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Innovative approaches in teaching English. Innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language

Methodical article

innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching English

Zimina T.A.

Teacher in English

MOU "Secondary School No. 18", Vologda

Innovative pedagogical technologiesin teaching English.

School cannot give a person a store of knowledge for life. But it is able to give the student the basic basic guidelines for basic knowledge. The school can and should develop the cognitive interests and abilities of the student, instill in him the key competencies necessary for further self-education.

Modernization of the content of education in Russia present stage The development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages.

Priority direction development modern school the humanistic orientation of education has become, in which the leading place is occupied by personal potential (principle). It involves taking into account the needs and interests of the student, the implementation of a differentiated approach to learning.

Today the focus is on the student, his personality, unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal modern teacher- choose methods and forms of organization of educational activities of students that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in schools has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language.

The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical acquisition of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources, critical thinking development technology help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning.

Forms of work with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include: learning vocabulary; practicing pronunciation; teaching dialogic and monologue speech; learning to write; development of grammatical phenomena.

The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet creates the conditions for obtaining any information necessary for students and teachers located anywhere in the world: country studies material, news from the life of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc.

In English lessons using the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic tasks: to form reading skills using the materials of the global network; improve skills writing schoolchildren; replenish lexicon students; to form students' motivation to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at studying the possibilities of Internet technologies for expanding the horizons of schoolchildren, establishing and maintaining business ties and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries.

Students can take part in testing, quizzes, competitions, competitions held on the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chats, video conferences, etc.

The substantive basis of mass computerization is related to the fact that a modern computer is an effective means of optimizing the conditions of mental work, in general, in any of its manifestations. There is one feature of the computer that is revealed in its use as a device for teaching others and as an aid in the acquisition of knowledge, and that is its inanimateness. The machine can "friendly" communicate with the user and at some point "support" him, but he will never show signs of irritability and will not let him feel that he has become bored. In this sense, the use of computers is perhaps most useful in individualizing certain aspects of teaching.

The main goal of learning a foreign language at school is the formation of communicative competence, all other goals (educational, educational, developmental) are realized in the process of implementing this main goal. The communicative approach implies learning to communicate and building the ability for intercultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet makes no sense - it is an international multinational, cross-cultural society, whose life is based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world speaking at the same time - the most gigantic in size and number of participants in a conversation that has ever taken place. Involving in it at a foreign language lesson, we create a model of real communication.

Currently, priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of learning. These principles make it possible to develop intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. The ultimate goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is to teach free orientation in a foreign language environment and the ability to adequately respond to different situations, i.e. communication. Today, new methods using Internet resources are opposed to traditional teaching of foreign languages. To teach communication in a foreign language, you need to create real, real life situations (i.e., what is called the principle of authenticity of communication), which will stimulate the study of the material and develop adequate behavior. New technologies, in particular the Internet, are trying to correct this error.

The communicative approach is a strategy that models communication, aimed at creating a psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, at a conscious understanding of the material and methods of action with it. For the user, the implementation of a communicative approach on the Internet is not particularly difficult. The communicative task should offer students a problem or question for discussion, and students not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion that distinguishes this approach from other types of learning activities is that students independently choose language units to shape their thoughts. The use of the Internet in a communicative approach is perfectly motivated: its goal is to interest students in learning a foreign language by accumulating and expanding their knowledge and experience.

One of the main requirements for teaching foreign languages ​​using Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the classroom, which is commonly called interactivity in the methodology. Interactivity is "the unification, coordination and complementarity of the efforts of the communicative goal and the result by speech means." By teaching authentic language, the Internet helps in the formation of speaking skills, as well as in the teaching of vocabulary and grammar, providing genuine interest and, therefore, efficiency. Interactivity not only creates real life situations, but also forces students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language.

One of the technologies that provide student-centered learning is project method as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, independence. The typology of projects is varied. According to M. E. Breigina, projects can be divided into mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, visual, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice one often has to deal with mixed projects that have signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational. Project work is a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method contributes to the development of active independent thinking of students and focuses them on joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children to cooperate, and learning to cooperate brings up such moral values ​​as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students. In general, in the process of project-based learning, the inseparability of education and upbringing can be traced.

The project method forms students' communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to briefly and easily formulate thoughts, tolerantly treat the opinion of communication partners, develop the ability to extract information from various sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that contributes to the emergence of a natural need in communication in a foreign language.

The project form of work is one of the relevant technologies that allow students to apply the accumulated knowledge in the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech and hear, understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference literature, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with the authentic language, which is not possible with learning the language only with the help of a textbook in the classroom.

Project work is a creative process. A student independently or under the guidance of a teacher is looking for a solution to a problem, this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. In a foreign language course, the project method can be used as part of the program material on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.

TO modern technologies applies tocooperation technology . The main idea is to create conditions for the active joint activity of students in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while the role of each is stipulated. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong what they do not understand, and strong students strive for the weak to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because gaps are jointly eliminated.

Practice shows that learning together is not only easier, but more interesting and much more effective. And this applies to both academic success in the subject, and the intellectual and moral development of children. Help each other, solve the problem together, reach the truth, share the joy of success and the bitterness of failure - these qualities will be useful to the guys both at school and in life. For the teacher, this system provides tremendous opportunities for a creative approach to both the subject and the students.
The idea of ​​collaborative learning is extremely humane in its essence. It was developed by the efforts of many teachers in many countries of the world and therefore is quite diverse in its versions. However, with all the diversity, there are basic principles of learning in cooperation.

Principles of collaborative learning

1. Groups of students are formed by the teacher before the lesson, taking into account the psychological compatibility of children. Moreover, in each group there should be “strong”, “average” and “weak” students, girls and boys. If the group in several lessons works smoothly, amicably and productively, there is no need to change its composition. These are the so-called basic groups. If the work for some reason does not go well, the composition can be changed from lesson to lesson.

2. The group is given one task, but when it is completed, the distribution of roles between the members of the group is provided. Roles can be distributed both by the teacher and by students within the group.

3. The work of not one student is evaluated, but the whole group, i.e. one mark is placed for the whole group. It is important that it is not so much knowledge that is evaluated as the efforts of students. In some cases, you can give the guys the opportunity to evaluate the results of their work themselves.

4. The teacher himself chooses a member of the group who must report for the task. It can also be a “weak” student. The ability of a “weak” student to present in detail the result of joint work means that the group has coped with the task and the educational and pedagogical goal has been achieved. For the purpose of any task is not its formal implementation (correct / incorrect), but the assimilation of the material by each member of the group.

Using Learning Technology in Collaboration
when working on texts.

Before starting work, it is advisable to familiarize students with the order of work in groups using a kind of memo.


1. You work in a group. Remember that the success of the group as a whole depends on the success of everyone. Do not forget to help each other, do it tactfully and patiently.
2. Remember that foreign language communication skills are improved only in communication. Be active yourself and be considerate to others.
3. Do not forget to include in your statements the lexical and grammatical material that you have learned earlier, and also try to actively use the new one.
4. Use the dictionary and reference material as needed, but don't forget the language guess.
5. In case of serious difficulties, contact the teacher;
6. If your group is working on a text to improve speaking skills, then do further work in this order:
a) read the text individually and discuss its content in the group;
b) select sentences that convey the main content of the text;
c) familiarize yourself with the speech task and the scheme of the expected statement, select sentences from the text to fill in the scheme, make the necessary changes, abbreviations, additions, etc. to them;
d) compose a retelling of what you read, based on the diagram;
e) retell the text in your group for its assessment or in another group as a text for listening;
f) when evaluating a statement or retelling of a text, the following are taken into account: consistency, sufficiency, completeness of the statement, the presence of the speaker's point of view, the presence of structures with new lexical and grammatical material, as well as the presence of errors and their nature. Assessing each other, do not forget to be tactful and friendly.
7. If you are going to present what you have learned to members of your own or another group and check the degree of understanding of the information you have provided, then follow these recommendations:
- determine for yourself the order of statements, they should be logical and concise;
- tell us what your story will be about:
“My story is about…”
“I'd like to tell you about…”
- warn the group members that after listening you will check how they understood your story:
“Listen to my story attentively. Then you'll answer my questions/do a test."
- during the story, watch your speech, speak clearly, at a normal pace. If you are not sure about the correct pronunciation of individual words, first consult with the teacher;
- after the end of the story, check how you were understood. These can be questions or a True-False test;
- check the results of the test task and mark in the control sheet.
8. Remember that all communication within and between groups must be in a foreign language.

Each member of the home group gets their own text to read: “SPRING”, “SUMMER”, “AUTUMN” or “WINTER”, i.e. it is possible to differentiate the complexity of tasks in accordance with the level of language training of students. Within the same group, children work on different texts. After reading the text, students from different groups working on the same material meet and exchange information (expert groups). This is the so-called “meeting of experts”. They then return to their home groups and take turns talking about what they have learned. This is followed by a check of understanding by other members of the group of the information heard, for which questions can be used, as well as test tasks of the “True-False” type. “Strong” students can be invited to independently compose questions to the text or develop test tasks. In conclusion, students should evaluate the work of all members of the “home group”, write down the results on a control sheet and hand it over to the teacher.

Great Britain: a Country of Traditions

Just like families have their own traditions, so do countries. It's common knowledge that the British are lovers of traditions. Each season in Britain is connected with various colorful traditions, customs and festivals.


St. David's day. March 1st is a very important day for Welsh people. It's St. David's day. He is the “patron” or national saint of Wales. On March 1st, the Welsh celebrate St. David's Day and wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats or jackets.
may day. May 1st was an important day in the Middle Ages, the celebration of summer's beginning. For that day people decorated houses and streets with branches of trees and flowers. In the very early morning young girls went to the fields and washed their faces with dew. They believed this made them beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day the young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows. People put up a striped maypole decorated with flowers and danced round it. Some English villages still have maypole dancing on May 1st.


The Trooping of the Colour. The Queen is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an “official” birthday, too. That's on the second Saturday in June. And on the Queen's official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Color. It's a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards' Parade in London. The Queen's soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the flag or “colour”. The Guards are trooping the colour. Thousands of Londoners and visitors watch Horse Guards’ Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television.
Swan Upping. Here's a very different royal tradition. On the River Thames there are hundreds of swans. A lot of these beautiful white birds belong, traditionally, to the King or Queen. In July the young swans on the Thames are about two months old. Then the Queen's swankeeper goes, in a boat, from London Bridge toHenley . He looks at all the young swans and marks the royal ones. The name of this custom is Swan Upping.
highland games. In summer, Scottish people traditionally meet together for competitions called Highland Games. After Queen Victoria visited the games at Braemar in 1848, the Braemar games became the most famous tradition in Scotland. Today thousands of visitors come to see sports liketossing the caber (a tall pole is thrown into the air as a test of strength) or throwing the hammer. The games always include Scottish dancing and bagpipe music.

Henley - a town on the Thames
to toss the caber- throw a log ( sporting event )


The State Opening of Parliament. Parliament governments modern Britain. But traditionally the Queen opens Parliament every autumn. She travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament, in a gold carriage – the Irish State Coach. At the Houses of Parliament the Queen sits on a throne in the House of Lords. Then she reads the Queen's Speech. At the State Opening of Parliament the Queen wears a crown and crown jewels.
Guy Fawkes Day. November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day in Britain. All over the country people build wood fires, or "bonfires", in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a straw man. That is a figure of Guy Fawkes. He was one of a band of conspirators who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I and his ministers. However, the plot failed, Fawkes was caught on the 5th of November 1605. The conspirators were executed and Britain has celebrated Guy Fawkes night since then. Before November 5th, children use their guys to make money. They stand in the street and shout “Penny for the guy”. Then they spend the money on fireworks.

a guy - zd . scarecrow


Up-Helly-Aa. The Shetlands are islands off the coast of Scotland. In the ninth century the Vikings from Norway came to the Shetlands. They came to Britain in ships and took away gold, animals and sometimes people.
Now, 1000 years later, people in the Shetlands remember the Vikings with the festival, which they call “Up-Helly-Aa”. Every winter people of Zerwick, the capital of the Shetland Islands, make a model of a Viking longship with the head of a dragon at the front. Then, on Up-Helly-Aa night in January, the Shetlanders dress in Viking clothes and carry the ship through the town to the sea and burn it there. The festival is a party for the people of the Shetland Islands.
Carol Singing. Originally, carols were songs performed with dancing at Christmas and other festivals. They were often sung outside houses by costumed actors called Mummers. Many of today's carols have been written since the 19th century as Christmas hymns celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

1. Make home groups. Read one of the texts carefully. Find out more information about British traditions.
2. Answer the questions individually.

Text 1. “SPRING”

1. What holiday is a very important day for Welsh people?
2. What flower do people wear on St. David's Day?
3. Is May Day an important celebration nowadays?
4. How did people celebrate May Day in the Middle Ages?
5. What is “maypole dancing”?

Text 2. "SUMMER"

1. What person has got two birthdays?
2. What ceremony is traditionally held on the Queen's official birthday?
3. How can you explain the word “colour” in this text?
4. Does the Queen's swankeeper mark all the swans on the Thames?
5. The Highland Games are not only sport competitions. What else do they include?
6. When did the Braermar games become the most famous tradition in Scotland?
7. What competitions for strong people are held in the Highlands?

Text 3. "AUTUMN"

1. Who traditionally opens Parliament?
2. For what purposes is the Irish State Coach used nowadays?
3. What does the Queen do in the Parliament and what does she wear?
4. What kind of person was Guy Fawkes?
5. How do people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?
6. What do children usually do on Guy Fawkes Day?

