Fairy tales      03/16/2020

Model of the teacher's methodological culture presentation. Model for the formation of the methodological culture of the teacher. The concept of methodological culture

Requirements for a teacher-researcher
Essence methodological culture teacher-researcher
The main approaches to the organization of pedagogical
Principles of pedagogical research

1. Requirements for a teacher-researcher
Research is scientific work.
(S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1957. - P.250).
Pedagogical research - process and result
scientific activities aimed at obtaining
new significant theoretical and methodological
for the practice of knowledge.
Any pedagogical research is ultimately a contribution
in the scientific substantiation of practical pedagogical activity.
It is the research element that brings the scientific
search and educational process.
The research principle enriches the practical
pedagogical activity, and the latter contributes
scientific creativity.

it means to conduct research activities. Search and discovery -
it is overcoming some cognitive barrier that gets in the way
understanding the essence of the matter.
it means to be able to find something new in pedagogical phenomena, to identify
they have hidden connections and patterns.
it means to think, to conduct a thought experiment,
use different kinds imagination, take into account the wide
set of conditions and factors.
It is important to take into account everything to the smallest detail: single, universal, special, few
significant or so-called indirect facts. It often happens
that it is insignificant facts that can be the beginning of scientific

Be an educator-researcher

it means looking for contradictions in existing, pedagogical
processes, facts and phenomena;
to measure everything that can be measured is also
return to already solved problems and tasks, offer them
consideration from new theoretical, methodological and
methodological positions.
It means perfectly navigating the vast world
scientific literature (books, monographs, journals, manuals and
deeply master the technique of complex instrumental,
laboratory and other studies;
learn to classify the collected material, statistically
correctly process it, scientifically analyze and generalize, and
then build logically, draw conclusions and develop
practical advice


Being a teacher-researcher is quite difficult,
hard work.
This requires both general, and pedagogical, and
methodological culture, and professional skills, and
certain experience in teaching and educational work, and
some special knowledge and skills.
It requires, in particular, the ability to observe, analyze and
generalize phenomena, facts, highlight the main thing, the ability to
few signs to foresee the development of a phenomenon, to see
alternative to the obvious, to combine exact calculation with
fantasy and conjecture and much more.

Requirements for a teacher-researcher

increased requirements. It's not just flexibility and depth
thinking, but also passion, interest, inspiration and
perseverance in the search.
Formed resistant cognitive interest to pedagogical
profession, science, desire to engage in scientific research
Professional, ideological and moral training
Will, perseverance in the fight against conservatism, against opposition.
Perseverance in defending one's position, ideas, judgments.
striving for victory.

2. The essence of the methodological culture of the teacher-researcher
Methodological culture - component pedagogical
culture, which characterizes the degree of mastery of knowledge by the teacher
fundamentals of pedagogical and psychological science, skill
apply this knowledge creatively, with high efficiency in
educational process.

Model of methodological culture


The methodological knowledge of the teacher-researcher is the knowledge of the methodology
pedagogy: knowledge of pedagogical and psychological theories in constant
development, the ability to apply this knowledge independently, methodically
reasonably and with high efficiency in the educational process.
Dialectical thinking is the subjective side of methodological culture
teacher-researcher. It consists in the mental design of a new
way and new means of resolving contradictions arising in
pedagogical process on the basis of mastering the ability to analyze,
compare, generalize pedagogical facts, distinguish the essential from
insignificant, to find numerous cause-and-effect relationships and
patterns. We emphasize that dialectical thinking leads to
formation of new scientific knowledge.
Pedagogical reflection is the ability of a teacher-researcher
analyze your own scientific activity,
think about the positives and negatives
this activity, to find real ways,
ways out of the current situation.

Structure of methodological culture

Social perception - perception, cognition, understanding and evaluation
teacher-researcher of the actions of students, himself, social
The essence of pedagogical social perception is that the teacher-researcher, when organizing individual learning activities,
penetrates the intellectual-emotional and volitional complex of properties
pupil, his motivational sphere, this gives him the opportunity
to see the personality of a person as a whole, in its complex, contradictory
Teacher-researcher with a pronounced methodological culture
penetrates deeper into the essence of the educational process, sees
its contradictions, finds patterns of its development, determines
effective technologies of pedagogical influence on personality and

In modern pedagogical research, the following approaches are implemented:

3. Main approaches to the organization of pedagogical research
The methodology of each science is revealed through specific
relatively independent approaches or principles.
In modern pedagogical research, the following approaches are implemented:
anthropological approaches

System approach - Essence: relatively independent
components are considered as a set of interrelated
components: goals of education, subjects of the pedagogical process,
the content of education, methods, forms, means of pedagogical
process. The task of the educator: taking into account the interconnection of the components.
An integrated approach - orients the researcher to consider
groups of phenomena in the aggregate (for example, when studying a topic
"The system of social education in an educational institution",
the researcher takes into account objective and subjective conditions and
factors affecting the effectiveness of social education of children,
economic, physical and other types of education, unity and
coordination of the influences of the educational institution, family, society on

Personal approach - firstly, means orientation in the design and implementation
pedagogical process on a person as a goal, subject, result and main criterion
efficiency. Secondly, this approach strongly requires the researcher to take into account
uniqueness of the personality, its intellectual and spiritual potential. Thirdly, within the framework
of this approach, the researcher relies in training and education on the natural process
self-development of natural inclinations and refers to the pupil as the subject of educational
Activity approach - focuses the researcher, firstly, on the analysis of the structure of the educational,
socially useful, spiritual and other activities of pupils, the study
composing them: subject content; motives motivating the subject to activity; goals,
to which it aims; the means by which activities
carried out and its results. Secondly, the activity approach requires the researcher to
special work on the choice and organization of the child's activities, on the activation and transfer
him into the position of the subject of knowledge, labor and communication. This, in turn, involves learning
pupil to a conscious choice of a goal and reasonable planning of activities, its
organization and regulation, control, introspection and evaluation of performance. Thirdly, the activity approach - the essence of which is "recognizing the unity of the psyche and
activity, the unity of the structure of internal and external activity, the activity
mediation interpersonal relationships". (See: Konyukhov N.I. Dictionary-reference book on
psychology. - M., 1996. - P. 30).

Polysubjective (dialogical) approach - is the essence of the methodology of humanistic
pedagogy. The application of this approach helps the researcher to create a moral and psychological unity of subjects (teacher and students), thanks to which the "objective"
the impact gives way to the creative process of mutual development and self-development,
mutual education and self-education, mutual education and self-education.
Nature-friendly approach - ensures the organization of the educational process in
According to general laws development of nature and man.
The culturological approach helps the researcher to introduce pupils to various layers
culture as a system of values. The assimilation of culture by man is the development
the person himself and his formation as creative personality(based on adopted culture
the introduction of something fundamentally new into it, the creator of new elements of culture). The task of the educator:
familiarization with the cultural flow, activation of creativity.

