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Competences in Russian language and literature. Speech “Formation of language competence in Russian language lessons. Requirements for the speech of students

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Formation of key competencies in the lessons of the Russian language (according to the textbook by G.G. Granik)

Tsarkova Irina Vladimirovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

What new can a competency-based approach in teaching the Russian language bring to the lesson? As a textbook of the Russian language G.G. Does the boundary help form key competencies? In this paper, the author turns to the consideration of one of the significant problems of modernization Russian education- the formation of key competencies among students.

Key words: competencies, Russian language

Too often we give children answers to learn rather than problems to solve.

Roger Levin. At the present stage, in the context of the modernization of education and in connection with the transition to new educational standards of the second generation, the teacher faces the task of forming a personality who can independently organize his activities and freely navigate in the information space. In this regard, the task is to form the key competencies of the student. Competence is the ability to establish and implement the connection between “knowledge - skill” and the situation. Competences are formed if: - training is of an activity nature; - orientation in progress educational process on the development of independence and responsibility of the student for the results of their activities. (for this it is necessary to increase the share of independent works of a creative, exploratory, research and experimental nature); - conditions are created for gaining experience and achieving the goal: - such teaching technologies are used, which are based on the independence and responsibility of the teacher for the results of their students (project methodology, abstract approach, reflection, research, problem methods, programmed learning, integration, differentiated learning, developmental education, CSR); - strengthening practical orientation school education(through business, simulation games, creative meetings, discussions, round tables); - the teacher skillfully manages the learning and activities of the student; for this, the teacher must have pedagogical competence, i.e. be an entrepreneurial, responsible, communicative, creative, independent person, able to see and solve problems autonomously and in groups, ready and able to constantly learn new things in life and at work, work in a team, master the methods of diagnosing your subject and psychological development children, be cultured and attractive.

Most of the competencies can be formed in the Russian language lessons, because. “...philology is the connection of all connections; absolutely everyone needs it, because everything is based on the word, through which any knowledge and any creativity is formed. ”(D.S. Likhachev).

It is the formation and development of such competencies that contributes to the textbook of the Russian language under. edited by G. Granik

In the lessons, first of all, such key competencies are developed as: speech competence Russian communicative

Linguistic competence - the ability to conduct elementary linguistic analysis linguistic phenomena;

Language competence - practical knowledge of the native language, its vocabulary, grammatical structure, compliance with language norms;

Communicative competence - the ability to perceive someone else's speech and create their own statements;

Cultural studies - comprehension of the national culture of one's people, awareness of the importance of the native language in the life of the people, the development of the spiritual and moral world of the student, his national identity.

The training is aimed at developing the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs (for example, the exercise "compose a text ..."). Three groups of concepts make up in the textbook theoretical basis teaching coherent speech: text, styles of speech, types of speech. Students are offered various types of speech activity: semantic reading, perception and analysis of the statement, its reproduction, as well as the improvement and development of intuition (“Learning to compare”, “Collect the scattered sentence”).

Stages of formation of communicative competence:

1. The study of theoretical material through the prism of practical application

2. Observation of language material

3. Heuristic conversation

4. Simulation of the reference circuit

5. Vocabulary work

6.Working with text

7. Teaching dialogue

8. Reflection on the created text

9. Correction of one's speech behavior.

The content and methodology of training are aimed at developing the skills of independent planning and implementation learning activities in cooperation with teachers and peers (the wording of tasks involves joint activities: “Work together”, the heading “Work together, in pairs” is valid). A special place is given in the lessons to the formation of communicative universal educational actions using forms of collectively distributed activity - project activity. This helps to form one's point of view, to argue it, to develop a sense of camaraderie (exercise “Letter”, exercise about chivalry, poems by A. Keshokov “It hurts me, boys”).

Understanding the laws of linguistics - is achieved through a simple, accessible explanation of complex concepts and redundant information in the text ("Phonemic and non-phonemic rules", "Who commands the roots", "For different consoles- different laws”, etc.). Knowledge of the laws of the language is so deeply, logically and simply given that it is not difficult for students to understand and assimilate the material. Each spelling rule is linguistically justified and given in a system, and not separately, as in traditional textbooks. For example, the spelling of the roots of words is fully studied, all cases of alternation are given, the spelling of all types of prefixes, suffixes of all parts of speech is fully studied. None of the textbooks cover these topics systematically and in full. The content of the teaching materials allows to form the ability to understand the Russian identity in a multicultural society.

This contributes to the formation of cultural competence, with the help of information about the history of the language, etymology, about Russian scientists - linguists (For example, an excerpt from the annals, S. Yesenin - “In the hut”, about numbers, “Old measures of length and weight”, about the appearance of tea in Rus'). All this contributes to the development of value orientations and fostering love for the Russian language and literature. A special place is given in the lessons to the formation of communicative universal educational actions using the forms of collectively distributed activity - project activity.

This helps to form one's point of view, to argue it, to develop a sense of camaraderie (exercise “Letter”, exercise about chivalry, poems by A. Keshokov “It hurts me, boys”). The textbook involves the use of different forms of organization of learning (experiment, dialogue, independent work etc.) The content and methodology of teaching in this textbook are aimed at the formation and development of competence in the field of using information and communication technologies (ICT - competencies) in the process of learning the Russian language at school. The textbook contains links to electronic educational resources (more than 15 links).

When working with Internet resources, it is proposed to work with electronic dictionaries, use information about linguists and linguistics, additional training in spelling, acquaintance with books and writers, with sites of general cultural content (recommendations of books are systematically given, excerpts from which are proposed for work). The textbook gives students the opportunity to complete 5 - 6 small projects during the year. Tasks are aimed at mastering by students of interdisciplinary concepts and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative): “Look in the “Explanatory Dictionary”…, “Check yourself in the “School Dictionary…” Such tasks are marked with the icon “We turn to other sciences and subjects”; leading connections - with the subject "Literature" (texts by A. Averchenko, G. Lorca, V. Bianchi, E. Moshkovskaya, K. Chukovsky, A. Tolstoy, E. Nosov, E. Uspensky, V. Berestov, L. Kassil, D. Swift, F. Rabelais…). There is a consistent connection with history, biology, psychology (tasks "Turn on the imagination", "How to develop spelling vigilance"), with astronomy, mythology, music, geography, mathematics.