Text 4. "WINTER"

1. Whom do the Shetlanders remember with Up-Helly-Aa festival?
2. What is the capital of the Shetlands?
3. How do the people of the Shetlands celebrate Up-Helly-Aa?
4. What are “carols”?
5. Is Carol Singing a Christmas tradition? Prove your answer.

3. Take true-false test.

Text 1. “SPRING”

1st David's Day is a very important day for the British people.
2. May Day is a very important celebration nowadays.
3. May Day is the celebration of spring's beginning.
4. The symbol of St. David's Day is a maypole.
5. The striped maypole is decorated with daffodils.

Text 2. "SUMMER"

1. The Queen's official birthday is on the second of June.
2. Trooping of the Color is translated on TV.
3. Swan Upping is the name of a custom of marking all swans.
4. The Highland Games were founded by Queen Victoria.
5. The Braermar games are the most famous tradition in Scotland.

Text 3. "AUTUMN"

1. At the Houses of Parliament the Queen sits in the Irish State Coach.
2. Modern Britain is ruled by the Queen.
3. "Bonfire" is a figure of Guy Fawkes.
4. Guy Fawkes is a national hero in Britain.
5. Guy Fawkes and his people wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill the king.

Text 4. "WINTER"

1. The Shetlands were colonized by the Vikings.
2. On Up-Helly-Aa, people burn a model of a Viking longship.
3. Carols are Christmas hymns.
4. Carols are costumed actors.
5. Carol Singing is performed only at Christmas.

4. Meet in expert groups.
– compare your answers for the questions
– compare your answers for the test
– work out a common answer

5. Meet in your home groups.
– take turns retelling the texts you have prepared
– let your team-mates take the True-False test
– explain them the details
– as you listen to your group-mates don’t forget to take notes
– don't forget to fill in the checking list and hand it to your teacher


6. The whole class discussion.
Many people think that Great Britain is a country of traditions. Do you agree with this? What's your opinion? Explain your point of view. While listening to your classmates be ready to give some more reasons to support or refute the point of view being discussed.

The technology of learning in cooperation involves the use of such active forms as debate, press conference, discussion, role-playing game.

Debate methodology

Students are divided into 2 groups of opponents and 1 group of the editorial board. The leader can be a teacher or a well-prepared student. For example, this form of work can be offered as a final lesson in grade 9 on the topic “Sport”

Students are given 15 minutes to prepare for participation in the debate “Sport: for or against”. Group 1 looks at and selects positive statements related to sports, and group 2 - negative ones. Both groups recall life examples from their own experience or the experience of other people (athletes, doctors ...).

Group 3 (the smallest 2-3 people) prepares a poster with the name of the topic, a badge for the presenter, hangs a sign with phrases in English, for example: Agree / disagree, I have a different opinion, I think you are wrong and etc.

The role of the facilitator is not only to start and end the dispute or to present the parties of the opposition, but also to be a link, ask questions, be able to direct this or that group in the right direction, and sum up.

Methodology for the lesson “Press Conference”

All students are divided into 3 groups according to the lottery principle.

Group 1 - guests (from USA, UK…)

Group 2 - representatives of the press (newspapers, magazines), conference participants

Group 3 - editorial board. The leader (teacher or the most prepared student) is selected. You are given 15-20 minutes to prepare:

    Group 1 looks through and repeats the material of the topic covered, writes out individual words, phrases.

    Group 2 prepares interesting questions for invited guests (questions asked with humor, questions of a personality-oriented nature and questions that require an answer based on the knowledge of students that go beyond the program material of the textbook are welcome).

    Group 3 prepares a badge for the host (with full name), data plates for guests, plates with the names of magazines / newspapers and a welcome poster like “Welcome to Russia!” or “Welcome conference participants!” etc.

The remaining 20 minutes are the conference itself. The host opens the conference, names the topic, goals, introduces the guests and the names of the publishing houses whose representatives participate in the work. He also closes the conference, thanks the participants for their work and sums up the results. Another form of group communication, close to genuine communication, is a discussion game, during which issues that are relevant and interesting to students are discussed.

Each student chooses a role convenient for himself and speaks on behalf of the character he has chosen. Thus, the psychological barrier of fear of a language mistake is removed, and an opportunity is provided to express one's opinion.

The content of such discussions is usually any problem. real life. For example, choosing a profession, plans for the future, relationships with parents, protecting the environment, the role of women in society, and others.

Discussion as a form of work is considered complex and requires the manifestation of many qualities of communicants, who are required to possess a sufficient level of speech competence, i.e. willingness to engage in real communication.

These communication actions can be implemented using:

A ) replicas of agreement / disagreement : Right, I think the same; I'm afraid you are wrong; I think...; Exactly; Absolutely; As for me...; On the contrary; I don't think so;
b) phrase-question clarifying character : What makes you think so? ;
Where have you got this information? ; Do you mean...? ;
What do you mean? ; What's your idea about this? ; I believe...; Well, I suppose...;
c) emotional reactions : Unbelievable! ; That sounds strange; Incredible! How nice! Great! I can't believe it;
d) generalizing judgments : on the whole; In general; Summing up all you've just said; Let's come to a conclusion; The result is...;

Approximate Topics group discussions:

    Is protection of the environment an important problem today?
    2. Should women work outside the home?
    3. How should the elderly be taken care of?
    4. Is choosing a profession for secondary school graduates the responsibility of the parents only?
    5. Should teenagers work after classes to have their pocket money?
    6. An ideal family - fact or fiction?
    7. Is mass media a reflection of society?
    8. Television is a source of education and pleasure, isn't it?
    9. “He who loves not his country can love nothing.” (Byron)
    10. Is education so important for the good of society?
    11. Peace on earth is everybody's concern.
    12. The country expects every man to do his duty.

Examples role-playing situations:

1. You are a new pupil; you talk with your classmates about the timetable.
2. You were absent from school yesterday. Talk with your friends about what they did yesterday. Start the conversation.
3. You invited your friends to the birthday party. Start the conversation at birthday dinner.
4. You have just returned from a trip to Moscow. Start the conversation with your parents.
5. You are the shop assistant suggesting Christmas gifts to a group of schoolchildren.
6. You are a police officer in the street. Three members of a school group from the U.S.A. have become separated from their group. Help them find the way to the hotel.
7. You are at your grandparent's house watching television. You don't like the program. Try to convince your grandmother and grandfather to change to another one.
8. You are a librarian. Try to convince the boys who are not very much interested in reading to choose some interesting books for their English class.
9. You are customers talking with a waiter at a cafe.
10. You are two passengers talking with a stewardess on a plane.

Role play example. Talk show " Sport in Our Life

Purpose: development dialogical speech students, the ability to navigate in various situations.

1. Warm up.

Based on the topic “Sport in Our Life”, a conversation is held with students about what sports they know, what role sports play in their lives. The teacher invites everyone to the talk show "Sport in Our Life". He says that various famous people were invited to shoot this program: the Klitschko brothers, Alina Kabaeva, David Beckham, Anna Kournikova, etc. They will talk about their achievements in sports and how they keep themselves in shape.

2. Combining students into groups.

The students, together with the teacher, draw up a general plan and a step-by-step program: they think over the list of invited guests, decide who will be interviewed, the students compose questions or prepare a speech according to their role.

3. Work in a group.

A selection of information about sports, which is necessary for giving interviews to the stars and which will help correspondents ask the necessary questions. The area of ​​discussion is also defined, i.e. sports that are distributed among the participants. Students make design sketches, working versions of speeches, discuss questions on the topic.

Possible questions for the participants of the show:

    What role does sport play in your life?

    Why, according to your opinion, do many people go in for sport?

    How long are you in sport?

    In what worldwide competitions have you ever taken part?

    If you were a child, would you like to change anything in your life?

    What sports can you call: a) the most beautiful, b) the most dangerous, c) the most useful for health, d) the most interesting to watch.

4. Holding a show.

5. Reflection

And another example of working in small groups of cooperation. Studying or repeating the topic "Holidays of English-speaking countries", you can organize the work as follows. The teacher on the board (or on cards that are placed in different corners of the class) writes the names of 3-4 holidays (depending on the number of students). Each student chooses a holiday about which he knows more, which he likes best. Thus, groups of 3-4 people are formed. For 15-20 minutes, the group members should discuss the chosen holiday, trying to collect all the information. In addition, they should come up with questions for other groups. Thus, the material is summarized

The goal of teaching a foreign language in humanistic pedagogy, according to Galskova N.D., is to develop the student's ability for intercultural interaction and the use of the language being studied as a tool for this interaction. Comparison of the new experience acquired by the student with the knowledge he has is accompanied by the acquisition of his individual experience. The acquisition of the individual experience of the student is carried out by activating the learning process. And this is achieved by applyingcritical thinking development technologies through reading and writing.

Critical thinking means evaluative, reflective thinking. This is open thinking, not accepting dogmas, developing by imposing new information on life's personal experience.

In this technology, the role of the teacher is fundamentally changing. It becomes a partner that activates and guides the learning process. Students learn to communicate without conflict. Student-centered learning is being carried out, in which each student not only receives another volume of ready-made knowledge, but is involved in the process of constructing knowledge on the basis of equal partnerships.

American educators J. Steele, C. Meredith and C. Temple developed the structure of the RKChM technology, consisting of three stages: challenge, comprehension of the content, reflection.

The first stage (call stage) - actualizes the existing knowledge of students, arouses interest in the topic; it is here that the objectives of the study of the material are determined. For this, various techniques and strategies are used, for example, clusters.

So, when studying the “Holidays” section in the 8th grade, you can make a cluster:YourassociationstothewordChristmas“The teacher creates a problem situation by evoking the students' memories of the topic by referring to their own experiences. This stage consists of two elements - brainstorming and creating a cluster. Information is listened to, recorded, discussed, work is carried out in groups. After the students have formed a cluster, you can invite them to make sentences on this topic. Students make proposals on the topic, exchange information, work in groups. Each group names a sentence and the sentences are written on the board. The team that made the proposal asks the question.

The second stage is the comprehension of new material. This is where the main content work with the text takes place. At this stage of learning, in the process of working with new information, students are encouraged to use such a technique as marking text with symbols:v“-I know,”+”-new information,”-“-what I learned does not match what I knew,”?”-insufficient information, I need to find out more. What the students learned from the text, we supplement with a different color to the cluster.

The third stage is contemplation or reflection. Here the student comprehends the studied material and forms his personal opinion, attitude towards the material being studied. At this stage, students answer questions, discuss their attitude to the holiday, and also perform creative work in the form of a five-line syncwine (this is a five-line verse that requires systematization of information in a concise form on the topic).

Thus, using the techniques and strategies of technology for the development of critical thinking, it is possible to “arm” students with a wide variety of resources in working with various types of information. The children learn to work with the text: evaluate information, highlight contradictions in the text and the types of structures present in it, argue their point of view, relying not only on logic, but also on the ideas of the interlocutor.

The use of innovative teaching technologies in English lessons helps to solve the problems of verbal communication of schoolchildren with different levels of abilities, the effective use of lesson time, and increasing motivation to learn English. New forms of verbal communication in the classroom contribute to the formation of creativity, cognitive activity, independence of children.

Innovation in education is understood as the process of improving pedagogical technologies, a set of methods, techniques and teaching aids. At present, innovative pedagogical activity is one of the essential components of the educational activity of any educational institution. And it is no coincidence. It is innovative activity that not only creates the basis for creating the competitiveness of an institution in the educational services market, but also determines the direction professional growth teacher, his creative search, really contributes to the personal growth of pupils. Therefore, innovative activity is inextricably linked with the scientific and methodological activities of teachers and educational and research students.

There are 2 problems in understanding the essence of the innovation process:

1) study, generalization, dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;

2) introduction of the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science into practice.

The objective relationship lies in the fact that the process of studying, disseminating and transferring experience has as its ultimate goal the introduction of the new into practice. The teacher can act as a developer, researcher, user, distributor of new pedagogical technologies, theories and concepts. The need for an innovative orientation of pedagogical activity in modern conditions determined by circumstances:

Socio-economic transformations of society, which led to radical renewal of the education system;

Strengthening the humanization of the content of education, when the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the teaching environment has significantly increased;

Changing the nature of the attitude of teachers to the very fact of mastering and applying pedagogical innovations.

If earlier innovative activity was reduced to the use of proposals recommended from above, now it is acquiring a research, selective character. The innovative orientation of the activities of teachers has a number of criteria that make it possible to judge the effectiveness of innovation:

1. novelty - levels:


Locally absolute


Subjective, distinguished by the degree of fame and absoluteness of application;

2. optimality - the expenditure of forces and means of the teacher and students to achieve the result;

3. effectiveness - determines the stability of positive results in the activities of the teacher;

4. the possibility of creative application of innovations in mass experience.

The creative application of innovations in the mass pedagogical experience is tested at the initial stage in the activities of teachers, and after testing and objective evaluation can be used for mass implementation. An analysis of the literature and the experience of schools indicates the insufficient effectiveness of the application of innovations. The reasons for this are that innovation, as a rule, does not pass professional examination and approbation. In addition, the introduction of the new is not previously prepared either in the organization, or in the personal-psychological, or technical terms.

The lack of implementation of innovations, as well as the haste of their implementation, leads to the fact that the recommended innovation is either forgotten or canceled by order.

The lack of an innovative environment is manifested in the methodological unpreparedness of teachers and in their weak information content on the essence of innovations. The innovative environment finds a real reflection in the attitude of teachers towards pedagogical innovations.