Ethnopedagogical approach. Essence: education based on national traditions, culture,
customs. The child lives in a certain ethnic group. The task of the educator: the study of the ethnic group, the maximum
use of his educational opportunities.
Anthropological approach - involves the systematic use by the researcher of the data of all
human sciences and their consideration in the construction and implementation of the educational process. K.D.
Ushinsky wrote: “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must
above all to know him also in all respects.”

Dialectical approach to the cognition of the phenomena of pedagogical reality
is to study the contradictions in the very essence of objects.
At the same time, dialectical contradiction is defined as the interaction of opposite,
mutually exclusive aspects of an object or system that act simultaneously
in internal unity and interpenetration and is the source of self-propulsion and
development of the objective world and knowledge.
Therefore, the number one problem is the study of the inconsistency of pedagogical
phenomenon or process. Without contradictions there is no development, where there is movement, change,
you have to look for a contradiction.
There are external and internal contradictions. In the very general plan domestic
pedagogical contradictions are a mismatch between basic needs
individuals included in the educational process, and the availability of forces, means for
their satisfaction, the discrepancy between her own goals, desires and
opportunities for their successful implementation, etc.
External contradictions reflect contradictions between inner world personality and
the totality of all social relations, requirements real life, under
whose influence forms, develops, and also acquires its characteristics
The source of "self-movement" of any phenomenon is internal contradictions, but they themselves
arise from relationships certain subject, phenomena with others, that is
due to external contradictions

The general dialectical scheme for the cognition of any phenomena, including pedagogical ones, is as follows:
the researcher is obliged
strive to know the phenomenon that interests him, from different angles;
to study the features of its internal and external relationships;
determine on this basis external contradictions, then explore their transition to internal
identify the dynamics of formation, development, forms of their manifestation;
reveal the essence and structure, levels and stages of development of the phenomenon;
determine the factors and conditions that affect the course of cognition

In the practice of pedagogical research, such approaches are also carried out as:

monographic (addressed to the philosophical, sociological,
psychological, pedagogical and other literature);
praximetric (addressed to a comparative analysis on the generalization of mass and innovative
pedagogical experience);
logical (provides for the study of a pedagogical phenomenon in
the state of its development that it has reached at the moment
historical (focuses on the study of concrete historical
genesis and development, object of study);
essential (aimed at identifying stable characteristics,
internal connections, mechanisms and driving forces of the phenomenon under study).

4. Principles of pedagogical research
Science can develop only if it is replenished with new and new
facts. In turn, for their accumulation and interpretation, scientific
grounded research methods that depend on a set of theoretical
principles that have received the name "methodology" in the science of science.
Methodology is “a system of principles and ways of organizing and building
theoretical and practical activities”. (Philosophical Encyclopedic
dictionary. M., 1983. - P. 365).
“Principles are general, fundamental provisions in which, on the basis of knowledge
scientific laws, requirements are formulated that ensure the successful
achievements of goals".
(Zagvyazinsky V.I. Teacher as a follower. - M., 1980. - P.18).
On the one hand, principles appear as a result scientific knowledge, and on the other hand serve as the basis for practical activities, in this case

Research principles

to study a specific pedagogical social phenomenon in all its diversity
connections, dependencies and mediations (for example, in changed socio-economic
conditions, new goals of education arise, its content is modernized, and
forms and means of pedagogical influence);
take into account the concrete pedagogical and concrete social conditions in which
goes through the pedagogical process;
observe the irreducibility of the laws of one science to the laws of another, even if it is related
close in object and subject of study (for example, pedagogy takes into account philosophical
concepts of personality, psychological, sociological, physiological, anatomical
patterns of development of the personality of the child. But its direct and immediate task is
in identifying the actual pedagogical patterns of age formation
personality in the interconnection and interaction of a wide variety of activities, relationships
and above all in the educational process; pedagogy based on borderline
science, explores its own, qualitatively unique, inherent only to it, objective and
subjective patterns, contradictions, causal relationships of the educational process; they can neither be reduced to the laws of psychology, sociology,
physiology, nor, moreover, replaced by them);

realize the dialectical unity of the general and the particular in
pedagogical phenomena and facts (the closest attention
teacher-researcher should pay attention to the development of individual
personality traits: type of higher nervous activity;
the peculiarities of the course of mental processes - the totality
intellectual, emotional and physical abilities,
talents, inclinations, character);
self-development, due to its inherent internal
contradictions acting as the driving force and source

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Methodological culture of the teacher. Silyutina Elina Vladimirovna, Music teacher, MBOU №35, Kamensk-Uralsky.

Subject. Dissemination of the teacher's own experience in the field of improving the quality of education and upbringing as an indicator of the level of development of the teacher's methodological culture.

The methodological culture of the teacher includes the following. 1. Design and construction of the educational process. 2. Awareness, formulation and creative solution of pedagogical problems. 3. Methodological reflection.

Main criterion. The main criterion for the possession of knowledge and methodology of the teacher's methodological culture is the use by the teacher of scientific and pedagogical knowledge to improve their work using analysis and other research methods in their practical work.

pedagogical principle. 1. The goal set by society for education and upbringing. 2. Certain conditions in which the pedagogical action takes place. 3. Age characteristics of students. 4. Teaching methods, i.e., ways of designing educational and educational situations. 5. The subject that is the object of study. 6. Logic and content of science representing the given object and subject.

Levels of methodological culture. 1) pedagogical; 2) general scientific; 3) philosophical.

V.A.Kachalov “Quality in education is no longer only learning outcomes, but also a system, model, organization and procedures that ensure that students receive a comprehensive personal and community development enabling them to meet their needs and enabling them to contribute to the progress and improvement of society as a whole”

The quality of education is a complex indicator: the ratio of the goal and the result of education; ensuring the degree of satisfaction of participants' expectations educational process from provided educational services; a certain level of knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies, mental, physical and moral development of the individual;

Levels of dissemination of experience. School - ShMO, teachers' councils, seminars, publications on the school website. Municipal - GMO, pedagogical readings, seminars, master - class. Regional - seminars, conferences, publications. All-Russian - publications in magazines, Internet - competitions.

Thank you for attention!

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Today, modern society puts forward more and more new requirements for various social institutions, the main of which is rightly defined as education. It is represented by a new educational paradigm that determines the conditions in which, mainly, activities are presented aimed at the formation and development of a person's personal qualities. At present, the education system is developing taking into account the new value orientations of society, aimed at the subjective position, dialogic culture, internal and external integration of interaction, as well as mobility, competitiveness, and competence of its subjects.