With the help of literary texts written contemporary writers R. Kovalenko, T. Kryukova, the problem of morality is being solved. The text of the textbook contains an appeal to the personal experience of students, helps to establish links between the material being studied and life (“What wisdom is contained in this fairy tale?”). The textbook contains a great educational potential, has a social and humanitarian orientation, which contributes to the establishment of the values ​​of civil society, the formation of the personality of the student, his successful socialization).


1. Journal "Source Studies at School", No. 1, 2006

2. Bermus A. G. Problems and prospects for the implementation of the competence-based approach in education.

3. Zimin V. N. Methods of active learning as a necessary condition for mastering students' key competencies. - Irkutsk, 2009.

4. Novikova T. F. Culturological approach to teaching the Russian language: from theory to practice. // "Russian language at school". - 2006. - No. 3.

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Selection of the necessary material from various sources Educational and cognitive competence Use of graphic methods of analysis and representation. information Possession of spelling. skills Ratio inform. from real life Working with sensible, spelling, orthoepic dictionaries The ability to build basic schemes of spelling rules The ability to apply spelling rules for practical tasks related to real. life Fulfillment

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Formation of key competencies of students primary school in Russian lessons

“Today's main challenge has been the production of competent people - people who would be able to apply their knowledge in changing conditions and whose main competence would be the ability to engage in constant self-learning throughout their lives.”

M. Knowles

Currently, Kazakhstan is developing new system education, focused on entering the global educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. There is a change in the educational paradigm: other approaches, a different law, different attitudes, different behavior, a different pedagogical mentality are assumed.

Primary school - organic part, first stage high school. It is in it that the foundation is laid for the subsequent stages of education. The reform provided for extremely clear educational goals and objectives for primary grades: to lay the foundations for the comprehensive development of children, to ensure the formation of strong counting skills, literate writing, developed speech, and cultural behavior.

The formation of the key competencies of students, without exaggeration, can be called one of the central problems. modern school, because they are a source of activity and perform the function of developing personal competencies elementary school student.

A competency-based approach to learning is intended to help solve this problem.

Consider the concepts of "competence" and "competence", which are almost synonymous.

Competence is a set of familiar ZUNs, and competence- this is the quality of their possession, this is how competence is manifested in activity. Competences can be key, i.e. basic sets of knowledge, abilities, skills, qualities.

If guided by the theory of the core competencies of a doctor pedagogical sciences Khutorsky A.V., then the main ones that the teacher forms in primary school, are, in my opinion, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative, social.
Educational and cognitive competencies:
set a goal and organize its achievement, be able to explain your goal;
organize planning, analysis, reflection, self-evaluation of their educational and cognitive activities;
ask questions to the observed facts, look for the causes of phenomena, indicate your understanding or misunderstanding in relation to the problem under study;
set cognitive tasks and put forward hypotheses; choose the conditions for conducting an observation or experiment, describe the results, formulate conclusions;
speak orally and in writing about the results of their research;
have the experience of perceiving the picture of the world.
Information competencies:
have the skills to work with various sources of information: books, textbooks, reference books, the Internet;
independently search, extract, systematize, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, store and transmit it;
navigate information flows, be able to highlight the main and necessary in them;
be able to consciously perceive information disseminated through the media;
master the skills of using information devices;
apply to solve learning objectives information and telecommunication technologies: audio and video recording, email, Internet.
Communication competencies:
be able to present yourself orally and in writing, write a questionnaire, a letter, a congratulation;
be able to represent your class, school, country, use knowledge of a foreign language for this;
own ways of interacting with other people; speak with an oral message, be able to ask a question, correctly conduct an educational dialogue;
own different types of speech activity (monologue, dialogue, reading, writing);
master the ways joint activities in a group, methods of action in situations of communication; the ability to seek and find compromises;
have positive social skills based on knowledge historical roots and traditions of various national communities and social groups.
Social competencies:
have knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles: family man, citizen; be able to act in everyday situations of the family and household sphere;
determine their place and role in the world around them, in the family, in the team, in the state; own cultural norms and traditions lived in their own activities; own effective ways of organizing free time;
have an understanding of systems social norms and values ​​in Kazakhstan and other countries;
act in the sphere of labor relations in accordance with personal and social benefit, possess the ethics of labor and civil relations;
master the elements of artistic and creative competencies of a reader, listener, performer, spectator, young artist, writer.
All these competencies are formed in a complex and in different subject and “beyond subject” areas.

The basis of competence is independence. Competent person- a well-formed personality capable of taking responsibility for different situations, ready to expand the boundaries of their knowledge and improve them.

In relation to elementary school, competence implies skills:

1. Search - to interrogate the environment, consult with the teacher, receive information;

think - establish relationships, be critical of a particular statement, take a position in the statement and develop your point of view.

2. Collaborate - be able to work in a group, make decisions, resolve disagreements and conflicts, negotiate, fulfill their obligations.

3. Get down to business - enter a group or team, make a contribution, organize your work.

4. Adapt - use new technologies of information and communication, steadfastly resist difficulties, find new solutions.

Thus, the standards of the new generation provide for the formation of an active, creative, intellectually developed personality, who owns universal educational activities, who is able and willing to learn.

The dynamics of the formation of competencies of younger students depends on the organization of the learning process. In the Russian language lessons, younger students often face the problem of not understanding the complex scientific names of the studied spellings and linguistic concepts. This circumstance makes it difficult to study the program material and does not allow the formation of key competencies in the Russian language lessons.

To solve this problem children themselves must formulate the topic of the lesson, based on the content of the textbook. Then the knowledge is updated by asking questions: “Where in your life did you meet this object, phenomenon, technique, etc.? Where do you think this knowledge will come in handy in life? Students, answering these questions, aim at independent cognitive activity. There is an acquisition of knowledge from reality and mastering the methods of educational and cognitive problems. Children make their own conclusions based on their observations and research. In the course of such work in the classroom, primary school students develop a number of key educational competencies: educational and cognitive, informational, communicative. (Appendix 1-3)

Working with children of primary school age for 20 years, I realized that the child perceives the subject "Russian" as something new, previously unfamiliar, very difficult to learn, although he knows a lot in the language. After conducting a survey of students in the classroom, I confirmed the guess that the subject "Russian" is unloved by younger students, it seems completely inaccessible to them.