Currently, there are several approaches regarding the essence of innovation in education. To identify the differences, it is necessary to distinguish between form, method and technology. The traditional form of education usually includes: a lesson, classes in training workshops, lectures, practical exercises, seminars, etc. Trainings, business games, role-playing games and others began to be introduced. Methods include the reception and method of organizing the educational process. Methods include discussion, dialogue, experiment, analysis of the situation. Technology determines the sequence of a number of procedures that lead to the desired result.

The purpose of traditional education is to assimilate the amount of knowledge, master the set of skills and abilities, as well as prepare the student for life based on the transfer of experience.

Innovative learning emerges as an alternative to the traditional one. The purpose of which is not the transfer of ready-made samples of the assimilation of information, but the formation of a personality capable of making a rational choice in difficult situations. The main function of innovative education is the direct inclusion of the student in the life process itself, that is, the development of the student through the actualization of self-education and self-education. This requires a special organization of the educational process and a special approach to the content, to the training system, in order for such a leap to occur. G.P. Shchedrovitsky in his “Systemic Thinking Methodology” noted that “the main thing in innovative education is the creation of such situations in which students begin to take from the means of activity developed by man and assimilate them. If such situations are not created, then the communication of knowledge and instructions are carried out in vain and are not perceived. Therefore, in order to create such a situation, it is necessary to create a gap in the subject-practical and mental activity of the student. If such a gap arises and is recognized by the student, then a stage follows, which is carried out in different ways depending on age. In one case, the teacher comes to the rescue and they solve the problem together. In another case, the teacher immediately sets the means for solving the problem as content for assimilation. If the student can, then he learns and builds the solution process. But only very highly developed children and those prepared for self-education can do this.

G.P. Shchedrovitsky expresses his attitude to education by the method of “conflict” that arises in communication between children. The task of the teacher is to use this method for the purpose of education. Reflection acts as a tool of knowledge. With its help, a different understanding of the essence of the processes that are in the field of view of students is developed, and there is a liberation from stereotypes of consciousness and behavior.

Successful learning lies not only in the development of knowledge, but also in the acquisition of new knowledge, in the interaction of each other. V.S.Dudchenko, in his work "Intensive immersion in action" on the technology of innovative learning, noted that "the main form of innovative learning is the method from action to knowledge." Knowledge is grown in consciousness on the material in excess of large amounts of information. In innovative education, the reserve capabilities of consciousness, psyche and thinking are activated and used to the maximum. Educational work, built on the principle of from complex to simple, is based on the belief that all people are talented from childhood. Innovative learning is equated with research work. Its goal is not the acquisition of knowledge, skills, not the socialization of the individual, as this is a secondary result, to learn how to learn in any situation.

Almost the only subject at school that sets the goal of learning - communication - is a foreign language. The central and most difficult moment in communication is the establishment of psychological contact, mutual understanding with communication partners. The use of such innovative technologies as the project method, role-playing game, discussion, as well as conducting non-traditional lessons, creates conditions that allow revealing and expressing the individuality of the student.

The purpose of introducing innovative methods of teaching a foreign language into the educational process is not just the accumulation of knowledge and skills, but the constant enrichment of creative experience, the formation of a mechanism for self-organization and self-realization of each student, increasing his learning motivation. They allow the teacher not only and not so much to teach, but to help learn, to direct learning activities. In the methodology, there is a variety of innovative methods of teaching a foreign language.

In this paper, such models are considered as innovative, which transform the nature of learning in relation to such properties as goal orientation, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students, their positions in the course of learning, and create a favorable atmosphere in the lesson.

In order to ensure a complete understanding of the lexical and grammatical material at the stage of skills formation, repeated joint performance of actions for its assimilation and constant reinforcement and control over the correct implementation of these actions by the teacher, it is advisable to use teamwork. In our opinion, this should include structures under the general name "Master learning" (teaching to perfection). The goal of these structures is to bring all students to roughly the same skill level before moving on to the next stage.

These include the structure Same Different(same-different), Think-Pair-Square-Share(think, discuss in pairs, then in a group of four and share your thoughts with the class), Numbered Heads Together(received a number, stand with each other), Roundrobin (Roundtable)(saying in turn) Fact or Fiction and Guess the Fib(fact or fiction and guess the fiction).

Let's consider these structures separately.

Same-Different structure.

The teacher creates a situation, puts a speech problem of an imitative nature in front of the students and pronounces a sentence.

1 step. If the content of the sentence corresponds to the situation, the students confirm this with a nod of the head and then each quietly pronounces the sentence; if it does not match (students shake their heads negatively), then the sentence is not pronounced.

2 step. The teacher calls the group, and the students answer all together.

In our work, we managed to test this structure in grade 10a according to the textbook Groza O.L., Dvoretskaya O.B., Kobzareva N.Yu. "New Millennium English" when studying the passive voice. The students actively worked while practicing the new grammatical material, which indicated that they were interested.

The teacher may suggest the following situation:

"Agree with me if the statement is true."

Possible statements:

-America was discovered by Columbus.

-The radio was invented by Leonardo da Vinci.

-Electric light bulbs were improved by Thomas Edison.

Think-Pair-Square-Share structure.

The teacher names the situation and the speech task of a transformational or reproductive nature and pronounces a sentence.

1 step. Group members individually consider the answer.

2 step. The student reports the answer to a partner in a pair, and together they say a common answer.

3 step. Students share information with each other in a group, compose an answer and choose a student who voices it.

This type of work was interesting for students, as there is a moment of competition. Students in a group strive to come to a consensus as quickly as possible. In addition, this type of work contributes to group cohesion.

Structure of Numbered Heads Together.

Each member of the group receives a number. The teacher names the situation and the speech task of a substitutional nature, then asks a question.

1 step. Group members answer in whispers and, during the discussion, prepare a common response. The teacher calls the number and indicates the group.

2 step. The student whose number was called by the teacher answers.

Structure Roundrobin (Roundtable).

A speech task of a reproductive nature is set, students take turns performing it orally, exchanging opinions, coming to a common point of view and informing the class about it.

Structure Fact or Fiction and Guess the Fib.

A speech task of a substitutional or reproductive nature is assumed. Solving it, individual members of the group take turns pronouncing sentences. Those who listen are trying to determine if the sentences are true. (If they match, then the sentences are repeated.) If the sentences do not correspond to reality, each student says 2-3 sentences. One of them is not true. This is exactly what the members of the group repeat.

At the stage of improving skills, it is advisable to introduce group forms of work. group work- a methodological technique belonging to the group of active methods of teaching practical knowledge of a foreign language. The introduction of this technique in the educational process contributes to the achievement of the goals of teaching dialogic speech, monologue, monologue, the development of creative activity, the formation of students' skills and abilities for independent expression of thought, the education and upbringing of students by means of a foreign language.

There is a wide variety of forms of group work. We will consider those that, in our opinion, are the most interesting and the effectiveness of which we have tested in practice.

buzz groups- students form small groups, turning to their neighbors, in order to discuss the issue (for 2-3 minutes). The teacher controls the work of students, moving from one group to another. After a brief discussion, the representative of the group communicates the general decision to the whole group. Work in BUZZ GROUPS contributes to the unity of students.

We were able to test this form of work when working on the topic "How many friends have you got?" The students actively answered the teacher's questions on the basis of the read text, gave complete and accurate answers, which indicates that this work stimulates their cognitive activity, increases interest in the subject.

Panals-- students selected by the teacher (usually advanced) sit in front of a group of interviewees. The rest of the group - correspondents ask them questions that need to be answered. Such a discussion can be held on the basis of the read text, during which the plot, characters, etc. are discussed. This form of group work requires the preliminary preparation of interviewees and reference cards, diagrams for "correspondents" that will help support the logic of the discussion. Panals gives advanced students the opportunity to show their knowledge, and weaker students to develop auditory abilities.

We used this form of group work on the topic "Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?". The discussion was based on three small texts, in which British schoolchildren express their point of view on the dangers and benefits of television. Three advanced students represented the opinion of these students, the rest asked questions. For example:

- Do you like watching TV?

- Are you a "couch potato"?

- What do you think about TV?

All participants in this discussion were satisfied. Activity was shown even by those students who are mostly passive in the classroom.

Opinion vote- each student receives cards for voting (with numbers from 1 to 5: 1 - completely disagree, 5 - completely agree). After the statement made by the teacher is discussed, “for” and “against” are marked, the students vote, the teacher immediately sees the big picture from the raised cards. This helps to quickly summarize, draw a conclusion on a given topic. After doing this 1-2 times, the teacher can invite one of the students to sum up.

Possible statements for discussion and voting could be: (topic "How do you treat the Earth?")

- It is a wise rule to clean pavements.

- It is a silly rule to take litter home.

-It is a wise rule to grow flowers and trees.

Onion- students of two groups form two circles (one inside the other) and turn to face each other. For some time they discuss the question proposed by the teacher or ask questions and receive answers. At the signal of the teacher, the students of the outer circle move to the right, thus forming a new pair in which the discussion takes place.

This form of work is effective when training any grammatical structure.

So, for example, we used this form of work on the topic "Free Time...For What?" Each student was given a question, moving in a circle, he asked this question to each student, marking the answers on a piece of paper. Thus, each student asked the question at least 12-14 times and answered 12-14 questions. After this exercise is completed, the teacher can give 1-2 minutes to prepare a short monologue based on the answers received.

The students really liked this type of work, as they were able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

Authentic communicative-oriented teaching of foreign languages ​​is carried out using tasks that involve the "information gap" of the participants (Information gap). "Information gap" tasks can take various forms: picture gap (the trainees have almost the same pictures, some of the pictures are different, and the differences need to be discovered with the help of questions without seeing the picture of the partner, - matching task). This approach was used in the development past progressive. Students in pairs were given pictures of people doing different activities. They need to figure out inconsistencies by asking each other questions in past progressive.

text gap (schoolchildren have similar texts or fragments of the same text, where the details present in the text of one student are absent in the text of another, and the lack of information needs to be filled - jig-saw reading). This technique can be used while studying the topic: "Do you have any problems with your friends?"

knowledge gap (one student has information that the other does not have, and it needs to be replenished - complete-the-table task);

reasoning gap (schoolchildren have different evidence that is important to put together and compare);

belief/opinion gap (trainees have different beliefs, but you need to develop a common opinion).

An example of a type assignment "Information gap" is communication game Treasure Island("Treasure Island"). Two participants in communication (“treasure seekers”) have contour maps with the image “ desert island". Information on the card of one participant is not on the card of another. Participants, asking each other questions, try to find all the “dangers” that lie in wait for them and lay out the corresponding danger symbols on the empty squares of their cards. As a result, the only square on the contour maps of both participants remains empty. This is the place where the "treasure" is hidden. The work is carried out in pairs, and the pair of participants, the first to find the "treasure", wins.

The lesson has been and remains the main link in the educational process. The most important problem is to increase the effectiveness of the lesson as the main form of teaching and educating students. The moral and psychological climate in the classroom, students' assimilation of spiritual values ​​and moral norms, enthusiasm for science, the mood of teachers and students, their psychological health, the level of individual creative development depend on the ability of the teacher to communicate with students in the classroom and outside it. Exactly non-traditional approach to teaching a foreign language allows you to increase cognitive interest in the subject being studied, encourage students to active mental activity, to independent creativity, to the hidden possibilities of each student, which makes it possible for the teacher to communicate more closely with the student.

In such lessons, the creativity of students and the creativity of the teacher are embodied in a common cause. Lessons of this type give the teacher a fairly complete picture of the level of students' speech skills, however, grades are not given in such lessons, which gives positive results, since students do not feel fear for the mistakes made and do not expect to receive some grade. This liberates students and gives them the opportunity to express themselves through oral speech.

Conducting non-traditional lessons does not require changing the program, since they are the logical conclusion of a particular topic. Such lessons bring up a sense of collectivism, empathy for a comrade, responsibility to the whole group not to let down, not to lag behind classmates.

1. Start with a lot of preliminary preparation.

2. Be sure to include all students in the preparation and conduct of the lesson.

3. Take into account the actual level of preparedness of a particular class.

4. When analyzing the conducted non-standard lesson, evaluate not only the degree of achievement of the set goals, but also the emotional tone, interest of students, their activity, collectivism, mutual assistance.

Interesting in its structure debate lesson(often called debate). Debate develops the ability to think logically and critically; the ability to organize your thoughts; possession of oral speech; rhetorical skills; self-confidence; ability to work in a group; the ability to focus on the core of the problem; the ability to stay in public.

Interesting pass lessons-tournaments for elementary school students. These lessons offer riddles, tongue twisters, crossword puzzles, etc. Usually such lessons are held at the end of the quarter in the final lesson.

lesson game also mainly for junior schoolchildren. One of the most important techniques in teaching a foreign language to children is the game. The factors that accompany the game - interest, a sense of satisfaction, joy - facilitate learning. The game is specific and corresponds to the development of younger students. The excitement caused by the game creates, as it were, a zone of inhibition for everything that is outside the game.

Lesson-excursion (journey) can be carried out in various ways. In order for this lesson to really benefit students, to develop their cognitive interests and deepen their knowledge, before conducting such a lesson, students can be divided into groups and each of them can be given a task or several questions to which they must answer. Each group, having received the task, goes its own route, during which it collects the necessary information. After the excursion, the group solves the tasks assigned to it, using the data obtained.