It is quite obvious that in a highly developed country the main competitive advantage is determined by the possibility of developing human potential, which largely depends on the state of the existing education system. It is the quality of education that ensures the rise of Russia's status in the world community. The current situation predetermined a number of global changes until 2010, which made it possible to present them in the concept of modernization of Russian education.

The main goal of this concept for the development of education in Russia is to improve its quality, efficiency, and, most importantly, accessibility for every person who wants and strives to obtain a higher educational status. High educational potential as an important intellectual and vital resource of Russia is able to strengthen its place in most states that have a significant impact on the transformation of important world processes taking place in the country. The high degree of quality of education determines its readiness to provide assistance to Russian government agencies in the social and economic spheres, as well as in providing national security and strengthening state institutions.

In this regard, it is understandable why the educational policy (directions of development and changes in the education system) in Russia is determined by the “social order” of society and the state. Today, the modernization of Russian education is carried out with the active assistance of society. It is represented quite capaciously by the fundamental program of the state, which will lead to the achievement of a new quality of Russian education, which is determined by its compliance with the current and future needs of modern society and the life of the country as a whole.

Practice shows that the process of development in education is determined by innovative activities, represented by various forms and methods of work, modern educational technologies. However, the success of innovative activity in education to a greater extent depends on the interest of the main subjects of the organization of the educational process - teaching staff, their qualifications and competence.

In this regard, the purpose of this article is determined - to consider the need to form a teacher's methodological culture as the highest indicator of his professional readiness in the conditions of modern education. At the same time, this article is supposed to consider the necessary foundations and various aspects of methodological culture in relation to a teacher of any subject area. This will allow further delving into the specifics of each educational area, in accordance with which the methodological culture of the teacher (teacher) of a particular school subject, academic discipline will be formed.

IN Lately it is important to direct the motivation of teachers towards the modernization of the national education system in general and methodological culture in particular. This is due to the fact that at the present time negative trends continue to develop, manifested in the discrepancy between the human resources potential and modern requirements. Of course, to ensure the modern content of the educational process and the high-quality use of appropriate educational technologies, a well-planned and developed system of advanced training is required, which lags far behind in currently from the real needs of teachers.

In this regard, the leading task of scientific and methodological support for advanced training is the training of teaching staff of appropriate levels and profiles. At the same time, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 determines the degree of readiness of a teacher as competitive in the educational services market, competent enough in his professional field, as responsible as possible, fluently and masterfully (virtuoso) in his profession, capable of effective interaction and cooperation in the field of specific specialization at the level of global world standards of the new generation, striving for constant professional growth, social and professional mobility.

The model-image of the teacher, presented in the Federal Target Development Program, determines the main landmark aimed at solving the problem - the formation of a methodological culture of a teacher who is able not only to organize his own pedagogical activity, but also independently create the necessary conditions for this activity. In this direction, significant assistance is provided by the degree of formation of the level of the teacher's methodological culture. It includes a methodological search, which reveals the personal meanings of pedagogical phenomena that contribute to the personal development of schoolchildren.

An analysis of pedagogical practice in modern conditions shows that at present most of the teachers are striving to master progressive technologies, create copyright developments, pedagogical concepts, introduce innovations, and generalize advanced pedagogical experience. Obviously, the current situation indicates an increasing role pedagogical science and its impact on practice. Today, the close integration of science and practice makes it possible to involve a huge number of teaching staff in the pedagogical search. The creativity of the teacher should be available for understanding, understanding and use in practice by other teachers. For this, it is important to skillfully generalize it in the categories of pedagogical theory, namely, to substantiate the cause and effect, to scientifically predict the own activities of a single teacher.

Teachers-practitioners of any educational field are trained not only in the methodology specific to its subject, but also a set of theoretical principles outlined in the science of science methodological. However, many of them are behind the concept "methodology" they see little they understand, something far from reality and education in general, which indicates a low level of formation of methodological culture.

Under “methodology” it is customary to understand “a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities” (VG Astafiev).

The principles of scientific knowledge “set a certain direction of scientific research, fix a certain aspect of it, although they do not strictly indicate the specifics of specific research tools” (Kochergin A.N.).

The principles of knowledge are of general scientific importance, they are universal and applicable to the study of any phenomena, they can operate in all scientific disciplines. This uniqueness allows philosophers to call them also general scientific approaches or methods. They significantly contribute to the formation of the methodological culture of the teacher, which is able to act as the highest level of his professional readiness.

In the field of education, methodological culture is considered as a culture of thinking, which manifests itself in the ability to think, independently compare, compare different points of view, identify one's own position, scientifically substantiate it and defend it professionally. For this, the teacher (teacher) needs the necessary set of tools with which he will perform the above operations and actions. To these universal action it is necessary to attribute the previously acquired knowledge of certain methodological norms (rules of scientific knowledge) and the ability to apply them in the process of various pedagogical conditions, non-standard situations.

It is important already at the first stages of the formation of a methodological culture to lay the foundations for these universal actions, which, in the future, will allow the formation of methodological knowledge and skills that make it possible to judge the readiness of a teacher to independently create a space that contributes to the implementation of the processes of development of education and creative activity.

The ability to apply existing knowledge to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships, the acquisition and transformation of knowledge by students and the teacher himself, the development of methods of innovative activity also makes it possible to judge a person who has a certain degree of formation of methodological culture. This level can be called methodological competence. It should be considered as a set of skills in the field of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, specification of pedagogical phenomena, professional qualities of the intellect, such as: analogy, fantasy, flexibility and critical thinking.

To carry out professional activities (prognostic, projective, subject-methodical, organizational, expert, pedagogical improvisation), a teacher needs a certain set of knowledge, skills, abilities, which will also determine his methodological competence. However, practice shows that at present, the targeted preparation of the teacher for the conscious design of his pedagogical activity is not being carried out enough, as a result of which there are some disagreements and contradictions between the acute need of the teacher for self-determination, for the conscious choice of his professional activity, its design and ignorance, inability to carry out this kind of activity. This contradiction caused the problem of the formation of the teacher's methodological culture, which is widely considered in the scientific literature within the framework of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects.

The scientific direction in the work of the teacher was considered and represented by the following scientists: Balabanovich E.Z., Gershunsky B.S., Zamaleev A.F., Makarenko A.S., Slastenin V.A., and others. The problem of developing professional thinking was studied by: Zinchenko V.P., Kraevsky V.V., Orlov A.A., etc. The subject of research in the works of Berezhnova E.V., Bondarevskaya E.V., Kulnevich S.V., Kraevsky V.V., Kolesnikov I.K. became the scientific and theoretical foundations for the formation of the methodological culture of the teacher.

