation of a regulatory framework for regulating the development of ski tourism.

work structure, consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and references, and appendices. The volume of work is 91 sheets and includes 11 tables, 14 figures, 54 sources and literature used, as well as an appendix of 1 table and 5 figures.

On December 1, 2015, a new "List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science" must be published, came into force. As of December 1, 2015, the list contained 1451 publications, but it is constantly expanding and, for example, as of April 19, 2016, it already includes 1924 scientific publications.

The list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals that was valid before him (until November 30, 2015) contained 2269 publications, of which three have the word “tourism” in their titles. These are the “Bulletin of the Association of Tourism and Service Universities” (No. 165), “Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism” (No. 354) and “ Contemporary Issues service and tourism” (No. 1817).

Unfortunately, this list did not contain a column containing information about the branches of science or groups of specialties of scientists, and therefore this information could only be obtained on the websites of publications (if it was available there) or by dialing to the editors.

The founder of the journal "Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism" is the interregional public scientific and educational organization "National Academy of Tourism", and its publisher is the PEI HE "Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship". The journal published and publishes the results of scientific research and practical experience of various aspects of the tourism sector and related areas, carried out from the standpoint of economics, geography (other earth sciences) and pedagogy ( vocational education).

The founder and publisher of the other two journals is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University tourism and service” (RGUTiS). At the same time, the Bulletin of the Association of Tourism and Service Universities (according to the editorial office) published the results of scientific research in the fields of economics and professional education in the field of tourism and service.

As for the concept of the journal "Modern Problems of Service and Tourism", it provided for the formation of thematic issues that combine articles on a territorial basis or devoted to a single (similar) problem of tourism and service.

Moreover, the problems were covered from the point of view of various sciences: history, cultural studies, geography, economics, art history, pedagogy and others (for example, “Problems of the development of the hotel business”, “Problems of the development of tourism and service in the Volga region”, “Bridges in the tourist space”, “ Tourist space through the eyes of a historian”, etc.). Unfortunately, there was no information about specific branches of science, groups of specialties or individual specialties of scientists in which the journal specializes.

With approximately the same number of journal issues (35–37) general indicators publication activity is higher in the journal "Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism". So, in terms of the total number of articles (1198) and the total number of citations of the journal in the RSCI (806), it ranks first, significantly ahead of the journals of RSUTS.

At the same time, according to such an important indicator as the five-year impact factor of the RSCI, which essentially reflects the average number of citations of one article in a journal, the leader is the Bulletin of the Association of Tourism and Service Universities (0.266), followed by the Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism with a slight lag (0.242) and further - "Modern problems of service and tourism" (0.141).

In general, we can say that all the considered journals are approximately at the same level in terms of publication activity, which is also evidenced by the integral indicator of journals in the SCIENCE INDEX rating: in the overall rating - around 2000th place, and on the topic "Domestic trade . Tourist and excursion service "- 4, 5, 6 places. But here, too, the Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism has a small priority.

Considering that the journals included in the list of so-called VAK publications should first of all publish the main scientific results of dissertations for degrees candidate and doctor of sciences, according to the topics of publications of these journals, it is possible to judge with a high degree of certainty the main directions of the development of scientific research in the relevant industries and spheres of human activity.

The main purpose of this article is to analyze all publications on the economics of tourism in the three indicated journals over the past 6 years (2010–2015) in terms of their compliance with the priority tasks and directions for the development of domestic tourism, which are recorded in the main existing documents (laws, strategies, programs, etc.). The most important of these documents today are: Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" No. 132 - FZ of November 24, 1992 (with appropriate amendments and additions) (hereinafter - the Law), "The Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation for period until 2015”, approved by the order of the Federal Tourism Agency dated May 6, 2008 No. 51 on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy-2015), “Tourism development strategy in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2014 No. 941-r (hereinafter referred to as Strategy-2020), the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Culture and Tourism" for 2013-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 317 (new edition) and the Federal Target Program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)" approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2011 No. 644.