Lessons like KVN. These forms of lesson came from extra-curricular activities and became quite popular among students. Their scope is mainly the repetition of certain topics. The competition consists of several competitions-stages. The final stage-- summarizing.

fashion show lesson used to reinforce vocabulary on the topic of clothing.

teleconference lesson usually held for high school students on a specific topic, expanding and deepening the knowledge of students.

auction lesson can be done in any class. In this lesson, they can "sell" anything they want. A prerequisite is that students should be able to talk about the item being sold, to present all its positive aspects.

Press conference lesson good to use to repeat a topic or to discuss some interesting problem. He prepares in advance. At the press conference there are "scientists" from different countries, or "musicians" of famous bands, or "famous athletes", etc. The rest of the students are "journalists" representing certain newspapers.

Lesson-quiz or lesson-competition is carried out either after studying a topic or after studying some section of this topic. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly answers all the questions posed.

Lesson-thinking, lesson-discussion, lesson-round table, lesson-conversation are similar in structure. The teacher chooses a specific topic, develops a lesson plan. The topic of such a lesson and those questions, the answers to which it would be desirable to prepare, are announced in advance.

Lesson Analysis and Lesson Problem have a similar structure. For the lesson-analysis, the actual situation is selected and analyzed with students.

poetry lesson necessary for secondary school students, as it provides an opportunity to acquaint them with the beautiful poems of the authors of the country whose language they are studying.

dream lesson can be held in any class, depending on the chosen topic. Students dream of many things. It is important for the teacher to find out their dream and build a lesson based on it.

Lesson study is a lesson in which students can explore themselves and find answers to some important questions. They are offered any tests (in a foreign language) of a psychological or cognitive nature that they perform during the lesson.

From the foregoing, it follows that non-traditional lessons allow:

1) to form in students a holistic view of the topic being studied;

2) explain the most difficult issues of the topic being studied;

3) to implement intersubject communications in accordance with the requirements of the time:

4) activate the cognitive activity of students;

5) improve the quality of assimilation of the studied material;

6) create a creative environment in the team of students;

7) identify the abilities of each;

8) improve the contact of the teacher with students;

9) to form the skills of schoolchildren with additional literature;

10) teach students to compare, generalize, experiment;

11) increase the interest of students in the subject of a foreign language”;

12) enrich students' knowledge with new information.

Thus, having studied the use of innovative technologies in the study of a foreign language as a problem of methodology, we came to the conclusion that the application of innovations is not effective enough. The reasons for this are that, firstly, the haste of introducing innovations leads to the fact that the innovation is forgotten or canceled by order, and, secondly, the introduction of a new one is not previously prepared either in the organization, or in the personal psychological, or in the technical relation.

Article " Innovative technologies in English lessons"

Explanatory note. The educational process is based on a blended learning model that helps to effectively combine traditional forms learning and new technologies. The development of education in the 21st century encourages the introduction of innovative technologies, the formation of key competencies in students. The use of modern technologies, which are built on an integrated psychological study the personality of all participants in the educational process, makes it possible to positively develop their intellectual, social, spiritual spheres, and contributes to cultural self-affirmation.
This article describes communicative methods, techniques, the use of innovative technologies in the English lesson.
“A teacher has been preparing for a good lesson all his life ... And in order to give students a spark of knowledge, a teacher needs to absorb a whole sea of ​​​​light.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Modern pedagogical technologies involve changing the educational situation in such a way that the teacher from "unquestioned authority" becomes an attentive and interested interlocutor and accomplice in the learning process.
The communicative method, as one of the modern methods of teaching English, helps the teacher to be not only a carrier of information, but an observer and consultant. The formation and development of communicative competence in English lessons is one of the main tasks. I try to pay much attention to the technology of interactive learning in English lessons, which leads to mutual understanding, interaction, to the joint solution of common, but significant tasks for each participant. During interactive learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, and participate in discussions.
The main methods interactive learning used in my English lessons are: "Aquarium", "Unfinished Sentence", "Associations", "Microphone", "Carousel".
For example, in high school, while studying the topic “Youth problems”, students in groups offer their associative series: “generation gap”, crisis of cultural and moral values, bad habits, increasing youth crime rate, growing housing problems. During the discussion, each associative series is discussed, solutions are proposed. Students discuss and choose the most best ideas their groups: frank speaking with parents, a healthy way of life, going in for sports; out-of-class, out-of-school activity, reading books, self-correction, self-education, prohibition of selling cigarettes and alcohol drinks to the persons under 18; museums, visiting theaters, cinemas; communication with interesting persons; formation of moral values.

IN primary school the focus is on gaming technologies which help to overcome the "language barrier". Lexical, grammatical, phonetic, spelling, creative games, the use of songs, poems help to make the process of learning a foreign language interesting and productive.
For example, during the consolidation of the theme “The World of Animals” in grade 3, the game “Find the animal” is offered. Students in groups make up micro-monologues, describing their favorite domestic or wild animal. The groups must understand and find the correct picture according to the description of the animal. This game develops speaking and listening skills.

T: The class is divided into two groups. The first group describes wild animals. The second group depicts domestic animals. The task of groups is to guess them.
GROUP 1: This animal likes honey and fish. It is brown. It sleeps in winter.This wild animal can swim and climb.
GROUP 2: Is it a bear?
GROUP 1: Yes, it is.
GROUP 2: This animal lives in the farm. It gives us milk and butter too. It's very kind.
GROUP 2: Is it a cow?
GROUP 1: Yes, it is (etc).

During the consolidation of grammatical material (Present Continuous), the grammatical game “Pantomime” is used. Students from different teams show actions with gestures in accordance with the cards. The rest must guess.

P1: Are you cleaning the room?
P2: No, I am not.
P1: Are you washing up?
P2: Yes, I am.

The place of the game in the lesson and the time allotted to the game depend on a number of factors: the preparation of students, the material being studied, the specific goals and conditions of the lesson. With the help of gaming techniques, you can consolidate new language material and repeat what you have learned. For example, when studying the verb “to have”, for the development of logical thinking, the activation of previously learned vocabulary and grammatical structure, an exercise is used with the task: “Reveal the content of the key phrase”.
The student must repeat it and add his own phrase, expanding the statement:

T: I have a favorite toy.
P1: I have a favorite toy. It's my ball. I like to play with a ball every day.
P2: I have a favorite toy. It's my doll. Its name is Mary.
P3: I have a favorite toy. It's my toy car. It's little and red.

At an advanced stage, the teacher offers students creative tasks, for example, making riddles: the student describes the appearance of a fairy-tale character, the class must guess him.

P1: His face is round. His eyes are blue. He has a father but
he has no mother. He is a nice wooden boy (Buratino).
P2: She has a round face, a small nose and small ears. She has blue eyes and
long blue hair. She is a very pretty girl (Malvina).
I use techniques of the author's method of G. A. Kitaigorodskaya, I combine them with other methods of activating speech activity. This method of Kitaygorodskaya is also called the method of "Activation spare capacity individual and team." It cannot be called new, as it was developed over 35 years ago, but it is considered extremely innovative and has already become a classic in the field of intensive training. The path of a person's mastering a foreign language, according to the Kitaygorodskaya system, is very similar to the path that a child takes to master his native language. The role-playing game is leading here during the activation of students' speech activity. You can be a "tourist", "guide", "company president" from any country. During the training, students can communicate with each other in certain situations that are as close as possible to situations in real life. Role distribution is quite important in this method of teaching. In my lessons I use role cards, for example:

1) You've lost your sister in the supermarket. She is only 5 years old. Explain the situation and ask the police to help you.
2) You are a stranger in London. Suddenly you've lost your way. Ask the residents of London to show you the way to the station.
3) In a Tourist’s Agency you ask an advice and recommendations about visiting the sights of London.
4) You are a doctor. You examine a patient and give him some recommendations. What will you recommend him to do in order to recover as quickly as possible?
5) You are a school-leaver. You have a doubt about your future profession. Ask your friends to advise you some modern professions.

I select the necessary situations-illustrations and situations-problems on a specific material, prepare didactic material: (task cards for each; select groups of students who distribute roles, set a task on which students should express their point of view, think over expected answers and replicas During the role-playing game, I do not interrupt students' speech, do not correct mistakes.After the role-playing game, I analyze its course, note the most successful and unsuccessful moments, and work on typical mistakes.
Repeatedly faced with the difficulties of constructing an utterance in a foreign language, the student often loses interest in the subject. Therefore, I also pay much attention in my lessons to the communicative orientation of teaching grammar and vocabulary. A student who is fluent in lexical and grammatical material is faster than others in compiling dialogues.
During the formation of lexical and grammatical speaking skills, I use conditional speech imitative, substitution, transformational, reproductive exercises. The student goes from conscious imitation to independent reproduction of the grammatical form. Conditional data speech exercises are also used in the classroom when compiling microdialogues, dialogues.
When compiling dialogues, lookup tables are also used. For example, in the 5th grade, while studying the topic “Clothes. Purchases” the following lookup table is suggested:

good morning. Can I help you?
- I'm looking for...
- The …(is\are) over there, near the fitting room.
- What colour?
- …
- What size are you?
- …
- I think that it \ they ... (suits \ suit) you perfectly.
- How much (is it \ are they)?
- It \ they (costs \ cost) ... pounds.
- Here you are.
- Thank you. Have a nice day!
- …
At the next stage, students play the role of buyer and seller without relying on the table. The use of role-playing, situational games in my lessons provides ample opportunities for enhancing the educational process.
Use of poems and songs allows students to memorize certain grammatical structures, vocabulary, necessary for the development of speech. For example, during the formation of lexical speaking skills, the study of the days of the week in grade 3, the following poem is used:

My week
- Dick, let's play hide-and-seek.
- Oh, no, I'm very busy every week.
- I go to the cinema on Sunday,
- I go to the theater on Monday,
- I go to the park on Tuesday,
- I go to the stadium on Wednesday,
- I go to the concert on Thursday,
- I go to the circle on Friday,
- I go to the country on Saturday.

I also develop the skills of students to acquire knowledge on their own and apply it in practice. Project method in middle and high school, I consider it one of the leading in the formation of students' speech competencies, the ability to use English as a tool for intercultural communication and interaction. Therefore, I also consider one of the main tasks of developing the skills of project activities in students. Working in a project group, students use knowledge and skills in English in new non-standard situations. Project-based learning methodology I use it mainly to summarize knowledge and skills on the topic covered, that is, the protection of projects, as a rule, takes place in the last lessons of the topic being studied. For example, in the 8th grade, students made projects “Our favorite writers”, “A healthy way of life”, “Popular music”, “English-speaking countries”.

The project method also allows me to create a creative atmosphere in my lesson, where each student is involved in an active cognitive process based on the methodology of cooperation. A feature of the project implemented in English lessons is communication as a necessary basis for collective creative activity. As part of the project, in an atmosphere of partnership, friendly communication, children learn lexical units, strange realities and their activation.
Design technologies and technology for the development of critical thinking help in my lessons to prepare students for research activities at the Minor Academy of Sciences. By defending their project, students gain valuable experience in motivated “non-artificial” foreign language communication, develop their oratory skills, logical thinking the ability to justify one's position.
From my point of view, one of the promising technologies of an advanced "self-learning" nature, based on a personality-oriented, system-activity and competence-oriented approaches, is coaching. According to Timothy Galwey, coaching is the disclosure of a person's potential in order to maximize its effectiveness; coaching does not teach, but helps to learn.
This technology also helps me in developing the creative abilities of students for research work. The basis of the coaching methodology and tools is interactive communication, discussion: question-answer, independent view from the outside, partnership between the teacher-consultant and the student.
Project 10-U class “Art”



1.1 Essence, classification and directions of pedagogical innovations

1.2 Innovative educational institutions

1.3 Project based learning technologies

1.4 Computer technology


2.1 Multimedia Tutorial

2.2 Using Internet resources in English lessons

2.3 Digital libraries


3.1 Lesson using innovation

3.2 Final experiment

3.3 Findings of the study




The relevance of the thesis. In modern society, the role of foreign languages ​​is increasing. Knowledge of a foreign language makes it possible to join the world culture, use the potential of extensive Internet resources in their activities, as well as work with information and communication technologies (ICT) and multimedia teaching aids. In this regard, there is a need to develop a methodology for using computer information technologies in teaching a foreign language. New information pedagogical technologies are becoming part of the educational process.

Computer technology and a foreign language lesson is an actual direction in methodology that requires new approaches and non-standard solutions.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 defines the social requirements for the school education system as follows: "A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting possible consequences, capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility , dynamism, constructiveness, have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

Modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages. The priority direction in the development of the modern school has become the humanistic orientation of education, in which the leading place is occupied by personal potential (principle). It involves taking into account the needs and interests of the student, the implementation of a differentiated approach to learning.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in schools has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language. The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical acquisition of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning.

Forms of work with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include: learning vocabulary; practicing pronunciation; teaching dialogic and monologue speech; learning to write; development of grammatical phenomena.

The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet creates the conditions for obtaining any information necessary for students and teachers located anywhere in the world: country studies material, news from the life of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc.

In English lessons using the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic tasks: to form reading skills and abilities using the materials of the global network; improve the writing skills of schoolchildren; replenish students' vocabulary; to form students' motivation to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at studying the possibilities of Internet technologies for expanding the horizons of schoolchildren, establishing and maintaining business ties and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries. Students can take part in testing, in quizzes, competitions, olympiads held on the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chats, video conferences, etc.

The subject of the thesis is new information technologies in the process of learning foreign languages.

The object of the thesis is the process of teaching English.

The purpose of the thesis is to consider innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching English.