The concept of “methodological culture” has several definitions and is considered by the authors as:

  • knowledge of the philosophical, general scientific, concrete scientific and technological level; design and organization of the educational process; awareness, formulation and creative solution of pedagogical problems; methodological reflection (M.A. Petukhov);
  • knowledge, experience of creative activity, experience of emotional and value attitude (Kraevsky V.V.);
  • a culture of professional thinking based on methodological knowledge, the most important part of which is reflection (Orlov A.A.);
  • knowledge from equal categories (scientific knowledge, awareness, knowledge, skills and abilities) meaningful knowledge is singled out and considered as one of the structurally forming factors in the development of a teacher as a researcher (Tsareva R.Sh.);
  • holistic multi-level and multi-component education, including pedagogical beliefs, considered as a teacher's philosophy; mental activity, presented as a methodological reflection at the level of understanding and considered as an internal plan of consciousness and self-consciousness (Khodusov A.S.);
  • specifically Russian value base that governs pedagogical activity not according to schemes set from the outside, but from the inside, based on the morally significant for the personality of the teacher, subjectively determined by her meanings (Udalov A.I.).

To solve the problem of the formation and development of the methodological culture of the teacher, it was necessary to consider and study a number of psychological and pedagogical studies, which contain important theoretical premises. At present, the questions of the methodological culture of the individual are being deeply studied and considered in the field of philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy.

The philosophical aspect reveals the teacher's methodological culture as a relationship with the worldview position of the individual, its social and axiological potential (Bakhtin M.M., Kagan M.S.). Psychological - determines the need to know the laws of the psychological development of the child, the motives of his act to determine the appropriate method of influence (Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., Kovalev A.G.). Pedagogical - reveals the prerequisites for the formation of a teacher's professionalism as the highest indicator of his professional readiness (Isaev I.F., Slastenin V.A., Shiyanov E.N., etc.); the conditions for its formation through a set of techniques, means aimed at mastering methodological knowledge, developing methodological thinking, activating the methodological activity of the teacher, which are components of the internal structure of his methodological culture (Berezhnova E.V., Krylova N.B.).

As a result of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the formation of the methodological culture of the teacher, it was revealed that on this moment while there is no single interpretation this concept, its structural components are not fully described and presented, which have external and internal structural explanations, which gives a holistic view and allows you to talk about each structural component as part of the teacher's methodological culture.

At the same time, when studying literary sources, it was revealed that the methodological culture of the teacher is also considered as a type of social culture that has external structural explanations. At the same time, the intrastructural explanation of the methodological culture of the teacher is based on the activity and personal approaches presented in modern concepts.

The diversity and analysis of these approaches to the definition of methodological culture allows us to identify several main parts that are components of methodological culture. These include: knowledge and skills in designing and constructing the educational process; awareness, formulation and creative solution of pedagogical problems; methodological reflection.

At the same time, the main features of the methodological culture of the teacher should be considered:

  • understanding of the procedures “attached” to the categories of philosophy and to the basic concepts that form the conceptual framework of pedagogical science;
  • awareness of the concepts of education as steps of ascent from the abstract to the concrete;
  • installation on the transformation of pedagogical theory into a method of cognitive activity;
  • the focus of the teacher's thinking on the genesis of pedagogical forms and their "integral properties";
  • the need to reproduce the practice of education in the conceptual and terminological system of pedagogy;
  • the desire to reveal the unity and continuity of pedagogical knowledge in its historical development;
  • a critical attitude to "self-evident" provisions, to arguments lying in the plane of ordinary pedagogical consciousness;
  • reflection on the prerequisites, process and results of one's own cognitive activity, as well as the movement of thought of other participants in the pedagogical process;
  • evidence-based refutation of anti-scientific positions in the field of human knowledge;
  • understanding of the ideological, humanistic functions of pedagogy.

Mastering the teacher's methodological culture presupposes his awareness of the complex nature of the relationship of patterns, goals, principles and rules of the pedagogical process. The teacher's methodological culture makes scientific and pedagogical thinking modern, so it is important to analyze the teacher's thinking ability for anticipatory reflection, which makes it possible to foresee the child's reactions to the planned pedagogical impact. The focus is on the problem of the correlation of empathic, reflexive and prognostic components of pedagogical thinking, the possibility of their controlled development, the connection of the empathic attitudes of the teacher with the desire inherent in every person to penetrate, understand, “feel” into the state of mind of a communication partner, which once again confirms the substantiated by domestic psychologists the concept of unified intelligence.

Observations show that cardinal changes in pedagogy are currently taking place. Significant transformations have been outlined, which are already clearly visible and manifest themselves more and more clearly each time. The society is moving towards a humanistic pedagogical culture and is building its relations on anthropological principles. The knowledge paradigm in education is changing its vector to a personal-semantic, competence-based one. At the same time, reproductive methods of assimilation cultural heritage have a creative orientation, collective forms of education are replaced by individual-group ones. At the same time, the authoritarian style of pedagogical communication turns into subject-subject relations, interacting in dialogue, cultural polylogue, and close cooperation.

Humanistic pedagogy, of course, allows you to educate and teach in a new, special way. This special depends on the teacher himself, who must first of all understand And feel everything that happens around and the internal content of his student. To do this, he needs to have new methodological skills. Their universal feature lies in determining the real meaning pedagogical concepts describing the phenomena of education and upbringing, as well as establishing connections between their meanings, comparing meanings, etc.

It is quite obvious that in connection with the changed conditions, a personality-oriented educational paradigm is changing and forming. However, it is clear that it cannot be based only on the methodology created for the purposes of the study, as well as the traditional knowledge-based educational process. Currently, the teacher relies on a practice-oriented methodology that allows him to make the most of all the necessary tools and methods. These include reflection, analysis and introspection; assessment and self-assessment of pedagogical phenomena and events; search and selection of cultural meanings; variety of models and options educational activities. In the process of a long time, methodology gradually acquires the status of a method of obtaining, appropriating, producing and applying a new meaning of pedagogical knowledge through deep penetration as into their source, i.e. methodological basis, and driving forces and mechanisms - conditions and means of implementation.

On the whole, the indicator of the teacher's methodological culture is presented through mastering the apparatus of scientific activity by practicing teachers. The composition of the methodological culture includes intellectual skills implemented through specific operational actions (realization, formulation, creative solution of pedagogical problems, reflective analysis of one's own activity). The degree of formation of these skills is determined by the following indicators: the ability to see the problem, formulate it, highlight the contradictions in it; the ability to determine the perspective of goal-setting, to put forward to formulate and solve strategic and tactical tasks; the ability to identify shortcomings through comparative analysis.

The methodological culture of a teacher is a special form of activity of pedagogical consciousness. It has been lived, rethought, chosen and built by the teacher himself as a methodological trajectory for the formation of personal and professional self-determination.