In order to change the attitude of a junior schoolchild to a subject, it is necessary to help the child understand that he is well acquainted with many things in the language, but he does not know about it. If we help him realize this, then perhaps we will initiate a change in his attitude not only to the language, but also to himself as a person.

The Russian language is a subject that plays a decisive role in the spiritual life of a child. It is a tool of knowledge, thinking, development. It is rich in opportunities for creative enrichment. The entire flow of cognition goes through the channels of language: concepts are assimilated through words, thought and speech are built in the forms of language. Speech, in turn, is a channel for the development of intelligence.

In order to be successful in modern society, a person must have a high level of information competence.

An important component of the information competence of students is the transformation of information from one form to another and the choice of the most convenient form for themselves. These can be texts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, algorithms, clusters. (Appendix 4-5)

cluster(like all graphic schemes) is a model of the topic being studied, allows you to see it in its entirety, “from a bird's eye view”. Motivation increases, tk. ideas are easier to grasp. The presentation of information by students in the form of a cluster contributes to its creative processing, and therefore ensures the assimilation of information at the level of understanding. Clusters (as well as other schemes) allow you to develop thinking, make it more flexible, get rid of stereotypes, turn dogmatic thinking into critical thinking.

Students perceive the work of compiling clusters positively and demonstrate a higher level of assimilation educational material.

The word “cluster” in translation from English means a bunch, a pile, a swarm, an accumulation. A cluster is a graphical method that allows you to present a large amount of information in a structured and systematic way, to identify the keywords of the topic. This graphic scheme from ovals. In the center of the cluster, in the main oval, is the main problem, theme, idea. In the ovals of the next level - classifying features or grounds for systematization, in the ovals of the third level - further detailing, etc. Clusters can branch a lot, so you should always be able to stop at a reasonable level of detail. The cluster contains keywords, key ideas indicating the logical connections between text subjects, which give the picture integrity and clarity.

It is also important that the construction of clusters allows you to identify a system of keywords that can be used to search for information on the Internet, as well as to determine the main areas of student research, the choice of topics. educational projects.

The construction of clusters is perceived by students as creative work where it is possible to realize one's own vision of the problem, one's own approach, variability, as a means of self-realization, self-affirmation. The possibility of individual, pair, group and teamwork creates psychological comfort in the educational process. The inclusion of each student in three types of activities (think, write, speak) provides internal processing of information. These factors contribute to the assimilation of new material at the level of understanding and comprehension, the development of educational and cognitive motivation and activity (especially for those who do not fit well into the system of traditional, illustrative and explanatory education). And most importantly, students practically master the way of self-acquisition of new knowledge, self-study based on texts, which they can apply in the future, and enjoy learning throughout their lives. They develop functional literacy, information and communication competence.

The above-described learning technology based on creative text processing allows you to learn interestingly, quickly, efficiently and gives students a sense of satisfaction. We give as an example:

Using the cluster, tell about the forms of verbs (Appendix 6)

The system of work on the formation of intellectual competence provides for certain changes in the content and organization of the process of teaching the Russian language.

Changing the content of the methods of teaching the Russian language is carried out due to:

- introduction of additional vocabulary during the vocabulary and spelling work, consolidation, repetition and generalization of the studied;

Increasing the scale of the use of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units on different stages lesson;

Expansion of the scope of work with concepts;

Inclusion in the content of the lessons of various texts of an educational and cognitive nature.

When organizing the educational process Most of the tasks are formulated by the students themselves. The theme of the lesson and the analysis of specific educational material serves as a guideline in this work.

In terms of the development and activation of intellectual activity, I use traditional types of lessons with the preservation of all the main stages of the lesson: minutes of calligraphy, vocabulary and spelling, physical education, etc.

Updating the knowledge of the student

The specifics of holding a minute of calligraphy

For example:

1On the board: lamp, branch, flew off. (Annex 7)

Determine the letter that we will write in calligraphy. It is located at the root of the verb and denotes an unpaired voiced soft consonant in it (l)

2. The same letter is missing in each of the words. What letter is this? (This is the letter "I"). (Appendix 8)

Read the received words. What do the words in the first column have in common? What do the words in the second column have in common? What do all words have in common? What does the word "VYAZ" mean? (Large tree with strong wood). Who is called "MYAMLEY"? (A sluggish, indecisive person). Describe the letter "I". With this letter we will now work on calligraphy.

Features of vocabulary and orthographic work

1. The first technique is the search for a word intended for familiarization, related to the work on phonetics and the repetition of educational material.

For example, on the board - pfbktheshsrcheshztsa. (Appendix 9) Mentally remove the letters denoting deaf consonants and you will recognize the word that we will meet in the lesson (birch)

2. The second method consists in the complete absence of instructions from the teacher. Look carefully at this entry and identify two words that we will get to know (breakfast and lunch) Appendix 10.


3. The third technique involves the definition of a word from the dictionary by identifying the patterns of its formation. (Appendix 11-12)

rocket, boots, plate-work

oats, lilac, back-? (aspen)

4. The fourth technique connects the search word with the topics of the Russian language being studied. (Annex 13)

For example, on the board: so .. yellow, pro ... ka, so .. nce, s .. lonka, then ..., b .. climb

Connect in series the letters that are orthograms in these words, you will learn a new dictionary word(apple).

Organized, thoughtful, systematic vocabulary and spelling work is an effective means of developing intellectual competence for the successful implementation of subsequent stages of work.

The specifics of the stage of discovery of new knowledge.

The study of new material occurs through the use of the problem-search method.

1. The first type is a generalization of what has been studied according to a plan drawn up in advance by the teacher. When introducing students to complex words, the following plan can be used:

1. Determine the way words are formed: boletus, aspen, apple, apple.

2. Can a word be without a root? without an attachment? no suffix?

3. Can a word have two roots. What are such words called? What is this type of word formation called?

4. Formulate the topic of today's lesson (we learn to write words with two roots).

2. The second type is the use or independent compilation of generalizing tables, diagrams. For example, when studying the topic “Gender of nouns”, students draw up a scheme of this type (Appendix 14)

gender of nouns

male gender female genus middle genus

he, my she, my it, mine

Such an approach enhances the role of students in the organization of educational activities and brings their thinking to a new level.

The specifics of the stage of applying new knowledge.

At this stage of the Russian language lesson, lexical and spelling exercises are widely used to improve mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, etc.