The objectives of the thesis work are:

consideration of theoretical aspects of the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language;

study of ways to introduce new information technologies in the process of learning foreign languages;

experimental confirmation of positive dynamics in teaching foreign languages ​​using innovative technologies.

The structure of the thesis. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.


1 Essence, classification and directions of pedagogical innovations

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 defines the social requirements for the school education system as follows: "A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting possible consequences, capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility , dynamism, constructiveness, have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

In this light, the most important task of the school is the formation of full-fledged citizens of their country. And the solution to this problem largely determines what the matured schoolchildren will do, what profession they will choose, and where they will work.

School cannot give a person a store of knowledge for life. But it is able to give the student the basic basic guidelines for basic knowledge. The school can and should develop the cognitive interests and abilities of the student, instill in him the key competencies necessary for further self-education.

Modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages.

The priority direction in the development of the modern school has become the humanistic orientation of education, in which the leading place is occupied by personal potential (principle). It involves taking into account the needs and interests of the student, the implementation of a differentiated approach to learning.

Today the focus is on the student, his personality, unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal of a modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organization of students' educational activities that optimally correspond to the goal of personality development.

One of the technologies that provide student-centered learning is the method of projects, as a way of developing creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. The typology of projects is varied. According to M.E. Breigina, projects can be divided into mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, visual, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice one often has to deal with mixed projects that have signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational. Project work is a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method contributes to the development of active independent thinking of students and orients them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children to cooperate, and learning to cooperate brings up such moral values ​​as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students. In general, in the process of project-based learning, the inseparability of education and upbringing can be traced.

The project method forms students' communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to briefly and easily formulate thoughts, tolerantly treat the opinion of communication partners, develop the ability to extract information from various sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that contributes to the emergence of a natural need in communication in a foreign language.

The project form of work is one of the relevant technologies that allow students to apply the accumulated knowledge of the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech and hear, understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference literature, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with the authentic language, which is not possible with learning the language only with the help of a textbook in the classroom.

Project work is a creative process. A student independently or under the guidance of a teacher is looking for a solution to a problem, this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. In a foreign language course, the project method can be used as part of the program material on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.

The technology of cooperation also belongs to modern technologies. The main idea is to create conditions for the active joint activity of students in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while the role of each is stipulated. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong what they do not understand, and strong students strive for the weak to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because gaps are jointly eliminated.

As for the language portfolio, it is based on the correlation of Russian requirements for the level of mastering a foreign language with common European systems, which, in turn, is the starting point for creating a single educational space. The main criterion for assessing the level of foreign language proficiency in the language portfolio technology is testing. The priority of this technology is the reorientation of the educational process from the teacher to the student. The learner, in turn, is consciously responsible for the results of his cognitive activity. The above technology leads to the gradual formation of students' skills of self-mastery of information. In general, the language portfolio is multifunctional and contributes to the development of multilingualism.

Finally, modular learning takes its name from the term module meaning functional node . The essence of modular training is reduced to the independent mastery of certain skills and abilities by students in educational and cognitive activities. Modular learning involves a clear structuring of the learning content. It provides development motivational sphere schoolchildren, intelligence, independence, collectivism, self-management skills of their cognitive activity. The module creates positive motives for learning, as a rule, due to its entertainment, emotional content, educational search and reliance on life experience. The main means of modular training are training modules.

I, as a teacher of a foreign language, developed and tested a whole series of modules for introducing a whole block of topics into the English language course aimed at civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren, since this aspect is extremely relevant today and is the least studied.

As practice shows, it is ignorance of one's own history, culture and traditions, and not the history of the country of the language being studied, that causes significant difficulties in communicating in the language.

The elements of the modular block are completed within 45 minutes after the preliminary study or repetition of the main material within the framework of elective course Once a week from 2nd to 11th grades both in the classroom and outside of school hours.

The effect of using innovative technologies to increase the professional orientation of learning a foreign language at school, as practice shows, is most noticeable when they are used in the system of classes, ensuring the mastery of a whole range of skills, laying an effective basis for its effective profiling in life.

Let's move on to the consideration of modern, innovative methods of teaching a foreign language, aimed at more effective personal development and adaptation (both social and professional) within today's rapidly changing society.

multilateral method. The modern multilateral method originates from the so-called Cleveland plan developed in 1920. Its main principles:

A foreign language cannot be memorized through rote memorization, because created individually by each. Thus, training exercises should be minimized in favor of spontaneous speech of trainees.

Language is culture, i.e. cultural knowledge is transmitted in the process of language learning through authentic language materials.

Each lesson should be built around a single focus, students in one lesson should learn one isolated unit of learning content. Grammar, like the dictionary, is taught in measured portions in a strict logical sequence: each subsequent lesson should increase the already existing stock.

All four types of speech activity must be present simultaneously in the learning process. The training material is presented in long dialogues followed by exercises in a question-answer form. As a rule, the texts offered for studying this method give a good idea of ​​the culture of the country of the language being studied. However, the role of the teacher limits the possibility of creative use of the studied material by students in situations of direct communication with each other.

Full physical reaction method. This method is based on two main premises. First, on the fact that foreign language perception skills oral speech must precede the development of all other skills, as occurs in young children.

Secondly, the language of the lesson is usually limited to concepts that describe the situation. Here and now and easy-to-explain examples in the target language. Learners should never be pushed into speaking until they themselves feel they are ready for it.

The method is not intended to teach reading and writing, and the language, to the extent that is acquired when teaching by this method, is not the natural language of everyday communication.

natural method. The purpose of training is to achieve an average level of foreign language proficiency by students. The teacher never draws students' attention to speech errors, as it is believed that this can slow down the development of speech skills. The early productive period begins from the moment when the passive vocabulary of students reaches about 500 vocabulary units.

From the point of view of pedagogy, the main components of an innovative approach to learning are the activity approach. This approach is based on the idea that the functioning and development of the individual, as well as interpersonal relationships students are mediated by the goals, content and objectives of socially significant activities.

Active learning. Based on the fact that the student is increasingly faced in real life with the need to solve problem situations. This method is aimed at organizing the development, self-organization, self-development of the individual. The basic principle is that the learner is the creator of his own knowledge. Active learning is, of course, a priority at the present stage of teaching a foreign language. After all, effective management of educational and cognitive activity is possible only when it is based on the active mental activity of students.

Teaching a foreign language at school using innovative technologies involves the introduction of a number of psychological approaches, such as: cognitive, positive, emotional, motivational, optimistic, technological. All these approaches are addressed to the personality of the student.

Teaching a foreign language using the Internet. The introduction of information and communication technologies in the learning process began not so long ago.

However, the pace of its spread is incredibly rapid. The use of Internet technologies in foreign language classes is an effective factor for the development of students' motivation. In most cases, children like to work with a computer. Since classes are held in an informal setting, students are given freedom of action, and some of them may flash their knowledge of ICT.

The prospects for the use of Internet technologies today are quite wide. It could be:

Correspondence with residents of English-speaking countries via e-mail;

Participation in international Internet conferences, seminars and other network projects of this kind;

Creation and placement of sites and presentations on the network - they can be created jointly by the teacher and the student. In addition, it is possible to exchange presentations between teachers from different countries.

As pedagogical experience shows, the work on creating Internet resources is interesting for students for its novelty, relevance, and creativity. The organization of cognitive activity of students in small groups makes it possible for each child to show their activity.

However, it should be noted that information technology, Internet technology is by no means a panacea for increasing the motivation and independence of students in the process of learning a foreign language in cognitive process. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use a wide range of innovative, including, of course, a variety of media educational technologies in the learning process.

Language portfolio as one of the promising means of teaching a foreign language at school. The language portfolio in modern conditions is defined as a package of working materials that represent one or another experience / result of a student's learning activity in mastering a foreign language. Such a package / set of materials allows the student and the teacher, based on the result of the educational activity presented in the language portfolio, to analyze and evaluate the volume academic work and the range of achievements of the student in the field of language learning and foreign language culture. For the first time, the idea of ​​creating a self-assessment tool for foreign language proficiency appeared in Switzerland more than 10 years ago. At present, an Accreditation Committee has been established under the Council of Europe, where projects of language portfolios are sent, which are further evaluated and discussed, as well as accredited. The goals and forms of work with a language portfolio can be different. In its conceptual essence, the language portfolio is a flexible learning tool that can be adapted to almost any learning situation. One of the important advantages of the language portfolio, in comparison, in particular, with one-time texts, is an opportunity for the student to independently track their own dynamics of the level of proficiency in the language being studied over a certain period of time. In a certain situation, the work of a student with a language portfolio can be correlated with the compilation of his own personal (individual) learning tool. This educational tool creates a situation of development and ensures real involvement in the course of the educational process.

The task of developing, improving, optimizing the methods of teaching a foreign language has always been one of the urgent problems of Russian education. Conducted studies of pedagogical work in this area have shown that teaching foreign languages ​​at school today is impossible without an innovative component. In the light of modern requirements for the goals of teaching a foreign language, the status of both the student and the teacher is changing, who are moving from the scheme teacher - student to the technology of student-centered learning in close cooperation.

1.2 Innovative educational institutions

The modernization of the national education system, which determines the intellectual potential of the country in the future and is a condition for its prosperity and development, requires each educational institution to find ways and mechanisms for constant renewal, increase the efficiency of activities and improve the quality of education and upbringing. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the strategic directions in education is the innovative activity of educational institutions.

Innovative activity for an educational institution consists in the development and testing of the second School Development Program on the topic School of Personal Growth . The creation of a school development program until 2013 and its protection made it possible in 2008-2009 for our institution to receive a municipal grant as part of the competition for the best educational institutions (in the amount of 1 million)

The purpose of the school, according to the Development Program, is to create conditions in the educational space of the school for the personal growth of students, their viability in harmonious interaction with surrounding nature, society, development of the ability to actively manifest the subjective position.

To solve the problems of the program, the educational institution works on the problem of OS School-2100 . The basis educational system School-2100 concept Pedagogy of common sense (A.A. Leontiev).

School-2100 system in innovative educational institutions is aimed at the formation of educational and cognitive activity of the child.

Through activity and in the process of activity, a person becomes himself. Consciousness and communication are not only inseparable from activity, they are determined by it. The learning process is the process of the student's activity, aimed at the formation of his consciousness and his personality as a whole. This is what an "activity approach" is in education.

Today all major government documents emphasize as the priorities of Russian education its developmental nature and personal orientation. Today, at the state level, we have abandoned the reproductive paradigm "Remember and repeat."

What is student-centered education? This is a system of work of the teacher and the school as a whole, aimed at maximizing the disclosure and cultivation of the personal qualities of each child. At the same time, educational material no longer acts as an end in itself, but as a means and tool that creates conditions for the full manifestation and development of personal qualities.

How to distinguish a textbook written in the framework of a personal approach? Most of the activities offered by the textbook should be developmental, motivated, functional and communicative. The material should be presented in a problematic way for the organization of mental activity.

Already at an early stage of learning, it is important to teach the child to group and classify information. Most of the textbooks in the educational system "School-2100" are integrative (" The world» Vakhrusheva, «Beautiful next to you» Kurevina) or contain elements of integration («Russian language» Buneev, Buneeva, «My magic wands»).

A teacher in the School-2100 Educational System respects acting creatively and not according to a pattern, he knows how to listen and hear his own students, to cooperate with him in the classroom. A creative laboratory has been created at the school, which is a center for city teachers working according to the “School-2100” system.

Laboratory meetings are held actively, with creative enthusiasm. There is an exchange of experience, an exchange of opinions, a search for optimal solutions.

On the basis of many years of domestic research in two independent areas, problem-based learning (Ilnitskaya, Kudryavtsev, Makhmutov) and the psychology of creativity (Brushlinsky, Matyushkin, Shumilin), a technology of problem-dialogical learning has been developed, which allows replacing the lesson of explaining new material with the lesson of "knowledge discovery". This technology is implemented in the educational system "School-2100".

The classification of teaching methods in problem-based learning is as follows.


The classical group provides a truly creative activity in the classroom. It is carried out either by the teacher, or the student himself, or both. But a student's problematic monologue is a rare case. Therefore, of the classical methods, the most effective is an inciting dialogue that develops the speech and creative abilities of students.

The “reduced” group of methods is a leading dialogue, in which the teacher leads students step by step to the formulation of a topic or knowledge.

Within the framework of the educational system "School-2100", the technology of problematic dialogue has already been incorporated into educational and methodological kits. Using the textbook and methodological recommendations, the teacher can prepare and successfully conduct a problem-dialogical lesson.

When preparing for a Russian language lesson under this program and when analyzing the lesson, it is necessary to keep in mind the main feature of the course - its continuity, since the content of the work traces the same content-target lines of development by means of the subject both in primary and secondary schools.

mastery of functional literacy.

further mastery of native skills of various types of oral and written speech.

mastering the skills and abilities of understanding and analyzing texts of various types.

disclosure of cultural and educational potential for children mother tongue.

the formation of "general linguistic competence".

developing a sense of language.

The structure of the lesson is built in accordance with the type of lesson.

Here is a lesson plan explaining the new material.

Organizational moment.

Five minutes of cleansing.

Self-dictation, mutual dictation or dictionary dictation.

Motivation: an introduction to the topic. Formation of the cognitive goal and topic of the lesson (possibly at the end of the lesson or during the lesson).

visual perception new material: during the exercise, in the table.

Updating the topic, creating a problem situation.