The specificity of methodological culture is due to the fact that in the process of methodological search, subjectivity is formed, the authorship of understanding the educational material and pedagogical phenomena, which is an indispensable condition for the subsequent formation by the teacher of subjectivity, the demand for the personality structures of his students. The high degree of formation of the teacher's methodological culture determines the possibility of giving birth to new ideas in the specific conditions of the modern world, which ensures the heuristic nature of pedagogical consciousness and creative thinking.

An analysis of scientific sources on the problem under study shows that scientists are actively searching for the substantiation of the methodological culture of the teacher, the development of approaches to its formation, however, the question of determining the specifics of the pedagogical activity of a particular teacher and the educational field to which he belongs requires further study. In this regard, there is a need for a deeper theoretical and practical study of this problem, the insufficiency of its solution determines the need to create temporary research groups (VNIG) in educational institutions of various types.

Thus, mastering the methodology, the teacher begins to think in a new way, based on its principles. Private scientific methodology is a particularly significant phenomenon, for which it is important to master the principles of the unity of education and social policy, a holistic approach to the priority direction in the development of educational goals and objectives of pedagogical practice. There is no doubt that the specific focus of the subject area of ​​education and the personal orientation of the teacher will become one of the main criteria for the level of formation of the methodological culture of the teacher as the highest indicator of his professional readiness in the conditions of modern education.


  1. Kochergin A.N. Scientific knowledge: forms, methods, approaches / A.N. Kochergin. - M., 1991.
  2. Methodological culture of a teacher-musician: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook E.B. Abdullin, O.V. Vanilikhina, N.V. Morozova and others; Ed. E.B. Abdullina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 272 p.
  3. Nabieva E.V. Research competence of the teacher: methodology, theory, practice of formation: Monograph. - Irkutsk, 2005 - 283 p.
  4. Scientific pedagogical research: reader / comp. I.A. Valkovskaya, T.V. Krasnoperova, N.A. Kuznetsova L.A. Semenov. - Irkutsk, 2008. - 145 p.
  5. Pedagogy: Great Modern Encyclopedia / Comp. E.S. Rapatsevich - Minsk: “Modern. word”, 2005. – 720 p.

"METHODOLOGICAL CULTURE OF THE TEACHER AS A FACTOR OF HIS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT" Natalya Valentinovna Pristavakina, teacher of the Kindergarten 31 MBDOU Ruza district, Oreshki village State educational institution of additional vocational education(advanced training) for specialists of the Moscow region Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education (GOU PEDAGOGICAL ACADEMY)

“The education received by a person is completed, has reached its goal, when a person is so mature that he has the strength and will to educate himself during his later life, and knows the way and means how he can do this as an individual acting on the world.” A. Distervega.

The goal is to create a personality-developing environment that would contribute to the professional and personal development of teachers, provide conditions for mental health, emotional well-being and internal satisfaction of teachers with their activities and effectively influence the development of all subjects of pedagogical activity

Tasks: improving pedagogical skills and enriching pedagogical experience; impact on the professional development of a teacher. to determine the components of professional competence and a list of basic professional competencies for a teacher about preschool educational institutions; increasing the level of assimilation of program content; guarantee of the quality of the acquired skills and abilities by the pupils of the preschool educational institution; improving the quality of education in general, improving the image among preschool educational institutions.

The personality of the teacher can become a factor in the formation of the personality of the pupil only if the teacher is a professionally literate, free member of the pedagogical community. That is why the scientific and methodological work organized in the preschool educational institution is aimed at Professional Development, the acquisition and consolidation of the status of a teacher, the solution of his professional and personal problems, for his successful self-realization.

The main pedagogical values ​​of the preschool teacher educational institution-human: the child as the main pedagogical value and a teacher capable of his development, cooperation with him, social protection of his personality, help and support of his individuality, creativity; - spiritual: the cumulative pedagogical experience of mankind, reflected in pedagogical theories and methods of pedagogical thinking, aimed at shaping the personality of the child; -practical: methods of practical pedagogical activity, proven by the practice of the educational system, pedagogical technologies, including students in various activities; - personal pedagogical abilities, individual characteristics the personality of the teacher as a subject of pedagogical culture, the pedagogical process and his own life-creation, contributing to the creation of personal-humane interaction.

The basis of professional activity preschool teacher is Knowledge of age and individual psychological and pedagogical features of the development of preschool children. Taking them into account, the educator plans further work: organizes gaming activities, independent, educational, constructive, visual, etc.

The preschool teacher must have knowledge: methodological (knowledge general principles study of pedagogical phenomena, patterns of socialization of education and training); theoretical (knowledge of the goals, principles, content, methods and forms of pedagogical activity and patterns of formation and development of the personality of a child of preschool age); methodical (knowledge of methods of education and training of children of preschool age); technological (knowledge of the methods and techniques of educating and teaching preschool children).

A creative educator is a professional who is able to create qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​in the pedagogical process. He skillfully combines in his pedagogical activity the stereotypical, which gives the process stability, stability, controllability, invariance, with the innovative one, which produces variability, freedom, variability.

The educational function is aimed at the conscious mastery of preschool educators with didactic theory, a system of professional knowledge, skills, and social experience in the interests of the individual and society. This function is also aimed at satisfying information knowledge, because preschool institutions are now called educational. Theoretical and practical aspects of implementation educational function professional and pedagogical culture provide mastery of the content and organizational and methodological foundations for the upbringing and education of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions

The educational function of the professional and pedagogical culture of the preschool teacher reflects the area educational activities. The teacher, on the basis of psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge, brings up beliefs, motives, values, norms of behavior in relation to people around him and the natural environment. This function is associated with the development of the spirituality of the individual, is aimed not only at the teacher, but also at the child.

The developing function of professional and pedagogical culture lies in the fact that the improvement and activation of didactic knowledge and skills of educators occurs simultaneously with the development of professional thinking, memory and speech, pedagogical abilities, which allow using and applying a more effective and creative approach in creating conditions for the harmonious development of children. , organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The normative function of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of the preschool educational institution regulates the system of the teacher's activities. Knowledge of the norms of pedagogical activity gives the educator confidence in the correctness of their actions. Pedagogical norms, performing the function of values, help the preschool teacher to choose the most optimal methods of activity, to establish ideals and professional priorities. The norms of pedagogical activity are aimed at resolving contradictions that arise in the process of interaction between the educator and children, colleagues, parents and administration, at ensuring their cooperation and achieving joint actions to educate preschool children.

We singled out the communicative function based on the following idea: the development of the child in preschool age develops mainly in the course of communication with adults. Not being able to think critically, children of this age imitate everything they see and hear in the environment, but most of all those people who are directly connected with them, to whom the children have a positive attitude. Such a close person with whom the child is directly connected in kindergarten is the teacher. He must be able to communicate with children different ages and various psychological pedagogical features development.