1. When studying the topic “Spelling of prefixes”, students are given a task: for each word from the left column, denoting the whole concept, select the corresponding word from the right column, denoting its part, select prefixes in words (Appendix 15)

Rod..ka p..r..weave

Book p..squirrel

St..kan pr..bezhka

Dawn .. ka p .. dst ... kannik

R..mont P..pants

2.Compose Difficult words and write them down in two columns: with a connecting vowel -o, with a connecting vowel -e. (Appendix 16)


Meat + chop

book + love

Poems + create

Himself + bring down

Thus, in the process of applying new knowledge, students' speech activity is activated and evidence-based, reasoned, logical speech is formed. Along with it, the most important intellectual aspects develop.

Physical education minute

Physical education minutes are no exception in the intellectual development of students. They are a universal exercise in which physical activity is combined with mental activity. The teacher selects 10-12 language units on the topic being studied. In accordance with the task, the children respond with a certain movement to the sounding language unit. At this moment, vigorous activity continues, the attention and observation of the student are focused. The necessary discharge is carried out due to the high emotional uplift of children, which inevitably occurs during movement, performing physical exercises.

For example, when studying the topic “End. The concept of zero ending ”the task for students is formulated as follows: if I name a word with an ending, you squat, and if with a zero ending, you get up.

In conclusion, I want to say that systematic work in this direction guarantees the achievement of standards for teaching the Russian language and contributes to the formation of an active, creative, intellectually developed personality who owns universal learning activities, who is able and willing to learn.


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New standards require the formation of students' competencies: subject, general subject and key. The material presents some ways of forming key competencies, examples from work experience are given.



Section of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature

“You can’t do everything at school


Gotta learn to learn"

(Vsevolod Meyerhold )

Ways to form key competencies in Russian language lessons

(from work experience)

One of the most acute problems facing teachers of the Russian language and literature today is the familiarization of modern schoolchildren with the word. In the broadest sense: familiarization with reading, with verbal communication, with a way of self-expression and self-affirmation of a teenager. The problem often becomes psychological: a teenager finds himself, as it were, in a spiritual vacuum, losing the ability to communicate.

Knowledge of the word also leads to the correct interpretation of the history and culture of one's people. We, teachers-philologists, in fact initial stage through acquaintance with the language and form a correctly oriented perception of the world, the logic of its development. We know thatgrammatical knowledge brings linguistic facts into a system, and their systematicity stimulates the independence of the student’s thinking, therefore, according to K.D. Ushinsky, “to develop the gift of words in children means the same thing as developing logical thinking in them.”

At the stage of society's orientation towards economic well-being, time and a whole generation have been lost. Result:there is a gradual “rejection” of the child from full-fledged linguistic communication with other people. This means that for a long time in the life of a student such a component of education as language and communicative competence turns out to be unclaimed. Today, the standard of education requires the formation of skills and abilities of verbal communication through the comprehension by students of knowledge about the structure and functioning of language norms. Without a conscious, motivated attitude towards mother tongue this is difficult to achieve. The announcement of 2015 as the Year of Literature is also intended to draw attention to the problem.

The entire pedagogical society understands that in order for an adult to be competent in a certain professional area, to be realized in different spheres of life, to have a worldview and culture - that is, to become competent found its place in the life of society - for this it is necessary to lay the right directions for development.(Slide 2)

Competence - readiness to apply existing knowledge, skills, "knowledge in action"

Competence - a set of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in which a person must be aware and have practical work experience.(Polonsky V.M. Dictionary of education and pedagogy M .: Higher school, 2004.)

A " competencies for a student is an image of his future, a guideline for mastering. But during the period of study, the student develops certain components of "adult" competencies, and so that he does not prepare only for the future, but also lives in the present, he masters these competencies with educational point vision" ( A.V. Khutorskaya)

With regard to schoolchildren, key competencies are such functional skills that will help them in fulfilling their present and future social roles ("student", "applicant", "student", "subject of communication", "citizen", "consumer", "worker- specialist, etc.)

As you know, depending on the content of education (subjects and educational areas), there are:

  • Key or meta-subject competencies (relate to the general content of education);
  • General subjects ( belong to a certain range of subjects);
  • Subject competencies (formed within the same subject).

In the process of learning at school, the child must develop key competencies. If they are formed, it means that a person has a certain special resource for achieving a high level of competence in any kind of activity.
There are not so few key competencies, but they all consist of four elementary competencies:

  • informational - readiness to work with information;
  • communicative - willingness to communicate with other people;
  • cooperative - willingness to cooperate with other people;
  • problematic - willingness to solve problems.(Slide 3)

We come to their formation from the subject, through the general subject.

  • Let me remind you that language competenceimplies knowledge of the language itself, its structure and functioning, language norms, including spelling and punctuation. Language competenceis realized in the process of forming a scientific and linguistic worldview among students, the development of a linguistic and aesthetic ideal (i.e., ideas about beauty in language and speech).The next type of competencies -linguisticwhich provides the cognitive culture of the student's personality, development logical thinking, memory, imagination of students, mastering the skills of introspection, self-assessment. Allocate cultural (ethnocultural)) competence, which ensures the formation of the Russian language picture of the world, mastery of Russian speech etiquette, which is a necessary means of familiarization with the national culture.

The formation of all the above competencies takes place in literature lessons.

It is known that one can know well the norms of pronunciation, words and the rules of their use, grammatical forms and constructions, be able to use different ways of expressing the same thought, in other words, be linguistically and linguistically competent, but not be able to use this knowledge and skills. adequate to the real speech situation, or, as scientists say, the communicative situation. In other words, for language proficiency, the skills and abilities of using certain words, grammatical structures in specific conditions of communication, or communication are important.

That is why a special type of competence is distinguished in training -communicative.

Please note that both among the key competencies and among the subject ones, the communicative one stands out as one of the main ones.(Slide 4)

Communicative competence implies the ability for full verbal communication in all areas. human activity, in compliance with social norms of speech behavior. The main skill, formed within the framework of communicative competence- this is the ability to create and perceive texts - products of speech activity.The student must be able to express himself freely in different speech situations. And for this it is necessary to create at each lesson and during extracurricular activities conditions of verbal communication.The most ordinary literature lesson provides unlimited opportunities for the development of communication skills, the readiness of students for successful, positive communication.