Discovery of new knowledge.

a) Statement of the problem.

b) search for a solution (hypothesis, prompting dialogue).

c) the use of textbook questions in order to systematize new material.

d) self-formation of the rule

e) students compare their own formulations proposed in the textbook.

Reproduction of new knowledge in forms.

The practical part is the beginning of the formation of skills.

Summary of the lesson. Mini-survey with a summary of new information. Name the skills that students developed during the exercises.

Homework can be differentiated using "Didactic Material".

The main areas of work in the reading lesson are as follows:

formation and improvement of the technique of reading aloud (correct reading, intonation, reading speed) and to oneself (correctness, awareness, reading speed)

teaching reading comprehension;

creation of conditions for aesthetic and emotional experience of the read.

practical acquaintance with some theoretical and literary concepts.

teaching the elements of literary text analysis.

development of skills and abilities of all types of speech activity: reading, listening, speaking, writing.

The specialist should be familiar with the technology of working with text in a reading lesson. Teachers can read about this in the journals "Primary School Before and After", the editor-in-chief of which is Buneev R.N.

The study by the teacher of this technology and its application brings its results. The guys create a miracle, meeting with a miracle at the lesson.

Stages of the lesson of mathematics in technology L.G. Peterson.

Org. moment.

Updating knowledge and setting a learning task.

Statement of the problem of the lesson.

The discovery of new knowledge by children.

Primary fastening.

Independent work with class check.

Repetition, consolidation of previously studied material and solving non-standard problems.

Lesson results. Reflection.

During the lesson, the teacher and students act as equal partners (define the goal, draw up a plan, search for a solution to the problem). The teacher, while conducting a conversation, carefully listens to the speeches of the students, gives the opportunity to express his opinion, even if it is not always correct or does not always correspond to the point of view of the teacher.

New approaches require “new evaluation. This is required by modern realities, the order of society and the state.

1.3 Project based learning technologies

The basis of the project methodology is the idea of ​​focusing the educational and cognitive activity of students on a significant result. Achieving final results becomes an important indicator of the productivity of educational activities. At the same time, it is obligatory to implement the principle of linking learning with life, with practice. Concrete things are always significant. Schoolchildren love to show the result of their activities, the real products of their labor to others. This is their way of expressing themselves.

In the development and implementation of specific projects, practical educational and educational tasks are solved, practical knowledge and experience are acquired. It is advisable to direct the activities of students, taking into account their interests, needs, abilities and individual characteristics. Knowledge will be perceived by children as really needed only if there is a problem or task for which they need the acquired knowledge and skills. To solve the tasks set, it is necessary to apply skills and knowledge from different areas in order to get a really tangible and meaningful result for them. It is important to note that in the process of overcoming the problem, students also acquire new knowledge and skills.

The use of the project methodology contributes to the development of the organizational qualities of the project participants, the unification of their interests, the identification of children prone to leadership and organizational activities. Self-esteem and self-confidence grow. Children learn to find compromises when solving problems and respect the views of others.

In the process of working on projects, participants learn independent thinking, self-organization, initiative, and develop a sense of intuition. The activity of participants increases: they begin to read more, especially reference and specialized literature, communicate with each other more often, conduct discussions and discussions. Project protection process, public performance develop thinking, culture of speech and communication, the ability to argue to defend their ideas, self-control. Thus, the development of personality takes place.

The project methodology plays an important role in the educational process. The issues of integration of academic disciplines are being developed, the connection with the studied topics is provided. In the process of project work, a systematic approach to teaching is more fully implemented, educational tasks are coordinated, theory and practice are combined. There is a closer connection of educational and educational work.

It should be emphasized that the project methodology does not replace, but complements other types of learning technologies. I would like to note that the use of the project method is possible in multi-level classes and groups. It is equally useful and effective for low performing students as well as for highly motivated and gifted students. Underachieving children can show their interests, their hard work and their usefulness to the group, for example, by completing an educational project that will be used in educational process. As a result of this work, highly motivated children acquire additional knowledge, can complete a project at a high level and offer classmates additional interesting material or a socially significant event, thereby involving all students in active work and communication. This category of students can develop topics that go beyond the school curriculum, as well as carry out research projects focused on the social interest of the participants themselves, requiring a well-thought-out structure.

From practice, we can conclude that the project methodology is a great incentive for students to work, leads to the active development of a foreign language, the application of their knowledge in each specific situation.

It is advisable to use project work at all levels of schooling: elementary, middle and senior. Initially, these may be mini-projects, then they will become more complex and expand. The forms of presentation of projects can be different from postcards, wall newspapers, albums, multimedia presentations to voluminous reports, abstracts, developments of events and applied universally significant projects.

The educational and educational value of projects can be traced in interdisciplinary connections, the ability to conduct search, generalization and research work, and teamwork skills.

It is important to emphasize that work on projects is being implemented not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities. Thus, the project methodology, along with other pedagogical technologies, is an effective means of a modern teacher in the process of teaching students.

In the practice of teaching a foreign language, the project method has found great application. This is due to a number of reasons, including, such as the presence of problems posed at each lesson, a large number of composing one's own monologue and dialogic statements, the study of regional studies material, analysis and comparison of cultures of different peoples and countries.

Projects can be voluminous and lengthy in terms of the amount of time spent working on them. These projects are usually of an exploratory or informational nature and are often designed to prepare and conduct extracurricular activities especially in high school. From the practice of teaching English, we can name exemplary project topics that are of interest to students: London Attractions , Sights of Moscow , Landmarks of New York , UK cities , Cities of Russia , Cities of the United States of America , Famous cities of Europe , UK literature , Literature of America , Music of the UK , Famous scientists of the world , Culture of English-speaking countries , Great discoveries and others. When working on such projects, it is advisable to create voluminous text works and multimedia presentations using the most interesting material and video sequences to accompany them. Projects of this type can be used in full, as well as in fragments. Text materials can be used by students to self-study to lessons and final assessments outside the classroom. Therefore, it is advisable to create a selection of text materials and media libraries of students' projects in classrooms.

In foreign language lessons, educational projects are more common. They take less time to develop and are small in size. These projects are designed for use in a specific lesson and have specific goals. Projects of this type are relevant for use in generalizing and final lessons on the topics of the course. The task of the teacher is to correctly formulate the topics of the projects, determine the range of necessary questions aimed at realizing the goals and objectives of a particular lesson. Here are some examples of training project topics: My favorite book , Favorite movie , My holidays , My friend , Holidays , Go to the exhibition , Journey , A television , Movie , Pets , New Year , My favorite season and others.

Also great importance mini-projects play in teaching a foreign language. Students complete them at home when preparing homework or directly in class. Projects can be completed not only in writing but also orally. The main forms of mini-projects: monologue and dialogic statements, tables, drawings. The task of the teacher: to achieve the transmission of accurate specific content project. The topics of mini-projects depend on the specific goals and topics of the current lessons, are developed by the teacher and discussed with students.

In conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize the effectiveness of using the project methodology in the formation and improvement of the basic skills of students in various types of speech activity.

1.4 Computer technology

The process of teaching English is a complex, constantly evolving system. Computerization of foreign language teaching helps to facilitate access to information and reduce the time of language learning. At the moment, there is a huge selection of multimedia products, Internet pages containing information necessary for learning a foreign language, electronic textbooks, databases with thematic texts and exercises. Such a number of sources makes it difficult to find the necessary information; at the moment, not every teacher will deal with existing multimedia programs and include them in the learning process. In the event that a teacher is interested in using multimedia technologies in the educational process, another question is raised, where and at what time to conduct classes on computers. Many schools today have computer classes, but they have a huge burden, the development of multimedia tools today, attracts teachers of all disciplines, from physics to singing. A foreign language teacher may find a way to study on computers for one hour a week, although this is not enough, it is possible to fully use an hour a week to the benefit of knowledge.

One of the urgent problems of modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​is the orientation of the entire educational process towards the active independent work of students, the creation of conditions for their self-expression and self-development. The computer does not determine the content of learning - it is only an effective means of teaching a foreign language, so the development methodological foundations teaching foreign languages ​​using a computer should be based on a deep analysis of didactic and methodological possibilities that contribute to the realization of the main goal in teaching foreign languages ​​- the formation of skills and abilities of communicative competence.

The computer allows you to simulate the conditions of communicative activity; master lexical and grammatical skills; individualize and differentiate learning; increase motivation; increase the volume of language training; contribute to the development of self-esteem of students; ensure the transfer of language material to other types of speech activity.

Currently, there are many opinions about whether to use a computer in teaching a foreign language or not. Some believe that the computer can replace the teacher, others - the computer is not able to present the material the way the teacher does.

In my opinion, the computer should serve as an aid, like any other technical teaching aid or textbook. It should not be forgotten that a computer has a number of advantages: it combines video-audio information, textual information, the ability to record own voice and further correction of pronunciation. The computer provides great opportunities for testing the level of proficiency in a foreign language or topic with the participation of a teacher, which will reduce the time for checking the results. Tests can be very different: substitution, selective, true-false, template. The teacher can use a computer to optimize learning, increase the efficiency and objectivity of the educational process with significant time savings, to organize teamwork and for learning materials. As a means of technical support for the activities of a teacher, a computer opens up broad prospects for improving the organization of the learning process, moreover, some organizational forms of the educational process cannot be implemented without the use of a computer, for example, collective creative work on joint project.

The teacher can use a computer to optimize learning, increase the efficiency and objectivity of the educational process with significant time savings, to organize teamwork and work with educational materials (search, analysis, selection, design, creation); select materials for training (compose lexical and grammatical exercises and tests, select texts), as well as analyze texts and entire study guides.

An example is Microsoft Word, which provides for the following stages of text analysis:

counting the number of letters, words, long words (more than six letters), phrases;

establishing the average length of words and phrases;

revealing the structure of sentences;

determining the level of complexity of the text

In addition to the development of printed educational materials, modern computer tools allow teachers to independently create new EORs:

multiple choice tests (with single or multiple correct answers);

omitted texts (with various user support options);

linguistic games (crosswords).

Thus, for the teacher, the use of a computer provides an opportunity for continuous improvement of educational materials, operational control over the course of the educational process, and the introduction of new organizational forms of education.

Working with a computer not only contributes to an increase in interest in learning, but also makes it possible to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, encouraging correct decisions. In addition, the computer allows you to completely eliminate one of the most important causes of a negative attitude towards learning - failure due to a lack of understanding of the material or a problem in knowledge. It is this aspect that is provided by the authors of many computer training programs. The student is given the opportunity to use various reference manuals and dictionaries that can be called up on the screen with a single click on the mouse. Working on a computer, the student gets the opportunity to complete the solution of the problem, relying on the necessary help.

Significant progress in the development of personal computers and computer technologies leads to changes in the process of teaching foreign languages. The active and appropriate use of a computer in an English lesson seems possible and appropriate based on the specifics of the subject itself. The leading component of the content of teaching a foreign language is learning various types speech activity of speaking, listening, reading, writing. When teaching listening comprehension, each student gets the opportunity to hear foreign language speech. When teaching speaking, each student can say phrases in English into a microphone. When studying grammatical phenomena, each student can perform grammatical exercises, has the opportunity to solve crosswords, chainwords, search for words, and perform game exercises.

In the practice of using a computer in the educational process, its educational function is especially emphasized, and also, the computer is a tool that organizes and manages the independent work of students, especially in the process training work with language and speech material.

The scope of the computer in teaching foreign languages ​​is unusually wide. The computer can be effectively used to get acquainted with new language material, new patterns of statements, as well as with the activities of communication in a foreign language. At the stage of training and at the stage of applying the formed knowledge, skills, abilities, a computer can be used in a wide variety of communication tasks and situations, taking into account the personal characteristics of the trainees.

He can create optimal conditions for the successful mastering of the program material: at the same time, a flexible, sufficient and feasible load of exercises for all students in the class is provided. In addition, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the computer as a means of exercising control over the activities of students by the teacher, as well as a means of forming and improving self-control. In difficult cases, the computer allows the student to obtain the necessary information of a reference nature in a short period of time, present him with certain keys to successfully complete the task.

An important feature of a computer in the educational process in a foreign language is that it can be interlocutor learner, i.e., work in a communicatively oriented dialog mode and in a certain way, for example, using graphic tools, a speech analyzer and synthesizer, make up for the absence of a natural communicant, modeling and simulating his non-speech and speech behavior.

The computer allows you to present on the display screen elements of a country-specific nature, features of the environment and environment, which can be used as a background for the formation of students' speech activity in a foreign language. The computer has great potential for constructing color images that can be transformed within the given limits.

pedagogical innovation internet english


1 Multimedia tutorial

A foreign language is a subject that, due to its specificity (the creation of an artificial language environment due to the lack of natural) involves the most flexible and widespread use of various technical teaching aids. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the teaching of a foreign language, the new opportunities offered by multimedia tools have found a wide variety of applications.

The main role here, of course, is played by multimedia tools. But first I would like to say a few words about the use of simple multimedia documents in the lesson, which the teacher himself can make in Microsoft Word, and presentations (PowerPoint). They are simple to perform and apply, but their role in intensifying the lesson and increasing its emotional impact on students is great.

The advantage of Word documents is their relatively small capacity and ease of creation. The teacher can develop them for specific situations, topics and groups, with an infinite variety of options. At the same time, such documents do not lose the advantages of multimedia: they are bright, colorful, allow students to work individually, and expand the possibilities of work.

So, for example, the electronic version of the test gives students the opportunity to move objects within the document, placing them on right places, delete them, group them according to the task, insert the necessary, etc.