The information function of professional pedagogical culture is connected with all its functional components. The teacher must master the system of modern psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the history of its development, the methodology of scientific knowledge, etc. The teacher of the preschool educational institution must be oriented in the diverse flow of psychological, pedagogical and methodological information, be able to use various media, own the means information technologies; be able to work with information using these tools to meet personal and social needs.

The coordinating function of professional and pedagogical culture lies in the variability of the content educational process, selection of technologies. In rural preschool institutions there are educators who have graduated from pedagogical schools or pedagogical classes, there are also teachers who do not have a special pedagogical education, which means that they are not fluent in methods preschool education. In urban preschool institutions, educators with a special Teacher Education, but due to socio-economic changes in the country, recently, teachers who do not have a special preschool education, but who have knowledge in one field of science, are being accepted for the position of educator. Therefore, this function of the professional and pedagogical culture of the preschool teacher is the basis for improving his further professional activities.

Reflexive function According to the humanitarian and cultural orientation in the interpretation of reflection, it is interpreted as “rethinking and restructuring by the subject of the content of his experience, which reflect problem-conflict situations and give rise to an effective attitude of him as a holistic “I” to his own behavior and communication, to the activities carried out, its cooperators, socio-cultural and real-ecological environment”.

Diagnostic function preschool, carrying out the educational process, must be able to solve complex professional problems at a high level, comprehensively and creatively, namely: to build diagnostic goals, predict results diagnostic activities, select (develop) diagnostic tools; together with other pedagogical workers (psychologists, a music worker, a speech therapist) to carry out competent psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, analyze and interpret diagnostic data, design and implement an educational process based on systemic diagnostics.

Under the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of a preschool educational institution is understood integral quality personality, represented by the unity of value, cognitive, innovative-technological, personal-creative components, providing in their interaction productive pedagogical activity and creative self-realization of the educator of a preschool educational institution.

Scenario plan for the preparation and holding of the pedagogical council Preparation for the teachers' council Creation of an initiative group for holding the teachers' council. The study of scientific and methodological literature on this issue. Visiting regime moments of all age groups in order to view the educational process. Questionnaire "Who am I: an optimist or a pessimist?"

The plan of the teachers' council The game "Quality" Responsible: Deputy head of methodological work Professional competence of pedagogical workers (work with theoretical concepts). Responsible: Deputy head for methodological work Business game Responsible: Deputy head for methodological work Creative play Responsible: senior educator The results of visiting regime moments of all age groups in order to view the educational process. Responsible: Commission Results of the survey. Responsible: educational psychologist

The course of the teachers' council Introduction to the theme of the teachers' council. The game "Qualities" Each of the teachers needs to choose three qualities that are most manifested in him, considering that those around him see these qualities in him. It is proposed to write each quality on a separate piece of paper. Next, the teachers are divided into 2 groups, sit in a circle. All folded pieces of paper are placed in a bag, each group has its own. In each group, the facilitator invites one of the participants to take, without looking, the quality from the bag, read it and give it to the one for whom it is characteristic. This continues until there is not a single piece of paper left in the bag. As a result, each of the teachers receives a different number of pieces of paper, and, therefore, qualities.

Working with theoretical concepts on the topic of the teachers' council The professional competence of a teacher is a multifactorial phenomenon, which includes a system of theoretical knowledge of a teacher and methods of their application in specific pedagogical situations, the teacher's value orientations, as well as integrative indicators of his culture (speech, communication style, attitude towards himself and their activities, to related fields of knowledge, etc.). Three criteria: 1. Possession of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activity. 2. Willingness to solve professional subject tasks. 3. The ability to control their activities in accordance with accepted rules and regulations.

The educator of the 21st century is: A harmoniously developed, internally rich personality striving for spiritual, professional, general cultural and physical perfection; Able to select the most effective methods, means and technologies of training and education for the implementation of the tasks; Able to organize reflexive activity; Possessing a high degree of professional competence, the teacher must constantly improve his knowledge and skills, engage in self-education, and have a variety of interests.

Conditions professional growth Self-educational work Reading methodological, pedagogical and subject literature Internet browsing Attending seminars, conferences, lessons of colleagues. Discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues. Systematic completion of advanced training courses. Holding open classes for peer review. The study of information and computer technologies. Communication with colleagues in MDOU, the city and on the Internet. Participation in competitions on the Internet. Placement of their developments on sites on the Internet.

Business game Purpose of the game: Development in the group of a common view of the personal and professional qualities of a teacher and the development of a model of professional competence on their basis. Task: To develop a model of professional competence of a teacher. Equipment: drawing paper, markers, felt-tip pens. User group: preschool teachers.

The business game for teachers consists of several parts: the practical part is the design of a teacher's professional competence model with its justification; practical part - designing a model of professional competence of a teacher with its justification; theoretical part; theoretical part; demo part; demo part; final part. final part.

Organizational stage: Participants are divided into two groups. The group chooses a secretary - to record all incoming proposals, a time keeper - to control time, a speaker - to protect their model. Working time - 3-5 minutes. “Brainstorm Stage” The secretary writes down any opinions and suggestions, even the most ridiculous and strange ones, coming from the group members. After a group discussion, 10 most significant and important qualities that make up the professional competence of a teacher are selected, and five of them are personal qualities, five are professional ones. Working time - minutes.

Design stage A group model of the teacher's professional competence is drawn up on a drawing paper: it is necessary to depict a professionally competent teacher on one half, and next to write down ten of his most significant qualities. Working time - 15 minutes.

Demonstration stage Presentation of the teacher's professional competence model, substantiation of the presented professional and personal qualities. Working time - 10 minutes. After the presentation, each member of the group chooses the three most important, in his opinion, qualities from the ten presented.

Theoretical part Professional competence is the ability of a teacher to decide professional problems, tasks in the conditions of professional activity. Competence is a personal characteristic, and competence is a set of specific professional qualities. Professional competence is the sum of knowledge and skills that determines the effectiveness and efficiency of labor, it is a combination of personal and professional qualities.

The main components of the professional competence of a preschool teacher include: Intellectual and pedagogical competence - the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, experience in professional activities for effective learning and education, the teacher's ability to innovate; Communicative competence- a significant professional quality, including speech skills, listening skills, extraversion, empathy. Information competence is the amount of information the teacher has about himself, students, parents, and colleagues. Regulatory competence - the ability of a teacher to manage their behavior, control their emotions, the ability to reflect, stress resistance.