One of the key competencies in studying literature at school issocial and personal competence.This means that a person is able to correlate his aspirations with the interests of other people and social groups to solve the tasks set, interact productively with group members, analyze and resolve contradictions that hinder the effectiveness of the team.In order for students to fully master the above competencies, targeted systematic work must begin from the first days of schooling.

Speech activity is the main one in the process of teaching language and literature, it is formed in all its forms - reading, speaking, writing, listening. Lessons built on the principle of "teaching communication by communicating" allow the study of the subject to be turned into activity, interaction between both the teacher and the student and the students among themselves. "Education without dialogue turns into an artificial, dead system" (M.M. Bakhtin). Modern stage The development of methodology is characterized by a tendency to merge teaching language and speech into a single whole.

(slide 5)

  • Communication technologies (technology of pedagogical communication, technology of psychological correction of communication, technology of discussion, ICT and others)

I will give some examples from my experience (without going into details and analysis, since all of you, dear colleagues, are aware of these pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques):

  1. Russian language teachers are primarily philologists. Each of you, dear colleagues, knows that a word does not live without context. Comprehension of the secrets of the language and its main function is impossible without turning to thought - through a sentence and (or) text. Therefore, the main rule that I set for myself and for my students, if necessary, to choose an example with a word (whether in an oral task or in writing) is to use it in a sentence. Such an insignificant, it would seem, detail, but in the end, students come to understand the word both as a unit of language, and - more importantly - as a unit of speech. I use the method of expanding a word into text and folding the text to a keyword (word - phrase - simple sentence - simple complicated sentence - difficult sentence– micro-text – text).
  2. Reference to the text at each lesson or in homework. This may be the author's text of a small volume. But we give preference to the texts of works studied in the course of literature. Analysis by text will not necessarily be complex - I actively use this form of work in high school.The use of the text as the main methodological tool in the lesson helps to realize three goals in unity: educational, developing and educating. Purposeful selection of texts for analysis in Russian language lessons creates that cultural background, that developing speech environment that can positively influence the formation of spiritual, moral, and intellectual qualities of a person.I recommend texts from materials for writing essays in preparation for the OGE by Galina Timofeevna Egoraeva.
  3. Speech development lessons are special lessons, through which we should get acquainted with the technologies of the structure of our oral and written speech, as well as the practical mastery of the skills to create texts. different types. I strive to make every lesson a lesson in the development of speech. Moreover, because the speech of a modern schoolchild is poor and unemotional. At the lesson, I can “go from the student” - that is, I use his speech material when the text is born through joint editing. This also contributes to the formation of the correct self-esteem of the author-student. Such work, of course, should be an organic part of the lesson and not lead away from a specific goal.
  4. The “cast the bait” technique is an element of advanced learning, when material that will not be studied soon is included in the lesson in a small portion, and a promising task is set for the students. I can offer ways and means of solving the problem, and they (if they wish, of course) will try to solve it. And if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay: the more interesting it will be to meet the same problem later and discover for yourself the thought that one of them went the right way!
  5. In all lessons, except for control ones, I suggest that students use "helpers" that they create themselves: diagrams, drawings, tables, signal cards. These helper notebooks help children feel more confident. How to design, create such supporting materials, I show back in the 5th grade, I myself actively use my schemes in the lessons. They are very helpful during the lesson when they are a support to keep the line of the lesson. It is very convenient to use a generalizing scheme, especially if it is created jointly with students.
  6. Material from the category "Entertaining Grammar" and "From the History of the Russian Language" is periodically included in the lessons of the Russian language, especially when considering difficult examples. Be sure to encourage those students who share their "discoveries" in the classroom.
  7. Subject research work in the subject must necessarily interest students, be in demand, relevant to the teenage environment. And be sure to have access to the public. So, for example, the results of the research "Youth slang of the inhabitants of our village" and "Jargon in our school" were announced at the school conference for grades 5-11 "Why do we say that?" The lesson-research “Features of the modern “mobile” conversational style” (Grade 9) turned out to be interesting, which turned into a discussion.
  8. An important role is played by the types of lessons and the forms of their conduct. So, for example, summarizing lessons are often held in the form of seminars. If necessary, I practice knowledge correction lessons (before control lessons), credit lessons in the form of netting. Material on the topics "Communion" and "Gernal participle" when creating the necessary conditions is studied in blocks. Workshops are also very popular, and they are held with mandatory differentiation.Differentiation is carried out not due to the fact that some students are given a smaller amount of material, while others are given more, but due to the fact that by offering students the same amount of it, the teacher orients them to different levels of requirements for its assimilation. For example, material for practical work is divided into 3 parts, the transition to each subsequent is impossible without the correct execution of the previous one. After checking in the lesson of part 1, you must independently find and correct your mistakes (only their number is indicated), when they are corrected by the student himself, they are not counted. Task 2 parts - with self-checking on the source material - the text (errors are taken into account and work is done on the mistakes), part 3 - with self-checking only on the "Theory".
  9. The development of creative abilities and the formation of the language competence of students is facilitated by the use of linguistic miniatures, or grammatical tales, especially when studying phonetics and morphology. Children create interesting texts that, in terms of their content, turn out to be more accessible for understanding certain features of the Russian language than rules written in scientific language. For example, “The Tale of the Brothers NE and NI”, “In the Country of Morphology”, “How the Word Was Expelled from the Country”.
  10. Comprehension of the peculiarities of the Russian language through the study of the best examples of classical Russian literature is one of the goals that I set when preparing integrated lessons. In literature lessons, children try to write so-called stylizations. We have been going to such work for a very long time all together - and if one or two get close, it’s already good. For example, reading variants of Erast's imaginary letter to Lisa after his betrayal (sentimental style) turned into a discussion not only of the style features of the text, but also into a discussion of moral and ethical topics. And the texts written by students, stylized as ballads (in the spirit of A.K. Tolstoy) wanted to be staged. Such work has been carried out since grade 7 and improved in grades 10-11.
  11. The leading teaching method when using communicative technology is communication, learning in dialogue and polylogue. Communicative technology is mainly aimed at finding active methods and forms of organizing the work of students in the classroom, "learning in cooperation", in pairs and groups. Children should communicate with each other, with the teacher, with the author. But the main thing is with ourselves, thinking, analyzing, comparing. I give this opportunity to children in almost every lesson. Learning to express thoughts through the word is also the most important psychological component of learning.
  12. The use of ICT technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities today is an integral element modern lesson. It is known that most people remember 5% of what they hear and 20% of what they see. The simultaneous use of audio and video information increases memorability up to 10% -50%. The savings in the time required to study a particular material is on average 30%, and the acquired knowledge is stored in memory much longer. However, the specifics of the process of learning the Russian language is such that a practical skill is formed through exercises in writing. Therefore, I believe that in the Russian language lessons, ICT technologies in the form of presentations are more appropriate for demonstrating reference materials (tables, diagrams) or materials for control and self-examination. Of course, a modern person types faster than writes, but the services of text electronic editors do not contribute to the formation of general language and proper linguistic competencies, but only provide a ready-made correct spelling. I think that the practical part is very important in teaching the Russian language, so I follow the old traditional rule: the more written in the notebook, the better. And for some students who have low motivation for learning due to the peculiarities mental development, the exercises in writing are almost the best way strengthening the skill. At the lessons of literature, I consider the use of ICT technologies very important.
  13. The formation of all types of competencies is facilitated by working with essays on the elective course "Writing an Essay" for grades 10-11, which I have been conducting for several years. To develop the course program, I used the manuals “Compositions of different types: preparation technology” (G.O. Matina, Yu.N. Sivakova), “Learning to write an essay” (N.P. Morozova). The need to create this course is caused by the lack of hours of the Russian language and in order to better prepare for the exam (part 2 - essay), as well as for the preparation of the final essay on literature, introduced as a test form of admission to certification.
  14. Non-traditional forms of literature lessons: conference lessons, seminar lessons, court lesson, debate lesson, analysis lesson and others help to expand the scope of the lesson and allow students to open up. Integrated lessons are often practiced (with history, geography, fine arts and music). Literature lessons should at least always be something out of the ordinary. For example, when studying Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet", it is proposed to voice associations with the word "yellow" - from here we will come to the characterization of Zheltkov's image.