Unfortunately, only a few computer science teachers can boast of programming skills; teachers of other disciplines often own a computer only at the level of an average amateur user. However, some simple tricks will allow us to provide here, say, elements of self-control in the verification test. For example, students are given a test with spaces or tables in which they must type their answers. The completed test is printed on a printer or dumped on a floppy disk for evaluation by the teacher, after which students are asked to press the button non-printable characters and check your answers with the keys printed here in the mode Hidden text . Of course, this method cannot be used all the time, but in another test you can password-protect entering the keys, giving the password only after the independent work has already been submitted for verification, make the text of the keys white and offer to highlight certain lines and change the color of the text after the work is completed, etc.

The value of the presentations created by the teacher lies in the fact that the material in them is given to students compactly, in the right sequence; there is nothing superfluous in it, everything works to achieve the goals and objectives of a particular lesson, in contrast to ready-made films and slides. In addition, for the presentation, you can put text that is most relevant to the topic of the lesson from an informative and lexical point of view. When viewing the presentation again, the text can be turned off, and students are given the task to voice the slides on their own. Thus, the teacher gets rid of the need to adapt the finished text for students and spend precious lesson time on noise information, which is almost inevitable when using ready-made presentations; in addition, the presentation material is clearly timed.

But, of course, multimedia tools have the strongest impact on students. They have become an objective reality of our time, and a foreign language teacher simply cannot help but take advantage of the opportunities they provide for teaching real communication in a foreign language. Together with them, new forms and methods of teaching, a new ideology of thinking come to school. According to the teaching model previously adopted at school:

in the center of learning technology - a teacher;

there is an unspoken competition between students;

students play a passive role in the classroom;

the essence of learning is the transfer of knowledge (facts).

New model education, which should come to replace it, is based on the following provisions:

in the center of learning technology - a student;

at the heart of learning activities - cooperation;

students play an active role in learning;

the essence of the technology is the development of the ability for self-learning and the communicative competence of trainees.

The main groups of tasks solved with the help of multimedia include:

support for student learning;

ensuring real communication with native speakers;

providing access for all participants in the educational process to rapidly growing information funds stored in centralized information systems;

ensuring interaction between teachers, exchange of pedagogical experience and didactic materials.

The most accessible of the multimedia tools should be recognized as the so-called electronic textbook. According to the type of organization and method of delivery to the student, there are three types of multimedia textbooks:

) on CD-ROM with or without a printed supplement;

) on Internet sites with or without a printed appendix;

) on CD-ROM, but linked to some Internet sites, with or without a printed supplement.

Why are multimedia (electronic) textbooks so attractive for teachers and students? The fact is that knowledge that provides a high level of professional qualifications is always subject to rapid change. Electronic textbooks allow you to track these changes and, thus, provide a high level of training for specialists.

Advantages of electronic textbooks:

Visual presentation of the material (use of color, illustrations, sound, video, animation, etc.).

Fast Feedback(built-in test systems provide instant control over the assimilation of the material.

Interactive mode allows students to control the speed of passing educational material).

The ability to regularly update the textbook as new data appears (an electronic textbook is located in one specific place in the virtual space, which millions of people have access to; in order to add or correct something, it is enough to make changes to one file, and tomorrow millions of people will have an edited version of an old textbook).

Ease of use.

Disadvantages of currently existing electronic textbooks:

Lack of real consideration of the age characteristics of the declared circle of students.

Absence bindings to the specific lexical and grammatical material of the program in which the student is engaged.

Study in each of the textbooks only 1 - 2 lexical topics and the absence of a series of textbooks that respect the continuity of the lexical and grammatical material.

Limited opportunities for group and team work.

Lack of real communication that cannot be programmed even interactively.

These shortcomings do not make it possible to use electronic textbooks as the main means of teaching, especially at school, leaving them with an auxiliary, mainly training, role.

In this sense, telecommunications has much more opportunities, although due to technical and methodological problems that have not yet been solved, its role is still modest at present. But it does not seem more fantastic to conduct lessons with the help of the network in on-line mode. Similar experimental lessons are conducted by teachers of some universities for their branches in remote areas. settlements and basic preparatory educational institutions; ratings of such lessons are quite high.

Now teachers use telecommunications mainly for extracurricular work with students on individual experimental projects, as an addition to existing ones. training courses and subjects.

2.2 Using Internet resources in English lessons

Modern society places increased demands on the education and general development of students, the effectiveness of mastering the program. It is necessary to teach each child to receive, process, evaluate and use a large amount of information in practical activities in a short period of time. It is very important to organize the learning process in such a way that the child works actively, with interest and enthusiasm in the lesson, sees the fruits of his labor and can independently evaluate them.

A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, including computer ones using Internet resources, can help the teacher in solving this difficult task. The use of a computer in the classroom allows you to make the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated, individual and interactive.

A modern computer combines the capabilities of a TV, VCR, book, calculator, telephone and is a universal tool that can simulate various language situations, it can quickly and efficiently respond to the student's actions and requests. This method of teaching is also very attractive for teachers: it helps them to better assess the child's abilities and knowledge, encourages them to look for new, non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, and gives room for pedagogical creativity. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements it, playing the role of a tool that, when used correctly, significantly increases the efficiency of the pedagogical process.

With the advent of computer networks in the public domain in educational institutions and at home, schoolchildren and teachers have acquired the ability to quickly receive the necessary information from anywhere in the world. Through the global telecommunications network, instant access to the world's information resources is possible.

English, like any other language, performs a communicative function, therefore, as an academic subject, it is both a goal and a means of learning. Several billion multimedia files in English have been published on the Internet, containing educational and methodological and scientific information, which allows you to organize operational consulting assistance, simulate research activities, conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.

When preparing for a lesson, English teachers have the opportunity to use materials from various domestic and foreign sites. The British Council conducted an Internet survey of teachers in order to find out which Internet resources are most often used in teaching. Among the most used teachers named chats, online dictionaries, blogs and virtual learning environments. 10% of respondents do not use the Internet in the classroom.

If English teachers are having difficulty using online resources in and preparing for lessons, visit the MediaAwarenessNetwork website (<#"justify">2.3 Digital libraries

Electronic library - an ordered collection of heterogeneous electronic documents (including books<#"justify">CHAPTER 3. USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LESSONS

3.1 Lesson using innovation

English lesson "Holidays"

At present, projects open lessons are created not only in the form of a folder, but also on electronic media. Lessons these days are impossible to imagine if multimedia equipment is not used in the lesson. Holidays play an important role in human society, they give a vivid idea of ​​countries, traditions and culture.

Presented lesson on the topic Innovative technologies in teaching English demonstrates the use of audio and video, computer technology.

learning goal: Improving grammar skills: use in speech thereis\are , there was/were .Development of oral speech skills. Developing reading comprehension skills.

Developmental goal: Development of the ability to think logically. Developing the ability to reason.

Educational goal: Instilling interest and respect for the traditions of the family. Cultivate respectful treatment of people.

Communication functions: Tell about your birthday. Talk about a classmate's birthday.

Cultural factor: Learning to draw and write postcards, congratulations (in the Paint program - a graphic editor).

Equipment: Tape recorder, audio recording; computer, multimedia board.

During the classes:

Organizational moment and greeting.

Good morning children! I m glad to see you. morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.

Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we are going to learn some new words and play.the constructions there is\are ; there was\were .shall read the text Billy s birthday ;some exercises on the computer.we are going to speak about your birthdays.

Phonetic exercise: lets train the sounds:

Speech warm-up: , listen to and try to answer my questions:

What holidays do you like best of all?

I like New Year and my birthday best of all.

Why do you like them?

Because I get a lot of presents.

When did you have your birthday party?

What present did you get?

I got a big red and yellow ball and two books as present.

Were you happy when you got a lot of presents?

Yes, I was very happy.

Vocabulary training: (completing a task using a computer)

Put the new words into the sentences: Send; holidays; party; sent; presents; presents.always _______ presents to my friends. think that all people like _______. friend had a birthday _____ yesterday. _____ a nice book to my sister. I got a lot of ______. gave me a book, a toy and a box of sweets as _________.

All right. I see that you remember the new words well.

Teaching grammar. we listen to other new words, learn new information.

(On the board, show photographs that show toys on the table).

What do you see on my table? see a bear, a fox……………

The same can be said with the help of magic phrases.

The same phrase you can speak using the construction:

THERE IS….-in the singular

THERE ARE...-in the plural

You see the structure data on the screen.

Look at the screen, read and translate the sentences: is a frog on the table. (There is a frog on the table.) (A dog is on the table.) (There are tigers on the table.) are dogs on the table. (On the table of the dog.) is a cat on the table. (There is a cat on the table.)

In the realm of Past Indefinite there is turns into there was , A there are - V there were .(the words was appear on the screen were ).

Now say these sentences in the past tense.

To ask a question, you swap the first two words.

Change the two first words with places. there a frog on the table? there a dog on the table? there tigers on the table? there dogs on the table? there a cat on the table?

Guys, what will be the answer? This is a general question, what should be the answer?

The answers on these questions: , there is (was) , there isn t (wasn t) , there was (were) , there wasnt (weren t)

To give a negative answer, we attach the word no

Give the negative answers, using the word no

There is no were were

What toys are not (were not) on the table and say how these sentences will sound in the present and in the past tense.

There is (was) no cat on the table. are (were) no balls on the table.

In the realm of Past Indefinite there is turns into there was , A there are V there were (cards appear on the board was , were). are (were) books in the bookcase. is (was) a pen on the table. is (was) no elephant in the bag. (were) there toys under the table? to do exercise using the computer.

Look on the monitor of your computers.

Performing exercises on the computer.

Fillin was or were .

There____ a glass of juice on the table a minute ago.____ five little kittens in the box last night.____ a telephone in the hall yesterday.____ three nice birds in the tree five minutes ago.____ a big yellow lemon on the dish an hour ago.____ two tigers on the box.____ a doll in the bag.____ three boys in the room. ve done a lot. Let's have a rest.

Fizkultminutka. up, hands up, hands on hips, hands down, sit down.

Introduction of new vocabulary, listening.

For the preliminary introduction of new lexical units, you can use plot pictures.

look at the picture. This girl is five today. She has a birthday party. So she celebrates her birthday every year. To have a good party her mother buys a tasty cake, fruit and sweets. Today many friends and relatives come to her. They give her new the next picture. This boy is six today. He has a birthday party. So he celebrates his birthday every year. To have a good party his mother buys a tasty cake, fruit and relatives come to him. They give him new toys., try to speak about your friends, using the pictures. Now listen to the tape recorder.

Learn to pronounce and use the new words.

Ex.3 p.136 (film 47)

The recording is turned on, the students listen and repeat after the speaker.

Write the new words into your vocabulary.sent , party , holiday , present .

Students write new words in dictionaries.

4)-Well, and now we are going to read the text to find out what present Billy liked best of all.

Students read the text one by one and answer the question before the text.

Billy liked the puppy best of all.

Now you ask your questions to the text.

Write the beginning of the questions on the board. Students work in pairs to complete the questions. They can be distributed between couples.… (…Billyyesterday?) presents did… (…parents give Billy?) Billy… (…like the presents? sent … (…a telegram to Billy?)did… (…his friends come?) was there … (…on the table?) song did … (…Billy s friends and parents sing him?) present did … (…Billys grandparents give him?)

The lesson ends with the song Happybirthday .

You know that English people usually sing the song happy birthday at birthday, too and translate. Sing it to the music.

Draw an invitation card for your birthday.

Well, try to draw the invitation card on your birthday, using the computer, according to the words from Ex.7 p.137. from the textbook.

Lesson Summary:

Summarize and evaluate student work.

What new words do you know?

What story did we read?

Do you like it? Why? (It is very interesting for me)

That is all for today, Good - bye.

11. Homework: .7 p. 141(goodreading)

Ex.10, 11 p.143 (in writing). LESSON IS OVER.

3.2 Final experiment

Theoretical study problems determined the need to analyze this issue in the real educational process.

Experimental work was carried out during teaching practice 2010-2011 academic years in secondary school No. 13 in Makhachkala. The study involved schoolchildren in grades 7, 8, 9 and 10, who began to learn English from the 5th grade. The purpose of the ascertaining experiment was to identify the initial level of learning motivation and its specific manifestation in the form of motivation for learning English. At the ascertaining stage, the following tasks were set;

Determine which motive is leading.

How students are guided (i.e. what are the motives) when learning English.

To identify the conditions conducive to the emergence and strengthening of the motivation for learning English.

Determine the degree of readiness (needs) to work with a computer, which forms the basis of new information technologies.

To solve the tasks, the following methods were used:

pedagogical supervision;

analysis of a number of English lessons;

student surveys and teacher interviews.

The ascertaining experiment included two stages: main and prognostic.

At the main stage, the real learning motive of students was revealed, and conditions were determined that enhance the motivation for learning English.

At the prognostic stage, the level of readiness of students to perceive new information technologies was determined.

At the first stage, about 60 lessons from 8 teachers were analyzed. The following criteria were identified for the analysis:

The use of various pedagogical technologies in the lesson.

The psychological climate of the lesson, the style of communication by schoolchildren.

Techniques for maintaining interest in the lesson

Diagram 1

Along with observation, interviews were used to get teachers' opinions.

The following round of surveys was allocated for the interview

What pedagogical technologies do you mainly use in your lessons?

Does the use of this technology contribute to the full implementation of the objectives of the lesson?

What is the leading motive for schoolchildren to attend your lessons?

What means should be used to strengthen interest in the English language.

Do you own a computer?

How often do you use the computer in class?