Solutions: To consider the increase in the professional competence of teachers as a necessary condition development of preschool. Deadline: permanent. Responsible: all teachers. Continue the practice of mutual visits to different educational areas that do not imply control functions, organize effective professional communication and enable teachers to open up to a greater extent, show their potential, and find answers to their questions. Deadline: permanent. Responsible: all teachers. At the end of the school year, educators provide an analysis of self-education for academic year. Responsible: all teachers. Continue the work of intra-garden seminars and master classes aimed at the formation and development of the key competencies of the educator. Deadline: permanent. Responsible: deputy director for methodological work, senior educator.

There are many different professions in the world And each has its own charm But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful Than the one I work for! The world of childhood is sweet and subtle, Like a floating sound of a flute. While the child is laughing at me, I know that I do not live in vain. Friends say: "There are quieter fields" But I will not retreat for anything. I love these lovely children, As I love my own children ... And every day, As if at a premiere, I enter a hushed kindergarten. I'm not coming here for a career - Every child here is happy for me. To be in the midst of children's perceptions ... And so for years - My fate - I am a teacher! No better share on the ground.

Methodological culture of the teacher

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1. The concept of methodological culture

The methodology of pedagogy indicates how to carry out research and practical activities. Such knowledge is necessary for every teacher. The teacher needs to have an idea and certain knowledge about the levels of the methodological culture of pedagogical workers, about the methodology of pedagogy and be able to use this knowledge in their activities to overcome problems and in practical application when various pedagogical problems.
The methodological culture of the teacher includes the following.
1. Design and construction of the educational process.
2. Awareness, formulation and creative solution of pedagogical problems.
3. Methodological reflection.
The main criterion for the possession of knowledge and methodology of the teacher's methodological culture is the use by the teacher of scientific and pedagogical knowledge to improve their work using analysis and other research methods in their practical work.

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2. The essence and structure of the methodological culture of the teacher

We can say that the manifestation of the teacher creativity means the presence of a certain level of methodological culture of the teacher, i.e. the creation of a new pedagogical experience in which there is no action according to a template. Thus, only in the process of cognitive and practical activity of the teacher is formed his methodological culture. The result of methodological culture is the original development of teachers, non-standard solutions in the field of pedagogical theory and practice.
The most common knowledge that a teacher receives is the pedagogical principle. To develop a new principle, the following components must be defined.
1. The goal set by society for education and upbringing.
2. Certain conditions in which the pedagogical action takes place.
3. Age characteristics of students.
4. Teaching methods, i.e., ways of designing educational and educational situations.
5. The subject that is the object of study.
6. Logic and content of science representing the given object and subject.
In these conditions of the formation and development of the methodological culture of the teacher, the complexity of the work of the researcher is higher, compared to when he determines any individual pedagogical technique. Hence, a chain and dependency appears when new pedagogical developments suggest a new level of methodological culture of the teacher, a higher one. In turn, the ability of the researcher to form new methods and approaches in his pedagogical activity is an indicator of his high methodological culture.
The definition of methodology levels also influences the definition of the levels of methodological culture that correspond to it. The following levels of methodological culture are distinguished:
1) pedagogical;
2) general scientific;
3) philosophical.
Only by mastering the indicated levels of culture can a teacher improve his professional and research activities, which is a necessary goal and aspiration of any professional in pedagogy.

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3. Levels and stages of the methodological culture of the teacher

Pedagogical level of methodological culture
At this level, the following knowledge is important for the teacher.
1. In the field of the history of pedagogy and modern pedagogical theories.
2. Basic laws and features used as fundamental guidelines in pedagogy (for example, the principles of accessibility, individuality, unity of education, upbringing and development, etc.).
3. Skills in application various methods conducting a lesson (verbal, visual, problematic, search, etc.).
4. Skills practical work in the educational activities of the teacher.
Having reached a certain level of methodological culture, the teacher has the ability and opportunity to form the best practices of his practical work, formulate a research problem and test it with the help of observation, experiment, analysis, synthesis, modeling, etc.
General scientific level of methodological culture This level of methodological culture of the teacher is the application in pedagogy:
1) general scientific principles, namely: reductionism, evolutionism, rationalism;
2) methods of idealization, universalization;
3) different approaches- systemic, probabilistic, structural-functional, etc.
At this level, hypotheses are put forward, pedagogical theory is developed and tested in teaching practice.
Philosophical level of methodological culture
This level of the teacher's methodological culture presupposes the presence of knowledge of various pedagogical theories, which are based on opposite methodological laws, due to different worldview directions. At this level, the skills of historical and logical methods of study, abstract and concrete principles, metaphysical, dialectical and systematic research of the phenomena of pedagogical science are revealed. Therefore, the teacher should be free to navigate in these principles and techniques, be able to determine the most effective methods use of each alternative theory.
The methodological guidelines of the philosophical level determine the methodology of the lower levels: general scientific and pedagogical. Thus, we can say that the highest level of the methodological culture of the teacher is philosophical.
When highlighting these levels of methodological culture, there are no evaluation criteria and there is no idea of ​​the sequence of levels of methodological culture. But at the same time, such a division enables the teacher to develop abilities and strive for self-improvement in their practical activities.
V. A. Slastenin believes that in addition to knowledge and skills, the following applies to methodological culture.
1. Installation on the transformation of pedagogical theory into a method of cognitive activity.
2. The desire to reveal the unity and continuity of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in its historical development.
3. Critical attitude to the provisions, arguments that lie in the plane of everyday pedagogical consciousness.
4. Reflection on the prerequisites, process and results of one's own cognitive activity, as well as the movement of thought of other participants in training and education.
5. Conclusive refutation of anti-scientific positions in the field of human knowledge.
6. Understanding the ideological, humanistic functions of pedagogy and psychology ”(Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / Edited by V.A. Slastenin. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002).
Here, a value approach to understanding the methodological culture is noted, the significance of which is great and consists in the following.
1. Allows you to determine the sequence of methodological knowledge, skills and abilities.
2. Makes it possible to establish the sequence of stages in the study of methodological culture.
Attempts to get away from ideological influences on Scientific research does not allow assessment different levels methodological culture of the teacher. And the art of evaluating one's actions indicates an important indicator of teacher training.
When highlighting the levels of methodological culture, it is possible that the content part is not taken into account. The criterion for determining the degree of methodological culture in this case is the ability and ability of the teacher to use their own methodological knowledge.

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Based on the latter, the following levels of the methodological culture of the teacher are distinguished.
1. Accumulation of knowledge.
2. Use of knowledge.
3. Creation of knowledge, i.e. creativity.