Great importance in my work is attached to extracurricular activities in the subject. All this activity is also aimed at the formation of key competencies (linguistic, linguistic, communicative). For several years, I conducted subject-oriented circles “Artistic Word”, “Young Philologist”. A differentiated approach is very important here. So, for example, even at the stage of incoming monitoring in the 5th grade, I track students who have a high motivation for the subject or the so-called “unawakened abilities”. From the very beginning of communication with such students, work is underway to attract and (or) form a strong interest in the subject, introduce it into a situation of success, and increase its authority among the children. It is especially important to form the correct self-esteem, because often gifted children find it difficult to experience failure. By the 8th grade, as a rule, the most persistent ones are revealed, there are not many of them, and preparation, for example, for the Olympiads, is always only an individual character. It can be said that I "lead" the student to his peak. Our “pedestals” are different, but this is an indicator of their personal achievements: in my pedagogical experience (for 25 years - three streams of classes from 7 to 11) 6 winners of the municipal level of Olympiads in Russian language and literature, of which two winners of the regional level , one result - 4th in the region, one - 5th, one - 9th. Winners of district and regional competitions of essays and journalistic works (including those with publications in the media) - 5 people (grades 9-11). Prize-winning places in regional competitions of readers in the nomination "Composition" - 4, among them two second places, one first.

By USE results 2014-15 academic year year (Russian): average score - 66.7 (highest 92 points), OGE - 28.1 points.

Every year there are such school-wide events as the Week of the Russian Language, the Week of Literature, the Humanitarian Week,Literary ball. This also contributes to the development of the necessary competencies.

In my opinion, the combination of the following ideas and pedagogical technologies is absolutely successful for the formation of key competencies in Russian language lessons:

Competence-based approach (A.V. Khutorskoy)

The idea of ​​a person-centered approach (I.S. Yakimanskaya)

The idea of ​​an activity approach (“learning through activity”) - D. Dewey, G. P. Tsedrovitsky, A. A. Dergach, O. S. Anisimov and others.

The idea of ​​developing education (P.Ya. Galperin, L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov)

Technology RKCHP - "Developing critical thinking through reading and writing" (Jenny L. Steele, Curtis S. Meredith, Charles Temple and Scott Walter).

Communication technologies (technology of pedagogical communication, technology of psychological correction of communication, technology of discussion, ICT and others).

The basic models of my system of work on the formation of key competencies are the activity approach and the technology of RKCHP (“Development of critical thinking through reading and writing”), because, having an integrative nature, they allow you to combine the traditional approach to learning and various elements of advanced technologies and in contributes to the development of universal educational activities to the greatest extent.

Purposeful formation of key competencies in students is possible only with systems approach to the problem and a reasonable combination of traditional and modern methods and methods of work.

Awareness of the need for the formation of linguistic, communicative competencies by all teachers, not necessarily language teachers, is one of essential conditions for the formation of a cultured person. The task of educating a humanitarianly educated and competent person should become common for the entire teaching staff. Students acquire a stable skill of meaningful reading, including through the study of the grammatical features of the language, so every teacher of any other school discipline should also be interested in the quality of knowledge in the Russian language. In reality, unfortunately, it happens like this: "My subject is oral, we should not require writing in the lesson." As a result, for example, students remember the need to write correctly only in Russian language lessons, and about literary texts only in literature. Working with the text in terms of comprehending its content, structuring, processing (summary, theses, etc.), as well as creating your own text - such student skills are relevant when studying any subject. Moreover - oral monologue speech, the ability to orally build different-style descriptions, reasoning. The logic and sequence of speech is already a manifestation of the student's abilities. Therefore, every subject teacher who does not teach the subjects "Russian language" and "literature" should also be interested in the formation of communicative competencies. Therefore, when preparing and self-analyzing the lesson, the teachers of our school take into account this important component. I must say that we traditionally have good quality indicators based on the results of the OGE, GIA in the Russian language, social studies, history - that is, in the subjects of the humanitarian and aesthetic direction. Also in olympiads in the Russian language, literature, MHC, social science. slide 2

WAYS OF FORMING KEY COMPETENCES Competence is a set of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in which a person must be aware and have practical work experience. (Polonsky V.M. Dictionary of Education and Pedagogy M.: Higher School, 2004) in education (according to A.V. Khutorsky) knowledge, skills, "knowledge in action" - refer to a certain range of subjects refer to the general content of education