The author analyzed the topics of articles published in three journals directly related to the economics of tourism (recreation). Articles devoted exclusively to issues of service, the service sector and other areas related to tourism (as a rule, without the words tourism (recreation), hotel, restaurant business and derivatives from them) were not considered.

As a result, 293 articles were subject to analysis, considering the economic problems of tourism (recreation), hotel and restaurant business out of 685 articles devoted to various aspects of tourism activities.

The vast majority of articles out of the indicated 685 (665, or 97%) are devoted to research on various issues, aspects, problems of the domestic tourism industry with an emphasis on the development of domestic and inbound tourism. This is the most important positive aspect of the activities of the journals under consideration, indicating the right direction of scientific research in the country in the field of tourism, which is in full accordance with the priority of state support and development of domestic and inbound tourism proclaimed in the Law, strategies and programs. Published in journals 20 articles related to international tourism cooperation, mainly outline the experience of tourism activities in our neighboring countries (Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Armenia, Iran, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan), as well as cross-border tourism interaction with China and Mongolia. Of these, only four articles are focused on outbound tourism (Finland, Türkiye).

Of the 293 articles on the economics of tourism, economic aspects and problems of the development of domestic tourism, 225 were published in the journal "Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism", 46 - in the journal "Modern Problems of Service and Tourism" and 22 articles - in the journal "Bulletin of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions tourism and service.

The topics of the 293 articles under consideration cover the following problems and issues of the tourism economy:

− hotel business - 29 items (9.9%);

− general problems of tourism development as a sector of the economy - 21 articles (7.1%);

− management of tourism enterprises and ensuring their competitiveness - 17 articles (5.8%);

- cluster approach in tourism, theory and practice of creating tourist clusters - 15 articles (5.1%);

− staffing, improvement of personnel management at tourism and hospitality enterprises - 15 articles (5.1%);

− formation and development of tourism markets (markets of tourism services) - 9 items (3.1%);

− crisis situations, risks and bankruptcies in the tourism industry - 9 articles (3.1%);

− tourism infrastructure - 8 items (2.7%).

− six articles each (2.1%) fall on the study of problems:

  • investments, pricing and financial support in tourism;
  • development and implementation of new, innovative tourism products;
  • public-private partnership in tourism;
  • restaurant business.

Among the authors who develop this issue most deeply, we should mention Kleiman A.A. and Babanchikov O.A. , Dyadechko V.V. , Gorenburgova M.A. with co-authors, Merzlyakov A.V. .

Below, other, most important problems of the tourism economy, which are discussed in the current strategies and programs for the development of domestic tourism, are considered in more detail.

Thus, the most important place in the scientific publications of the journals under consideration is occupied by the issues of a systematic approach to the development of tourism, public policy in the field of tourism, management of the strategic development of the tourism industry, development and implementation of federal and regional programs for the development of tourism, promising areas for its development (in total - 58 articles, or 19.8%). Among the most fundamental and relevant works, it is worth highlighting the articles by Barzykin Yu.A. , Vlasova T.I. , Kovalenko V.V. , Kruzhalina V.I. , Nazina N.A. .

A large share in the publications of VAK journals is occupied by various aspects and problems of the economics of regional tourism, to which 40 articles (13.6%) are devoted. The regions are well represented Far East, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Voronezh region, Altai, Kabardino-Balkaria, Samara region Since 2015, all journals have shown a justified interest in Crimea and its problems, publishing about a dozen articles during the year.

At the same time, many studies in the regions as a whole correspond to promising areas for the development of tourism, recorded as events of the Federal Target Program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)" (hereinafter referred to as the Program). This primarily concerns the Far East region, the North-Western part of Russia (although there are no publications about the insufficiently active development of the "Silver Ring of Russia"), the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory, the Central Federal District. Such promising tourist destinations noted in the Program as the Great Volga (Privolzhsky federal district with the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions), “South of Russia” (Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions), Lake Baikal and the Baikal region. Unfortunately, the testing of mechanisms for creating investment sites planned in the Program to attract investment in the tourism industry on the terms of PPP (Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Rostov and Pskov regions, Altai Territory), as well as promising tourist destinations selected on the basis of documents, was not reflected in the publications. projects ready for implementation starting from 2012 in the Republic of Buryatia and the Lipetsk region.