Based on the analysis of the results of observations and the answers of teachers to the first question, it can be confidently stated that traditional ped. technology prevails, as indicated by 53% of teachers, followed by gaming technologies - 36%, and only 11% of teachers use information technology.

As a result of the analysis of the answers to the second question, it turned out that 40% of teachers are dissatisfied with the conventional ped. technologies, i.e. they noted that the technologies used do not always contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the lesson.

The responses of English teachers to the proposal to analyze the motives for students attending English lessons can be grouped into six main groups: firstly, all teachers (100°o) believe that the desire to get grades leads students to the lesson, and secondly, 56.5% each received the need for communication and the need for knowledge of English for further education and professional activity, thirdly, the opinion of friends determines the need to study a foreign language - 20% of teachers think so, and finally, fourthly, 25.5% of teachers believe that students come to English lessons in search of new knowledge, negative motives (for example, fear to parents, school management, etc.) only 13% of teachers were noted.

When answering the fourth question, teachers' opinions were divided as follows: 87.5% of teachers believe that it is necessary to use various TSOs (educational films, presentations, training programs, the Internet) to strengthen interest in the English language, 75% are sure that periodic content updates lead to an increase in interest in learning English, and 37.5% of teachers noted that in order to achieve the above goal, a reorganization of the learning process is required, that is, the use of new teaching technologies.

Answers to the fifth question were necessary to clarify the situation regarding the use of new information technologies, because, as we noted in Chapter 1, the computer underlies these technologies, it turned out that the majority of teachers either do not own a computer (50%), (as a rule, this applies to rural schools), or they know a computer, but very poorly and are not able to use it in the teaching process (30%), and only 20% of teachers said that they know how to use a computer and can use it in the learning process.

When studying the initial level of motivation of students, the following methods were used

“Orientation to the mark”, “Orientation to gain knowledge”, developed by E.P. Ilyin and N.A. Kurdyukova, “Studying attitudes towards academic subjects”, developed by G.N. Kazantseva.

Based on these methods, we conducted a conversation with students.

Let us analyze the data obtained as a result of a survey of schoolchildren. The severity of the motive for grades among students from the 5th to the 10th grade was approximately the same, while the motivation to acquire knowledge fluctuated - it increased significantly in the 5th and 9th grades. The increase in the 5th grade can be explained by the emergence of many new subjects, which could increase interest in learning, while the increase in motivation to gain knowledge in the 9th grade could be due to the desire to continue education in the upper grades, where they are recruited after passing competitive exams. Having entered the 10th grade, students "relax", which affects the decrease in motivation to gain knowledge and in general to study.

Diagram 2

If you pay attention to the motives for learning that the students themselves chose and compare them with the motives noted by teachers, then you can notice a slight difference in the assessments of the importance of the same criteria. So, if both teachers and students attach great importance to evaluation as a motive, then such a factor as "the opinions of friends" or "parents" and the interpretations of students are more significant. The difference between the point of view of students and teachers can be seen in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3

The need to develop a system of lessons based on information technologies that help increase and strengthen the motivation for learning a foreign language led to a formative experiment.

During the experiment, the lesson performed in paragraph 3.1 was carried out.

3.3 Findings of the study

After the completion of the formative stage of the experiment, it became necessary to take stock, which led to the transition to the next stage of experimental work - the final one.

The purpose of the final stage was to identify the effectiveness of the use of information technology in the educational process.

Based on the goal, we put forward the following tasks:

to characterize the changes in the motives for studying foreign languages;

identify the features of the impact of information technology based on comparison with the diagnostic stage

To solve the tasks set, methods similar to those used at the ascertaining stage were used: pedagogical observation, analysis of classes, questioning, as well as a survey of students, which took place in the form of a conversation.

Compared to the ascertaining stage, there were visible changes in the classes: the students wanted to come to the lesson, they did not want to leave, they were actively interested in whether classes of this kind would be held again.

There has been a shift in emphasis from the motive of getting a mark to the motive of gaining knowledge and to the motive of communication.

Diagram 4

It can be seen from it that interest in gaining knowledge increased by 15%, in communication - by 13%, interest in assessment slightly decreased by 20%; such motives as the opinion of friends and the opinion of parents lost about 19% and 5% respectively. This means that external motives cease to play a leading role in the study of a foreign language, and internal motives become more significant.

The results of the final experiment led to the following conclusions:

Significantly increased the level of interest in the content of the learning process, and interest in grades decreased.

Increased activity of students in the classroom.

The students had a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

New information technologies form and develop students' motivation.


The main goal of learning a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence, all other goals (educational, educational, developing) are realized in the process of implementing this main goal. The communicative approach implies learning to communicate and building the ability for intercultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet makes no sense - it is an international multinational, cross-cultural society, whose life is based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world speaking at the same time - the most gigantic in size and number of participants in a conversation that has ever taken place. Involving in it at a foreign language lesson, we create a model of real communication.

Currently, priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of learning. These principles make it possible to develop intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. The ultimate goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is to teach free orientation in a foreign language environment and the ability to respond adequately in various situations, i.e. communication. Today, new methods using Internet resources are opposed to traditional teaching of foreign languages. To teach communication in a foreign language, you need to create real, real life situations (i.e., what is called the principle of authenticity of communication), which will stimulate the study of the material and develop adequate behavior. New technologies, in particular the Internet, are trying to correct this error.

One of the main requirements for teaching foreign languages ​​using computers and Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the classroom, which is commonly called interactivity in the methodology. Interactivity is "the unification, coordination and complementarity of the efforts of the communicative goal and the result by speech means." By teaching authentic language, the Internet helps in the formation of speaking skills, as well as in the teaching of vocabulary and grammar, providing genuine interest and, therefore, efficiency. Interactivity not only creates real situations from life, but also makes students adequately respond to them through a foreign language.

One of the technologies that provide student-centered learning is the method of projects, as a way of developing creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. The typology of projects is varied. The project method contributes to the development of active independent thinking of students and orients them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children to cooperate, and learning to cooperate brings up such moral values ​​as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students. In general, in the process of project-based learning, the inseparability of education and upbringing can be traced.

The introduction of information technology in education significantly diversifies the process of perception and processing of information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia, students are given a unique opportunity to master a large amount of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting. The motivational basis of educational activity is also expanding significantly. In the context of using multimedia, students receive information from newspapers, television, interview themselves and conduct teleconferences.


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Tags: The use of innovative technologies in English lessons Diploma in Pedagogy

Modern innovative teaching technologies in English lessons

The new trends of our time force us to respond to them with the modernization of school education. These trends give rise to new requirements for education, the main purpose of which is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen. The effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by the information and educational environment - a system of information and educational resources and tools that provide conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of an educational institution.

A foreign language teacher teaches children the ways of speech activity, so we are talking about communicative competence as one of the main goals of teaching foreign languages. According to E.I. Passov, the author of the communicative method, communicativeness implies a speech orientation of the educational process, which lies not so much in the fact that a practical speech goal is pursued, but in the fact that the path to this goal is the very practical use of the language. In order to form the necessary skills and abilities in students in one form or another of speech activity, as well as linguistic competence at the level determined by the program and standard, active oral practice is necessary for each student. In order to form communicative competence outside the language environment, it is not enough to saturate the lesson with conditionally communicative or communicative exercises that allow solving communicative tasks.

Modern innovative forms of education are characterized by a high communicative opportunity and active involvement of students in learning activities, activate the potential of knowledge, skills and abilities of speaking and listening, they effectively develop the communicative competence of schoolchildren. This contributes to adaptation to modern social conditions, since society needs people who quickly orient themselves in the modern world, who are independent and proactive, who succeed in their activities. At the heart of any innovation is creativity. Creative activity involves the development of the emotional and intellectual spheres of the individual. This is one of the main tasks of the modern educational process. Educational activity at school requires the use of specific technologies that provide a solution to this problem. Such technologies are innovative forms of education: role-playing game, project method, dramatization, ICT, Skype technologies. The main task is to choose methods for stimulating active cognitive activity of students, realizing the creative potential of each participant in innovative activity. The goal of the teacher is to identify the possibilities of innovative forms of education, to increase the effectiveness of education, to develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren in foreign language lessons.

Innovative activity is one of the most accessible and effective forms of developing the skills of communicative competence among schoolchildren, it creates conditions for the socialization of the individual and the development of his independence, creativity and activity. An important component is the creation of comfortable psychological conditions in which the student feels his success, intellectual viability.

Project technology is a technology that stimulates the interests of schoolchildren and develops a desire to learn, associated with the implementation of various kinds of projects. The use of this technology makes it possible to foresee all possible forms of work in the classroom: individual, group, collective, which stimulate the independence and creativity of children.

The implementation of project tasks allows students to see the practical benefits of learning a foreign language, which results in an increase in interest and motivation to study this subject. The activity of students in the classroom and outside of school hours is significantly activated. Even weak students show interest in the language while performing creative tasks. By completing the tasks of the project, students get the opportunity to practically apply knowledge of a foreign language. Schoolchildren themselves find the necessary information containing valuable regional, lexical, grammatical material, using for these purposes not only textbook material, but also other sources of information.

ICT - technologies. The traditional education system is giving way to new information and communication technologies (ICT). Today, knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​is one of the priorities of modern education. Knowledge of foreign languages, knowledge of modern information technology to a large extent help to become an intellectual, highly educated member of society, therefore, knowledge and mastery of ICT becomes mandatory for the younger generation and teachers - for the most effective organization of the educational process when mastering a foreign culture.

The computer in the educational process becomes an indispensable tool for the development, education, formation of students' communicative abilities.

Currently, our students have been doing projects on the computer for several years using different programs. I would like to note that the projects of children have been improved by the fact that earlier they were just slides with information and pictures or photographs, and now these are real colorful and interesting films - videos. In presentations, students use animation effects, slide shows, their own videos, hyperlinks, and musical accompaniment. Parents of students also became interested in creating projects, and they also began to actively participate in this process.

When using a computer and other Internet resources, we pay all attention to the child, increase its cognitive, creative activity, develop speech activity, form communication skills. The use of the World Wide Web sites helps develop students' intercultural competence. The City Net site ( makes it possible to travel around different countries, visit parks, see monuments and any other attractions. Here you can find everything about the selected country - from photographs of monuments to a full report on natural resources and the art of the country being studied.

If you visit the MEDIA LINK page ( you can find out where and what newspapers are and turn the classroom into a news agency, and your students into first-class reporters. This type of activity is used in work with high school students, as it includes reading in large volumes. Almost all major newspapers in the world have their own web pages.

MediasitesonEnglishlanguage: THE WASHINGTON POST ( CNN World News (, ABC News ( , BBC World Service (, The Washington Times ( The New York Times ( )

These sites provide an opportunity not only to read articles, but also to listen to news, in many languages; accompany their publications in addition to audio and video accompaniment.

To develop intercultural competence, you can use work with various educational sites, for example,Bilingua- a site offering various speech exercises and courses, organizing chats. The exercises are checked by native speakers. Students can also act as a teacher and check the exercises performed by foreigners in Russian.

In the classroom and in extracurricular activities, we use online tests to prepare for tests. Online tests help to check at what stage of mastering the grammatical or lexical material this or that student is.

Skype technologies. Recently, communication in the Skype program has become very popular, this service allows you to easily and quickly contact relatives and friends, exchange free video calls, and discuss news in a chat.

Skype conferences with students (teachers) from other countries are held in English, create authentic conditions for communication, contribute to the removal language barrier encourage the use of the language.

In the process of Skype - communication, students from different countries who study English as a foreign language (or as a native language) communicate with each other on various topics.

The use of Skype technologies for communication is widely known, but the use in the school is complicated by several factors. When organizing Skype conferences, both objective and subjective difficulties may arise.

In order for the Skype conference not to end with disappointment due to equipment problems, it is important to make a test call and determine the noise level and features of the organization of the conference: using a computer and displaying the image on a large screen or only a laptop screen. If the connection level allows, then display the image and sound, or only the sound if the connection quality is poor.

The placement of students during the conference should be organized in such a way that it is convenient to speak and it is easy for the speakers to change places, and the audience can hear and see both sides well.

As experience shows, it is better to start with beginners (who have never participated in Internet communication with foreign peers) when the topic has been worked out and the conference participants have prepared educational stories, they will start the conversation with less excitement.

The use of visuals helps students cope with stress, promotes calm communication.

Each participation in a Skype conference for a child is stressful, so students need to be psychologically prepared for the speech. Before starting work, read a short lecture on network etiquette, determine the range of universal topics that can be discussed with any Skype partners - communication, questions that should not be asked: they relate to religious beliefs, income and marital status of another person.

One of the problems that needs to be solved in advance is the feeling of “false permissiveness” among students. Students often assume that Skype partners whom they see for the first time in their lives do not know Russian and will not be able to guess the meaning of Russian words and gestures. At the sight of the unusual appearance, clothing, environment of the conference participants, it can be difficult for our schoolchildren to refrain from exclamations or comments. A conversation about tolerance and a culture of communication before each event is aimed at developing endurance and calmness in communication.

Under these conditions, the organization and holding of Skype conferences will bring only positive emotions.

Thus, the use of the Skype program in the educational process helps to create conditions for real communication of students in English, contributes to the formation of communicative competence, readiness to carry out effective foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication.

Today the focus is on the student, his personality, his unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal of a modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organization of students' educational activities that optimally correspond to the set goal - personality development. Innovative forms of education contribute to the organization and activation of the educational activities of schoolchildren, increase the effectiveness of learning, create a favorable microclimate in English lessons.