WAYS OF FORMING KEY COMPETENCES Subject competencies General subject competencies Key or meta-subject competencies Teaching Russian language and literature - Proficiency in dialogical and monologue speech - The ability to independently search, analyze, select, transform information - Group work skills, the ability to present oneself, write a letter, questionnaire, application etc. - And another understanding of oral and written speech - its laws, rules, information structure - readiness to work with information; communicative - willingness to communicate with other people; cooperative - willingness to cooperate with other people; problem-solving - willingness to solve problems

key educational competencies (according to A.V. Khutorsky) 1. Value-semantic competencies. 2. General cultural competencies. 3. Educational and cognitive competencies. 4. Information competence. 5. Communicative competencies. 6. Social and labor competencies. 7. Competencies of personal self-improvement. Subject competencies (Russian language and literature) the ability to freely and consciously use the language as a communication tool

the formation of key competencies in the lessons of the Russian language is carried out mainly using the following technologies and ideas: Competence-based approach. (A.V. Khutorskoy) The idea of ​​a student-centered approach (I.S. Yakimanskaya) The idea of ​​an activity approach (“learning through activity”) - D Dewey, G.P. Tsedrovitsky, A.A. Dergach, O.S. Anisimov and others. critical thinking through reading and writing” (Jenny L. Steele, Curtis S. Meredith, Charles Temple and Scott Walter). Communication technologies (technology of pedagogical communication, technology of psychological correction of communication, technology of discussion, ICT and others)

ways of forming key competencies Integrative model of the lesson Text-organizing task of the lesson Learning through communication Differentiation Development of speech Subject-oriented circle Competitions written and oral Projects and publications Subject weeks, Olympiad quizzes Elective courses Extracurricular activities

content changes modern education in the formation of key competencies First, the goal of learning is not the process, but the achievement by students of a certain result. The content of the material within the subject is selected by the teacher for the formulated result. Approaches to assessment are also changing - the assessment procedure includes reflection, collection of a portfolio of evidence, and observation of students' activities. Secondly, the forms and methods of organizing classes are changing - learning becomes active, the emphasis is on learning through practice, productive work students in small groups, building individual learning trajectories, using interdisciplinary connections, developing student independence and personal responsibility for decision-making.

Thank you for your attention! Happy new academic year! Good luck!!

19.11.2016 1873 0 Sainova Arai Maksutovna

Formation of key competencies of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

Reasons to which a person
makes up his own mind, usually
convince him more than
those that came to the mind of others.
Blaise Pascal
Distinctive for late XX - early XXI centuries, changes in the nature of education - in its direction, goals, content - are more and more clearly oriented towards the “free development of a person”, creative initiative, independence of students, competitiveness, and mobility of graduates. According to State program development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020, modern educational school should form complete system universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, key competencies that determine the modern quality of the content of education.
It follows from this that the formation of competencies is one of the priority tasks of the modern school.
From the whole variety of proposed interpretations of the concept of competence and lists of existing competencies, we will focus on those offered by modern pedagogy:
- Value-semantic competences. These are competencies associated with the student's value orientations, his ability to see and understand the world, navigate in it, be aware of their role and purpose, be able to choose the target and semantic settings for their actions and deeds, make decisions.
- General cultural competencies. Knowledge and experience of activities in the field of national and universal culture; spiritual and moral foundations of the life of man and mankind, individual peoples; cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions; competencies in the household, cultural and leisure sphere.
- Educational and cognitive competencies. This is a set of student competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activities.
- Information competencies. Skills of activity in relation to information in academic subjects And educational fields as well as in the surrounding world. Knowledge of modern media. Search, analysis and selection of the necessary information, its transformation, storage and transmission.
- Communication competencies. Knowledge of languages, ways of interacting with surrounding and remote events and people; teamwork skills, ability to work in a variety of social roles.
- Social and labor competencies. Acting as a citizen, observer, voter, representative, consumer, buyer, client, producer, family member.
- The competencies of personal self-improvement are aimed at mastering the ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support.
Based on the standard of education in the Russian language, the essence and content of the core competencies formed in grades 5-9 were determined secondary school.

Formation of key competencies in Russian language lessons.

Competences Content Maturity Class
Value-semantic The ability to choose the target and semantic settings for their actions.
Conscious attitude to language as a spiritual value. evaluate the results obtained 5-9
assess the degree of understanding of the content of the read text 8-9
use acquired knowledge to achieve goals 5-9
General cultural Awareness of the language as a form of expression of national culture, the relationship between the language and the history of the people, possession of the culture of interethnic communication Understand that language is a developing phenomenon 5-6
understand social entity language 7
understand the status of the Russian language as a language of international communication 8-9
Educational and cognitive Mastering knowledge about the Russian language, its structure and functioning in various areas and situations of communication. The ability to recognize, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them in terms of their relevance to the situation and the sphere of communication.
have strong spelling and punctuation skills
master the norms of Russian literary language
enrich lexicon and grammatical structure of speech 5-9