One of the main directions for the development of tourism in our country, Strategy 2020 calls "the promotion of the tourist product of the Russian Federation in the domestic and international markets." The strategic task of the entire tourism industry today is to create and maintain a favorable image of Russia as a safe, interesting, affordable and fashionable tourist destination.

In the analyzed travel magazines, very little space is given to these topical issues. There are only 15 articles (5.1%) devoted mainly to one of the elements of promotion of tourist destinations in Russia - tourist brands. The most interesting works are: Tsapuk D.A. , Karpova G.A., Sigova M.V., Shevchenko E.P. , Saak A.E., Zhertovskaya E.V. . Unfortunately, the journals do not present articles and studies on other elements of the promotion of the country and its regions in the domestic and international markets: on tourist exchanges; mutual presentations tourism potential, tourism products and services; opportunities and conditions for mutual business investments in tourism: holding cultural and tourism forums and tourism exhibitions.

Among critical factors that hinder the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russia, the Strategy-2020 calls "the low awareness of Russians about the tourist opportunities of the regions of the Russian Federation, the fragmentation of information resources in the field of tourism and the lack of a unified system of information support for domestic and inbound tourism" .

The strategy provides for the development of a centralized approach to conducting marketing research in the field of tourism and providing information to participants in the tourism market, the creation and development Russian systems booking of tourist services in the domestic market, more active use of the tools of the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to promote the domestic tourist product.

An analysis of the articles of VAK tourism journals showed that these and other issues information support economics of tourism, the use of Internet technologies in the tourism business is devoted to only 13 articles (4.4%), including 2 articles on the use of geographic information systems. The most interesting works: Mirzekhanova Z.G., Mirzekhanova D.G. , Maksimova L.M. , Mudarisov R.G. , Hosseini S.S., Rubtsov V.A., Gabdrakhmanov N.K. .

One of them priority areas development of tourism in Russia in terms of improving the efficiency of the management system, it is the improvement of the system of statistical accounting in the field of tourism. This problem is not new: the need for an effective system of statistics in tourism has been discussed for many years; given task has been repeatedly stated in many state and departmental documents (programs, plans, strategies) for the development of the tourism industry. It sounded with renewed vigor in the Strategy-2020. In particular, it is proposed to align border statistics with the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008; approve and put into effect the collective grouping "Tourism" on the basis of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities; organize a selective statistical survey of tourists, etc. . Unfortunately, this issue does not really bother scientists and graduate students dealing with tourism and statistics. So, over the past six years, only 5 articles (1.7%) devoted to statistics and dynamics of tourist flows have been published in three VAK journals. The most interesting are the works of Dolzhenko G.P., Ponomarev Yu.S. , Rudchenko V.N. and Zyulyaeva N.A. .

No less important, long-term and difficult to solve is the problem of transport support for tourism. On insufficient development of transport infrastructure; poor quality of roads, roadside services; poor condition of airports and railway stations; low bandwidth highways, ferry crossings; high degree of wear of various Vehicle etc. constantly mentioned at various tourism forums, conferences, in all documents related to the development of tourism and its infrastructure.

And here, too, the authors of VAK journal publications have nothing to brag about: only 5 articles (1.7%).

Distribution scientific publications on the main problems of the tourism economy is shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1– Distribution of scientific publications in VAK journals on the problems of tourism economics for the period 2010–2015.