Such a description of the levels of the teacher's methodological culture gives an idea only of the teacher's ability to methodological activity, while the content remains uncovered. To determine the content of methodological culture, it is necessary to identify the signs and criteria of the levels of methodological culture, to determine the sequence of values ​​of this culture, gradually reaching which the teacher will be able to improve his methodological culture. In this case, the methodological culture is a mechanism for the teacher's self-development.
At the general scientific and philosophical levels of methodological culture, the teacher's ability to engage in activities that presuppose the presence of certain knowledge, skills and abilities is revealed, but the ability to achieve the final result is not evaluated. While it is precisely the achievement of the result and the outcome of actions that is essential feature methodological culture. The lack of knowledge, skills and abilities, the futility of actions due to incorrect methodological attitudes indicates the absence of a teacher's methodological culture. For example, one can make a mistake in choosing the level of methodological techniques: more than high level than is necessary for this study, as a result it leads to pointless reasoning. This happens if philosophical methodology is used instead of pedagogical one. More concrete analysis allows you to identify a complex structure and its elements in the methodological culture.

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The first stage of pedagogical methodology
The level of unambiguous determination.
1. Characterized as a "mechanistic worldview."
2. Necessary for the study of pedagogical phenomena.
3. It is necessary for the practical application of advanced innovative ideas of pedagogical science, where at first a mechanistic approach is needed, i.e., mechanism, a mechanical translation of a new idea, theory, principle (pedagogical or philosophical) into cognitive and practical activity.
4. It is important to take into account the principle of scientific character.
The lowest level of methodological culture is the teacher's ability to use as a methodological setting any one principle, one idea that determines cognitive and practical activity, since the level of unambiguous determination implies minimal methodological abilities. This application makes it possible to obtain the result of practical pedagogical activity.

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The level of unambiguous determination consists of the following components.
1. Knowledge.
2. Skills.
3. Skills.

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The second stage of pedagogical methodology
dialectic level
This level of methodological culture is higher, which implies the following main provisions and criteria.
1. The teacher's ability to use several methodological guidelines in his research.
2. The teacher has additional knowledge, skills and abilities, in contrast to the previous level.
3. The presence of several goals of activity.
4. Knowledge of methods for achieving goals.
For example, education and training are processes that have different goals, methodological guidelines, principles, tasks, theories, although all this is achieved in one educational and educational action.
Currently, pedagogy sets the task of creating conditions for the independent development of the student's personality, in which important means Achieving the goal are acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
Learning cannot take place without education. The teacher's ability to approach the learning process from the point of view of educational value just refers to this level of methodological culture. Knowledge, skills and abilities of this level are developed while studying at the university in the classroom on teaching methods, later, taking part in various scientific and practical conferences, which are designed to promote innovative ideas in teaching practice, as well as in advanced training courses.
This level of methodological culture is necessary both in scientific pedagogical knowledge and in practical activities. For example, when determining the provisions on the main content of education, it is necessary to formulate criteria for choosing educational disciplines, while taking into account the mutual influence and relationship between teaching the natural sciences and the humanities. In the educational process, the teacher must remember and apply numerous techniques, methods, principles and methodological guidelines. This, in particular, concerns the organization of labor, moral, aesthetic, environmental education etc.
The dialectical level of methodological culture is special for pedagogical science.
For example, in the natural sciences, the process of studying a phenomenon can be explained by one of the methodological concepts, while in pedagogy such an explanation is a sign and criterion. low level methodological culture, in which there is no basic definition of the phenomenon, and the provisions are presented as a single principle. The principles of upbringing and developmental education can serve as an example. Educational education is the principle of education and upbringing, the combination of education and development is the principle of developmental education. The combination of such different goals in one principle was called dialectics.
The dialectical level is formed by the combination of opposite principles, although in this example the principles are not considered opposite.
The methodological culture of the teacher is the definition of the internal, specific area of ​​the phenomenon.
The dialectical level of methodological culture forms the teacher's ability to use opposite ideas and provisions in his pedagogical work, combining several areas of education in one educational process.
The level of a holistic, or systemic, approach. A holistic, systems approach is a transformation cognitive process in the system management of pedagogical activity through philosophical methodology.

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The level of a holistic, or systemic, approach to the methodological culture of a teacher can be determined the following characteristics.
1. The ability of the teacher to form the unity of various methodological attitudes based on personal knowledge, skills and abilities is manifested.
2. The worldview of the teacher is decisive in the organization of his practical and cognitive activities, performing the tasks of analytical characterization of pedagogical issues.
Thus, each level of the teacher's methodological culture is presented as a set of certain own characteristics. Each constituent element of the methodological culture of the teacher regulates only his inherent task, determining the cognitive and practical activity as a whole.

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4. The goals of education in the context of a cultural approach

The culturological approach is considered as learning in the context of culture, the reliance of education on the nature and values ​​of culture. Highlighting the value of education, three components are defined.
1. State value of education.
2. The social value of education.
3. Personal value of education.
State value of education. It represents the moral, economic, intellectual, scientific, technical, spiritual and cultural potential of any state.
The social value of education. It is determined by the training and education of competent and professional specialists who are able to solve a wide range of professional and socially significant tasks set by society in the specific historical conditions of people's lives.
Personal value of education. Is perceived need Man's manifestations of his various cognitive needs and striving for the perfect development of his abilities.
The last thesis is directly consistent with the ideas of the culturological approach, which is gaining more and more supporters in the education system.
The cultural principle makes it possible to combine in the educational process secondary school general cultural, special and psychological-pedagogical components due to the choice of the content of education according to the principle “from an educated person to a cultured person”. This has an effective result if the analysis of the subject and non-subject content of education is taken into account from the standpoint of the development of an integral culture of the individual.

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The cultural approach occurs through the introduction of the following factors.
1. Filling the content of traditional academic disciplines limited by the program requirements (education standards).
2. The emergence of new disciplines of the cultural and humanitarian cycle (philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, etc.).
3. Filling the disciplines of the natural sciences with universal human problems and values.
4. Formation of interdisciplinary links.
The implementation of the approach is characterized by the following indicators.
1. The turn of the educational process to the person as its main subject and goal.
2. Filling the content of the educational process with the tasks and problems of a person.
3. Representation of the organization of the educational process as complete system joint activities teachers and students.
4. Formation of the educational process within the framework of world, national culture.
5. Formation of individuality and originality of the personality of the child, development of personal characteristic features.
6. Effective improvement of professional skills and pedagogical culture of teachers.
The needs of the present time require the culturological principle to be filled with new content.
In the culturological concept, the content of education includes four components: knowledge, methods of activity, experience of creative activity and experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world. In this case, the component of culture can be considered knowledge, which is significant in education from the point of view of self-esteem of the individual.
Competence implies the presence of certain scientific knowledge and implies the ability to carry out appropriate practical activities, i.e., means the possession of methods of activity and the acquired experience of both reproductive and creative activities in the field of the competence in question. It is important to note that such activity cannot be carried out without a formulated motivational position, the fundamental factor of which is value relations personality development. In addition, competence is determined by the development of specific personality traits that are so necessary for practical activities.