Information The ability to work with text, carry out information search, extract and transform the necessary information, master the technique of reading
highlight the main and secondary information in the text
predict the content of the text by the title, the title of the paragraph of the textbook
extract information from linguistic dictionaries different kind 5
differentiate the main and secondary information of the read text
break text into component parts 6
differentiate between known and unknown information in a read text
highlight illustrative, argumentative information
predict the content of the text on a given beginning 7
listen to information from television and radio programs with the installation to determine the topic and main idea of ​​the message
using viewing reading, navigate the content of the article by keywords, and the content of the book, newspaper, magazine - by the table of contents and headings of the article 8
predict the possible development of the main idea before reading a linguistic and literary text
understand the communicative topic, purpose and, in accordance with this, organize the process of searching for information and reading the text 9
Communicative Fluency in Russian in various areas and situations of its use.
Willingness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding. create a written statement of different types of speech 5
build a short oral statement on given topic 6
create your own statements that meet the requirements of accuracy, consistency and expressiveness of speech 7
take part in dialogues various kinds
respond appropriately to oral speech, correctly engage in verbal communication, maintain and end a conversation 8
create oral monologue statements on topical socio-cultural, moral and ethical, social and everyday, learning topics
build scientific reasoning on complex issues 9
Social and labor Compliance with the rights and obligations in the role of a student to be able to fulfill the requirements of the teacher to observe discipline, norms of behavior during training sessions
be able to act in accordance with personal gain, without infringing on the rights of other students
own the ethics of relationships with teachers and other students during classroom and extracurricular activities (cooperation)
own effective ways of organizing their own time outside of school (performing homework, leisure activities, etc.) 5-9
Competencies of personal self-improvement The need for speech self-improvement. correct shortcomings in the content of the statement and its construction 5-6
notice in one's own speech (and someone else's) deviations from the norms of the literary language 7-8
improve oral and written language, correcting shortcomings in the construction and content of the statement, speech defects and grammatical errors 9
Most of the competencies can be formed in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, because. “...philology is the connection of all connections; absolutely everyone needs it, because everything is based on the word, through which any knowledge and any creativity is formed. ”(D.S. Likhachev).
Let's talk about some methods for the formation of key competencies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.
Value-semantic competencies begin to be determined at the beginning of each lesson, when we encourage students to think about the need to read, analyze the episode or the actions of the characters artwork, completing a task, the need to obtain information, the need to study this topic, etc. Throughout the lesson, we direct the children to comprehend the completed task and draw a parallel with it. real life: “Where do we need the ability to write a statement? To make plan? Whose opinion of the heroes is closer to you and why? Which hero's deed deserves respect? What would you do in such a situation?” and so on.
General cultural competencies. This also includes the student's experience of mastering the scientific picture of the world, expanding to a cultural and universal understanding of the world.
How do we develop these competencies? In the lessons of the development of speech and literature, we use reproductions of paintings as a visual aid (now a monoblock has come to our aid), to create a certain mood or as an addition to the picture, we include a musical fragment. For example, when writing an essay on the painting "Hunting", the guys became interested in the national hunt with golden eagles, shared their knowledge in this area, which helped in doing the work. While working with artistic text along the way, we draw students' attention to the historical era when the work was created or the events described in it take place, introduces its culture and traditions. So we pay attention to the meanings of the words “serve”, “service” (instead of “work”), “salary” (and not “salary”), when reading, students no longer laugh at the words “man”, “woman”, “girl ”, understanding their meaning in relation to the historical era about which the narration is going on or in which the events described by the author take place.
In the classroom, we constantly refer to exemplary texts, drawing students' attention to the author's style, vocabulary used by him, turns of speech, we discuss linguistic means at the phonetic and syntactic levels (this is already linguistic competence). For example, when studying the work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" in the 8th grade, they used an audio recording of reading in Old Russian, while studying S. Yesenin's lyrics, they listened to a recording of the performance of poems by the author.
General cultural competencies are also brought up by exercises related to etiquette (for example, when studying the topic “Dialogue”, we get acquainted with the etiquette of telephone communication with the help of the Lessons in Good Manners program of the Bibigon TV channel, as well as in group work, when evaluating works.
Educational and cognitive competencies. In relation to the objects being studied, the student masters the creative skills of productive activity: obtaining knowledge directly from reality, mastering the methods of action in non-standard situations, heuristic methods problem solution. Within the framework of these competencies, the requirements for appropriate functional literacy are determined: the ability to distinguish facts from conjectures, the use of probabilistic, statistical and other methods of cognition.
To update this competence at the beginning of the lesson, as a rule, we create a situation of educational difficulty for students or use the "bright spot" technique. The solemnly announced topic of the lesson is most often not interesting for students, and the result is a boring traditional lesson. To prevent this from happening, you can use a special technique, conventionally called a "bright spot". Fairy tales and legends, fragments from fiction, jokes, puzzles, crossword puzzles. In a word, a variety of material that can intrigue and capture the attention of students, but always related to the topic of the lesson.
When using the “bright spot” technique, children have a desire to study a topic that was formulated by them personally or that the teacher skillfully intrigued them.
Studying the Russian language, I offer students educational and cognitive tasks in an unusual form, creating various game situations (for example, "Find the extra"), a linguistic experiment
This also includes tasks that develop linguistic competence (for example, will the words "bull" and "bee" have the same root?) used in the study of the topic word formation.
"Tree of Wisdom". One group of students writes questions on sheets of different colors according to the rules of the textbook, another group (3-4 students) goes to the blackboard, plucks leaves with questions from the tree and answers them.
Information competencies. In past academic year EAIA tests in the Russian language included questions on this text. Therefore, for the development of information competencies, in addition to traditional methods work with text began to use questions research project PISA according to the topic of the lesson. For example, in the 6th grade, when studying the topic "Borrowed words", graffiti text was used. I received two emails over the Internet. both are graffiti. Tasks Purpose of the letter. Which letter do you agree with? and so on.
We also develop information competence in literature lessons. For example, when studying the work of a writer, we invite the children to listen to a lecture and write down 10 biography facts and 10 facts related to the writer's work. Or we use the technique of "Unfinished sentences", in a pre-prepared card, students, as they listen to the lecture, write down the necessary information (date, surnames, names, etc.).
Communicative competencies. The "Path of Wisdom" technique involves working with aphorisms, sayings, proverbs, sayings.
Determination of the relevance of language units, selection and justification of the optimal use of language means in accordance with the conditions of communication. One and the same content can be conveyed by different linguistic means.
For example, to determine the maximum possible number of variants of a proverb:
The tree determine the fruit of the girl
The bush is guessed by the bumps of a person
by a
A flower recognizes a young man by the kidneys
The plant is recognized by the inflorescences of the old man
For example, compare two catchphrases
Beauty will save the world (attributed to F.M. Dostoevsky)
The world is saved by beauty (belonging to F.M. Dostoevsky)
In literature lessons, I suggest next task: view a fragment of a film or performance and compare the character in the author's text and in the interpretation for the stage or screen. Or I propose to draw up a table: “How did I see Chekhov in preparation for the lesson?”, Then I ask you to watch the educational film and write down in the second column what you learned about the writer in the lesson, then draw a general conclusion.
Social and labor competencies. This includes, for example, the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, act in accordance with personal and social benefits, and master the ethics of labor and civil relations. The student masters the skills of social activity and functional literacy that are minimally necessary for life in modern society.
In Russian language lessons, I often give children the opportunity to work as a teacher. I preliminarily set to compose at home vocabulary dictation according to the studied or learned rules, or a test before the lesson, I choose the best one. The author of the selected dictation becomes a teacher for some time: he organizes and conducts a vocabulary dictation, checks it.
The formation of key competencies not only does not distract from the subject, but also makes the work on the latter meaningful, draws the attention of students to the language and literature, forms psychological literacy, a culture of thinking and behavior of students, and hence the competence of personal self-improvement.