The analysis of publications on economic topics in the VAK journals on tourism for six recent years(2010–2015) showed that a significant number of them are generally in line with the problems that are on currently the most relevant for the economy of domestic tourism. This largely allows us to conclude that dissertations and other studies in the field of tourism economics correspond to the main objectives of the development of the tourism industry, as recorded in the strategies and programs for the development of domestic tourism. At the same time (judging by journal articles), many tasks and problems of the Russian tourism industry rarely become the subject of scientific research and research by applicants, graduate students and scientists working in the tourism industry. educational organizations. This primarily applies to topics such as:

− development of tourism infrastructure, especially transport infrastructure;

− improving the quality and competitiveness of the total tourist product of the Russian Federation and its promotion in the domestic and international markets;

− improvement of the tourism management system and the system of statistical accounting in the field of tourism;

− integration of the tourism sector and services provided by the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the tourism management system and the professional tourism community of the Russian Federation;

− development of the international community in the field of tourism, incl. activation of international events;

− diversification of the tourism business, new excursion routes and tourism products;

− use of nature reserves;

− creation and development of tourist-recreational and car-tourist clusters;

− implementation of new investment projects, incl. tourist and recreational clusters, which are described in the Strategy-2020 in relation to the main federal districts and regions.

It is necessary to intensify scientific research in these and other promising areas, which in turn will become the basis for the development of future strategies and programs.

This problem does not exist in the new list: "Modern problems of service and tourism" - 25.00.00. Earth Sciences; "Bulletin of the Association of universities of tourism and service" - 13.00.00. Pedagogical Sciences; "Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism" - 08.00.00. Economic Sciences, 13.00.00. Pedagogical Sciences, 25.00.00. Earth Sciences.

Bibliographic list

  1. Scientific digital library[Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. elibrary. ru (date of access: 03/31/2016).
  2. On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: the federal law dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ (as amended on May 3, 2012). Access from the legal reference system "Consultant Plus".
  3. Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015, approved by order of the Federal Tourism Agency of May 6, 2008 No. 51 [Electronic resource]. URL:
  4. Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2014 No. 941-r [Electronic resource]. URL:
  5. Development of culture and tourism for 2013-2020. Government program No. 317 of April 15, 2014 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 03/16/2016).
  6. Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2011 No. 644 [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 03/17/2016).
  7. Kleiman A.A., Babanchikova O.A. On the crisis situation in the outbound tourist market: causes, consequences, ways of overcoming and the need to strengthen state regulation // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 3 (31). pp. 19–24.
  8. Kleiman A.A., Babanchikova O.A. Life cycle contracts as innovative approach to a comprehensive solution of infrastructure problems in tourism // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2012. No. 1 (21). pp. 18–21.
  9. Kleiman A.A., Babanchikova O.A. Trends in the development of the tourism market in a recession: optimization, restructuring and reengineering of business processes // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 1 (29). pp. 52–57.
  10. Dyadechko B.V. The main directions of development of small business in the tourism industry of St. Petersburg // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 3 (31). pp. 31–35.
  11. Dyadechko, V.V. Fundamentals of formation of competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures in modern market conditions / V.V. Dyadechko // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. - 2010. - No. 3 (15). – P.34 – 39.
  12. Dyadechko V.V. Modern approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures in the field of tourism // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2011. No. 2 (18). pp. 40–43.
  13. Gorenburgov M.A., Klementiev B.E. Dynamic programming of business communication in tourism // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2013. No. 4 (28). pp. 22–25.
  14. Gorenburgov M.A., Solyar A.V. The place and role of transport infrastructure in the system of regional economy and the solution of problems of distribution of tourist and entrepreneurial structures // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2012. No. 1 (21). pp. 29–32.
  15. Gorenburgov M.A., Bardashevich A.B. Adoption of optimal managerial decisions in tourism based on the theory of cooperative games // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2013. No. 2 (26). pp. 19–21.
  16. Merzlyakova A.V. The impact of crisis phenomena on social and economic development tourist complex // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 1 (29). pp. 57–60.
  17. Merzlyakova A.V., Kovalik L.N. Methodical approaches to the formation of a quality management system for the process of providing tourist services // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 4 (32). pp. 20–24.
  18. Merzlyakova A.V. Formation and economic-mathematical orientation of the development strategy of tourist enterprises to achieve optimal economic results in an unstable state of the external environment // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2013. No. 4 (28). pp. 36–40.
  19. Barzykin Yu.A. Actual problems and the main directions of development of the tourism industry in Russia // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2010. No. 2 (14). pp. 7–8.
  20. Vlasova T.I., Kartasheva P.A. Innovative directions for improving the efficiency of the tourism industry // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2011. No. 1 (17). pp. 19–22.
  21. Vlasova T.I. The role of the hospitality industry in the development of tourism and ways to improve the efficiency of its functioning // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2010. No. 2 (14). pp. 9–10.
  22. Kovalenko V.V. State regulation of tourism activities: a retrospective analysis // Modern problems of service and tourism. 2012. No. 2. S. 68–75.
  23. Kruzhalin V.I. Theory and practice of development of tourism and recreation in Russia // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2011. No. 2 (18). pp. 7–9.
  24. Nazina N.A. Problems of tourism development in the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the association of universities of tourism and service. 2010. №1. pp. 37–42.
  25. Valedinskaya E.N. The role and significance of the strategic development of tourism and hospitality services in the regional economy // Modern problems of service and tourism. 2012. No. 4. S. 79–86.
  26. Ilkevich S.V., Sakharchuk E.S. Economic aspects sustainable development tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the association of universities of tourism and service. 2014. No. 2. P. 4–17.
  27. Kleiman A.A., Evreinov O.B. Improving the management of the development of tourism infrastructure in the region // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2011. No. 4 (20). pp. 44–48.
  28. Minaev V.A., Platonova N.A., Pogrebova E.S. Methodology for analyzing the quality of the regional infrastructure of the tourism industry and tourist service // Bulletin of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Tourism and Service. 2014. No. 2. P. 38–48.
  29. Ordzhonikidze M.M. Methodological foundations strategic planning and forecasting of tourism development in the region // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2011. No. 2 (18). pp. 15–21.
  30. Tsapuk D.A. Marketing programs and promotion of global cities in the international tourism market // Modern problems of service and tourism. 2015. No. 2. P. 14–24.
  31. Karpova G.A., Sigova M.V., Shevchenko E.P. Region branding as a tool to increase the attractiveness of a tourist destination // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 1 (29). pp. 72–75.
  32. Saak A.E., Zhertovskaya E.V. A conceptual approach to the formation of a tourist brand as part of the geo-branding of a tourist destination in common system territory marketing at the municipal level (on the example of Taganrog) // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2013. No. 4 (28). pp. 44–50.
  33. Mirzekhanova Z.G., Mirzekhanova D.G. Peculiarities of information support of a tourist product within cross-border territories (on the example of consumers from Japan in the Khabarovsk Territory) // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2011. No. 2 (18). pp. 56–60.
  34. Maksimova L.M. The use of Internet monitoring tools to enhance the development of inbound tourism in the Russian Federation // Modern problems of service and tourism. 2011. No. 2, pp. 43–48.
  35. Mudarisov R.G. Organization of the safe stay of tourists on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan with the help of the universal "Tourist Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan" // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2013. No. 4 (28). pp. 25–27.
  36. Hosseini S.S., Rubtsov V.A., Gabdrakhmanov N.K. Determination of potential zones of winter tourism in the province of Isfahan (Iran) using geographic information systems // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2014. No. 4 (32). pp. 32–36.
  37. Dolzhenko G.P., Ponomarev Yu.S. How many Russian tourists are there in the Russian Federation? // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2012. No. 1 (21). pp. 40–41.
  38. Rudchenko V.N. Rationalization of the system of comparability statistical indicators tourism industry in Russia and abroad // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2010. No. 1 (13). pp. 27–30.
  39. Zyulyaev N.A. Econometric analysis of the demand of Russians for outbound tourism // Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism. 2015. No. 4 (36). From 26–29.
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